How you solve the problem?¡

El viernes, 15 de junio de 2012 09:51:58 UTC-4, chris7548 escribió:
> Hello, 
> I have developed an cakephp application on an xampp installed on a 
> windows 7 ios. On this configuration everything works fine. But when i 
> try to run the application on a linux ios the model associations 
> aren't interpreted anymore: 
> Example: 
> I've got a table user that has got a suffix_id for identifiying the 
> email_suffix of the user. The user data is accessed by the 
> EvaluationsController via the Evaluation model. 
> class User extends AppModel { 
>         public $primaryKey = 'id'; 
>         public $name = 'User'; 
>         public $belongsTo = 'Suffix'; 
>         public $hasMany = array('GroupMember', 'Result', 'Supervisor'); 
>         public $useTable = 'users'; 
> } 
> class Suffix extends AppModel { 
>         public $primaryKey = 'id'; 
>         public $name = 'Suffix'; 
>         public $hasMany = 'User'; 
>         public $useTable = 'suffixes'; 
> } 
> class Evaluation extends AppModel { 
>         public $useTable = false; 
>         public $hasOne = array('Exercise', 'GroupMember', 'Group', 
> 'Result', 
> 'Supervisor', 'User'); 
> } 
> class EvaluationsController extends AppController { 
> public $helpers = array('Html', 'Form'); 
>         public function index() { 
>                 ... 
>                     $users = $this->Evaluation->User->findAllById(6); 
>                     ... 
>         } 
> } 
> The generated SQL-Statement on linux is: 
> SELECT `User`.`id`, `User`.`surname`, `User`.`forename`, 
> `User`.`email_prefix`, `User`.`suffix_id`, `User`.`valid` FROM `This- 
> is-GRADE`.`users` AS `User` WHERE `User`.`id` = 6 
> The right SQL-Statement (generated on windows) is: 
> SELECT `User`.`id`, `User`.`surname`, `User`.`forename`, 
> `User`.`email_prefix`, `User`.`suffix_id`, `User`.`valid`, 
> `Suffix`.`id`, `Suffix`.`suffix` FROM `This-is-GRADE`.`users` AS 
> `User` LEFT JOIN `This-is-GRADE`.`suffixes` AS `Suffix` ON 
> (`User`.`suffix_id` = `Suffix`.`id`) WHERE `User`.`id` = 6 
> Anyone has got an idea why this code is just working on windows and 
> linux don't understand it correctly?

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