Exploiting XXE vulnerabilities in AMF libraries

2016-01-11 Thread Nicolas Grégoire

AMF (aka "Action Message Format") is a binary format used by Flash
applications communicating with server-side components. A few data types
supported by AMF deal with XML content (for example the "XML Document"
type in AMF0).

In 2015, several AMF libraries (including BlazeDS and PyAMF) were
identified as vulnerable to XXE (aka "XML External Entity") and SSRF
(aka "Server Side Forgery") attacks. I wrote a blog-post detailing:
- server-side exploitation of the PyAMF vulnerability
- server-side exploitation of the BlazeDS vulnerability
- client-side exploitation of the BlazeDS vulnerability

The article also includes a basic AMF client (in Python) used to exploit
these vulnerabilities (or interact with AMF gateways at large).


Nicolas Grégoire

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Bypassing blacklists based on IPy

2014-10-16 Thread Nicolas Grégoire

IPy is a Python class and tools for handling of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
and networks (https://github.com/haypo/python-ipy). This library is
sometimes used to implement blacklists forbidding internal, private or
loopback addresses.

Using octal encoding (supported by urllib2), it is possible to bypass
checks based on the result of the iptype() function. For example, IP
address '0177...0001' is considered as 'PUBLIC' but resolves to
'' when accessed via urllib2.

Developers were informed, no news since then... More details on my blog:

Nicolas Grégoire

Vulnerabilities in Apache Solr 4.6.0

2013-12-09 Thread Nicolas Grégoire

Apache Solr is search platform edited by the Apache project. Quoting
http://lucene.apache.org/solr/:its major features include powerful
full-text search, hit highlighting, faceted search, near real-time
indexing, dynamic clustering, database integration, rich document (e.g.,
Word, PDF) handling, and geospatial search.

Several vulnerabilities were fixed in recent versions of Solr:
- directory traversal when using XSLT or Velocity templates
(CVE-2013-6397 / SOLR-4882)
- XXE in UpdateRequestHandler (CVE-2013-6407 / SOLR-3895)
- XXE in DocumentAnalysisRequestHandler (CVE-2013-6408 / SOLR-4881)

These vulnerabilities were confirmed to be exploitable also on old
versions like 3.6.2. Gaining remote code execution is easy by combining
the directory traversal and XXE vulnerabilities.

If you wonder how these vulnerabilities could be exploited in real life
setups when Solr isn't reachable directly from the Internet, you may be
interested in the following blog post:

Nicolas Grégoire

Results of a XSLT fuzzing effort

2013-03-11 Thread Nicolas Grégoire

I published last week a blog post describing the results of the XSLT
fuzzing campaign I did in 2012. Now that most of the discovered
vulnerabilities are patched, I've  chosen to give away a dozen of PoC
regarding Adobe Reader, Microsoft MSXML, Firefox, Webkit, ...

Even if you are not in XML technologies, I think that looking at
pathological XSLT code may be interesting ;-)

Url of the blog: http://www.agarri.fr/blog/index.html

Nicolas Grégoire

From XSLT code execution to Meterpreter shells

2012-07-04 Thread Nicolas Grégoire

in the last weeks, I demonstrated at HackInTheBox Amsterdam and
HackInParis a Metasploit module used to gain Meterpreter shells from
XSLT vulnerabilities.

Given the questions I received, I chose to publish a blog-post
explaining the overall concept and some implementation details. The
article is available here: http://www.agarri.fr/blog/

The vulnerable PHP and JSP applications used during the talk are
included. Furthermore, the video of the HackInTheBox talk is online:

Nicolas Grégoire

Re: Trigerring Java code from a SVG image

2012-05-16 Thread Nicolas Grégoire

 Did you checked if IE ,FF or other general browsers can be affected
 by this ??

There's probably some others softwares implementing this feature, but
not browsers (luckily !).


Trigerring Java code from a SVG image

2012-05-15 Thread Nicolas Grégoire

SVG is a XML-based file format for static or animated images. Some SVG
specifications (like  SVG 1.1 and SVG Tiny 1.2) allow to trigger some
Java code when the SVG file is opened.

Given that I had to look at these features for a customer, I developed
some PoC codes which are now available online:

I published a more detailed article on my blog:

Nicolas Grégoire / @Agarri_FR

XEE vulnerabilities in SharePoint (MS11-074) and DotNetNuke

2011-09-15 Thread Nicolas Grégoire

Microsoft recently published MS11-074. This bulletin concerns mainly
SharePoint (2007 and 2010) but CVE-2011-1892 applies too to Office
Groove (client and server), Office Forms Server 2007 and Office Web Apps

The vulnerability is a XML External Entity Reference one, as described
in CWE-611 [1]. The vulnerable component is XML Web Part and the
following image demonstrates the exploit on a SharePoint 2007 server

DotNetNuke has quietly patched this summer a very similar vulnerability
in its XML component (v6.0.0 is OK [3]).

As described in Microsoft documentation [4], setting
XmlReaderSettings::XmlResolver to NULL is enough to correct this bug.

Simple PoC for SharePoint and DotNetNuke :
-- XML -
!DOCTYPE doc [
!ENTITY boom SYSTEM c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts

-- XSL --
xsl:stylesheet version=1.0
xsl:template match=/
xsl:value-of select=doc/

More details, in French, on my blog : http://goo.gl/hptbj

1: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/611.html
2: http://www.agarri.fr/docs/shpt-xee.png
3: http://dnnxml.codeplex.com/releases/view/62862
4: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms172415.aspx

Nicolas Grégoire / Agarri

[Tool] DoS for OpenSLP (and others)

2011-07-26 Thread Nicolas Grégoire
Hello !

SLP (Service Location Protocol) is defined by RFC 2165 and RFC 2608.
OpenSLP (the reference implementation) and others SLP softwares (like
mSLP) are vulnerable to a denial of service vulnerability (CVE-2010-3609
aka CERT VU#393783). The affected softwares include VMware ESX and ESXi,
Novell eDirectory, several SAN manufacturers, some Linux
distributions, ...

Here's a PoC triggering this vulnerability via either unicast (TCP or
UDP), broadcast and multicast : http://www.agarri.fr/docs/SLPick.py

More details (in French) on my blog : http://goo.gl/s0zHq

Nicolas Grégoire / Agarri

SFCB vulnerabilities

2010-06-02 Thread Nicolas Grégoire
[=] Product overview

SBLIM SFCB is an Open Source implementation of a WBEM CIM broker. WBEM
is a set of technologies aimed to monitor and administer (larges) pools
of computing ressources, applications, hardware. It's used by computers
management tools like HP Systems Insight Manager, VMware vSphere or IBM
Director. SFCB usually listens on TCP ports 5988 (HTTP) or 5989 (HTTPS)
and is used in many Linux distributions and some VMware / Dell products.

[=] Vulnerabilities

* CVE-2010-1937 (SFCB bug #3001896) : pre-auth remote heap overflow
using a forged Content-Length header

When parsing a HTTP request, SFCB will use any positive Content-Length
value to allocate a buffer. Then, memcpy tries to copy the user-provided
POST data in this buffer. By sending a small value in the Content-Length
header and more data in the POST body, it's possible to overflow the
previously allocated heap buffer.

Vulnerable versions : up to 1.3.7

* CVE-2010-2054 (SFCB bug #3001915) : pre-auth remote integer overflow
using a forged Content-Length header

If the configuration option httpMaxContentLength is explicitly set to
0, SFCB will only check that the Content-Length value is positive and
lower than UINT_MAX and use it (adding 8) to allocate a buffer. Then,
memcpy tries to copy the user-provided POST data in this buffer. By
sending a value between UINT_MAX-7 and UINT_MAX-1, it is possible to
overflow a buffer of size 1 to 7.

Vulnerable versions : from 1.3.4 to 1.3.7

[=] Note about VMware products

VMware ESXi 3.5, ESXi 4 and ESX 4 are running by default a modified
version of SFCB (v1.3.3 in ESX 4). However they were tested as non
vulnerable :
- CVE-2010-1937 has been silently patched in WMware products
- CVE-2010-2054 doesn't affect versions lower than 1.3.4
[=] Mitigating factors

None :
- SSL authentication isn't used by SFCB
- bugs are triggered before any HTTP-layer credential check
- POST and M-POST are default methods used by WBEM

[=] Vectors

These vulnerabilities can be triggered by default on port TCP/5988
(HTTTP) or TCP/5989 (HTTPS), using POST or M-POST requests.

[=] Solution

Upgrade to version 1.3.8

[=] Links


CVE-2010-1937 : 
CVE-2010-2054 : 

SFCB bug #3001896 : 
SFCB bug #3001915 : 

Nicolas Grégoire / Agarri