Authentication vulnerabilities in OpenBSD

2019-12-05 Thread Qualys Security Advisory

Qualys Security Advisory

Authentication vulnerabilities in OpenBSD


1. CVE-2019-19521: Authentication bypass
   1.1. Analysis
   1.2. Case study: smtpd
   1.3. Case study: ldapd
   1.4. Case study: radiusd
   1.5. Case study: sshd
   1.6. Case study: su
2. CVE-2019-19520: Local privilege escalation via xlock
3. CVE-2019-19522: Local privilege escalation via S/Key and YubiKey
4. CVE-2019-19519: Local privilege escalation via su
5. Acknowledgments

1. CVE-2019-19521: Authentication bypass

We discovered an authentication-bypass vulnerability in OpenBSD's
authentication system: this vulnerability is remotely exploitable in
smtpd, ldapd, and radiusd, but its real-world impact should be studied
on a case-by-case basis. For example, sshd is not exploitable thanks to
its defense-in-depth mechanisms.

1.1. Analysis

From the manual page of login.conf:

 OpenBSD uses BSD Authentication, which is made up of a variety of
 authentication styles.  The authentication styles currently provided are:
 passwd Request a password and check it against the password in the
master.passwd file.  See login_passwd(8).
 skey   Send a challenge and request a response, checking it with
S/Key (tm) authentication.  See login_skey(8).
 yubikeyAuthenticate using a Yubico YubiKey token.  See
 For any given style, the program /usr/libexec/auth/login_style is used to
 perform the authentication.  The synopsis of this program is:

 /usr/libexec/auth/login_style [-v name=value] [-s service] username class

This is the first piece of the puzzle: if an attacker specifies a
username of the form "-option", they can influence the behavior of the
authentication program in unexpected ways.

From the manual page of login_passwd:

 login_passwd [-s service] [-v wheel=yes|no] [-v lastchance=yes|no] user
 The service argument specifies which protocol to use with the invoking
 program.  The allowed protocols are login, challenge, and response.  (The
 challenge protocol is silently ignored but will report success as passwd-
 style authentication is not challenge-response based).

This is the second piece of the puzzle: if an attacker specifies the
username "-schallenge" (or "-schallenge:passwd" to force a passwd-style
authentication), then the authentication is automatically successful and
therefore bypassed.

1.2. Case study: smtpd

To demonstrate how smtpd's authentication can be bypassed, we follow the
instructions from the manual page of smtpd.conf:

 In this second example, the aim is to permit mail delivery and relaying
 only for users that can authenticate (using their normal login
   listen on egress tls pki auth
   match auth from any for any action "outbound"

and we restart smtpd. Then, with our remote-attacker hat on:

$ printf '\0-schallenge\0whatever' | openssl base64

$ openssl s_client -connect -starttls smtp
AUTH PLAIN AC1zY2hhbGxlbmdlAHdoYXRldmVy
235 2.0.0 Authentication succeeded

1.3. Case study: ldapd

From the manual page of ldapd:

 ldapd can authenticate users via simple binds or SASL with the PLAIN
 When using SASL binds, the authentication ID shoul

BeeGFS Privilege Escalation (CVE-2019-15897)

2019-12-05 Thread john

BeeGFS Privilege Escalation (CVE-2019-15897)

* Software: BeeGFS
* Affected Versions: All versions upto and including 7.1.3
* Vendor: ThinkparQ
* CVE: CVE-2019-15897
* Severity: CVSS 9.6 (Critical) [CVSS:3.0/AV:A/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H]
* Author: John Fitzpatrick
* Date: 2019-12-04


BeeGFS is a "leading parallel cluster filesystem", used in many HPC 
environments. A vulnerability exists in a default installation of BeeGFS which 
allows users to perform operations which allow them to elevate their privileges 
and become root. This is due to a failure to properly authenticate a user when 
performing filesystem operations. BeeGFS deployments utilising the BeeGFS 
cloudformation template were also affected by this issue.

Installations which are making use of connection-based authentication, using 
the “connAuthFile” option to specify a shared key, are not affected by this 
issue if the shared key is only readable by root. Without a connAuthFile 
configured any host able to communicate with the BeeGFS cluster can become part 
of the cluster and mount the BeeGFS filesystem.

In order to resolve this issue BeeGFS users should configure connection-based 
authentication within their environment ensuring that the shared key is only 
readable by root. This will prevent non root users from exploiting this issue 
but will prevent non-root users from utilising utilities such as beegfs-ctl.

Solution / Workaround

This vulnerability can be mitigated by making use of the connAuthFile 
configuration option. This option, whilst intended to restrict which hosts can 
communicate with BeeGFS, can also be leveraged to prevent non root users from 
gaining root as a result of this weakness. This is done by setting the path to 
a shared key within the BeeGFS configuration file on each node. An example of 
this is shown below:

   connAuthFile = /etc/beegfs/connauthfile

The contents of the connAuthFile can be anything but must be the same on each 
host as this is a shared key. If this key is readable by non-root users then it 
will be ineffective in preventing the attacks described above (although hosts 
without access to the key from joining the cluster), the key must be configured 
readable only by root:

   $ ls -la /etc/beegfs/connauthfile 
   -rw--- 1 root root 640 Aug 28 02:29 /etc/beegfs/connauthfile

With the connAuthFile option configured BeeGFS will derive a 64 bit key from 
the file containing the secret and this value is used to authenticate the 
communication channels when they are initially established as well as any 
subsequent communication channels.

When configured communications which have not first authenticated with this key 
are ignored and silently dropped by the BeeGFS cluster.
This mitigation does prevents non-root users from using any BeeGFS utilities 
(beegfs-ctl, beegfs-check-servers, etc.).

No specific fix has been provided by BeeGFS for this vulnerability, therefore 
updating versions of BeeGFS will (currently) not resolve this issue. The 
workaround described above is the official supported recommendation from BeeGFS.

The BeeGFS cloudformation templates have been updated in order to make use of a 
shared key.


2019-08-23: Issue reported to ThinkparQ
2019-08-26: Acknowledgement from ThinkparQ
2019-09-05: Details of proposed remediation from ThinkparQ and proposed 
disclosure date
2019-11-17: HPCsec pre-advisory published
2019-11-19: Confirmation that cloudformation templates have been updated
2019-12-04: Advisory published
