Cake FindAll mysql view occured errors !

2006-07-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I use a mysql view:
create view `view_servererror` as
SELECT service_error_log.service_error_log_id,
service_error_log.datecreated, server.server_name,
server.server_ip_lan, service.service_name, service.service_note,
error_type.error_desc, error_type.error_type_note,
FROM ((server INNER JOIN server_service ON server.server_id =
server_service.server_id) INNER JOIN service ON
server_service.service_id = service.service_id) INNER JOIN (error_type
INNER JOIN service_error_log ON error_type.error_type_id =
service_error_log.error_type_id) ON server_service.server_service_id =
My controller:

$serviceerror=$this->Serviceerror->findAll($tj,null,$this->sortBy." "
.$this->direction ,$this->show,$this->page);

My model:


error message:

Notice: Undefined index: service_error_log in
E:\View\sourcecode\cake\libs\model\datasources\dbo_source.php on line

Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in
E:\View\sourcecode\cake\libs\model\datasources\dbo_source.php on line
How resolve it?

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Re: Project management software

2006-07-13 Thread Mika

I've used NetOffice before - which can integrate with the Matis bug
tracker software. Also do a search on SourceForge for
collaboration/project management software.

The other option is to use Trac as you've stated. You can structure the
wiki whichever way you like. But it can get a bit tedious for real
project management. Good for bug tracking and documentation though.

If it's an online solution you're looking for, check out any of the
ones listed at under the heading
"Project". I'm not sure if they're free, but if you're looking for some
serious PM software there are definitely some good commercial ones
available. Also check out FogBugz at It's not free but it's
definitely good.

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Re: CakeController could not be found ?

2006-07-13 Thread Grant Cox

Sounds to me like you are requesting an additional /cake/ in your URL.

Of course it all depends on where you have extracted your cake archive
to, but say your webserver document root is /var/www/html , and you
have extracted cake to /var/www/html/cake , so you have
/var/www/html/cake/app/webroot , then you would want to request


and onwards from there (ie  http://localhost/cake/  will show the
default message )

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Re: Checkbox "checked" into database

2006-07-13 Thread Sergei

There is BOOL type in MySQL 4.1. It's a synonym of TINYINT(1).

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CakeController could not be found ?

2006-07-13 Thread SeanCallan

Hey guys, I've been using CakePHP no problem on my development machine,
but the minute I loaded it to my webserver I get this error.

'Missing controller
You are seeing this error because controller CakeController could not
be found.

Fatal: Unable to load controller CakeController'

I added in the controller and then the model was missing, but I'm not
using the name Cake in any way.

Any idea?  Is it something in a config file I've overlooked?


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Re: Setting up cake php

2006-07-13 Thread deepa

Thanks for the help. It really worked for me.

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[OT] Project management software

2006-07-13 Thread Sonic Baker
Please excuse the off-topic nature of this email but I feel this is
relevant to any developer who wants to get really serious about her/his
projects. I'm wondering what (if anything) you guys are using for
project management?
I'd like one program to take care of everything, including bug
tracking, feature requests, job allocation, status reports etc. and I'd
like to be able to have multiple simultaneous projects (preferably
configurable so that I can limit who can see / access particular
projects). I'd also like something that's not too hard to use so that
customers will feel comfortable using it for bug reporting / feature
requests etc... Am I asking too much for one tool to accomplish?
Is it possible to have a simpler bug tracking / feature request system
(for use by customers) to integrate with one of the more complex
feature rich programs (for use by developers)?
I see that uses both GForge and Trac for managing the
community submitted projects and the cakePHP framework respectively. Up
until recently I have no experience with project management tools
whatsoever and would seriously appreciate any
input or recommendations. I have also heard that Bugzilla is great for
this sort of thing but is apparently an absolute pain to set up.
Personally, I'm leaning towards Trac for no other reason than I like to look of it from logging into the cakeTrac site.
All comments are welcome.

Cheers to all,


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Re: Checkbox "checked" into database

2006-07-13 Thread Devo

Thanks, that got me moving forward again.  I've started experiencing
erratic behavior though during my add() and edit() functions involving
checkboxes.  Using print_r on my $data array revealed that the checkbox
was not only passing the value of 0 when a check is missing or is
removed, but also passes "on" (when a check existed previously or was
added) and "-1" (e.g. after a validation has failed, or the checkbox
was unchecked and another field was modified).

The MySql field I'm using is tinyint with a length of 1 (signed  *smile*).  Tinyint interprets the 0 and "on" quite well, but
is interpreting -1 as a 1.  (This happens when a validation has failed,
or the checkbox is unchecked and you modify another field.)  I tried
other lengths of tinyint, signing/unsigning tinyint, other datatypes,
etc. and none of the others seem to really be compatible / work at all
with a boolean setup.  Is there a better datatype out there or is there
a way to better configure tinyint to handle this situation?  I wasn't
able to locate an offical "boolean" datatype under the MySql docs.

Thanks again,


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Re: Accessing $_SESSION from an image file

2006-07-13 Thread nate

Check the value of auto_session_start (session_auto_start?) in php.ini.
 Also see if session_start( ) is being called.

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Re: Accessing $_SESSION from an image file

2006-07-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Here's some more info from Peter Kwan in the ChartDirector Forums:

You mention the code "include("img/test.php");" works as expected. Then
you include your chart code "(". However,
the  tag should have no effect at all on the server. (The 
tag is not PHP code. It is HTML code. It is executed on the browser
side and should have no effect on the server.)

In your case, the browser will receive the  tag, then it will
access the "/img/chart.php" using an independent HTTP connection
(completely separated from the one in your "include("img/test.php");"

I assume what you mean is that $_SESSION does not exist in the
"/img/chart.php", which is executed in a completely different HTTP
connection not related to "include("img/test.php");".

I am not familiar with CAKE, but is it possible that it only supplies
$_SESSION to some HTTP connections? For example, is it possible the
CAKE thinks the  tag HTTP connection does not need session
[end quote]

Since my last post, I have displayed the contents of $GLOBALS in the
page that includes the chart as well as the chart itself.  Sure enough,
there are several more elements in $GLOBALS on the including file as
opposed to the included file ($_SESSION and $_ENV are two of these).

I've also moved my chart director libraries within the webroot folder
of cake, so nothing strange should be happening there.

Does cake actually strip some $GLOBAL data from files accessed via the

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Re: Checkbox "checked" into database

2006-07-13 Thread Jon Bennett

> Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

checkbox( 'Equipment/is_elec_taggable',
array('value' => '1') ); ?>



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Checkbox "checked" into database

2006-07-13 Thread Devo


I'm somewhat new to cake and am having a difficult time getting values
into the database for a checkbox in a corresponding view.  I looked
through the group and did not find anything that seemed to answer my
question.  Has anyone done this before and found a solution?

The problem that I am discovering is that a checkbox is signified as
("checked" = "checked").  However, cake takes the -- value -- and puts
it into the database.  And because the retreival and saving of values
is accomplished by a simple  ($this->Equipment->save(
$this->params['data'])) in the controller, I cannot think of a way, or
where for that fact, to map ("checked" = "checked") to ("value" = 1).
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


My Controller's add() function

function add()

  if ( empty( $this->params['data'] ) )
if ( $this->Equipment->save( $this->params['data']) )
  $this->flash( 'Your equipment has been saved  Click
here to return','/equipment' );
  $this->set( 'data', $this->params['data'] );
  $this->validateErrors( $this->Equipment );

My add.thml view

Add Equipment

  input( 'Equipment/name', array('size' => '40') );
  tagErrorMsg( 'Equipment/name', 'Equipment name is
required.' ); ?>

  Electronically Taggable:
  input( 'Equipment/is_elec_taggable', array("type"
=> "checkbox", "value" => "0") ); ?>

  submit( 'Save' ); ?>

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[OT] Project management software

2006-07-13 Thread Sonic Baker
Please excuse the off-topic nature of this email but I feel this is
relevant to any developer who wants to get really serious about her/his
projects. I'm wondering what (if anything) you guys are using for
project management?
I'd like one program to take care of everything, including bug
tracking, feature requests, job allocation, status reports etc. and I'd
like to be able to have multiple simultaneous projects (preferably
configurable so that I can limit who can see / access particular
projects). I'd also like something that's not too hard to use so that
customers will feel comfortable using it for bug reporting / feature
requests etc... Am I asking too much for one tool to accomplish?
Is it possible to have a simpler bug tracking / feature request system
(for use by customers) to integrate with one of the more complex
feature rich programs (for use by developers)?
I see that uses both GForge and Trac for managing the
community submitted projects and the cakePHP framework respectively. Up
until recently I have no experience with project management tools
whatsoever and would seriously appreciate any
input or recommendations. I have also heard that Bugzilla is great for
this sort of thing but is apparently an absolute pain to set up.
Personally, I'm leaning towards Trac for no other reason than I like to look of it from logging into the cakeTrac site.
All comments are welcome.

Cheers to all,


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Re: file_get_contents()

2006-07-13 Thread John Zimmerman [gmail]
I replaced the following line of codereturn file_get_contents($url);with
$curl_handle = curl_init($url);curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT,10);
curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$content = null;$content = curl_exec($curl_handle);
curl_close($curl_handle);return $content;and everything works fine.I sent a support request to my hosting support so they can figure out why file_open works with my original script when it was intended to be disabled in the server's 
php.ini.I will post back if I actually figure out why this is.  The above code is good to have if you every have to convert file_get_contents calls to curl calls as I have run across several 3rd party libraries that use file_get_contents and similar calls.
On 7/11/06, John Zimmerman [gmail] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have found the issue with command line being different as well in some environments.That is usually due to the webserver either being on a different host than your shell server or your webserver is using PHP through CGI.
Both of my situations are being executed by the webserver and output is in the browser.  The only difference is Cake.My phpinfo output tells me the setting is 'off' and when I eche the ini_get value for the setting it confirms off in both circumstances.  But yet the non-cake script executes with no errors.
My host is dreamhost BTW, running PHP5.Really odd.Thanks for the replies.On 7/11/06, 
Samuel DeVore <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:I have found that in some cases my php from the command line is completely different from php as interpreted in the browser.
Sam DOn 7/11/06, nate

Yeah, that's really odd.  The only thing that comes to mind is an
errant ini_set, but it doesn't look like Cake is setting anything thatwould do that.  All I could suggest is to try doing the read fromdifferent parts within the framework, i.e. app/webroot/index.php,bootstrap.php

, etc.See if you can narrow it down to a particular line or file.

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Usining Form

2006-07-13 Thread Kenia

Hi i'm using the html component in my views, i want to move for
form because type date and other... somebody help me??

In view add?

 input('Event/date', array('size' => '40'))?>
 tagErrorMsg('Event/date', 'the date is
necessary!') ?>

thanks =D

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Accessing $_SESSION from an image file

2006-07-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I am using CakePHP with PHP5 and Apache on Fedora Core 5 and the third
party graphing tool, ChartDirector for PHP
(  ChartDirector accepts data
in the form of $_GET or $_SESSION variables, does some manipulations in
PHP, then outputs a graphic using code something like this:

header("Content-type: image/png");

My problem is that I cannot access $_SESSION from within my chart file.
 $_GET variables are readily accessible, but isset($_SESSION) from
within the chart file always returns false.

To test, I added another, non-chart file with only the line
print_r($_SESSION) (to the same directory as my chart file,
webroot/img), included it it my code ( include("img/test.php"); ) and
it outputs the session array as expected.  One line below, I include my
chart code ( ) and no $_SESSION is detected
(otherwise, the image is generated as expected).  I'm totally stumped.
I'm not sure if this has to do with cake, my php setup, or

In a non-Cake environment running PHP 4.3.11, $_SESSION variables are
readily accessible from within chart director files.

- Jack

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Validating multiple models

2006-07-13 Thread nnichols

I apologise if this seems to be a repeat of previous questions but I
haven't been able to find the answer I'm looking for.  The example here
is a somewhat simplified for the sake of the post.  I have a
CandidatesController that uses both my Candidate and User models.  When
registering a new user it needs to insert both the user and then the
candidate.  I have included the register method below -

function register()
if(empty($this->data)) {
$this->set('candidates', null);
$this->set('users', null);
} else {
if($this->User->save($this->data)) {
$this->data['Candidate']['user_id'] = 
if($this->Candidate->save($this->data)) {
if(is_object($this->Session)) {
$this->Session->setFlash('The User has 
been saved');

} else {
$this->flash('User saved.', 
}} else {
if(is_object($this->Session)) {
correct errors below.');
$data = $this->data;
$this->set('users', $data);
$this->set('candidates', $data);


This code does the validation in two steps, first when the User is
saved and then again when the Candidate is saved.  This is not very
user friendly but I'm not sure what approach to take to resolve this.
I will be very grateful for any suggestions you can make.

Many thanks

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can u help me about this? Do you know everytihng about blogspot???

2006-07-13 Thread KachacK

i have a problem.
i want to solve the blogspot link construction.
For example, i have a blogspot blog. and i have an other webpage from
another host. When i add a post to my blogspot, it can be viewed my
blogspot and my webpage same time?
And same style? Can you help me?

Tahnx for your helps...

Soryy. My English is not fluently. I hope that i explain...

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viewPath and Admin URL's

2006-07-13 Thread John Zimmerman [gmail]
I just have a couple of questions here about proper use of viewPath variable and possibly making admin url's a little more automatic in the views.When I do the following...
$html->link('New Item', $this->viewPath.'/add');The URL that is created is... I expected (logically, not that I am using this as intended) was... on wether or not the admin route was being used.The idea with wanting it to work this way is that I can more easily re-use code from my views without re-writing the URL's every time.
Any ideas if I am doing something wrong?Ideas about submitting a feature request to trac?Thanks

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ajax onChange with selectedIndex

2006-07-13 Thread joe

i've been having some trouble trying to figure out the best way to do

i've tried:
. $month . ',this.options[selectedIndex].value);'));

where changeYear is a function i made:

i would use observeField but I can't figure out the best way to get the
selectedIndex value to the function.

any thoughts?

thanks in advance.

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Re: Newbie question - user-defined classes?

2006-07-13 Thread Ryan Petrain
I believe that you can store your custom classes in the vendors directory.  If you read the blog tutorial part 2 (in the Cake Wiki), in the later part they demo how to set up an RSS feed and they have you put a rss feed class in the vendors directory.
On 7/12/06, Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Luke, Let me explain something. Models represent anything, it does not have to be a database, so when you create models they are used to model real world object, for example a file system.There is file handler model that may help. that the var $useTable = false;This tells cake not to use a database table.
Other then that look at the components also...-- /*** @author Larry E. Masters* @var string $userName* @param string $realName* @returns string aka PhpNut
* @access  public*/ 

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Re: Setting up cake php

2006-07-13 Thread gwoo

In order to support php4, Cake cannot be E_STRICT.

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Re: Setting up cake php

2006-07-13 Thread Mika

Is that good practice? Isn't there any way to overcome this?

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Re: Scaffolding From tags css class

2006-07-13 Thread cwsTrummer

no way to chance the html output? ok than i have to write my css new

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Re: Setting up cake php

2006-07-13 Thread gwoo

in php5 you need to turn off E_STRICT

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Re: Scaffolding From tags css class

2006-07-13 Thread gwoo

view source. You will see that required field take class="required",  
optional fields are class="optional"

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Scaffolding From tags css class

2006-07-13 Thread cwsTrummer


i am playing around with the scaffolding feature and i found that in
the scaffolding views the input tags are made with this function call

echo $form->generateFields( $fieldNames );

then i get some input fields and divs around it
how can i set the css class for this elements? to format a little bit
the output of the scaffold


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Setting up cake php

2006-07-13 Thread deepa


I am just setting up cake php in my machine. i am getting the following
errors when i run http:\\localhost\index.php

Strict Standards: Redefining already defined constructor for class
Object in C:\Program Files\Apache
Group\Apache2\htdocs\test\cake\libs\object.php on line 64

Strict Standards: Assigning the return value of new by reference is
deprecated in C:\Program Files\Apache
Group\Apache2\htdocs\test\cake\libs\object.php on line 86

Strict Standards: Assigning the return value of new by reference is
deprecated in C:\Program Files\Apache
Group\Apache2\htdocs\test\cake\libs\security.php on line 46

Strict Standards: Assigning the return value of new by reference is
deprecated in C:\Program Files\Apache
Group\Apache2\htdocs\test\cake\libs\configure.php on line 82

Strict Standards: Non-static method Configure::getInstance() should not
be called statically in C:\Program Files\Apache
Group\Apache2\htdocs\test\cake\bootstrap.php on line 44

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session
cookie - headers already sent by (output started at C:\Program
Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\test\cake\libs\object.php:64) in
C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\test\cake\libs\session.php
on line 131

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session
cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at C:\Program
Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\test\cake\libs\object.php:64) in
C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\test\cake\libs\session.php
on line 131

can anyone help me in solving these.


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Re: How to insert multiple rows with foreach loop...

2006-07-13 Thread Chris Partridge

An alternative and possibly cleaner method:


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ajax & dividing views to smaller subset

2006-07-13 Thread Meng


Because I  use ajax in my application, some of specific segment of the
index view (the ajax-updated divs) repeated unchanged in small view
files (those are used to update the divs).

I would like to do some simplifycation by writting only these
fragments, and include them to the index view.

I have found only two methods:
1., using htmlElements and renderElements
   it is quite good solution but the fragments are not generally
used but mostly tied to that index view
2., using requestAction controller method
 its works but i wouldn't like to involve the controller because it
isn't its bussines.

Maybe there is an other solution using the render function of the view
class.Its very underdocumented so i cant use that.

So the question is:
   is there any solution to include other (locally used ) views  in
the main view?

Thx for help

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Re: Calling model functions from View

2006-07-13 Thread AD7six

Hi KN,

I think it's time to dive into the code and try it out ;). I don't know
exactly your intentions but what you describe seems fine in principle.

Some thoughts
1) Components allow for reusability between unrelated controllers. If
(IFF) your components are only used inside one controller, it may well
be better just to put the 'component' code in a private method of your
controller and call it from the relavent method.
2) You may find that using RequestAction is easier to deal with. In
this case you would design a controller/view for each of your sections,
and then in your home page you would make the relavent calls to
generate the whole output. This would mean that for testing (if nothing
else) you could directly access your sections, and the home page is
just collating - and barely contains any logic (just enough to generate
the correct parameters for the request action). See if you wish to
investigate this, and more references

Happy coding,


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