[SECURITY] [DSA 1693-2] New phppgadmin packages fix regression

2009-01-21 Thread Thijs Kinkhorst
Hash: SHA1

Debian Security Advisory DSA-1693-2  secur...@debian.org
http://www.debian.org/security/  Thijs Kinkhorst
January 21, 2009  http://www.debian.org/security/faq

Package        : phppgadmin
Vulnerability  : several
Problem type   : remote
Debian-specific: no
CVE Id(s)      : CVE-2007-2865 CVE-2007-5728 CVE-2008-5587
Debian Bugs    : 427151 449103 508026

The security update for phpPgAdmin in DSA-1693-1 caused a regression in
modifying table fields. This updates corrects that flaw. For reference
the original advisory follows.

Several remote vulnerabilities have been discovered in phpPgAdmin, a tool
to administrate PostgreSQL database over the web. The Common
Vulnerabilities and Exposures project identifies the following problems:


    Cross-site scripting vulnerability allows remote attackers to inject
    arbitrary web script or HTML via the server parameter.


    Cross-site scripting vulnerability allows remote attackers to inject
    arbitrary web script or HTML via PHP_SELF.


    Directory traversal vulnerability allows remote attackers to read
    arbitrary files via _language parameter.

For the stable distribution (etch), these problems have been fixed in
version 4.0.1-3.1etch2.

We recommend that you upgrade your phppgadmin package.

Upgrade instructions

wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 alias etch
- ---

Source archives:

Size/MD5 checksum:  890 a20ab5b499af2fa4393a344fd05641bb
Size/MD5 checksum:15892 0d10507c0d6abf870c8cb4d29515d928
Size/MD5 checksum:   703673 eedac65ce5d73aca2f92388c9766ba1b

Architecture independent packages:

Size/MD5 checksum:   704442 3449706caa8d61016aaf3a9cb9676ffb

  These files will probably be moved into the stable distribution on
  its next update.

For apt-get: deb http://security.debian.org/ stable/updates main
For dpkg-ftp: ftp://security.debian.org/debian-security 
Mailing list: debian-security-annou...@lists.debian.org
Package info: `apt-cache show pkg' and http://packages.debian.org/pkg
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


[SECURITY] [DSA 1709-1] New shadow packages fix privilege escalation

2009-01-21 Thread Thijs Kinkhorst
Hash: SHA1

Debian Security Advisory DSA-1709-1  secur...@debian.org
http://www.debian.org/security/  Thijs Kinkhorst
January 21, 2009  http://www.debian.org/security/faq

Package: shadow
Vulnerability  : race condition
Problem type   : local
Debian-specific: no
CVE Id(s)  : CVE-2008-5394
Debian Bug : 505271

Paul Szabo discovered that login, the system login tool, did not
correctly handle symlinks while setting up tty permissions. If a local
attacker were able to gain control of the system utmp file, they could
cause login to change the ownership and permissions on arbitrary files,
leading to a root privilege escalation.

For the stable distribution (etch), this problem has been fixed in

For the unstable distribution (sid), this problem has been fixed in
version 4.1.1-6.

We recommend that you upgrade your shadow package.

Upgrade instructions

wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 alias etch
- ---

Source archives:

Size/MD5 checksum:  2354234 3f54eaa3a35e7c559f4def92e9957581
Size/MD5 checksum:   297817 b78d9d738765da65a6b55dea102569c3
Size/MD5 checksum: 1406 ec01ac54e482ea552fdae5753d6c1745

alpha architecture (DEC Alpha)

Size/MD5 checksum:   810680 329e1cd5ad019d3984411b1a8a5c77ad
Size/MD5 checksum:   943992 76690a44c565b4594892bab69eaf7e30

amd64 architecture (AMD x86_64 (AMD64))

Size/MD5 checksum:   867696 4ce4e2f7884cd883729123163930b9dc
Size/MD5 checksum:   806412 3a6171d83a4b79846fe4831b02007a4b

arm architecture (ARM)

Size/MD5 checksum:   778766 df6126b8cd29de54831976a24d28589e
Size/MD5 checksum:   791770 a9e7b122a8f9a7944bfc91b7cec77554

hppa architecture (HP PA RISC)

Size/MD5 checksum:   847846 8562b322610062eb31689e467d80ff7c
Size/MD5 checksum:   804082 af4a3f06a93be5cea7dd7dfeed8eed1b

i386 architecture (Intel ia32)

Size/MD5 checksum:   792460 82c630b2f4e18217170a73a2dab27cba
Size/MD5 checksum:   796578 439cd50477db064cdf11d9b48c0e9af0

ia64 architecture (Intel ia64)

Size/MD5 checksum:  1048736 79434b796109c1565f0f0be3cb8d06f0
Size/MD5 checksum:   826456 13df2a0a071f407c84b25ae3ed6077bc

mips architecture (MIPS (Big Endian))

Size/MD5 checksum:   804530 0523d4220e9cb7e8b2342a0a33c1e989
Size/MD5 checksum:   899612 597b58ea81e074bae374b412f28e1252

mipsel architecture (MIPS (Little Endian))

Size/MD5 checksum:   908860 ade3427a1b8b693a098544ac27ae17aa
Size/MD5 checksum:   805100 fd9d9e49cd9b7864b06865c097f0ba08

powerpc architecture (PowerPC)


CfP: 16th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2009

2009-01-21 Thread Christopher Kruegel

Call for Papers:
16th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2009

Nov 9 - 13, 2009: Hyatt Regency Chicago, IL, USA

Important Dates:

* Paper Submission due: Monday, April 20th, 2009
* Acceptance notification: Sunday, July 12th, 2009
* Final papers due: Monday, August 17th, 2009


The annual ACM Computer and Communications Security Conference is a
leading international forum for information security researchers,
practitioners, developers, and users to explore cutting-edge ideas and
results, and to exchange techniques, tools, and experiences.  The
conference seeks submissions from academia, government, and industry
presenting novel research on all practical and theoretical aspects of
computer and communications security, as well as case studies and
implementation experiences. Papers should have relevance to the
construction, evaluation, application, or operation of secure
systems. Theoretical papers must make a convincing argument for the
practical significance of the results. All topic areas related to
computer and communications security are of interest and in scope.
Accepted papers will be published by ACM Press in the conference
proceedings. Outstanding papers will be invited for possible
publication in a special issue of the ACM Transactions on Information
and System Security.

Paper Submission Process:

Submissions must be made by the deadline of April 20, 2009, through  
the website:

http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ccs2009. Submitted papers
must not substantially overlap papers that have been published or that
are simultaneously submitted to a journal, conference or
workshop. Simultaneous submission of the same work is not
allowed. Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their papers
will be presented at the conference.

Paper Format:

Submissions must be at most ten pages in double-column ACM format
(note: pages must be numbered), excluding the bibliography and
well-marked appendices and at most 12 pages overall. All submissions
must be anonymized (an author's name should only occur in references
to that author's related work, which should be referenced in the third
person and not overtly distinguishable from the referenced work of
others). Only PDF or Postscript files will be accepted. Submissions
not meeting these guidelines risk rejection without consideration of
their merits.

Tutorial Submissions:

Proposals for long (3-hour) and short (1.5-hour) tutorials on research
topics of current and emerging interest should be submitted
electronically to the tutorials chair by May 25, 2009. The guidelines
for tutorial proposal can be found on the website.

Conference Website
Additional information and this call for papers can be found at:

General Chair:
Ehab Al-Shaer (DePaul University, USA)

Program Chairs:
Somesh Jha (University of Wisconsin, USA)
Angelos D. Keromytis (Columbia U  Symantec Research Labs Europe)

Tutorial Chair:
Ninghui Li (Purdue University, USA)

Workshops Chair:
Ting Yu (Purdue University, USA)

Sencun Zhu (Penn State University, USA)

Publication Chair:
Hao Chen (UC Davis, USA)

Web Chair:
Peng Liu (Penn State University, USA)

Student Travel Grant Chair:
Angelos Stavrou (George Mason U, USA)

Publicity Chairs:
Christopher Kruegel (UC Santa Barbara, USA)
Elena Ferrari (University of Insubria, Italy)

Posters  Demos Co-Chairs:
Nikita Borisov (University of Illinois, USA)
Xinming Ou (Kansas State U, USA)

Patron Co-Chairs:
Peng Ning (North Carolina State U., USA)
Nasir Memon (Polytechnic Inst. of NYU, USA)
Gail-Joon Ahn (Arizona State Univ., USA)

Local Arrangements Committee:
Yan Chen (Northeastern University, USA)
V.N. Venkatakrishnan, (U. of Illinois, USA)
Tricha Anjali (Illinois Inst. of Tech., USA)
Jean-Philippe Labruyere (DePaul U., USA)

Regional Arrangement Committee:
XiaoFeng Wang (Indiana Univ., USA)
Cristina Nita-Rotaru (Purdue Univ., USA)
Alex Liu (Michgan State Univ., USA)
Nikita Borisov (University of Illinois, USA)

Technical Program Committee:

Martin Abadi (UC Santa Cruz  Microsoft, USA)
Kostas Anagnostakis (I2R/A-STAR, Singapore)
Kosta Beznosov (U British Columbia, Canada)
Dan Boneh (Stanford University, USA)
Steve Borbash (Department of Defense, USA)
Jean Camp (Indiana University, USA)
Iliano Cervesato (Carnegie Mellon Univ., USA)
Mihai Christodorescu (IBM Research, USA)
Debra Cook (IDA-CCS, USA)
Lorrie Cranor (Carnegie Mellon Univ., USA)
Weidong Cui (Microsoft Research, USA)
Marc Dacier (Symantec, France)
George Danezis (Microsoft Research, UK)
Claudia Diaz (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Sven Dietrich (Stevens Inst. of Tech., USA)
Wenliang Du (Syracuse University, USA)
Matt Edman (Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., USA)
Simone Fischer-Huebner (Karlstads U, 

[DSECRG-09-004] AXIS 70U Network Document Server - Privilege Escalation and XSS

2009-01-21 Thread Digital Security Research Group

Digital Security Research Group [DSecRG] Advisory   #DSECRG-09-004
AXIS 70U Network Document Server - Privilege Escalation and XSS


Application:AXIS 70U Network Document Server (Web Interface)
Versions Affected:  3.0
Vendor URL: http://www.axis.com/
Bug:Local File Include and Privilege Escalation, 
Multiple Linked XSS
Exploits:   YES
Reported:   20.10.2008
Vendor response:20.10.2008
Last response:  02.01.2009
Vendor Case ID: 143027
Solution:   NONE
Date of Public Advisory:19.01.2009
Authors:Digital Security Research Group [DSecRG] 
(research [at] dsec [dot] ru)


Vulnerabilities found in Web Interface of device AXIS 70U Network Document 

1. Local File Include and Privilege Escalation.

Standard user can escalate privileges to administrator.

2. Multiple Linked XSS vulnerabilities


1. Local File Include and Privilege Escalation.

Local File Include vulnerability found in script user/help/help.shtml

User can unclude any local files even in admin folder.



2. Multiple Linked XSS vulnerabilities

Linked XSS vulnerability found in scripts:


Attacker can inject XSS script in URL.


http://[server]/user/help/help.shtml?scriptalert('DSecRG XSS')/script


Vendor decided that this vulnerability is not critical and there is no
patches for this firmware. But maybe  he will patch issues on the next firmware 

Vendore response:

[13.01.2009]: We don't see any major vulnerability issues with the current 
firmware of Axis 70U but we will consider the mentioned issues on the next 
firmware release.


Digital Security is leading IT security company in Russia, providing 
information security consulting, audit and penetration testing services, risk 
analysis and ISMS-related services and certification for ISO/IEC 27001:2005 and 
PCI DSS standards. Digital Security Research Group focuses on web application 
and database security problems with vulnerability reports, advisories and 
whitepapers posted regularly on our website.

Contact:research [at] dsec [dot] ru

Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco Security Manager Vulnerability

2009-01-21 Thread Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team
Hash: SHA1

Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco Security Manager Vulnerability

Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20090121-csm


Revision 1.0

For Public Release 2009 January 21 1600 UTC (GMT)

- -


Cisco Security Manager contains a vulnerability when it is used with
Cisco IPS Event Viewer (IEV) that results in open TCP ports on both
the Cisco Security Manager server and IEV client. An unauthenticated,
remote attacker could leverage this vulnerability to access the MySQL
databases or IEV server.

Cisco has released free software updates that address this
vulnerability. A workaround is also available to mitigate this

This advisory is posted at 

Affected Products

Vulnerable Products

All 3.1 and 3.2 versions prior to 3.2.2 of Cisco Security Manager are
affected by this vulnerability. Cisco IEV is installed with Cisco
Security Manager by default, but the vulnerability is not exposed
until IEV has been launched.

Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable

The following products have been confirmed not vulnerable:

  * Cisco Security Manager 3.2.2
  * Cisco Security Manager 3.0.x and earlier
  * Standalone implementations of Cisco IEV
  * Cisco IPS Manager Express

No other Cisco products are currently known to be affected by this


Cisco Security Manager is an enterprise-class management application
that is designed to configure firewall, VPN, and intrusion prevention
security services on Cisco network and security devices. As part of
Cisco Security Manager installation, the Cisco IEV is installed by
default. The IEV is a Java-based application that allows users to
view and manage alerts for up to five sensors, including the ability
to report top alerts, attackers, and victims over a specified number
of hours or days. Users can connect to and view alerts in real time
or via imported log files, configure filters and views to help manage
alerts, and import and export event data for further analysis.

A vulnerability exists in the Cisco Security Manager server. When the
IEV is launched, it opens several remotely available TCP ports on the
Cisco Security Manager server and client. These ports could allow
remote, unauthenticated root access to the IEV database and server.
When IEV is closed, it closes open ports on the Cisco Security
Manager client that launched the IEV but fails to close open ports on
the server. If the IEV has never been used on the system, the Cisco
Security Manager server is not vulnerable.

The IEV database contains events that are collected from Cisco
Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) devices. The IEV server allows an
unauthenticated user to add, delete, or modify the devices that are
added into the IEV.

This vulnerability is documented in Cisco Bug ID: CSCsv66897 

This vulnerability have been assigned the Common Vulnerabilities and
Exposures (CVE) identifiers CVE-2008-3820.

Vulnerability Scoring Details

Cisco has provided scores for the vulnerabilities in this advisory
based on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). The CVSS
scoring in this Security Advisory is done in accordance with CVSS
version 2.0.

CVSS is a standards-based scoring method that conveys vulnerability
severity and helps determine urgency and priority of response.

Cisco has provided a base and temporal score. Customers can then
compute environmental scores to assist in determining the impact of
the vulnerability in individual networks.

Cisco has provided an FAQ to answer additional questions regarding


Cisco has also provided a CVSS calculator to help compute the
environmental impact for individual networks at


CSCsv66897: Cisco Security Manager/IEV: TCP Ports open for remote 
connection without any authentication

CVSS Base Score - 8.8

 Access Vector   - Network
 Access Complexity   - Medium
 Authentication  - None
 Confidentiality Impact  - Complete
 Integrity Impact- Complete
 Availability Impact - None

CVSS Temporal Score - 7.3

 Exploitability  - Functional
 Remediation Level   - Official-Fix
 Report Confidence   - Confirmed


Successful exploitation of this vulnerability may result in remote
root access to the IEV database or to the IEV Server. Upon launching
the IEV remotely accessible ports are opened on the Cisco Security
Manager server and the client where the IEV is launched. When the IEV
application is closed these ports are subsequently closed on the
client however remain open on the Cisco Security Manager server

Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco Unified Communications Manager CAPF Denial of Service Vulnerability`

2009-01-21 Thread Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team
Hash: SHA1

Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco Unified Communications Manager CAPF
 Denial of Service Vulnerability

Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20090121-cucmcapf

Revision 1.0

For Public Release 2009 January 21 1600 UTC (GMT)



Cisco Unified Communications Manager, formerly Cisco CallManager,
contains a denial of service (DoS) vulnerability in the Certificate
Authority Proxy Function (CAPF) service. Exploitation of this
vulnerability could cause an interruption in voice services. The CAPF
service is disabled by default.

Cisco has released free software updates that address this
vulnerability. Workarounds available that mitigate this vulnerability
are available.

This advisory is posted at:


Affected Products

Vulnerable Products

These products are vulnerable:

  * Cisco Unified Communications Manager 5.x versions prior to 5.1(3e)
  * Cisco Unified Communications Manager 6.x versions prior to 6.1(3)

Administrators of systems that are running Cisco Unified
Communications Manager versions 5.x and 6.x can determine the
software version by viewing the main page of the Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Administration interface. The software version
can also be determined by running the command show version active by
way of the command line interface (CLI).

Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable

Cisco Unified Communications Manager version 4.x and Cisco Unified
Communications Manager Express are not affected by this
vulnerability. No other Cisco products are currently known to be
affected by this vulnerability.

Note: Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0(1) shipped with the
software fix for this vulnerability and is not affected.


The CAPF service of Cisco Unified Communications Manager versions 5.x
and 6.x contain a vulnerability when handling malformed input that
may result in a DoS condition. The CAPF service is disabled by
default; however, if it is enabled, the CAPF service listens by
default on TCP port 3804 and the listening port is configurable by
the user. There is a workaround for this vulnerability. This
vulnerability is fixed in Cisco Unified Communications Manager
versions 5.1(3e) and 6.1(3). This vulnerability is documented in
Cisco Bug ID CSCsq32032 and has been assigned Common Vulnerabilities
and Exposures (CVE) identifier CVE-2009-0057.

Vulnerability Scoring Details

Cisco has provided scores for the vulnerabilities in this advisory
based on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). The CVSS
scoring in this Security Advisory is done in accordance with CVSS
version 2.0.

CVSS is a standards-based scoring method that conveys vulnerability
severity and helps determine urgency and priority of response.

Cisco has provided a base and temporal score. Customers can then
compute environmental scores to assist in determining the impact of
the vulnerability in individual networks.

Cisco has provided an FAQ to answer additional questions regarding
CVSS at:


Cisco has also provided a CVSS calculator to help compute the
environmental impact for individual networks at:


CSCsq32032 - CAPF DoS when client terminates prematurely

CVSS Base Score - 7.8

Access Vector   - Network
Access Complexity   - Low
Authentication  - None
Confidentiality Impact  - None
Integrity Impact- None
Availability Impact - Complete

CVSS Temporal Score - 6.4

Exploitability  - Functional
Remediation Level   - Official-Fix
Report Confidence   - Confirmed


Successful exploitation of the vulnerability described in this
advisory may result in the interruption of voice services.

Software Versions and Fixes

When considering software upgrades, also consult
http://www.cisco.com/go/psirt and any subsequent advisories to
determine exposure and a complete upgrade solution.

In all cases, customers should exercise caution to be certain the
devices to be upgraded contain sufficient memory and that current
hardware and software configurations will continue to be supported
properly by the new release. If the information is not clear, contact
the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) or your contracted
maintenance provider for assistance.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager version 5.1(3e) contains the fix
for this vulnerability and can be downloaded here:


Joomla component beamospetition 1.0.12 Sql Injection

2009-01-21 Thread vds_s
Joomla component beamospetition 1.0.12 Sql Injection / Xss

Author : vds_s

Dork : Powered by beamospetition 1.0.12

Dl : http://joomlacode.org/gf/project/beamospetition/

Xss : 

Sql Injection : 

Re: [Full-disclosure] Oracle Containers For Java Directory Traversal (OC4J) Oracle Application Server 10g ( Oracle HTTP Server

2009-01-21 Thread Mark Thomas
Eduardo Vela wrote:
 Probably one of this are the vulnerabilty descriptions of the bugs:

Looks to be an exact match with

Note that although initially reported as a Tomcat vulnerability, the root cause
is a JVM bug.


 If it's the same issue, Oracle didn't contacted me to notify me about it..
 if it is that bug, then it could be fixed via:
 or in that case
 -- Eduardo
 On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 10:56 PM, Eduardo Vela sirdarck...@gmail.comwrote:
 Server Version Info: Oracle-Application-Server-10g/
 PoC: http://OC4J/web-app/foobar/%c0%ae%c0%ae/WEB-INF/web.xml
 Related: http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2008-2938
 Explaination: The %c0%ae%c0%ae is interpreted as: .. because on
 Java's side: %c0%ae is interpreted as: \uC0AE that get's casted to
 an ASCII-LOW char, that is: ..

 You can read dangerous configuration information including passwords,
 users, paths, etc..
 Discovered: 8/16/08
 Vendor contacted: 8/16/08
 Vendor response: 8/18/08
 Vendor reproduced the issue: 9/10/08
 Vendor last contact: 9/30/08
 Public Disclosure: 1/19/09

 Oracle security bug id: 7391479

 For more information contact Oracle Security Team: secalert...@oracle.com

 I really wanted to give a link to a patch, but I think it's better if
 this is known by sysadmins so they can filter this using an IDS.


 -- Eduardo

 Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
 Charter: http://lists.grok.org.uk/full-disclosure-charter.html
 Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - http://secunia.com/

Digital Security opens a site of its research center DSec Research Group

2009-01-21 Thread Digital Security Research Group
Digital Security opens a site of its research center DSec Research Group

Digital Security opens a site of its research center DSec Research
Group [DSecRG], the main mission of which is to conduct researches of different 
application and system vulnerabilities.
The result of this work is then used by the experts of the Digital Security 
audit department for assessing the security level of information systems with 
the use of active audit methods and also while carrying out penetration tests.

Data about the vulnerabilities found by DSecRG experts is published in 
SecurityFocus mailing lists,
Milw0rm.com portal and now it is available at DSecRG website ( www.dsecrg.com ) 
in the form of advisories and whitepapers.

Digital Security Research Group
phone:  +7 812 703 1547
+7 812 430 9130
e-mail: resea...@dsec.ru

This message and any attachment are confidential and may be privileged or 
otherwise protected 
from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient any use, distribution, 
copying or disclosure 
is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please 
notify the sender immediately 
either by telephone or by e-mail and delete this message and any attachment 
from your system. Correspondence 
via e-mail is for information purposes only. Digital Security neither makes nor 
accepts legally binding 
statements by e-mail unless otherwise agreed. 

[ GLSA 200901-14 ] Scilab: Insecure temporary file usage

2009-01-21 Thread Pierre-Yves Rofes
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gentoo Linux Security Advisory   GLSA 200901-14
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  Severity: Normal
 Title: Scilab: Insecure temporary file usage
  Date: January 21, 2009
  Bugs: #245922
ID: 200901-14

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


An insecure temporary file usage has been reported in Scilab, allowing
for symlink attacks.


Scilab is a scientific software package for numerical computations.

Affected packages

 Package /  Vulnerable  /   Unaffected
  1  sci-mathematics/scilab  4.1.2-r1 = 4.1.2-r1


Dmitry E. Oboukhov reported an insecure temporary file usage within the
scilink, scidoc and scidem scripts.


A local attacker could perform symlink attacks to overwrite arbitrary
files with the privileges of the user running the application.


There is no known workaround at this time.


All Scilab users should upgrade to the latest version:

 # emerge --sync
 # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose =sci-mathematics/scilab-4.1.2-r1


  [ 1 ] CVE-2008-4983


This GLSA and any updates to it are available for viewing at
the Gentoo Security Website:



Security is a primary focus of Gentoo Linux and ensuring the
confidentiality and security of our users machines is of utmost
importance to us. Any security concerns should be addressed to
secur...@gentoo.org or alternatively, you may file a bug at


Copyright 2009 Gentoo Foundation, Inc; referenced text
belongs to its owner(s).

The contents of this document are licensed under the
Creative Commons - Attribution / Share Alike license.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[IMF 2009] Call for Papers

2009-01-21 Thread Oliver Goebel
Dear all,

for your information.

Please excuse possible cross postings.


  IMF 2009

 5th International Conference
  on IT Security Incident Management  IT Forensics

 September 15th - 17th, 2009
  Stuttgart, Germany


Information and communication technology is more and more becoming an
integral and in most cases even a vital part of life.  The worldwide
economy, public administration, health care, education and even personal
life depend on working IT.  Constriction of the availability of its
service, loss of confidentiality or alteration of data processed, or
loss of integrity of the IT infrastructure usually lead to serious or
disastrous consequences.  Hence security plays an increasingly important
role for operators and users of IT systems and infrastructures.

The establishment of static security measures like policies, standards,
and guidelines slowly but steadily is getting more common amongst IT
operators.  Nevertheless in the vast majority of cases operators do not
have the capability to detect and respond to security incidents or do a
forensic analysis of its traces that can be used in a lawsuit.
Jurisdiction in most countries is starting to change and applies
regulations on legal duty to maintain safety on operators of IT.  Hence
incident response capabilities become indispensable to avoid successful
assertion of claims for damages caused by compromised or misused


IMF's intent is to gather experts from throughout the world in order to
present and discuss recent technical and methodical advances in the
fields of IT security incident response and management and IT forensics.
The conference provides a platform for collaboration and exchange of
ideas between industry, academia, law-enforcement and other government


The scope of IMF 2009 is broad and includes, but is not limited to the
following areas:

IT Incident Response

* Procedures and Methods of Incident Response
* Formats and Standardization for Incident Response
* Tools Supporting Incident Response
* Incident Analysis
* Sources of Information, Information Exchange, Communities
* Dealing with Vulnerabilities (Vulnerability Response)
* Monitoring and Early Warning
* Education and Training
* Organizations
* Legal Aspects (Jurisdiction, Applicable Laws and Regulations)

IT Forensics

* Trends and Challenges in IT Forensics
* Techniques, Tools in Procedures IT Forensics
* Methods for the Gathering, Handling, Processing and Analysis of
 Digital Evidence
* Evidence Protection in IT Environments
* Standardization in IT Forensics
* Education and Training
* Organizations
* Legal Aspects (Jurisdiction, Applicable Laws and Regulations)

Submission Details

IMF invites to submit full papers of up to 20 pages, presenting novel
and mature research results as well as practice papers of up to 20
pages, describing best practices, case studies or lessons learned.
Proposal for workshops, discussion and presentation on practical methods
and challenges are also welcome.

All submissions must be written in English (see below), and either in
postscript or PDF format.  Authors of accepted papers must ensure that
their papers will be presented at the conference.

Submitted full papers must not substantially overlap papers that have
been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a
conference with proceedings.

All submissions will be reviewed by the program committee and papers
accepted to be presented at the conference will be included in the
conference proceedings.

Details on the electronic submission procedure as well as detailed
registration information and formatting instructions are provided on
the conference web site (http://www.imf-conference.org).


IMF 2009's scope is international hence all submissions must be written
in English. Presentations of accepted papers also must be done in

Accepted papers will be published in IEEE Computer Society's  Conference
Publishing Series. Each participant of the conference will receive a
printed copy.

Dates and Deadlines
The deadline for paper submission is May 18th, 2009. Notification of
acceptance will be sent on June 8th, 2009 the latest. You may get your
notification earlier than that. Final paper camera ready copy are due
to June 19th, 2009.

* May 18th, 2009:  Deadline for Submissions
* June 8th, 2009: Notification of acceptance or rejection
* June 19th, 2009: Final paper camera ready copy due
* September 15th - 17th, 2009: IMF 2009