I am using cake 1.3.0 and php 5.2.13. I'm trying to test a controller
(code is below) using fixtures and a subclass of CakeTestCase.

When I run the test, I get a SQL error: "Table
'coolata_test.suggestions' doesn't exist". So I went debugging until I
found line 287 in cake_test_case.php which removes the created
database tables after the testAction method is run.

I commented out that line and everything seemed to be working fine
until on my testAdd() method I wanted to make assertions about the
rendered output.
There is a SQL statement added to the rendered output:

Query: CREATE TABLE `suggestions` (
        `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
        `fbid` int(20) NOT NULL,
        `user_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
        `song_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
        `picture_url` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
        `flavor` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
        `created` datetime DEFAULT NULL,        PRIMARY KEY  (`id`))    ;

This is because the table already exists.

This issue preventing me from making assertions and testing my
rendered output. I could test by making assertions about the variables
passed to the view but since CakeWebTests cannot use fixtures, I'm
trying to do that here.

I believe this is a bug in the test suite but maybe I'm missing
soething. Please help!

The code:

class SuggestionsController extends AppController {

        var $name = 'Suggestions';
        var $helpers = array('xml', 'Cache');
        var $layout = 'xml';

        var $cacheAction = array('index' => 600); //cache the index action
for 10 minutes

        // GET /suggestions/
        function index() {
                if(!isset($this->params['url']['fbid']) || !is_int($this-
                        $fbid = 0;
                        $fbid = $this->params['url']['fbid'];

                $recent_suggestions = $this->Suggestion->getRecent($fbid);
                $this->set('recent_suggestions', $recent_suggestions);

        // POST /suggestions/add
        function add() {
                        $clean_data = Sanitize::clean($this->data);
                        $new_suggestion = array('Suggestion'=>$clean_data);
                                $errs = $this->Suggestion->invalidFields();
                                $msgs = array_values($errs);
                                $error = array('code'=>400, 

/* Suggestions Test cases generated on: 2010-05-19 12:05:35 :
App::import('Controller', 'Suggestions');

class SuggestionsControllerTestCase extends CakeTestCase {
        var $fixtures = array('app.suggestion', 'app.like', 'app.bad_word');
        var $autoFixtures = true;

        function testIndex() {
                $result = $this->testAction('/suggestions/',array(
                $this->AssertFalse(isset($result['error']), 'Should not return
                $this->AssertEqual(count($result['recent_suggestions']), 6, 
return 6 suggestions');

        function testAdd() {
                //Inserting a new suggestion.
                $result = $this->testAction('/suggestions/add',array(
                                'user_name'=>'Some Nice Guy',
                                'song_name'=>'Some Nice Song',

THE UGLY HACK IN cake_test_case.php:

 * Callback issued when a controller's action has been invoked through
 * @param Controller $controller Controller that has been invoked.
 * @param array $params Additional parameters as sent by testAction().
 * @return void
 * @access public
        function endController(&$controller, $params = array()) {
                if (isset($this->db) && isset($this->_actionFixtures) && !
empty($this->_actionFixtures) && $this->dropTables) {
                        foreach ($this->_actionFixtures as $fixture) {
           //HERE IT IS !!!!

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