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\  \    ___   | \ \    ____   \ \ \   \_| \_|  \ \|___| \   \__|
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   \  \   \\ \   \ \ \   \ \ \   \ \ \     |\ http://rawt.daemon.sh
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      \|___|  \|___|  \|___|  \|___|  \|___| \|____|        \|___|

Levcgi.coms MyGuestbook JavaScript Injection Vulnerability
Discovered By BrainRawt ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

About MyGuestbook:
Highly customizable guestbook that was released on Feb. 20, 2002, and
can be downloaded at http://www.levcgi.com/programs.cgi?program=myguestbook

According to the website, ...myGuestbook has been downloaded 1298 times!

Vulnerable (tested) Versions:
MyGuestbook v 1.0

Vendor Contact:
4-28-02 - Emailed [EMAIL PROTECTED]

4-30-02 - No Reply from the author and I have decided not to wait since I
           never got a reply about another concern i had several months ago
           involving one of his cgi scripts.

myguestbook inproperly filters input to the guestbook making the guestbook
prone to cross-site scripting attacks by malicious visitors to the site. 
could be a medium to high concern when mixed with a website that uses 

Exploit (POC):
Sign up and post using the "name" 


When posting comments just insert the 
to the comments field.

Knowledge is Power! How Powerful are you? - BrainRawt

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