Re: JDK-8025705

2014-04-23 Thread Keith McGuigan
Yes, I did consider using some ifeq tricks like that -- but they are rather
ugly and unreadable and have the same problem that you want to avoid:
adding distribution-specific code into the open-source makefiles.

My goal here is to have the public OpenJDK makefiles be in a state such
that custom distribution code can be added (in make/closed, src/closed, or
some such alternative location) without having to perform surgery on the
Makefiles and maintain the private changes.  The mechanism is already in
place,it's just some leftover OracleJDK that hasn't made it out of the open
makefiles yet.  If we could just cordon that off somehow, then anyone could
make a custom distribution by augmenting OpenJDK with 'closed' style
repositories -- without having to maintain private, unrelated edits to jdk

On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 12:10 AM, David Holmes david.hol...@oracle.comwrote:

 Hi Keith,

 Okay ... so you don't set OPENJDK and thus from the make logic perspective
 you are implicitly ORACLE_JDK. So first question: why don't you set OPENJDK
 and then add blocks guarded by MY_JDK (or whatever) for your custom stuff?

 Second, the way to get a disjunction is to use the text functions eg
 (untested but you should get the gist):

 // OR
 ifeq (true, findstring( $(OPENJDK) $(MYJDK), true)

 // not-OR
 ifneq (true, findstring( $(OPENJDK) $(MYJDK), true)

 It's not as trivial as || etc but not too horrendously ugly :)

 Does this help?


 On 22/04/2014 11:10 PM, Keith McGuigan wrote:

 Hi David,

 Most of the problem resides in jdk/make, in the following files:

 Biggest offender is problem CopyFiles.gmk (but CreateSecurityJars.gmk
 has a bit too).  Basically in each situation where there's a ifndef
 OPENJDK, it encloses a block of code that access something in
 src/closed or make/closed.

 I did initially try to set a new variable in our build in an attempt to
 replace these areas with something like:
 ifndef OPENJDK  ifndef PRIVATEJDK

 ... but there's apparently no convenient way of doing that in makefiles
 (conjunctions and disjunctions at the preprocessing level aren't
 available -- and the workarounds are rather goofy).  Duplicating the
 OPENJDK only code quickly became unreasonable too -- a few of the code
 blocks are one-liners, but there's a bunch that are much more involved

 On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 8:23 AM, David Holmes wrote:

 Hi Keith,

 Sorry I have very limited cycles right now, and just had a 4 day
 Easter break with anther long weekend ahead :)

 You are right that the src/closed - CUSTOM_SRC_DIR is somewhat
 tangential to your issue.

 The existence checks I suggested would be a check for whatever
 file/directory is enough to indicate the feature is present.

 Most uses of OPENJDK are really used to indicate !ORACLE_JDK, so
 introducing a third variation doesn't really fit.

 Can you give a concrete example of something that highlights this
 problem for you and how your proposal addresses it? I may get a
 better sense of things with specifics rather than trying to
 generalize - because I don't see a general solution without a lot of


 On 22/04/2014 2:42 PM, Keith McGuigan wrote:

 Hi Mark, et al.,

 The sad reality of the situation is that there is indeed
 code in the OpenJDK makefiles, and this code interferes with our
 customization of the JDK.  Adding temporary signposts to allow
 us (and
 others) to avoid this code will not make things worse.  It
 doesn't have
 to be a distribution name -- we call it whatever you like:
 TO_BE_REMOVED, KEITH_IS_A_PITA, whatever -- just something to
 latch onto
 to deactivate that code when it is not needed.  This would provide
 immediate relief to customizing distributors and give Oracle
 time to phase that code into closed makefiles (at which time the
 signposts can be removed completely).

 Taking all this code out wholesale instead would be great, and
 this is
 something I am totally willing to tackle and put the effort in
 on if I
 was in a position to do so.  Unfortunately, since this is not
 open-source, I can't do the refactoring needed to move this code
 the closed directories.  And I though I could easily strip the
 code from
 OpenJDK, this would totally muck with Oracle distribution so any
 patch I
 would submit would surely be immediately rejected.

 Considering that the code is question has been in 

RFR: JDK-8041593: Update README-builds.html to refer to jdk9

2014-04-23 Thread Erik Joelsson
Here is a minor patch to README-builds.html to update references to jdk8 
to jdk9 and fix the part about boot jdk since we now require jdk8.

I realize there is probably a lot more that needs to be fixed in this 
file, but would like to leave that for another time.



Request for review of make changes for JDK-8041507, Java Access Bridge version strings need to be fixed

2014-04-23 Thread Pete Brunet
Please review the open part of the change for this fix:

JDK-8041507 Java Access Bridge version strings need to be fixed

Some variables needed to be set for use by the RC phase of the build of
jabswitch.exe.  The closed part of the fix is a straight backport of the
9 fix and includes use of variables set in the make file.  The open part
of the fix for the make changes could not be backported due to build
changes between 7 and 8/9 so a similar change was made to the 7 build
file and can be found in the patch.


Thanks, Pete

Re: RFR: JDK-8041593: Update README-builds.html to refer to jdk9

2014-04-23 Thread Tim Bell

Hi Erik:

Here is a minor patch to README-builds.html to update references to 
jdk8 to jdk9 and fix the part about boot jdk since we now require jdk8.

I realize there is probably a lot more that needs to be fixed in this 
file, but would like to leave that for another time.


Looks good to me.


Re: JDK-8036003: Add variable not to separate debug information.

2014-04-23 Thread Omair Majid

* Yasumasa Suenaga [2014-04-04 10:56]:
 I've succeeded to make binaries which are contained debuginfo as following:
 $ make images STRIP_POLICY=no_strip POST_STRIP_CMD=
 I guess that we should run make above options to avoid this issue
 in currently.

Thanks. I have verified that this works. Sorry about the delay in
getting it pushed; I haven't had the time due to the security update and
now rawhide being broken due to a GCC 4.9 bump.


PGP Key: 66484681 (
Fingerprint = F072 555B 0A17 3957 4E95  0056 F286 F14F 6648 4681

Re: Request for review of make changes for JDK-8041507, Java Access Bridge version strings need to be fixed

2014-04-23 Thread Tim Bell

Hi Pete:

Please review the open part of the change for this fix:

JDK-8041507 Java Access Bridge version strings need to be fixed

Some variables needed to be set for use by the RC phase of the build of
jabswitch.exe.  The closed part of the fix is a straight backport of the
9 fix and includes use of variables set in the make file.  The open part
of the fix for the make changes could not be backported due to build
changes between 7 and 8/9 so a similar change was made to the 7 build
file and can be found in the patch.


Looks good to me, as long as test builds on Windows worked as expected.


Re: RFR 8030011: Update Hotspot version string output

2014-04-23 Thread Vladimir Kozlov

Looks good.


On 4/22/14 7:32 PM, Alejandro E Murillo wrote:

On 4/22/2014 6:12 PM, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:

On 4/22/14 4:42 PM, Alejandro E Murillo wrote:

On 4/21/2014 1:18 PM, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:

Hi Alejandro,

I don't think we need to rename make/hotspot_version file. It is still
used to set JVM's version string and not JDK's version.

Next assert message is not consistent with previous messages which use
vm, I think it should be vm here too:

  DEBUG_ONLY(assert_digits(vm_build_num, offset, wrong JDK build

we do not have hotspot build number anymore, so I think we should not
mention hotspot build numberls

Can we simple say wrong build number?

sounds good!

So you don't want update build number in make/*_version files? ;)
Yes, I see in your example of JPRT build VM does not have build number

it's gone!

Abstract_VM_Version::jvm_version() should include micro version. See
JVM_GetVersionInfo() in jvm.cpp and jvm_version_info in

I added that here, is that what you are referring?

No, I mean next code should encode micro version too:

 unsigned int Abstract_VM_Version::jvm_version() {
   return ((Abstract_VM_Version::vm_major_version()  0xFF)  24) |
  ((Abstract_VM_Version::vm_minor_version()  0xFF)  16) |
+ ((Abstract_VM_Version::vm_micro_version()  0xFF)   8) |
  (Abstract_VM_Version::vm_build_number()  0xFF);

you are right. I recall having added that earlier :(
it's back int the webrev

Use corresponding test in jdk for testing of these changes:


yeah, I run that test as part of jprt full builds,
That test handles both JDK and Hotspot express versions


jvm.h: Next comment is not accurate:

+/* VM version string: JDK version string */

If we build VM separately (for example, in JPRT) VM version will not
be JDK version in which VM is installed. It will take numbers either
from passed make parameters or from make/hotspot_version. I think it
should say:

+/* VM version string follows the JDK release version naming
+ * major.minor.micro-bxx[-identifier][-debug_flavor]

Based on your examples [-identifier][-debug_flavor] is still used
so it should be reflected in the comment.

Let me make that explicit.

Don't remove next comments from vm_version.cpp but fix it (follow the
JDK release):

-// HOTSPOT_RELEASE_VERSION must follow the release version naming
-// major_ver.minor_ver-bnn[-identifier][-debug_target]


You did not show default VM version example when VM is built locally
by engineer.

It will be similar to the hotspot only jprt build. There will be a
I tested by dropping the resulting libjvm  into a promoted build, so it
looks like this:

java version 1.9.0-ea
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.9.0-ea-b01)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.9.0-internal-debug, mixed


Please test that correct version string is constructed when you build
VM using make/, for example 'sh make/ debug LP64=1'

Haven't tested that, thanks for pointing that out.

thank you

Next comment change in buildtree.make is not correct because
HOTSPOT_RELEASE_VERSION make parameter does not include

-# HOTSPOT_RELEASE_VERSION - major.minor-bnn (11.0-b07)

see JPRT logs where HOTSPOT_BUILD_VERSION is set separately.

let me check that again

I think next change in make/defs.make is not safe (removing make
parameter) due to complexity of our builds:


I checked the code, and HOTSPOT_RELEASE_VERSION is only used in
so I think is fine to remove it. Note that if we keep it there, since
the JDK version string
sometimes might have time stamps, it may affect ccache,  that's why at
some point they
separated the options for vm_version.cpp from the options for other
components. See this
comment on vm,make:

# This is VERY important! The version define must only be supplied to
# If not, ccache will not re-use the cache at all, since the version
string might contain
# a time and date.

I was concern that it will not be passed into nested make so that, for
example, buildtree.make will not get it.

I see. I don't think it's needed

I think I incorporated all the changes David, John and you suggested and
started some sanity testing;
Here's is the latest webrev:

Please review (don't forget to refresh each file on your browser) and
let me know if I missed anything.
thanks guys!

Re: JDK-8025705

2014-04-23 Thread David Holmes

On 23/04/2014 9:23 PM, Keith McGuigan wrote:

Yes, I did consider using some ifeq tricks like that -- but they are
rather ugly and unreadable and have the same problem that you want to
avoid: adding distribution-specific code into the open-source makefiles.

I see no short-term fix for this beyond what I suggested, as an 
alternate to putting in the ORACLEJDK variable. But you would have to 
maintain that change in your private repo - I see no way around that.

Given that:

ifndef OPENJDK

actually, implicitly means


then all non-Oracle builds must presently declare themselves to be 
OPENJDK implementations. To which they can add specific customizations.

My goal here is to have the public OpenJDK makefiles be in a state such
that custom distribution code can be added (in make/closed, src/closed,
or some such alternative location) without having to perform surgery on
the Makefiles and maintain the private changes.  The mechanism is
already in place,it's just some leftover OracleJDK that hasn't made it
out of the open makefiles yet.  If we could just cordon that off
somehow, then anyone could make a custom distribution by augmenting
OpenJDK with 'closed' style repositories -- without having to maintain
private, unrelated edits to jdk Makefiles.

You simply need to leave OPENJDK set to true to achieve that cordoning off.

Even if we move all OracleJDK specific stuff out of the open makefiles a 
completely clean separation may not be possible:
- the customization hooks can not be everywhere and different 
customizations may have different requirements
- if there are chunks of OpenJDK code (ie code currently part of both 
OpenJDK and Oracle JDK) that are not wanted in your custom build then 
you will still need to maintain private makefile changes to exclude 
them. To fix this will need additional modularization of the build 
with feature-selection (though not in a way that would violate the 
platform specifications).


On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 12:10 AM, David Holmes wrote:

Hi Keith,

Okay ... so you don't set OPENJDK and thus from the make logic
perspective you are implicitly ORACLE_JDK. So first question: why
don't you set OPENJDK and then add blocks guarded by MY_JDK (or
whatever) for your custom stuff?

Second, the way to get a disjunction is to use the text functions eg
(untested but you should get the gist):

// OR
ifeq (true, findstring( $(OPENJDK) $(MYJDK), true)

// not-OR
ifneq (true, findstring( $(OPENJDK) $(MYJDK), true)

It's not as trivial as || etc but not too horrendously ugly :)

Does this help?


On 22/04/2014 11:10 PM, Keith McGuigan wrote:

Hi David,

Most of the problem resides in jdk/make, in the following files:

Biggest offender is problem CopyFiles.gmk (but
has a bit too).  Basically in each situation where there's a ifndef
OPENJDK, it encloses a block of code that access something in
src/closed or make/closed.

I did initially try to set a new variable in our build in an
attempt to
replace these areas with something like:

... but there's apparently no convenient way of doing that in
(conjunctions and disjunctions at the preprocessing level aren't
available -- and the workarounds are rather goofy).  Duplicating the
OPENJDK only code quickly became unreasonable too -- a few of
the code
blocks are one-liners, but there's a bunch that are much more

On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 8:23 AM, David Holmes
mailto:david.holmes@oracle.__com wrote:

 Hi Keith,

 Sorry I have very limited cycles right now, and just had a
4 day
 Easter break with anther long weekend ahead :)

 You are right that the src/closed - CUSTOM_SRC_DIR is somewhat
 tangential to your issue.

 The existence checks I suggested would be a check for whatever
 file/directory is enough to indicate the feature is present.

 Most uses of OPENJDK are really used to indicate
 introducing a third variation doesn't really fit.

 Can you give a concrete example of something that
highlights this
 problem for you and how your proposal addresses it? I may get a
 better sense of things with