2011-08-10 Thread János Vasbányai

>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group:
>- Non-Cake form, PagesController and 
> Auth<#131b6fb9c5b3381c_group_thread_0>[1 Update]
>- Why cake not build a good procedure for load components behaviour ,
>help ? <#131b6fb9c5b3381c_group_thread_1> [2 Updates]
>- Error "The requested document was not found on this 
> server"<#131b6fb9c5b3381c_group_thread_2>[1 Update]
>- small bug in auth components <#131b6fb9c5b3381c_group_thread_3> [1
>- Automatic filter by site <#131b6fb9c5b3381c_group_thread_4> [1
>- cakephp select option stored as 0 in database instead of selected
>value <#131b6fb9c5b3381c_group_thread_5> [1 Update]
>   Topic: Non-Cake form, PagesController and 
> Auth
>BrendonKoz  Aug 10 02:34PM -0700 
> ^<#131b6fb9c5b3381c_digest_top>
>I've checked the rendering of the form. There are no hidden form fields
>related to the security component since I'm not using the form helper.
>not sure how to check which components are loaded during the rendering
>of a
>view (any ideas?). There are (found from a pr($this)) session
>but from what I can see the expiration time when security is set to
>on my site is approximately 1hr 40m. The user's session should not
>for 3hr 50m. According to employees, it was failing after 20-30
>It was described that upon submitting the form that the user would be
>forcefully logged out and sent back to the login page. This is the only
>on the entire site that seems to have generated this type of issue.
>I've been unable to reproduce this in any tests.
>Does anyone have any ideas as to where I could look?
>   Topic: Why cake not build a good procedure for load components behaviour
> , help ? 
>euromark  Aug 10 08:08AM -0700 
> ^<#131b6fb9c5b3381c_digest_top>
>as far as I know, this is already done this way.
>they will be "joined" between AppController PluginAppController
>Controller in this order
>or did you experience it otherwise?
>it would surprise me because it works this way since several years in
>my apps.
>vcrack  Aug 10 10:31AM -0700 
> ^<#131b6fb9c5b3381c_digest_top>
>I known it's possible.. but, do you think that your plugin is
>dependent with AppController ?
>and you must know the AppController if you would make a
>PLuginAppController ?
>If CMS projects plugin develop by others and core by authors...
>So if PluginOneAppController joined with AppController.. developer
>plugin never know my AppController?
>it's will be "loss couple" if cake create a function for Hook
>components, helper..
>and each plugin never have dependent with core app.. :-)
>thanks in advance..
>   Topic: Error "The requested document was not found on this 
> server"
>hiepsykhongdau  Aug 10 04:29AM -0700
>^ <#131b6fb9c5b3381c_digest_top>
>Hi all,
>I just installed a CakePHP app on server of Plesk 9.0.1 for Microsoft
>window and a strange thing happened.
>When i tried to click any link in my site on a new browser window
>and it said "Not Found - The requested document was not found on this
>Besides, webroot does n't work ( no CSS, JS and img).
>I tested code on free host Byethost and runs good and updated data are
>generally used to be.
>I loged into Plesk control panel and enable permission for "Plesk
>IIS User" to full control but error above still appears.
>Does anybody have an idea why this is happening and how I can resolve
>Thanks in advance for your nice help
>   Topic: small bug in auth 
> components
>Inteiro  Aug 10 12:51AM -0700 
> ^<#131b6fb9c5b3381c_digest_top>
>$this->Auth->fields['username'] = 'email';
>   Topic: Automatic filter by 
> site
>"João Rodrigues"  Aug 10 04:26PM +0100 
> ^<#131b6fb9c5b3381c_digest_top>
>I want to make my application be aware of the url.
>I have created a table of sites (id, url) and a table of news (id,
>so I can get different news depending on the subdomain.
>For example, economy news go in economy,, sports news go in
>I also have more tables that have a site_id, for example, subscriptions
>site_id, email, etc.)
>So I have lots of models that I always want to filter by site_id. Do I
>to explicitly put the condition on every find or is a way to

HABTM... again

2011-03-02 Thread János Vasbányai
I'm trying to get some data using habtm.
here is the code:

$tags = $this->Article->Tag-

The source is from the manual.
Now the error:

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column
'ArticlesTag.article_id' in 'where clause' [APP\cake\libs\model
\datasources\dbo_source.php, line 681]
Query: SELECT `Tag`.`id`, `Tag`.`name` FROM `tags` AS `Tag`   WHERE
`ArticlesTag`.`article_id` = 36

I just can't figure out what's wrong. What am i missing? i read the
manual + some blog entries about habtm but i don't feel like i'm
closer to the goal.

Another thing: When one record from "articles" table is deleted
(trough cake), all of the joins are deleted too. Help me!

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Cake's Input fields' confrontation

2010-12-26 Thread János Vasbányai
Hello Bakers!

I'm bakin' a site with CakePHP 1.3. I use the awesome htmlHelper of
Cake. Everything is cool, but i found problem which i can not solve.
(It's more the lack of my Cake knowledgement than a problem.)

I have an element for login' in. It can be seen in every corner of my
site, even if i'm registering. The Cake names the input fields(the
login form's username field and the username field that is used to
register) : data[User][username]. If there happens an error(e.g.: it's
empty when its sended) with the registering username field Cake show
the error under the login username field too. Is there a way to tell
Cake not to show error messages under certain fields?


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Re: The view does not see its controller

2010-12-08 Thread János Vasbányai
Try to type localhost//users/register instead of register.ctp...

On dec. 7, 12:34, Ahmed El-Sharkasy 
> I am a new cake developer and this is my first project , i created a
> controller file named users_controller in which u define a
> UserController class , created a user file in the model and a register
> file in the view
> each time i  tried to open the register.ctp from the browser by typing
> localhost/../users/register.ctp
> i got this error
> Error: Create the class ViewsController below in file: app/controllers/
> views_controller.php
> although this class is already created in the shown directory!!!
> Also i am facing an error linking my database although i change the
> config in database.php
> could anyone please help me ??
> thanks in advance

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Allowing edit/delete to writers.

2010-11-18 Thread János Vasbányai
I'm building a blog app. This is my first CakeProject.
I have 3 user groups:
-users (only allowed to add comments to articles)
-writers (allowed to write articles)
-admins (everything)

My question are:
How to allow writers to edit/delete thier articles only?
Is there a way to tell cake to match action names to groups? (i mean
ADMIN_index allow to  ADMINs)

I'm using $this->Auth->authorize = 'actions' as i have aros and acos.

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