HyperVM File Permissions Local Vulnerability

2009-08-25 Thread XiaShing
HyperVM is a virtualization application that runs off a host node and can 

several Virtual Private Servers. There is a previously unreported vulnerability 


It was originally documented in ISSUE 14 by an anonymous author:


It turns out that he was showing how a root shell can be created:

[us...@testing574 tmp]$ ls -al

total 28

drwxrwxrwt  4 root  root  4096 May 21 08:41 .

drwxr-xr-x 24 root  root  4096 May 19 16:57 ..

-rw-rw-r--  1 user1 user10 May 21 08:40 ;cd ..;chown root.root 
shell;chmod 4755 shell;

drwx--  2 root  root  4096 May 21 08:41 backupPdUzR4

-rwsr-xr-x  1 root  root  5056 May 21 08:41 shell

-rw-rw-r--  1 user1 user1   89 May 21 08:33 shell.c

This is pointless, because after a 'restore from backup' in HyperVM, it creates 
that folder


Let's take a look at it...On a VM I tested, even the directory was readable.

$ ls -lha /tmp/backupfileIy00MO/

total 36K

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Dec 12 02:18 .

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Dec 12 10:37 ..

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  15K Dec 12 00:46 hypervm.file

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  11K Dec 12 00:46 hypervm.metadata

World readable files. In it, root passwords in plain text. Including username, 
RSA private keys and lots more.

Here the VM type is shown, it appears to be OpenVZ:

$ cat hypervm.file




Private keys!


rname";s:10:"fakeusername";s:16:"text_private_key";s:887:"-BEGIN RSA 















";s:15:"text_public_key";s:1188:"-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-





















Root passwords!


So in summary, here are the exploitation steps:

1. Log into HyperVM/Kloxo

2. Click "Backup Home"

3. In the field labeled "Restore from file", browse for any restore file from 
the popup box.

4. Wait till the VM has finished restoring from backup.

5. Login. If the root user hasn't deleted these files from /tmp/backupX 
before bringing up the network interface, you win.


After the VM is restarted, manually delete these files as the root user before 
anyone else reads them.


Xia Shing Zee

Cross-site Scripting vulnerability in Stronghold/2.3 Apache/1.2.6 C2NetUS/2007

2009-04-20 Thread XiaShing


Stronghold/2.3 Apache/1.2.6 C2NetUS/2007

Previous versions may also be affected.



There are currently only a few websites circulating with

Stronghold/2.3 enabled.


Stronghold/2.3 does not properly sanitize user input and echoes the page 
requested in

the URL as valid HTML and Javascript. This can cause XSS flaws.


Example 1: http://world.std.com/alert("lol");

Example 2: 

Example 3: http://world.std.com/


Do not use Stronghold/2.3. The vendor has not been notified.


Greetz go out to the people who know me.


Xia Shing Zee

Remote access vulnerability using File Thingie v2.5.4

2009-04-02 Thread xiashing


File Thingie v2.5.4

Previous versions may also be affected.



There are currently just a few websites circulating with 

File Thingie enabled.


Dork: intitle:"File Thingie 2.5.4"


A user is able to successfully upload files onto a server by

uploading a php shell such as c99.php, by renaming it



This is the exact same vulnerability that affected BigDump



Do not use File Thingie or put non-root/guest permissions 

on the folder containing File Thingie. The vendor has not 

yet been notified.


Greetz go out to the people who know me.


Xia Shing Zee

Re: Re: Denial of Service using Partial GET Request in Mozilla Firefox 3.06

2009-02-13 Thread XiaShing
This is a bug in WMP:


Firefox should not use WMP though.

Re: Denial of Service using Partial GET Request in Mozilla Firefox 3.06

2009-02-13 Thread XiaShing
It's been confirmed that this is not problem in IE. Sorry I didn't mention 
that. Microsoft uses Silverlight:

GET /index.php?page=Poem/Poem.php HTTP/1.1
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, 
application/x-ms-application, application/vnd.ms-xpsdocument, 
application/xaml+xml, application/x-ms-xbap, application/x-shockwave-flash, 
application/x-silverlight, */*
Accept-Language: en-au
UA-CPU: x86
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 
2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30618)
Host: www.footprints-inthe-sand.com
Connection: Keep-Alive

It could either be because of what Sean said with the Range request or the 
Partial GET Request in Firefox. But I think you are probably correct Rolphin, 
as I've had a lot of Windows Media Player crashes recently. Either way, Windows 
Media Player should probably not be incorporated into Firefox if it's going to 
crash. A more stable platform should be used (such as Silverlight)

Denial of Service using Partial GET Request in Mozilla Firefox 3.06

2009-02-12 Thread XiaShing

Mozilla Firefox 3.06
Previous versions may also be affected.

There are currently many users using Mozilla Firefox.
However, there has been no confirmation of remote execution
of arbitrary code yet.

Tested on:
Windows Vista Version Service Pack 1 Build 6001
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T8300 @ 2.40GHz,
2401 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US;
rv: Gecko/2009011913 Firefox/3.0.6
(.NET CLR 3.5.30729)

The Partial GET Request (HTTP 206 Status Code) of a WAV file
results in a Denial of Service of the application.

Last HTTP packet from Firefox before the DoS is listed below
in RAW format:
GET /fpaudio/footprints_waves.wav HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
User-Agent: NSPlayer/11.0.6001.7001 WMFSDK/11.0
UA-CPU: x86
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Range: bytes=34848-
Unless-Modified-Since: Mon, 09 Jul 2007 12:44:57 GMT
If-Range: "4f0018-440f2-434d403204440"
Host: www.footprints-inthe-sand.com
Connection: Keep-Alive

The OK GET Request (HTTP 200 Status Code) of the WAV file is
listed below in RAW format:
GET /fpaudio/footprints_waves.wav HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
User-Agent: Windows-Media-Player/
UA-CPU: x86
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: Keep-Alive
Host: www.footprints-inthe-sand.com

!Proof of Concept

There is currently no solution. The vendor has not yet been 

Greetz go out to the people who know me.

Xia Shing Zee

Full Path Disclosure In Photolibrary 1.009(Update)

2009-02-12 Thread XiaShing
There has been a change to the solution.


Change line 48 so that the include statement stops null input and incorrect 

if($page == NULL)
echo("Get lost! Stop Trying to get path disclosure!");
echo("Get lost! Stop Trying to get path disclosure!");


The vendor has not yet been notified.

Xia Shing Zee

Full Path Disclosure In Photolibrary 1.009

2009-02-11 Thread XiaShing


Photolibrary 1.009

Previous versions may also be affected.



There are currently just a few websites circulating with 

Photolibrary enabled.



inurl:"/photos" photolibrary All images are the copyright of

their respective authors. Link to this page


Null user input in the following PHP file results in full 

path disclosure of the document root folder because of the 

include function:



Change line 48 so that the include statement stops null


if($page == '')

echo ("Get lost! Stop Trying to get full path disclosure!");





The vendor has not yet been notified.


Greetz go out to the people who know me.


Xia Shing Zee

ViArt Shopping Cart v3.5 Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities

2008-12-29 Thread XiaShing


ViArt Shopping Cart v3.5 is prone to multiple remote 

vulnerabilities. Earlier versions may also be affected.




Dork: intext:"Free Ecommerce Shopping Cart Software by ViArt" +"Your shopping 
cart is empty!" + "Products  Search" +"Advanced Search" + "All Categories"



!risk 1 - Full Path Disclosure


Attackers can use this vulnerability to leverage another attack

after the full path has been disclosed.



!discussion 1 - Full Path Disclosure

The server will give an error when any URL real/imaginary is 

passed to the POST_DATA parameter:


A remote user is able to identify the full path of the document

root folder.



!risk 2 - Information Disclosure


The table names can be further leveraged for a SQL injection if

one exists.



!discussion 2 - Information Disclosure

When a user is not signed in, the tables are shown to the 

attacker via an error, because the PHP form fails to properly

sanitize user_id since the user is not logged in.

The attacker must first try to add a product to the cart and 

then save the shopping cart for the tables to be revealed by 

browsing to: http://www.victim.com/cart_save.php



!risk 3 - Arbitrary Code Injection


Attackers can use this vulnerability to execute arbitrary code

on a legitimate user.



!discussion 3 - Arbitrary Code Injection

The attacker is able to create shopping carts with 

HTML/Javascript injected code such as:




Then when the user visits "My Saved Carts" at 

http://victim.com/user_carts.php the code is executed:

Example 1 would give a link to the Google search engine.

Example 2 would give a javascript alert popup displaying "VULN".

Example 3 would send the user to a malicious site.

Note: manuals_search.php is also vulnerable to the same 

HTML/Javascript vulnerability that allows for arbitrary code to

be executed:


A remote user is able to identify the full path of the document

root folder.




The Cart name is all that needs to be guessed/brute-forced for 

an attacker to gain entry to the shopping cart. As the cart-id 

increments from 1 upwards. This does not require any user-login

from the attacker.

An attacker could also overload the server with a ton of 

shopping carts by constantly refreshing cart_save.php to create

multiple shopping cart ID's.




ViArt Shopping Cart can still be used, but be wary of the full 

path disclosure and make sure no SQL injections can take place

once an attacker knows the table names. Alert users that they 

should be wary of which links they click on as an attacker 

could redirect them to a malicious site. The overloading of 

cart_save.php can be solved by placing IP-bans on attackers.

There is no solution to the brute-force guessing of cart names.

The vendor has not yet been notified.




Greetz go out to the people who know me.



Re: Opera 9.6x file:// overflow

2008-11-19 Thread xiashing
It works on Opera 9.62 with Vista Business running and the crash produces:

You tried to access the address 

Multiple remote vulnerabilities MoinMoin v1.80

2008-11-09 Thread XiaShing


MoinMoin v1.5.9 is prone to multiple remote vulnerabilities.

Earlier versions may also be affected.

MoinMoin v1.80 is also affected to a lesser extent.

Other versions may also be affected.




Dork: "* MoinMoin Powered * Python Powered * Valid HTML 4.01"



!risk 1 - Denial Of Service


The denial of service only results on the end-users side.



!discussion 1 - Denial Of Service



Changing the URL of a linkto URl results in end-user denial of

service conditions if ASCII characters are injected.



!risk 2 - Full Path Disclosure


Attackers can use this vulnerability to leverage another attack

after the full path has been disclosed.



!discussion 2 - Full Path Disclosure


A remote user is able to identify several details about the

system from the python traceback error after injecting an 

extremely long URL string. The uname -a (the platform and OS),

the python release, the full path of the htdocs folder and 

python folder, and the version of MoinMoin that is running. 

However, MoinMoin v1.80 does not disclose the python release 

and the version of MoinMoin.




MoinMoin can still be used, but be wary of the full path

disclosure. The vendor has not yet been notified.




Greetz go out to the people who know me.




Xia Shing Zee


Remote access vulnerability using BigDump ver. 0.29b

2008-11-06 Thread XiaShing

BigDump ver. 0.29b
Previous versions may also be affected.

There are currently many websites circulating with BigDump

Dork: intitle:"BigDump ver. 0.29b"

A user is able to successfully upload files onto a server by
uploading a php shell such as c99.php, by renaming it 

Do not use BigDump or put non-root/guest permissions on the
folder containing BigDump. The vendor has not yet been 

Greetz go out to the people who know me.

Xia Shing Zee

Local information disclosure in WeFi Client v3.3.3.0

2008-07-09 Thread XiaShing



The wireless client, WeFi v3.3.3.0 is susceptible to a local information 
disclosure due to irresponsible coding. Earlier versions may also be affected.




Due to the WeFi client storing the keys in memory, a dump is able to show valid 
WEP, WPA and WPA2 keys that can be used by a local attacker. This information 
can often be found around the 044296C0 offset. An attacker could easily dump 
the credentials from memory whilst walking past a laptop with an autorun U3 
USB. The file that keeps the keys in memory is as follows:

C:\Program Files\WeFi\WeFi.exe




Here is a sample of the hexadecimal memory dump:

Offset00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09ASCII

044296C0  03 8B CB 00 30 39 46 38 32 39.‹Ë.09F829<--WEP KEY

044296CA  38 30 43 58 00 00 00 00 00 0080CX..<--WEP KEY

As you can see, the WEP key, "09F82980CX" has been stored in plain text.

The WEP Key has been changed from its true values to protect the identity and 
anonymity of the victim.




A few lines down and we find the SSID, "linksys":

Offset00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09ASCII

044296FC  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 6C 69li<--SSID

04429706  6E 6B 73 79 73 2E 2E 2E 2E 2Enksys.<--SSID

The SSID has been changed from its true values to protect the identity and 
anonymity of the victim.




The WeFi client continues to keep the WEP keys long after the client has 
authenticated with the wireless access point. The first network that the client 
authenticates with is around 044296C0 and further wireless keys can be found 
after that offset. All wireless keys are accompanied with their respectable 
SSID shortly after the key.




Do not keep the wireless encryption keys in the program and disallow the client 
to "Remember Key". 

The wireless key should only be used during authentication and should not be 
kept in the system memory. 

Encryption is no longer a valid solution as this can be reversed if the 
algorithm is known or reversed.

The vendor has been notified.



Xia Shing Zee

Local vulnerability in WeFi Client v3.

2008-07-04 Thread XiaShing



The wireless client, WeFi v3. is susceptible to local vulnerabilities 
due to improper coding. Earlier versions may 

also be affected.




Due to lack of improper encryption and the client storing backups of the log 
files, a local attacker can gain unencrypted keys to WEP, WPA and WPA2 access 
points. The log files that keep the keys are as follows:

C:\Program Files\WeFi\LogFiles\ClientWeFiLog.dat

C:\Program Files\WeFi\LogFiles\ClientWeFiLog.bak

C:\Program [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Yet to be confirmed, heavily encrypted)




Here is a sample of the backup file code:

a11ae90c2b66|7a000b|6|c8e|736|3f2a||0|0|35|6570|Create Profile|

a11ae90c2d4a|7a000b|6|c8e|736|3f2a||0|0|35|6571|try to connect|


As you can see, the key has been stored in plain text at the end of the last 




It is to be noted that the backup file, .bak, is still viewable even after the 
client is closed. When the .dat file  exceeds 3000kb, it moves the data to the 
.bak file and subsequently when that file exceeds 3000kb, the data is deleted. 
This can exceed over a day of normal internet browsing.

The .dat file shows the unencrypted keys several lines after the phrase, 
"Create Profile". It also shows failed attempts at connecting to a wireless 
access point.




Use heavier encryption or do not keep log files.

The vendor has been notified.



Xia Shing Zee