Re: Empty page response

2007-10-24 Thread Kunthar

You can also

php_flag display_errors on

line inside of .htaccess file in your root dir and check again.
This way, you can catch all php errors.

Note: core.php already have monitoring but, sometimes it is quite
usefull to see all errors.


On 24 Ekim, 13:22, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently installed cakephp on my server.
> After install, when I go to the cake link, a blank page is returned.
> I have used cake 1.1 and 1.2 alpha for several months without any such
> problems.
> This happens with/without any change in database and core
> configuration changes.
> I have followed the steps as per the 1.2 manual.
> So why do we get a blank response, and not any error etc.
> Also, the server logs do not indicate any error.
> Someone please help. The server details are as below:
> Apache version  1.3.39 (Unix)  Linux
> PHP version  5.2.4
> MySQL version  4.1.22-standard
> The domain points to the app/webroot folder
> The .htaccess file has not been modified from its initial value.
> It is a fresh install, no new file has been added.
> TIA,
> Rex

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Re: Authentication model different than User

2007-07-22 Thread Kunthar

If i am not wrong you can do this by putting one line to router.php

something like;
Router::connect('/', array('controller' => 'pages', 'action' =>
'admins', 'adminshome'));

Your base entry view becomes adminshome and related controller always
redirect to there.

Take care,
Gokhan aka Kunthar

On 11 Temmuz, 18:31, Nik Chankov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The main reason is because external users will be let's say 1 and
> admin will be probably 3-5 max I dont want to be mixed. External users
> will have some relations /functionalities/ which will be not usefull
> for administrative users and so on.
> The autherntication method was writen from me and I dont use external
> component/plugin for it because it's simple Authenticated/
> NonAuthenticated access both external users and admin users. First
> ones will see only their content - admin will see some part but they
> are not the same as external users.
> I know I could make it working somehow using only one table and split
> them with "admin" checkbox, but in the design of the application was
> "invented" this way - to be 2 totally different user storages.
> Anyway, if somebody has an explanation how to make this let's give
> opinion :D

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Re: Workflow engine for cake

2007-07-22 Thread Kunthar

Hello Jonathan,

Thank you for response. I've worked before struts in Java world.
Struts is not a workflow engine even
Spring too. Spring helps for IOC and loosely coupling the parts of the
code. Struts could be used
as an action traffic police and could be extended for very usefull
usage. But nor Struts neither Spring not covers all
aspects of real workflow engines could achieve.

As you can follow from those lists[1], there are too many workflow
engines for Java. I really liked JBpm[2] and used Enhydra[3]

The problem is i have to go with php for this project and i have to
write php 4 and 5 compatible code. Do not ask me why :)
If you could read the first message of this topic you can see that i
already found some solutions for php but
all of them for php5 not php4. Main problem is timeline, time is too
short to convert this kind of engine from php5 to php4.
Since i am not very familiar with php4 OO style.

I'm looking for another solution which could be take place instead of
workflow engine and compatible with cake.
I think about rules engine as Micro$oft CRM[4] but open to any other

Hope i could express myself? Sorry for my English.

Take care,
Gokhan aka Kunthar

[1] Java workflow engines list

On Jul 22, 11:59 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> Hi all,
> Just to add my little bit on this.  Workflow engines are a reasonably
> new thing in terms of
> web frameworks and it's not something that is done very well at the
> moment.  I can't see
> anything in CakePHP which resembles a workflow engine., it just seems
> to have a simple
> page/controller/function mapping.  Is there anything that resembles
> interceptors?
> Struts or Struts 2 do not have
> a workflow engine, the closest thing to this is the struts-config.xml
> file which allows you to
> define mappings which point to actions, I guess we don't do this with
> cake, it's a simple page
> controller mapping.  With Struts you have the main front controller
> and a number of delegate
> actions.  You don't map to an action directly, you map to an action
> mapping.
> However, there are a number of workflow engines out there in the Java
> world, Beehive is an
> old one.  Spring workflow and Struts workflow are up and coming
> workflow engines...
> This isn't particularly beneficial when you only have a few components
> but as your site grows
> it becomes unmanageable very quickly in terms of workflow and
> something like this definately
> helps.
> Cheers,
> Jon.
> On Jul 21, 1:25 pm, Kunthar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I would be really happy if you just talk about logic you've applied by
> > using cake way.
> > Maybe i've missed something on the way :)
> > On Jul 21, 3:14 am, Felix Geisendörfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I'm developing such an engine right now. It allows the company to take
> > > the items from their orders through different steps from order
> > > processing, to production to shipment. All steps require different stuff
> > > to be done to the items, certificates to be printed out, etc.. So yes
> > > you can do this in cake but I've done more fun stuff in the past ... : p.
> > > -- Felix
> > > --
> > > My Blog:
> > > My Business:
> > > francky06l wrote:
> > > > I am not good at example, but I'll try ...(In a business sector that I
> > > > know a bit)..
> > > > Let's say you are in a banking environnement, you have an application
> > > > to capture loans and process them. In order to make decision, you
> > > > would probably call external sources of data (risk estimation), some
> > > > of them are very used such as Credit Bureau (ie : Equifax, Transunion,
> > > > Experian) etc ...
> > > > Now depending of the amount of loan and/or your zip code, you are
> > > > going to call 1, 2 or the 3 of this sources .. If one  does not you
> > > > might wait for a while or called the 2 others instead etc ... You want
> > > > to let the manager of this sector being able to change this flow
> > > > without changing code. He would need an "admin" interface where he
> > > > would change the flow..
> > > > Ok in this example

Re: Workflow engine for cake

2007-07-21 Thread Kunthar

AFAIK, you can code a super controller easily on cake, do you mean
something like struts on Java?

On Jul 21, 1:51 am, francky06l <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I like the idea of workflow engine or "rules" engine. Actually, Cake
> is a framework to design application, but having the user (or
> parameters) designing is own "flow" once the application is done is a
> step further.
> The danger is to become very complex and degrading performances.
> In my mind, it would be a super component that would manage other
> components and also the action "redirect"  Actually, considering
> ACL as a starting point ..( a bit of "create_function" with parameters
> in it) you could have a component redirecting you based on system
> rules as well as user rules.
> Well, this are just ideas (surely crazy, I know cake only for few
> months). I have done a workflow engine in a "previous life" with other
> technology and also targeted to a specific business.. The problem is
> the notion of "Workflow" that everyone interprets differently,
> according to business needs.
> Something to think about anyway.
> On Jul 20, 10:14 pm, "Chris Hartjes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 7/20/07, Kunthar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > 2. If cake claims to be a real alternative MVC it has to own workflow
> > > engine internal,
> > What does having it's own internal workflow engine have to do with
> > Cake's implementation of MVC?
> > Chris Hartjes
> > Senior Developer
> > Cake Development Corporation
> > My motto for 2007:  "Just build it, damnit!"
> > @TheBallpark -
> > @TheKeyboard -

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Re: Workflow engine for cake

2007-07-21 Thread Kunthar

Thank you all for replies. Let me give some examples.

Suppose that we are coding an ecommerce site. In this site, we need
some rules should apply on specific points as follows;

1. Action triggered events, example;
Site manager can prepare himself campaigns about products. It means;
  a) Site manager can define discount percentage for one product, for
one category, or some products together,
  b) Site manager can prepare and put campaign data (image +
description) to the specific page on prepared elements defined by
  It means campaign data should be shown  when customer goes to
specific categories. Elements could be clickable, image only or routed
  to another product page.
  b) There should be smart rule engine (which is becoming workflow
engine) that sits under all operations and do necessary modifications
on url routes, other pages, storage data, sends email etc. Example,
when customer adds discounted product to the shopping cart, calculate
the price, give another offer (1 free x product) to the customer, show
this on shopping cart and e-mail at the same time another 20 points
gift coupons to the customers email address.

2. Some specific action triggers some other actions and all actions
should be controlled, example;
1. Supplier inserts new record to available products, example;
 a) Engine should check supplier location data, shipment data and
reject or accept that this product could be served by this supplier,
 b) Customer already bought one product and we want to show "%25 off
on duplicate" notice to her at shopping cart,
 c) When customer newly register to our site, give her extra 30 bucks
gift coupons, show her tell a friend campaign, show %5 discount on
every products she visit.

2. Sequential operations, (typical workflow mimic) example;
 a) Customer bought 4 different products,
 b) Site operator passes this order to the specific supplier,
 c) Site admin approves or rejects this order to send to selected
 d) Then this order takes place to selected supplier

3. Time related events, example;
 a) Every 1 hour, look orders table and find top 5 customer and give a
free offer already prepared on the rule (like 1 free mug)
 b) Check shopping cart and if any left items found send a notice to
customer to attract her purchase in a short time.

I know, i know, we have cron and it's a good timer but what about
logic i have drive inside of the application? What about sequential
operations which needs access out of cron job?

Here is the pure real life examples. I've came to solve my problems
with this structure, but this is quite weak and
seems not a good solution to me;

  id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
action_name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', /* Flow events */
action_type tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', /* 0=Before Action,
1=After Action */
rule_name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
   rule_code text NOT NULL default '',
   multi_process  tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
start_date datetime default NULL,
end_date datetime default NULL,
status tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
required_power tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', /* admin_power. */
created datetime default NULL,
modified datetime default NULL,

CREATE TABLE actions (
action_name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', /* Flow events */
action_description varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''
  PRIMARY KEY (action_name)

I have some other related tables to hold some data but i need OO way
to solve real life problems.
That's why i started to check workflow engines.


On Jul 21, 2:13 am, "Chris Hartjes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/20/07, francky06l <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I like the idea of workflow engine or "rules" engine. Actually, Cake
> > is a framework to design application, but having the user (or
> > parameters) designing is own "flow" once the application is done is a
> > step further.
> I still don't get it.  Got a good example?
> --
> Chris Hartjes
> Senior Developer
> Cake Development Corporation
> My motto for 2007:  "Just build it, damnit!"
> @TheBallpark -
> @TheKeyboard -

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Re: Workflow engine for cake

2007-07-21 Thread Kunthar

I would be really happy if you just talk about logic you've applied by
using cake way.
Maybe i've missed something on the way :)

On Jul 21, 3:14 am, Felix Geisendörfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm developing such an engine right now. It allows the company to take
> the items from their orders through different steps from order
> processing, to production to shipment. All steps require different stuff
> to be done to the items, certificates to be printed out, etc.. So yes
> you can do this in cake but I've done more fun stuff in the past ... : p.
> -- Felix
> --
> My Blog:
> My Business:
> francky06l wrote:
> > I am not good at example, but I'll try ...(In a business sector that I
> > know a bit)..
> > Let's say you are in a banking environnement, you have an application
> > to capture loans and process them. In order to make decision, you
> > would probably call external sources of data (risk estimation), some
> > of them are very used such as Credit Bureau (ie : Equifax, Transunion,
> > Experian) etc ...
> > Now depending of the amount of loan and/or your zip code, you are
> > going to call 1, 2 or the 3 of this sources .. If one  does not you
> > might wait for a while or called the 2 others instead etc ... You want
> > to let the manager of this sector being able to change this flow
> > without changing code. He would need an "admin" interface where he
> > would change the flow..
> > Ok in this example you could set the loan amount/zip codes in a table,
> > but what if he wants to "add" another criterion for calling : the age
> > of the borrower ? Well if you haven't code this in your application,
> > he is not able to add a "rule" such as do THIS if THIS etc .
> > I do not know it this makes it clearer, to me the workflow is a way to
> > organize the different "action" you have according to rules based on
> > the data you have (data could also be result of action)...but letting
> > the user designing this flow (you can also have dead end  ...)
> > So in Cake, when an action is finished, based on rules, you could
> > "redirect" your application to other actions etc (again, maybe just
> > crazy thoughts)  The user can change the rules to do something
> > else.
> > Again, this can become very complex, especially to include in a
> > multipurpose application framework. However, maybe some basic "rules"
> > directing a flow might be done..
> > Cheers
> > On Jul 21, 1:13 am, "Chris Hartjes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> On 7/20/07, francky06l <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> I like the idea of workflow engine or "rules" engine. Actually, Cake
> >>> is a framework to design application, but having the user (or
> >>> parameters) designing is own "flow" once the application is done is a
> >>> step further.
> >> I still don't get it.  Got a good example?
> >> --
> >> Chris Hartjes
> >> Senior Developer
> >> Cake Development Corporation
> >> My motto for 2007:  "Just build it, damnit!"
> >> @TheBallpark -
> >> @TheKeyboard -

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Workflow engine for cake

2007-07-20 Thread Kunthar

Hello all,

I need to manage some conditional behaviour for my app. Samples;
1. customer adds new campaign to discount product x and also want to
show banner in selected pages,
2. if basket.order.totals > 100 USD then do some favour to him,
3. check conditions and send email to some customers, etc.

Actions could be user driven or system driven. And workflow management
came to play.

I've searched for several workflow solutions but, i couldn't find any
suitable entry point to start.
Let me list them;
Galaxy (found one xml in
bin but no more activity)
Radicore (also claims framework, but deeply
useless :) )
Jetbox (they say they have internal
workflow engine)
The best i could found is there but only for php5;

struts4php also needs

After a long hours of comparison;
1. I really need to cake power,
2. If cake claims to be a real alternative MVC it has to own workflow
engine internal,
3. As far as i see, all implementations using php5 abilities but, i
need php4 implementation. As we know,
lots of, bunch of hosting companies still must use php4,

My question is, is this impossible to code workflow engine for php4
and 5 at the same time?
Any comments on this issue?

Take care all.

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Re: UserDir Installation

2007-07-08 Thread Kunthar

Then why not /home/ssharkey ?

Tip: Try /cake/scripts/bake.php
cake bake help
Helps to set up things fast.

Tip2: 1.2 version promising and highly stable, just FYI

On Jul 8, 5:08 pm, Scott Sharkey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The ~ is unix notation for "home directory of", ie, in this case, home
> directory of ssharkey.  It's standard notation for user_dir
> installations.  In other words, the ~ is what clue's Apache to go look
> up that user's home directory (whereever it is) and then look in a
> specified directory (relative to home) for the content to serve.
> Thanks!
> -Scott
> francky06l wrote:
> > Maybe the  "~" character is screwing up the rewriting.
> > Why not RewriteBase /ssharkey  ?
> > On Jul 8, 12:17 am, Scott Sharkey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Hi All,
> >> I'm trying a "top-level" installation into an apache UserDir.  I've read
> >> the documentation, which says to put a RewriteBase directive in the
> >> /~user/public_html/.htaccess file.  This does not seem to be working for
> >> me.  Here's what I know:
> >> 1) Mod_Rewrite is loaded and working fine on the server.  I have a cake
> >> install in the main server root which is working fine.
> >> 2) the server is, and that top level is a cake
> >> app.
> >> 3) I'm trying to create a a
> >> copy of the above site (for devel/debugging).
> >> 4) I have unpacked a clean cake into
> >> /home/ssharkey/public_html, and have Apache UserDir public_html configured.
> >> 5) If I put an index.php in that /home/ssharkey/public_html, everthing
> >> works as expected.
> >> 6) I have added RewriteBase /~ssharkey as the 2nd line in
> >> /home/ssharkey/public_html/.htaccess (just after RewriteEngine on).
> >> This appears to be serving the raw content, but the css file is not
> >> being found, nor are any images or cake-generated links on the page.
> >> The apache log shows requests for /css/cake.generic.css, and files
> >> in /img.  I would think these should be /~ssharkey/css/cake.generic.css,
> >> etc.
> >> Any suggestions would be welcomed!
> >> -scott

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