2008-05-10 Thread Christophe Cholot

In 1.2 :
$this-Post-find('first', array('conditions' =
array('post.category_id' = intval($catId)), 'order' = '

On 10 mai, 13:39, Olexandr Melnyk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you're using CakePHP 1.1, something like this should do the job:

 $this-Post-findAll('catid = ' . $catid, array('field1'), 'id DESC', 1, 0);

 Don't forget to make sure that $catid is an integer.

 On 5/10/08, koko [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I've searched this group and all other resources (bakery, manual,
  book, API), but I found no useful results ...

  I have a table and that table contain some fields (it's only one table
  no HABTM here and no two tables relations):


  I just mentioned the important fields ...

  and I have a function that takes $catId as parameter

  function getLastPost($catId) {
    $this-set('post', $this-Post-findByCatid($catId));

  this function return an array of results where the table field 'catid'
  = $catId (the parameter)

  what should i do to return only one result ordered by (table field) id
  desc, because I want only the one result with the last id (I want to
  use to show the last post from many categories)

  I mean something like that:

  SELECT * FROM posts WHERE catid = $catId ORDER BY id DESC;

  if I stick with this solution (give cake a query) ... cake returned an
  array based on 0,1,2,... locations but the API methods (find,
  findBy..) returned different array, based on table name instead of

  I want a cakePHP function to do this query and return a will formated

  was that clear enough or not :S ??

 Sincerely yours,
 Olexandr Melnyk

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Re: Protected File Download

2008-01-02 Thread Christophe Cholot


I would suggest you to store your uploaded files on your filesystem,
ex : /home/yourappname/uploads/

- Use app/config/core.php or bootstrap.php to write your file storage
path :

Configure::write('Music.uploadPath',  '/home/yourappname/uploads/
music/'); or define('MUSIC_UPLOAD_PATH', 'yourpath');

- Then in your controller just add a download method :

class MusicController extends AppController{

function download($song){
$file = MUSIC_UPLOAD_PATH . $song;
$data = file_get_contents($file);
$size = filesize($file);
header('Content-Length: '. $size);
header('Content-disposition: attachment; 
filename=' . $song .');
echo $data;
$this-redirect($this-referer(), 403);
} // download

Now link to your files with :

$html-link(__('Download this file', true), '/music/download/your-

Bart wrote:
 (i'm a newbe)
 I want my site-visitors to be able after login to download an (audio/
 image)file that is only for them.
 I have two options:
 uploading the files into the database  or  uploading the files onto
 the server in a folder with filedata in the DB.

 The first has the advantage of security but I have some problems with
 displaying the image after download (corrupted/characters are
 displayed instead of a pretty picture)
 The second has the advantage of transparancy/no corruption so far, but
 how do I secure files? Placing them in the webroot makes them publicly

 Which structure do you advice?
 Can you give me a direction/some keywords I should look into?


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Re: element: model or controller?

2007-12-23 Thread Christophe Cholot


Assuming you have a newsletter Controller and a newsletter Model :
in NewsletterController (newsletter_controller.php) :

class NewsletterController extends AppController {
var name = 'Newsletter';

   function archive_list(){
   $this-set('archives', $this-Newsletter-find('all',
array(Newsletter.publish_date =  NOW()))
In your archive list view (archive_list.ctp), you'll be able to
iterable over your archives through $archives.

or .. in your controller above, (assuming its not the
NewsletterController) just do :

 var uses = array('Newsletter');

function archive_list(){
$this-set('archives', $this-Newsletter-getArchives());

in the Newsletter model, create a method for your archive list :

function getArchives(){
$sql = 'SELECT id, to_char(publish_date, \'Mon, \') AS
month FROM newsletter '  . 'WHERE publish_date  NOW() ORDER BY
publish_date DESC';
return $this-query($sql);

.. or simply correct the typo $this-Newsletter instead of $this-

On Dec 23, 4:09 am, subtropolis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm a n00b here and have been redoing an existing site in order to
 learn the Cake way. I'm jumping straight into the 1.2 branch.This is
 my first cry for help.

 I have a section for an online newsletter. Several pages list links
 for the archived issues. From what i've read, i should use an element
 for this. I've created the file newsletter_archive_list.ctp in the
 elements dir with the following:

 $archive_list = $this-requestAction('newsletter/archive_list');

 // followed by markup to list the links

 The controller's archive_list method is simply:

 function archive_list()
 $sql = 'SELECT id, to_char(publish_date, \'Mon, \') AS
 month FROM newsletter '
 . 'WHERE publish_date  NOW() ORDER BY publish_date DESC';

 return $this-newsletter-query($sql);

 The thing is, as i understand it, it's better to place as much code in
 the model, rather than the controller (which seems quite sensible).
 However, i haven't been able to figure out how to then call the
 function from the model.

 With the method in the controller, i get this error:

 Undefined property:  NewsletterController::$newsletter [APP/
 controllers/newsletter_controller.php, line 25]

 My head is spinning. The manuals are really not very clear on this. I
 understood that the model ($newsletter) was available anywhere inside
 the controller. Can someone please point me in the right direction?

 (extra points for explaining how the new cache system, would work
 here :-)

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Re: Need Suggestion on Accented Character

2007-12-12 Thread Christophe Cholot

Set your (x)HTML page charset to UTF8. Like AD7Six said, you should
set everything to UTF8

On Dec 12, 5:23 pm, bingo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 so you mean to say Database..but how do I convert everything in UTF-8
 format..I mean when someone paste something in textarea of my webform,
 I will need to take that and convert into UTF-8 ...but how do I know
 in what format it is.


 On Dec 12, 8:04 am, AD7six [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Dec 12, 2:00 pm, bingo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I never before built a website to handle accented characters.
   Currently this is becoming a big headache for me. if someone enters
   Sánchez (notice a is accented character) in my web form, only
   nchez is stored in the database. Can some tell me how to handle
   these accented characters in MySQL/CakePHP system. Currently, my
   database is set up with latin-1 characterset.

  Use UTF8 (for everything).

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Re: Preventing Duplicate Record Insertion on Page Refresh

2007-12-11 Thread Christophe Cholot

You should use the redirect after post pattern, using a HTTP 302 or
303 status code after saving your fields.

 $this-redirect($url, $code, $exit);

On Dec 11, 12:58 pm, chowdary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i am validating the data b4 inserting. but the data type is text..
 the text will not be unique...

 explain me clearly...
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Re: Inline javascript in a view not executed

2007-12-04 Thread Christophe Cholot

On Dec 4, 5:22 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi I have a question
 I have a index.thml where there are many divs.
 Then with ajax I substitute one of divs with another view
 ( view.thtml).
 In this view I use a javascript function  attached to a link.
 So If I define this function in view.thtml I get an error instead I
 define the function in index.html all works fine.
 But I would define the function in view.thtml because I use this
 function only in this view.
 How I can do This ?
 Many Thanks


What Javascript library are you using ?

With prototype, if think you can set evalScripts to true as an option
when using Ajax.Request. You can also play with onSuccess callback to
get things done.

I hope it helps !

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Re: PDF Creation in Cake 1.2

2007-10-30 Thread Christophe Cholot


To generate PDFs, i used the fpdf library. In your vendor directory,
create a directory named fpdf and simply drop fpdf classes into it,
then, lets say you want to render / download a pdf from your
controller :

- in views/layouts :
create a file 'pdf_layout.php' : ?php header(Content-type:
application/pdf); echo $content_for_layout ?

- in controllers/orders_controller :
function invoice(){
 //  respond to a pdf format request
- in views/orders/
create a directory named pdf and a template file for your invoices
inside, ex : invoice_template.ctp.
fill your pdf invoice template with the data you need to render ( ex:
$pdf-Ln(10); $pdf-Cell(0, 10, $order['total']) ).

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