Model associations causing problems in behaviors

2010-02-15 Thread DanCake
I have two associated models, Series (hasMany) and SeriesTitle
(belongsTo) each use the Searchable behavior.

While the association is active and I try to save to the SeriesTItle
model, all behaviors break as for some reason $this->model contains
the Series model rather than the SeriesTitle.
This only affects SeriesTitle and removing the association fixes the


Notice: Undefined index: Series in D:...\app\models\behaviors
\searchable.php on line 80
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in D:...\app\models
\behaviorssearchable.php on line 81

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Limiting find('threaded')

2010-01-24 Thread DanCake
What is the best way to limit find('threaded') by parent_id so
children aren't limited?

The following returns 4 parents and 6 children, so many children are
$this->Comment->find('threaded', array('conditions' => array
('Comment.post_id' => 1), 'limit' => '0, 10'));

Is there any way to get 10 parents and all their children instead?

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their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Revision system - Help improve my code

2009-10-09 Thread DanCake

Here it is on pastebin as it's fairly awkward to read.
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Revision system - Help improve my code

2009-10-09 Thread DanCake

A section of a site I am building needs a revision system and so
decided to keep it simple, similar to the one on stack overflow.

I quickly created the following which works although looks a little
messy. I know I can use beforeSave and afterSave but I have no idea
how I could implement it.

data))) {
$this->Session->setFlash('That Series does not exist', 
true, array
('class' => 'error'));

$revisions = $this->Revision->find('all', array('conditions' => 
('Revision.series_id' => $seriesId), 'order' => 'revision desc',
'contain' => false));
$this->set('revisions', $revisions);

 * Create a new revision by editing the most recent one.
 * This seems very messy.
function edit($seriesId = null) {
if ((!$seriesId && empty($this->data))) {
$this->Session->setFlash('That Series does not exist', 
true, array
('class' => 'error'));

if (empty($this->data)) {
$latest = $this->Revision->find('first', 
array('conditions' => array
('is_latest' => 1, 'series_id' => $seriesId)));
$this->data['Revision']['description'] = 
} else {
$this->data['Revision']['revision'] = 
$this->data['Revision']['series_id'] = $seriesId;
if ($this->Revision->save($this->data)) {

$this->Session->setFlash('The edit has been 
saved.', true, array
('class' => 'success'));
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'series', 
'action' =>
'view', $seriesId));

$this->set('seriesId', $seriesId);

 * Creates a new revision using data from a previous one.
 * Currently clones the previous revision rather than
 * just referencing it. Will need to be changed.
function rollback($seriesId = null, $revision = null) {
if (!$seriesId || !$revision) {

$this->data = $this->Revision->find('first', array
('conditions' => array('Revision.series_id' => $seriesId,
'Revision.revision' => $revision), 'contain' => false));

$this->data['Revision']['revision'] = $this->Revision->getNext
$this->data['Revision']['is_rollback'] = 1;
$this->data['Revision']['rollback_rev'] = $revision;
if ($this->Revision->save($this->data)) {

$this->Session->setFlash('The rollback has been 
saved.', true, array
('class' => 'success'));
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'series', 
'action' => 'view',


 array('counterCache' => true));
var $actsAs = array('Containable');

function getCurrent($seriesId = null) {
if(!$seriesId) return false;

$series = $this->Series->find('first', array('conditions' => 
('' => $seriesId), 'contain' => false));
return $series['Series']['revision_count'];

function getNext($seriesId = null) {
if(!$seriesId) return false;

$revision = $this->getCurrent($seriesId);
return $revision + 1;

function setLatest($id, $seriesId = null) {
$this->updateAll(array('Revision.is_latest' => 0), array
('Revision.series_id' => $seriesId));

$this->id = $id;
$this->saveField('is_latest', 1);

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Re: A few questions from a CakePHP newbie

2009-06-24 Thread DanCake

Excellent, it works perfectly.
Thank you for your time!
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A few questions from a CakePHP newbie

2009-06-23 Thread DanCake

I've been experimenting with CakePHP for a few weeks now and I love
it. At the moment, I'm porting one of my current sites and not only
have I completed all of the basic features, I've also added a few more
which would've taken me much longer to complete.

I'm currently using the AutoLogin component (
resources/script/auto-login-component) which works great. If the
session expires and the user clicks on a link, they are automatically
logged back in although they are automatically redirected to whatever
is specified in Auth->loginRedirect. Is there anyway to redirect them
to the same place they were attempting to go to?

I also need to create something similar to
where there are a list of links each grouped by letter. I have which I created over a year ago and is
fairly basic but works well. Is there a better way to do this in cake?

Thanks for your time

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