wp-02-0011: Jetty CGIServlet Arbitrary Command Execution

2002-10-02 Thread Matt Moore

Westpoint Security Advisory

Title:Jetty CGIServlet Arbitrary Command Execution
Risk Rating:  Medium
Software: Jetty Servlet Container
Platforms:Win32 (other platforms not tested)
Vendor URL:   www.mortbay.org
Author:   Matt Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 1st October 2002
Advisory ID#: wp-02-0011.txt

Jetty is a 100% Java HTTP Server and Servlet Container. A flaw
in the CGIServlet allows an attacker to execute arbitrary commands
on the server.


Commands can be executed on the server by making requests like:


Patch / Workaround Information:

The vendor responded quickly and has released a fixed version, 4.1.0
which can be downloaded from http://jetty.mortbay.org

Excerpt from Vendor announcement at:


'4.1.0 also contains a priority security fix for the CGI servlet
running on windows platforms. This remotely exploitable problem
effects all previous versions of Jetty that use the CGI servlet
on windows without a permissions file configured for the context.
The CGI servlet from 4.1.0 may be used in 4.0 releases.'

This advisory is available online at:


wp-02-0012: Carello 1.3 Remote File Execution (Updated 1/10/2002)

2002-10-02 Thread Matt Moore

Westpoint Security Advisory

Title:Carello 1.3 Remote File Execution
Risk Rating:  High
Software: Carello Shopping Cart
Platforms:Win2k, WinNT
Vendor URL:   www.carelloweb.com
Author:   Matt Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 10th July 2002
Advisory ID#: wp-02-0012
Revision: Updated 22/02/2002 (see addendum)


Carello 1.3 is a web based shopping cart solution, which uses hidden 
HTML form
fields to specify executables to handle POSTed form data.


Remote File Execution

Carello uses hidden form fields to specify the names of executables on 
the server which
are to handle POSTed form data. This allows an attacker to manipulate 
the HTML to
specify arbitrary executables, which the Carello server software will 
then run. For
example, a typical section of an HTML page created by Carello looks like 
(angle brackets

form method=POST action= http://server/scripts/Carello/Carello.dll;
input type=hidden name=CARELLOCODE value=WESTPOINT
input type=hidden name=VBEXE value= c:\inetpub\..carello-exe-file
input type=etc etc

Hence, by specifying a value like ' 
c:\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\.\winnt\notepad.exe '
an attacker can execute arbitrary files.

Vendor response:

The vendor indicated that the vulnerability will be fixed in the next 
of Carello. When asked for an expected release date, they replied that:

'Unfortunately, we do not have a plan to upgrade the program so far. But 
I put
your indication on our program modification request list.'

This advisory is available online at:


22/02/2002 - New information.

Westpoint would like to thank Peter Grundl of KPMG for providing additional
information on this vulnerability:

Exploitable via GET requests
The vulnerability can be exploited by making a GET request to the 
vulnerable .dll
and specifying the 'VBEXE' as a parameter.

Passing parameters to the invoked executable
It is possible to pass parameters to the executables invoked using this 

For example:

c:\.\winnt\system32\cmd.exe%20/c%20dir c:\dir.txt

Carello attempts to verify that the VBEXE file specified is not in 
%systemroot% - prepending
\.\ to the path circumvents this restriction.

wp-02-0003: MySQL Locally Exploitable Buffer Overflow

2002-10-02 Thread Matt Moore

Westpoint Security Advisory

Title: MySQL Locally Exploitable Buffer Overflow
Risk Rating:   Medium
Software:  mySQL Database v3.23.49-nt
Platforms: Win32 (other platforms not tested)
Vendor URL:www.mysql.com
Author:Matt Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:  1st October 2002
Advisory ID#:  wp-02-0003
CVE#   CAN-2002-0969

The Win32 version of MySQL has a locally exploitable buffer overflow 
condition which could allow an attacker to execute code in the context 
of the SYSTEM account if MySQL is running as an NT Service (which is the 


MySQL reads a configuration file,'my.ini' from from either c:\my.ini or
c:\WINNT\my.ini . The default ACL's for c:\my.ini allow the 'Everyone' 
Full Control.The ACL's for c:\winnt are slightly more restrictive, but do
allow members of the 'Power Users' NT Group write access.

By supplying an overly long string for the 'datadir' parameter in 
my.ini, it is
possible to overflow a buffer in mysqld-nt.exe, overwriting EIP, and 
hence executing
arbitrary code in the context of the SYSTEM account.


Change the entry for 'datadir' from:




and restart the mySQl service or reboot the machine.

Vendor Response:

Fixed in the 3.23.50 release of MySQL and MySQL 4.0.2

Patch Information:

Upgrade to the latest version from www.mysql.com

This advisory is available online at:


wp--02-0005: Multiple Vulnerabilities in SuperScout Web Reports Server

2002-10-02 Thread Matt Moore

Westpoint Security Advisory

Title: Multiple Vulnerabilities in SuperScout Web Reports Server
Risk Rating:   High
Software:  SurfControl SuperScout WebFilter
Platforms: Win32 (WinNT/ Win2k)
Vendor URL:www.surfcontrol.com
Author:Matt Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:  1st October 2002
Advisory ID#:  wp-02-0005
CVE#:  CAN-2002-0705 - username/passwords accessible
CAN-2002-0706 - weak encryption for passwords
CAN-2002-0707 - large GET requests
CAN-2002-0708 - Triple dot directory traversal
CAN-2002-0709 - SQL injection


Surfcontrol's SuperScout Web Filter for Windows allows companies to monitor
and regulate their employees use of the internet. It offers comprehensive
reporting capabilities, and provides a 'web' interface for report 

Multiple vulnerabilities in the Web Reports Server could allow remote 
to compromise the host on which SuperScout is installed and also modify 
or remove
information from the database that it uses.


Usernames and Passwords Retrievable.

The file located at:


contains the usernames and passwords for each user of the reports server.
The usernames are in plain text, whilst the passwords are encrypted.

Weak Encryption
The encryption is implemented via a simple JavaScript, located at:


The EncryptString function takes two parameters 'text string' and 'key'.

Unfortunately, the key is hard-coded into another javaScript function and
hence it is trivial to decrypt the passwords. (The key is 'test').

The default administrative password, '38' decrypts to 'admin'.

As a result of this, an attacker can access any reports available
on the server.

DoS via Large GET request
Repeated large GET requests cause the reports service to consume 100% CPU,
at which point it no longer services requests. The server does appear to
recover eventually. However, this was not tested extensively.

Triple Dot Directory Traversal
An attacker can retrieve any file on the server via a simple directory
traversal attack, e.g.


SQL Injection Vulnerability
The various reports available are implemented as .dll's. Several of 
these perform
no input validation, and hence it is possible that an attacker could 
arbitrary SQL queries against the database:

http://reports-server:/SimpleBar.dll/RunReport ?...various parameters

The banner returned by the server is 'MS-MFC-HttpSvr/1.0'. A search for 
returned the following link:



The reports server appears to be based on a sample application from 
Other servers based on this may be vulnerable to the directory traversal
and DoS attacks.

Vendor Response:

The vendor, SurfControl was initially contacted on 18/07/02.

The vendor stated that they were looking at ways to deliver reports
in different formats, and that these would encompass tighter security.
They had no definite timescales for this, but suggested the following
workaround (below).

Patch Information:

No patch available. Vendor supplied workaround:

Disable the reports server and consider using a terminal session to
the server to access the reports.

This advisory is available online at:


wp-02-0008: Apache Tomcat Cross Site Scripting

2002-07-10 Thread Matt Moore

Westpoint Security Advisory

Title:Apache Tomcat Cross Site Scripting
Risk Rating:  Low
Software: Apache Tomcat v4.0.3
Platforms:WinNT, Win2k, Linux
Vendor URL:   jakarta.apache.org
Author:   Matt Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 10th July 2002
Advisory ID#: wp-02-0008

Apache Tomcat is the servlet container that is used in the official 
Implementation for the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies.

Tomcat has a couple of Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilities.


Cross Site Scripting

By using the /servlet/ mapping to invoke various servlets / classes it is
possible to cause Tomcat to throw an exception, allowing XSS attacks:





Linux and Win32 versions of Tomcat are vulnerable.

(angle brackets omitted)

The DOS device name physical path disclosure bug reported recently by 
Peter Grundl
can also be used to perform XSS attacks, e.g:

tomcat-server/COM2.IMG%20src= Javascript:alert(document.domain)

This is obviously Win32 specific.

Vendor Response:


Patch Information:

Upgrading to v4.1.3 beta resolves the DOS device name XSS issue.

The workaround for the other XSS issues described above is as follows:

The invoker servlet (mapped to /servlet/), which executes anonymous 
classes that have not been defined in a web.xml file should be unmapped.

The entry for this can be found in the /tomcat-install-dir/conf/web.xml 

Two Nessus plugins should be available to test for these vulnerabilities 


This advisory is available online at:


wp-02-0007: Microsoft SQLXML ISAPI Overflow and Cross Site Scripting

2002-06-13 Thread Matt Moore

Westpoint Security Advisory

Title: Microsoft SQLXML ISAPI Overflow and Cross Site Scripting
Risk Rating:Medium
Software: Microsoft SQLXML 3.0 / IIS 5.0 / SQLServer 2000
Vendor URL: www.microsoft.com
Author:Matt Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:12 June 2002
Advisory ID#:wp-02-0007.txt
CVE#:CVE-CAN-2002-0186 (XSS) and CVE-CAN-2002-0187 (Overflow)

SQLXML allows XML data to be transferred to and from SQL Server, returning
database queries as XML.

SQlXML has two vulnerabilities: a buffer overflow in the SQLXML ISAPI
filter, and a cross site scripting vulnerability.

More complete details on how SQLXML works can be found in Microsoft's
advisory (see below).


Cross Site Scripting

Part of the functionality of SQLXML is being able to run SQL queries via a
URL such as:


This will return an XML document containing the query results.

It is possible to specify an extra parameter in the query, 'root', which
returns the data as above, but with a 'root' tag of the xml document as
the user specified.

This feature can be used to perform cross site scripting attacks against
the web application running on the server:



Best practice recommends against allowing ad hoc URL queries against a

SQLXML ISAPI Filter Buffer Overflow
When making SQL queries using the 'sql=' functionality of SQLXML it is
possible to specify certain parameters which affect the returned XML
(e.g. xsl=). One of these parameters lets you set a content-type.

It's possible to crash IIS by requesting an overly long string in the
?contenttype= parameter. This could also allow arbitrary code to be run
on the server in the context of the SYSTEM account.

A normal request looks like (in this case, a direct sql= query):



By specifying 240 characters for the content-type parameter it is possible
to make inetinfo.exe crash.

E.g. (using a 'template' file rather than a direct query, in this case):


Patch Information:
Microsoft has released patches and an advisory for the identified issues.

These are available from:



This advisory is available online at:


Multiple vulnerabilities in NewAtlanta ServletExec ISAPI 4.1

2002-05-22 Thread Matt Moore

Westpoint Security Advisory

Title:  Multiple vulnerabilities in NewAtlanta ServletExec ISAPI 4.1
Risk Rating:High
Software:   ServletExec 4.1 ISAPI / IIS 4  5
Platforms:  Win2k / WinNT 4
Vendor URL: www.newatlanta.com
Author: Matt Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   22 May 2002
Advisory ID#:   wp-02-0006.txt


ServletExec 4.1 ISAPI is a Java Servlet/JSP Engine for Internet Information
Server and is implemented as an ISAPI filter.
The JSP functionality is provided by a servlet which is enabled by default
and contains three security flaws.


1. ServletExec discloses physical path of webroot

It is possible to invoke the class 'com.newatlanta.servletexec.JSP10Servlet'
directly by requesting a url such as:


If no filename is supplied to it, then it returns an error message:

Error. The file was not found. (filename =

disclosing the physical path of the web root.

2. JSP10Servlet allows files to be read from within IIS webroot

By invoking the JSP10Servlet (or simply JSPServlet) using the URL described
above, it is possible to read files from within the web root.
It did not appear to be possible to 'break out' of the web root and read
files from other parts of the file system.
The path must be URL encoded for this to work. For instance, a request such


will retrieve the global.asa file, which is normally not served.

3. DoS via overly long request for .JSP file

By making a request for an overly long named .jsp file, Internet Information
Server can be crashed.

The denial of service condition can be triggered by either requesting an
overly long named .jsp file:

i.e. /servlet/AAAAA.jsp

or by invoking the JSPServlet or JSP10Servlet directly:


Patch Information:

There is a workaround for the physical path disclosure bug, which should be
in the FAQ's at

The other issues are fixed in Patch #9 from

Additional Information

Nessus plugins are available to test for the vulnerabilities identified
above, from www.nessus.org:

servletExec_DoS.nasl (ID 10958)
ServletExec_File_Reading.nasl (ID 10959)
ServletExec_path_disclosure.nasl (ID 10960)
