Diskussion zu cake-apps-sites-in-the-wild

2007-05-11 Thread D.Pape

here´s another site developed with cake:

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Re: A question about the Email component

2007-03-24 Thread D.Pape

hi. i´ve the same problem in version (svn-head!). i created
the layouts in the layouts/email folder.
is it a bug?!

thanks. cheers.

On 19 Mrz., 19:27, djiize [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 did you create proper layouts in /app/views/layouts/email/ ?
 seehttp://bakery.cakephp.org/articles/view/203for more info

 On 19 mar, 18:44, Gilles Dubois [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  CakePHP version

  When calling the -send() method on a EmailComponent object, CakePHP
  try to used a unnamed layout. This generate an error. Here's a sample
  code from me showing my use of thiscomponent:

  $this-Email-to = $aTask['Owner']['email'];
  $this-Email-from = $this-Session-read('Uzer.email');
  $this-Email-cc[] = $this-Session-read('Uzer.email');
  $this-Email-subject = 'something';
  $this-Email-body = 'something';

  Is it due to a mistake I made or to a bug ?

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Re: What editor do you use for CakePHP?

2007-02-16 Thread D.Pape

at the moment i am testing the ftp/svn deployment task by Felix 

and i am testing the editors intype (alpha version with project manager) 
and/or komodo edit.

Alex schrieb:
 ah i've got to say that ftp-uploader is a very common name for an
 uploader :-) so I meant the program on www.ftp-uploader.de  :-)



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Re: Good Cake Tutorial: IBM developerWorks

2007-02-15 Thread D.Pape

hi matt.

yes, its been posted before! :o)
ckeck out for tutorials without registration: http://groups.google.de/

cheers, daniel

On 15 Feb., 11:57, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 G'day all,
 Found a nice tutorial series here.  You have to register to see all
 the content.


 Sorry if its been posted before.

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Re: What editor do you use for CakePHP?

2007-02-15 Thread D.Pape

zend is very great, of course. but it's too expensive for me!!
i'm web-developing in my free time and non-professional!!

Felix St. Bernard schrieb:
 How come more of you don't use zend? I find it pretty stable with 
 everything that you guys even mention that you're waiting on in other 
 software. I liked Komodo but found it pretty slow. I never found the 
 time to put my hands around eclipse though it looks very interesting as 
 an open source alternative.



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Re: Easy way to offline a cake site

2007-02-14 Thread D.Pape

sounds good and easy.
i don't know , but i think i would check the OFFLINE variable in 
AppController::beforeFilter() (on the same way i check for authorization).

and there should be a login form for administrators, if you have to test 
the system on the live-server.
and where do you set the offline-message?


keymaster schrieb:
 I would like to redirect every url to an Undergoing Temporary
 Maintenance - Back Soon page.

 Thought the easiest way might be to

 1. create a config var OFFLINE
 2. in /app/config/routes check the OFFLINE var, and if true, reroute
 everything to /pages/offline
 3. create an action in pages controller: offline.
 4. create a view in /view/pages/offline containing the offline message

 To turn a site offline, set the config var to TRUE.

 Is this the simplest way, or is there a better cake way to do this ?




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Re: multilingual

2007-01-31 Thread D.Pape

Hi kathrin.

there is a topic about l18n:


i think you need something like this:

$language = 'deu';
$this-Session-write('Config.language', $language);

or this:

$language = 'deu';
Configure::write('Config.language', $language);

cheers, daniel

Kathrin schrieb:
 ich work with cakephp 1.2 dev. I use in my project the multilingualism
 and everything is OK. Now I want to implement a Button for user to
 change the language.
 I have found the class L10n::__setLanguage ( $language = null)and
 the  in __bindTextDomain ($domain, $directory=null) in I18n Class
 Reference and in the base.php
 function __d($domain, $msg, $return = false) {
 if(!class_exists('I18n')) {
 $calledFrom = debug_backtrace();
 $dir = dirname($calledFrom[0]['file']);

 if($return === false) {
 echo I18n::translate($msg, null, $domain, 5,
 null, $dir);
 } else {
 return I18n::translate($msg, null, $domain, 5,
 null, $dir);
 Now I have write in my script /project/views/viewsnames/index.ctp

 ?php $lang = 'deu';
 th?php __d(5,'Surname',false);?/th

 an something is wrong: Its fetch the Surname from eng/core.mo
 and show :
 Notice: Undefined property: I18n::$category in /web/htdocs/
 cake_1.2.0.4206_dev/cake/libs/i18n.php on line 322

 Have somebody an idea?
 Thanks a lot for help!!



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Re: CSS doesn't work, how to use cake for manage templates only?

2007-01-31 Thread D.Pape

no css is display?  what do you mean? i think the output is ok.

Assoluto schrieb:

 this is my first post, i'm new in cake and in Freamworking too.
 I've read all the manual but I've not found anything about using cake
 as a simple template manager!

 I'm building a simple site that in the next months i upgrade with some
 For now it's simple xHtml and Css.
 I'd like to have a sctructure like:

 header.php + $content_for_layout + footer.php

 i've try to create a new default layout in app/views/layout/
 the html works great but the css nope

 i've create a app/webroot/css/default.css file and i've included it

 ?php echo $html-css('default');?

 and the browser output is:

 link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=/css/default.css /

 but no css is display!

 I'm working on a macbook pro with a MAMP local web server.
 my cake version is:



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Re: Finally a good Editor for Windows

2007-01-24 Thread D.Pape

Yes, looks really great. Thanks mandy!

Andrew McCafferty schrieb:
 Thanks Mandy!

 This could be the one that drags me away from HTMLKit for good.  I've
 only been playing with it for a few minutes but it looks great.  Cake
 support would just be the icing on thewell...cake.


 On 24 Jan, 12:18, Mandy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, this post is not about asking a question, but about sharing an
 editor that I recently found.

 You can read more about it 

 This is going to be having CakePHP support very soon and is really
 kickass (trust me - it's TextMate for windows).




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Re: Finally a good Editor for Windows

2007-01-24 Thread D.Pape

Amazing... Thank you Sam :o)

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Re: Beginners Only Tutorial that was on the WIKI

2007-01-10 Thread D.Pape

 On 1/10/07, RichardAtHome [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I found the following tutorial very helpful:


 (if free to view, but requires registration - check out the other two
 parts too)


 Now there are three more parts - the 4th was released very recently


Here´s some links to the great tutorial (WITHOUT registration!):

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Cheers, Daniel

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Re: IDE of choice?

2006-12-21 Thread D.Pape


I evaluated Zend Studio. I think the Zend autocomplete function is 
great!! And i love to work via ftp. But Zend is too expensive for me.

I checked Eclipse, but I don´t like it. It´s a bit overkill for me...

Now i evaluate Komodo Personal (29,95 Dollar) since two weeks and it 
seems to be great. You have project files based on file system, have 
autocomplete and you can include batch files for building (so i use 
rsync to synchronize my remote server).

Sorry for my bad english ;o)

Cheers, Daniel

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Re: Problems to get cake running

2006-12-18 Thread D.Pape


Check the cakephp manual and start reading at the beginning!!! It seems 
you have read it not properly.
You have to call the controller (http://localhost/posts/) and not the 
view (http://localhost/app/view/posts/index).

For example:
A view is a page template, usually named after an action. For example, 
the view for *PostsController::add()* would be found at 

Cheers, Daniel

moonraker schrieb:
 Hi guys,

 i'm very interested in cakephp and tried to get it running on my local
 webserver (a xampp under winxp).

 I've putted the cake files under localhost/cake so that for example app is
 under localhost/cake/app.

 Afterwards i tried to do the Cake Blog Tutorial and exactly followed the
 tutorial but the application isn't running, i only get the Missing
 controller information site
 (http://img436.imageshack.us/img436/4200/cakenr1.jpg )!

 Is there any other special reason which i have to consider?



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Re: Problems to get cake running

2006-12-18 Thread D.Pape

Great! :o)

Cheers, Daniel

moonraker schrieb:

 ok, got you! Now it's working...


 D.Pape wrote:

 Check the cakephp manual and start reading at the beginning!!! It seems 
 you have read it not properly.
 You have to call the controller (http://localhost/posts/) and not the 
 view (http://localhost/app/view/posts/index).

 For example:
 A view is a page template, usually named after an action. For example, 
 the view for *PostsController::add()* would be found at 

 Cheers, Daniel

 moonraker schrieb:
 Hi guys,

 i'm very interested in cakephp and tried to get it running on my local
 webserver (a xampp under winxp).

 I've putted the cake files under localhost/cake so that for example app
 under localhost/cake/app.

 Afterwards i tried to do the Cake Blog Tutorial and exactly followed
 tutorial but the application isn't running, i only get the Missing
 controller information site
 (http://img436.imageshack.us/img436/4200/cakenr1.jpg )!

 Is there any other special reason which i have to consider?




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Re: CakePHP mailing list?

2006-11-17 Thread D.Pape

hi christoph,

i´m joining this group via email, so i am always up to date.


Christoph schrieb:
 Is there a mailing list or other forum for CakePHP?  It seems like this
 Google Groups format makes things more difficult.  It seems like the
 older posts get overlooked because they are 2 or 3 or more pages back.
 Unless you check several times a day, it's very easy to overlook




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Re: Accessing variable in child class from app_controller's beforeFilter

2006-10-17 Thread D.Pape

hi. you can´t access the variables of the user controller in your app 
app controller is the base class of user controller, so you can access 
methods and variables of the app controller in your user controller, but 
the app controller don´t know the user controller!!

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