SeacureIT Preview Conference 2009

2009-09-09 Thread Stefano Zanero
We are glad to announce the first international security conference in
Italy, SeacureIT Preview 2009.

The conference will take place between 21st and 23rd October at Fiera
Milano City, Milan's conference and trade show center, co-located with
SMAU, Italy's largest ICT tradeshow.

The conference will consist of two days of top notch trainings and one
day of bleeding edge talks. Topics of presentations this year include
but are not limited to OSX security, hardware hacking, SAP exploiting,
web 2.0 threats and malware analysis.

Aside from highly technical presentations we are pleased to have a
roundtable and a number of talks focusing on the economic aspect of
cybersecurity, brought to you by well known cybersecurity and cybercrime
experts. To read the full line-up of speakers please see:

The conference will be concluded by a networking event with a full
typical Milanese "aperitivo".

For those interested in trainings, the topics range from SAP security to
Oracle hacking, from exploitation techniques to physical security. To
learn more on the trainings, please visit

SeacureIT preview (hosted in Milan, the world-renown "city of fashion")
is a launch event for our main conference which will take place in 2010
in beautiful Sardinia, in the middle of the Mediterranean sea. A full
description of this year's location as well as next year's  can be seen

You will have the opportunity of listening to a set of excellent
speakers, at a really convenient entrance fee; additionally, all the
participants to the Preview edition will enjoy a 100 EUR rebate on the
2010 edition of the conference (and the trainings participants will get
a full 200 EUR rebate on any training of their choice next year!).

We hope to see all of you in Milan!

Best regards,
The SeacureIT team

Call for papers and trainers - note extended deadline - SeacureIT 2009

2009-02-03 Thread Stefano Zanero
Dear colleagues,

this is a short message just to reconfirm that the deadline for
submission of speech and training proposals for SEaCURE.IT is set to
February 10th, and not to Jan 31st as originally noted in the website.
We have received many excellent submission, besides the invited speakers
already mentioned on our website, and we will notify selected speakers
shortly after the deadline. However, it is still not too late to submit
and be part of the event!

SEaCURE.IT ( will be held from May 19th to 22nd in
the wonderful seaside resort Tanka Village, located in Villasimius,
Sardinia, a large and beautiful island in the Mediterranean sea.

Besides the main conference, featuring two tracks of top-notch
presentations over two intense days, the programme will include two days
of advanced trainings, and a set of unique social events (Italian
style), in order to foster networking.

I remind you that we are a non-product, non-vendor biased security
conference, and do not accept vendor pitches. Any talk evidently aimed
at selling products or services will be rejected without consideration.
We look for novel research and contributions in the fields of computer,
network and information security. Please, submit your idea to us: we
will carefully
evaluate it. We will also evaluate proposals for 1-dat or 2-days
technical trainings on the same topics.

We offer the following speaker privileges:
* * One economy class return-ticket to Cagliari for each accepted
* * 3 nights of accomodation in the Conference Hotel.
* * Meals for the speakers, and speaker activities during, before,
and after the conference.
* * A comprehensive program of activities for non-geek partners :)
* * Speaker party

We offer the following trainer privileges:
* * 50% of the net profit of the class
* * 3 nights of accomodation in the Conference Hotel
* * Meals during the days of the training
* * Free access to the Conference
* * Participation to speaker activities

Please send your submission to with the following
information IN PLAIN TEXT in your email:

   1. Presenter name and affiliation
   2. Country and city of origin for your travel to the conference, as
well as nationality/passport for visa requirements
   4. contact information (e-mail address and a landline phone if possible)
   5. SHORT biography, and a list of SELECTED publications and papers
   6. Proposed paper title / proposed training title
   7. Proposed paper abstract / proposed training outline
   8. Three key reasons why you want to speak at SEaCURE.IT and why we
would want you to speak :)
   9. Optionally, any samples of prepared material or outlines (for
this, a pdf attachment is acceptable)
  10. Please list any other publications or conferences where this
material has been or will be published/submitted. Concurrent submission
is not a reason for rejection, while un-announced multiple submissions
will make you look considerably bad ;-)
This last point also applies for the trainings, please let us know how
many times the training has been delivered and where.

Stefano Zanero

Re: Plunet BusinessManager failure in access controls and multiple stored cross site scripting

2009-01-09 Thread Stefano Zanero
Dear all,

just in order to give complete information, after being contacted by the
vendor (thanks !) we can confirm the following version information:

> Systems affected: Plunet BusinessManager 4.1

Therefore, the vendor recommended fix is as follows:


Upgrade Plunet BusinessManager to the latest available version, and in
any case to a version >=4.2

Our advisory has been updated to reflect this new information:

For the records, what apparently happened is that our first advisory was
correctly received and immediately acted upon by the vendor, but we
never received an acknowledgment and fix information afterwards for some
communication mishap. Our later contact attempts did not apparently
reach the appropriate person(s) inside the company.

We thank the vendor for working with us on this.

Best regards,
Stefano Zanero

Call for papers and trainers - SeacureIT 2009

2009-01-05 Thread Stefano Zanero
ns or conferences where this
material has been or will be published/submitted. Concurrent submission
is not a reason for rejection, while un-announced multiple submissions
will make you look considerably bad ;-)
This last point also applies for the trainings, please let us know how
many times the training has been delivered and where.

Stefano Zanero

Re: "Exploit creation - The random approach" or "Playing with random to build exploits"

2008-09-26 Thread Stefano Zanero
Nelson Brito wrote:

>   1. Slammer was the very first Flash Worm,

Well, no, actually, Slammer was not a flash worm. A flash worm is a worm
which follows a precomputed spreading path, by using prior knowledge of
all the systems that are vulnerable to the particular exploit in use.
And Slammer didn't.

It is actually akin to a Warhol worm.

> dissemination, it only took 15 minutes to crash all the Internet
> infra-structure 

How exagerate ;)

> we didn't learn how to deal with worms

Nope, we didn't. But people stopped writing worms, because writing bots
is much more rewarding, economically.

> -[ Polymorphic Code
> This is not a new topic

No, indeed, it's very old.

> for years and years, but all our attention was gave to the shellcode. 

Well, actually that's because the polymorphic code for viruses and worms
came even before, and was already a beaten issue.

> even during my research, when I talked to someone about the perspective of
> having a real polymorphic code, people always got confused with polymorphic
> shellcode.

Strange, usually it's the other way round.

> Polymorphic code means that a code will change every time it executes,
> making it unpredictable. What we have, so far, are static codes, and I never
> saw any “dynamic” code exploiting any vulnerability. 

Didn't you mention you were NOT thinking of polymorphic SHELL-code, but
polymorphic code ?

>That is the reason some
> IPS/IDS can easily add signatures. 

Well, actually shellcode signatures are common, but they are not the reason.

And, signature based IPS/IDS have so many faults that you don't really
need polymorphic (shell)code to fool them.

> Now, we know how we must build the exploit, and I think we can do a great
> job randomizing all the fields. Here are the fields ENG needs to deal with:
> attack vector, buffer, return address, jumps, writable address, nops, and
> shellcode.

This is what most of us would call "obfuscating an attack", or "mutating
an attack". Just so that you know, a tool named SPLOIT was already made
to perform a number of mutations over exploits (at this and other levels).

Thanks for the write up. It's an handy cheat sheet for some things.

> I do hope I could proof all the concepts behind this idea,

Yep, well, you could just mention them. We already knew them ;-)

And, I don't see how these have to do with making a Warhol worm more
dangerous. Signature-based systems will never be useful against a Warhol
worm in any case, because the updates will simply be too late.


CFP: European Conference on Computer Network Defense

2008-05-14 Thread Stefano Zanero


European Conference on Computer Network Defense (in cooperation with ENISA)

December 11th & 12th 2008, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland.

Call for Papers

The fourth annual EC2ND conference will take place on December 11th & 12th
2008 in the Faculty of Engineering and Computing at Dublin City University.
The theme of the conference is the protection of computer networks. As with
past EC2ND conferences, this year's event will encourage participants from
academia and industry within Europe and beyond to discuss current topics in
applied network and systems security.

EC2ND 2008 invites submissions presenting novel ideas at an early stage
the intention to act as a discussion forum and feedback channel for
promising, innovative security research. While our goal is to solicit ideas
that are not completely worked out, and might have challenging and
interesting open questions, we expect submissions to be supported by some
evidence of feasibility or preliminary quantitative results.

Topics include but are not limited to:

Intrusion Detection
Privacy Protection
Security Policies
Peer-to-Peer and Grid Security
Network Monitoring
Web Security
Vulnerability Management and Tracking
Network Forensics
Wireless and Mobile Security
Network Discovery and Mapping
Incident Response and Management
Malicious Software
Web Services Security
Legal and Ethical Issues

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline: September 1st, 2008
Notification of Acceptance: September 18th, 2008
Final Paper Due: October 1st, 2008
Conference Dates: December 11th & 12th, 2008


Conference & General Chair
Liam Meany, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland.

Programme Co-Chairs
Dr. Sotiris Ioannidis, FORTH, Heraklion, Greece.
Dr. Kostas Anagnostakis, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore.

Programme Review Committee
Prof. Gritzalis Stefanos, University of the Agean, Greece.
Dr. Stefano Zanero, Milano Technical University, Milan, Italy.
Christopher Kruegel , University of California, Santa Barbara,USA.
Prof. Diomidis Spinellis, Athens University, Greece.
Eric Cronin, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA.
Prof. George Polyzos, University of California, San Diego, USA.
Dr. Panagiotis Trimintzios, ENISA, Heraklion, Greece.
Sandro Etalle, Technical University of Eindhoven, Holland.
Michalis Polychronakis, University of Crete, Greece.
Prof. Javier Lopez, University of Malaga, Spain.
Dr. Theo Tryfonas, University of Glamorgan, Wales, UK.
Prof. Engin Kirda, Eurecom Graduate School, Cote d'Azur, France.
Thorsten Holz, University of Mannheim, Germany.
Prof. Herbert Bos, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Holland.
David Brumley, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA.
Marco Cremonini, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan.
Dr. Ulrike Meyer, Darmstadt University of Technology, Darmstadt, Germany.
Dr. Philippe Owezarski, National Centre for Scientific Research,
Toulouse, France.
Dr. George Danezis, ESAT, Flanders, Belgium.
Dr. Austin Donnelly, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK.
Prof. Angelos Stavrou, George Mason University, Virginia, USA.
Dr. Sven Ubik, CESNET Research, Czech Republic.
Cyril Onwubiko, Kingston University, London, UK.
Dr. Mike Scott, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland.
Carlos Ribeiro, IST, Lisbon, Portugal.

Steering Committee
Prof. Evangelos Markatos, FORTH, Heraklion, Greece.
Dr. Panagiotis Trimintzios, ENISA, Heraklion, Greece.
Dr. Andrew J Blyth, University of Glamorgan, Wales, UK.
Dr. Sotiris Ioannidis, FORTH, Heraklion, Greece.
Dr. Kostas Anagnostakis, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore.
Prof. Vasilios Siris, University of Crete, Greece.
Anna Doxastaki, FORTH, Heraklion, Greece.
Dr. Theo Tryfonas, University of Glamorgan, Wales, UK.

Cordiali saluti,
Stefano Zanero

Politecnico di Milano - Dip. Elettronica e Informazione
Via Ponzio, 34/5 I-20133 Milano - ITALY
Tel.+39 02 2399-4017
Fax.+39 02 2399-3411

CFP: Workshop on Open Source Software for Computer and Network Forensics

2008-04-30 Thread Stefano Zanero

[ Our anticipate apologies if you receive this call for paper more than
once! ]

1st Workshop on Open Source Software for Computer and Network Forensics

We are currently inviting the submission of full papers to the 1st Workshop
on Open Source Software for Computer and Network Forensics (OSSCoNF),
which will be held in conjunction with OSS2008, the Fourth International
Conference on Open Source Systems. The conference will take place in
September 7-10, 2008, in Milan, Italy. Workshops will be on September
10th, immediately after the main OSS2008 conference.

OSSCoNF aims at creating an informal, but selected academic venue to
discuss the benefits (and drawbacks, if any) of using Free, Libre, and
Open Source Software (FLOSS) for computer and network forensics,
incident management and digital investigations.

It will allow participants to present and discuss technical  issues,
exchange research ideas, introduce new development projects (and new
revision of existing projects), in order to foster the creation of a
community of practitioners and (people from academia - academics) , and
to promote the usage of FLOSS tools in computer and network forensics.

The main topics of interest for the workshop are:
- FLOSS tools for Evidence Management
- Tools for acquisition, collection, and storage of digital evidence
 - Tools for identification, authentication, integrity preservation
of digital evidence
 - FLOSS tools for Analysis and Identification of Evidence
- Tools for the analysis and search of digital evidence
 - Tools for cybercrime scenarios reconstruction, correlation and
data mining applied to digital forensics
 - Tools for analysis of embedded or non-traditional devices such
as cellphones, cameras...
- FLOSS tools for analysis of cybercrime
- Data mining systems for cyber-crime strategy analysis and modeling
- Systems for data collection and monitoring of attack trends
- FLOSS tools validation and test cases, or FLOSS validation approaches
for proprietary tools
- FLOSS tools for the automation of the forensic process and case management

We expect technical papers detailing implementation and validation of
such tools, comparisons between open source and proprietary tools, and
papers balancing benefits and drawbacks of open source and proprietary
tools in digital investigation. While the main focus of the workshop is
technical, papers dealing with legal and ethical issues will also be

As the workshop theme is FLOSS, all the papers must describe tools that
are publicly available under a free software or open source license. New
tools are welcome, but the authors must commit to make them available
under a suitable license before the paper revision process ends. Papers
not related to FLOSS are subject to immediate rejection.

The workshop website can be found at the following URL:

The website of the conference is available at:


Papers should be formatted according to the guidelines for the main
conference, as listed at URL
Papers should be submitted by e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .


June 7: submission deadline (firm)
June 24: notification to the authors
July 10: camera-ready papers due


Workshop Co-Chairs:
Ewa Huebner (University of Western Sydney), [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Stefano Zanero (Politecnico di Milano), [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Programme Committee:
Derek Bem (University of Western Sydney)
Andrew Blyth (University of Glamorgan)
Brian Carrier (Basis Technology)
Engin Kirda (Institut Eurecom)
Jesse Kornblum (ManTech International Corporation, MD)
Sotiris Ioannidis (ICS-FORTH, Crete)
Evangelos Markatos (University of Crete)
Mattia Monga (University of Milan - DICO)
Marcus Rogers (Purdue University)
Iain Sutherland (University of Glamorgan)
Magdalena Szezynska (Warsaw University of Technology)
Theodore Tryfonas (University of Glamorgan)
Doug Wampler (Indiana Department of Correction)
Alec Yasinsac (Florida State University)

Cordiali saluti,
Stefano Zanero

Politecnico di Milano - Dip. Elettronica e Informazione
Via Ponzio, 34/5 I-20133 Milano - ITALY
Tel.+39 02 2399-4017
Fax.+39 02 2399-3411

CFP: Workshop on Open Source Software for Computer and Network Forensics

2008-02-21 Thread Stefano Zanero

[ Our anticipate apologies if you receive this call for paper more than
once! ]

1st Workshop on Open Source Software for Computer and Network Forensics

We are currently inviting the submission of full papers to the 1st Workshop
on Open Source Software for Computer and Network Forensics (OSSCoNF),
which will be held in conjunction with OSS2008, the Fourth International
Conference on Open Source Systems. The conference will take place in
September 7-10, 2008, in Milan, Italy. Workshops will be on September
10th, immediately after the main OSS2008 conference.

OSSCoNF aims at creating an informal, but selected academic venue to
discuss the benefits (and drawbacks, if any) of using Free, Libre, and
Open Source Software (FLOSS) for computer and network forensics,
incident management and digital investigations.

It will allow participants to present and discuss technical  issues,
exchange research ideas, introduce new development projects (and new
revision of existing projects), in order to foster the creation of a
community of practitioners and (people from academia - academics) , and
to promote the usage of FLOSS tools in computer and network forensics.

The main topics of interest for the workshop are:
- FLOSS tools for Evidence Management
- Tools for acquisition, collection, and storage of digital evidence
 - Tools for identification, authentication, integrity preservation
of digital evidence
 - FLOSS tools for Analysis and Identification of Evidence
- Tools for the analysis and search of digital evidence
 - Tools for cybercrime scenarios reconstruction, correlation and
data mining applied to digital forensics
 - Tools for analysis of embedded or non-traditional devices such
as cellphones, cameras...
- FLOSS tools for analysis of cybercrime
- Data mining systems for cyber-crime strategy analysis and modeling
- Systems for data collection and monitoring of attack trends
- FLOSS tools validation and test cases, or FLOSS validation approaches
for proprietary tools
- FLOSS tools for the automation of the forensic process and case management

We expect technical papers detailing implementation and validation of
such tools, comparisons between open source and proprietary tools, and
papers balancing benefits and drawbacks of open source and proprietary
tools in digital investigation. While the main focus of the workshop is
technical, papers dealing with legal and ethical issues will also be

As the workshop theme is FLOSS, all the papers must describe tools that
are publicly available under a free software or open source license. New
tools are welcome, but the authors must commit to make them available
under a suitable license before the paper revision process ends. Papers
not related to FLOSS are subject to immediate rejection.

The workshop website can be found at the following URL:

The website of the conference is available at:


Papers should be formatted according to the guidelines for the main
conference, as listed at URL
Papers should be submitted by e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .


June 7: submission deadline (firm)
June 24: notification to the authors
July 10: camera-ready papers due


Workshop Co-Chairs:
Ewa Huebner (University of Western Sydney), [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Stefano Zanero (Politecnico di Milano), [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Programme Committee:
Derek Bem (University of Western Sydney)
Andrew Blyth (University of Glamorgan)
Sotiris Ioannidis (ICS-FORTH, Crete)
Engin Kirda (Institut Eurecom)
Jesse Kornblum (ManTech International Corporation, MD)
Evangelos Markatos (University of Crete)
Mattia Monga (University of Milan - DICO)
Marcus Rogers (Purdue University)
Iain Sutherland (University of Glamorgan)
Magdalena Szezynska (Warsaw University of Technology)
Theodore Tryfonas (University of Glamorgan)
Doug Wampler (Indiana Department of Correction)
Alec Yasinsac (Florida State University)

Cordiali saluti,
Stefano Zanero

Politecnico di Milano - Dip. Elettronica e Informazione
Via Ponzio, 34/5 I-20133 Milano - ITALY
Tel.+39 02 2399-4017
Fax.+39 02 2399-3411

Final CFP: EuroSec Workshop (March 31st, 2008)

2008-02-11 Thread Stefano Zanero

[ Our anticipate apologies if you receive this call for paper more than
once! ]


EuroSec ( is a new workshop associated
with the Annual ACM SIGOPS EuroSys conference. The workshop aims to
bring together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system
programmers, and others interested in the latest advances in the
security of computer systems and networks. The focus of the workshop is
on novel, practical, systems-oriented work.
EuroSec will be held on the 31st of March, 2008, in Glasgow, Scotland.

Topics of Interest

EuroSec seeks contributions on all aspects of systems security. Topics
of interest include (but are not limited to):
* new attacks, evasion techniques, and defenses
* operating system security
* hardware architectures
* "trusted computing" and its applications
* identity management, anonymity
* small trusted computing bases
* mobile systems security
* measuring security
* malicious code analysis and detection
* web security
* systems-based forensics
* systems work on fighting spam/phishing

In accordance with the spirit of the EuroSys conference we also seek
* Experience with existing systems
* Reproduction or refutation of  previous results
* Negative results
* Early ideas

You are hereby invited to submit papers of 6-8 single-spaced pages
(including figures, tables and references). Font size should be 10pt.

The format of submitted papers should correspond to our Latex style
file, which can be found on the Workshop web page

SUBMISSION WEBSITE is now accessible at the following URL:

EuroSec explicitly encourages members of the systems community
to explore leading-edge topics and ideas before they are presented at
a major conference. All submissions will be reviewed by the Program
Committee. Only papers with original, novel work and results will be
considered for publication. Accepted papers will be published in the
proceedings of EuroSec in the ACM Digital Library

Important dates:

Paper submission:15 Feb 2008
Acceptance notification:   March 1 2008
Final paper due:14 Mar 2008
Workshop.: 31 Mar 2008


Program Chair: Herbert Bos (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Program Co-chair: Evangelos Markatos (FORTH and Univ. of Crete)

Publicity Co-Chairs:
Angelos Stavrou (George Mason University)
Stefano Zanero (Politecnico di Milano)

Program Committee

Kostas Anagnostakis (Institute for Infocomm Research)
John Aycock (University of Calgary)
Herbert Bos (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
David Brumley (Carnegie Mellon University)
Manuel Costa (Microsoft Research Cambridge)
Marc Dacier (Eurécom and Symantec)
Leendert van Doorn (AMD)
Jon Giffin (Georgia Tech)
Ashvin Goel (U. of Toronto)
Hermann Härtig (TU Dresden)
Sotiris Ioannidis (FORTH)
Engin Kirda (TU Vienna and Eurécom Institute)
Christopher Krügel (TU Vienna and UC Santa Barbara)
Evangelos Markatos (FORTH and Univ. of Crete)
Niels Provos (Google)
Angelos Stavrou (George Mason University)
Wietse Venema (IBM TJ Watson)
Michael Waidner (IBM Tivoli Software, Somers, NY)
Stefano Zanero (Politecnico di Milano)

Cordiali saluti,
Stefano Zanero

Politecnico di Milano - Dip. Elettronica e Informazione
Via Ponzio, 34/5 I-20133 Milano - ITALY
Tel.+39 02 2399-4017
Fax.+39 02 2399-3411

CFP: EuroSec Workshop (March 31st, 2008)

2008-01-11 Thread Stefano Zanero

[ Our anticipate apologies if you receive this call for paper more than
once! ]


EuroSec ( is a new workshop associated
with the Annual ACM SIGOPS EuroSys conference. The workshop aims to
bring together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system
programmers, and others interested in the latest advances in the
security of computer systems and networks. The focus of the workshop is
on novel, practical, systems-oriented work.
EuroSec will be held on the 31st of March, 2008, in Glasgow, Scotland.

Topics of Interest

EuroSec seeks contributions on all aspects of systems security. Topics
of interest include (but are not limited to):
* new attacks, evasion techniques, and defenses
* operating system security
* hardware architectures
* "trusted computing" and its applications
* identity management, anonymity
* small trusted computing bases
* mobile systems security
* measuring security
* malicious code analysis and detection
* web security
* systems-based forensics
* systems work on fighting spam/phishing

In accordance with the spirit of the EuroSys conference we also seek
* Experience with existing systems
* Reproduction or refutation of  previous results
* Negative results
* Early ideas

You are hereby invited to submit papers of 6-8 single-spaced pages
(including figures, tables and references). Font size should be 10pt.

The format of submitted papers should correspond to our Latex style
file, which can be found on the Workshop web page
( Submission details will be available
soon at the same URL.

EuroSec explicitly encourages members of the systems community
to explore leading-edge topics and ideas before they are presented at
a major conference. All submissions will be reviewed by the Program
Committee. Only papers with original, novel work and results will be
considered for publication. Accepted papers will be published in the
proceedings of EuroSec in the ACM Digital Library

Important dates:

Paper submission:15 Feb 2008
Acceptance notification:   March 1 2008
Final paper due:14 Mar 2008
Workshop.: 31 Mar 2008


Program Chair: Herbert Bos (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Program Co-chair: Evangelos Markatos (FORTH and Univ. of Crete)

Publicity Co-Chairs:
Angelos Stavrou (George Mason University)
Stefano Zanero (Politecnico di Milano)

Program Committee

Kostas Anagnostakis (Institute for Infocomm Research)
John Aycock (University of Calgary)
Herbert Bos (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
David Brumley (Carnegie Mellon University)
Manuel Costa (Microsoft Research Cambridge)
Marc Dacier (Eurécom and Symantec)
Leendert van Doorn (AMD)
Jon Giffin (Georgia Tech)
Ashvin Goel (U. of Toronto)
Hermann Härtig (TU Dresden)
Sotiris Ioannidis (FORTH)
Engin Kirda (TU Vienna and Eurécom Institute)
Christopher Krügel (TU Vienna and UC Santa Barbara)
Evangelos Markatos (FORTH and Univ. of Crete)
Niels Provos (Google)
Angelos Stavrou (George Mason University)
Wietse Venema (IBM TJ Watson)
Michael Waidner (IBM Tivoli Software, Somers, NY)
Stefano Zanero (Politecnico di Milano)

Cordiali saluti,
Stefano Zanero

Politecnico di Milano - Dip. Elettronica e Informazione
Via Ponzio, 34/5 I-20133 Milano - ITALY
Tel.+39 02 2399-4017
Fax.+39 02 2399-3411

Re: Standing Up Against German Laws - Project HayNeedle

2007-11-13 Thread Stefano Zanero
Florian Echtler wrote:

> As a native German speaker, allow me to clarify: with respect to IP
> communication, the law mandates saving the following information for 6
> months:
> - which customer was assigned which IP for what timespan
> - sender mail address, receiver mail address and sender IP for each mail
> - in case of VOIP: caller and callee phone number and IP address

This data was required in Italy as well, and indeed was the core of a
EU-wide "data retention" spree.


DeepSec 2007 Registration: hurry up, seats are filling fast

2007-10-30 Thread Stefano Zanero
Hallo list members, and sorry if you receive multiple copies of this message

this is just a friendly reminder that registration for the DeepSec
Security Conference 2007 is available at the URL

The conference is taking place in less than 3 weeks in the awesome city
of Vienna, Austria (20-23 November, with the first two days dedicated to
trainings and the last two days to the conference itself).

As we are filling up seats very fast, advance booking allows us to make
room for more of you. So, if you want to attend, please do us and
yourself a favor and register right now!

To give you a compelling reason to book in advance, we will extend
regular booking rates till November 9th. Beware that after that date
registering online will cost you 100EUR more, and on-site registration
(IF seats are still available) will cost 200EUR more, so save by booking
now (and help us size the rooms correctly, as this is the first year of
the show).

As a reminder, DeepSec will offer:

* 36 top-notch Talks in two tracks, as can be seen at
* Two exceptional keynote speakers, Paul Simmonds and Jeff Moss
* 6 Training classes (and three of these are almost complete, so hurry
up even more !)
* An exceptional venue (see with redesign and
lightning art expressly set up for DeepSec
* Great Networking Opportunities
* Web Hacking Competition
* Live Capture the Flag Contest organized by Hack in the Box
* Evening Parties at the Roboexotica Cocktail Robotics Festival (see including two free drinks!
* After Party at the Metalab Hackerspace on Saturday
( - wooo-hoo !

Still waiting? Hurry up and register here now:

ISSA members and members of other associations can get a discount, to
check availability of a discount for your association please get in
touch with us as soon as possible. Members of the working press are also
invited to get in touch in order to get accreditation and access to the

We'd like to thank our sponsors SEC-Consult, T-Systems, Telekom Austria,
Microsoft, Phion, and Secure Network, as well as all our community and
media partners for making this event possible.

We sincerely hope to see you all in Vienna!

on behalf of the DeepSec Team

(You are very welcome to republish, forward or otherwise share this

CFP: 3rd European Conference on Computer Network Defense (EC2ND)

2007-04-25 Thread Stefano Zanero
Thanks in advance for sharing this CFP with any interested individual or
mailing list.

3rd European Conference on Computer Network Defense (EC2ND)
4-5 October 2007, FORTH-ICS, Heraklion, Crete, Greece

Call for Papers

The 3rd European Conference on Computer Network Defense
will take place in October 2007 at the Foundation for
Research and Technology Hellas, in Crete, Greece.

The theme of the conference is the protection of computer networks. The
conference will draw participants from academia and industry in Europe
and beyond to discuss hot topics in applied network and systems security.

EC2ND invites submissions presenting novel ideas at an early stage with
the intention to act as a discussion forum and feedback channel for
promising, innovative security research. While our goal is to solicit
ideas that are not completely worked out, and might have challenging and
interesting open questions, we expect submissions to be supported by
some evidence of feasibility or preliminary quantitative results.

Topics include but are not limited to:

* Intrusion Detection
* Denial-of-Service
* Privacy Protection
* Security Policy
* Peer-to-Peer and Grid Security
* Network Monitoring
* Web Security
* Vulnerability Management and Tracking
* Network Forensics
* Wireless and Mobile Security
* Cryptography
* Network Discovery and Mapping
* Incident Response and Management
* Malicious Software
* Web Services Security
* Legal and Ethical Issues

Submitting a Paper
You are hereby invited to submit papers up to 6-8 single-spaced pages
long. We particularly encourage position papers on preliminary work that
shows promise, rather than mature and well-polished papers studying
well-known ideas. Surprising  results and thought-provoking ideas will
be strongly favored. All submissions will be reviewed by the Program
Committee. Accepted papers will be published in the electronic
proceedings of the conference. Some papers may have to go through a
shepherding process in collaboration with one of the PC members.

Important Dates

* Submissions due:
  June 24, 2007
* Notification:
  July 24, 2007
* Final version due:
  August 10, 2007


General chair: Vasilios A. Siris (FORTH) and Panos Trimintzios (ENISA)
PC co-chairs: Sotiris Ioanidis and Kostas Anagnostakis
Local Arrangements Chair: Vasilios A. Siris
Local Arrangements Committee: Yiannis Askoksylakis and Anna Doxastaki

Program Committee
Herbert Bos, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Eric Cronin, University of Pennsylvania, USA
George Danezis, KU Leuven, Belgium
Austin Donnelly, Microsoft Research, UK
Stefanos Gritzalis, University of the Aegean, Greece
Mehis Hakkaja, ENISA, EU
Bjorn Knutsson, KTH, Sweden
Christopher Kruegel, TU Wien, Austria
Tieyan Li, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
Javier Lopez, Universidad de Malaga, Spain
Ulrike Meyer, Nokia Siemens Networks GmbH & Co., Germany
Stefan Miltchev, Microsoft, USA
Philippe Owezarski, LAAS-CNRS, France
Michalis Polychronakis, University of Crete and FORTH-ICS, Greece
George C. Polyzos, AUEB/MMlab, Greece
Carlos Ribeiro, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, Portugal
Pierangela Samarati, Universita di Milano, Italy
Diomidis Spinellis, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
Theodore Tryfonas, University of Glamorgan, UK
Sven Ubik, CESNET, Czech Republic
Stefano Zanero, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Steering Committee
Panagiotis Trimintzios, ENISA
Evangelos Markatos, FORTH-ICS, Greece
Andrew Blyth, University of Glamorgan, UK

Cordiali saluti,
Stefano Zanero

Politecnico di Milano - Dip. Elettronica e Informazione
Via Ponzio, 34/5 I-20133 Milano - ITALY
Tel.+39 02 2399-4010
Fax.+39 02 2399-3411

Re: local Calendar System v1.1 ( Remote File Include

2007-01-31 Thread Stefano Zanero
Gadi Evron wrote:
> How can we all automate the testing process for fake vulns in and list
> them as such without overburdening OSVDB, CVE, Milworm and SecuriTeam?

I suggest to ask for a pointer to the single source file where the
vulnerability exists, a pointer to the archive of the correct version of
the application, and a clear description of the vuln, or otherwise
reject the posting altogether.

This would at least add a filter... and make our life easier when


Re: Open Conference Systems = 2.8.2 Remote File Inclusion

2007-01-29 Thread Stefano Zanero

> # Open Conference Systems <= 2.8.2 Remote File Inclusion

Bogus ?

> # Download Source :

The file is not in that archive. Where did you test this ?

> file ;
>   import_xml.php


Re: local Calendar System v1.1 ( Remote File Include

2007-01-29 Thread Stefano Zanero

> local Calendar System v1.1 ( Remote File Include

Fake vuln

> code :

The variables are set in config.php

> exploit:

You never tested them. Which is pretty lame.


Re: FreeForum 0.9.0 <=- (index.php fpath) Remote File Include Vulnerability

2007-01-24 Thread Stefano Zanero
> FreeForum 0.9.0 <=- (index.php fpath) Remote File Include Vulnerability

Bogus. You really don't know what you are doing, as others pointed out.

> code :
> include("$fpath/forum.php");

That variable is initialized two lines above, so this is BOGUS.


Re: Advanced Guestbook <=- 2.4.2 (include_path) Remote File Include Vulnerability

2007-01-24 Thread Stefano Zanero
> Advanced Guestbook <=- 2.4.2 (include_path) Remote File Include
> Vulnerability


> code :.
> require_once $include_path."/admin/";
> require_once $include_path."/lib/$DB_CLASS";
> require_once $include_path."/lib/image.class.php";
> require_once $include_path."/lib/template.class.php";

Line above:
$include_path = dirname(__FILE__);

So your proposed "exploit" does not work.

Please STOP reporting fake web vulns.


Re: Trevorchan <= v0.7 Remote File Include Vulnerability

2007-01-16 Thread Stefano Zanero

> Script:Trevorchan v0.7

Fake vuln

> require_once($tc_config['rootdir']."/inc/functions.php");
> require_once($tc_config['rootdir']."/inc/encryption.php");

These vars are initialized in config.php, which is require-d by the
files you mention.

> Exploit: 

Obviously, you didn't care to test them.



Re: cisco nac bypass vulnerability - cisco trust agent

2007-01-08 Thread Stefano Zanero
thorben schroeder wrote:

> the  cisco  network  admission control system gives an adminitrator the
> chance  to  check  the  clients,  whether  they have installed certain
> patches / hotfixes. this check is not reliable.

This is a known vulnerability of any system of NAC which trusts a client
based agent. Since you cannot determine what program is running on the
remote system, you cannot really trust what it is declaring.

So, nothing really new in what you reported (you could also reverse
engineer and write a client which answers the server exactly what it
wants to hear).

The point is knowing and accepting the unavoidable limits of such


Re: OpenPinboard <= Remote File Include

2007-01-03 Thread Stefano Zanero

> # Download 
> :

> #code : ;(require_once ($language 

$language is set in config.php which is generated by the install script.

Did you actually test it, or is it bogus as it seems ?


Re: Phpjobscheduler 3.0 - Multiple Remote File Include

2006-11-18 Thread Stefano Zanero

> # Phpjobscheduler 3.0  - Multiple Remote File Include by Firewall


> # Code:

include_once("functions.php"); some lines above includes a file which
statically sets that variable, so

> # ExPloit :

None of these work.

Please stop reporting bogus vulnerabilities ! Thanks !


Re: dev_wms => 1.5 Remote File Include Vulnerabilities

2006-11-17 Thread Stefano Zanero
> # CodE : 
>   include $configuration->language_file;

Initialized above by including class_configuration.php. Bogus !


Re: blogcms => 4.0.0 Remote File Include

2006-11-17 Thread Stefano Zanero

> # CodE : 
>   require_once('themes/' . $blog_theme . '/user_style.php');


> # Expl0itS : 
>  http://Site/[path]/index.php?DIR_PLUGINS=[shell_script]

Bogus, initialized in config file included

>  http://Site/[path]/install.php?DIR_LIBS=[shell_script]

Bogus, initialized before being used

>  http://Site/[path]/admin/libs/ADMIN.php?DIR_LIBS=[shell_script]
>  http://Site/[path]/admin/libs/globalfunctions.php?DIR_LIBS=[shell_script]
>  http://Site/[path]/admin/libs/MEMBER.php?DIR_LIBS=[shell_script]
>  http://Site/[path]/admin/libs/PLUGINADMIN.php?DIR_LIBS=[shell_script]
>  http://Site/[path]/admin/libs/SKIN.php?DIR_LIBS=[shell_script]

Classes and functions, that for what I see cannot be called like that.


Re: PLS-Bannieres 1.21 (bannieres.php) File Include

2006-11-01 Thread Stefano Zanero
mahmood ali wrote:

> PLS-Bannieres 1.21 (bannieres.php) File Include

> modules/bannieres/bannieres.php

> In Line 13 :_
> include "$chemin/includes/connexion.php" ;

Including ONE (1) more line of code:

$chemin = "." ;
include "$chemin$chemin/includes/connexion.php" ;


Another example of untested BOGUS vuln advisory...


Re: phpLedAds 2.0(dir) File Include

2006-11-01 Thread Stefano Zanero
mahmood ali wrote:
> phpLedAds 2.0(dir) File Include

> Vulnerable Code:_
> click.php & ledad.php & ledad_js.php

> In Line 41 :_
> require_once($dir . '/ad_class.php');

Right above that:

$dir = dirname(__FILE__);
if(empty($dir)) {
$dir = getcwd( );
if(empty($dir)) {
$dir = '.';

So, this is once again a case of LUGCS (Lame Usage of Google Code Search).

Flag as bogus, please...

(Gadi, how right are you...)
