Re: New cakephp site - feedback pls!

2009-05-19 Thread Myname

Muito obrigada Celso,  fico content que vc gostou...


On May 19, 3:10 pm, Celso  wrote:
> Parabens !!!
> Ficou muito bom !
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Re: New cakephp site - feedback pls!

2009-05-19 Thread Myname

Hey Cirstis, thanks for the feedback  I like the idea, will see
what i can do in terms on google still being happy with the current
links etc...

On May 19, 3:05 pm, Curtis  wrote:
> Looks Good!
> only one recommendation.. I suggest playing with routes to exclude the
> word "pages" in your url for cleaner url.
> For example: convert TO /
> about_us
> Everything else looks cool.
> On May 19, 9:59 am, Faza  wrote:
> > Nice :)
> > I like the plain design, all seems to work smoothly.
> > Altho, the grayish text in the "Times" table is a bit hard to read.
> > Marcus Silva pisze:
> > > Hi folks,
> > > Been a while since i last posted in the group, but I have just put one
> > > of my websites online which was developed using cake...
> > > Would you please take a look and let me know what you guys think...
> > > Its only a simple one but any feedback would be greatly appreaciated.
> > > Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Mixed Martial Arts ->
> > > or by the way, if any of you guys live close by, leave the chair and
> > > the keyboard alone for a bit and come along...
> > > Thanks all in advance!- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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Re: New cakephp site - feedback pls!

2009-05-19 Thread Myname

Thank you Faza, will make a small change in the css to make sure the
text is not hard on the eyes...

On May 19, 2:59 pm, Faza  wrote:
> Nice :)
> I like the plain design, all seems to work smoothly.
> Altho, the grayish text in the "Times" table is a bit hard to read.
> Marcus Silva pisze:
> > Hi folks,
> > Been a while since i last posted in the group, but I have just put one
> > of my websites online which was developed using cake...
> > Would you please take a look and let me know what you guys think...
> > Its only a simple one but any feedback would be greatly appreaciated.
> > Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Mixed Martial Arts ->
> > or by the way, if any of you guys live close by, leave the chair and
> > the keyboard alone for a bit and come along...
> > Thanks all in advance!
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Re: AppController not loaded for missing controller pages

2009-04-08 Thread Myname

make sure you set the variable in the beforeRender function and not in
the beforeFilter...


On Apr 8, 5:21 pm, "rich...@home"  wrote:
> In my AppController, I set a bunch of view variables in the
> beforeFilter() {} callback.
> I use these view variables ($authUser) in the layout to for e.g. a
> welcome  block.
> If the user goes to a page that doesn't exist, then AppController
> isn't loaded at all and these view variables aren't populated which
> produces error messages all over the place :-(
> I realise that these errors wont show with debug 0, but neither will
> the values of the vars I've set.
> Where can I set these vars so that that are always available to the
> layout under all conditions?
> Thanks in advance :-)
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Re: Record permission handling solution!!!!

2009-03-09 Thread Myname

Hi  majna,

Thansk for the help...

The reason i wanted to use the approach which I mentioned before is
because any record added to the db could be only deleted edit by the
user which has teh same id as the user logged in.

Having the records table "maybe" would make it easy to to manage
create records in the db.

Since wheneve a record is create a new entry will be added to the
records table containing the user_id and the id of the record added
plus the model name.  Then i could also add an extra field "maybe"
called permitted which holds a list of user ids permitted access to
the record which is to be checked agains the user id logged in...

I am thinking that by doing so all record in the db will be managed

Bad idea and why please???

On Mar 9, 10:02 am, majna  wrote:
> You can add to "articles" table "created_by" filed
> and virtual association belongsTo
> or bind only when you need it:
> app_model.php
> function bindCreatedBy()
> {
>         $this->bindModel(array('belongsTo'=>array('CreatedBy' =>
>              array( 'className' => 'User', 'foreignKey' =>
> 'created_by','fields' =>    array
> ('','CreatedBy.username');
> }
> On Mar 9, 9:21 am, Marcus Silva  wrote:
> > I am looking for an easy way to manage user added record to the db.  I
> > thought that I could use the following idea:
> >         Create a tabled with the following fields: id,record_id,user_id and
> > record_model.
> >         Basically the idea is to add/delete a entry into that table like so:
> >         id = null
> >         user_id = User currently logged in
> >         record_id = id of linked model record
> >         record_model = Article, Album,Photo,Video etc...
> >         Then whenever the user trie to either edit or delete the record we
> > find that record and act on it
> >         That way i could just use in the controller or maybe I could write a
> > behaviour to handle everything:
> >         $conditions = array(
> >                 'Record.record_id' => $record_id,
> >                 'Record.user_id' => $this->getInfo('User','user_id'),
> >                 'Record.record_model' => $this->{$this->modelClass}->name,
> >         );
> >         if($record = $this->Record->find('first',array('conditions' =>
> > $conditions,'fields' => array({
> >                 //The user logged in created the record
> >                 //The record could be anything really
> >         }
> >         This would only be used to track what records the user can touch in
> > terms of deleting/editing etc since only the actual user who added the
> > record would be able to access it...
> >         Admins would overhide this anyway...
> >         Have you guys ever used anything like this and is it actually a good
> > approach?
> >         Many thanks in advance for anyones input
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