Re: Looking for Help with Cakephp basics .. aka looking for a mentor

2013-12-18 Thread rchavik
awesome answer reuben


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CakePHP Newbie Questions

2013-12-18 Thread Nick Harper

I have recently started to learn CakePHP after just being used to coding 
from scratch.

I have installed a couple of plugins but the issue I have is linking them 
together, for example if I have a login script then how on earth do I just 
show the login page for example?

Does every Controller need to have a mysql assigned to it?

I have been through the blog tutorial but so far it just feels really 
restrictive compared to just coding from scratch but what really appeals is 
the plugins / helpers but I am just struggling with basic things like 
echoing the username they are logged in with when logged in etc.

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Re: Cakephp without Save() function?

2013-12-18 Thread Reuben
When doing an insert, you need to call Model->create() first. And if you 
are calculating a value, assign is back to the request, so it can be saved 
on the Model.

$data1 = (string) $this->request->data['Calculate']['var1'];
$data2 = (string) $this->request->data['Calculate']['var2'];
$result = $data1 + $data2;

$this->request->data['Calculate']['result'] = $result;

$this->request->data['Calculate']['otherField'] = 2;


if ($this->Calculate->save($this->request->data)){

   echo 'Successful add';


On Thursday, 12 December 2013 16:18:56 UTC+10, YOONG SINJIE wrote:
> May I know , got other way to store the SQL statement, except the Save() 
> function ? I want to do some simple calculation, i want to store the result 
> at database. Anyone having any idea about it ?
> public function add() { if ($this->request->is('post')) {
> /// complete calculation 
> $data1 = (string) $this->request->data['Calculate']['var1'];
> $data2 = (string) $this->request->data['Calculate']['var2'];
> echo $data1;
> echo '';
> echo $data2;
> $result = $data1 + $data2;
> echo '';
> echo $result;
>   SQL Statement
>   mysql_query("INSERT INTO calculate 
> VALUES('$data1','$data2','$result','2')") or die(mysql_error());
>// if($this->Calculate->save($this->request->data)){
>// echo'succuful add';
>// }
> }
> }

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Re: Yet Another Validation Question

2013-12-18 Thread Reuben
Have you confirmed that the validation function is actually getting called, 
via CakeLog::debug() or error_log(print_r($data, true));

If your validation function only returns false, and it never gets called, 
mostly likely, validation is not getting called at all.

If the data is data['Community']['start']['year'], then you're probably 
using the FormHelper date functions, which tend to split a date into it's 
components, and return the results as an array.  However, you may wish to 
confirm with  error_log(print_r($data, true)); or similar, the structure of 
the field at validation time.  You may want to check for $value = $this->
data[$this->alias][$field]['year']; when determining the value of the year.

Reuben Helms

On Wednesday, 18 December 2013 16:22:45 UTC+10, advantage+ wrote:
> I cannot validate my year select.
> When posted it appears as :
> data[Comunity][start][year]...
> 2009
> Validation rule:
> 'start' => array(
>'required' => true,
>'allowEmpty' => false,
>'rule' => array('checkYearValues', 'start'),
>'message' => 'Please enter a year between 1950 and 2013 when you 
> started.',
>'last' => true),
> checkYearVales:
>* ***
>* @access public
>* @return bool
>public function checkYearValues($data, $field){
>  $value = $this->data[$this->alias][$field];
>  $baseYear = date('Y') - 2013 + 10;
>  $years =  array_combine(range( date('Y'), date('Y') - 
> $baseYear), range( date('Y'), date('Y') - $baseYear));
>  //return in_array($value, $years);
>  return false
> But it always passes validation
> Any ideas why start[year] gets added to the input?
> Thanks all
> *Dave Maharaj*
> *Freelance Designer | Developer*
> [image: Description: header_logo]
>  |   |  709.800.0852

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Re: Looking for Help with Cakephp basics .. aka looking for a mentor

2013-12-18 Thread Reuben
There's this list, the irc channel and sometimes, stackoverflow, but your 
mileage may vary on how much effort you put into solving the problem 
yourself vs how much help you may receive.

For example, you may experience a bit of radio silence when asking 
questions that are covered in the documentation 

For example, uploading a file is partially covered 
by specifying that your form is going to be for a file, and then adding an 
input field that has the type of file.  When the form is submitted, the 
$this->request->data will have a file descriptor, as described 

Saving data to multiple models is covered by Model::saveAssociated :
Though you may need to add some special processing in the controller to 
read the file upload descriptor into a database field on the model, in the 
appropriate format (some databases require special encoding before storing 
binary files).

With regards to the year issue, take note of the sample code 
 Notice the input name is data[User][purchased][year].  This means that the 
FormHelper displays the year component of a whole date field, so when you 
inspect $this->request->data('User.purchased'), it is likely to be an 
array.  Personally, I'm not much of a fan of the way the FormHelper does 
date processing, so you may be better off just doing a FormHelper::select, 
and specify the year entries you are interested in.

I thought the document is pretty nice for showing how to implement plugins (, helpers ( and 
components (
 CakePHP also has plenty of implemented helpers and components in it's core 
to look at for initial guidelines and best practice.  For plugins, you may 
have to dig a little deeper, but they're really just mini apps wrapped up 
for use with other applications.  You just need to stick to the naming 
convention. Personally, I'm looking forward to CakePHP 3.0 for plugins, 
when namespaces will be implemented properly, and we won't have to be as 
concerned with namespace / class name clashes.

The last one sounds like an actual application problem, rather an issue 
with CakePHP. With that one line description, there are a lot of parts to 
deal with.  Start with the model. Maybe add a Tree Behaviour to help 
represent the tree, and find neighbours and children.  Set up a controller, 
and find the entries, using the model.  Perform a set in the controller, to 
set the data for use in a view.  Write the view to processing and display 
the data.  Perhaps you have a Javascript component in mind that will 
display the data in the tree.  Perhaps it takes json for the structure. 
Perhaps it can load via Ajax, so then you would read up on the JsonView 
class, and the $this->set('_serialize', ...) method of serializing data in 
a view variable, plus looking at the RequestHandlerComponent for accepting 
ajax and json requests.

The other hidden gem with CakePHP is the test suite.  The test suite tests 
all the core functionality in CakePHP, so you can see how the 
FormHelper::select should be used to populate a dropdown list.

I'd also recommend following the Blog Tutorial.  Then expand on it a bit to 
add an EntryType to the Post model, and see what scaffolding adds to the 
add and edit controller actions and views.  This will show you how to 
populate a drop down (hint: in the controller: $entityTypes = 
$this->EntityType->find('list'); $this->set(compact('entityTypes')); and in 
the form, $this->Form->input('entityType');)

It's been a very long time since I looked at the Zend Framework, so I'd 
recommend you take a look, and see if you can get the job done there, and 
see if there the same level of help there, as you expect to find here. 
 Last time I looked at it, the class names were more noise than useful, and 
there was a lot of cruft that made the framework seem bloated.  Maybe it 
has slimmed down since then, and the learning curve for doing things the 
Zend way isn't as steep as it used to be.  Then once you've solve the 
problem in Zend, come back and take another look at CakePHP, and solve the 
same problem, purely as a self education exercise.  I'm thinking you might 
be pleasantly surprised.

I subscribe to the posts on this list, and get a daily digest.  Depending 
on the question, and how much effort has been put in, I'll help out when I 
can, as a civic duty, to give a little back to the framework that has made 
development in PHP so much easier ov

Re: GeoIp Help

2013-12-18 Thread Reuben
That's not how to do an 'and' in CakePHP conditions.

Conditions in CakePHP will use 'and' by default, for items in the same 
array, unless explicitly keyed by an 'or'.

This will get you closer to your goal, though you might want to check the 
greater than / less than operations for equality, and IPs that are at the 
beginning or end of the range.

 'conditions' => array(

'startIpNum <=' => $address,

'endIpNum >=' => $address),

'limit' => 1,
Reuben Helms

On Wednesday, 18 December 2013 05:22:22 UTC+10, advantage+ wrote:
> Was hoping someone can point out where I am going wrong here.
> Just testing so code is rather sloppy.
> Related to GeoIP City / Country Location. (data is in my database, not a 
> web call)
> $address = $this->my_ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
> Calls this:
> private function my_ip2long($ip){
> $nums = explode('.', $ip);
> $ret = 0;
> for ($i=0; $i<4; $i++){
> $ret += intval($nums[$i]) * pow(256, 3-$i);
> }
> return $ret;
> }
> So $address =  (int) 2393010516
> So far so good.
> $current_address = ClassRegistry::init('IpCountry')->__findUserCountry();
> Produces:
> array(
> 'IpCountry' => array(
>  'id' => '38959',
>  'ip_from' => '2391343104',
>  'ip_to' => '2394947583',
>  'country2' => 'CA',
>  'country3' => 'CAN',
>  'country' => 'CANADA'
>  Which is correct I am in Canada.
> So I put that function inside __FindUserCountry(); all good so far.
> Then
> $location = ClassRegistry::init('GeoCityBlock')->find('first', array(
> 'conditions' => array(
> 'and' => 
> array(
> array(
> 'startIpNum <' => $address,
> 'endIpNum >' => $address))),
> 'limit' => 
> 1,
> 'contain' => 
> array(
> 'GeoCityLocation')));
> And presto time travel :0 I am now in Seoul Korea.
> array(
> 'GeoCityBlock' => array(
>  'startIpNum' => '23068672',
>  'endIpNum' => '24117247',
>  'locId' => '22883'
> ),
> 'GeoCityLocation' => array(
>  (int) 0 => array(
>  'locId' => 
> '22883',
>  'country' => 
> 'KR',
>  'region' => '11',
>  'city' => 
> 'Seoul',
>  'postalCode' => 
> '',
>  'latitude' => 
> '37.5985',
>  'longitude' => 
> '126.9783',
>  'metroCode' => 
> '',
>  'areaCode' => ''
>  )
> )
> Anyone have any assistance they could provide would be great.
> Thanks,
> Dave

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Re: Display Errors

2013-12-18 Thread Reuben
Look first to the underlying HTML.

Does that show each field in a consistent order. i,e label, field, error 

If so, and most likely if the fields are being displayed in the default 
fashion, then there might be some CSS that is rearranging the error message 
to be before the field for the Academic merit field.

However, if the underlying HTML has label, error message, field for the 
Academic merit field, then you need to look for the code that is outputting 
that field. Either it's like that because the application/view makes it 
like that, or perhaps that's how CakePHP places error messages for select 

I'm at home, and don't have access to the code base to check, but that is 
where I would look first.

Reuben Helms

On Wednesday, 18 December 2013 08:23:48 UTC+10, advantage+ wrote:
> I have attached an image for the first time so maybe it will help.
> I just noticed the select errors are above the select yet the rest of the 
> errors appear below where they should be. Well I really do not care above 
> or below…., but they must line up for the sake of appearance.
> This just looks like crap all jagged.
> Any ideas how / why / fix this?
> Thanks all,
> Dave

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