Re: French who works with cake??

2006-04-10 Thread chrisE

Salut Olivvv, salut Fab,

C'est exact. Utilisons le groupe français.
Je m'y rends dans la foulée.



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Re: CakePHP Manual 0.10.x.2460

2006-04-10 Thread Mika

Updated manual:

* Manual

For reference:

* Api

* Api

Gustavo: Any luck with

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Re: The MySQL UTF8 Issue

2006-04-10 Thread Mika

I think this is a good idea. Why not make a ticket for it in trac?

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Re: Scaffold without standard conventions.

2006-04-10 Thread Mika

I'm sure it would help if you either set the table name in the Model

or use the inflections.php file in your app/config folder

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Re: Make a quick unobtrusive Table Sorting (Standardista / sorttable)

2006-04-10 Thread Mika

WebFx has a script you could use too:

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2006-04-10 Thread bigdog

Try setting debug to 2, to see what your qry looks like.

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Scaffold without standard conventions.

2006-04-10 Thread Gonçalo Marrafa


I'm portuguese and i like to use table names (hence model names) in my own
language. The problem is that if i do this, i can't use scaffolding,
because Cake assumes that the model associated with the controller i
scaffold is the singularized controller's name (according to Cake's

One possible solution to the problem would be to use the model specified in
the $uses var (or the first one if it is an array).

I think this little tweak would greatly benefit Cake since, as far as i
can tell, there are many non english speakers out there using it that
would be very happy with the improvement.

I've already created a ticket requesting this

Thanks in advance.

Best regards.

Gonçalo Marrafa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: The MySQL UTF8 Issue

2006-04-10 Thread Mihailo Stefanovic

I had the same problem (with Cyrillic letters), and only/most elegant
solution I found was to modify the core.

Try this: in file "cake/libs/model/dbo/dbo_mysql.php" find function
connect(). Replace these lines:

if (mysql_select_db($config['database'], $this->connection))
$this->connected = true;

with this:

if (mysql_select_db($config['database'], $this->connection))
mysql_query("SET names utf8");
$this->connected = true;

I wish there was more elegant solution, without modifying the core.
Perhaps another setting in DATABASE_CONFIG (app/config/database.php),
something like:

var $default = array('driver'=> 'mysql',
 'connect'  => 'mysql_connect',
 'host' => 'localhost',
 'login'=> 'user',
 'password' => 'password',
 'database' => 'project_name',
 'charset' => 'utf8',
 'prefix'=> '');

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Re: cake in Iss

2006-04-10 Thread Nando Vieira

Me adiciona no gmail que te dou uma ajuda.

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Re: selectTag onchange

2006-04-10 Thread MiC

echo $html->selectTag($fieldName, $optionElements, $selected=null,

should be fine.

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Re: The MySQL UTF8 Issue

2006-04-10 Thread RosSoft

check this:

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Re: cake in Iss

2006-04-10 Thread Rafael Apocalypse


I've tryed what you told me about virtual hosts in apache.

With some changes like those:
my website it's under d:/webserver/mywebsite
and in hosts file I've tryed mywebsite and mywebsite.local

and all that I get it's a 'eternal' loading in my browser, and never
get on the site.

Tah I comment the line:
#NameVirtualHost *:80

and I've got an 403 error [You don't have permission to access / on
this server]. no htacess in the site.

I would love to use apache as my webserver, but it seems to painfull
use it. In iis with a couple clicks I have a website running, in
apache there's so many things to do, and when it's all done, nothing

under windows xp pro with sp2, apache 2 with php5 and mysql 4, if it
will help anyone to help me...

On 4/7/06, Rafael Apocalypse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'll try that!
> On 4/7/06, Nando Vieira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi RA.
> >
> > 
> > Configurar diretórios virtuais é baba!
> > 
> >
> > To configure vhosts/mod_rewrite on Apache:
> >
> > 1) Open httpd.conf
> > - Uncomment the lines
> > #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
> > #LoadModule vhost_alias_module modules/
> > #NameVirtualHost *:80
> > - Change the line NameVirtualHost to
> > NameVirtualHost
> > - Add a host.
> > 
> > DocumentRoot c:/my-vhost
> > ServerName myvhost
> > 
> > 2)  Create the folder c:/my-vhost. Put your files there.
> > 3)  Open the file c:/windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts
> > - Add the line below:
> >   myvhost
> > - Save the file
> > 4) Restart Apache
> > 5) Point your browser to http://myvhost
> >
> > Tell us if this works!
> >
> > -- Nando Vieira
> >
> > > >
> >
> --
> Rafael Apocalypse
> ideiadigital
> +55 31 3446.2555

Rafael Apocalypse
+55 31 3446.2555

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Re: error handling in Cake

2006-04-10 Thread sawa

that helped, thanks a lot!

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selectTag onchange

2006-04-10 Thread Vixiom

How do you add HTML options to a selectTag so you can call an onchange

(I want to show/hide a div based on the selectTag's value)


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Make a quick unobtrusive Table Sorting (Standardista / sorttable)

2006-04-10 Thread Olivier percebois-Garve


I implemented that today, it was quick 'n easy, so I thought I share it. 
Probably many app can be enhanced with that.

An unobtrusive way to DHTML sort the list of records outputted by the 
index() method.
 Based on script by Stuart Langridge and Neil Crosby.

1. download standardista and unpack it in the webroot/js folder.

2.In your index.thtml add :
link("standardista-table-sorting/common"); ?>
link("standardista-table-sorting/css"); ?>

3. Make sure your tablehas a class="sortable"  and has a thead and a tbody:



... etc 

Et voilà that's it !!!

Hope somebody enjoy it.


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Re: Updating Packages in CakeForge

2006-04-10 Thread AD7six

I found the relavent links, and have updated the locale package.

If anyone has any comments or improvements to the tutorial I wrote last
night (, please either 'make
that change' (Ooo, oo) or let me know,



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Re: Updating Packages in CakeForge

2006-04-10 Thread AD7six

I found the relavent links, and have updated the locale package.

If anyone has any comments or improvements to the tutorial I wrote last
night (, please either 'make
that change' (Ooo, oo) or let me know,



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Re: French who works with cake??

2006-04-10 Thread Olivier percebois-Garve

Salut Chris et Fab,

Victor Hugo chef de service de Joseph Kessel, Impressionnant ;-)

 L'appli y gagnerait a intégrer le calendrier de l'admin pour les agents 
de collectivité.
Si la demande de congé est prévue pour l'année d'après, l'utilisateur a 
à clicker beaucoup.

va voir othauth sur les snippets de cakeforge.


PS: On devrait continuer ces discussions en francais uniquement le 
groupe francais, non ?

chrisE wrote:
> Bonjour,
> Je suis responsable de projets à l'Adullact (= logiciels libres par et
> pour les collectivités locales, ) et j'ai
> choisi d'utiliser cakephp en décembre dernier pour développer une
> application de gestion du temps et des demandes d'absence. Nous avons
> donc une petite expérience du framework.
> Comme d'autres personnes probablement, je trouvais qu'il serait très
> intéressant de créer un groupe français et ... tylerfab lui l'a
> fait. Super ! J'espère que le groupe s'étoffera rapidement pour que
> nous échangions nos expériences respectives. De notre côté, on se
> régale d'utiliser cakephp, même si nous ne maitrisons pas encore
> tout. On utilise tout ce qui est disponible en ligne, documentation,
> API, le groupe anglais et, chaque fois que c'est nécessaire, je pose
> directement mes question sur le canal IRC, les principaux contributeurs
> étant très souvent connectés.
> Vous pouvez jeter un oeil la première version de notre application à
> l'adresse suivante :
> Trois niveaux de droits :
> - agent de collectivité (login/pwd = jkessel/jkessel)
> - chef de service (login/pwd = vhugo/vhugo)
> - admin de l'appli (login/pwd = admin/admin)
> Chris
> >

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Re: Saving components values with add method

2006-04-10 Thread saavedrajj

Hi Nate, thanks for your answer, but doesn't work, maybe I don't
the case correctly.

First of all I made a controller that returns a unique timestamp:

Then, in my UserController I call it with:

$this->set('uniqueID', $this->Time->uniqueTimeStamp());

and in my add.thtml view I can use it with:

At this point everything is all right.

In my UserController I have the add method:

  function add()
$this->set('uniqueID', $this->Time->uniqueTimeStamp());

if (empty($this->params['data']))
  if ($this->User->save($this->params['data']))
$this->flash('User has been saved.','/users');

The add methods save the input data entered by the user
on the input textboxes:

input('User/username', array('size' => '20',
input('User/password', array('size' => '15',

But the returned $uniqueId is not saved with them.

How can I make this?

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Re: Problem with Model access in AppController

2006-04-10 Thread Tobias Parent
I had this same problem - it appears to be a conflict with PagesController setting the $uses to null. I think. The only way I could define $uses in my app_controller was to comment out the $uses line in PagesController (and I HATE mucking with the core).
However, I then went through the blog_tutorial_2 again (back to basics, folks). And, lo and behold, I found a workaround in the recent post element! Components can be referenced from the app_controller with no problems. So I created a component to build my menu, then referenced it from within the beforeRender function in my app_controller.
Another possibility that I have yet to test is whether you can do the following in app_controller itself rather than in a component:$Post = new Post;$data = "">I'd say that should work, but try before quoting me...
Regards! - Toby

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2006-04-10 Thread immure

Right - that makes sense - but it still doesn't work.

print_r($this->NewsItem->findAll(null, 'DISTINCT

doesn't print anything out. Neither does $feeds have any data in it.
This SQL code works though (tested in phpMyAdmin):

SELECT DISTINCT source_name FROM istudios_news_items

So I'm not really sure what's going on. This is all the relevant code:
   function index()
$this->pageTitle = ", Front Page";
$this->set('feeds',$this->NewsItem->findAll(null, 'DISTINCT
print_r($this->NewsItem->findAll(null, 'DISTINCT source_name'));
$this->NewsItem->findAll('','','story_date desc',10));




function printFeedSelector($feeds)
foreach ($feeds as $raw)
$feed = $raw['NewsItem'];
print $this->Html->link($feed['source_name'], 
'source/' .

I'd really appreciate any help here - it's really perlexing me!

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Re: How I change the layout of the home.thml

2006-04-10 Thread Samuel DeVore
You can take the pages_controller from libs/controller and put a copy in your app/controller directory  then from there you can set layout for particular 'pages' based on a set of rules.  Or if you make your own app_controller.php in your app you can set the layout there for pages as well
Sam DOn 4/10/06, Wasenbr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The question is: how I change the layout of the any view of thePagesController without change the pages_controller.php page ofcake/libs/controller dir?
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Re: How I change the layout of the home.thml

2006-04-10 Thread Wasenbr

The question is: how I change the layout of the any view of the
PagesController without change the pages_controller.php page of
cake/libs/controller dir?

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Re: How I change the layout of the home.thml

2006-04-10 Thread AD7six

You might want to read the contents of your default home page.

Especially this line: To change its layout, create:


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Re: How I change the layout of the home.thml

2006-04-10 Thread nate

Either set $this->layout in the controller, or pass the name of the
alternate layout in the second parameter of $this->render( ).

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Re: error handling in Cake

2006-04-10 Thread nate

If you do $db =&
ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this->Model->useDbConfig), that will
give you a reference to the database connection object, from which you
can retrieve query and connection errors.

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The MySQL UTF8 Issue

2006-04-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I use mysql5 and utf8 table to store Chinese data. Everything
insert into the utf8 tables though cake can be fetch out by cake fine.
But when I use other database tools (such as MySQL Query Browser) to
query the data which insert by cake will got unreadable characters. I'm
so confuse on it, and serach on the internet. I think there is
something wrong with the mysql connections setting in cake.
In my controller  I query the MySQL connection setting by  do this

$msg = $this->MyModel->findBySql("Show VARIABLES LIKE
// Then set the result varable $msg to display in views

In view:

Then I got this result:
[0] => Array
[VARIABLES] => Array
[Variable_name] => character_set_client
[Value] => latin1


[1] => Array
[VARIABLES] => Array
[Variable_name] => character_set_connection
[Value] => latin1


[2] => Array
[VARIABLES] => Array
[Variable_name] => character_set_database
[Value] => utf8


[3] => Array
[VARIABLES] => Array
[Variable_name] => character_set_results
[Value] => latin1


[4] => Array
[VARIABLES] => Array
[Variable_name] => character_set_server
[Value] => utf8


[5] => Array
[VARIABLES] => Array
[Variable_name] => character_set_system
[Value] => utf8


[6] => Array
[VARIABLES] => Array
[Variable_name] => character_sets_dir
[Value] => D:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server



The character_set_client,character_set_results,character_set_connection
is Laten1, and the other is utf8. I think the problem is here. So I
continue the test:

When I query the data in the utf8 table by convert the field to laten1
encoding, I can get the right chinese string. The SQL is:
SELECT CONVERT(myField USING utf8) from myUtf8Table;

How can I change the database connection setting to solve this problem?
Should I modify the core code?

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2006-04-10 Thread nate

Pass it in the $fields parameter of the find or findAll method, i.e.:

$this->NewsItem->findAll(null, "Distinct NewsItem.source_name");

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Re: Problem with extends - no access to parents var?

2006-04-10 Thread Attiks


It's working!

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Re: Problem with extends - no access to parents var?

2006-04-10 Thread AD7six

Hi Attiks,

You are missing a couple of things in your code.

Try this:
function beforeFilter ()
debug ('AppController__beforeFilter');
//$currentUser = new
$this->currentUser = new

And for your group:
debug ('currentUser=' . $currentUser->getId());
should be
debug ('currentUser=' . $this->currentUser->getId());


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2006-04-10 Thread immure

I need to get a list of DISTINCT elements from a table. Looking through
the Cake manual/wiki, I can't find any explicit way of doing it in the
methods, so I'm making a query script to do it. The problem is that it
returns nothing, has anyone got a better way of doing it? Or a fix for
my query?

$this->set('feeds',$this->NewsItem->query('SELECT DISTINCT
`NewsItem`.source_name` AS `source_name`'));

Regards, Mike

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error handling in Cake

2006-04-10 Thread sawa

I was wondering how I could catch an error in Cake?
For example if I do $this->Model->save() in a controller and it fails,
how can I discover a failure reason. For example: I would like to be
emailed if an operation fails due to a database disconnection.
save() function return only true or false.

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How I change the layout of the home.thml

2006-04-10 Thread Wasenbr


   How I change the layout template of the pages/home.thtml ?

Cleiton Wasen

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Problem with extends - no access to parents var?

2006-04-10 Thread Attiks

The following code is not working, I get an error that currentUser
isn't defined although it is declared public.

Output is:

Notice: Undefined variable: currentUser in

Fatal error: Call to a member function getId() on a non-object in

class AppController extends Controller

var $components = array ('Acl');
public $currentUser = null;

function beforeFilter ()
debug ('AppController__beforeFilter');
$currentUser = new User($this->Session->read('User'));
debug ('AppController::currentUser=' . $currentUser->getId());


class GroupsController extends AppController
var $name = 'Groups';
var $scaffold;

function beforeFilter ()
debug ('GroupsController__beforeFilter');
//debug ('GroupsController::currentUser=' .
//debug ('GroupsController::currentUser=' . 

function test()
debug ('currentUser=' . $currentUser->getId());

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Re: French who works with cake??

2006-04-10 Thread tylerfab

Bonjour Chris!

Vraiment impressionnant l'application qui est montré en demo.
Impressionne par le design simple et efficace. C'est un design comme ca
que je recherche pour mon application.
Tu l'as fait de A à Z ou tu as utilises des css deja existant. Je vois
aussi qu'il ya differents niveaux de droits. Comment tu as fait??
Je suis en train de creer une application de gestion de stage et ca me
serait tres utilie.
Si tu as des conseils ca me serait tres utilie

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Re: How to send to browser JavaScript code for execution? (AJAX request)

2006-04-10 Thread 100rk

If I change my view index.thtml to

link('JS TEST', '/tests/test_one',
array('update'=>'dummy')); ?>

it works fine.

So question is: do I really need this dummy div as target for update,
or there is some clean CakePHP way how to achieve this without this
dummy div? Or some JavaScript solution with Prototype? You know, as I
want to execute JavaScript only, it looks strange to me generate some
(even hidden) div in page.

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Re: Backend/Frontend

2006-04-10 Thread Andy W

HI there,

I've pasted the code I use, it's a rework of rdAuth for a single level
of admin: -

but I fully intend to use ACL in the future.

Andy W

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Re: How to send to browser JavaScript code for execution? (AJAX request)

2006-04-10 Thread 100rk

I found article in wiki, which answers to my question, but it doesn't
work even in fresh CakePHP installation (final).

Could please someone try or inspect this code?

CONTROLLER tests_controller.php

class TestsController extends AppController{
var $components = array('RequestHandler');
var $helpers = array('Html','Javascript','Ajax');
var $uses = null;
var $layout = 'tests';
function index()
function test_one()

LAYOUT tests.thtml



VIEW tests/index.thtml

link('JS TEST', '/tests/test_one'); ?>

VIEW tests/test_one.thtml

codeBlock("alert('OK');"); ?>

My problem is: this JavaScript code is not executed in browser - I see
right response content in Firefox debug extension, I see
'evalScripts:true' in source code of tests/index page, but I'm probably
doing some stupid thing by wrong way. I'm trying it with CakePHP and prototype 1.5.0_rc0 (from scriptaculous 1.6.1)
and I did only one change in app/config/core.php - set DEBUG to 0.

What I'm doing wrong? Any help is highly appreciated.

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Re: Backend/Frontend

2006-04-10 Thread AD7six


The short answer is probably that most developers will use ACL to
restrict access to their inbuilt admin functions.

The actual answer depends on the client/user requirements - the admin
interface could be a completely different system (i.e. talks to the
database, but isn´t a web page etc.).

You can change the URL for your admin routes; see core.php.

Re ACL the short answer is to run a check in your beforeFilter
(assuming you are asking for a Cake solution) and redirect unauthorised

For more details (concepts apply to all ACL solutions) this tutorial is
a reasonable place to start:

And a quick explenation, as it´s a common question:
Can (I) do (THIS) to (THAT)
Can (ARO) do (AXO) to (ACO)


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Re: Backend/Frontend

2006-04-10 Thread spacedz

I'd expect it's the latter (limit access) because of the OO nature, but
I've not had a chance to build a full app with Cake yet. One could
argue it's safer to make an admin controller as the name (and url) of
this can be unknown to all visitors, as it
slightly too predictable and is more open to hacking. Maybe just give
the functions hard to guess names.

On a related note, does anyone know a good tutorial on using ACL with a
basic login page to restrict access to certain functions?

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Re: controller-callbacks with scaffolding

2006-04-10 Thread Attiks


I appear to have the same problem, do you know an easy solution?


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2006-04-10 Thread zis

I'd like to know how all of you manage the backend of your sites. Do
you write two distinct applications for the backend and frontend or do
you use ACL to limit access to certain functions in the frontend?

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Re: French who works with cake??

2006-04-10 Thread chrisE

Je suis responsable de projets à l'Adullact (= logiciels libres par et
pour les collectivités locales, ) et j'ai
choisi d'utiliser cakephp en décembre dernier pour développer une
application de gestion du temps et des demandes d'absence. Nous avons
donc une petite expérience du framework.

Comme d'autres personnes probablement, je trouvais qu'il serait très
intéressant de créer un groupe français et ... tylerfab lui l'a
fait. Super ! J'espère que le groupe s'étoffera rapidement pour que
nous échangions nos expériences respectives. De notre côté, on se
régale d'utiliser cakephp, même si nous ne maitrisons pas encore
tout. On utilise tout ce qui est disponible en ligne, documentation,
API, le groupe anglais et, chaque fois que c'est nécessaire, je pose
directement mes question sur le canal IRC, les principaux contributeurs
étant très souvent connectés.

Vous pouvez jeter un oeil la première version de notre application à
l'adresse suivante :
Trois niveaux de droits :
- agent de collectivité (login/pwd = jkessel/jkessel)
- chef de service (login/pwd = vhugo/vhugo)
- admin de l'appli (login/pwd = admin/admin)


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How to send to browser JavaScript code for execution? (AJAX request)

2006-04-10 Thread 100rk

Hi all,

I am still thinking about necessity xajax in my CakePHP kitchen -
Schmidt.Troy and Nate: thank You for Your ideas in thread 'Xajax in

So, I'm trying to play with Ajax helper, unfortunately I'm not able to
find solution for one simple task (but I'm pretty stupid man, so no
surprises for me).

Basic example (what I want to achieve):

- view with one Ajax link, which points to some controller action
- controller action (with related view) sends to browser JavaScript
code "alert('OK');" by way this code could be (and will be) executed in

I'm just not able make this simple thing works, as I don't want to
update any DOM element etc.

Could anyone help me, please? I have some interesting Cakeforge package
on the road, but I do not want to use xajax in it, because CakePHP was
marriaged with Prototype.


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