Hey Guys,

So, I have an application I'm working on to automate deployment of my
SaaS applications (We have quite a few), and we have an applications
table that defines the different offerings we have, and an
"application_versions" table that has each release (minor and major)
for each application.  We want one application_version to be the one
used when a customer purchases a new product.  The
application_versions to applications one to many relationship is a
piece of cake obviously.

While I could just add a flag to the application_versions table that
says "latest" or something like that, I'd prefer to put it as a
relationship directly on the application record.

Is there a naming convention for adding a relationship like this?

I.e.  instead of just adding application_version_id to the application
table, can I do latest_stable_application_version_id or something like



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