RE: Commented Version of CakePHP Manual

2007-06-17 Thread Christian Winther []

If its not going to be official accepted by - I can host it on ( I have already ) and ( IRC logs )

You can contact me by email or from IRC ( Jippi ) if you like the idea

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of rdoggsv
Sent: 17. juni 2007 17:26
To: Cake PHP
Subject: Re: Commented Version of CakePHP Manual

Nice idea , lets hope it will get a lot of comments and with time turn
into a great resource :)

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RE: Cake 1.2 - Data Validation - Multiple rules per field [hack/solution]

2007-04-12 Thread Christian Winther []

Any reason why you didn't use ?


-Original Message-
Of Dr. Tarique Sani
Sent: 12. april 2007 08:45
Subject: Cake 1.2 - Data Validation - Multiple rules per field

I needed it now!!!

Not as elegant as I would want it but for now it works.

Hope that helps someone


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RE: logging cake errors

2007-03-29 Thread Christian Winther []  would probadly be
nicer ;)

I got a small utility class that mail me any errors that is above E_NOTICE

Quite nice way to get error reporting, even if debug === 0 :)

-- Christian

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of John David Anderson (_psychic_)
Sent: 29. marts 2007 22:46
Subject: Re: logging cake errors

On Mar 29, 2007, at 2:32 PM, Charles Schaefer wrote:

 Good, but I don't saw an automatic log system in the cake!
 Am I wrong with this thought, or cake really haven't a log system?



I think the logs are in /app/tmp/logs/.

-- John

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RE: Multiple file upload ?

2007-03-02 Thread Christian Winther []

iF you just need a simple 'plain old multi upload' feature, just do:
input type=file name=data[Upload][] /

And then debug( $this-data['Upload'] );  in your controller show contain an
array of file info (tmp path ect)

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Mech7
Sent: 2. marts 2007 17:28
To: Cake PHP
Subject: Multiple file upload ?

Is there a explanation or tutorial anywhere which explains how to do
multiple file uploads and store the name in the database?

I have found this:
but it looks a little complicated and uses a perl script :(

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RE: model autoloading

2007-02-12 Thread Christian Winther []

Sounds nice, but you would be better of to release it - and then ask for the
general public interest..

I don't know if I'm interested until ive checked it 'under the hood' :) -
but it does sound nice 


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Darian Anthony Patrick
Sent: 12. februar 2007 15:52
Subject: RFC: model autoloading

Hash: SHA1

Good day all,

We've been using some code internally for about a year now that
autoloads models.

It handles MySQL 4 and 5 right now, and works by looking at the foreign
key relations/constraints defined in the database schema, and creates
appropriate CakePHP models.

This code works fine, and works well, but it lacks some features that
I'd like to see:
- - ability to define validation and callbacks on generated models
- - ability to write them to the filesystem (this overlaps with Bake)
after first autoload
- - support for PostgreSQL

I'm considering releasing this code to the Bakery, but I first wanted to
gauge community interest.

Is runtime model autoloading something that you would use?

- --
Darian Anthony Patrick
Principal, Application Development
Criticode LLC
(215) 240-6566 Office
(866) 789-2992 Facsimile
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CakePHP and PHPDoctrine

2007-02-05 Thread Christian Winther []

Im currently working on a semi-port of phpdoctrine for CakePHP - and was
wondering if anyone would like to help out or give some feedback on the
level of compat there should be between CakePHP model methods and Doctrine.


Currently it supports limited amount of form helpers ect.



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RE: Email Notification

2007-02-02 Thread Christian Winther []

I'm currently working on an 'handler' framework for cake vendor dir :)
It's php5 only though, but it supports a few different nice things - the
real simple outline is:
You have a 'Handler' (singleton) where you can 'trigger' some default events
and your own custom ones
For each Handler, you have the option to attach any amount of observers,
that depending on the event you trigger, will be notified with relevant
You also have the option to attach 'workers' - that could be a
FileLoggerWorker, or XmlLoggerWorker - your observers can use as a resource.

A really simple example of use would be something like this in my bootstrap

vendor( 'EasyHandler/bootstrap' );
EasyHandlerConfig::getInstance()-addRoot( APP . 'EasyHandler' );

/* @var $phpErrorHandler PhpErrorHandler */
$phpErrorHandler = EasyHandlerFactory::getHandler('PhpError');
$phpErrorHandler-writeEvent(EH_MAIL, E_WARNING, true);
$phpErrorHandler-writeEvent(EH_LOG, E_STRICT, false);
$phpErrorHandler-loadWorker('File',array('filename' = 'php_errors.txt'));
$phpErrorHandler-loadObserver('PhpErrorMail',array('email' = '[EMAIL 

 * Wrapper to make sure that the PHP errors is handled by our class
 * @param integer $log_level
 * @param string  $log_text
 * @param string  $error_file
 * @param integer $error_line
function cakeErrorHandler( $log_level, $log_text, $error_file, $error_line )
PhpErrorHandler::getInstance()-handleError( $log_level, $log_text,
$error_file, $error_line );

What it does should be rather simple to figure out, but in short :
a) vendor the boostrap for the framework
b) add a new search path ( APP . 'Easyhandler' ) - this is where the factory
will look for observers, workers, handler, exceptions ect.
c) Request the PhpErrorHandler from the factory (handles auto-loading of
interfaces ect. )
d) Enable two events ( EH_MAIL = mail event, and EH_LOG is logging event )
e) Attach a FileWorker that is going to output to php_errors.txt ( default
log path is in LOGS )
f) Load a PhpErrorObserver that is going to handle the error level filtering
g) Load a PhpErrorMailObserver that will send me a nice email each time
there is a E_WARNING triggered somewhere
h) Change the default PHP error handler - so it uses my EasyHandler

A few notes on this is that the PhpErrorHandler auto-enables logging for the
current level of error_reporting() you have, that's why they are omitted.
Also, if you prefer the error log to be in XML, just replace the line with:

$phpErrorHandler-loadWorker('Xml',array('filename' = 'php_errors.xml'));
That only requires the worker to implement the XmlLogger interface :)

Other examples could be in my AppController:
this-log   = EasyHandlerFactory::getHandler('Logger');
$this-cache= EasyHandlerFactory::getHandler('Cache');
$this-benchmark= EasyHandlerFactory::getHandler('Benchmark');
$this-Event= EasyHandlerFactory::getHandler('CakeEvent');
$this-Event-addObserver( EasyHandlerFactory::getObserver('CakeSecurity')
$this-Event-addObserver( EasyHandlerFactory::getObserver('CakeMenu') );

Where one of the more interesting ones is Benchmark and Cache handler ;)

The Event handler is used to 'overtake' everything that is possible to
overtake from cake in the form of callbacks.

Function afterFilter() {
$this-Event-triggerControllerEvent( $this, __FUNCTION__);

Is going to trigger all observers in CakeEventHandler that implements the
CakeControllerInterface :)

The same is doable for models aswell


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of ianh
Sent: 2. februar 2007 09:42
To: Cake PHP
Subject: Re: Email Notification

Hi All,

Fully agree that the way to use model callbacks for things like
sending emails is to use observers - there is a tutorial on the Bakery
on this. It is such a flexible way of doing things that I have started
to put quite a lot of business logic that might otherwise go elsewhere
into observers. I have found that I can log errors, access any model
easily (getModel method) and trigger emails etc without introducing
dependencies into my models and allowing my controllers to focus on
handling application flow and exceptions.


On 1 Feb, 22:25, Langdon Stevenson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Tarique

  What is the recommended approach for an AfterSave function triggering
  and sending an email notification on a saved or submitted form? Thanks.

  I personally prefer doing this in the Controller as I tend to use a
  component to send emails. Keeps the Model free of any dependencies

  If at all you want to do this with the Model then I would suggest make
  the Model Observable and the Email component should be an Observer

 I was having thoughts along those lines too.  I 

RE: strange output of // during load helpers

2007-01-29 Thread Christian Winther []

Do you use requestAction somewhere? That could be a reason for the two calls
to _loadHelpers :)  since there is called two actions for each request

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of jyrgen
Sent: 30. januar 2007 03:41
To: Cake PHP
Subject: strange output of // during load helpers

since a couple of days i don't get rid of a trailing double slash on
the top of *all* pages. i remember having placed some echo
statements eventually into core files in order to get acquainted
with what's going on behind the scenes.

tracked this down up to the _loadHelpers() function in the view 
where i put a pr($helpers); statement into line 604 of view.php.

this is what's on top of the pages now:

[0] = Html
[1] = Form
[2] = Session


[0] = Html
[1] = Session

As you can see loadHelpers() is called twice (why?), and in between
the output // is generated.

i don't get any further with this...


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RE: Unoffical API / Beta RFC [new]

2007-01-22 Thread Christian Winther []

Yeah, this topic ended up with people discussing the quality of Cake
docs/manual instead of discussion WHAT I could add to improve the situation
for new Bakers

The ~3 first posts had relevance for the original topic, and then it went
completely off track :(

I'm sitting here now, with the feeling that I don't have a clue what people
felt about the API app I'm making, but a clear feeling that most people
aren't very happy about the current situation...
And without sounding like a saint or angel, I'm beginning to feel some of
the frustration the core team problem has when reading the group and looking
at one post after another with the endless discussion on how many things
there need improvement in the API/DOC/Manual, and yet so little action
behind those words.

I felt like doing this app for Cake because I wanted to contribute to the
project - I'm far from some godlike baker, actually, phpnut would probably
slap me around if he saw the code, but I don't care.. I'm just putting
action behind my words when I told gwoo I felt like API lacked some

So please, feedback on the TOPIC, not about how bad/lacking the current


Ps. Yes, my English suck, and yes, I'm a little pissed off right :P

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Dr. Tarique Sani
Sent: 22. januar 2007 10:40
Subject: Re: Unoffical API / Beta RFC [new]

On 1/22/07, RichardAtHome [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'd love to contribute to CakePHP as I believe its the best thing to
 happen to PHP in all the time I've been programming with it (since

Nice to know that - I wont go as far as saying CakePHP is the best
thing or bother with I am older than you in this ;)

 I was trying to illustrate that perhaps, if the documentation was
 available then the learning process would be faster and I would be in a
 better position to help others. As it stands, I'm no-where near up to
 speed with CakePHP to help out in any substantial way.

Again a common fallacy on public forums - I am too new/know too less
to help - You teach best what you want to learn the most.

 And your are right, this is one of the most friendly, a knowledgeable
 lists I've subscribed to and I'm keen to take a more active roll.

I notice that you *are* already more active than I am so

 I understand how OSS projects are developed, but lack of documentation
 has sunk other worthy projects in the past. I'd hate to see cake suffer
 the same misfortune.

Oh! its not that bad...

 I'm not asking for wikipedia scale documentation. What would really be
 useful would be to extend the sample Blog application to cover the
 stuff that make a site 'work'.

The IBM tutorials just provided that bit - and thank god they did not
do another blog


P.S. This thread has gone too off topic so EOT form my side
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RE: Unoffical API / Beta RFC [new]

2007-01-22 Thread Christian Winther []

I have created a IRC channel on Freenode for the relevant discussions:
#cakephp.doc  ( irc:// )


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of RichardAtHome
Sent: 22. januar 2007 12:16
To: Cake PHP
Subject: Re: Unoffical API / Beta RFC [new]

tbh, I wasn't being off topic (kinda ;-). Jippi was asking what people
would like to see in a documentation project and I answered: Example

It snowballed from there.

I'm definitely not having a dig at all the hard work done by everyone
on the CakePHP project. If I didn't think it had potential I wouldn't
have bothered righting the post.

Jippi, the app is looking great :-) How about posting a few tutorials
on how you glued all the various bits together? Include that in the
documentation and I think you are on to a winner!

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RE: CakePHP Reference Project

2007-01-22 Thread Christian Winther []

I have created a IRC channel on Freenode for the relevant discussions:
#cakephp.doc  ( irc:// )


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Dr. Tarique Sani
Sent: 22. januar 2007 13:33
Subject: Re: CakePHP Reference Project

On 1/22/07, RichardAtHome [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Ok, I've had my moan about the documentation for cake ;-)

 Time to do something about it.


 Anything else?

Addons / Plugins - which are truly plug and play

Making the app plugable into some popular CMS (Joomla?) and yet it can
still be used in stand alone mode.

And to put my time where my mouth is I am willing to spend some time
on fleshing out some of these things


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Unoffical API / Beta RFC

2007-01-18 Thread Christian Winther []

Greetings list

As we all know CakePHP has a great API website ( )
However, it lacks some features / goodies that can raise it to 'the next

So after some reading and learning - I have come up with a draft on how it
COULD look / work.

-- --

It's still in very early beta / testing, so don't expect the perfect golden
solution for now :) 

This post is meant as a RFC ( Request For Comments ) post on how it should
look, or perhaps some features that would be nice.

Please note that this is not meant to 'overtake' any official CakePHP
websites, and thus I'm not going  to implement features that would compete
with The Bakery or its friends.

Its however most likely that if this little project of mine turns out
successful, it will be donated to Cake Foundation, and linked to The Bakery
user database and become tighter integrated with the CakePHP websites.

Features I plan to implement is:
- Manual page style for each method or perhaps class
- Comment archive for each function ( Imagine 900 Model posts :p )
- RSS feeds

Best regards
Christian 'Jippi' Winther :)

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RE: Unoffical API / Beta RFC

2007-01-18 Thread Christian Winther []

The login system shouldn't require any special browser enabled features...

Its just a plain old 'POST' form.
Does it not work for you or ?

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of MJ Ray
Sent: 19. januar 2007 00:48
Subject: Re: Unoffical API / Beta RFC

Christian Winther [] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

-- -- [...]
This post is meant as a RFC ( Request For Comments ) post on how it should
look, or perhaps some features that would be nice.

Try resizing the window and fonts: 600px width, for example, to see
page elements and lines colliding with each other.

What are the requirements of the login system?  Javascript?  Moderator
approval? Sending data to a foreign country?

Also seems some bug with  symbols, but I guess you know that.

- Manual page style for each method or perhaps class
- Comment archive for each function ( Imagine 900 Model posts :p )
- RSS feeds

I can't see how to get from the function description to its source

A very useful thing might be linking to the php manual for things
searched if they're not cakephp functions, or at least having an
easily-grabbable (accesskey or maybe style=position:fixed) search
box for it.

Another useful thing would be to document the changes in functions
(additions, removal, parameters) between cakephp versions over time.

Hope that helps,

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RE: Active Resource Implementation

2006-11-27 Thread Christian Winther []
Can you guide me to some information regarding Active Resource Pattern –
couldn’t find anything on google looking like it


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Felix Geisendörfer
Sent: 27. november 2006 17:25
Subject: Re: Active Resource Implementation


Afaik, this is something is planned for CakePHP 1.2. Right now it's still in
it's early phase, meaning the Datasource/Model object are undergoing some
major refactoring in order to make them more generic.

-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined


Pablo Viojo wrote: 

Hi all,

Are there any plans about implementing the Active Resource Pattern for
Cake?. I've searched the group index and trac but haven't found anything
about it.


Pablo Viojo 


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RE: Active Resource Implementation

2006-11-27 Thread Christian Winther []
Ah okay, i know of that pattern very well, thanks J


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Mariano Iglesias
Sent: 27. november 2006 19:07
Subject: RE: Active Resource Implementation


He meant Active Record Pattern:

Active record is an approach to reading data from a database. A row in a
database table or view is wrapped into a class, thus an object instance is
tied to a single row in the database. After creation of an object, a new row
is added to the database upon save. Any object loaded gets its information
from the database; when an object is updated, the corresponding row in the
database is also updated. The wrapper class implements accessor methods for
each column in the table or view.



Remember, smart coders answer ten questions for every question they ask. 
So be smart, be cool, and share your knowledge. 



De: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] En nombre
de Christian Winther []
Enviado el: Lunes, 27 de Noviembre de 2006 02:45 p.m.
Asunto: RE: Active Resource Implementation


Can you guide me to some information regarding Active Resource Pattern -
couldn't find anything on google looking like it


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