[SECURITY] [DSA-1975-1] Security Support for Debian 4.0 to be discontinued on February 15th

2010-01-21 Thread Stefan Fritsch
Hash: SHA1

Debian Security Advisory DSA-1975-1  secur...@debian.org
http://www.debian.org/security/   Stefan Fritsch
January 20, 2010  http://www.debian.org/security/faq

Security Support for Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 to be discontinued on
February 15th

One year after the release of Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 alias 'lenny' and
nearly three years after the release of Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 alias
'etch' the security support for the old distribution (4.0 alias
'etch') is coming to an end next month.  The Debian project is proud
to be able to support its old distribution for such a long time and
even for one year after a new version has been released.

The Debian project has released Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 alias 'lenny' on
the 14th of February 2009.  Users and Distributors have been given a
one-year timeframe to upgrade their old installations to the current
stable release.  Hence, the security support for the old release of
4.0 is going to end in February 2010 as previously announced.

Previously announced security updates for the old release will continue
to be available on security.debian.org.

Security Updates

The Debian Security Team provides security updates for the current
distribution via http://security.debian.org/.  Security updates for the
old distribution are also provided for one year after the new
distribution has been released or until the current distribution is
superseded, whatever happens first.

For apt-get: deb http://security.debian.org/ stable/updates main
For dpkg-ftp: ftp://security.debian.org/debian-security 
Mailing list: debian-security-annou...@lists.debian.org
Package info: `apt-cache show pkg' and http://packages.debian.org/pkg
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


Insufficient User Input Validation in VP-ASP 6.50 Demo Code

2010-01-21 Thread CodeScan Labs Advisories

= CodeScan Advisory, codescan.com advisor...@codescan.com
= Insufficient User Input Validation in VP-ASP 6.50 Demo Code
= Vendor Website:
= http://www.vpasp.com/
= Affected Version:
=VP-ASP Shopping Cart 6.50 Demo Code And Earlier
= Researched By
=CodeScan Labs advisor...@codescan.com
= Public disclosure on January 21st, 2010

== Overview ==

CodeScan Labs (http://www.codescan.com), has recently released a new source
code scanning tool, CodeScan. CodeScan is an advanced auditing tool
designed to check web application source code for security vulnerabilities.
CodeScan utilises an intelligent source code parsing engine, traversing
execution paths and tracking the flow of user supplied input.

During the ongoing testing of CodeScan ASP, VP-ASP was selected as one of 
the test applications. We downloaded a demo of VP-ASP from the VP-ASP
website http://www.vpasp.com/virtprog/paypal.htm.

 This advisory is the result of research into the security of VP-ASP,
based on the report generated by the CodeScan tool.

== Vulnerability Details ==

* SQL Injection *

An SQL Injection vulnerability is caused by assigning a variable from client 
data, for example in file shopsessionsubs.asp in Function Getwebsess:

userid = Request.Cookies(cookiename)

In Sub ResponseCookies variable userid is assigned to variable websess by a 
call to Getwebsess and variable websess is concatenated with other data to 
construct an SQL statement: 

cookiesql=Select * from sitesessions where sessionkey='  websess  

This SQL statement is used in a call to ADODB.Connection.Execute:

set cookiers=cookiedbc.execute(cookiesql)

The function cleanchars makes a security check on the input, but this check is 
based on a blacklist of bad characters that could be used in SQL statements; 
it is better to use a whitelist of allowed characters, as it is easy to 
overlook possible bad characters.

* Cross Site Scripting and Arbitrary File Access *

Cross Site Scripting and Arbitrary File Access vulnerabilities are caused by 
assigning a variable from client data in file shopsessionsubs.asp, in 
Sub CookielessGenerateFilename:

ipaddress = Request.Servervariables(REMOTE_HOST) 

Variable ipaddress is concatenated with other data in 
Sub CookielessGenerateFilename to construct a variable filename:

tempname=prefix  _  mm  dd  yy  _  Ipaddress
tempname=tempname  .txt
tempname=xsavesessionfilefolder  \  tempname

Variable filename is used in calls to Scripting.FileSystemObject.OpenTextFile 
and Response.Write in Sub CookielessReadFile:

Set Myfile = fso.OpenTextFile(filename, 1, false)
response.write b   unable to open file  filename   br  
err.description  /b

These vulnerabilities do not depend on direct user input, but a hacker could 
tamper with the REMOTE_HOST server variable or with cookies to supply malicious 
== Credit ==

Discovered and advised to the vendor by CodeScan Labs

== About CodeScan Labs Ltd ==

CodeScan Labs is a specialist security research and development
organisation, that has developed the cornerstone application, CodeScan.
CodeScan Labs helps organisations secure their web services through the
automated scanning of the web application source code for security
vulnerabilities.  The CodeScan product is currently available for ASP, ASP.NET 
and PHP

CodeScan Labs operates with Responsible Disclosure where appropriate. As a 
any published advisories will contain information around problems
identified by CodeScan, that have been resolved by the vendor. Additional
code problems which may be identified by CodeScan or its staff which are
not resolved by the vendor may not be made publicly available.
This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by Bizo EmailFilter, and is
believed to be clean.

RE: All China, All The Time

2010-01-21 Thread Jim Harrison
Your Italian ISP example is far from unique.
I've received plenty of you're a spammer bounce-back NDR mails from (of all 
places) mail.ru.
In fact, more than a few folks using that ISP must think I'm ignoring them 
because isatools.org is considered a spam-source by this ISP.  Actually, I 
often respond from another address and exaplain why I'm not responding from the 
address where they initially contacted me. Sometimes they don't answer, and 
frankly, I don't blame them...

I have to wonder about the criteria used to make this determination in light of 
the amount of spam sourced from that network space..?

No; I don't determine where a mail came from based on the headers...
I have traffic logs, yano.. :-)

From: Marcello Magnifico [rdo-li...@rdo.is-a-geek.net]
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2010 2:54 AM
To: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Subject: Re: All China, All The Time

 On 1/15/10 6:40 PM, Thor (Hammer of God) wrote:
  [...] The other problem is that many people seem to think I'm saying
  something against the Chinese *people* themselves

Unfortunately, such a security measure can be read that way, too.

 The solution of blocking China, however, is one which harms both
 outside of China, as well as those inside of China. Therefore, it
 translates into an attack on them.

Agree. This already happened in a different context.
About one year ago, a company in Italy couldn't write to another company
in the U.S., for shared business, only because the recipient's
postmaster (an ISP bragging around a lot about how efficient they were
in stopping spam) claimed (in the bounce message) to have cut off the
entire sender's country (Italy). Now, are Italian sysadmins also in
charge of teaching the many professionally unschooled ones in other
companies, they should not set up their SMTP servers open relay, and
why? Actually, I found myself doing that several times.

Given the mutual importance of economic relationships between Italy and
U.S., such a drastic measure (e-mail embargo?) was counterproductive, by
preventing off a U.S. company from dealing with another country.
Btw, in spite of some tries, no one in Iyaly was ever capable to contact
the U.S. ISP in order to solve the situation; so the Italian company,
already dealing mainly with electronic documents, had to slow down
communication by choosing means other than e-mail (fax or airmail), or
either change their partner in order to keep up with a strict rhythm
(dunno how exactly it ended).

As a general rule of thumb, drastic filtering criteria have blocking
consequences, especially on business. So, blocking a country may seem a
suitable measure for a home/club network where/if you know no local user
has (and will have) contacts with that country; not for business, as it
is already global and is going to be more and more alike.

best regards

eWebeditor Directory Traversal Vulnerability

2010-01-21 Thread info
# Securitylab.ir
# Application Info:
# Name: eWebeditor
# Version: all version
# Vulnerability Info:
# Type: Directory Traversal
# Risk: Medium
# Vulnerability:
# http://site.com/admin/ewebeditor/admin/upload.asp?id=16d_viewmode=dir =./..
# Discoverd By: Pouya Daneshmand
# Website: http://securitylab.ir
# Contacts: info[at]securitylab.ir  whh_i...@yahoo.com

[ MDVSA-2010:022 ] openssl

2010-01-21 Thread security

Hash: SHA1


 Mandriva Linux Security Advisory MDVSA-2010:022

 Package : openssl
 Date: January 21, 2010
 Affected: 2008.0, 2009.0, 2009.1, 2010.0, Enterprise Server 5.0

 Problem Description:

 Some vulnerabilities were discovered and corrected in openssl:
 Memory leak in the zlib_stateful_finish function in
 crypto/comp/c_zlib.c in OpenSSL 0.9.8l and earlier and 1.0.0 Beta
 through Beta 4 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service
 (memory consumption) via vectors that trigger incorrect calls to the
 CRYPTO_free_all_ex_data function, as demonstrated by use of SSLv3
 and PHP with the Apache HTTP Server, a related issue to CVE-2008-1678
 Packages for 2008.0 are provided for Corporate Desktop 2008.0
 The updated packages have been patched to correct thies issue.



 Updated Packages:

 Mandriva Linux 2008.0:

 Mandriva Linux 2008.0/X86_64:

 Mandriva Linux 2009.0:

 Mandriva Linux 2009.0/X86_64:

 Mandriva Linux 2009.1:

 Mandriva Linux 2009.1/X86_64:

 Mandriva Linux 2010.0:

 Mandriva Linux 2010.0/X86_64:

ZDI-10-009: RealNetworks RealPlayer IVR Format Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

2010-01-21 Thread ZDI Disclosures
ZDI-10-009: RealNetworks RealPlayer IVR Format Remote Code Execution 
January 21, 2010

-- CVE ID:

-- Affected Vendors:

-- Affected Products:
RealNetworks RealPlayer

-- TippingPoint(TM) IPS Customer Protection:
TippingPoint IPS customers have been protected against this
vulnerability by Digital Vaccine protection filter ID 6964. 
For further product information on the TippingPoint IPS, visit:


-- Vulnerability Details:
This vulnerability allows attackers to execute arbitrary code on
vulnerable installations of RealNetworks RealPlayer. User interaction is
required to exploit this vulnerability in that the target must visit a
malicious page or open a malicious file.

The specific flaw exists within RealPlayer's parsing of IVR files. The
process trusts size values present in the file and uses them unsafely in
various file I/O and memory allocation operations. A specially crafted
file can cause memory overflows to occur leading to arbitrary code
execution under the context of the user running the player.

-- Vendor Response:
RealNetworks has issued an update to correct this vulnerability. More
details can be found at:


-- Disclosure Timeline:
2008-04-16 - Vulnerability reported to vendor
2010-01-21 - Coordinated public release of advisory

-- Credit:
This vulnerability was discovered by:
* John Rambo

-- About the Zero Day Initiative (ZDI):
Established by TippingPoint, The Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) represents 
a best-of-breed model for rewarding security researchers for responsibly
disclosing discovered vulnerabilities.

Researchers interested in getting paid for their security research
through the ZDI can find more information and sign-up at:


The ZDI is unique in how the acquired vulnerability information is
used. TippingPoint does not re-sell the vulnerability details or any
exploit code. Instead, upon notifying the affected product vendor,
TippingPoint provides its customers with zero day protection through
its intrusion prevention technology. Explicit details regarding the
specifics of the vulnerability are not exposed to any parties until
an official vendor patch is publicly available. Furthermore, with the
altruistic aim of helping to secure a broader user base, TippingPoint
provides this vulnerability information confidentially to security
vendors (including competitors) who have a vulnerability protection or
mitigation product.

Our vulnerability disclosure policy is available online at:


ZDI-10-006: RealNetworks RealPlayer GIF Handling Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

2010-01-21 Thread ZDI Disclosures
ZDI-10-006: RealNetworks RealPlayer GIF Handling Remote Code Execution 
January 21, 2010

-- CVE ID:

-- Affected Vendors:

-- Affected Products:
RealNetworks RealPlayer

-- TippingPoint(TM) IPS Customer Protection:
TippingPoint IPS customers have been protected against this
vulnerability by Digital Vaccine protection filter ID 0. 
For further product information on the TippingPoint IPS, visit:


-- Vulnerability Details:
This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute code on vulnerable
installations of RealNetworks RealPlayer. User interaction is required
in that a user must open a malicious file or visit a malicious web

The specific flaw exists during the parsing of GIF files with forged
chunk sizes. The player uses values from the file improperly when
allocating a buffer on the heap. An attacker can abuse this to create
and then overflow heap buffers leading to arbitrary code execution in
the context of the currently logged in user.

-- Vendor Response:
RealNetworks has issued an update to correct this vulnerability. More
details can be found at:


-- Disclosure Timeline:
2007-12-11 - Vulnerability reported to vendor
2010-01-21 - Coordinated public release of advisory

-- Credit:
This vulnerability was discovered by:
* Anonymous

-- About the Zero Day Initiative (ZDI):
Established by TippingPoint, The Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) represents 
a best-of-breed model for rewarding security researchers for responsibly
disclosing discovered vulnerabilities.

Researchers interested in getting paid for their security research
through the ZDI can find more information and sign-up at:


The ZDI is unique in how the acquired vulnerability information is
used. TippingPoint does not re-sell the vulnerability details or any
exploit code. Instead, upon notifying the affected product vendor,
TippingPoint provides its customers with zero day protection through
its intrusion prevention technology. Explicit details regarding the
specifics of the vulnerability are not exposed to any parties until
an official vendor patch is publicly available. Furthermore, with the
altruistic aim of helping to secure a broader user base, TippingPoint
provides this vulnerability information confidentially to security
vendors (including competitors) who have a vulnerability protection or
mitigation product.

Our vulnerability disclosure policy is available online at:


[ MDVSA-2010:023 ] phpldapadmin

2010-01-21 Thread security

Hash: SHA1


 Mandriva Linux Security Advisory MDVSA-2010:023

 Package : phpldapadmin
 Date: January 21, 2010
 Affected: Enterprise Server 5.0

 Problem Description:

 A vulnerability has been found and corrected in phpldapadmin:
 Directory traversal vulnerability in cmd.php in phpLDAPadmin
 allows remote attackers to include and execute arbitrary local files
 via a .. (dot dot) in the cmd parameter (CVE-2009-4427).
 The updated packages have been patched to correct thies issue.



 Updated Packages:

 Mandriva Enterprise Server 5:

 Mandriva Enterprise Server 5/X86_64:

 To upgrade automatically use MandrivaUpdate or urpmi.  The verification
 of md5 checksums and GPG signatures is performed automatically for you.

 All packages are signed by Mandriva for security.  You can obtain the
 GPG public key of the Mandriva Security Team by executing:

  gpg --recv-keys --keyserver pgp.mit.edu 0x22458A98

 You can view other update advisories for Mandriva Linux at:


 If you want to report vulnerabilities, please contact


 Type Bits/KeyID Date   User ID
 pub  1024D/22458A98 2000-07-10 Mandriva Security Team
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


ZDI-10-004: Cisco CiscoWorks IPM GIOP getProcessName Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

2010-01-21 Thread ZDI Disclosures
ZDI-10-004: Cisco CiscoWorks IPM GIOP getProcessName Remote Code Execution 
January 21, 2010

-- CVE ID:

-- Affected Vendors:

-- Affected Products:
Cisco Internetwork Performance Monitor

-- TippingPoint(TM) IPS Customer Protection:
TippingPoint IPS customers have been protected against this
vulnerability by Digital Vaccine protection filter ID 6790. 
For further product information on the TippingPoint IPS, visit:


-- Vulnerability Details:
This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on
vulnerable installations of Cisco CiscoWorks Internetwork Performance
Monitor. Authentication is not required to exploit this vulnerability.

The specific flaw exists in the handling of CORBA GIOP requests. By
making a specially crafted getProcessName GIOP request an attacker can
corrupt memory. Successful exploitation can result in a full compromise
with SYSTEM credentials.

-- Vendor Response:
Cisco has issued an update to correct this vulnerability. More
details can be found at:


-- Disclosure Timeline:
2008-10-15 - Vulnerability reported to vendor
2010-01-21 - Coordinated public release of advisory

-- Credit:
This vulnerability was discovered by:
* Anonymous

-- About the Zero Day Initiative (ZDI):
Established by TippingPoint, The Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) represents 
a best-of-breed model for rewarding security researchers for responsibly
disclosing discovered vulnerabilities.

Researchers interested in getting paid for their security research
through the ZDI can find more information and sign-up at:


The ZDI is unique in how the acquired vulnerability information is
used. TippingPoint does not re-sell the vulnerability details or any
exploit code. Instead, upon notifying the affected product vendor,
TippingPoint provides its customers with zero day protection through
its intrusion prevention technology. Explicit details regarding the
specifics of the vulnerability are not exposed to any parties until
an official vendor patch is publicly available. Furthermore, with the
altruistic aim of helping to secure a broader user base, TippingPoint
provides this vulnerability information confidentially to security
vendors (including competitors) who have a vulnerability protection or
mitigation product.

Our vulnerability disclosure policy is available online at:


[SECURITY] [DSA-1972-2] New audiofile packages fix buffer overflow

2010-01-21 Thread Stefan Fritsch
Hash: SHA1

- -
Debian Security Advisory DSA-1972-2  secur...@debian.org
http://www.debian.org/security/   Stefan Fritsch
January 21, 2010  http://www.debian.org/security/faq
- -

Package: audiofile
Vulnerability  : buffer overflow
Problem type   : local (remote)
Debian-specific: no
CVE Id : CVE-2008-5824
Debian bug : 510205

This advisory adds the packages for the old stable distribution (etch),
with the exception of the mips packages. The updates for the mips
architecture will be released when they become available.

The packages for the stable distribution (lenny) have been released
in DSA-1972-1. For reference, the advisory text is provided below.

Max Kellermann discovered a heap-based buffer overflow in the handling
of ADPCM WAV files in libaudiofile. This flaw could result in a denial
of service (application crash) or possibly execution of arbitrary code
via a crafted WAV file.

The old stable distribution (etch), this problem has been fixed in
version 0.2.6-6+etch1.

For the stable distribution (lenny), this problem has been fixed in
version 0.2.6-7+lenny1.

For the testing distribution (squeeze) and the unstable distribution
(sid), this problem has been fixed in version 0.2.6-7.1.

We recommend that you upgrade your audiofile packages.

Upgrade instructions

wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 alias etch (oldstable)
- ---

Oldstable updates are available for alpha, amd64, arm, hppa, i386, ia64, 
mipsel, powerpc, s390 and sparc.

Source archives:

Size/MD5 checksum:   300089 dbc542c9c87880f436083facfb3ccc28
Size/MD5 checksum:  629 f9f760bd11ccb13c85266ace4f87d25d
Size/MD5 checksum:   374688 9c1049876cd51c0f1b12c2886cce4d42

alpha architecture (DEC Alpha)

Size/MD5 checksum:   158070 1d27f78ba5efee6f348fdec83497f0cf
Size/MD5 checksum:89404 0c40bf5eeab7afe6b81c0ca1bc8d4add

amd64 architecture (AMD x86_64 (AMD64))

Size/MD5 checksum:   128468 5307500dd56e86e86236a2e8af9258fe
Size/MD5 checksum:81598 17ee5acae5158682302d9256688c272e

arm architecture (ARM)

Size/MD5 checksum:   114782 d6ca165e6c39f2475b23b07ea84258f3
Size/MD5 checksum:73324 e5a3329799553494e43586faa08c5607

hppa architecture (HP PA RISC)

Size/MD5 checksum:87046 504612c1d8b826a30d55ae7688b9a37c
Size/MD5 checksum:   135608 5f6809474bca61b181113fff73393c56

i386 architecture (Intel ia32)

Size/MD5 checksum:   118410 4e3e58094cfa7314a7160d7f936baafb
Size/MD5 checksum:77204 e572289bc7e52fc49f256ed6d9ccbf80

ia64 architecture (Intel ia64)

Size/MD5 checksum:   112806 dd5f834b0b56d737f2601c63c776d658
Size/MD5 checksum:   170280 a25c0e6fa1024322810cb29f1204e6ff

mipsel architecture (MIPS (Little Endian))

Size/MD5 checksum:

ZDI-10-008: RealNetworks RealPlayer SIPR Codec Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

2010-01-21 Thread ZDI Disclosures
ZDI-10-008: RealNetworks RealPlayer SIPR Codec Remote Code Execution 
January 21, 2010

-- CVE ID:

-- Affected Vendors:

-- Affected Products:
RealNetworks RealPlayer

-- TippingPoint(TM) IPS Customer Protection:
TippingPoint IPS customers have been protected against this
vulnerability by Digital Vaccine protection filter ID 6514. 
For further product information on the TippingPoint IPS, visit:


-- Vulnerability Details:
This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute code on vulnerable
installations of RealNetworks RealPlayer. User interaction is required
in that a user must open a malicious file or visit a malicious web

The specific flaw exists during the parsing of SIPR codec fields.
Specifying a small length value can trigger an undersized heap
allocation. This buffer can then subsequently be overflowed. This
vulnerability can result in arbitrary code execution under the context
of the currently logged in user.

-- Vendor Response:
RealNetworks has issued an update to correct this vulnerability. More
details can be found at:


-- Disclosure Timeline:
2008-05-12 - Vulnerability reported to vendor
2010-01-21 - Coordinated public release of advisory

-- Credit:
This vulnerability was discovered by:
* Anonymous

-- About the Zero Day Initiative (ZDI):
Established by TippingPoint, The Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) represents 
a best-of-breed model for rewarding security researchers for responsibly
disclosing discovered vulnerabilities.

Researchers interested in getting paid for their security research
through the ZDI can find more information and sign-up at:


The ZDI is unique in how the acquired vulnerability information is
used. TippingPoint does not re-sell the vulnerability details or any
exploit code. Instead, upon notifying the affected product vendor,
TippingPoint provides its customers with zero day protection through
its intrusion prevention technology. Explicit details regarding the
specifics of the vulnerability are not exposed to any parties until
an official vendor patch is publicly available. Furthermore, with the
altruistic aim of helping to secure a broader user base, TippingPoint
provides this vulnerability information confidentially to security
vendors (including competitors) who have a vulnerability protection or
mitigation product.

Our vulnerability disclosure policy is available online at:


ZDI-10-005: RealNetworks RealPlayer ASMRulebook Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

2010-01-21 Thread ZDI Disclosures
ZDI-10-005: RealNetworks RealPlayer ASMRulebook Remote Code Execution 
January 21, 2010

-- CVE ID:

-- Affected Vendors:

-- Affected Products:
RealNetworks RealPlayer

-- TippingPoint(TM) IPS Customer Protection:
TippingPoint IPS customers have been protected against this
vulnerability by Digital Vaccine protection filter ID 5783. 
For further product information on the TippingPoint IPS, visit:


-- Vulnerability Details:
This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute code on vulnerable
installations of RealPlayer. User interaction is required in that a user
must open a malicious file or visit a malicious web site.

The specific flaw exists during the parsing of files with improperly
defined ASMRuleBook structures. A controllable memory allocation allows
for an attacker to corrupt heap  memory. Attacker controlled data from
the corrupt heap is later used as an object pointer which can be
leveraged to execute arbitrary code in the context of the currently
logged in user.

-- Vendor Response:
RealNetworks has issued an update to correct this vulnerability. More
details can be found at:


-- Disclosure Timeline:
2007-11-07 - Vulnerability reported to vendor
2010-01-21 - Coordinated public release of advisory

-- Credit:
This vulnerability was discovered by:
* Anonymous

-- About the Zero Day Initiative (ZDI):
Established by TippingPoint, The Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) represents 
a best-of-breed model for rewarding security researchers for responsibly
disclosing discovered vulnerabilities.

Researchers interested in getting paid for their security research
through the ZDI can find more information and sign-up at:


The ZDI is unique in how the acquired vulnerability information is
used. TippingPoint does not re-sell the vulnerability details or any
exploit code. Instead, upon notifying the affected product vendor,
TippingPoint provides its customers with zero day protection through
its intrusion prevention technology. Explicit details regarding the
specifics of the vulnerability are not exposed to any parties until
an official vendor patch is publicly available. Furthermore, with the
altruistic aim of helping to secure a broader user base, TippingPoint
provides this vulnerability information confidentially to security
vendors (including competitors) who have a vulnerability protection or
mitigation product.

Our vulnerability disclosure policy is available online at:


ZDI-10-007: RealNetworks RealPlayer SMIL getAtom Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

2010-01-21 Thread ZDI Disclosures
ZDI-10-007: RealNetworks RealPlayer SMIL getAtom Remote Code Execution 
January 21, 2010

-- CVE ID:

-- Affected Vendors:

-- Affected Products:
RealNetworks RealPlayer

-- TippingPoint(TM) IPS Customer Protection:
TippingPoint IPS customers have been protected against this
vulnerability by Digital Vaccine protection filter ID 5907. 
For further product information on the TippingPoint IPS, visit:


-- Vulnerability Details:
This vulnerability allows attackers to execute arbitrary code on
vulnerable installations of RealNetworks RealPlayer. User interaction is
required to exploit this vulnerability in that the target must visit a
malicious page or open a malicious file.

The specific flaw exists within the smlrender.dll library responsible
for parsing SMIL files. A lack of proper string length checks can result
in the overflow of a static heap buffer. Exploitation of this overflow
can lead to arbitrary code execution under the context of the user
running the process.

-- Vendor Response:
RealNetworks has issued an update to correct this vulnerability. More
details can be found at:


-- Disclosure Timeline:
2008-02-07 - Vulnerability reported to vendor
2010-01-21 - Coordinated public release of advisory

-- Credit:
This vulnerability was discovered by:
* Anonymous

-- About the Zero Day Initiative (ZDI):
Established by TippingPoint, The Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) represents 
a best-of-breed model for rewarding security researchers for responsibly
disclosing discovered vulnerabilities.

Researchers interested in getting paid for their security research
through the ZDI can find more information and sign-up at:


The ZDI is unique in how the acquired vulnerability information is
used. TippingPoint does not re-sell the vulnerability details or any
exploit code. Instead, upon notifying the affected product vendor,
TippingPoint provides its customers with zero day protection through
its intrusion prevention technology. Explicit details regarding the
specifics of the vulnerability are not exposed to any parties until
an official vendor patch is publicly available. Furthermore, with the
altruistic aim of helping to secure a broader user base, TippingPoint
provides this vulnerability information confidentially to security
vendors (including competitors) who have a vulnerability protection or
mitigation product.

Our vulnerability disclosure policy is available online at:


ZDI-10-010: RealNetworks RealPlayer Skin Parsing Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

2010-01-21 Thread ZDI Disclosures
ZDI-10-010: RealNetworks RealPlayer Skin Parsing Remote Code Execution 
January 21, 2010

-- CVE ID:

-- Affected Vendors:

-- Affected Products:
RealNetworks RealPlayer

-- TippingPoint(TM) IPS Customer Protection:
TippingPoint IPS customers have been protected against this
vulnerability by Digital Vaccine protection filter ID 8493. 
For further product information on the TippingPoint IPS, visit:


-- Vulnerability Details:
This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute code on vulnerable
installations of RealNetworks RealPlayer. User interaction is required
in that a user must visit a malicious website or open a malicious file
and accept a dialog to switch player skins.

The specific flaw exists during parsing of malformed RealPlayer .RJS
skin files. While loading a skin the application copies certain variable
length fields from the extracted file named web.xmb into a statically
sized buffer. By crafting these fields appropriately an attack can cause
the process to overflow the buffer. This can be leveraged to execute
arbitrary code with the privileges of the application.

-- Vendor Response:
RealNetworks has issued an update to correct this vulnerability. More
details can be found at:


-- Disclosure Timeline:
2009-01-15 - Vulnerability reported to vendor
2010-01-21 - Coordinated public release of advisory

-- Credit:
This vulnerability was discovered by:
* Peter Vreugdenhil (secur...@petervreugdenhil.nl)

-- About the Zero Day Initiative (ZDI):
Established by TippingPoint, The Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) represents 
a best-of-breed model for rewarding security researchers for responsibly
disclosing discovered vulnerabilities.

Researchers interested in getting paid for their security research
through the ZDI can find more information and sign-up at:


The ZDI is unique in how the acquired vulnerability information is
used. TippingPoint does not re-sell the vulnerability details or any
exploit code. Instead, upon notifying the affected product vendor,
TippingPoint provides its customers with zero day protection through
its intrusion prevention technology. Explicit details regarding the
specifics of the vulnerability are not exposed to any parties until
an official vendor patch is publicly available. Furthermore, with the
altruistic aim of helping to secure a broader user base, TippingPoint
provides this vulnerability information confidentially to security
vendors (including competitors) who have a vulnerability protection or
mitigation product.

Our vulnerability disclosure policy is available online at:


ZDI-10-013: Microsoft Internet Explorer Table Layout Reuse Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

2010-01-21 Thread ZDI Disclosures
ZDI-10-013: Microsoft Internet Explorer Table Layout Reuse Remote Code 
Execution Vulnerability
January 21, 2010

-- CVE ID:

-- Affected Vendors:

-- Affected Products:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7

-- Vulnerability Details:
This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on
vulnerable installations of Microsoft Internet Explorer. User
interaction is required to exploit this vulnerability in that the target
must visit a malicious page.

The specific flaw exists when specific elements are used within a table
container. If one of these elements is removed the application will
unlink the element from the layout tree incorrectly. When this tree is
later traversed, the application will reuse the object that has been
freed which can lead to code execution under the context of the current

-- Vendor Response:
Microsoft has issued an update to correct this vulnerability. More
details can be found at:


-- Disclosure Timeline:
2009-07-14 - Vulnerability reported to vendor
2010-01-21 - Coordinated public release of advisory

-- Credit:
This vulnerability was discovered by:
* Sam Thomas of eshu.co.uk

-- About the Zero Day Initiative (ZDI):
Established by TippingPoint, The Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) represents 
a best-of-breed model for rewarding security researchers for responsibly
disclosing discovered vulnerabilities.

Researchers interested in getting paid for their security research
through the ZDI can find more information and sign-up at:


The ZDI is unique in how the acquired vulnerability information is
used. TippingPoint does not re-sell the vulnerability details or any
exploit code. Instead, upon notifying the affected product vendor,
TippingPoint provides its customers with zero day protection through
its intrusion prevention technology. Explicit details regarding the
specifics of the vulnerability are not exposed to any parties until
an official vendor patch is publicly available. Furthermore, with the
altruistic aim of helping to secure a broader user base, TippingPoint
provides this vulnerability information confidentially to security
vendors (including competitors) who have a vulnerability protection or
mitigation product.

Our vulnerability disclosure policy is available online at:


ZDI-10-011: Microsoft Internet Explorer Table Layout Col Tag Cache Update Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

2010-01-21 Thread ZDI Disclosures
ZDI-10-011: Microsoft Internet Explorer Table Layout Col Tag Cache Update 
Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
January 21, 2010

-- CVE ID:

-- Affected Vendors:

-- Affected Products:
Microsoft Internet Explorer

-- Vulnerability Details:
This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on
vulnerable installations of Microsoft Internet Explorer. User
interaction is required to exploit this vulnerability in that the target
must visit a malicious page.

The specific flaw exists when a Col element is used within an HTML table
container. If this element is removed while the table is in use a cache
that exists of the table's cells will be used after one of it's elements
has been invalidated. This can lead to code execution under the context
of the currently logged in user.

-- Vendor Response:
Microsoft has issued an update to correct this vulnerability. More
details can be found at:


-- Disclosure Timeline:
2009-07-14 - Vulnerability reported to vendor
2010-01-21 - Coordinated public release of advisory

-- Credit:
This vulnerability was discovered by:
* wushi of team509

-- About the Zero Day Initiative (ZDI):
Established by TippingPoint, The Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) represents 
a best-of-breed model for rewarding security researchers for responsibly
disclosing discovered vulnerabilities.

Researchers interested in getting paid for their security research
through the ZDI can find more information and sign-up at:


The ZDI is unique in how the acquired vulnerability information is
used. TippingPoint does not re-sell the vulnerability details or any
exploit code. Instead, upon notifying the affected product vendor,
TippingPoint provides its customers with zero day protection through
its intrusion prevention technology. Explicit details regarding the
specifics of the vulnerability are not exposed to any parties until
an official vendor patch is publicly available. Furthermore, with the
altruistic aim of helping to secure a broader user base, TippingPoint
provides this vulnerability information confidentially to security
vendors (including competitors) who have a vulnerability protection or
mitigation product.

Our vulnerability disclosure policy is available online at:


ZDI-10-012: Microsoft Internet Explorer Baseline Tag Rendering Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

2010-01-21 Thread ZDI Disclosures
ZDI-10-012: Microsoft Internet Explorer Baseline Tag Rendering Remote Code 
Execution Vulnerability
January 21, 2010

-- CVE ID:

-- Affected Vendors:

-- Affected Products:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8

-- TippingPoint(TM) IPS Customer Protection:
TippingPoint IPS customers have been protected against this
vulnerability by Digital Vaccine protection filter ID 9429. 
For further product information on the TippingPoint IPS, visit:


-- Vulnerability Details:
This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on
vulnerable installations of Microsoft Internet Explorer. User
interaction is required to exploit this vulnerability in that an
attacker must coerce a victim to visit a malicious page.

The specific flaw exists due to the application rendering intertwined
strike and center tags containing an element that manipulates the font
baseline such as 'sub' or 'sup'. When this element pointer is removed
the application will later dereference it even though it has been freed.
Successful exploitation can lead to arbitrary code execution under the
context of the currently logged in user.

-- Vendor Response:
Microsoft states:

-- Disclosure Timeline:
2009-07-16 - Vulnerability reported to vendor
2010-01-21 - Coordinated public release of advisory

-- Credit:
This vulnerability was discovered by:
* Sam Thomas of eshu.co.uk

-- About the Zero Day Initiative (ZDI):
Established by TippingPoint, The Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) represents 
a best-of-breed model for rewarding security researchers for responsibly
disclosing discovered vulnerabilities.

Researchers interested in getting paid for their security research
through the ZDI can find more information and sign-up at:


The ZDI is unique in how the acquired vulnerability information is
used. TippingPoint does not re-sell the vulnerability details or any
exploit code. Instead, upon notifying the affected product vendor,
TippingPoint provides its customers with zero day protection through
its intrusion prevention technology. Explicit details regarding the
specifics of the vulnerability are not exposed to any parties until
an official vendor patch is publicly available. Furthermore, with the
altruistic aim of helping to secure a broader user base, TippingPoint
provides this vulnerability information confidentially to security
vendors (including competitors) who have a vulnerability protection or
mitigation product.

Our vulnerability disclosure policy is available online at:
