Re: validation criteria at least 3 fileds are not empty

2014-10-28 Thread Radharadhya Dasa
As I understand validation handles only one filed. Am I wrong?


2014. október 26., vasárnap 19:33:14 UTC+1 időpontban John Andersen a 
következőt írta:

 Good to see that you are trying to solve this :)

 I would still have gone with rolling my own validation, just by extending 
 the validator, so it can validate a record also, not only fields.

 Anyway, I am not moving to CakePHP 3.x, so will not be able to give 
 further ideas on that, but I do hope you find a solution in the end.

 Enjoy, John

 On Thursday, 23 October 2014 12:12:11 UTC+3, Radharadhya Dasa wrote:

 I checked to cookbook and find out that validation handles singe fields. 
 So I used beforeSave for this.

 public function beforeSave(Event $event, Entity $entity, ArrayObject 
 if((!empty($entity-name) + !empty($entity-contactname) + !empty(
   + !empty($entity-address) + !empty($entity-phone) + !empty(
   + !empty($entity-birth-time)) = 3){
 return true;
 //Error: __('At least 3 info should be filled');
 return false;

 But I have a problem and a question.

 The above gives me this error message:

 *Warning* (4096): Argument 1 passed to 
 App\Model\Table\ContactsTable::beforeSave() must be an instance of 
 App\Model\Table\Event, instance of Cake\Event\Event given, called in 
  on line 266 and defined [*APP/Model/Table/ContactsTable.php*, line *85*]

 What is the proper way to do it?

 The question is how to define an error message what will be flashed to the 

 2014. október 18., szombat 15:41:28 UTC+2 időpontban John Andersen a 
 következőt írta:

 Assuming you are still using CakePHP 3.0

 I have not seen any built-in rules for this kind of validation, so my 
 best guess is to roll your own.
 See section Custom Validation Rules under Validation in the CakePHP 
 3.0 book. That should help you on the way.

 Enjoy, John

 On Saturday, 18 October 2014 16:21:57 UTC+3, Radharadhya Dasa wrote:


 Is there a way to check if at least 3 fileds are not empty? I have 8 
 fileds and any of those could be empty, but at least 3 of them should be 
 not empty. Is there any build in validation rule, or how to do it? Should 
 do it on beforeSave?


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[Question] Acl query error

2014-10-28 Thread Frans filasta pratama
Hello guys, I'm totally newbie in CakePHP.
Now I'm working on acl. I've set my access to administrator which can do 
But when i call method/action add or anything that i don't allow in 
beforeFilter() method there is an error like this 

*Error: *SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 
 'Aro0.foreignKey' in 'where clause' 

*SQL Query: *SELECT `Aro`.`id`, `Aro`.`parent_id`, `Aro`.`model`, 
 `Aro`.`foreign_key`, `Aro`.`alias` FROM `dotcore`.`aros` AS `Aro` INNER 
 JOIN `dotcore`.`aros` AS `Aro0` ON (`Aro`.`lft` = `Aro0`.`lft` AND 
 `Aro`.`rght` = `Aro0`.`rght`) WHERE `Aro0`.`model` = 'Group' AND 
 `Aro0`.`foreignKey` = '1' ORDER BY `Aro`.`lft` DESC

Please help me 

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Re: validation criteria at least 3 fileds are not empty

2014-10-28 Thread José Lorenzo
You are correct. With custom validation methods or with the validation 
callbacks you can extend the validation process to to more than what it is 
designed to do.

On Tuesday, October 28, 2014 8:06:19 AM UTC+1, Radharadhya Dasa wrote:

 As I understand validation handles only one filed. Am I wrong?


 2014. október 26., vasárnap 19:33:14 UTC+1 időpontban John Andersen a 
 következőt írta:

 Good to see that you are trying to solve this :)

 I would still have gone with rolling my own validation, just by extending 
 the validator, so it can validate a record also, not only fields.

 Anyway, I am not moving to CakePHP 3.x, so will not be able to give 
 further ideas on that, but I do hope you find a solution in the end.

 Enjoy, John

 On Thursday, 23 October 2014 12:12:11 UTC+3, Radharadhya Dasa wrote:

 I checked to cookbook and find out that validation handles singe fields. 
 So I used beforeSave for this.

 public function beforeSave(Event $event, Entity $entity, ArrayObject 
 if((!empty($entity-name) + !empty($entity-contactname) + !empty(
   + !empty($entity-address) + !empty($entity-phone) + !empty(
   + !empty($entity-birth-time)) = 3){
 return true;
 //Error: __('At least 3 info should be filled');
 return false;

 But I have a problem and a question.

 The above gives me this error message:

 *Warning* (4096): Argument 1 passed to 
 App\Model\Table\ContactsTable::beforeSave() must be an instance of 
 App\Model\Table\Event, instance of Cake\Event\Event given, called in 
  on line 266 and defined [*APP/Model/Table/ContactsTable.php*, line *85*]

 What is the proper way to do it?

 The question is how to define an error message what will be flashed to the 

 2014. október 18., szombat 15:41:28 UTC+2 időpontban John Andersen a 
 következőt írta:

 Assuming you are still using CakePHP 3.0

 I have not seen any built-in rules for this kind of validation, so my 
 best guess is to roll your own.
 See section Custom Validation Rules under Validation in the CakePHP 
 3.0 book. That should help you on the way.

 Enjoy, John

 On Saturday, 18 October 2014 16:21:57 UTC+3, Radharadhya Dasa wrote:


 Is there a way to check if at least 3 fileds are not empty? I have 8 
 fileds and any of those could be empty, but at least 3 of them should be 
 not empty. Is there any build in validation rule, or how to do it? Should 
 do it on beforeSave?


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cant open uploaded file

2014-10-28 Thread ajt
Hi, I am trying to open a file that has been uploaded to attachments folder 
on a cakephp project. I have a list of files I select after uploading . 
This works fine on my PC but on the remote server it is throwing a 503 
error which I have no idea in what to do . The error logs show nothing.

 public function download2($attachment_id = null){

$file = $this-Tutor-Attachment-find('first', 
array('conditions' = array('' = $attachment_id), 'recursive' = 
//pr($file); die;
$this-response-file($file['Attachment']['url'], array('name' 
= $file['Attachment']['org_filename']));
//Return reponse object to prevent controller from 
trying to render a view
return $this-response; 
$this-Session-setFlash(__('Error encountered while 
downloading the file. Please, try again.'),'flash_alert');


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base.css in cake3

2014-10-28 Thread cesar calvo
Hi ,anyone knows if full package of zurb-foundation is included on base.css 
and if yes what version is?

best regards

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Re: base.css in cake3

2014-10-28 Thread José Lorenzo
It is a full version of foundation version 5

On Tuesday, October 28, 2014 2:52:30 PM UTC+1, cesar calvo wrote:

 Hi ,anyone knows if full package of zurb-foundation is included on 
 base.css and if yes what version is?

 best regards

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After I change my, can not log in..

2014-10-28 Thread Salines
Ok friends 

The situation is as follows: 

Admin has the ability to change the name, email address and other profile 
information of users, but this form does not contain the password field. 

When admin, save the changes, a user can not log in. I looked in the 
database there is a password unchanged. 

But when I set the password field (which is mandatory) in the form, and 
save all together, the user can log in without a problem. 

For login information using email and password.

fields in the user table: 
id, name, email, password, group_id, ... 

What could be, sessions? 
How to solve this problem?

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Re: After I change my, can not log in..

2014-10-28 Thread Salines
Ok, I solved my problem. 
After the admin save user settings without password fields in the User 
model we have beforesave method, which returns a hash password, in this 
case the function create a new password from scratch and save it into the 


UsersController :: admin_edit (): 

put a dummy data 

$this - request - data ['User']['dummy'] == true;

User model

public function beforeSave($options = array())
if(!isset($this-data['User']['dummy'])) {
$this-data['User']['password'] = AuthComponent::password(
return true;

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Converting an existing site using different framework to CakePHP

2014-10-28 Thread Roscoe McGillicutty
Hi all -
I've recently begun working on a project for a friend.  He was previously 
working with another coder who was using his own home-grown web application 
framework.  The coder abruptly disappeared off the face of the earth, and 
I've been recruited to make sense of the site.  I've been able to do this 
with some success just using hard PHP coding, but figuring out the 
framework just from the code is a daunting task.
The previous coder had sites up for downloading editors for his framework, 
etc.  He has taken all those sites down.  So I can't just jump right into 
what he was working with.
My question is this: How difficult would it be to transfer the existing 
site over to CakePHP?  Or is that even possible at all?  If so, what would 
some of you suggest?

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Pagination in element

2014-10-28 Thread Jakub Mańkowski

I have news with comments. I'd like to paginate comments but I have the 
errors like this: 

Notice (8): Undefined index: count [CORE\Cake\View\Helper\PaginatorHelper.php, 
line 646]

and of course I don't see numbers, links etc.
Do you have any idea how to solve this problem? Thanks!

public function viewFromNewsId($news_id = null) {
$this-NewsComment-recursive = 0;
$this-Paginator-settings = array('conditions' = array('NewsComment.news_id' 
= $news_id, 'NewsComment.is_active' = '1'), 'limit' = 5, 'order' = 
array('' = 'desc'));
$newsComments = $this-Paginator-paginate('NewsComment');if 
(isset($this-params['requested'])){return $newsComments;}}


$newsIdFromUrl = $this-params['pass'][0];
$newsComments = 
 as $newsComment):
echo $this-Paginator-counter('Liczba newsów: {:count} | ');
echo $this-Paginator-prev(' wstecz', null, null, array('class' = 
echo $this-Paginator-numbers(array('separator' = ' ', 'before' = ' | ', 
'after' = ' | ', 'modulus' = '10'));
echo $this-Paginator-next('dalej ', null, null, array('class' = 
echo br /;

View: echo $this-element('newsViewComments');

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Re: Security Component is Ruining my Life

2014-10-28 Thread Dr. Tarique Sani
On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 10:38 PM, Florian Krämer wrote:

 I've turned the idea into an implementation. Proof of concept goes here:

 Cool! I will try this out...


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