Whats up with prototype and Cake 1.2?

2008-11-07 Thread Ed Drain
I get the following error:
Line 31 is the one with the javascript-link part.

Whats wrong with this?

*Notice* (8) javascript:void(0);: Undefined variable: javascript
[*CORE\cake\libs\view\layouts\default.ctp*, line *31*]

Code javascript:void(0); | Context javascript:void(0);

$___viewFn  =   
$___dataForView =   array(
page = home,
subpage = null,
title_for_layout = Home,
content_for_layout = h2Release Notes for CakePHP 
a href=https://trac.cakephp.org/wiki/notes/1.2.x.x;Read the release
notes and get the latest version /a
span class=notice successYour tmp directory is writable./span/p
span class=notice successThe emFileEngine/em is being used
for caching. To change the config edit APP/config/core.php /span/p
span class=notice successYour database configuration file is
span class=notice successCake is able to connect to the
h3Editing this Page/h3
To change the content of this page, edit: APP/views/pages/home.ctp.br /
To change its layout, edit: APP/views/layouts/default.ctp.br /
You can also add some CSS styles for your pages at: APP/webroot/css./p
h3Getting Started/h3
a href=http://book.cakephp.org;strongnew/strong CakePHP 1.2 
a href=http://book.cakephp.org/view/219/the-cakephp-blog-tutorial;The
15 min Blog Tutorial/abr /
h3More about Cake/h3
CakePHP is a rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly
known design patterns like Active Record, Association Data Mapping,
Front Controller and MVC./p
Our primary goal is to provide a structured framework that enables PHP
users at all levels to rapidly develop robust web applications,
without any loss to flexibility./p
br /
lia href=http://www.cakefoundation.org/;Cake Software Foundation 
ulliPromoting development related to CakePHP/li/ul/li
lia href=http://live.cakephp.org;The Show /a
ulliThe Show is a weekly live internet radio broadcast where we
discuss CakePHP-related topics and answer questions live via IRC,
Skype, and telephone./li/ul/li
lia href=http://bakery.cakephp.org;The Bakery /a
ulliEverything CakePHP/li/ul/li
lia href=http://astore.amazon.com/cakesoftwaref-20/;Book Store /a
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lia href=http://www.cakephp.org;CakePHP /a
ulliThe Rapid Development Framework/li/ul/li
lia href=http://manual.cakephp.org;CakePHP Manual /a
ulliYour Rapid Development Cookbook/li/ul/li
lia href=http://api.cakephp.org;CakePHP API /a
ulliDocblock Your Best Friend/li/ul/li
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ulliFor the Development of CakePHP (Tickets, SVN browser,
Roadmap, Changelogs)/li/ul/li
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Google Group /a
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ulliLive chat about CakePHP/li/ul/li
scripts_for_layout = ,
cakeDebug = ,
html = HtmlHelper
HtmlHelper::$tags = array
HtmlHelper::$base = /gradebook
HtmlHelper::$here = /gradebook/
HtmlHelper::$params = array
HtmlHelper::$action = display
HtmlHelper::$data = NULL
HtmlHelper::$_crumbs = array
HtmlHelper::$__docTypes = array
HtmlHelper::$helpers = NULL
HtmlHelper::$webroot = /gradebook/
HtmlHelper::$themeWeb = NULL
HtmlHelper::$plugin = NULL
HtmlHelper::$namedArgs = NULL
HtmlHelper::$argSeparator = NULL
HtmlHelper::$validationErrors = NULL
HtmlHelper::$__tainted = NULL
HtmlHelper::$__cleaned = NULL
HtmlHelper::$_log = NULL,
form = FormHelper
FormHelper::$helpers = array
FormHelper::$fieldset = array
FormHelper::$__options = array
FormHelper::$fields = array
FormHelper::$requestType = NULL
FormHelper::$base = /gradebook
FormHelper::$webroot = /gradebook/
FormHelper::$themeWeb = NULL
FormHelper::$here = /gradebook/
FormHelper::$params = array
FormHelper::$action = display
FormHelper::$plugin = NULL
FormHelper::$data = NULL
FormHelper::$namedArgs = NULL
FormHelper::$argSeparator = NULL
FormHelper::$validationErrors = NULL
FormHelper::$tags = array
FormHelper::$__tainted = NULL
FormHelper::$__cleaned = NULL
FormHelper::$_log = NULL
FormHelper::$Html = HtmlHelper object,
session = SessionHelper
SessionHelper::$helpers = NULL
SessionHelper::$__active = true
SessionHelper::$valid = false
SessionHelper::$error = false
SessionHelper::$_userAgent = a2362dcd9bb3c058613d3afcad31
SessionHelper::$path = /
SessionHelper::$lastError = NULL
SessionHelper::$security = NULL

tilted table headers in cake...

2008-10-11 Thread Ed Drain
Ok, I am not even sure this is as much a cake question as it is a php/html

I'm writing this app that keeps track of grades and one of the things I'd
like to do is have one overarching header that describes what category of
grades is below it in a table, and then (here comes the question) underneath
the category name I would like to have the dates tilted 45 degrees and have
grades for each person under the dates they were due.

is there any cake code out there that lets you set up tables like that?

or php code that does?

I know you can create graphics on the fly that can be tilted to any degree
measurement you want, but I haven't figured out how to have the tilted
column lines on either side of a due date line up with the straight
vertical  column lines
of the rest of the table

Any help is appreciated.


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