Hi, can anyone tell me, how to retrieve joined result from multiple
tables in cakePHP from using cakePHP mvc architecture. For e.g., I've
three tables to join (tbl_topics, tbl_items, tbl_votes. There
relationship is defined as, a topic can have many items and an item
can have many votes). Now I want to retrieve list of topics with the
count of all votes on all items for each topic. SQL query for the same
is written below :
Select Topic.*, count(Vote.id) voteCount
tbl_topics as Topic
Left Outer Join tbl_items as Item
ON( Topic.id = Item.topic_id )
Left Outer Join tbl_votes as Vote
ON( Item.id = Vote.item_id );

My problem is I can do it easily using $this->Model->query function,
but this require sql code to be written in controller which I don't
want. I'm trying to find out any other cakePHP function like find()
for doing the same.

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