Re: How to link to a non cake php page, and where to put it?

2012-03-08 Thread Jeremy Harris
Look at turning $autoRender/$autoLayout off in the controller.

On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 8:20 AM, Daniel wrote:

 On Mar 8, 4:02 pm, jeremyharris wrote:
  Based on the controller code I wrote, it would be /SkillsMat/edit_scores
  The .php is appended in the controller. I have no idea if it will work,
  was just an idea more than anything.

 OK, I figured out the link, the problem now is that it renders run.ctp
 in the normal cake way using default.ctp and so the css is screwing up
 the appearance of the page.
 I just want a raw php page, no cake stuff, and no css.

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Re: Inner Join Clause in the Model.

2012-02-27 Thread Jeremy Harris
Yep that will do it. I wasn't sure you were free to change the primary key.
On Feb 27, 2012 6:22 PM, padma wrote:

 Thanks Jeremy...I changed the primary key in the Model Attribute and
 works like a charm.

 On Feb 27, 11:01 am, jeremyharris wrote:
  It sounds like you should probably just include your own 'join' 'key[1]
  your find statement then.
  On Sunday, February 26, 2012 4:15:18 PM UTC-8, padma wrote:
 I have the model configured with belongsto association.
 In this the query outputted looks like
 SELECT `Firstpage`.`firstpagesid`, `Firstpage`.`imgnum`,
   `Firstpage`.`pageloc`, `Firstpage`.`desc_id`,
   `actressdesctbl`.`actressnum`, `actressdesctbl`.`actressfname`,
   `actressdesctbl`.`description`, `actressdesctbl`.`imgloc` FROM
   `firstpages` AS `Firstpage` INNER JOIN `actressdesctbls` AS
   `actressdesctbl` ON (`Firstpage`.`desc_id` = `actressdesctbl`.`id`)
   WHERE `firstpage`.`pageloc` = 1 ORDER BY `firstpage`.`imgnum` asc
The model association is listed below as well
   class firstpage extends AppModel {
   public $name = 'firstpage';
   public $belongsTo = array(
   'actressdesctbl' = array(
   'className'= 'actressdesctbl',
   'foreignKey'   = 'desc_id',
   'type' = 'INNER'
Here the inner join is between desc_id in the firstpages table and
   the id in the actressdesctbl.  I dont want the inner join to default
   to id in the actressdesctbls.  Instead i have another column in the
   same table to which I need to join...Can I override the default...I
   dont want to use any prepared statement.
   Thanks for your help.
   padma Kumar- Hide quoted text -
  - Show quoted text -

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Re: Authentication Application Tutorial help. Login just reloads login page.

2012-01-15 Thread Jeremy Harris
When you omit the controller key it points to the current controller. So
if you were missing a view method on that controller you'd get an error.

Anyway if the tutorial is wrong the core team would love a contribution :)

On Jan 15, 2012 6:06 AM, Ella Källman wrote:

 Thanks! It works now, I redid the tutorial for the third time and now
 it works. I really don't know what I did differently, but at least now
 it works. :)

 I will look into DebugKit, sounds great.

 One thing I noticed is that you have to change all $this-
 redirect(array('action' = 'index')); lines to $this-
 redirect(array('controller' = 'posts', 'action' = 'index')); if you
 are using code from the blog tutorial as the foundation for this
 tutorial. I got a lot of missing view errors before I changed this. It
 would have been great if you were told to change this in the tutorial.
 The loginRedirect and logoutRedirect are correct in the tutorial, but
 not the redirects in the add, edit and delete functions in the
 I think a lot of people uses these two tutorials to get to know
 CakePHP, so this is something I really think should be added to the
 Authentication Application Tutorial.

 On 15 Jan, 02:10, jeremyharris wrote:
  You may not be getting auth flash messages if you don't have the
  bit in your layout:
  echo $this-Session-flash('auth');
  That will give you a hint as to what's going on. Or, check your session
  vars (use DebugKit - it's a massive time save).

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