Judging by the path, I'm thinking you might be hosted on Media Temple.
If that's the case, here's how I fixed my open_basedir problem...

Log into the shell.  Within your site's domain folder
(/var/www/vhosts/begreennow.com/) is another folder called "conf."
Inside that folder is a file called "httpd.include."  Use a text editor
to open that file (I used vi).  Once inside that file, you'll see
Apache configurations for your begreennow.com domain, as well as any
subdomains you might have for it.  There should be a line that says...

php_admin_value open_basedir

Comment out that line by putting a "#" at the beginning of it, and save
the file.  Make sure that you then reboot your server, and hopefully
the problem will disappear.

I don't really now why that setting exists, but it does.  Hope this
might have helped.

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