Sidu 5.2 Admin XSS Vulnerability

2015-05-14 Thread apparitionsec
Affected Vendor:

Credits: John Page ( hyp3rlinx )


Sidu version 5.2 is a web based database front-end administration tool.

Advisory Information:
Sidu 5.2 is vulnerable to cross site scripting attacks.

Exploit code:


Disclosure Timeline:

Vendor Notification  May 12, 2015
May 13, 2015: Public Disclosure

Severity Level:


Request Method(s):
[+] GET

Vulnerable Product:
[+] Sidu 5.2

Vulnerable Parameter(s):
[+] sql=[XSS]

Affected Area(s):
[+] Admin of currently logged in user.



SEC Consult SA-20150514-0 :: Multiple vulnerabilities in Loxone Smart Home (part 2)

2015-05-14 Thread SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab
SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab Security Advisory  20150514-0 
  title: Multiple vulnerabilities
product: Loxone Smart Home
 vulnerable version: Firmware version
  fixed version:
 impact: Critical
  found: 2015-03-12
 by: Johannes Greil (Office Vienna)
 SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab

 An integrated part of SEC Consult
 Berlin - Frankfurt/Main - Montreal - Singapore
 Vienna (HQ) - Vilnius - Zurich


Vendor  product description:
Loxone Electronics was founded in 2009. Our focus is the development and
production of control solutions for all homes. Our aim is to make home
automation interesting, affordable and accessible for everyone.


Business recommendation:

Most of the issues previously identified (see SEC Consult security advisory
SA-20150227-0) seem not to have been fixed properly and are still exploitable
either directly or by easily bypassing implemented measures. A very short
crash-test of only a few hours even resulted in new vulnerabilities.

The Loxone smart home has multiple design and implementation flaws which
combined could be used by an attacker to:
1) remotely cause a denial of service condition which renders the smart
   home unusable which would effectively disable any Loxone-controlled
   alarm system,
2) steal the user's credentials for the management interface and fully
   control the smart home,
3) execute JavaScript code in the user's browser for further attacks,
4) control arbitrary devices connected to the system, e.g. switch on/off
   lights, remotely open doors or garages, disable alarm system, etc.,
5) gain access to admin passwords of Loxone partners (e.g. electricians
   who are implementing the smart home solution at customers) and
   completely take over other smart homes of the same Loxone partner!

It is recommended by SEC Consult not to use this smart home system until a
thorough security analysis (white box) of all components has been performed by
security professionals, as a very short crash test (Blackbox) already resulted
in critical vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability overview/description:
1) Cross-site request-forgery (XSRF)
The system is vulnerable to XSRF attacks. If an attacker is able to lure a user
into clicking a crafted link or by embedding such a link within web pages (e.g.
discussion forums) he could control arbitrary functions within the smart home
All functions can be controlled via web based commands, e.g. in order to switch
on lights, remotely open doors or garages, disable the alarm system, etc.

This can still be exploited in the current Loxone version and it does not seem
to be fixed properly.

2) HTTP Response Splitting / Header injection
The web server of the Loxone smart home system is vulnerable to HTTP response
splitting attacks. If an attacker is able to lure a user into clicking a
crafted link (e.g. just by clicking a URL in a discussion forum or
phishing email) he could arbitrarily manipulate the server's response (e.g.
injection of JavaScript code).

This can still be exploited in the current Loxone version and it does not seem
to be fixed properly. The implemented measures/filters can be easily bypassed
using double-encoded payloads.

This attack is not limited to the admin interface, it can be exploited in any
path of the webserver.

SEC Consult has verified this attack in the most current versions of Mozilla
Firefox and Google Chrome web browsers.

3) Reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability
The web interface of Loxone smart home is vulnerable to reflected cross-site
scripting attacks. If an attacker is able to lure a user into
clicking a crafted link (e.g. just by clicking a URL in a discussion forum or
phishing email) he could execute arbitrary JavaScript code in the user's
browser. Thereby he could steal the user's credentials or control arbitrary
devices within the smart home system. To exploit this vulnerability it isn't
mandatory for the user to be authenticated. Unauthenticated XSS vulnerabilities
exist as well (by exploiting the HTTP Response Splitting vulnerability
described in 2) as authenticated ones.

SEC Consult has verified this attack in the most current versions of Mozilla
Firefox and Google Chrome web browsers.

4) Denial of service
An attacker could perform a denial of service attack with simple measures, such
as synflood attacks. During such an attack the system isn't accessible via the
network and can't be controlled

[SECURITY] CVE-2014-7810: Apache Tomcat Security Manager Bypass

2015-05-14 Thread Mark Thomas
Hash: SHA256

CVE-2014-7810 Security Manager Bypass

Severity: Moderate

Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation

Versions Affected:
- - Apache Tomcat 8.0.0-RC1 to 8.0.15
- - Apache Tomcat 7.0.0 to 7.0.57
- - Apache Tomcat 6.0.0 to 6.0.43

Malicious web applications could use expression language to bypass the
protections of a Security Manager as expressions were evaluated within
a privileged code section.
This issue only affects installations that run web applications from
untrusted sources.

Users of affected versions should apply one of the following mitigations
- - Upgrade to Apache Tomcat 8.0.17 or later
  (8.0.16 has the fix but was not released)
- - Upgrade to Apache Tomcat 7.0.59 or later
  (7.0.58 has the fix but was not released)
- - Upgrade to Apache Tomcat 6.0.44 or later

This issue was discovered by the Apache Tomcat security team.


Version: GnuPG v2


Certificate trust vulnerability in Websense Content Gateway

2015-05-14 Thread Steve Shockley

Websense Content Gateway proxy explicitly trusts compromised certificate 

Affected versions: Content Gateway 7.8.x
Not affected: Content Gateway 7.7.x, 8.0

Websense Content Gateway is a filtering web proxy and content inspection 
application based on a modified Inktomi/Apache Traffic Server.  To 
enable inspection and filtering of encrypted traffic, the application 
uses an internal certificate authority and decrypts and re-encrypts 
traffic passing through the device.  Content Gateway maintains its own 
list of trusted certificate authorities, since all HTTPS traffic 
accessed via Content Gateway will appear to be signed by the Content 
Gateway CA.

Websense updates the list of trusted certificate authorities with each 
new major version (7.7.0, 7.8.0, etc.).  It appears new trusted 
certificates were imported from the Mozilla/NSS CA store for 7.8.0, but 
the deny trust flag was set incorrectly.  Therefore, the status of 
compromised certificates (DigiNotar, UTN-USERFirst-Hardware, Digisign 
(Enrich)) was imported as explicitly trusted instead of untrusted.

An attacker with access to these compromised certificates could mount a 
phishing or MITM attack against clients behind a Content Gateway without 
raising suspicions.

Websense will not release a patch for this issue.  Users of affected 
systems can upgrade to 8.0, manually delete the compromised trusted 
certificate authorities, or change the status to Deny.  I have 
provided steps below which update the status in bulk from the OS shell 

You should review and test these steps first, and evaluate if any other 
trusted certificates should be updated or removed.  These steps are not 
supported by Websense, and there is no warranty.

From the shell, execute the following commands.  This script will 
change the status column to 1 (deny) for the certificate authorities 
with the listed hashes.  Content Gateway must be stopped, or your 
changes will be overwritten.

sudo service WCG stop
sudo /usr/bin/sqlite3 /opt/WCG/config/new_scip3.db

Paste the following script:
UPDATE cert_issuer
SET status = 0
WHERE issuer_hash IN (

sudo service WCG start

10/10/2014: Opened case with Websense support
10/30/2014: Websense support claims product does not include compromised 
certificates, and that I added them.  I disagree, and verify that a 
clean install of the product does include them.
11/11/2014: Informed by support that Websense will review the 
certificates for the next release, but will not issue a patch for 
existing systems.

11/19/2014: Attempt to escalate issue via sales instead of support
11/20/2014: Sales says they're checking with product management about a 

1/20/2015: Asked for update on patch
1/21/2015: Informed 8.0 product will include a fix
2/3/2015: Triton 8.0 product released; compromised certificates are no 
longer included at all

Thanks to Websense Product Security for correcting an error in the SQL 
script above.