[This message is being blind-copied to several email lists, in hopes
of reaching security incident handlers and computer intrusion
investigators who may wish to participate.  Sorry if this causes
duplicates.  If you know of another list with a similar constituency
that did not directly receive this message, feel free to forward it.]


You've seen the yearly CSI/FBI computer crime survey results.  You've
read the book "The Cuckoo's Egg."  You've watched a pirated copy of
the video "Hackers." You've winced at the initial volume of the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] email list.  You've lined your bird cage
with the Wall Street Journal article about the Honeynet Project.

And yet, you still wake up every afternoon and ask yourself, "When do
*I* get to analyze an 'in the wild' hacked system and claim my fifteen
minutes of fame?"

Well, your moment has arrived!

The Honeynet Project is announcing a first ever opportunity for the
Internet security community, the Forensic Challenge.  Your mission is
to do a forensic examination of a Linux honeypot compromised in the
wild, produce a report, maybe walk away with a prize or world-wide
glory, and for sure have some fun contributing to the science of
computer forensic analysis!

The best 20 submissions will win a copy of "Hacking Exposed", Second
Edition (courtesey of Foundstone).

The deadline for submissions is February 15, 2001.

The winning entries will be announced March 19, 2001.

The fun begins NOW!

If you are interested and want to join in the Challenge, you can find
full details and rules here:


Dave Dittrich c/o

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