LastPass Android container PIN and auto-wipe security feature bypass (CVE-2013-5113/5114)

2013-11-13 Thread Chris John Riley
LastPass Android container PIN and auto-wipe security feature bypass

Product: LastPass (Android)
Project Homepage:
Internal Advisory ID: c22-2013-02
Vulnerable Version(s): Android version 2.0.4 (and prior)
Tested Version: Android 2.0.4 (Android 4.2/4.3)
Vendor Notification: Aug 13, 2013
Public Disclosure: November XX, 2013
Vulnerability Type: Authentication Bypass Issues [CWE-592]
CVE Reference: CVE-2013-5113, CVE-2013-5114
Issue Severity: Important impact
CVSSv2 Base Score: 6.6 (AV:L/AC:L/AU:N/C:C/I:C/A:N)
Discovery: Chris John Riley ( )

Advisory Details:

Effected versions of LastPass on the Android platform allow
for users with limited access via the ADB (Android Debug Bridge)
interface of an Android device (USB debugging enabled, no root access
required) to perform backup and restore of applications and application
data. The ADB backup functionality requires an Android device running
the Ice-Cream Sandwich version of Android (4.x) or above.
LastPass on Android allows the user to store the username
and password within the Android container, and set a PIN to prevent
unauthorized access in the event the device is lost or stolen. This
PIN protection also sets an auto-wipe feature that will delete
application data after 10 false logons.
Due to the way recent versions of Android implements the backup and
restore process, both the implemented PIN protection and the enforced
auto-wipe can be avoided and entirely bypassed to allow attackers the
ability to clear or recover the PIN from application settings data
stored in LPandroid.xml.
Using a simple process, it is possible for an attacker with physical
access to a device to backup the LastPass Android container and remove
any PIN protections present on the application. It is also possible to
restore the LastPass Android container to a secondary device and
maintain live access to changes made by the user either via the web interface or the original device's LastPass Android
application. This exposes not only cached username and password data
stored within the LastPass Android container acquired by an attacker, but
also any changes made after the fact.

Attackers can extract and possibly maintain access to a user’s LastPass
data from a lost or stolen device. This effectively allows an attacker
the ability to use the recovered credentials from LastPass to perform
account takeover using the LastPass data.

1) Gain physical access to an Android device containing the LastPass
2) Enable USB debugging (if not already enabled)
3) Perform backup of the LastPass application using ADB
(adb backup com.lastpass.lpandroid)
4) Extract the resulting Android Backup file (using for example the tool available here --> backup
5) Edit the extracted LPandroid.xml file to remove the following values
6) Repack the directory structure (using for example the tool available here --> backup
7) Restore to either the original device or a secondary attacker
controlled Android device using ADB (adb restore edited_backup.ab)

LastPass have released a new version to the Google Play store that
corrects these issue by disabling the ability to perform an ADB backup
of the LastPass container. It has been confirmed that the version
2.5.1 is no longer directly susceptible to this attack method.

At this time LastPass have not provided an advisory discussing the issue

Vulnerability Timeline:

May, 2013 - Initial discovery of vulnerability
Aug 13, 2013 - LastPass contacted with request for secure communications
Aug 13, 2013 - Response from LastPass setting up secure communications
Aug 13, 2013 - Details reported to LastPass
Aug 13, 2013 - Clarification of issue
Aug 13, 2013 - Response from LastPass that allowBackup:false is now set
in all new releases (change already implemented in testing prior to
the report being received)
Aug 16, 2013 - CVE numbers sent to LastPass
Aug 28, 2013 - Name added to LastPass acknowledgements page
June 30, 2013 - Initial Answer from GOOD
Aug 8, 2013 - Telephone conference with GOOD (cancelled)
Sept 05, 2013 - Response that issues resolved to LastPass's satisfaction
Sept 05, 2013 - Re-Tested and advised of new bypass
Sept 05, 2013 - Blog post released demonstrating process
Sept 06, 2013 - Acceptance of risk associated with new Bypass (low risk)
Nov 13, 2013 - Advisory released (delayed)

Privoxy Proxy Authentication Credential Exposure - CVE-2013-2503

2013-03-11 Thread Chris John Riley
Privoxy Proxy Authentication Credential Exposure

Product: Privoxy
Project Homepage:
Advisory ID: c22-2013-01
Vulnerable Version(s): 3.0.20 (and possibly prior)
Tested Version: 3.0.20-1 (tested using Debian Sid)
Vendor Notification: March 6, 2013
Public Disclosure: March 11, 2013
Vulnerability Type: Insufficiently Protected Credentials [CWE-522]
CVE Reference: CVE-2013-2503
Risk Level: Medium
CVSSv2 Base Score: 4.3 (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N)
Discovery: Chris John Riley ( )

Advisory Details:

During research into browser and proxy server handling of HTTP
Response Codes, an issue with the way that Privoxy handles HTTP
Response code 407 "Proxy Authentication Required" was discovered.
Privoxy in versions 3.0.20 (and possibly prior) ignores the presence of
"Proxy-Authenticate" and "Proxy-Authorization" headers and allows these
values to be passed to and from a remote server without modification.
The resulting behavior could allow a malicious websites to spoof a
Proxy-Authentication response appearing to originate from the Privoxy
service. The Privoxy user will then be prompted for a username and
password that appears to originate from the Privoxy software.


1) A Privoxy user visits a website using a browser of their choice
2) The remote website responds to the request with a 407 "Proxy
Authentication Required" HTTP response code and the appropriate
"Proxy-Authenticate: Basic" HTTP response header
3) This response is passed through the Privoxy service without
modification to the users browser
4) As the browser is configured to use a proxy server, the browser
believes that the upstream proxy (Privoxy) has requested
authentication and prompts the user for a username and password. This
prompt states that the proxy server at "" requires
authentication (this prompt may vary if Privoxy is running on a
machine other than localhost and/or on a non-default port number)
5) If the user enters a username and password, the browser will send
a request through Privoxy to the remote website with a
"Proxy-Authorization: " HTTP request header (where XXX is
a base64 encoded version of the username and password the user
entered at the browsers proxy authentication prompt)
6) The remote website receives this header and can store or re-use
these captured credentials

Proof of Concept:

The above URL will respond with a "Proxy-Authenticate: basic" header
when a request is received that does no contain a
"Proxy-Authorization" header. This will prompt the users browser to
request a username/password from the user. If you enter a value in the
username/password box and click ok, it will send a Base64 encoded
version to the remote website (the server will display the response
headers at the bottom of the resulting page under request headers (one
of the values will be "Proxy-Authorization" with a base64 encoded
version of the entered username/password). For a full walkthrough it
is suggested to capture this in your favourite packet capture program
and walk through the requests to view the entire process.

Note --> The above POC does not store any data sent to the server,
however it is suggested to use bogus credentials if testing this proof of


The following solution was suggested and implemented in Privoxy 3.0.21

Proxy authentication headers are removed unless the new directive
enable-proxy-authentication-forwarding is used. Forwarding the headers
potentionally allows malicious sites to trick the user into providing
it with login information.

Privoxy 3.0.21 ChangeLog -->

Vulnerability Timeline:

March 5, 2013 20:00 - Initial discovery of vulnerability
March 6, 2013 14:48 > Emailed Privoxy developer list to request a
security contact
March 6, 2013 15:26 < Received response with dedicated security contact
March 6, 2013 16:01 > Emailed details of the vulnerability to security
March 6, 2013 17:19 < Received response acknowledging issue. Fix
indicated in upcoming release
March 6, 2013 18:38 > Acknowledged receipt of email and advised of
updated CVSSv2 score
March 7, 2013 15:50 < Received response detailing proposed fix,
including link to CVS check-in of new code
March 7, 2013 18:48 > Acknowledged receipt of email
March 9, 2013 16:54 > Emailed CVE number to security contact and
requested information on release plans
March 10, 2013 14:28 < Received confirmation of release timeline
March 10, 2013 14:58 - Release of Privoxy 3.0.21 stable
March 11, 2013 07:45 - Release of advisory

• Chris John Riley •
• •
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