Re: RequestAction with pagination ?

2008-03-09 Thread Lisa B

> I get undefined variable $paginate...

I dunno if this helps but the var name in the view is $paginator (not
$paginate) like in


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Re: How to search a hasAndBelongsToMany related table?

2008-03-09 Thread Lisa B

maybe like:

this->Users->TeamsUser->findAll(array('Team.league_id' => 1));

as in:

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Re: override foreign key name with HABTM

2008-03-07 Thread Lisa B

Thank you that worked!  I really appreciate that and thanks for
enlightening me about  'with'.

I have a follow up question pretty please:  now I'm having the same
problem with trying to find all terms in a given  context.  I'm trying
to use 'with' but it doesn't seem to behave or I'm missing something..


$joinRecords = $this->Term->ContextsTerm-
>findAll(array('ContextsTerm.context_no' => 6));

it creates this query which fails on trying to find the wrong key

SELECT `ContextsTerm`.`context_no`, `ContextsTerm`.`term_no`,
`Context`.`no`, `Context`.`name`, `Context`.`description`,
`Term`.`no`, `Term`.`term`, `Term`.`term_nice`, `Term`.`display`,
`Term`.`import_date` FROM `contexts_terms` AS `ContextsTerm` LEFT JOIN
`contexts` AS `Context` ON (`ContextsTerm`.`context_id` =
`Context`.`no`) LEFT JOIN `terms` AS `Term` ON
(`ContextsTerm`.`term_id` = `Term`.`no`) WHERE
`ContextsTerm`.`context_no` = 6

it's like this:

class ContextsTerm extends AppModel {
var $name = 'ContextsTerm';
var $belongsTo = array('Context','Term');

class Term extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Term';
var $displayField = 'term_nice';
var $primaryKey = 'no';

var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
'Context' => array(
'joinTable' => 'contexts_terms',
'foreignKey'   => 'term_no',
'associationForeignKey' => 'context_no',
'with' => 'ContextsTerm'

class Context extends AppModel
var $name = 'Context';
var $displayField = 'name';
var $primaryKey = 'no';

var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
'Term' => array(
'joinTable' => 'contexts_terms',
'foreignKey'   => 'context_no',
'associationForeignKey' => 'term_no',
'with' => 'ContextsTerm'

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Re: Propagating query string with paginator?

2008-03-06 Thread Lisa B

you can add stuff to the url of sort and nex/prev links with
paginator, it's in the api, so a sort table header maybe something


hope that helps..

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override foreign key name with HABTM

2008-03-06 Thread Lisa B

In my project I can't use the default 'id' name for primary key
fields, I have to use 'no'.  I have to change a cake I already baked
from using 'no' to 'id' everywhere.  I hadn't customized it much and I
could easily change the database and everywhere I could see in the
views and models, and most pages work perfectly as before, except this
one where the join is a HABTM.

It is a dictionary app where a term can have many contexts and a
context many terms.  The query that is failing when I visit
/contexts/view/5 is still looking for an '_id' field on the join, like

Query: SELECT `Term`.`no`, `Term`.`term`, `Term`.`term_nice`,
`Term`.`display`, `Term`.`import_date`, `ContextsTerm`.`context_no`,
`ContextsTerm`.`term_no` FROM `terms` AS `Term` JOIN `contexts_terms`
AS `ContextsTerm` ON (`ContextsTerm`.`context_no` IN (5) AND
`ContextsTerm`.`term_id` = `Term`.`no`)

In the view I'm not even trying to view the list of terms, I removed
that section from the view that it baked, so I wish it weren't trying
to do that query, but it's just a warning not an error, but that query
crops up and breaks on another page as well where I do need it and I
don't know where to look..  Perplexed, I am new to cake, thanks..

class Term extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Term';
var $displayField = 'term_nice';
var $primaryKey = 'no';

var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('Context' =>
array('className'=> 'Context',
 'joinTable' => 'contexts_terms',
 'conditions'   => '',
 'order'=> '',
 'foreignKey'   => 'term_no'

class Context extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Context';
var $displayField = 'name';
var $primaryKey = 'no';

var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('Term' =>
array('className'=> 'Term',
 'joinTable' => 'contexts_terms',
 'conditions'   => '',
 'order'=> '',
 'foreignKey'   => 'context_no'

// I have modeled this so I can get easy pagination on another page
which is also broken on that join
class ContextsTerm extends AppModel {
var $belongsTo = array('Context','Term');
var $primaryKey = 'context_no';

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