Re: simple cakePHP question

2006-11-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 What is the Cake way of deleting all the prefences for a User (but not
 the User itself) without having to loop over all the users prefences
 and call DELETE on the Preference model?

Look in the API at the model class. Specifically, checkout the del
method, and the _deleteHasMany method. There is a lot of stuff in the
API that you won't find anywhere else!

_deleteHasMany will loop through the preferences and delete each one.
This would be the recommended way of deleting preferences since it
would be done by the model.

Of course the other way would be:
$this-Preference-execute(DELETE FROM preferences WHERE =

But, if you have a beforeDelete method defined for the preference
model, the execute sql method would skip that logic.


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Quick and easy dispatcher for cron jobs

2006-11-19 Thread Matt

There has been quite a few threads about the best way to run cron jobs
when using CakePHP. I had to do this for my own application and I am
happy with the result so I want to share it with everyone. I can't take
all the credit for this as it's based on Jason Lee's post in the

It involves hacking the dispatcher so you can call controller actions
via the command line. What you do is make a copy of index.php in
/app/webroot/, scroll to the bottom and when you come to the line -
require CORE_PATH.'cake'.DS.'bootstrap.php'; - replaces everything
below it with the following code:-

// Dispatch the controller action given to it
// eg c:\php4\cli\php cron_dispatcher.php /mailouts/send
if($argc == 2) {
$Dispatcher= new Dispatcher();

What this means is you can call controller actions from the command
line, so for example to call the send action in your mailouts
controller you just create a cron job like this:

php cron_dispatcher.php /mailouts/send

Hope people find this useful.

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Re: simple cakePHP question

2006-11-19 Thread Matt

Hi Joel,

CakePHP makes this very easy for you. I'm assuming you've setup the
models so that User hasMany Preference and Preference belongsTo User.

To have it that CakePHP automatically deletes all the Preference
entries when you delete the parent User just set 'dependent' to true in
the hasMany array for User.


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Re: hasMany query question

2006-11-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hmmm... Me thinks you have a logic problem.

If Classification belongsTo Ad  and Location belongsTo Ad then
searching by both and at the same time is
redundant, since they would both share (at most) exactly one parent.

So if Classification belongsTo Ad , then Classification has only one
parent, and you can simply do this:
$this-Ad-Classifications-recursive = 3;
$data =
$ad = $data['Ad'];

Or if Location belongsTo Ad , then Location has only one parent, and
you can simply do this:
$this-Ad-Location-recursive = 3;
$data = $this-Ad-Location-findById($this-data['Location']['id']);
$ad = $data['Ad'];

Back to the logic problem... If one ad can have more than one
classification, and many adds can share the same classification, then
you are not using the correct relationships.  Based on your question, I
suspect you should be using hasAndBelongsToMany. If you think this is
possible, read the model chapter of the cake manual again:   Otherwise, ignore my


On Nov 19, 12:18 am, naryga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ok, I have 3 models:
 Ad, Classification, Location
 Ad hasMany Classification,Location
 Location belongsTo Ad
 Classification belongsTo Ad
 I want to be able to search for Ads based on the associated
 Classifications and Locations.  I've tried using something like:
  $this-Ad-findAll( =
 {$this-data['Classification']['id']} AND =
 But this results in: SQL Error in model Post: 1054: Unknown column
 '' in 'where clause'
 Using Debug: 3, I found that the problem seems to be that when
 searching on a model with hasMany associations, an SQL alias is not
 created for the associated modles (ie, Classification as
 classifications).  However, changing my where statment to = ... Doesn't seem to help.

 If I only wanted to use one of the associated models to limit the
 results, I would use
 $this-Ad-Classifications-findAll( =
 {$this-data['Classification']['id']}); which works just fine.   Is
 there some other way I should be doing this?  Thanks in advance!

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Querying Question

2006-11-19 Thread Mandy


This might not necessarily related to cake, but I would like to know
what's the best way to do this.

I have a users table (that has user_id, first_name, last_name...etc)
And a profile table (profile_id, user_id, country)
And a friends table which has (friend_id, user_id profile_id)

Now on the profile page, for that particular profile, I query friends
table to get the user_id's of all the friends and display their photos,
because all photos are user_id.jpg, but now I want to display the
user's first name as well but that is in the user's table.

I have 2 approaches -

1) Put user_name also in the friends table
2) Loop through all friends and for every entry go to the user table to
get the user first name

What do you guys suggest?

2nd one will have lots of select queries whereas first one would just
duplicate data?

Thanks in advance,

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RE: Querying Question

2006-11-19 Thread Adrian Godong

From database normality PoV, you should stick with your current structure
(approach 2). Complexity of SELECT query should belong to CakePHP engine,
not yours.

If you have defined the Model Association correctly, CakePHP will also
retrieve related tables, so you shouldn't worry about how to query.

From what I understand, you will have the following associations:

User hasOne Profile (and Profile belongsTo User)
User hasMany Friend (and Friend belongsTo User)

If you queried (findAll) a Profile, CakePHP will also fetch related User,
Friends, and Friends' User. CakePHP have a recursive limit of 3, that means
you can only get 3 associated tables from the current one. This is good
enough for your problem.

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Mandy
Sent: 19 Nopember 2006 19:24
To: Cake PHP
Subject: Querying Question


This might not necessarily related to cake, but I would like to know
what's the best way to do this.

I have a users table (that has user_id, first_name, last_name...etc)
And a profile table (profile_id, user_id, country)
And a friends table which has (friend_id, user_id profile_id)

Now on the profile page, for that particular profile, I query friends
table to get the user_id's of all the friends and display their photos,
because all photos are user_id.jpg, but now I want to display the
user's first name as well but that is in the user's table.

I have 2 approaches -

1) Put user_name also in the friends table
2) Loop through all friends and for every entry go to the user table to
get the user first name

What do you guys suggest?

2nd one will have lots of select queries whereas first one would just
duplicate data?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Querying Question

2006-11-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I would definitely avoid the duplicate data scenario.

 I have a users table (that has user_id, first_name, last_name...etc)
 And a profile table (profile_id, user_id, country)
 And a friends table which has (friend_id, user_id profile_id)

Why does the friends table have profile_id?
If friend_id is pointing to a record in the users table, then there
would be no need to store the profile_id twice.
If friend_id is NOT pointing to a record in the users table, then I
have misunderstood your question and you can ignore the rest of this

If I understand your problem correctly, you need a hasAndBelongsToMany
association which relates the users table to it's self.
Try renaming your friends table to users_friends, and then add this
association to your User model.

var $recursive = 2;
var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('Friend' =
   array('className'= 'User',
 'joinTable'= 'users_friends',
 'foreignKey'   = 'user_id',
 'associationForeignKey'= 'friend_id',
 'conditions'   = '',
 'order'= '',
 'limit'= '',
 'uniq' = true,
 'finderQuery'  = '',
 'deleteQuery'  = '',

if it works correctly (it worked for me when I tested it) you should
find the friend records in the data returned from the User model.
So if your controller code looks like this:
$this-set('user', $this-User-read(null, $id));

Then your view code might look like this:
?php if(!empty($user['Friend'])):?
?php foreach($user['Friend'] as $friend): ?
li?php echo $friend['id'].' ' .$friend['first_name']?/li
?php endforeach; ?
?php endif; ?

hasAndBelongsToMany associations can seem rather complicated if you're
not used to them. If you have trouble getting this code to work, you
should probably read the models chapter of the cake manual, and perhaps
some hasAndBelongsToMany tutorials.

I have seen this question before, but I don't think it was answered, so
please let me know it this works for you.

Good luck,

On Nov 19, 7:23 am, Mandy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This might not necessarily related to cake, but I would like to know
 what's the best way to do this.

 I have a users table (that has user_id, first_name, last_name...etc)
 And a profile table (profile_id, user_id, country)
 And a friends table which has (friend_id, user_id profile_id)

 Now on the profile page, for that particular profile, I query friends
 table to get the user_id's of all the friends and display their photos,
 because all photos are user_id.jpg, but now I want to display the
 user's first name as well but that is in the user's table.

 I have 2 approaches -

 1) Put user_name also in the friends table
 2) Loop through all friends and for every entry go to the user table to
 get the user first name

 What do you guys suggest?

 2nd one will have lots of select queries whereas first one would just
 duplicate data?
 Thanks in advance,

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Re: tagErrorMsg annoyance

2006-11-19 Thread Richard

I will answer my own question :) $html-tagIsInvalid()

On Nov 17, 1:13 pm, Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have removed the styling information from the tagErrorMsg method, so
 that no automaginess happens when outputting messages.

 This does mean everytime I update cake I will have to update html.php
 ... are there any other options? Do you agree that having the
 flexibility in surpressing this style information is a good thing?

 Now I can do things like this now:

 // turns my input element background red on error
 $html-input('Enquire/name', array($html-tagErrorMsg('Enquire/name',

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Self recursion problem

2006-11-19 Thread voriux

Hi people,

I would like to ask a noob question how to model this situation?

I have table:
(id pri_key int(5),
name varchar(200),
parent_id int(5))

Data looks like this:

3,First Page,2
4,Second Page,2

I would like to get recursion results, like this

- First Page
- Second Page

Any opinions? Thanks in advance :)

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Any idea how global set layout for admin method and for other method other layout?

2006-11-19 Thread Petr Vytlačil

Any idea how global set layout for admin method and for other method
other layout?

Now its :

function admin_index(){
   $this-layout = 'admin';

function index(){
   $this-layout = 'public';

Its very boring set in all admin methods.

Maybe resolution is in set beforeFilter in app_model but i dont know
--any condition--

function beforeFilter()
  if(--any condition--)
$this-layout = 'admin';
$this-layout = 'public';

Help please..

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Re: Quick and easy dispatcher for cron jobs

2006-11-19 Thread nate

Here, make it more useful:

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Re: Self recursion problem

2006-11-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Go to the API and checkout the Model::findAllThreaded() method. It does
exactly what you are looking for.

In your controller, you should be able to replace findAll with

findAllThreaded will look for a parent_id field, if it finds one, child
objects (sub-menus in your case) will be put in a separate array named

Use the debug output to see how the data is structured.


On Nov 19, 8:30 am, voriux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi people,

 I would like to ask a noob question how to model this situation?

 I have table:
 (id pri_key int(5),
 name varchar(200),
 parent_id int(5))

 Data looks like this:

 3,First Page,2
 4,Second Page,2

 I would like to get recursion results, like this

 - First Page
 - Second Page
 Any opinions? Thanks in advance :)

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setting up URL

2006-11-19 Thread leamas

I have searched for an answer, but because I really don't know what to
search I didn't find an answer.

What I need is for my url to look like this:
however, what I'm getting now is:

What I don't get is when I first started, I installed it into a
development folder and it worked.  The URL looked like

How come in the development URL it doesn't show 'app' but if I want it
on my root it does?

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Re: simple cakePHP question

2006-11-19 Thread jhughes96

 _deleteHasMany will loop through the preferences and delete each one.
 This would be the recommended way of deleting preferences since it
 would be done by the model.

i've been looking at the API but I just don't see how I call
_deleteHasMany? I do not want to cascade delete to child associations
if I delete the master (in this case User). I want to delete ALL the
rows on the many side of the relationship (in my case 'preferences')
but the one side (the User) is not to be deleted.

Hopefully this makes sense...thanks for your help so far and starting
to make a bit of progress...


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Re: Any idea how global set layout for admin method and for other method other layout?

2006-11-19 Thread AD7six

Hi Petr


if (isset($this-params[CAKE_ADMIN])) {

useful methods:
pr ($this); die;


Please note:
The manual/bakery is a good place to start any quest for info.
The cake search (at the time of writing) erroneously reports less/no
results for the google group.
The wiki may contain incorrect info - read at your own risk (it's
mainly user submitted) :)
You may get your answer quicker by asking on the IRC Channel (you can
access it with just a browser here:
On Nov 19, 3:48 pm, Petr Vytlačil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Any idea how global set layout for admin method and for other method
 other layout?

 Now its :

 function admin_index(){
$this-layout = 'admin';

 }function index(){
$this-layout = 'public';

 }Its very boring set in all admin methods.

 Maybe resolution is in set beforeFilter in app_model but i dont know
 --any condition--

 function beforeFilter()
   if(--any condition--)
 $this-layout = 'admin';
 $this-layout = 'public';
 }Help please..

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Freetag and Flickr / style tagging with Cake

2006-11-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


has anyone done any tagging-style database in Cake? Where the users can
submit their own categories as in Flickr or

Should Freetag work - an OOP PHP MySQL approach to tagging?



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How to setup a fitting folder-/url-structure

2006-11-19 Thread Axel Wuestemann


for a cms I need a url-structure like this

that is simply done with /app/pages_controller.php

I would have core functionality as app/sitechips (the name of the cms)
an exendable contentypes as plugins:
/app/plugins/articles/controllers|models|views or

as url-structure I need = core functionality = content module, i.E. plugin

What I have to do, in oder to get this calling-schema whith the shown
directory setup?

Thany you for your advice.


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Re: simple cakePHP question

2006-11-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 i've been looking at the API but I just don't see how I call
 _deleteHasMany? I do not want to cascade delete to child associations
 if I delete the master (in this case User). I want to delete ALL the
 rows on the many side of the relationship (in my case 'preferences')
 but the one side (the User) is not to be deleted.

_deleteHasMany method will not delete the User, just the child
(profile) records.
$this-User-_deleteHasMany($user_id, true);

However, if you have other HasMany associations, then they too will
also be deleted.

If that doesn't work for you... there's nothing wrong with doing it the
easy way:
$this-Preference-execute(DELETE FROM preferences WHERE = .

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Re: hasMany query question

2006-11-19 Thread Nathan Garza
Thanks for the reply.  Let me expand abit.  Model 'A' hasMany 'B' and
hasMany 'C'.  I want to find the instance of model 'A' that has a spicific
'B' AND a specific 'C'.  Now here's the part I left out.  Model 'D' hasMany
'B' and 'E' hasMany 'C'.  So, a given 'B' or 'C' belongs to only one 'A',
but also to only  one 'D' or 'E' (as apposed to many  'A', 'D'  'E's).
Basically, 'A' hasAndBelongsTo 'D' and 'E', but the join tables are too
complex for cake's standard habt relationship to work (there's more in there
than I've described).  So I created a model for the join tables and made the
change in the relationships.

So, one 'Ad' can have many 'Classifications', and many 'Locations', but I'm
looking for the specific 'Ad' that has a 'Classification' AND a 'Location'
containing the correct 'Category' and 'City' respectively.

However, the question remains, is it posible to use a feild from a table
associated with a hasMany relationship in the findAll($conditions) array?

What I've recently decided to try on monday is to do:
$var1 = $this-Ad-Location-findAll($conditions);
$var2 = $this-Ad-Classification-findAll($conditions);
$ads = array_intersect($var1, $var2);

Although that seems like a weird way to do it.  Then again, maybe my whole
concept is the weird way to do it in the first place.


 Hmmm... Me thinks you have a logic problem.

 If Classification belongsTo Ad  and Location belongsTo Ad then
 searching by both and at the same time is
 redundant, since they would both share (at most) exactly one parent.

 So if Classification belongsTo Ad , then Classification has only one
 parent, and you can simply do this:
 $this-Ad-Classifications-recursive = 3;
 $data =
 $ad = $data['Ad'];

 Or if Location belongsTo Ad , then Location has only one parent, and
 you can simply do this:
 $this-Ad-Location-recursive = 3;
 $data = $this-Ad-Location-findById($this-data['Location']['id']);
 $ad = $data['Ad'];

 Back to the logic problem... If one ad can have more than one
 classification, and many adds can share the same classification, then
 you are not using the correct relationships.  Based on your question, I
 suspect you should be using hasAndBelongsToMany. If you think this is
 possible, read the model chapter of the cake manual again:   Otherwise, ignore my


 On Nov 19, 12:18 am, naryga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Ok, I have 3 models:
  Ad, Classification, Location
  Ad hasMany Classification,Location
  Location belongsTo Ad
  Classification belongsTo Ad
  I want to be able to search for Ads based on the associated
  Classifications and Locations.  I've tried using something like:
   $this-Ad-findAll( =
  {$this-data['Classification']['id']} AND =
  But this results in: SQL Error in model Post: 1054: Unknown column
  '' in 'where clause'
  Using Debug: 3, I found that the problem seems to be that when
  searching on a model with hasMany associations, an SQL alias is not
  created for the associated modles (ie, Classification as
  classifications).  However, changing my where statment to = ... Doesn't seem to help.
  If I only wanted to use one of the associated models to limit the
  results, I would use
  $this-Ad-Classifications-findAll( =
  {$this-data['Classification']['id']}); which works just fine.   Is
  there some other way I should be doing this?  Thanks in advance!



Nathan Garza

AshLeaf Media | Director of Technology Innovations
_ | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 832.514.5726

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