[SECURITY] [DSA 3013-1] s3ql security update

2014-08-28 Thread Florian Weimer
Hash: SHA1

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Debian Security Advisory DSA-3013-1   secur...@debian.org
http://www.debian.org/security/Florian Weiemr
August 27, 2014http://www.debian.org/security/faq
- -

Package: s3ql
CVE ID : CVE-2014-0485

Nikolaus Rath discovered that s3ql, a file system for online data
storage, used the pickle functionality of the Python programming
language in an unsafe way.  As a result, a malicious storage backend
or man-in-the-middle attacker was able execute arbitrary code.

For the stable distribution (wheezy), this problem has been fixed in
version 1.11.1-3+deb7u1.

We recommend that you upgrade your s3ql packages.

Further information about Debian Security Advisories, how to apply
these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be
found at: https://www.debian.org/security/

Mailing list: debian-security-annou...@lists.debian.org
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


Aerohive Hive Manager and Hive OS Multiple Vulnerabilities

2014-08-28 Thread Disclosure
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Aerohive Hive Manager and Hive OS Multiple Vulnerabilities

Affected Versions: Aerohive Hive Manager (Stand-alone and Cloud) = 6.1R3 and 
HiveOS 6.1R3

| Description |

This document details multiple vulnerabilities found within the Aerohive Hive 
Manager and HiveOS software. These 
vulnerabilities have been disclosed to the vendor on or before the 24th of 
April 2014. 

-- Hive Manager Arbitrary File Disclosure --
Leveraging directory traversal, a malicious user can retrieve arbitrary files 
from the Hive Manager file system. As the 
Tomcat instance serving the Hive Manager software runs as the root user, this 
vulnerability can be used to read any 
file off the file system, including sensitive files such as /etc/shadow.

-- Hive Manager Arbitrary File Upload --
An authenticated malicious user may send a crafted post to the ‘upload’ servlet 
and upload arbitrary files. As the 
upload servlet is protected by HTTP basic authentication, this requires the 
knowledge of the scpuser’s password.

-- Hive Manager Debugserver Code Execution --
It was discovered that an authenticated user may send a crafted request to the 
Hive Manager ‘debugserver’ servlet 
and execute arbitrary commands on the Hive Manager server.

-- Hive Manager Multiple Password Disclosure --
Multiple methods within the Hive Manager web interface were found to expose 
sensitive information such as 
usernames and passwords. A malicious entity may leverage these disclosures to 
further compromise the Hive 

-- Hive Manager Reflected Cross Site Scripting --
Multiple Reflected Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilities were found within the 
Hive Manager software. These 
vulnerabilities allow a malicious entity to potentially gain JavaScript 
execution within a legitimate user’s browser. 
This is done with the aim of harming the user’s browser or hijacking their 

-- Hive Manager SSH Keys Lacking Passphrase --
An SSH key was found on the Hive Manager file system without any passphrase 
set. This allows a malicious user 
with access to the file system to gain unauthorised access to the system with 
root user privileges.

-- Hive Manager Subshell Bypass --
By using a crafted SSH command, a malicious user may gain root access to the 
Hive Manager with a fully functional 
bash terminal, effectively bypassing the Aerohive subshell. This allows the 
malicious user to perform tasks on the 
underlying CentOS Linux operating system, including the retrieval of private 
keys, passwords and other sensitive 

-- Hive Manager Unauthenticated Arbitrary File Upload --
The Hive Manager HHMUploadServlet was found to suffer from an Unauthenticated 
Arbitrary File Upload 
vulnerability. By sending a crafted packet to the servlet, a malicious entity 
is able to gain arbitrary code execution on 
the Hive Manager server.

-- HiveOS Local File Inclusion --
Aerohive HiveOS was found to contain a Local File Inclusion Vulnerability 
within the web administrative interface. 
The Local File Inclusion allows a malicious entity to control what files are 
included by the vulnerable PHP page. In 
the event that the malicious entity is able to control an element on the file 
system, this results in arbitrary code 
execution. As user controlled information is present within the log-files of 
the application, this is easily achievable.

-- HiveOS Password Disclosure --
Log files within the HiveOS operating system were found to disclose sensitive 
information such as usernames and 
password. A malicious user may leverage this information to further compromise 
the Aerohive deployment or its 

-- HiveOS Unauthenticated Firmware Upload --
Insufficient authorisation checking was found to be being performed on certain 
firmware upload functions. This 
allows for the upload of a backdoored or otherwise malicious firmware by an 

| Exploitation |

Detailed exploitation information and code will be released in December 2014.

| Workaround |

Update to the latest version of Hive Manager and HiveOS software including the 
cloud solutions.

| Credit |

Denis Andzakovic, Scott Bell, Nick Freeman, Thomas Hibbert, Carl Purvis, Pedro 

|About Security-Assessment.com|

Security-Assessment.com is a New Zealand based world
leader in web 

SEC Consult SA-20140828-0 :: F5 BIG-IP Reflected Cross-Site Scripting

2014-08-28 Thread SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab
Hash: SHA1

SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab Security Advisory  20140828-0 
  title: Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
product: F5 BIG-IP
 vulnerable version: = 11.5.1
  fixed version:  11.6.0
 impact: Medium
 CVE number: CVE-2014-4023
   homepage: https://f5.com/
  found: 2014-07-07
 by: Stefan Viehböck
 SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab

Vendor/product description:
- -
The BIG-IP product suite is a system of application delivery services that
work together on the same best-in-class hardware platform or software virtual
instance.  From load balancing and service offloading to acceleration and
security, the BIG-IP system delivers agility—and ensures your applications
are fast, secure, and available.

URL: https://f5.com/products/big-ip

Vulnerability overview/description:
- ---
BIG-IP suffers from a reflected Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability,
which allow an attacker to steal other users sessions, to impersonate other
users and to gain unauthorized access to the admin interface.

Proof of concept:
- -
The following HTTP request triggers the vulnerability:

POST /tmui/dashboard/echo.jsp HTTP/1.1
Cookie: BIGIPAuthCookie=*VALID_COOKIE*
Content-Length: 29


The server does not properly encode user supplied information and returns it
to the user resulting in Cross-Site Scripting.

Vulnerable / tested versions:
- -
More information can be found at:

Vendor contact timeline:
2014-07-08: Sending advisory and proof of concept exploit via encrypted
2014-07-09: Vendor confirms receipt of advisory. States that fix will be
released in the next 6 weeks or so
2014-07-24: Vendor provides CVE: CVE-2014-4023
2014-08-26: Vendor releases fixed version.
2014-08-28: SEC Consult releases a coordinated security advisory.

- -
Update to the newest version.

More information can be found at:

- ---
No workaround available.

Advisory URL:
- -

SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab

SEC Consult
Vienna - Bangkok - Frankfurt/Main - Montreal - Singapore - Vilnius

Mooslackengasse 17, 1190 Vienna, Austria
Phone:   +43 1 8903043 0
Fax: +43 1 8903043 15

Mail: research at sec-consult dot com
Web: https://www.sec-consult.com
Blog: http://blog.sec-consult.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sec_consult

Interested in working with the experts of SEC Consult?
Write to car...@sec-consult.com

EOF Stefan Viehböck / @2014
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://www.enigmail.net/


[SECURITY] [DSA 3014-1] squid3 security update

2014-08-28 Thread Salvatore Bonaccorso
Hash: SHA512

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Debian Security Advisory DSA-3014-1   secur...@debian.org
http://www.debian.org/security/  Salvatore Bonaccorso
August 28, 2014http://www.debian.org/security/faq
- -

Package: squid3
CVE ID : CVE-2014-3609
Debian Bug : 759509

Matthew Daley discovered that Squid3, a fully featured web proxy cache,
did not properly perform input validation in request parsing. A remote
attacker could use this flaw to mount a denial of service by sending
crafted Range requests.

For the stable distribution (wheezy), this problem has been fixed in
version 3.1.20-2.2+deb7u2.

For the unstable distribution (sid), this problem will be fixed soon.

We recommend that you upgrade your squid3 packages.

Further information about Debian Security Advisories, how to apply
these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be
found at: https://www.debian.org/security/

Mailing list: debian-security-annou...@lists.debian.org
Version: GnuPG v1


Re: SaaS Marketing platform Hubspot export vulnerability

2014-08-28 Thread security
We at HubSpot take the concerns of the security community seriously, and 
continuously work to improve our posture in this ever-changing field. We do 
have predefined roles in the application which allow our customers to segment 
users permissions based on their role. These horizontal permissions are quite 
common among SaaS vendors.

The export functionality mentioned does have existing auditing capability in 
the back end. For exports, we have full audit trails for the timestamp, link to 
the file, customer id, and user id for all requests. We have never exposed this 
audit data to our customers through the UI because there has never been a high 
demand for this functionality. This issue is now in queue with our Engineering 
team and we will be releasing it shortly.