(resend) RE: [WEB SECURITY] Trustwave's SpiderLabs Security Advisory TWSL2010-001

2010-02-12 Thread Chris Weber
The key part of the advisory for me wasn't VIEWSTATE as much as it was the 
controls, but this statement you made seemed pretty outrageous (with regard to 

   'These vulnerabilities show that unsigned client-side viewstates will ALWAYS 
result in a vulnerability in the affected products.'

I would disagree - it depends how the software developer implemented use of the 
VIEWSTATE's content.  In ASP.NET, the interesting part here was that you 
appeared to be controlling an innerhtml property of a Form control through the 
VIEWSTATE.  What your example didn't show, I'm assuming, is some code behind 
that pulled out the IndexedString and set the value in the form's innerHtml 
property/attribute. That's just dangerous coding, akin to trusting client-side 
input and no different than acting on client input that came from any method, 
form input, JSON, etc.  Your repro was a bit confusing/misleading without that 
part.  Otherwise, were you saying that some controls inherently populate their 
properties/attributes from VIEWSTATE content automagically?  

There have been past discussions on VIEWSTATE's security:

Scott Mitchell documented tampering VIEWSTATE in a 2004 article:

Michal Zalewski reported some exploit scenarios with replay and DoS through 

You made a reference to how other controls are also vulnerable to this attack.  
I think that data would be more useful in the advisory.  

Yes there do exist ASP.NET controls which don't properly encode, and I would 
refer readers to Sacha Faust's FxCop rule which finds those dangerous controls:


Best regards,
Chris Weber

-Original Message-
From: Trustwave Advisories [mailto:trustwaveadvisor...@trustwave.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 2:41 PM
To: webapp...@lists.securityfocus.com; websecur...@webappsec.org; 
full-disclos...@lists.grok.org.uk; bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Subject: [WEB SECURITY] Trustwave's SpiderLabs Security Advisory TWSL2010-001

Trustwave's SpiderLabs Security Advisory TWSL2010-001:
Multiplatform View State Tampering Vulnerabilities

Published: 2010-02-08 Version: 1.1

SpiderLabs has documented view state tampering
vulnerabilities in three products from separate vendors.
View states are used by some web application frameworks to
store the state of HTML GUI controls. View states are
typically stored in hidden client-side input fields,
although server-side storage is widely supported.

The affected vendors generally recommend that client-side
view states are cryptographically signed and/or encrypted,
but specific exploits have not been previously documented.
These vulnerabilities show that unsigned client-side view
states will ALWAYS result in a vulnerability in the affected

Credit: David Byrne of Trustwave's SpiderLabs

Vendor: Microsoft (http://www.microsoft.com)
Product: ASP.Net (http://www.asp.net)
Versions affected: .Net 3.5 is confirmed vulnerable;
previous versions are likely to be vulnerable as well.

ASP.Net is a web-application development framework that
provides for both user interfaces, and back-end

The ASP.Net view state is typically stored in a hidden field
named __VIEWSTATE. When a page's view state is not
cryptographically signed, many standard .Net controls are
vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) through the view

It is well documented that using an unsigned view state is
bad, but most previous advisories focus on vaguely
described threats or vulnerabilities introduced by custom
use of the view state. To the best of Trustwave's knowledge,
this is the first time a proof of concept attack of this
nature has been demonstrated against the view state. A
vulnerability was alluded to in a 2004 Microsoft article on
troubleshooting view state problems [1]. However, other
Microsoft documents recommend disabling view state signing
if performance is a key consideration, [2, 3, 4] or for
various other reasons [5, 6]. Realistically, unsigned view
states should never be used in a production environment.

The following code is vulnerable to a XSS attack against the
form control. Note that the ValidateRequest setting does
not prevent the attack.

   %@ Page EnableViewStateMac=False 
   ValidateRequest=True %
   html runat=server
  form runat=server/

If the following request is sent to the server, the response
will contain JavaScript that calls an alert box.


The view state's XML equivalent is below:

   ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-16?

[tool release] Watcher v1.0.0 - passive Web-app security testing and compliance auditing

2009-03-30 Thread Chris Weber
Watcher is a runtime passive-analysis tool for HTTP-based Web applications. 
It complements static code analysis and manual security reviews by providing
painless verification of operational and code-level issues at runtime. 
Watcher works seamlessly with today’s complex Web 2.0 applications by
running silently in the background while you drive your browser and interact
with the Web-application. 

It is being released for free under an Open Source license, the binaries and
source are available through CodePlex at
http://websecuritytool.codeplex.com/.  A screenshot of the reporting screen
is also there.

This tool provides pen-testers hot-spot detection for vulnerabilities,
developers quick sanity checks, and auditors PCI compliance auditing.  It
looks for issues related to mashups, user-controlled payloads, cookies,
comments, HTTP headers, SSL, Flash, Silverlight, referrer leaks, information
disclosure, Unicode, and more.

Major Features:
1. Silent and passive detection of security, privacy, and PCI compliance
issues in HTTP, HTML, Javascript, and CSS
2. Works seamlessly with complex Web 2.0 applications while you drive the
Web browser
3. Non-intrusive, will not raise alarms or damage production sites
4. Real-time analysis and reporting - findings are reported as they’re
found, exportable to XML
5. Configurable domains with wildcard support
6. Extensible framework for adding new checks

Watcher is built as a plugin for the Fiddler HTTP debugging proxy available
at www.fiddlertool.com.  It’s built in C# as a small framework with 30+
checks already included. New checks can be easily created to perform custom
audits specific to your policies, or to perform more general-purpose
security assessments. Examples of the types of issues Watcher will currently

Cross-domain stylesheet and javascript references
User-controllable cross-domain references 
User-controllable attribute values such as href, form action, etc. 
Cross-domain form POSTs
Insecure cookies which don't set the HTTPOnly or secure flags
Open redirects which can be abused by spammers and phishers
Insecure Flash object access through allowScriptAccess
Insecure Flash crossdomain.xml
Insecure Silverlight clientaccesspolicy.xml
Charset declarations which could introduce vulnerability (non-UTF-8)
User-controllable charset declarations 
Dangerous context-switching between HTTP and HTTPS
Insufficient use of cache-control headers when private data is concerned
(e.g. no-store)
Potential HTTP referer leaks of sensitive user-information
Potential information leaks in URL parameters
Source code comments worth a closer look
Hidden debugging messages from Web and Database servers
Insecure authentication protocols like Digest and Basic
SSL certificate validation errors
SSL insecure protocol issues (allowing SSL v2)
Unicode issues with invalid byte streams

Reducing false positives is a high priority, suggestions are welcome.  Right
now each check takes steps to reduce false positives, some better than
others, and checks can be individually disabled if they’re generating too
much noise.  E.g. we know that only certain cookies such as session cookies
need HttpOnly set, but figuring this out automatically has proven difficult
without requiring the user to specify the cookie name.  

New checks are being planned, and new check ideas or contributions are very
welcome.  For example:

   Unicode transformation hot-spot detection (planned) 
   User-controllable javascript events (planned)

Contact me with any questions, bugs, or suggestions.

-Chris Weber