[cafe] arts and crafts

2003-07-05 Por tema Anonim
Does anybody know of any market in Andorra that sells arts or crafts (not necessarily 
exclusively)and how for example to go about setting up a stall at the saturday market 
in Escaldes???

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[cafe] cost of living

2003-03-31 Por tema Anonim
thinking about holidaying in Andorra, heard cost of living is cheap.
any idea on cost of meals, wine in shops and cigarettes.

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[cafe] Recipies from Andorra

2003-03-20 Por tema Anonim
Hi, I am a 9th grader at Frazier Mountain High School in LA, California.  We are doing 
a report on the Country of Andorra and wanted to pass out some food from Andorra 
during our presentation. We thought that it would fun to learn about what they eat and 
share it with our classmates. We would be greatly abliged if you would send us some 
recipies.  Thank you for your time.  Hope to hear from you soon.

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[cafe] Te va el Morbo?Busco CHICA AMA o sumisa.

2003-03-12 Por tema Anonim
Dispongo de piso.
Preferentemente residente en Andorra.
Cualquier edad.
Interesadas escribir a [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Informate sin ningun compromiso!!!

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[cafe] Question about the buses in Andorra.

2003-03-08 Por tema Anonim
please, can anybody tell me if there are any intercity buses in Andorra? I am going to 
come in Pas de la Casa and I would like also to visit Andorra la Vella. How many times 
a day are the buses comming and how much does it cost? (I am a student).
I am looking forward to your answer and have a nice day.

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[cafe] A photo camera?

2003-03-08 Por tema Anonim
Hallo, I am going to go to Andorra la Vella and Pas de la Casa. I would like to buy a 
photocamera (Canon 300 or some with similar specifications). Can you recommend me some 
good store with fine prices?
Thank you very much. Bye.

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[cafe] subject of your message?

2003-03-07 Por tema Anonim
can you please thank everybody that has sent me mail , can you ask someone to enquire 
for me the price of tobacco,cigarettes alcohol for me in andorra

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[cafe] subject of your message?

2003-03-06 Por tema Anonim
can someone tell me the price of cigarettes , tobacco, ie regal cigarettes, golden 
virginia tobacco in andorra

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[cafe] subject of your message?

2003-03-06 Por tema Anonim
whats the price of 2 bedroom flats in andorra

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[cafe] Lost friends

2003-03-06 Por tema Anonim
   My name is Noel Douglas and i spent a vacation Andorra 1985. My friend name is 
Gemma Rocca Epatran i am sure i spelt her name wrong.If anyone could help me get in 
touch,Iknow its a long shot.
  Thank You
  Noel Douglas
  My e,mail address  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[cafe] help with college project

2003-03-04 Por tema Anonim


I am working on a project on the Principality of Andorra. This project is a section in 
my English studies class at Algonquin College, in Ottawa, Canada. I chose Andorra as 
many people in Canada know little or nothing about this country. I myself can be 
included in this group. I have to do a presentation on this project and do hope 
someone may help!


I have several questions I need answered for my project and hope you may be able to 
help answer them. The following is a list of ones that I cannot find information on 
while surfing the net. Please help!


How do people respond to strangers?

How do people greet each other?

What is the correct etiquette when you enter a room?

How are names used for introductions? Is it considered proper to inquire about a 
person's occupation or family?

What are the attitudes about touching?

Are any facial expressions or gestures considered rude?

How close do people stand when talking?

What is the attitude towards punctuality in social and business situations?

What gestures indicate agreement / disagreement?

Is social status determined by racial, religious, or economic factors?


Clothing And Food

What occasions require special clothing?

Are some types of clothing considered taboo?

What is appropriate business attire for men / women?

How does one behave during meals? 

Are there any social rules about how or where one sits?

What should a visitor know about types of food and drink?

Who pays for what, in what currency? Is tipping practiced?

Political Climate and Values

What political systems are relevant to prospective businesses?

Is competition or cooperation more prized?

Is politeness more important than factual honesty?

What are the attitudes towards education?

Do women own or manage businesses?

What are people's views of North Americans? 

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[cafe] tema del missatge?

2003-01-26 Por tema Anonim
Em podriau enviar una foto o un logo de l'escut d'Andorra?
Moltes gracies.

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[cafe] Necessitaria ajuda... en forma d'opinio.

2003-01-21 Por tema Anonim
Hola! Estic fent un treball sobre Andorra. A travès de pàgines web i llibres tinc una 
idea força clara de totes les meravelles que es poden trobar a Andorra. Tot i així 
dona la sensació de que totes les descripcions estan més encaminades a persuadir 
turistas que no a expressar que és bo d'Andorra per als andorrans (que sou qui 
realment hi viviu). Em podrieu dir quines són les coses que més valores de viure a 
Andorra? Sis plau, totes les opinions que pugui obtenir em seran de grandíssima ajuda.

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[cafe] my son / working in Andorra

2003-01-09 Por tema Anonim
I am e-mailing from Canada.  My son who is 22 is travelling in the region of Andorra 
and would like to work there for a year or two.  What is the best way to accheive this.
he has worked for Disney and he is very googd qith the public. He is fluent in French
English and Spanish and he even speak a bit of Catalan.
I would really appreciate any help I can get
As a parent we always worry, it does not matter how old our kids are
thank you so much for your help

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[cafe] Accomodation search?

2003-01-03 Por tema Anonim
Desperate search for accomodation for 7 
people 15 February - 22 February, 
preferrably self catering apartment
Any help out there?
Bruce Black
fax +44 208 355 6753

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[cafe] travel to andora

2003-01-03 Por tema Anonim
Can anyone help?

I will be travelling to Soldeu 25/01/03.

1. Are there any toll or tunnel charges on route from Barcelona?
2. What are the road conditions likely to be (do I need snow chains)?
3. Best place for boot and ski hire?

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[cafe] busco feina a Andorra

2002-10-26 Por tema Anonim
Si algú en pogues informar de com cercar feina a Andorra li estaria molt agraït. Tinc 
nou anys d'experiència i moltes ganes de treballar. Enviau-me un correu electrònic a 
Moltes gràcies,
Palma, Illes Balears

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[cafe] andorra

2002-10-23 Por tema Anonim
euro andorra

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[cafe] Token payments to France Spain

2002-10-18 Por tema Anonim
Does anyone know what the token payments Andorra makes to France  Spain every two 
years for their international representation of Andorra?

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[cafe] casa

2002-10-13 Por tema Anonim

bueno tengoplaneado estar en andorra a principios de diciembre, nunca estube pero 
quiero hacer la temporada de invierno alla, agradesco si alguien me da una mano con el 
tema alojamiento que lo veomedio jodido gracias

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[cafe] tesis

2002-10-12 Por tema Anonim
soy italiana y estudio ciencias politicas en padua. mi tesis en derecho internacional 
sobre la sujetividad internacional de andorra. hablo espanol y francesalguien me puede 
ayudar? gracias Claudia

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[cafe] hello..

2002-10-11 Por tema Anonim

Can you tell me please if you there , in Andorra have stores that sell products of 
paintball ?? like Guns . markers.. Googles, paintballs.. etc.. anything about 
paintball. can you tell me if they are !!  answer me please :)) thanks


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[cafe] ois

2002-10-11 Por tema Anonim

Hello ther..
Its true that the prices in there are cheap?
because everyone told me that you don t pay taxes in there.. can you give me an 
example.. like in here a Pc portatil costs.. 1600E.. what is the price in there.. ???
Tell me.. 

waitinn ::

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[cafe] Informático

2002-09-25 Por tema Anonim

La nostra ditta Berlumar  Co. stá cercando il migliore informático dell´Andorra. Il 
suo nome é Alberto Millán Guillamón. Dovrebbe communicarsi con Cali, Colombia. Vi 
ringrazziamo farle arrivare questo messaggio il piú presto possibbile.

Saranyu Maruanda 
Vicepresidente Tecnologico

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[cafe] sumiso busca AMA en Andorra o cercanias

2002-09-20 Por tema Anonim

Joven sumiso andorrano de 24 años, deportista y universitario, buena presencia y 
Busca AMA que lo inicie en la sumision o/y bondage, via netmeeting, chat, telefono o 
mail para ser sometido en real mas adelante cuando su AMA lo crea conveniente.
Dispongo de lenceria de lycra, latex, vibradores, bodys femeninos, tanga electrico, 
velas... etc...
Total seriedad y confidencialidad.
Interesadas enviar mail a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(No son necesarios grandes conocimientos, nos autoformaremos)

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[cafe] Looking for ...

2002-09-13 Por tema Anonim

I'm looking for : Jordi, Luis, Nathalie, Armando CACHAFEIRO and/or Andrès Florès. They 
all attended school in Switzerland (Chaperon Rouge) in the years 1981 to 1984 roughly. 
I'd love to know what they've all become.
An old school friend,
Melinda Steinberg

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[cafe] cabins/campsites/apartments

2002-09-04 Por tema Anonim

kia ora/hi there,i would like to know if anyone  can recommend good budget 
accommodation anywhere in Andorra,or Arinsal if possible.intend to visit there in 
mid-january 2003.any info would be much appreciated.may even share with another couple 
a 4 person apartment.we are 2 people from new zealand 25yr old male and 22yr old 
woman.we appreciate any return messages.regards,eddie and zenya

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[cafe] How to find Andorran phone directory

2002-08-31 Por tema Anonim

Can anyone offer advice?  I used to live in Andorra and would like to contact a few 
people. mary

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[cafe] employment

2002-08-19 Por tema Anonim

I'm a recently retired Electrical 
Engineer, Purdue Univ.  Skills from basic Electrician to Advanced Electronic and EET 
skills.  Wondering about job opportunities in Andorra.  Spanish is second language.

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[cafe] demanar informació

2002-08-04 Por tema Anonim

HOla Bona Tarda

Volia sapiguer si hi ha algun lloc ha ont carregar  o adquirir tarjetes del Canal 
Digital o el  Canal+ (pirates) per aqui al Principat d'Andorra.

Moltes Gracies



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[cafe] Buscu botigues de musica!

2002-07-31 Por tema Anonim

Hola m'adreço a vosaltres per demanar-vos si podrieu administrar-me webs de botigues 
muscials (en especial que es venguin i comprin guitarres i estris relacionats, com 
amplificadors, pedaleres,etc.)


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[cafe] Dubtes

2002-07-30 Por tema Anonim


Sóc un enamorat d'Andorra i fa temps que tinc pensat traslladar-m´hi a viure.

Tanmateix tinc molts dubtes. ¿Necessito fer algín tràmit o algun tipus de permís per 
anar a viure a Andorra?



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[cafe] Busco SUMISA en Andorra

2002-07-21 Por tema Anonim

Soy AMO joven q busca chica o mujer, residente en Andorra para practicarle la 
dominacion. No sado si no lo desea.

Ud pone los limites, yo la formare de forma gradual en este interesante genero.

Se valorara disponer de webcam y microfono. Mas informacion en [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Interesadas enviar fotografia reciente y descripcion detallada.

No te arrepentiras!

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[cafe] cases de nines

2002-07-14 Por tema Anonim

hola, soc la carla

soc una noia de barcelona que pujarè a Andorra de vacances a l'agost, minteresaria 
saber la localització de alguna botiga on venguin cases de nines, a ser posible 
voldria saber els preus de les cases o si la botiga disposa de pagina web, voldria 
comparar els preus amb barcelona els mes aviat posible. gracies

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[cafe] Expat community

2002-07-14 Por tema Anonim

hi there

may I ask if anyone can give me a link or email addresses for any expat communities in 

I am an Australian-Canadian, but any English speaking expat group or community would 
be ideal and great

cheers, and thanx


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[cafe] Moving to and Living in Andorra

2002-07-14 Por tema Anonim

gday again

I am relocating to Andorra, and would appreciate any comments or help, or guides to 
other links that discuss the relocation process or living in Andorra

Any news on cost of living would be helpful

To former friends who did write to me earlier in the year, and that thru tardiness on 
my part I have overlooked to keep in touch, please forgive, and kindly drop me a line 
just to say 'hi', and that you're doing well

best regards


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[cafe] Decoració

2002-06-02 Por tema Anonim

Missatge desde La Seu: Recomana'm una botiga de decoració i mobles d'Andorra que 
estigui bé.

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[cafe] Visiting Turks

2002-05-30 Por tema Anonim


Does anyone know how easy (or difficult) it is for a Turkish person to visit Andorra?  
Ý know that Andorra itself does not specifically require a visa, however to enter 
Andorra one must first enter Spain or France.  Any knowledge on the matter would be 
gratefully received.


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[cafe] subject of your message?

2002-05-30 Por tema Anonim

looking for an andorran girl for correspondence

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[cafe] piano

2002-05-29 Por tema Anonim

Estic intentant localitzar on podria llogar un piano. Us agraire qualsevol informació.

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2002-05-23 Por tema Anonim

No disposso de pàgines grogues d'Andorra, ni conec a ningú d'allà, doncs soc de 
Barcelona. Reitero la meva petició. Moltes gràcies.

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2002-05-22 Por tema Anonim

Necessito contactar amb varis grans magatzems importants d'Andorra. Si algú em pot 
informar dels núms. de telèfon, adreces i noms d'aquests magatzems, i fins i tot, 
persona/es amb qui contactar, ho agrairé molt.  Gràcies.

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2002-05-18 Por tema Anonim

Necessito trobar informació sobre l'epiteli de ceba per a un treball de la classe de 
2n d'ESO del meu institut

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[cafe] Help me please

2002-05-17 Por tema Anonim

Hi, I have been trying to get a flat/appartment for about a week now, with no joy! I 
am looking at going for 3.5 months next season from mid january, can you help me 
please. I havwe tried emailing all the hotels directly and none have come back to me. 
I have been to Andorra twice, once to Arinsal and last time this year to Pas de la 
Casa. I really need some help, I look forward to your reply, thanks in advance, a 
hopefull snowboarder...

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[cafe] andorra question

2002-05-15 Por tema Anonim

What is the top 5 current events happening in Andorra right now.

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[cafe] Hacer amigos

2002-05-14 Por tema Anonim

Hola! Me llamo Susana, tengo 36 años y la próxima semana me voy para Andorra porque 
voy a trabajar allí.
No conozco allí a nadie, salvo los que serán mis compañeros de trabajo, que me los 
presentarán en situ.
No sé hablar catalán pero lo aprenderé.
Me gustaría contactar con gente que esté allí y poder hacer amigos.
Mi e mail es :   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[cafe] Traveling Time

2002-05-13 Por tema Anonim

Can anyone tell me how long it takes to drive from Carcossone to Andorra.  Thanks, Tony

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[cafe] planning to buy a camera in Andorra

2002-05-01 Por tema Anonim

Hi All,
I'm planning to visit Andorra at the end of May. I would like to buy there a Minolta 
Dimage 7 (or 7i) camera.
Can anyone help me with the following information:
Is it worth to buy cameras in Andorra?? Is it cheaper than Barcelona? Will I be able 
to get the above mentioned camera in Andorra? Can soneone relate me to a web site of a 
shop for this??

Any help will be welcome.
Thank you all for your help.

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[cafe] Andorran cooking recipe

2002-04-24 Por tema Anonim

I am doing a report for my class on Andorra on May 2nd.   I would like to cook and 
bring an Andorran treat to my class for everyone to taste.   Does anyone have recipe 
that I could cook using ingredients available in California that 12 years olds would 
like that and that isn't too messy? Thank you very much

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[cafe] electricistas

2002-04-23 Por tema Anonim

Busco empresas de instalaciones electricas de tamaño medio para distribuir e instalar 
producto de calefacción austriaco/canadiense.

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[cafe] andorra's interesting facts

2002-04-23 Por tema Anonim


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[cafe] recipes

2002-04-22 Por tema Anonim

I am a high school student in the United States and I have a report to do on Andorra
I have been searching the internet for recipes from your country with no luck.
I would greatly appreciate some recipes because I want to prepare food for my 
presentation.  Thank you for your help


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[cafe] hiking routes maps for Andorra

2002-04-21 Por tema Anonim

Im travelling to andorra for the 1st time in july, and my travelling companion has 
dropped out so I will be travelling alone which does not bother me in the slighest but 
would like to know if its quite safe to hike alone, plus would like to find info on 
best/not to be missed routes and maps from the areacan anyone help? have had lots 
of experience hiking and have a good sense of direction so am looking for the routes 
that are demanding and take me up higher into the mountains, although I will be hotel 
based not camping on route.Please email me if possible, many 

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[cafe] Informació flora i fauna Andorra i altra

2002-04-16 Por tema Anonim

Prego informació escrita, no massa extensa, sobre la flora i fauna d' Andorra, així 
com de la seva arquitectura típica rural. Gràcies.
Tomeu Llorca-Palma de Mallorca- 

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[cafe] Re: Catalan pronunciation

2002-04-16 Por tema Anonim

Oral languages are quite different of 
written ones. Spanish being one of 
the †better provided in order to 
adequate speeling with sounds. 
However still remains some 
dificulties in two or three sounds: Ò 
is ny in Catalan and in american 
english of gran canyon and gn in 
french and nh for portugeese. For 
that some rusians uses ly instead 
of ll catalan sound. (My name, 
Tom‡s Coll, for instance is spoken 
Tomas Col by most of people being 
Coy one of the translations into 
English, Cohl or Kohl into German 
(accordingly with portugess method 
for Ò)etc. 
You will loose yourself if you take for 
good how it is writen some word in 
all lenguages. I wrote an essay on 
oral lenguages which I called 
Linguistic Solubility which I send in 
spanish here for all you to 
consultation if you are interessed in 
such a topics.

I will send in catalan language to 
those who ask me for it in 
This work was issued in catalan in 
1991 and translated into Spanish in 
1999. English version is pending. If 
some reader will translate it into 
french or german or english you are 
welcome. As a wide study it covers 
many other authors and for 
coppyright reasons this is not yet a 
book because it is needed to ask to 
each author for permision (as my 
editor said one time). So receiv it as 
a personal free give.

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[cafe] euro

2002-04-15 Por tema Anonim

sono una collezionista italiana e vorrei sapere come posso fare per ottenere gli Euro 
di Andorra e quanto costano. L'indirizzo delle Poste Centrali? fax? e-mail?
mariadele manli

I'm an italian collector and I would like to buy Andorra Euro. Is it possible? Where 
and in which way? Thank you.

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[cafe] hospitality

2002-04-09 Por tema Anonim

we are looking for people that may be interested in giving hospitality in Andorra and 
receiving hospitality from other countries in the world.
The place to make this possible is www.trippolis.com
I'll be very glad if u can forward this address to other people interested in this non 
profit-making project.

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[cafe] tema del missatge?

2002-04-06 Por tema Anonim

Hola¡¡¡ Busco pis de lloguer de particular a particular , entre Andorra i Escaldes. 
2hab i preu raonable,encara que sigui de la segona guerra mundial ,no busco un palau 
pero alguna cosa digne ,propietari-a espero resposta .Gracies
Un Andorrà desesperat

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[cafe] euro-coins

2002-03-31 Por tema Anonim

I collect the euro-coins. I have heard, you have Andorrian-euro-coins as well. I´m 
looking for any person who can help me to get them.
Thank you very much


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[cafe] hola!

2002-03-27 Por tema Anonim

que tal?

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[cafe] euro-coins

2002-03-26 Por tema Anonim

Hallo you - the Andorrian Girls and Boys!
I collect the euro-coins. I know, your country have released its own euro-coins (I 
have not seen them). Have you any Andorrian-euro-coins? Is it possible to buy them? Do 
you know any friends, they may help me?
I am waiting for your answer!
Roman Kruzycki

My address:
Schmiedestr. 10
58256 Ennepetal

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[cafe] somewhere to stay

2002-03-19 Por tema Anonim

hello-hola!iam comming to andorra on my motorbike in june i will be looking for 
somewhere to stay (maybe 3 bikes and riders)2 or 3 days any ideas on where to stay 
would be great. will the roads be biker friendly ? NO SNOW !in june i hope.thank you 
very much yours joe.(british)

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[cafe] rock andorra

2002-03-13 Por tema Anonim

Hello! I recently discovered (Thanks to andorraweb!) a musical rock site which is 
called kwfm.net. This one brings finally an alternative to musical poverty to 
Andorra... Internet is the future of the communication, then will inform itself on a 
music so badly known of the people brought to manage the various cultural 
organizations! And yet, at the population the demand is keen. Then with when a truth 
rock pub or place?

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2002-03-12 Por tema Anonim


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[cafe] stamp collecting

2002-03-09 Por tema Anonim

Recently someone sent me an e-mail about cancelled stamps from various countries.  So 
I started saving some from my own country, Los Estados Unidos.  I've got a lot of 
stamps for this person now, but unfortunately, I've lost his name  e-mail address.  
Anyone reading this who happens to be that person, please e-mail me the mailing 
address in Andorra, France or Espan~a,  I'll send the stamps I've saved.
  Glenn G. Dahlem

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[cafe] subject of your message?

2002-03-09 Por tema Anonim

I notice that I am still listed as [EMAIL PROTECTED]  My e-mail address is now 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please make the change in Contributors  wherever else it needs 
to be made.  Muchas gracias.

   Glenn Dahlem

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[cafe] HI

2002-02-19 Por tema Anonim

Hi to everyone. My name is Armando, I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina and like to move 
to Europe (esp. Andorra) 'cause here we're having a big mess. 
So, how's Andorra's economy? what about jobs? Is there any chance to move there?
I'm a professional in Travel services but also have some ideas to develop a shop (as i 
read your country is tax-free).
I'll be very glad and thansfull is you can help with these items.
Bye. Armando.

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[cafe] geography

2002-02-08 Por tema Anonim

Could you tell me if the people of andorra have seperated their country into regions 
based upon percception???(i.e. The South The North)?

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[cafe] subject of your message?

2002-02-07 Por tema Anonim

This is my first E~mail to your website so if I am doing anything wrong forgive me!
  I have 2 questions - 1 is important and 
the  other more trivial. No.1 Would you agree that the Catalan language would be the 
best  for me to study and if so can you recommend a suitable study method? 
Question 2. Many years ago while 
on holiday in Barcelona I became very fond of a drink   called Horchata de.Chuva (I 
think I have the correct spelling!) Is this a Catalan drink known to anyone at your 
Thank you for your kind welcome.Regards from David Kyd

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[cafe] Accommodation Help

2002-02-06 Por tema Anonim

Hi all. 
If anyone can help with this I'd be really grateful.

I am trying to find companies that lease/rent apartments for 6 months (i.e. the whole 
of the skiing season). Ideally apartments in Arinsal or La Massana and only for 1/2 
people. All I seem to be able to find are companies with holiday rentals, where you'd 
rent a place for a week, for your whole family!

Thanks in advance for any ideas

ps I was skiing in Arinsal in Jan and I have to say the country is beautiful. I didn't 
realise till I looked at the pictures when I got back!

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[cafe] Don't drink the water!!

2002-02-06 Por tema Anonim

84 people ill due to running water issues?  I think you will find it far higher!!  

Having experienced the dreaded stomach upset during my recent visit to Soldeu last 
week I was not the only one - at a conservative guess over 100 during that week alone 
(I counted 38 of us missing our flights just from our ski groups and friends).

Where does the 84 come from - hospital figures?  

What plans are in place to rectify the situation as I am not sure I would like to 
visit again (I have been skiing in the region for the past 4 years).

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[cafe] Deposit on snowboard hire? - Urgent!

2002-01-31 Por tema Anonim


I am travelling to Arinsal very soon and i wanted to hire a board and boots. 

I know roughly how much it will cost to hire the equipment but im not sure how much 
deposit they will need.

My credit card is due to expire and i dont want to renew it.

Any advice on this would be great!

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[cafe] L´angel Blau

2002-01-31 Por tema Anonim

Hola molt bon dia !!
Primer de tot perdoneu les meves faltes ja que no escric el Catalá molt be, peró ho 
intentaré.Si us plau, algú podría informarme de On es trova el club de Jazz L´angel 
Blau a andorra i el horari que fan de concerts. os agraeixo molt i una salutació ben 

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[cafe] buscar feina

2002-01-29 Por tema Anonim

En primer lloc dire que soc un ciutada español, millor dit català i
em dirigeixo aqui, al cafe, per informar que voldria venir a treballar  aqui a Andorra 
i que estic buscant feina per aqui al Principat, si algu sap d'alguna cosa  els 
agrairia que m'ho fessin saver.
La feina que estic buscant tindria de ser un lloc de responsabilitat, com per exemple, 
encarregat, gerent, etc.
moltes Gracies

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[cafe] Which is best ? Train or Bus ?

2002-01-29 Por tema Anonim

In March our family is coming to Andorra. Probably we will stay in Soldeu.
We can travel from Barcelona by bus (to Andorra La vella) ir by train ( to Puizcerda 
or La Tour de Carol).

Most people seem to ignore the train option but its seems quickest. What is the road 
journey (taxi or bus) like from the train stations to Soldeu ? Which is the best 
stations ?
Or is the bus to A L V better, and why ?

Thank you
John Owens

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[cafe] Accomodation for family in March

2002-01-29 Por tema Anonim

My family is coming to Andorra in March (arrive 20th. stay for 4 or 5 days ). We are 
travelling independently from the UK to ?Soldeu ?
 I am now worried that we should have come on a package holiday
The ski school seems to work on Mon - Friday chunks. Can anybody advise what I should 
do for my children (9 and 11) near beginners ? Private lessons might be intense for 
them and I had hoped that they cvould ski with other kids.

p.s. Any advice or suggestions about hotels would be appreciated. I am faxing and 
e-mailing many but few respond.



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[cafe] una certa fumera de la incineradora

2002-01-21 Por tema Anonim

Baixant d'esquiar de SOLDEU, fa 20 anys que hi vaig cada cap de setmana, el dissabte i 
diumenge passats vegerem una mena de boira d'entre la cota zero d'Andorra la Vella i 
la +200. 

Penso que la solució passa per emulsionar els greixos a combustionar i tant la EPA 
Nordamericana com al web-ring de la meva empresa d'enginyeria TECNIA hi podeu trobar 
Invito a qui vulgui estudiar el tema amb TECNIA,SAE i proposar una joint-venture amb 
el Govern andorrà que ens e-maili a [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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[cafe] musicotèrapia a andorra

2002-01-18 Por tema Anonim

bon dia,
faig de la musicotérapia i voldria saber si ara existeix personnes qui conneixen 
aquestes tecnices psico-musical i corporal ?
per mès saber : www.fransurf.com/les100ciels
moltes gracies

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[cafe] underground

2002-01-16 Por tema Anonim

can you tell me the e mail address of the underground bar in pas de la casa just spent 
the last week in pas and it wos spot on cheers dave e mail me at. 

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[cafe] dot.local tour guide

2002-01-15 Por tema Anonim

hello everybody in Andorra, what a fantastic part of the world you live in.
My name is nigel, i am a coach driver/conductor for Wallace Arnolds of the UK.During 
the summer i spent 24 weeks in Andorra at thePlaza Hotel Andorra La Vella.
Im am trying to contact DOT the local guide i used during the summer.He like racing 
on his bike.Can anyone please give me his e-mail,thanks nigel

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[cafe] Ski Schools

2002-01-14 Por tema Anonim

Can any one tell me if there are any ski schools available on the web in Pas De La 

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[cafe] cursos federació andorrana d'esquí

2002-01-08 Por tema Anonim

Soc un professor d'esquí que, desitja anar a treballar fora Espanya de cara a l'hivern 
2002-2003 i em trobo en un problema, actualment estic titulat com a Agregat per la 
FEDI però aquest any no fan cap curs com a auxiliar, realitzeu algun curs a ANDORRA 
reconegut per la FIS(federació internacional d'esquí)?, en quienes dates, on em puc 
adreçar, em podrieu passar algun telèfon o emilio per tal de posar-me en contacte amb 

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[cafe] tourist data

2002-01-08 Por tema Anonim

I am doing some research on Andorra and eagerly looking for some tourist and other 
data.  Can anyone tell me:

1.  How many hotel rooms in the country divided among how many hotels?

2. What is the average rate per room per night?

3.  What is the farthest driving time (i.e. 1 hour) from one end of the country to the 

4.  What is an estimated wage (Euros) of a hotel receptionist or other starting 
service employee?

5.  Is it difficult to find local service labor because of low unemployment?  Do new 
businesses recruit from France and Spain?

6.  What is the approximate, average rent (Euros) of a two bed-room apartment?

These are my first questions, though I may have follow up questions for 


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[cafe] tendas de informatica

2002-01-07 Por tema Anonim

Hola en dic Pere i soc de Mallorca. En 
gradaria saber cualque url de tendes d'informatica d'Andorra on pugui compra 
software on-line.

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[cafe] Busco Chica Joven (Total discreccion)

2002-01-01 Por tema Anonim

Para practicar juegos de sumisión-dominación con chico de 24 años.(En mi piso o en el 
tuyo).Seriedad y experiencia,desde iniciación a perfeccionamiento. Enviame mail a 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] y hablamos (Mucha flexibilidad y tolerancia). Animos, sera una 
aventura genial!

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[cafe] tema del missatge?

2001-12-29 Por tema Anonim

algú em podría donar el tlf. de la botiga de PI NEGRE a TARTER.


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[cafe] Sony PC120 Camcorder

2001-12-27 Por tema Anonim

Would it be possible to find out the price of a Sony PC120 Digital Camcorder and if it 
is possible to purchase via mail i.e shop name. Many Thanks Graham Murray.

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[cafe] Usos i costums

2001-12-15 Por tema Anonim

M´han parlat d´un llibre que no es pot obtenir a les llibreries i tampoc a la 
biblioteca, que va ser repartit per alguna entitat financera fa aproximadament un any 
i que tracta dels usos i costums d´Andorra, voldria saber com trobar-ho

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[cafe] where to go buy?

2001-12-04 Por tema Anonim

Hi, I am looking for rosted chesnut. Where can we go to buy them?

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[cafe] tema del missatge?

2001-12-02 Por tema Anonim

Desearía que me indicasen donde puedo encontrar un callejero de la ciudad de 
Andorra la Vella y de su periferia.

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[cafe] Bon dia, Bethlem

2001-11-30 Por tema Anonim

Hola!! Ets la Bethlem que va fer la beca a TVE? Sóc l'Anna Borrell. Com va? Ets a 
Andorra? Doncs jo hi pujo dilluns que ve. Ja em diràs com està la neu, eh? Et desitjo 
que et vagi bé per aquests aires d'aquí dalt. Fins aviat.

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[cafe] Tiendas de fotografia Andorra la Vella

2001-11-29 Por tema Anonim

Escrevo de Portugal. Dentro de 15 dias vou de férias a Andorra e gostaria de fazer 
umas compras também.
Alguém me poderia dar informação de tiendas de fotografia em Andorra la Vella?
Muito obrigado.


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[cafe] subject of your message?

2001-11-21 Por tema Anonim


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[cafe] 1st time skier - Lots of questions!!!

2001-11-21 Por tema Anonim

My husband and I are planning on travelling to Arinsal in Andorra for some skiing.

As we have never been skiing before - I have some questions about bus transfers and 
Learn to Ski packages :

We want to avail of a bus to bring us FROM Barcelona airport TO Andorra 
on Tuesday, 8th January 2002.  Would you know about different busses and timetables 
for that day ?

Our return flight from Barcleona is at 11:15am on Tuesday, 15th January 2002.
Is there a very early morning bus to get us FROM Andorra TO Barcelona Airport.
I think there is a bus that goes at 6am FROM Andorra TO Barcelona Airport. Is this 

Can you please give me information on the following :

 Are there buses that go exactly from Barcelona Airport ?

 Do these buses go to the capital, Andorra La Vella ?

 How long is the bus journey FROM Barcelona TO Andorra ?

 If we need to get from the Capital, Andorra La Vella to Arinsal (Tuesday January 8th)
 - How long is this journey ?
  How do you suggest that we get FROM Andorra's capital TO Arinsal on Tuesday 
afternoon ?

 For our return journey (Tuesday 15th January) - Do you know if it's possible to get a 
or a Taxi FROM Arinsal resort TO Andorra La Vella at 4am or 5am in order to catch the 
bus to Barcelona airport  ?

Are there other coaches that travel daily from Barcelona airport to Andorra and from 
Andorra to Barcelona airport?

 If possible, can you mail me a full timetable of the available buses for the journey 
 the airport to Andorra and the return journey ?

 I would also greatly appreciate information about ski schools and the Learn to Ski 
packages :
Is it possible to buy  these packages in the resort, Arinsal ?
If so, how much are they and what is included in the package ?

We are planning to stay in the Crest Aparthotel - Do you know if this is central to 
ski lifts and chair lifts ?

This is our first time going skiing and we've heard very good reports of Andorra's ski 
resorts - we're really looking forward to the experience !!

Your help is much appreciated.

Thanking You,
Grace Crowley

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[cafe] looking for a company

2001-11-21 Por tema Anonim

Dear member:
I am looking for a company called Gold Coast Bullion Services (principality of 
Andorra).  If you know them please supply me with any information you have on them.
Thank you.

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[cafe] looking for electronics exports.

2001-11-11 Por tema Anonim

dear sirs.

our company import and market electronic goods in israel. video cameras. mini disk.
shavers etc.

please conect us with exporters of these


12 beit hadfus st. givat shaul 94483
jerusalem. israel.
tel: 9722-6529529
fax: 9722-6529567

yoram bruchim
general director

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[cafe] Work in ski resorts

2001-11-05 Por tema Anonim

M´agradaria que em diguesi-ho algún telèfon o direcció d´interntet relacionada amb el 
tema de la Helicicultura que estém molt interessats en aquet tema.

Moltes gràcies.

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[cafe] coleccionista de armas blancas

2001-11-03 Por tema Anonim

hola me llamo juan y fui a pasar el dia ha andorra no hace mucho y encontre una tienda 
q desperto mi interes se llama SALABERT (ganivets) m dieron su targeta en la cual m 
indicaban su pagina web la cual es: http://monvirtual.com/salabert
a la cual no he encontrado forma de entrar. espero m podais halludar . GRACIAS.  

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[cafe] subject of your message?

2001-10-16 Por tema Anonim

i need help on trade unions

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[cafe] Visiting Andorra

2001-10-11 Por tema Anonim

I belong to a large ski group from Texas.
We are planning a ski trip in late January,
2002 to Andorra. Many people are now cancelling because of the recent events in the 
USA, the war, etc. Is there any unrest in Andorra? Any protests in Barcelona where we 
will be arriving? What is your recommendation to our visit since we are US Citizens?

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