Upgrade Instructions ?

2008-06-16 Thread Andy232


my cakephp installation is about 3 years old. Now I want to install
the latest cakephp version to be sure that there are no security

Are there any upgade instructions ? Do I have to change the db table
structure ?

I have no VERSION.TXT in my installation, but my basic.php file says:
Revision: 2477

Thanks for any hint.

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findall-problem with condition on child table

2006-05-17 Thread Andy232


I have a Model "Media" which hasmany "Files".
I wan to to fetch all records with files that are public.
So in my mediacontroller I call:

$conditions = array("File.public" => "1");
$this->recursive = 5;
$this->set('data', $this->Medium->findAll($conditions));

But I get the error:
SQL Error in model Medium: 1109: Unknown table 'File' in where clause

Is this not possible or Do I have a bug in my code ?
Thanx for any help.

Cake-Version: 2708 2006-05-02 18:28:56Z
PHP Version 5.0.4
MySQL: 4.1.12a

var $hasMany = array('File' =>
 array('className'   => 'File',
   'conditions'  => '',
   'order'   => '',
   'limit'   => '',
   'foreignKey'  => 'media_id',
   'dependent'   => true,
   'exclusive'   => false,
   'finderSql'   => ''


$this->recursive = 5;
$this->set('data', $this->Medium->findAll($conditions));

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