Re: Media Plugin - Getting Started

2010-08-22 Thread stab
Hi David - will the documentation be updated soon? I'd really like to
integrate this for a project..


On Jul 9, 9:01 pm, David Persson  wrote:
> The current documentation in themediapluginwiki isn't yet updated
> to match with the upcoming 1.3 version of theplugin. The new version
> will relax and (hopefully) simplify the expected directory structure.
> All support for assets (css and js) is going to be removed and moved
> back into the hands of the FW itself. The initial idea of theplugin
> was to deal with all kinds ofmediafiles including treating assets 
> asmediafiles. This turned out to be a bit "overdone" so this support is
> removed from theplugin. I know that setting up theplugincan be a
> bit hard in the first place, but the topic needs a bit understanding
> as it may become critical to your app. When I'm updating the docs for
> 1.3 I'll be keeping that in mind. If you've got any suggestion or
> wan't to write up a quick "how to get started" page just add one to
> thepluginwiki.
> - David
> On 5 Jul., 19:30, dbme  wrote:
> > I'm just getting started with CakePHP and also David Persson'sMedia
> >plugin( I've got my app working
> > but I'm having a difficult time getting theMediapluginworking. I
> > figured I'd start this thread so I could A.) get it working and B.)
> > create a reference for beginners like me.
> > Here's what I've done so far (following the README and Configuration
> > wiki - Steps
> > marked with a * didn't go as documented :(
> > 1. Download and extract the files to /path/to/your/app/plugins/media
> > 2. Include theMediapluginconfig file in the /path/to/your/app/
> > config/bootstrap.php
> >         define ( 'MEDIA_TRANSFER', APP . 'transfer' . DS);
> >         define ( 'MEDIA_TRANSFER_URL', false);
> >         require APP . 'plugins/media/config/core.php';
> > * 3. Create the directory structure using the console
> > cd  /path/to/your/app/
> > ../cake/console/cakemediainit
> > The Configuration wiki says that there should be a static, filter, and
> > transfer directory under the webroot/media/ directory but the command
> > above will put the transfer directory under the app directory. Not
> > sure if this is how it should be or if I did something wrong.
> > * 4. Copy/move/collect themediainto the new location
> > ../cake/console/cakemediacollect
> > But this results in a bunch of errors :(
> > 
> >MediaShell
> > 
> > PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /path/to/your/
> > app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 119
> > Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /path/to/your/app/
> > plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 119
> > PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: pluginVendorPaths in /var/www/
> > portfolio/app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line
> > 130
> > Notice: Undefined variable: pluginVendorPaths in /path/to/your/app/
> > plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 130
> > PHP Warning:  array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /path/to/
> > your/app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 130
> > Warning: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /path/to/your/
> > app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 130
> > PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /path/to/your/
> > app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 132
> > Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /path/to/your/app/
> > plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 132
> > Would you like to add another path?
> > So I'm assuming maybe I've done something wrong. I will press on and
> > instead just move the files manually:
> > mv webroot/js/* webroot/media/static/js/
> > mv webroot/css/* webroot/media/static/css/
> > mv webroot/img/* webroot/media/static/img/
> > mv webroot/vendors/js/* webroot/media/static/js/
> > mv webroot/vendors/css/* webroot/media/static/css/
> > mv webroot/vendors/img/* webroot/media/static/img/
> > That works, minus the vendors directory (because I dont have one).
> > At this point the app is no longer styled. e.g. the stylesheet is not
> > in the proper path and afaik there isn't anything telling the app
> > where to find it. :-/
> > Next step.
> > * 5. Protect the transfer directory
> > ../cake/console/cakemediaprotect
> > Doesn't work. I just get the message: The content of the transfer
> > directory is not served. Guess I'll create this one manually as well.
> > nano transfer/.htaccess
> > Order deny,allow
> > Deny from all
> > Save and exit.
> > 6. Give up.
> > Actually I pressed on but there really isn't any thorough
> > documentation after this point.
> > Any help w

Re: Configuration in David Persson MediaPlugin in cake 1.3

2010-08-22 Thread stab
I'd like to know too :)

On Aug 5, 3:46 pm, ""
> I'm using David Persson MediaPlugin.
> With the version relative to cake 1.2 all works fine.Now I'm upgrading
> my web application to cake 1.3 so I try to use
> theMediaPlugin version relative to cakephp 1.3.
> I have some problem with the use of callback "transferTo" instead of
> 'destinationFile' config parameter.
> I have destinationFile like
> ':Medium.short::DS:photos:DS::uuid::DS:photo.:Source.extension:',
> How can I  define transferTo to have this path for my photos?
> Many Thanks
> Marco

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Re: after adding an hasOne relation to model it is not available in my view anymore

2010-08-22 Thread j.blotus
your array is supposed to look like this
> ('User'=>array(
>     [id] => 213
>     [user_id] => 1
>     [title] => werwr
>     [flyer_path] => ../lin/123/123_big.jpg
>     [flyer_path_thumb] => ../lin/123/123_thumb.jpg
>     [description] => werwrewrwerew
>     [created] => 2010-08-19 22:20:20
>     [locked] => -1
>     [date_locked] => -00-00 00:00:00
> ));

On Aug 22, 11:17 am, Tomfox Wiranata 
> hi everyone...thx for your answers..i appreciate it
> when i debug this happens
> Array
> (
>     [id] => 213
>     [user_id] => 1
>     [title] => werwr
>     [flyer_path] => ../lin/123/123_big.jpg
>     [flyer_path_thumb] => ../lin/123/123_thumb.jpg
>     [description] => werwrewrwerew
>     [created] => 2010-08-19 22:20:20
>     [locked] => -1
>     [date_locked] => -00-00 00:00:00
> )
> it does not seem empty
> i have tried it without "dependent" luck!
> On 20 Aug., 16:28, Dan Heberden  wrote:
> > Is debugging on so you can see the sql error? It's having trouble
> > 'finding one' - which is one generative sql call so if IT fails the
> > whole bloody thing fails and you get an empty array.
> > On Aug 19, 2:55 pm, Marcos  Mendonça  wrote:
> > > have you tried without the 'dependent' => true attribute?
> > > On Aug 19, 3:58 pm, Tomfox Wiranata  wrote:
> > > > hi,
> > > > weird thing. i declare a hasOne relation:
> > > > class User extends AppModel
> > > > {
> > > >     var $name = 'User';
> > > >     var $hasOne = array(
> > > >                 'Link' => array(
> > > >                         'className' => 'Link',
> > > >                         'dependent' => true
> > > >                 )
> > > >         );
> > > > }
> > > > suddenly i am having "undefined index" everywhere i use that model in
> > > > my views, like:
> > > > 
> > > > if i delete the hasOne part it works fine and the view shows the user
> > > > data...what the heck did i do wrong? looking forward to your
> > > > feedback..
> > > > big big thx

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Re: image upload...ajax process only works once

2010-08-22 Thread Sam
If you actually go the renderflyerpreview action does it show the
picture? Are you sure that your refreshflyer() function is actually
running when you reload an image?

Also, on a side not, are you using jQuery? If so, there is a more
elegant way to do some of this coding... For example, instead of using
onClick in:

You could add an id to the button and use a jQuery selector to attach
an event handler- that way all your javascript is in one place.
e.g.(if the id was uploadSubmitButton)


//functionCaller code


On Aug 22, 12:15 pm, Tomfox Wiranata 
> hi,
> i am having a weird problem. on a site, a user can upload a picture.
> when its uploaded the picture gets loaded in a div area as a preview.
> now that works fine. but if i do this whole thing again, maybe cause i
> want a different picture, the new picture is not loaded, although the
> uploading process worked. i checked on my HDD.
> this is what i do:
> i have a form for the file uploading in my view:
>  echo $form->create('Link',
> array('name'=>'uploadProfileImageForm','id'=>'uploadProfileImageForm','type 
> '=>'file'));
> echo $form->file('Link');
> ?>
> Hochladen button>
>   echo $form->end();
> ?>
> now a JS function is called to acutally upload the pic, to show the
> ajax loading icon, and to call the function, that acutally renders the
> uploaded image in a specific div for a preview.
> function functionCaller(form)
> {
>         ajaxUpload(form,'processFlyer','flyer_css',' loader.gif\' width=\'16\' height=\'16\' border=\'0\' />','Fehler beim
> Upload');
>         setTimeout("refreshflyer()", 500);
>         //refreshdiv();
> }
> calling a controller function to render the pic from this JS function
> function refreshflyer(){
>         $('#flyer_preview').load('renderflyerpreview');
> }
> and that is the functin in my controller that gets the path to the
> image and renders it in a div in my view
>     function renderflyerpreview()
>     {
>         $this->set('link_flyer_path_temp', 
> ($this->Session->read('Link.flyer_path_temp')));
>         $this->render('render_flyer','ajax');
>     }
> as i said it works fine the first time you do upload an image...the
> second time...nope...the image gets uploaded, but not rendered!!??
> is this some sort of caching problem?
> BIG THX :)

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ajax paginator - alternative query

2010-08-22 Thread Mariano C.
I've a list of elements shown in Ajax style, pagination is in ajax and
all works perfectly.

Then I have a link like:
link('Sort by book year', array('sort' =>
'year', 'page' => 1, 'direction' => 'asc'), array('update' =>
'#ajaxContent')); ?>

this is work perfectly and reorder elements by ascending years. But
what if I want more flexible query?
For example what if I want see only books with year equal to 2001?

I have to mandatory overwrite paginate method, like explained in ?

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Re: HABTM and Pagination

2010-08-22 Thread Walt
I like that solution. I'll try it out. Thanks for the ref to the
cookbook. I will write back with my solution if this works!


On Aug 22, 1:54 am, sanedevil  wrote:
> Hi Walt,
> Few days back I had a similar issue. I tried everything. In the end,
> there was just one thing that worked for me - Custom 
> Joins.
> On Aug 21, 2:16 am, Walt  wrote:
> > Hello Everone,
> > Perhaps I'm daft. I find folks that have similar issues, but none seem
> > to be as direct as I need it to be.
> > I'm trying to write a simple search, but the HABTM relationship I have
> > seems to be getting in the way.
> > I have three models in the search: Person, Role, and Institution.
> > Person HABTM Role
> > Person Belongs to Institution
> > In my controller, I've built my conditions like this:
> >  $this->Person->recursive = 2;
> >  $contain = array(
> >    'Institution',
> >    'Role'
> >  );
> >  $this->paginate = array(
> >    'limit' => 10,
> >    'order' => array('Person.username' => 'asc'),
> >  );
> >  $conditions = array(
> >    'Person.username LIKE' => '%'.$username.'%',
> >    'Person.department LIKE' => '%'.$department.'%',
> >    ' LIKE' => '%'.$email.'%',
> >    '' => $institutionId,
> >    '' => $roleId,
> >  );
> >  $this->set('people', $this->paginate('Person',$conditions));
> > The above code works if I omit the Role criteria. Since I would only
> > like to search for people with certain roles, I really do need that
> > extra bit. With the Role criteria, I recieve the following error,
> > which seems consistent with something hairy going on with the HABTM I
> > have set up:
> > Unknown column '' in 'where clause'
> > Could someone point me to a decent solution. It seems like this should
> > have been worked out before.
> > I sincerely appreciate any help you can offer.
> > Thanks,
> > Walt

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Re: CakeNewb: Models joint where one has 2 Foreign Keys

2010-08-22 Thread Anthony
You'll probably want to use containable.

Check out:  -Specifically
the section on deeper associations.

On Aug 21, 12:41 am, jamie_chong  wrote:
> This is my second day using/learning Cake so please bear with me :)
> I'll try to keep things simple, but there is a lot of data here. I
> didnt' want to leave anything out.
> Let's say I have these database tables:
> my_lists (id, name)
> (1, "List One")
> (2, "List Two")
> items(id, name)
> (1, "Item One")
> (2, "Item Two")
> (3, "Item Three")
> (4, "Item Four")
> items_my_lists(item_id, my_list_id)
> (2, 1)
> (3, 1)
> (4, 1)
> (3, 2)
> (4, 2)
> my_comments(id, my_list_id, item_id, message)
> (1, 1, NULL, "Comment For List One")
> (2, NULL, 4, "Comment For Item Four")
> (3, 1, 4, "Comment for List One, Item Four")
> (4, 2, 4, "Comment for List Two, Item Four")
> My Models look like this:
> class List extends AppModel
> {
>         public $name = "List";
>         public $hasAndBelongsToMany = "Item";
>         public $hasMany = "Comment";
> }
> class Item extends AppModel
> {
>         public $name = "Item";
>         public $hasAndBelongsToMany = "List";
>         public $hasMany = "Comment";
> }
> class Comment extends AppModel
> {
>         public $name = "Comment";
> }
> Notice my_comments has Two Foreign Keys (my_list_id, item_id). This is
> so I can have comments specifically for
> 1. my_lists (item_id is NULL)
> 2. items (my_list_id is NULL)
> 3. items in my_lists (both my_list_id and item_id are set)
> Here is my problem. For each of the two queries (shown below), I only
> want comments to be returned for Items if and only if they match the
> item_id AND the list_id. Right now I'm getting Comments that belong to
> other lists. Furthermore, I don't want comments for Items if either
> list_id or item_id are NULL. And lastly, comments for MyList should
> only appear if item_id is NULL.
> Now when I run a find() search in my Controller, I get for "List One":
> $this->MyList->find("first",array(
>         "conditions"=>array(""=>1),
>         "recursive" => 2
> ));
> Array
> (
>     [MyList] => Array
>     (
>         [id] => 1
>         [name] => List One
>     )
>     [MyComment] => Array
>     (
>         [0] => Array
>         (
>             [id] => 1
>             [my_list_id] => 1
>             [item_id] =>
>             [message] => Comment List One
>         )
>         [1] => Array
>         (
>             [id] => 3
>             [my_list_id] => 1
>             [item_id] => 4
>             [message] => Comment List One, Item Four
>         )
>     )
>     [Item] => Array
>     (
>         [0] => Array
>         (
>             [id] => 2
>             [name] => Item Two
>             [MyComment] => Array
>             (
>             )
>         )
>         [1] => Array
>         (
>             [id] => 3
>             [name] => Item Three
>             [MyComment] => Array
>             (
>             )
>         )
>         [2] => Array
>         (
>             [id] => 4
>             [name] => Item Four
>             [MyComment] => Array
>             (
>                 [0] => Array
>                 (
>                     [id] => 2
>                     [my_list_id] =>
>                     [item_id] => 4
>                     [message] => Comment Item Four
>                 )
>                 [1] => Array
>                 (
>                     [id] => 3
>                     [my_list_id] => 1
>                     [item_id] => 4
>                     [message] => Comment List One, Item Four
>                 )
>                 [2] => Array
>                 (
>                     [id] => 4
>                     [my_list_id] => 2
>                     [item_id] => 4
>                     [message] => Comment List Two, Item Four
>                 )
>             )
>         )
>     )
> )
> And this is what I get for List Two
> $this->MyList->find("first",array(
>         "conditions"=>array(""=>2),
>         "recursive" => 2
> ));
> Array
> (
>     [MyList] => Array
>     (
>         [id] => 2
>         [name] => List Two
>     )
>     [MyComment] => Array
>     (
>         [0] => Array
>         (
>             [id] => 4
>             [my_list_id] => 2
>             [item_id] => 4
>             [message] => Comment List Two, Item Four
>         )
>     )
>     [Item] => Array
>     (
>         [0] => Array
>         (
>             [id] => 3
>             [name] => Item Three
>             [MyComment] => Array
>             (
>             )
>         )
>         [1] => Array
>         (
>             [id] => 4
>             [name] => Item Four
>             [MyComment] => Array
>             (
>                 [0] => Array
>                 (
>                     [id] => 2
>                     [my_list_id] =>
>                     [item_id] => 4
>                     [message] => Comment It

image upload...ajax process only works once

2010-08-22 Thread Tomfox Wiranata

i am having a weird problem. on a site, a user can upload a picture.
when its uploaded the picture gets loaded in a div area as a preview.
now that works fine. but if i do this whole thing again, maybe cause i
want a different picture, the new picture is not loaded, although the
uploading process worked. i checked on my HDD.

this is what i do:

i have a form for the file uploading in my view:
echo $form->file('Link');


now a JS function is called to acutally upload the pic, to show the
ajax loading icon, and to call the function, that acutally renders the
uploaded image in a specific div for a preview.

function functionCaller(form)
ajaxUpload(form,'processFlyer','flyer_css','','Fehler beim
setTimeout("refreshflyer()", 500);

calling a controller function to render the pic from this JS function

function refreshflyer(){


and that is the functin in my controller that gets the path to the
image and renders it in a div in my view

function renderflyerpreview()
$this->set('link_flyer_path_temp', ($this->Session-

as i said it works fine the first time you do upload an image...the
second time...nope...the image gets uploaded, but not rendered!!??
is this some sort of caching problem?


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Re: after adding an hasOne relation to model it is not available in my view anymore

2010-08-22 Thread Tomfox Wiranata
hi everyone...thx for your answers..i appreciate it

when i debug this happens

[id] => 213
[user_id] => 1
[title] => werwr
[flyer_path] => ../lin/123/123_big.jpg
[flyer_path_thumb] => ../lin/123/123_thumb.jpg
[description] => werwrewrwerew
[created] => 2010-08-19 22:20:20
[locked] => -1
[date_locked] => -00-00 00:00:00

it does not seem empty
i have tried it without "dependent" luck!

On 20 Aug., 16:28, Dan Heberden  wrote:
> Is debugging on so you can see the sql error? It's having trouble
> 'finding one' - which is one generative sql call so if IT fails the
> whole bloody thing fails and you get an empty array.
> On Aug 19, 2:55 pm, Marcos  Mendonça  wrote:
> > have you tried without the 'dependent' => true attribute?
> > On Aug 19, 3:58 pm, Tomfox Wiranata  wrote:
> > > hi,
> > > weird thing. i declare a hasOne relation:
> > > class User extends AppModel
> > > {
> > >     var $name = 'User';
> > >     var $hasOne = array(
> > >                 'Link' => array(
> > >                         'className' => 'Link',
> > >                         'dependent' => true
> > >                 )
> > >         );
> > > }
> > > suddenly i am having "undefined index" everywhere i use that model in
> > > my views, like:
> > > 
> > > if i delete the hasOne part it works fine and the view shows the user
> > > data...what the heck did i do wrong? looking forward to your
> > > feedback..
> > > big big thx

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Re: HABTM and Pagination

2010-08-22 Thread sanedevil
Hi Walt,

Few days back I had a similar issue. I tried everything. In the end,
there was just one thing that worked for me - Custom Joins.


On Aug 21, 2:16 am, Walt  wrote:
> Hello Everone,
> Perhaps I'm daft. I find folks that have similar issues, but none seem
> to be as direct as I need it to be.
> I'm trying to write a simple search, but the HABTM relationship I have
> seems to be getting in the way.
> I have three models in the search: Person, Role, and Institution.
> Person HABTM Role
> Person Belongs to Institution
> In my controller, I've built my conditions like this:
>  $this->Person->recursive = 2;
>  $contain = array(
>    'Institution',
>    'Role'
>  );
>  $this->paginate = array(
>    'limit' => 10,
>    'order' => array('Person.username' => 'asc'),
>  );
>  $conditions = array(
>    'Person.username LIKE' => '%'.$username.'%',
>    'Person.department LIKE' => '%'.$department.'%',
>    ' LIKE' => '%'.$email.'%',
>    '' => $institutionId,
>    '' => $roleId,
>  );
>  $this->set('people', $this->paginate('Person',$conditions));
> The above code works if I omit the Role criteria. Since I would only
> like to search for people with certain roles, I really do need that
> extra bit. With the Role criteria, I recieve the following error,
> which seems consistent with something hairy going on with the HABTM I
> have set up:
> Unknown column '' in 'where clause'
> Could someone point me to a decent solution. It seems like this should
> have been worked out before.
> I sincerely appreciate any help you can offer.
> Thanks,
> Walt

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