
When building first OpenJDK in product mode and then build it again in debug mode, one gets a somewhat confusing anomaly:

Z:\DEV\OpenJDK\build>dir /X
 Le volume dans le lecteur Z s'appelle Developpement
 Le numéro de série du volume est A0AB-7CB1

 Répertoire de Z:\DEV\OpenJDK\build

01/04/2008  09:15    <REP>                       .
01/04/2008  09:15    <REP>                       ..
01/04/2008  09:15    <REP>          WINDOW~1     windows-i586
01/04/2008  09:17    <REP>          WINDOW~2     WINDOW~1-debug
               0 fichier(s)                0 octets

IMHO, it would be less confusing to create a 'windows-i586' directory for the release mode and a 'windows-i586-debug' directory for the debug mode to get something like

01/04/2008  09:15    <REP>          WINDOW~1     windows-i586
01/04/2008  09:17    <REP>          WINDOW~2     windows-i586-debug


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