Re: [BVARC] Why not to use XYL

2024-01-09 Thread Tony BenBrahim via BVARC
Seño avoids potential mistakes. It is quite common in these parts.

On Mon, Jan 8, 2024 at 8:12 AM Stephen Flowers via BVARC 

> All,
> Same in Spanish:  Señorita (unmarried lady), Señora (married lady).
> However, you’d likely get killed if you called a Señora an “ex -
> señorita”.  Dangerous waters, tread carefully is all I’m saying..  LOL
> 73,
> Stephen (W2WF)
> On Jan 7, 2024, at 8:44 PM, Chris Medlin via BVARC 
> wrote:
> Our abbreviated signals are just shorthand.
> CQ is derived from “seek you”
> OM is old man. That’s you, Anthony (and me).
> YL is “Young Lady”… you got that right. A YL can be licensed or
> non-licensed. When a YL gets married, regardless of License or Non-License,
> she becomes an Ex-YL, or XYL.
> Similar to French, if I recall correctly from High School French class
> (and Phillipe can also correct me) Mademoiselle is the young lady whereas
> Madam is the married lady.
> XYL is just the wife. Shouldnt be a statement that someone gets offended
> over.
> Of they do, just continue to use the shorthand in CW, where it was likely
> birthed and she will be none the wiser, unless she knows CW, then its
> likely she wont care.
> Chris/AC5CM
> Typos brought to you by iPhone
> On Jan 7, 2024, at 16:04, anthony moro via BVARC  wrote:
> So today I was schooled why I shouldn't call a female operator a XYL. So
> XYL means unlicensed female operator, or ones wife that is an operator.
> Either way it seems to me that it is not a good idea to say that to you
> better half if she is an operator. I was given this when I said that.
> Young Lady
> The term "Young Lady" derives from a Morse code abbreviation, YL, that is
> used to refer to female amateur radio operators, regardless of age. (As
> male operators of any age are addressed as OM or "old man", the
> non-licensed spouse of an OM is often called an XYL.)
> --
> *Anthony Morones*
> * W5LIC*
> * *
> *713-410-3948*
> Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club
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Re: [BVARC] FW: EMERGENCY: X-Class Solar Flare with CME

2017-09-06 Thread Tony BenBrahim via BVARC
It already happened:

The sun is 8.3 light minutes from Earth, not 48 hours


On Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 2:09 PM, JP Pritchard via BVARC 

> Anything we need to do to protect gear?
> JP
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 6, 2017, at 12:42 PM, Scott Medbury via BVARC 
> wrote:
> *From:* Bill Crowell, N4HPG [ ]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, September 06, 2017 12:38 PM
> *To:* Glenn Scott; Pat Cameron; n5xz; Glen Jenkins; Dan Bates; Hannah
> Crowell; John A. Chauvin; Michael DeMarco; Gallagher, Tom, NY2RF; Gerald
> N5KT; Winfield Hill; Paul Horowitz; Iveta Swaim; Christopher Imlay; Jeffery
> MacMillian; Jeff Blythe; VooDude;; KF5HDR; Lionel Media;
> Scott Medbury; Ravi Patrick Ratnala; Del Partridge; Steve Quayle; ricki
> tavi; Doug Seyler;;
>; Bill Hendricks
> *Subject:* Fwd: EMERGENCY: X-Class Solar Flare with CME
> *Importance:* High
> Begin forwarded message:
> *From: *"Bill Crowell, N4HPG" 
> *Subject: EMERGENCY: X-Class Solar Flare with CME*
> *Date: *September 6, 2017 at 12:26:25 PM CDT
> *To: *John Grounds 
> 2 hours ago, we had an X-class solar flare above 10. It was followed by a
> large Coronal Mass Ejection.
> While it is still being modeled, it will impact earth within 48 hours.
> Likely effects:
> 1. Large-scale power grid disruption on the sun-facing side of the earth
> during impact
> 2. Large-scale disruption of communications:
> A. HF Radio blackout
> B. Satellite blackout
> C. Data/Cellular loss of information
> D. Damage to computer systems
> 3. Earthquakes during compression of the earth’s magnetopause.
> ***
> Present focus is on Harvey and Irma and the attention of the public is
> limited. Please distribute.
> Bill Crowell, N4HPG
> Pearland, TX
> Mutability of opinion is directly proportional to intelligence.
> Bill Crowell, N4HPG
> Pearland, TX
> Mutability of opinion is directly proportional to intelligence.
> ___
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Re: [BVARC] Needed -- a copy of an article in the 1928 proceedings iof the IRE

2017-06-27 Thread Tony BenBrahim via BVARC
For $6 incl shipping, you can get 1928-1962 on Amazon:


On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 8:51 PM, Rick Hiller -- W5RH via BVARC <> wrote:

> A bit of an antiquated request, but does anyone have the 1928 procedings
> from the Institute of Radio Engineers?
> Borrow them for an hour to copy or get you to copy and I'll sent you $'s.
>I have a specific article that I want.
> Contact me off
> Thank you...Rick -- w5RH
> --
> Rick Hiller   W5RH
> *e-mail: *
> *Cell:832-474-3713 <(832)%20474-3713>*
> *Physical: 9031 Troulon Drive*
> *   Houston, TX 77036*
> Rick Hiller
> *The Radio Hotel*  -- W5RH
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Re: [BVARC] MTC future location?

2016-11-08 Thread Tony BenBrahim via BVARC
I-10 and west loop is hard to get to from Clear Lake.

In my opinion, Beltway 8 South, anywhere  between 59S  and 45 South.
But definitely right off the toll road...There are three large clusters,
Clear Lake, 290 and Belway 8, and all of  Southwest Houston (from 10 to 59).

Tony BenBrahim

On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 1:00 PM, mark janzer <> wrote:

> Cool map, thanks.
> So, in your opinion, what's the geographic center for the Houston area.
> (discounting Livingston with 593 hams, cause they all "live" on Rainbow
> Dr.).
> I-10 and the West Loop?
> 73
> Mark
> ------------
> On Tue, 11/8/16, Tony BenBrahim via BVARC <> wrote:
>  Subject: [BVARC] MTC future location?
>  Cc: "Tony BenBrahim" <>
>  Date: Tuesday, November 8, 2016, 12:40 PM
>  I sent this
>  interactive map of FCC licensed amateurs by zip code. to
>  Richard at MTC, figured some of you might find it
>  interesting.
> vizhome/USLicensedAmateurs/Sheet2
>  Enjoy
>  Tony BenBrahimk5DEV
>  -Inline Attachment Follows-
>  ___
>  BVARC mailing list
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Re: [BVARC] Juan by Juan

2015-09-01 Thread Tony BenBrahim via BVARC
Sad. They used to make fun of the Irish the same way
The Chinese

after that, I guess things never change, just a different group.

On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 7:44 PM, Jo. L. Keener via BVARC 

> -s*ubject:* *Juan by Juan*
> *Want to place your ad here?*
> Advertise on United Online
> ___
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Re: [BVARC] Frosty's Memory

2015-03-09 Thread Tony BenBrahim via BVARC
The animal farm approach (All animals are equal, *but some animals are
more equal than others*) was not seen in a favorite light in Orwell's
time, and still is not. It described a regime where some ruling class
animals were allowed to flout laws that other presumably equal animals were
subject to. You may want to pick a different allegory.

That being said, it is the case that some member have a larger impact on
the club than others, and it may not be a bad idea to start a BVARC history
page to recognize the volunteer activities of those members.


On Sun, Mar 8, 2015 at 2:53 PM, Scott Royall via BVARC

 Those of us who feel most comfortable with the *Animal Farm* approach
 might choose to peruse Now there, in my
 not-so-humble opinion, is an example of how you honor your fallen stars. I
 wasn't even an ham then, but I was a SWL and I heard Stan Preston, W5GIX,
 daily until his passing in 1979. He was an asset not only to BRARC, but to
 Baton Rouge in general.

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Re: [BVARC] politics on the repeater??

2014-11-06 Thread Tony BenBrahim via BVARC

I guess the point is that there is a distinction between the use of the
BVARC repeater and some round table on 80 m.  A round table serves a
limited number of people with similar interests, similar world outlook and
opinions. If you are offended, there is a big knob on the radio that can
take you to a more pleasing conversation. The BVARC repeater is for the use
of all members, regardless of race, gender, political affiliation, etc...
It easier to state that no political or religious discussion should take
place, rather than try to arbitrate what might constitute civil discussion.
Someone might think that they are being perfectly civil and appropriate as
they state that Obama is Kenyan, or that Catholics and Jews are going to
hell because they have not accepted Christ as their savior, but it offends
a large number of members. In a 200 member club, you are guaranteed to
offend with those topics, there are many religions or lack thereof
represented,many political affiliations (hard for some to believe, I know,
but there are Democrats in BVARC) as well as many races and ethnographic
groups,  who might find the club less than welcoming with such discourse on
the club repeater or the club mailing list (emphasis on club). Again, what
you do on other frequencies and venues is your business, it does not
reflect upon BVARC in any way.


On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 12:44 PM, Bruce via BVARC wrote:

  I have found, while monitoring many lists, that there will always be a
 subject that someone does not like to discuss. This subject then, always
 becomes the most talked about subject for a long time to come. Now that we
 have that subject, we can continue to talk about it until the cows come
 home. Then we can return to the woodchuck.


 On 11/6/2014 12:18 PM, Scott Royall via BVARC wrote:

  Hmm. Bill, why do I find  this post vaguely disturbing? Are you
 suggesting that Amateur Radio assets should only be used to discuss Amateur
 Radio topics? Gee, I may be wrong, but that appears to be awfully boring
 and myopic. How many times can we talk about amplifier design, or how well
 so-and-so did in the latest contest? It seems to me that one of the biggest
 problems facing this country is voter apathy, and any forum that serves
 responsible discussion of topical issues should be welcomed.

 Of course I was not present this morning so I don’t know if the verbal
 equivalent of blood was spilled. Were people called derogatory names? Did
 tempers flare? Agreed, polite social etiquette discourages such behavior,
 and Hams are generally expected to be role models. Yet, I know you’ve been
 around long enough to know Hams are no better or worse than anyone else.
 Indeed, I’m happy to read that religion and politics did come up, as long
 as verbal shots weren't fired. I don’t see how harm was done unless
 somebody is nursing a grudge. That would be unacceptable.

 Incidentally, Functional MRI studies have revealed that the same areas of
 our brains that become active when discussing politics and religion are
 also involved in discussing such things as our operating system
 preferences. In other words, our emotions become attached to whatever
 matters to us individually.

 I, for one, welcome rational responses to this post.

 *From:* BVARC [] *On
 Behalf Of *Bill Stone via BVARC
 *Sent:* Thursday, November 6, 2014 08:47
 *Subject:* [BVARC] politics on the repeater??

 As I sit and lurk the 94 repeater from 8pm -8:30 PM all I hear is politics
 and now its moving to religious ethnics I am not the trustee for the 94
 but it is easy to say these topics are not related to AMATEUR radio and do
 not spread our good will philosophies.

 If you voted in the elections that is great and the American way of life
 and your rights as an American. Your freedom of voice of your political
 opinion is never suppressed in America however please there is a place and
 a time to do so and the repeater is not the place to do it...same goes for
 religious activities that are not of your own religious concepts.

 Thanks for allowing my humble suggestion on the email reflector and do not
 feel this needs a responce.

 tnx WS5H

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